IRC log for #hawkboard on 20100324

03:00.20*** join/#hawkboard wolfyg (
03:09.03*** join/#hawkboard wolfyg (
04:43.03*** join/#hawkboard virals (~Viral_Sac@
04:43.06*** part/#hawkboard virals (~Viral_Sac@
07:32.17*** join/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-tjnbhrvioxkknmum)
08:20.03*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-luekbebjjzbqqfdc)
08:27.40*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM (
09:14.27*** join/#hawkboard wehe (
09:32.57weheWhere can I get a hawkboard? The only shop in germany selling it (farnells german branch) doesn't sell to customers, only to businesses.
10:37.16eFfeMwehe did you try ordering from India directly ?
10:37.32eFfeMthey will ship worldwide afaik
11:19.11weheeFfeM but they only accept payment by direct bank transfer (which is 1. difficult without IBAN and 2. not cancellable in case they don't deliver - unlike credit card payment)
12:38.00eFfeMwehe was afk, innovate also accept credit card:
12:38.09eFfeMusd 89 + usd 25 shipping
12:38.42eFfeMalso specialcomp in the us sells the board and will ship to europe. not sure what that means wrt price.
12:38.51weheeFfeM unfortunately, I ended up in a dead end on their website
12:39.17weheeFfeM specialcomp?
12:40.22wehehow do I order there?
12:41.03weheok: click on "shop"
12:41.10eFfeMclick on the hawk picture
12:41.31eFfeMperhaps drop them a mail for shipping fee
12:42.24eFfeMinnovate also gave me a page where i could enter cc details, but i must say that a collegue of mine had problems ordering with cc too
12:50.45weheI hope, they will find a distributor in Europe soon. I'm trying to order at specialcomp now; but it's still a little inconvenient.
12:51.51weheBut the hawkboard seems to be a little dream come true for people wanting to play around with systems on ARM basis.
12:52.50eFfeMwehe there are also some other options (beagleboard and variants, sheevaplug and variants etc etc)
12:57.22weheAn easy to add monitor seems to be a unique feature to me.
12:58.05eFfeMwehe, beagleboard has dvi (over hdmi connector)
12:59.13eFfeMwehe you might try to contact farnell, in NL you can order as private person too if it is > eur 50, but you need to mail/fax (and maybe pay in advance), googling on farnell privat seems to indicate some have achieved this in .de too
13:01.28weheeFfeM, thanks - I will wait for specialcomps answer first.
13:07.30eFfeMother option:
13:07.54eFfeM(don't have that onemyself)
13:17.33*** join/#hawkboard napster (~napster@
13:27.16*** part/#hawkboard napster (~napster@
13:30.59franktangowehe: did you try that shop
13:31.41franktangoThey claim to sell for Farnell to private people. Currently the Hawkboard order number is not available there but it is pretty new. So asking could help.
13:31.48wehefranktango, yes, but they claim the farnell order number doesn't exist
13:32.28franktangoThey say that you need to contact them for NEW products.
16:33.23*** part/#hawkboard franktango (~a0746747@nat/ti/x-tjnbhrvioxkknmum)
17:11.13*** join/#hawkboard napster (~napster@
18:34.39*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM1 (
23:30.24*** join/#hawkboard jackman_ (
23:54.16*** join/#hawkboard jackman (

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