IRC log for #hawkboard on 20100528

00:00.52*** join/#hawkboard ddompe__ (~ddompe@
01:16.16*** join/#hawkboard ddompe (
02:27.21*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
03:39.00*** join/#hawkboard cmurillo (~cristina@
05:50.37*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
07:01.28Gaston|HomeMorning all
07:17.04Gaston|HomeI dont quite understand why some stuff makes it into the angstrom distribution and others dont.
07:18.08Gaston|HomeKhasim has posted lots of mw 0x.... stuff to fix different things in the google group. Why doesnt he just post a patch on to angstrom?
07:18.45Gaston|Homeeven if it never makes in into mainstream kernel at least there is a patch
07:19.05Gaston|Homekernel or uboot
07:20.04CHliI didn't any other than the one for the nand speed ? Is there something else ?
07:20.26Gaston|HomeThere is two different for display
07:20.39Gaston|Home800x600 + jittery display
07:20.39CHliah ok, I don't use one :)
07:20.48Gaston|Homeme neither ;)
07:21.08Gaston|Homealso one for 456Mhz I think
07:21.36CHliI didn't look at the nand speed yet, but I think this should be programmed directly in the AIS image.
07:22.22Gaston|Homeok, but shouldnt cpufreq utils handle those things on the fly?
07:23.01Gaston|Homepersonally I wont clock up my cpu until I got at least a passive heat sink glued to it
07:23.42Gaston|HomeBut all these tricks will be lost unless we start collecting them
07:24.49Gaston|Homeat least they will need to be reinvented
07:25.58CHliYeah they should go at least on the wiki
07:26.03Gaston|HomeWould be nice to to have some pinmux utility for uboot as well, not that I need it at the moment. But I assume that its there it should be done
07:27.25Gaston|HomeWe also need to draw experience from beagleboard more efficiently
07:28.19Gaston|Homeah well, my next step is to get CCS4 up and running. Waiting for a XDS100v2 to get licensing sorted.
07:29.54Gaston|Homethinks more coffee is a good managable step in the right direction ;)
07:38.08eFfeM_workGaston|Home: bother koen in #beagle; if I recall correctly he did the latest set of patches for hawk
07:38.16eFfeM_workand otherwise bother roger
07:41.00eFfeM_workboth roger and koen are with ti
07:42.00Gaston|HomeI think both roger and koen has a lot on their hands and they are doing a fantastic job!
07:43.05Gaston|HomeI suspect that anyone can start submitting stuff and in worst case get some pointers on how to get it cleaned up.
07:45.19Gaston|HomeAlok has done a fantastic job with the
08:25.29*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
08:35.28*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
08:48.45*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-fnbdfjazzoettfnb)
09:10.40*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
09:24.14*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
09:34.51*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
09:39.02*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM_work (
09:53.36*** join/#hawkboard virals (~viral@
10:22.06*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM_work (
11:05.48CHlieFfeM_work, just a remark about the battery attached to the RTC... I don't know yet if it's related to the OMAP-L138 RTC errata (3.1.1 RTC Standby Power Consumption ...) but it seems the voltage drops quite significantly (1.06 V here) below the expected value of 1.2V (with a 1.5V battery) so it makes the RTC unreliable when the board is just relying on the battery to stay on-time.
11:07.00CHliI need to investigate by setting the SPLITPOWER bit before halting the system.
11:31.49eFfeM_workah ok, thanks for the warning, didn't try it yet, been waay too busy and next weekend does look crowded too
11:39.38*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM_work (
12:17.25*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM_work (
12:40.04*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
12:52.18*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
13:24.58*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM_work (
14:17.28*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM_work (
14:28.08*** join/#hawkboard cmurillo1 (~cmurillo@
14:39.59*** join/#hawkboard ssvb (
16:47.04*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
19:54.03*** join/#hawkboard Gaston|Home (

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