IRC log for #hawkboard on 20100220

08:30.01*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM (
08:45.53*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-jhgfxnvcbxxxpkgw)
11:20.57*** join/#hawkboard _roger_ (~a0740758@nat/ti/x-lohvywnheqnjrpbg)
11:27.49eFfeMmade a pretty nice setup, borrowed a 80 GB ssd disk to connect to my hawk, works like a charm
11:28.06eFfeMdisk is more than twice the price of the hawkboard :-)
11:30.08*** join/#hawkboard koalo (
11:31.25*** join/#hawkboard koalo (
14:28.26*** join/#hawkboard koalo_ (
18:57.46*** join/#hawkboard eFfeM (
19:06.40auziemansome how got bootme to happen, still haven't managed to write uImage that survives powercycling..
19:13.39auziemanEven though I do a nand write every time I powercycle the uImage failes to read bad crc
19:14.19auziemanIf I do a fresh tftp, nand write then bootm nandaddr its fine
19:15.05eFfeMofc because then you are booting the copy you tftp-ed, not the nand one
19:15.06auziemantftp c0700000 uImage
19:15.11eFfeMthat is ok
19:15.16auziemanIs there a better address spot for a uImage?
19:15.42eFfeMwheredo you write on nand, and what is the boot cmd you use to boot from nand ?
19:15.43auziemannand write.e 0xc0700000 0x200000 0x200000
19:16.13auziemanbootcmd=setenv bootargs mem=128M console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 root
19:16.13auziemanwait ip=dhcp;nand read.e 0xc0700000 0x200000 0x200000;bootm 0xc0700000
19:16.36auziemaneverything is fine even for reboots till I powercycle..
19:16.39eFfeMwiere did you get the 0x20000 numbers from
19:17.02auziemanthe android on hawk page
19:17.15auziemanOh and the original env from the board
19:17.29auziemando you have to issue nand unlock, nand write, nand lock?
19:18.16auziemanI haven't read the entire manual on the omap for this board,,
19:18.36auziemanso I am trying to find a write up on the best address to write the darn uImage to..
19:19.25eFfeMdon't think unlock is needed, nand write might have complained
19:19.43auziemanI am using my mmc card as the root fs, so I don't need nand for anything except the uImage and uboot..
19:20.18auziemanany suggestions for an arm noob like me..
19:20.39eFfeMwhat does it say after the nand write ?
19:22.28auziemannand write.e 0xc0700000 0x200000 0x200000
19:22.28auziemanNAND write: device 0 offset 0x200000, size 0x200000
19:23.32eFfeMand your kernel is smaller than 2097152 bytes
19:24.22eFfeMmine is 2185472
19:24.48eFfeMBytes transferred = 2185472 (215900 hex)
19:25.27eFfeMguess your kernel is that size as 0x200000 is bigger
19:25.54eFfeMpersonally I'd do nand write.e 0xc0700000 0x200000 ${filesize}
19:26.16eFfeMmight also be $filesize
19:26.35eFfeMoh one more thing, your nand does not have a bad block in that area does it
19:26.52eFfeMit says so while booting and you can get it i think from nand bad
19:29.02auziemanactually I do have a bad block good point.. let me check where those addresses are..
19:29.48auziemanBad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01
19:29.49auziemanBad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01
19:29.49auziemannand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x028c0000
19:29.49auziemannand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x031e0000
19:29.49auziemannand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x06760000
19:30.11auziemanI saw somewhere people saying this was common
19:30.30auziemanbut that all looks well before 0700
19:33.31auziemannand write.e 0xc0700000 0x200000 $filesize
19:33.31auziemanNAND write: device 0 offset 0x200000, size 0x21644c
19:33.31auziemanAttempt to write non page aligned data
19:33.41auziemanwhen I try..
19:34.04eFfeMah, but that tells you you are wriitng more than 2097152 bgytes
19:34.19eFfeMtry as size 0x220000
19:34.23eFfeMneed to go now
19:34.46auziemanblog this stuff..
19:40.15auziemanIt booted cold!!!
19:40.25auziemanbows to eFfeM
19:40.38auziemannow for usbserial in agstrom kernel..
19:40.42auziemanthank god..

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