irclog2html for on 20050527

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01:04.04Minequehello all
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02:53.16zorroviejo_hi people
02:53.41zorroviejo_i have a problem with hyperterminal and bootlodr
02:54.13zorroviejo_load root and ymodem is running
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05:11.36fishhead <---- this is *VERY* GOOD NEWS FOR THE electronics and computer industry
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05:51.51taxilia1morning all
05:51.59taxilia1anyone here familiar with the boot process of the linux kernel?
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06:45.04taxilia1anyone here familiar with the boot process of the linux kernel?
06:45.37taxilia1we have the x50 getting serial output from the kernel, but it's getting stuck somewhere, we get a funny message after "decompressing kernel .... done.  booting kernel."
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07:52.30koengood morning all
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09:25.03lilalinuxIs HaRET-0.3.2d.exe the latest version?
09:25.53lilalinuxMy problem is, I can telnet to it and it displays the welcome message, but I get no prompt and everything I type will be lost
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09:37.31lilalinuxcool with the new haret linux is booting
09:38.04lilalinuxbut the screen looks a bit weird
09:39.11Arjanlilalinux: what device do you have?
09:41.52lilalinuxaka Himalaya aka Qtek2020
09:42.46lilalinuxI'm still looking for a better zimage/initrd with familiar
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11:28.53aquadranpb_: here ?
11:36.49pb_aquadran: hello
11:39.06aquadranpb_: hello, i'm trying to get some i2c driver post init after i2c bus registration. that works uda1380, it's initialised after bus registration
11:40.08aquadranpb_: i found something like: request_module("i2c-pxa"); in other sub driver and after then it's call to init uda1820 driver
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11:48.26aquadranpb_: can I somehow create code depedences to wait until pxa-i2c will finish adding bus ?
11:51.06pb_aquadran: I don't think so.
11:51.09aquadranpb_: or it depend on compiler linking
11:51.40pb_no, it shouldn't have anything to do with the compiler
11:51.52zaphey guys, what do you think of Nokia 770 Internet Tablet?
11:52.00koenzap: cool stuff
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11:52.05koenhey prpplague
11:52.19aquadranpb_: is it any order of driver ?
11:52.55pb_aquadran: I don't understand the question
11:53.44aquadranpb_: i mean order initialisation of drivers, which is first, which next
11:54.10mickeylzap: pretty cool. can't wait to port Opie to it
11:54.39koenmickeyl: opie/x11 I hope
11:54.50mickeyli knew you would say that
11:55.06mickeylfwiw: yes, i'm no longer on the Qt/E bandwagon
11:55.34pb_aquadran: yes, it depends on linking, but in practical terms the order is undefined.
11:55.45koenmickeyl: I more thinking of the dsp/coded integration
11:56.18koenmickeyl: it could be they only have X versions of those
11:56.35mickeylkoen: sure. there's no point in locking out thousands of apps because of insisting on direct framebuffer access. I just wish I would've realized that earlier
11:56.49pb_mickeyl: heh, better late than never
11:57.20koenyou did have a point a few years back about speed
11:58.32mickeyli just need to find out which of the X libraries are needed by Qt/X11
11:58.45mickeyli'm drowned by the amount of render extensions and stuff
11:59.13mallummickeyl: rock and roll
11:59.28mallummickeyl: if you need any help with the X stuff, give me a shout
11:59.33mickeylmallum: will do, thanks
11:59.40mallummickeyl: the qt support stuff still exists in matchbox btw
12:00.54mickeylmallum: ok, very good. gnome and kde seem to go along pretty well - i think it's time to make the same happen with gpe and opie
12:01.08koenmore Leffe!
12:01.16mallummickeyl: indeed
12:01.29mallummickeyl: kde runs as good as gnome under mb thanks to EWMH
12:04.22aquadranpb_: order is defined, it depend in which directory modules is placed
12:05.07aquadranpb_: if i2c own driver i put into "chips" dir it's inited after pxa-i2c bus registrstion
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12:52.11kurtz`Spyro mi hanno detto che hai messo linux sull'e310 toshiba
12:52.13kurtz`come hai fatto?
12:53.22Spyrokurtz`: pardon?
12:53.30Spyrokurtz`: I speak English ;)
12:53.45kurtz`someone told me that you installed linux
12:53.47ralfkurtz`: like everyone here
12:53.50kurtz`on the toshiba e310
12:53.53kurtz`how did you do it§=?
12:53.54Spyroon a 310 ?
12:53.59Spyronot yet
12:54.05SpyroI have on a 330
12:54.18SpyroI have got JTAG working on the 310
12:54.22Spyrobut not linux (yet)
12:54.32Spyroanomaly_: u here?
12:54.35ralfkurtz`: he booted the kernel
12:54.55Spyroralf: not on a 310 I havent
12:55.18kurtz`it's time to do it :)
12:55.27Spyrokurtz`: pardon?
12:55.32kurtz`i cannot see the winzozz logo on my e310
12:55.33anomaly_Spyro: yer
12:55.47ralfkurtz`: send your e310 to him
12:55.49Spyroanomaly_: was it you sending the e5xx ?
12:55.56Spyroralf: I have a working 310
12:56.08Spyroanomaly_: ok, just checking - its not arrived yet
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12:56.23ralfah, ok
12:56.30anomaly_hmm k
12:56.31ralfSpyro: 330 and 310 are so different?
12:56.57Spyroralf: they share the video and IO controllers but nothing else
12:57.08ralfnor the cpu?
12:57.12Spyrodifferent audio, different TS, different CPU
12:57.28Spyro(310 = SA1100 330 = PXA)
12:57.58Spyroanomaly_: do you have tracking on it?
12:58.27anomaly_yeah, have the info somewhere
12:58.47Spyroanomaly_: you're in europe somewhere IIRC ?
12:59.02Spyrook so it might just take a while :)
12:59.08anomaly_heh yer
12:59.11anomaly_customs etc
12:59.39anomaly_i know stuff coming in to australia can sit at customs 2 weeks or more sometimes
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13:01.52Spyroanomaly_: yeah. its a joke innit :-(
13:02.01Spyrowhich 5xx is it? 570 or 550 ?
13:04.28Spyrothe 5xx are SA1100 based arent they ?
13:05.00prpplagueSpyro: still sa-1100 hacking?
13:07.08anomaly_Spyro: yep
13:08.36anomaly_the 570 anyway
13:10.44bluelightningSpyro: donated :)
13:11.01koenhey bluelightning
13:11.04bluelightninghi koen
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13:25.12lonewolffhow do i install a program using ipkg when i have the package files for the program and all its dependencies locally?
13:25.23lonewolffipkg install filename just complains about dependencies
13:25.43koenipkg install file1 file2 file3 file4
13:25.57lonewolffkoen: aha thankyou
13:26.03lonewolffand hello everyone btw
13:26.07koenhey lonewolff
13:26.08lonewolffkoen: how are you today?
13:26.30koenthe sun is trying a bit too hard
13:26.36koenand you?
13:26.42lonewolffits very warm here today too (im in south wales atm)
13:27.16lonewolffim good today, just installing minisip to give it a try
13:27.53koenI think jobi is around if you run in to trouble :)
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13:28.37lonewolffhmmm, run out of space on device it says, on a clean install of 0.8.2 and only trying to install minisip and its deps :S
13:29.15koenput lists_dir ext /var into ipkg.conf
13:29.20koenthat should save a bit
13:29.29lonewolffi shall move the packages to my sd card and try again
13:29.51koenIt did fit ontop of a default 0.8.1 install iirc  
13:30.20koen(which didn't have vlc)
13:30.30lonewolffcool cool, i shall remove linphone and some other stuff, (wanna keep vlc)
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13:30.57lonewolffaha hat fact that there are 4mb of packages wouldnt help with space issues lol
13:32.04lonewolffill strip out all the packages i dont use (games, linphone, etc) and try again
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14:20.00koenand we have scaps from the nokia 770:
14:21.28koen(running gpe apps of course)
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14:33.31zapkoen: somebody already got the 770?
14:34.09prpplaguehehe, i bet mallum has one
14:34.38koenzap: yes, the kernelconcepts people
14:34.44koenprpplague: he doesn't have one yet
14:34.56prpplaguekoen: wow, i'm surprised
14:35.06prpplaguekoen: i figured they'd have let him get one early
14:35.24koenI suspect he'll get on at guadec
14:35.31koenbut thats jsut me guessing
14:37.37Spyrowhats mallums job btw?
14:37.54koentaking over the world
14:38.08iboti guess mallum is author of matchbox and xkbd and stuff or famous, see or available in handy icon form: or an insane person
14:38.50ibotsomebody said prpplague was or Dave Anders
14:39.35ibotwell, spyro is Ian Molton <>
14:39.49koendamn, ibot is just like big brother
14:40.02fishhead <---- IS THIS A SETUP OR WHAT?
14:40.16jameybut ibot only knows what you tell it
14:40.22prpplagueibot: mallum is also "he also worked with nokia on this"
14:40.23ibotokay, prpplague
14:40.28ibothmm... mallum is author of matchbox and xkbd and stuff or famous, see or available in handy icon form: or an insane person, or "he also worked with nokia on this"
14:40.41fishheadit's going to be illegal soon to work on handhelds
14:40.43fishheadand everything else
14:40.56prpplaguefishhead: what are you babyling about now
14:40.59fishheadprpp how is the weather down there I might considering moving
14:41.10fishheadread the article
14:41.12fishheadand find out
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14:44.51mallumfishhead: why dont you just get a account and post your links there ?
14:45.31Spyrofishhead: bear in mind that not all of us live in the USA and even fewer of us care what the govt. tells us we can do with OUR hardware
14:45.45fishheadyeah I might eventually move out too
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14:46.01fishheadspyro well the problem is they are getting other countries to join them
14:46.17fishheadsweden today just banned all copyrighted downloads and 24 cent tax on blank media
14:46.53jameyhow can you ban copyrighted downloads?
14:47.00jameythat would pretty much ban all downloads
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14:52.02taxilia1anyone here know the linux kernel startup process fairly well?
14:53.10jameytaxilia1:  many people here do
14:53.20taxilia1well, let me tell you my problem.
14:53.55TaxilianI'm workig onthe port to the x50/x50v
14:54.07Taxilianand we have the kernel booting with serial output, sorta
14:54.20Taxilianit decompresses the kernel, says it's going to start the kernel, and then it stops
14:54.31Taxilianwith #define DEBUG in there, it gives me a memory dump
14:54.43Taxiliandone, booting the kernel.
14:54.47Taxilianthen memory dump, then nothing
14:54.55TaxilianI don't know where to look next
14:55.59prpplagueTaxilian: have you enabled kernel debugging and added printascii to your printk.c routines?
14:56.43Taxilianprobably not =]
14:56.48Taxilianwhere can I find info on such things?
14:56.58TaxilianI'm really new to this.  getting this far has been quite an accomplishment =]
14:58.38prpplagueTaxilian: the doc names sa-1100 but this works with most known arm platforms
14:58.51Taxilianthank you... this is exactly what I needed.  unfortunately, I don't have time to work with it right now :-( I have a calculus class in a n hour
14:58.55TaxilianI'll try that
14:59.03prpplagueTaxilian: np
14:59.47jameyTaxilian:  I usually add printascii call inside printk so all printk's come out immediately, otherwise they are queued up until console is opened, or never shown if kernel fails before that
15:00.16jameythat is probably in the kernel, enabled by CONFIG_DEBUG_LL
15:01.03prpplaguejamey: i've always wondered what the LL stood for, is it Low-Level ?
15:03.15Taxilianso I probably just need to enable that conf option, then?
15:03.34Taxiliansince I am using the kernel
15:03.46prpplagueTaxilian: sounds that way
15:04.43Taxiliannext question, anyone know a frame buffer that just works on vram, rather than trying to initialize everything? (like the pxa framebuffer)
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15:20.01Taxilianhmm.  I enabled that, and now it ends with "Error: a"
15:20.07Taxilianbut aparently the error message gets cut off
15:20.18prpplagueTaxilian: hehe
15:20.21pb_"Error: a" means that you had a bogus value in r1.
15:20.23jameynope, that means you didn't pass in a supported arch number from boot loader
15:20.42jameyin r1, as pb_ said
15:29.03koenmickeyl: do you know if a qcop<->dbus bridge exists ?
15:30.47mickeylnone that i know of
15:35.35TaxilianI wonder if I accidently changed r1 somewhere
15:35.42Taxilianwhat is r1 supposed to be?
15:35.57koenyour bootloader passes a machine number to the kernel
15:36.05koenapparently a wrong one
15:36.49Taxilianwell, that could potentially be problematic
15:39.18Taxiliananyone know what machine number the x30 is supposed to be?
15:39.45koendunno, is it registered yet?
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15:52.50Taxilianhmm. I've been using 691
15:52.52TaxilianI wonder why
15:53.01Taxilianthanks all for your hlep. I'm off to school. I'll try it later
15:54.35[3JIblgeHb]Hi from Russia!
15:54.54Taxilianhello... and goodbye =]
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15:59.37[3JIblgeHb]At you here always so is silent ?
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16:20.14CIA-903todd * 10linux/kernel26/arch/arm/mach-pxa/hx4700/hx4700_core.c: Provide some reasonable values for APM. Correct defaults.
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16:33.35lonewolffam i mislead or should ipkg remove packagename remove a package?
16:33.55lonewolffi try ipkg remove linphone-hh and it says nothing to be done, it is installed tho
16:33.58koenit should
16:34.07koenah, update ipkg
16:34.16koen(see the release notes for that)
16:34.23koen.147 doesn't remove stuff
16:34.32lonewolffah ok, i shall update ...
16:34.47lonewolff0.8.2 seems rather large, only 5mb free after install lol
16:34.56lonewolffis that mainly down to vlc being added?
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16:37.02lonewolffif i could only get the ipaq to mount nfs shares vlc would be very usefull lol
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16:47.54lonewolffhmm this is not going as planned, after moving linphone and all the games i only have 5.6mb of space
16:48.02lonewolffany ideas what else i could get rid of?
16:48.39koenplucker? minimo?
16:48.59lonewolffwell plucker can go cause i dont know what this is lol
16:49.01koentry installing minimo to sd after removing it
16:49.20lonewolffaha that sounds like a plan
16:49.29lonewolffthanx koen
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16:50.56lonewolffaha free space has doubled now, 10.4mb should be plenty for linphone
16:51.04lonewolffminisip even
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16:53.34lonewolffhmm, dependency issues again :(
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16:53.55aboeglinHello, I'ld like to get Familiar + GPE on my hx4700. Should I go the "bitbake gpe-image" way ? is there a Familiar & OE documentation about which files I need to modify or add ?
16:53.56koentry -force-depends
16:54.38koenaboeglin: try getting a h3900 image and put that on cf
16:56.14aboeglinSo, I need mtdblk in my kernel to modify this image, right ?
16:56.20ascentkoen: I'm trying to bitbake meta-opie atm, lets see if it works :)
16:56.22lonewolffkoen: same error, it needs libcrypto0.9.7 libglademm02.4.1 libssl0.9.7
16:56.30lonewolffand cant seem to find them in any feeds
16:58.22koenlonewolff: try the ones from the minisip site
16:58.37lonewolffi have all the minisip files from the minsip site
16:58.42lonewolffthey dont provide the files i need
16:58.49lonewolffeither that or im blinf
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16:58.51lonewolffblind even
16:58.51koenthat should include libglademm
16:59.26lonewolffah wait hold on
16:59.44lonewolffits not in the newer files, but i think i found one hidden in their 0.7.2 folder
17:00.53lonewolffah its only 2.2 and it need 2.4
17:03.28lonewolffaha, there is another feed which is not listed on their main site
17:03.33lonewolff*hugs google*
17:07.23lonewolffis there a way to tell ipkg to look for a Packages file instead of a Packages.gz file?
17:07.43koenuse src instead of src/gz
17:08.12lonewolffaha thanx, i always wondered what that bit was for
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17:17.39lonewolffaha minisip and minimo install with 1.6mb spare :D
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17:32.10Spyrohi guys
17:32.24Spyrowe're about to get a sub to chipdocs - anyone got an requests? :-)
17:41.11lonewolffkoen: thanx for all the help with minisip, it works great
17:41.24koenthat's good to hear
17:41.51koenSpyro: mq11*8 accel docs
17:48.39aquadranSpyro: DOC G3 specs please :)
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18:02.20Spyrogimme a part number aquadran :-)
18:05.38aquadranSpyro: i don't know if it's part number, but that is id of chip: MD6832-d512-V18
18:06.10Spyrobum. nope
18:06.11aquadranSpyro: first part is important MD6832
18:06.33SpyroI got the TC6387XB sheet though. quite handy.
18:07.07Spyrodont TI make some wifi chips we need sheets for?
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18:07.53koenacx* ?
18:08.03aquadranSpyro: prism 2 / 3 maybe, thought drivers exist
18:08.22Spyrokoen: is that TI or someone else ?
18:08.46koenSpyro: no idea
18:08.58aquadranSpyro: can't you find by producent ?
18:09.00SpyroIm seeing a number od Sony LCDs
18:09.19aquadranSpyro: like m-systems
18:09.20Spyroaquadran: yeah but its a little limited
18:09.30Spyrothey dont seem to have M-systems
18:10.01aquadranSpyro: maybe HTC chips
18:10.19Spyrowont htc stuff be custom logic?
18:11.10aquadranSpyro: maybe specs for newer toshiba SDIO
18:11.32Spyroaquadran: I just grabbed the 6387 ones :)
18:11.39aquadranSpyro: that we have is quite limited, and old
18:12.22Spyrodid you have a chip in mind ?
18:12.46aquadranone moment
18:14.17aquadranSpyro: i don't know if they are old or new now, but: TC6374AF, TC6393XB, TC6384AF, TC6387XB
18:14.38SpyroI just got the 6387 one
18:14.45SpyroI worte a driver for that chip ;-)
18:17.21aquadranSpyro: do you have anything related to "Intersil" chips (prism), i don't part number
18:17.39Spyrothey list intersil.
18:18.27aquadranSpyro: wifi chip
18:18.37Spyropart no...
18:19.40aquadrani don't know unfornately
18:19.51Spyrohmm. I begin to wonder how many sheets these people really have. I guess we're about to find out how good their 'satisfaction garauntee' and 'will get sheets for you' services are
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18:44.46Spyrothey had sheets for a couple of other things I'll find useful.
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19:17.42ReleaseXis there anyone that can help me get my cf wlan card working? it is a symbol spectrum24 high rate model LA-4137
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20:02.05animaluPerhaps I didn't look for it long enough, but I can't find the Kdrive sources on the site. I've looked under the Sources section. I'm interested in statically compiling it, but I can't seem to find the sources anywhere, and I'm not going to download the whole XFree86 sourcetree just for Kdrive.
20:02.40koen|tvkdrive is xorg
20:02.50koen|tvkeith was kicked out of xf86
20:03.41koen|tva few years ago
20:04.14animaluXorg ? I'm just looking for a statically linked small memory print X server that accepts command line arguments and needs no configuration file. Is Xorg the answer for that ?
20:04.16koen|tvyou want
20:04.25koen|tvkdrive is in the xorg tree
20:06.22animaluThank you. :)
20:07.47animaluOne last question. The precompiled Xvesa I downloaded were dynamically linked, I guess I can just ./configure Kdrive statically, right ?
20:08.12koen|tvthat should work
20:11.47animaluThank you for the info :)
20:22.15animaluErm. The link you gave me, is it going to work on x86 or just on a handheld ?
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20:30.13koen|tvanimalu: it C code
20:30.28koen|tvit will work on anything your compiler can handle
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20:38.27animalukoen, I appologize for my many (and prolly clueless) questions, but I have one more. Since I'm not not at home and can't use my linux, can you please tell me if is the source for the Kdrive server ?
20:38.55koenit's the source
20:39.09koenit's a tarball of the cvs tree from
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20:40.31koenjames: is armed an arch?
20:40.37koenI thought it was called armeb
20:42.22animalujacques, I just asked if it was the source of that server, I wanted to know if I can just download, unzip, and compile OFFLINE, or not. No net at home yet.
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21:00.39ascentgrm, stupid bitbake.. I downloaded a file myself which is unavailable on a server, but it still tries to download it!
21:01.14koentouch filename.tar.bz2.md5
21:03.32ascentlemme see :)
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21:04.49koen(it isn't an md5, just an empty file)
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21:05.00ascentI understand
21:06.43ascentkoen: thanks, works!
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21:27.28CIA-903todd * 10linux/kernel26/arch/arm/mach-pxa/hx4700/hx4700_lcd.c: Fix the LCD RESET.
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21:35.19ascenttximage-0.2.tar.gz fails too.. :|
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22:22.56Spyrohey guys
22:23.07Spyroany of you know much about bluetooth usb dongles ?
22:27.38lonewolffSpyro: i have one, i plugged it into my linux box and it worked
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23:02.42BSMhm, how can i mount a cramfs volume with familiar 0.8.2?
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