IRC log for #hawkboard on 20110601

00:51.18*** join/#hawkboard Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
01:15.33*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
05:47.02*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
05:55.26eFfeM_workw|zzy: didn't see that page yet, seems like a very nice board
06:09.55eFfeM_workno sata though
06:12.49eFfeM_workyuk $50 shipping
06:27.34*** join/#hawkboard virals (~ace@
07:08.36*** join/#hawkboard virals (~ace@
07:15.43w|zzyeFfeM_work: Havent looked into it.. was on linux for devices rss feed today.. ive been busy with 6hrs of exams!
07:15.56w|zzyIts true it doesnt have sata but its seems like a pretty capable board for a few other things!
07:16.26eFfeM_workyeah say your msg before I checked the feed, seems somewhat comparable with pandaboard,
07:16.59eFfeM_workbut with mali gpu in the soc, so that is nice
07:19.27w|zzyYeah.. Indeed
07:19.47w|zzySo many options around.. I REALLY dont need any.
07:19.52w|zzymy hawkboard sits dormant.. maybe now my exams are done i can get some time in before the next ones in 12 weeks
07:21.53eFfeM_workthe linuxdevices also briefly mentions gps but can't find info on it on the website
07:22.15w|zzyI know.. I can only see bluetooth/wifi onboard
07:22.19w|zzyno ethernet either..
07:22.45eFfeM_workno, that is easily added with a usb-eth dongle (but not too high speed in that case)
07:22.45w|zzyIts a lot of processing power to rely solely on wifi.
07:23.05eFfeM_workit is aimed at the tablet market
07:23.08w|zzyYeah.. i know they have one "coming soon" but in reality you could use any.
07:23.17w|zzytablet smablets!
07:23.22eFfeM_workyup, plenty of those available on ebay
07:24.20w|zzyyou could always add one on later.. hardware wise
07:41.43w|zzyif you were building many of them
08:39.55*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-wymhrjojsqpbvcxb)
10:41.07*** join/#hawkboard virals (~ace@
13:16.11*** join/#hawkboard virals (~ace@
18:29.15*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM (
21:04.54*** part/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-wymhrjojsqpbvcxb)
21:42.29*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
22:45.29*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (

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