irclog2html for #hhwiki on 20030608

00:01.21*** topic/#hhwiki by AntiProxy -> The wiki is a mess. Let's rebuild. What functions does the wiki serve that aren't better served elsewhere? Let's try to pare the site down to 2 or 3 or 4 major sections and try to simplify things. Please see . Wiki janitors needed! || A-W,Y-Z are done
00:01.48AntiProxyi'll do the small letters
00:02.06pb_my web connection has stopped again. :-/
00:07.13*** topic/#hhwiki by pb_ -> The wiki is a mess. Let's rebuild. What functions does the wiki serve that aren't better served elsewhere? Let's try to pare the site down to 2 or 3 or 4 major sections and try to simplify things. Please see . Wiki janitors needed! || A-Z are done
00:09.30*** topic/#hhwiki by AntiProxy -> The wiki is a mess. Let's rebuild. What functions does the wiki serve that aren't better served elsewhere? Let's try to pare the site down to 2 or 3 or 4 major sections and try to simplify things. Please see . Wiki janitors needed! || a-Z,A-Z are done
00:09.33*** topic/#hhwiki by AntiProxy -> The wiki is a mess. Let's rebuild. What functions does the wiki serve that aren't better served elsewhere? Let's try to pare the site down to 2 or 3 or 4 major sections and try to simplify things. Please see . Wiki janitors needed! || a-z,A-Z are done
00:09.58pb_so, I guess that was the easy part done with.
00:10.32AntiProxynow we need to check what links we have broken .)
00:10.49AntiProxyi tried to fix plenty on the fly
00:11.10AntiProxythe mess is mostly in the way links are arranged
00:11.22AntiProxyfor instance, my entry (AntiProxy) comes linked under the hardware compatiblity
00:11.29AntiProxyor a similar page
00:12.09pb_Also, I guess all the "singletons" listed at should be viewed with some suspicion.
00:13.06AntiProxyi wonder if there are any statistics kept
00:13.12AntiProxyas to how many pages we trashed
00:13.21pb_yeah, I was just wondering the same thing.
00:13.36AntiProxycount the lines .)
00:14.43AntiProxyabout 40
00:14.49AntiProxythat doesn't sound realistic
00:15.03AntiProxygah.. i'm hungry
00:15.05pb_no, I'd have thought it would be more.
00:16.32AntiProxymaybe the history buffer is limtied
00:16.50AntiProxywhere's kencausy tonight?
00:17.05pb_could be.
00:17.53pb_so, maybe it's time to make a new front page, and then work on the structure from the top down.
00:18.24AntiProxynow we need a whiteboard
00:19.41AntiProxydo you have any more detailed plan in mind?
00:19.52pb_well, I was just looking down the existing front page.
00:19.55AntiProxy( i feel like stripping all html tags from the wiki )
00:20.09pb_maybe we could start by just chopping things out from that and see how we get on.
00:20.09AntiProxyi don't get why some people bother creating tables n crap like that on a wiki page
00:21.47pb_so, I'd delete HandheldsQuestions, HandheldsMailingLists, LittleToDos, HandheldsBuyAndSell.
00:21.58pb_I don't think there's much of value in HandheldsDiscussion either.
00:22.20AntiProxynot really.. MLs are there for that purpose
00:23.26AntiProxyi wonder if a PHP->IRC gateway could be useful .)
00:23.46pb_so, then we have HandheldsPeople, which is effectively the root of the "personal page" space and I think can stay as it is.
00:24.09pb_HandheldsDistributions, HandheldsApps and HandheldsDocuments I'm not sure about, need to look at those and see what's actually inside them.
00:24.18AntiProxyonce we move all the personal pages under handhelds people.. it'll clean up a lot of the mess
00:25.24AntiProxymmm.. crackers didn't do it
00:26.46AntiProxyi guess i need to go shopping
00:29.40pb_right, I made a first round of deletions to the wiki front page.
00:29.57AntiProxyi'm slowing down as i'm really hungry .\
00:30.15AntiProxyi think i'll drive up to a gas station and get some junk food
00:30.43pb_heh, righto.
00:31.00AntiProxywant anything?
00:31.14AntiProxya "chicken" burger,, or a hotdog sandwich?
00:31.33pb_nope, I think I'm good.
00:31.43AntiProxybbs then .)
01:01.44pb_okay, I've moved most of the personal pages to be children of HandheldsPeople.
01:02.19pb_some were already children of HandheldsUsers, and I left those ones alone.
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12:20.26*** join/#hhwiki MonMotha (~monmotha@2001:768:1818:a101:0:0:0:2)
12:22.14*** join/#hhwiki pb_ (
12:40.48pb_I've added some more remarks to
12:53.43*** join/#hhwiki cmarqu (
12:56.16pb_hi colin
13:00.29cmarquHi pb_
13:00.37cmarqupb_: Are you editing WikiReorganization?
13:00.46cmarquCan you tell me when you are dine?
13:00.50pb_I'm done now.
13:06.23pb_cmarqu: yes indeed; one of the main motivations for starting on this wiki cleanup was that the documentation for things like PPP and Bluetooth was buried in hard-to-find places.  We just need a volunteer to edit each page and distil it into a suitable form for putting on the main site.
13:06.37cmarquWe should maybe slowly phase out "Ipaq" as part of wiki names.
13:06.43cmarqupb_: Yep.
13:07.18pb_Yes.  Well, I guess there are pages like IpaqHardwareCompatibility where it makes sense to keep "Ipaq", but in general you're right.
13:07.47cmarquIs it possible to do a rename in the wiki database? is full of "Ipaq"
13:09.01pb_Oh yeah, so it is.
13:09.38pb_In the medium term, I think a lot of the functionality in HandheldsSoftware would be better provided by an enhanced ipkgfind (with a category browsing interface).  So I'm not sure how worthwhile it is to spend too much time on that area of the wiki.
13:10.30pb_The Zaurus thing at is kind of what I had in mind there.
13:10.51cmarquYeah. I'll just add a note that most of this applies to non-iPAQs too.
13:11.26pb_Okay, that's cool.
13:31.08cmarquHow do we mark pages that should be deleted (after discussion)? "DELETE"?
13:32.28pb_Sounds reasonable to me.
13:33.11pb_I think we can get per-page access stats out of the Apache logs on
13:33.37cmarqu - nobody uses this it seems?
13:33.58pb_Either we could do something manual with grep, or we can try being nice to Nick and see if he can make analog spit out a list of the most popular ones.
13:34.18pb_cmarqu: no, looks dead.
13:36.22cmarquMaybe we should use MarkedForDeletion and link this page under WikiReorganisation.
13:39.44pb_cmarqu: is something I distilled from this month's logs.
13:40.29pb_Shouldn't be too hard to do a bit of text processing to sort them by most-requested order.
13:50.11cmarqupb_: Do you have the rights to delete ?
13:50.54cmarqu too.
13:51.34pb_Yes.  It looks like the whole pub/linux/compaq/ipaq tree is outdated, in fact.
13:52.11cmarquMight be interesting for historical reasons though. Make a tarball maybe?
13:52.45pb_Well, it's probably harmless enough to just leave it be for now, if we remove any links that point there.
13:53.00pb_I can zap install.html from the bootldr feed easily enough though.
13:53.02cmarquHmm, Google might link to such a page.
13:54.56pb_right, install.html is history.
13:55.54pb_cmarqu: yes, that's true.  in that case, let's just document it on the reorganisation page for now.  I'll ask Jamey what he wants to do with that tree.
13:56.23cmarqu - ha! :)
13:57.33pb_Actually, looking at the ppphowto in the wiki, virtually none of it is still applicable to Familiar 0.7.
13:58.17cmarquShould we abolish all the old stuff, even 0.6.x?
13:58.59pb_Yes, I think so.  Maybe we could keep the latest 0.6 instructions around on a separate page for a short while.
13:59.22pb_Once 0.7 is actually released, I think we can definitely blow away the 0.6 references.
13:59.24cmarquActually, we should also take care to write "applies to Familiar", since we might get OZ/OE instructions more and more.
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14:02.09cmarquWould be nice if we had a wiki with user-visible revision control
14:06.24pb_Mmm.  Is that easy to arrange?
14:06.40cmarquI don't know. Newer ZWikis might have it...'s engine allows that, and it is great.
14:07.44pb_Ken was talking on Friday about investigating newer versions of ZWiki.  I don't know what the outcome of that was, if any.
14:10.19pb_wow, it seems that the zwiki on is way old.
14:10.39pb_seems to be version 0.9.8, dated 2001-11-29.
14:10.54pb_(latest is 0.18.0, 2003-05-01)
14:11.43cmarquUpgrading Zope doesn't seem to be easy, but it might be necessary also.
14:12.41pb_Yeah.  That's not something I feel like attempting myself, but maybe Ken can have a go.
18:00.48*** join/#hhwiki lurwas ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:01.19*** join/#hhwiki destroyer (

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