IRC log for #hawkboard on 20120321

01:59.01*** join/#hawkboard bjorkintosh (
01:59.20bjorkintoshhmm. this is a dead channel isn't it?
11:00.08*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-mfrxfbcqohzvttlq)
11:48.13bjorkintosheFfeM_work, is the hawkboard still a good one to get?
11:48.25bjorkintoshis it easily available or should i look elsewhere?
11:56.24w|zzybjorkintosh: what do you want to do with it?
11:57.09bjorkintoshw|zzy, i know little about writing OSes, i'd like to use it as my clay.
11:57.25w|zzyAhh cool.
11:57.36bjorkintoshi'm looking at the beagleboard and the raspberry pi (whenever it gets done) as well.
11:57.48bjorkintoshnot sure what to get yet. they're all ARM machines.
11:57.52w|zzyWell.. i have one of the bunch before it had the memory issues.
11:58.01w|zzyarm is huge range
11:58.18bjorkintoshdo they still have memory issues?
11:58.31w|zzyNo idea.. It seemed to basically kill the project..
11:58.46w|zzyi know element 14 dont stock them anymore
11:59.00bjorkintoshso what's a good alternative, in your opinion?
11:59.41w|zzyA chip with a memory controller is good..
12:00.31bjorkintoshfor playing around with OSes?
12:00.35w|zzyDepends how new you are... Its always easier to choose a project with people already doing similar projects to what you wish to.
12:00.55bjorkintoshwell all these devices have linux running on them already.
12:01.14w|zzyCorrect. Hence the memory controller..
12:01.19w|zzyYou cant run linux without one
12:01.44bjorkintoshso what's a good alternative board with a memory controller?
12:01.50bjorkintoshARM based as well.
12:04.24bjorkintoshhave you ever used one?
12:04.39w|zzyOnly ever used the hawkboard
12:04.54bjorkintoshthey're very similar aren't they?
12:08.41w|zzyDoesnt have the dsp and a few other things
12:08.44w|zzybut still very capable.
12:16.01bjorkintoshwhat did you use the DSP components for?
13:04.19eFfeM_workbjorkintosh: it depends what you want to do with the device, not sure if the hawkboard is still available, the 2nd batch had some problems; not sure what happened after that.
13:04.36eFfeM_workadvantage of hawk compared to beagle or rasp pi is that it has sata
13:05.04bjorkintoshooh nice.
13:05.17bjorkintoshpity about the 2nd bad batch.
13:05.32eFfeM_workif you do not need sata and need no sophisticated stuff the pi or beaglebone might be nice for you, if you want wifi etc and/or more cpu cycles go for panda
13:05.57eFfeM_workactaully this channel is not too active, not toomuch hawk users I suspect
13:35.34bjorkintoshnot enough hawk boards to make hawk users.
18:37.00*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM (
22:46.41*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-ueoelnmgyullyqee)

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