IRC log for #hawkboard on 20100613

00:18.03*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
01:12.07*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
06:24.08*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM (
07:29.26Gaston|HomeeFfeM: I copied this straight in to the oe tree and it worked straight off the bat;a=tree;f=recipes/gstd;hb=HEAD
07:29.47Gaston|Homeprobably not how one is supposed to do it
09:49.43*** join/#hawkboard infobot (
09:49.43*** topic/#hawkboard is Welcome to #hawkboard, a discussion channel devoted to the TI OMAP L138 Hawkboard - see for more info - channel log at
13:18.57eFfeMGaston|Home: there was no recipe for gstd yet?
13:19.02eFfeMif not, this is definitely ok
13:19.16eFfeMafk but feel free to leave a msg
14:29.28*** join/#hawkboard sola (~rsola@
15:47.31*** join/#hawkboard 30BAAQQP1 (~cmurillo@
16:54.09*** join/#hawkboard sola (~rsola@
20:54.11*** join/#hawkboard cmurillo1 (~cmurillo@
20:54.22*** join/#hawkboard cmurillo (~cmurillo@

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