IRC log for #hawkboard on 20110127

00:32.54*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
07:21.30*** join/#hawkboard virals (~vir@
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09:30.10*** join/#hawkboard virals (~vir@
09:38.12*** join/#hawkboard Darthy (
09:41.14Darthyi need a hawkboard based pcb for an audio appplication. so parts like sata aso can be stripped off the pcb. furthermore i need an adc multichannel via spi or i2c to be added to the pcb
09:42.01Darthycan the company behind the hawkboard produce some samples for me? and for what price - roundabout?
09:47.22Darthyso in short: i need some specialized/changed hawk-boards for evaluation purposes in small quantities like 2-3. what would a redesign and production would cost me?
09:48.40*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-iphaagwgojztlpzs)
10:09.47w|zzyThe schematics are free right?
10:10.13w|zzysurely you could make the modifications and send it to your own fabricator
10:14.42Gaston|HomeDarthy, Texas Instrument will release new schematics/board drawings that are compatible with current Hawboard soon(tm)
10:15.31Gaston|HomeThe reason for the new drawings are that current version is not compatible with current revisions of components
10:15.46DarthyIs anyone here from Innovative Software Solutions?
10:16.03Gaston|HomeAlso, for your application the easiest route may be to attach a usb-device to collect your analog signals
10:16.25Gaston|Homeno, afaik innovative has not been here
10:16.40Gaston|HomeKhasim who works for TI is here from time to time
10:17.12Darthywe are currently in the planning phase of our product and atm we are planning to mod the pcb on our own.
10:17.12Gaston|HomeWhat are your plans for the board?
10:17.44Gaston|Homeso, proof of concept is already achieved?
10:17.59Darthystrip away sata/vga and other parts.. add some controlers via i2c
10:18.50Darthywe are currently using the hawkboard and connected the expansions
10:19.22Darthyeverything nice so far.. but now we like to strip away a few things and produce some new testing boards
10:20.11Darthy2 options: do it ourselfs, manufacture 2-3 pcb and buy all components and solder it our own
10:20.53Darthyor let it be produced by some company which in fact knows the tiny pitfalls concerning redesign
10:21.32Darthyi dont like to get into trouble when it comes to length- and distance-problems of the memory bus for example
10:21.35Gaston|Homeyou could also base your design off an SOM
10:21.56Gaston|Homelike MityDSP or LogicPD
10:22.36Gaston|Homeregarding design, I think Texas Instruments offer free design reviews
10:23.02Gaston|Homeso there are nice routes for you either way you go
10:23.21Darthydo you have a link?
10:23.28Gaston|Homefor what?
10:24.17Darthy"regarding design, I think Texas Instruments offer free design reviews"
10:25.25Gaston|Home"Also, just a friendly reminder that we always
10:25.25Gaston|Homeadvise our customers to follow our design specs and to remember that
10:25.25Gaston|Homewe also offer schematic reviews for your convenience. "
10:25.44Gaston|Homeperhaps not for free, sorry about that :(
10:26.56Darthy:) i was just wondering if the guys in the US are that in lack of money that they give away such services for free! ;)
10:27.30Gaston|HomeI think it is in the nature of promotion to offer some free engineering
10:27.37Gaston|HomeI would give it a shot
10:27.54Gaston|HomeHere is the LogicPD SOM
10:31.27Darthysince our application will use USB/ethernet/compact flash/lots of memory/ac97 and needs a bunch of processing power the hawk-board is quite the nicest solution i think. as i first saw it i thought - whow - open-source!! :) that board is just too good and we defenitely go with that one. i think its also too late to switch.
10:38.10Gaston|HomeIf possible from commercial point of view it would be very nice if you could write up some stuff about what you are doing and post it in a blog or on
10:38.53Gaston|HomeHawkboard could use some positive karma
11:40.47viralsDarthy: I can help u with that, but I am not from innovate
12:24.11*** join/#hawkboard mrcan (~mr.mcan@
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17:04.29*** join/#hawkboard ksinkar (~ksinkar@
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