IRC log for #hawkboard on 20110531

01:28.57*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
06:56.44*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
11:55.06*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
12:01.25eFfeM_workhi w|zzy
12:01.35w|zzyHows it going eFfeM_work?
12:01.51eFfeM_workah doing well but my hawkboard is not too active atm
12:02.19eFfeM_workthere does not seem too much activity looking at the channel
12:02.22w|zzyIts a real pity about the second batch.. Im sure its going to basically kill the project.
12:02.31w|zzyCouple of easy questions but no one sticks around
12:06.05w|zzyIll use it to learn on.. Its been handy to learn about linux kernel and drivers
12:06.22w|zzyBut i dont think we will see many funky things coming out of it unfortunately.
12:06.41eFfeM_worknope, although it was a nifty thing given the price
12:09.11w|zzyIt is very nifty... To have video in and sata !
12:09.19w|zzythey were what won me over.
12:09.30w|zzyIm suprised the beagle board doesnt atleast have a sata port by now
12:09.42eFfeM_workyup, especially the sata thing I use every once in a while for testing
12:10.04eFfeM_workthe omap in bb does not have sata, probably too expensive to add a separate chip
12:10.35eFfeM_worksame with sheevaplug; used to be $ 99, aim was to come down to $ 49, but the new versions keep becoming more expensive
12:11.04eFfeM_workD2 plug is nice and has sata and if I recall correctly hdmi out but is  $ 249
12:12.07w|zzyThats it!
12:12.18w|zzyIt all comes down to your needs.
12:12.55eFfeM_workI'm mostly interested in a small, eco-friendly home server (to be left on 24/7)
12:15.47w|zzyI use an i3 for that. But my requirements are probably different to yours
12:16.01eFfeM_worki3 is nice but not really eco
12:16.11w|zzy ?
12:16.22w|zzyIt depends on your benchmark..
12:16.30eFfeM_workI would like to have something in the 5 W range (hence myinterest in sheevaplug)
12:17.46w|zzymost of those alix boards use 3ish watts
12:17.51w|zzyDepends on what you put on them and use on them
12:18.11eFfeM_workthey look pretty nice
12:18.29w|zzyTakes CF or microdrive.
12:18.45w|zzythough you can put a full blown hdd on it some some mucking around but normal hdds use considerable power
12:19.31w|zzyMy work is done for the day! I should get some sleep.. 2 3hr exams tomorrow
12:19.51eFfeM_worki have a few 1.8" HDs; these can easily be powered over usb so < 2.5 W
12:20.57eFfeM_workthey do have some nice  stuff and for quite fair prices
12:21.17w|zzygenerally ordering direct from them pays off.. particularly in aus.
12:22.11w|zzyi have an i can get you real power usage states form that with CF only
12:22.20w|zzybut i would suggest the other boards would have smaller power usage
12:23.44w|zzyLet me know if you are interested.. Ill catch ya later.
12:24.35eFfeM_workokie, thanks for the info
17:44.01*** join/#hawkboard virals (~ace@
17:45.07viralsI am trying to flash rawboat - froyo port on am1808 using sd card. Any suggestion related to u-boot and kernel flashing ? Any link / step by step will be good.
17:46.23*** join/#hawkboard f11f12 (
18:46.53*** join/#hawkboard Gaston|Home (
19:36.04*** join/#hawkboard virals (~ace@

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