IRC log for #hawkboard on 20100630

01:23.49*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (~wolfsprau@
03:28.20*** join/#hawkboard jackman (
04:50.53*** join/#hawkboard virals (~Viral_Sac@
06:18.54eFfeM_workGaston|Home: nice pics, for hd to cover isolation just use some plastic. In my openrd board I just used to cover of a plastic binder
06:30.31*** join/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-ekdqnovfxqmmritg)
07:36.57*** part/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-ekdqnovfxqmmritg)
08:25.05Gaston|Homevery nice presentation of hawkboard:
08:26.39Gaston|HomeeFfeM_work: yes, any plastic would do for electrical isolation, but I'm worried that the whole box will sing when the disk spins. So some type of silicon rubber or similar to mechanically isolate it would be nice.
08:27.36eFfeM_workin that case use some foam, but I am not too sure if that does not obstruct air flow too much
08:31.58Gaston|HomeIll try cutting two strips of foam first.
08:33.45eFfeM_workonly risk is that the disk can't get rid of its heat well enough, but if instead of encasing it all you use foam strips, i guess you'll be fine
08:33.50eFfeM_workno warranty though
08:34.15eFfeM_workuse 4 strips, top, bottom, front, rear
08:34.55Gaston|HomeI'll bolt the disk down from below
08:35.22Gaston|Homeso I think two strips along the edges will suffuce as a test
08:36.01Gaston|HomeHave you started to code the Minix stuff?
08:54.18*** join/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-vanjshwhmxvhwqfg)
08:54.51*** part/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-vanjshwhmxvhwqfg)
10:16.33*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (~wolfsprau@
10:22.50*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-avkauprfjjdkpual)
11:07.53*** join/#hawkboard Kmus (~askme@
11:27.55*** join/#hawkboard pazzodalegare (~mpapini@
11:42.40pazzodalegareHi all, I would like to turn off (static power down) the DSP on my hawkboard, do you have any directions? I have a look at OMAP L138 system guide and DSP power down controller: if I understand well I have to put a sw for the dsp which asks for idle, after setting MEGPD
12:40.24pazzodalegare:-( nobody knows.
12:48.40*** join/#hawkboard ventoneicapelli_ (~mpapini@
13:07.30ventoneicapelli_Hi all again.
13:08.41ventoneicapelli_I'm trying to build newer u-boot (respect to the one from I start using OE u-boot but it doesn't work.
13:09.36ventoneicapelli_Do you found working u-boot src (newer than what is on
13:12.32eFfeM_worki would expect the oe u-boot to work
13:12.42eFfeM_workyou mgiht also want to look at the u-boot git
13:17.52ventoneicapelli_eFfeM_work:  oe u-boot doesn't work. I'm on testing2010 branch
13:18.19eFfeM_workcan you tell what does not work?
13:18.52ventoneicapelli_It doesn't boot, and it seems to reset cyclically
13:19.16ventoneicapelli_I have no messages on serial console...
13:19.30eFfeM_workhm, wrong start address?
13:19.50ventoneicapelli_do you have a working u-boot from OE? if so, could you please send it and I would try it...
13:19.56eFfeM_workalso it might be required to sign it with ais or whatever the name is
13:20.07ventoneicapelli_yes, I signed it
13:20.21eFfeM_worki'm not sure if I ever build one, it ws the signing that kept me from it
13:20.40ventoneicapelli_with ais, I used elf file from u-boot OE build
13:21.13ventoneicapelli_but it's very smaller respect to u-boot from
13:21.36ventoneicapelli_it's around 140kb the former and more than 400kb the latter....
13:25.49eFfeM_workcan you sign under linux? i seem to recall that this required a windows app
13:26.00eFfeM_worksize could also be stripped vs non stripped
13:31.58ventoneicapelli_I use windows to sign the u-boot from OE
13:34.46ventoneicapelli_is there a procedure to test u-boot without writing it to NAND (so I have the working one on NAND)?
13:35.09ventoneicapelli_probably one could you uart mode...
13:35.33ventoneicapelli_(ehm, "could _use_ uart mode)
14:25.22ventoneicapelli_Thank you for your help
14:25.26*** part/#hawkboard ventoneicapelli_ (~mpapini@
14:34.05Gaston|Homeventoneicapelli, you can load the new uboot over tftp and then tell the old uboot that you booted from to start executing from that address with run 0x<address>
14:37.38*** join/#hawkboard cmurillo (~cmurillo@
15:37.43*** join/#hawkboard 52AABJEQQ (~cmurillo@
16:46.36*** join/#hawkboard ssvb (
17:37.37*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM (
17:51.44*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM (
22:08.31*** join/#hawkboard Kmus (~askme@
23:04.33*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-cgspugevkfwaiphi)
23:18.20*** join/#hawkboard file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
23:56.41*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (~wolfsprau@

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