irclog2html for on 20060604

00:03.04*** join/ jg (
00:05.36joshua_zecke / france: what's the difference between the sharks and the skiffs?
00:06.21zeckejoshua_: not having a skiff
00:06.29zeckejoshua_: the Sharks don't have disks
00:06.38joshua_skiffs have no disks either...
00:07.15joshua_serial, modem, ethernet, 2xpcmcia/cardbus, 2xusb,
00:08.27zeckeSharks has a IDE connector, no modem, no usb, no pcmcia
00:09.19joshua_ah, no IDE on skiff
00:09.37joshua_I'd like a cotulla test board
00:09.40zeckeIDE was mainly used for  zip drives
00:09.42joshua_pxa270 wouldn't be bad either
00:09.51joshua_heh, ultimate combination of weird ass hardware
00:09.57zeckeI'm trying hard to get a board...
00:10.18joshua_No template found!
00:10.43zeckeI need to ask my friend if he got some Skiffs as well
00:11.13joshua_what are the boards?
00:11.32joshua_although the new hotness in ARM appears to be those atmel ARM chips
00:12.01zeckethe boards a cheap (the dimms) the place to put them in is not :}
00:13.36joshua_SODIMM only in form factor
00:13.54joshua_heh, -- display is running windows ...
00:19.13zeckecya later
00:20.11bd2I don't see the price
00:24.20CIA-2103spyro * 10linux/kernel26/ (6 files in 3 dirs): Minor updates courtesy of Everton Hermann <>
00:24.22CIA-2103spyro * 10linux/kernel26/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Minor updates courtesy of Everton Hermann <>
00:25.50CIA-2103spyro * 10linux/kernel26/sound/oss/ (6 files): PXA/WM97xx/OSS updates and fixes courtesy of Everton Hermann <>
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05:18.26francejoshua_: the sharks have ide an floppy controllers, dimm slots, vga, serial, keyboard, mouse, etc...
05:22.11francejoshua_: audio, etc...
05:30.16joshua_france, aha
05:30.20joshua_more desktop like machines
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06:39.23francejoshua_: exactly...
06:39.52francejoshua_: most of them had an ide zip drive, so they were basicly remote boot nfsroot thin clients
06:40.21francejoshua_: they all have 10/100 ethernet
06:48.20joshua_ultimate useless hardware
06:48.37francethe zip drive or the shark?
06:52.16franceshark is still good hw
06:53.43joshua_so is a zip drive
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06:54.02joshua_both are still incredibly useless, though
06:54.30francesharks make good build systems or firewalls or ...
06:55.20franceI should probably migrate the data on my box of zip diskettes to cd someday.
07:34.15joshua_ok, could be bed time now.
07:34.32joshua_got up early today to take SATs; took a 4 hr nap in the afternoon, but...
07:34.54joshua_(well, SAT2s; SAT1s are long since gone)
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10:30.13deni1hi all
10:32.36deni1this night I have seen the site down and I start hoping was for the new familiar 8.4 :)
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15:50.51Ge0rgyhi people
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16:01.44ricmmhi !
16:01.53ricmmanybody got expertise in framebuffers? ;)
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16:08.45Ge0rgydid anyone in here ever test the debug-image (rc2.5) of familiar with opie on an h5450? i expierience some strange problems. for example there is no wlan-support even though the module gets loaded.
16:13.28irc_007_1wI didn't. Say, where i can download hiret for mobile 2003 ?
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16:27.33mmpmallum: hello; I probably found the bug causing weird things on amd64; I e-mailed you details (and bugzilla sent some as well I guess:)
16:31.48mallummmp: yeah I saw :) nice work :)
16:32.20mallummmp: I just need to get a more genric implementation or maybe add some #ifdef 64whatevers
16:33.10mmpmallum: thank you:-). I thought about any way how to avoid #ifdef's but so far I have not come to any (except one idea assuming that gcc would optimize loop doing nothing)...
16:33.33mallummmp: yeah I need to check sources of other things and see what they do
16:34.52mmpand... I apologize once more for the mess in bugzilla...
16:35.03mallummmp: oh dont worry about that
16:37.06mmpI've found one strange thing - as I diff'ed the original and modified source, there was one more change done in libmatchbox (afaik), which I don't remember doing (pid_t changed to long).
16:37.31mmpmaybe I patched the sources few weeks/months ago, when I started to play with it... .
16:39.02mmpBut I think it should work correctly, in fact, it fixes the same problem as other modifications, but, just in case, maybe it should be tested on some 32bit arch... . For little endian, it should work, but I'm not so sure with big endian machines.
16:39.35mmpin fact, big endian 64bit machines:-)
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17:37.33CIA-2103mreimer 07K2-6-15-DEV * 10linux/kernel26/arch/arm/mach-pxa/h2200/h2200_pm.c: (log message trimmed)
17:37.33CIA-21Merge from HEAD:
17:37.33CIA-21Fix a bug where if the bootloader passed the validity check it would not
17:37.33CIA-21be patched, with the result that resume would not work. This could happen
17:37.33CIA-21when booting from CF or internal flash with no SD card inserted.
17:37.34CIA-21Remove some unnecessary code that saved and restored 0xa0000000. The
17:37.38CIA-21bootloader writes to this address when initializing, but since the memory
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19:52.49irc_007_1wÕàé ÷óâàã.
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20:11.30gunterI tried to boot the latest staterpack for the hx4700 using HaRET yesterday. I got Kernel messages on the Hyperterminal messages. But then nothing else.
20:11.42gunterWhat should I try next?
20:12.54gunter... in the Hyperteminal window rather...
20:14.02irc_007_1wgunter i have hx4700 too but didn't try launch linux on it at all.
20:14.30irc_007_1wgunter where is able to download HaRET for win mobile ?
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20:21.02gunterThere is a link on the wiki to haret. I saw a few versions. I got 0.3.6
20:21.20irc_007_1wgunter okay
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21:57.37xXdaveXx_I was in the market for a smartphone, and GPE/Familiar seemed like the best operating system I could use
21:58.58xXdaveXx_I want to know what is the best smartphone in terms of support for the various handheld Linux distros avalible
21:59.34xXdaveXx_i need GPRS and GSM support, bluetooth and WiFi would be nice as well
22:27.38lpotteryour besty bet would be to buy a phone that already has linx on it, but I am not aware that gpe or familiar have support for gprs and gsm. if they do , it would probably be limited
22:28.10lpotterthere are a few projects poping up to put community based system on a phone
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23:15.45irc_007_1wlpotter what mean 'community based" (--: ?
23:23.50lpotterlike familiar
23:24.04lpotterworked on by the community, as opposed to say, motorola
23:25.30zeckelpotter: hey
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