IRC log for #hawkboard on 20100426

00:13.03*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
00:58.37*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
03:47.35*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
05:30.04*** join/#hawkboard wolfspraul (
06:36.13*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
06:45.41*** join/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-rrezgmvhaxgpbspo)
07:35.42*** part/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-rrezgmvhaxgpbspo)
07:39.03*** join/#hawkboard wolfspra1l (
07:39.57*** join/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-kwhzuchtgxmrkdtb)
11:49.09*** join/#hawkboard infobot (
11:49.09*** topic/#hawkboard is Welcome to #hawkboard, a discussion channel devoted to the TI OMAP L138 Hawkboard - see for more info - channel log at
12:57.00*** join/#hawkboard gancient (~kunal@
12:57.57gancienthi all, i was evaluating (thinking which one to buy ) hawkboard and beagleboard. Any suggestions ?
13:00.26franktangogancient: will depend on what performance and peripheral mix you want
13:01.25gancienti am just starting out, so i don't know what to expect.
13:02.57gancientIMHO #hawkboard seems to have lesser people online at any point of time. So i was a bit skeptical about community support :(
13:03.20franktangoBeagleboard is 2 years old now with 10000+ sold...
13:03.32franktangoso it has a big advance time wise vs Hawkboard
13:03.48franktangobut all the Linux stuff applies in the same way
13:04.32gancientcan one do pretty much everything in hawkboard that one can on beagleboard ?
13:05.27franktangono, not generally due to different peripheral set...
13:05.44franktangoboth have pros and cons
13:07.14gancientlooking at beagleboard , it has a DSP , HDMI out , 2D/3D processors
13:07.42gancienti don't want any of those, may be the 2D/3D processor
13:09.51gancientaccording to you , how do you find the design of hawkboard ? Hardware flaws ?
13:17.30franktangoI am not very active using Hawkboard. You might want to read the Hawkboard forum too.
13:22.03gancientwill do , thanks franktango
13:22.48gancienti live in bangalore , India. Any idea if i can get the board locally ?
13:37.48*** part/#hawkboard gancient (~kunal@
14:05.25*** join/#hawkboard cmurillo (~cmurillo@
14:28.48*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
15:07.11*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-bxlgkaiiuegkkhvy)
15:20.02*** part/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-kwhzuchtgxmrkdtb)
15:42.29*** join/#hawkboard jackman (
16:55.18*** join/#hawkboard khasim (~a0393720@
17:55.31*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-jvpoqqgcfcgpanzz)
18:32.52*** join/#hawkboard warflyr (
20:41.43*** join/#hawkboard cmurillo (~cmurillo@

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