IRC log for #hawkboard on 20100927

02:35.13*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
03:51.29w|zzyIf only there was a wiki page for getting started with DSP programming
03:58.33*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
06:34.58*** join/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-lvxuoklkkpkgezwl)
06:56.06*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
08:53.08eFfeM_workw|zzy: maybe
08:53.37w|zzyThans eFfeM_work..
08:53.42w|zzyI have about 50million tabs open
08:53.46eFfeM_worknever tried them myself though
08:53.50w|zzymy angstrom kernel and rootfs worked first time.
08:54.19w|zzyI might tweak a few things and get the board to boot a kernel straight away then ill be able to do it all from work via ssh
08:54.26w|zzyThanks for the links
08:55.19w|zzyThere is a lot more doco about omap3 chips.
08:55.31w|zzyProbably due to its popularity with the beagle board
08:56.39scrtsmorning guys ;)
08:57.49w|zzyhi scrts
09:07.35eFfeM_workscrts: hi
09:08.23eFfeM_workw|zzy: i think the dsp comm mechanism is the same (actually I vaguely recall there are 2 or 3 different ways to do it, dsplink being one of them)
09:08.25eFfeM_workforgot details
09:08.49w|zzyNo worries..
09:09.03w|zzyIts only been a couple of days..
09:09.06w|zzyIll slowly learn it.
09:09.29w|zzyHow would one go about making a logic analyser with a board like this?
09:10.37eFfeM_workif you want to make an analyser, i suggest not to use a dsp, but instead use an FPGA
09:10.53w|zzyFigured you might say that.
09:12.29w|zzyWhat do you use your hawkboard for? Or what are you planning to use it for?
09:14.49eFfeM_workprobably as a small in-home file/media server
09:15.16eFfeM_worknot sure yet what to use; might also use my sheevaplug for it
09:15.25eFfeM_workhas too much hardware floating around
09:16.30w|zzyI am much the same.
09:17.02w|zzyMost of my other stuff is avr gear
09:17.19eFfeM_workah nice, never played with avr
09:17.36w|zzyThey are good for what they are good for.
09:17.53w|zzyThe hawkboard is cool in having a sata port.
09:18.01w|zzyI liked the header pinouts.
09:18.09w|zzyI could always integrate it with some other project.
09:18.13w|zzyRight now im just learning alot
09:21.32w|zzyoff the top of your head what makes and fpga more suitable for logic analysing?
09:35.25eFfeM_workw|zzy: fpga is real hw, you can fetch data at the speed of the fpga clock w/o issues that the cpu/dsp is doing something else
09:35.30eFfeM_workguess it will be faster too
09:35.56w|zzyMakes sense. You dont really have to worry about data buses and external memory with an fpga
09:35.59eFfeM_workand yeah, sata on hawk is nice although probably I'll be using an usb HD for my project anyway
09:36.20w|zzya usb HD. the hawkboard is a little overkill for that isnt it?
09:37.12eFfeM_workwell, i have a few of them handy, including some neat 1.8" ones
09:37.23eFfeM_workjust reusing what is there
09:37.45w|zzyThe board could probably very comfortably run a home automation setup
09:38.31eFfeM_workyes, would love to use it for that too, but the issue is finding decent/affordable periphs
09:38.45eFfeM_workwould like to start with monitoring eg electricity/gas/water usage
09:38.52eFfeM_workand control the central heating
09:39.35w|zzyHobbiest electronics components should do the job.
09:40.29w|zzythen again you did say gas/water usage.
09:40.43w|zzya gas flow sensor would get expensive
09:41.34*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
09:41.56w|zzyI was trying to build a live chroma keying(green screen) application on the computer a while back.
09:42.07w|zzyWith the vpif input i could probably work to do that on this board.
09:42.12w|zzyRight up the dsp's alley.
09:42.25w|zzyThough it may not be powerful enough.
09:42.36w|zzyComes down to how particular you are.
09:46.35eFfeM_workyup, sounds interesting
09:46.51eFfeM_workwrt flow sensors: and they need professional installing
09:47.56eFfeM_workthis guy used an optical detector:
09:48.02eFfeM_workvery nice site
09:57.42w|zzyi hate his site :P
09:57.54w|zzybut i love his work!
10:00.31eFfeM_workand i would not publish my data to the world
10:03.19w|zzyImagine trying to argue your energy bill..
10:03.29w|zzy"But sir it says on your website you used x amount"
10:03.45eFfeM_workyeah, explain them you made an error
10:03.53w|zzyi think his hot water monitoring went down
10:07.19eFfeM_workhe's saving, family needs to take cold shower
10:07.44w|zzyHe isnt divorced?
10:08.21eFfeM_worknot that I am aware of, but I feel it is quite big brotherish to monitor when your kids have the light on in their room
10:09.10w|zzykids these days are terrible. Turning on all the lights as they move throughout the house
10:09.34eFfeM_workactually on the home page there is a body weight monitor seems he is not divorced and his wife is named conchita (not a real dutch name btw) and weights 66.3 kgs
10:21.48w|zzyJust see they have a shower late after the kids are in bed.
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15:42.44*** part/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-lvxuoklkkpkgezwl)
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