irclog2html for on 20050219

00:24.24mreimerpb_: I'm getting "Dumping data starting at 0x00000000 and ending at 0x00004000... \n ioctl(MEMGETBADBLOCK): Invalid argument". Any ideas?
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00:42.16pb_mreimer: did you try the mtd debug thing?
00:42.23mreimeryes, just did
00:42.43pb_but that particular error sounds like your nanddump is out of step with your kernel, or something.
00:42.51mreimergot "MTD open, MTD ioctl, MTD ioctl, MTD close, nand_sync: called"
00:42.56mreimernot very informative
00:43.06pb_what version of the userspace mtd bits do you have?
00:43.49mreimerthe bits from the unstable feed (
00:43.53mreimertoo new?
00:44.14pb_no, I think that should be ok.
00:44.23pb_what happens with dd when you have debugging enabled?
00:44.26mreimerI see MEMGETBADBLOCK in drivers/mtd/mtdchar.c ioctl().
00:44.37mreimerdd from mtdblock0, or mtd0?
00:45.58mreimerthere's a clue: "MTD_open\n MTD_read\n nand_read_ecc: from = 0x00000000, len = 512\n  nand_read_ecc: Failed ECC read, page 0x00000000\n MTD_close\n nand_sync: called"
00:46.05*** part/ htt (
00:46.16pb_what ecc algorithm is hamcop_nand asking for?
00:46.17mreimerI have eccmode set to NAND_ECC_SOFT
00:46.23pb_oh, that's no good.
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00:46.31pb_NAND_ECC_SOFT is 256/3 or something.
00:46.39pb_not 512/3, anyway
00:47.02mreimerah, I see. the old mtd stuff must not have cared about ecc?
00:47.11pb_yah, that's possible
00:47.26pb_you need to set it to HW3_512, or NONE.
00:47.55mreimerok. I was just about to copy some code from s3c2410.c to do that. btw if you care to see the code
00:47.59mreimerI'll try NONE for now
00:49.24pb_good idea
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00:54.31__Matt_Allllrightythere mreimer
00:54.43mreimerhey __Matt_!
00:54.45mreimerwelcome back
00:54.50__Matt_thanks :)  how're you doing?
00:55.45mreimerfar better than I deserve!
00:56.05mreimerweather's very cheerful here, with the same effect on me and my family
00:56.08__Matt_:) oh right?
00:56.19__Matt_ah perfect - and found the $100 in the pocket
00:56.28__Matt_the beer cold and the hottub full?
00:56.38__Matt_etc. etc.  So I got your mail, thought I'd pop in
00:57.21mreimerpretty exciting huh? hopefully we'll get the niggly little details wrapped up and we'll have a usable pda soon
00:57.59pb_it'd certainly be very cool to have the h2200 be a usable device.
00:58.16__Matt_mreimer: absolutely, well done :D
00:58.19__Matt_pb_: so close....
00:58.35__Matt_mreimer: so I'm looking at what I think is the mediaq init routine in HTC
00:58.48mreimeris it pretty involved?
00:58.55__Matt_it sends about 100 words of crap its way - not involved really.
00:59.00pb_which bit of the mediaq are you trying to initialise?
00:59.02__Matt_As long as we get the words in the right places
00:59.12__Matt_pb_ I'm assuming framebuffer... right MR?
00:59.25__Matt_unless I've mistaken yer email
00:59.29pb_doesn't mq1100fb already know how to start the framebuffer up from cold?
01:00.08mreimerpb_: I don't know.
01:00.16pb_mreimer: it works on the h5400.
01:00.39pb_I imagine it ought to work on the h2200 as well.
01:00.44__Matt_Same MQ chip?
01:00.51mreimermq11xx_loadvals is complaining that it's not able to write DC04 (which I think is offset 0x10).
01:00.58mreimermq1178 or mq1188 on h2200, I think.
01:01.02pb___Matt_: not quite, but I think the graphics cores are basically the same
01:01.10__Matt_ah good
01:01.14mreimerloadvals tries to write 10 times I think, then complains
01:01.27mreimerso it's possible we don't have memory configured correctly
01:01.31pb_do you have the MSCs set up right?
01:01.39mreimeryes, identical to wince
01:01.40pb_and clock enabled to the mediaq, and that kind of thing
01:01.56pb_ah right
01:02.00mreimerI think so. the clock and power are on pxa gpios which makes it easy
01:02.23pb_might be worth poking at the mediaq by hand with devmem2 and see if you can get any sense out of it that way.
01:02.29mreimerwhen joshua_ gets up he can tell what else he's tried
01:02.54mreimerwe did a little devmem2 action but I don't recall what that told us
01:03.41__Matt_mreimer: how big is the register region roughly, do you know?
01:03.56__Matt_ah good; cheers
01:04.14__Matt_.....not 2K registers I hope. ;)
01:04.22mreimerno :-)
01:04.34mreimerI can send you a mq1132 data sheet if you'd like
01:04.53__Matt_mreimer: is it the one linked from
01:05.06mreimerno, this one's a real datasheet with bit definitions etc
01:05.06__Matt_actually, -32, not sure if I've seen that;  the one from the h2200 page is pretty vague
01:05.11__Matt_oh! lovely
01:06.00__Matt_yes that'd be handy.  I wonder; presumably if I boot LAB via HTC I can experiment w/ MQ without getting any deeper into reflashing just yet
01:06.01mreimerit's 8M. Is that ok?
01:06.09__Matt_(it'll be in the same state, cold)
01:06.13__Matt_yeah that's fine, thanks
01:06.29__Matt_what state is LAB in in CVS?
01:08.25mreimernot yet. joshua_ needs to commit the latest changes.
01:09.33mreimeryou should be able to boot a zImage though, right?
01:09.50__Matt_yeah; I'll try to make something basic & mount NFSroot
01:10.14__Matt_how resilient is the mq module to load-unload-tweak-load-unload-tweak-..
01:10.49__Matt_i.e. do I get one chance each boot before it goes tits-up? ;)
01:11.00__Matt_n/m, I guess I'll find oot
01:11.18mreimerI don't think I've tried unloading/reloading it
01:14.57__Matt_So pls excuse my ignorance; the mq driver we know and love is a generic basic version for all the mq-based ipaqs and happens to work on the different chips, or it tunes itself?  (It's written for 1132 and that's a common ancestor?)
01:15.28mreimeryes, pretty much. It teams up with h2200_lcd.c
01:15.35mreimerI think it is a common ancestor
01:16.51pb_well, I'm not sure we have any definitive register information for the 1178/1188 parts.  The framebuffer driver was originally written by Keith Packard for the mq1100 part in the h5400.  The rest of the mq11xx stuff was written by Andrew Zabolotny for the Axim X5 (mq1132 is the same as mq1100 with some extra bits).
01:17.34__Matt_Ahh right, ok
01:17.39__Matt_(what does the X5 have?)
01:18.11__Matt_I see, right; cool, cheers
01:19.24__Matt_Nifty little chip
01:19.46mreimerespecially the newer 68/78/88 models, with transparency and color conversion
01:19.59pb_unfortunately, nvidia are not so forthcoming with datasheets as mediaq used to be.
01:20.39__Matt_:( usually what happens with cool HW
01:20.46mreimeryes. Mark Vojkovich asked but they wouldn't release docs
01:21.58__Matt_Ah right, memory map in the PDF coincides with what this routine's doing
01:23.52__Matt_ok this is a good start; I'll get perl to dump out what HTC is writing to the regs, and have a looksee if there's anything mqfb is missing
01:24.20__Matt_dans le matin, car je suis been workin till now :(
01:24.22mreimerthanks __Matt_
01:25.01__Matt_non monsieur, thank you, the PDF is rather good!  Will chat tomorrow if you're about
01:25.12__Matt_pb_: btw, do you know treblig by any chance?
01:25.36mreimerpb_: hooking up hardware ECC in hamcop_nand.c didn't seem to help
01:26.16mreimer__Matt_: je pense que vouz n'est pas Francaise vraiment
01:26.24pb___Matt_: as in Dave GIlbert?
01:26.33pb_mreimer: darn.
01:26.34__Matt_mreimer: Oui, c'est vrai
01:26.41__Matt_pb_ Yeah Trebbers :)
01:26.43mreimermoi aussi !
01:26.45pb_mreimer: what happened with NONE?
01:27.11pb_ah, still "failed ecc read"?
01:28.06mreimeryes, but now that I look closer, it didn't fail until page 0x20 (rather than the first page); e.g. "nand_read_ecc: Failed ECC read, page 0x00000020"
01:28.24pb___Matt_: I don't really know him, no.  I used to be in touch with him about ten years ago when we were both working on Linux for ARM.
01:28.49pb_mreimer: odd.  it shouldn't be doing any ecc stuff in that case.
01:28.54pb_I wonder what's going on there.
01:29.01__Matt_Ah right. :)  (wow, long time..)
01:29.43__Matt_mreimer: did you say DC10?
01:29.49mreimer__Matt_: DC04
01:29.53__Matt_gah sorry
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01:31.02mreimerpb_: mtd0 refers to the first partition, right? on h2200 it's 16k = 0x4000. maybe it's just what happens when dd hits EOF? Because the ECC_NONE error is "nand_read_ecc: from = 0x00004000, len = 512\n nand_read_ecc: Failed ECC read, page 0x00000020"
01:31.11mreimerthat's past the first partition
01:31.37pb_oh, right, that's possible
01:31.45__Matt_ok chaps, night - tty tomorrow maybe.
01:31.54mreimer'night __Matt_
01:32.06pb_it's still weird, though.  if you look at the code in nand_base, it should not be possible to reach that printk when ECC_NONE is selected.
01:36.00mreimerhmm, I wonder if NFS is messing me up. I'm rmmod'ing, cp'ing the new hamcop_nand, then modprobing again. Maybe it's caching the old file contents, so I'm not noticing changes?
01:36.14pb_that's possible, yeah
01:39.23CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07llornkcor: simplify some things
01:40.15mreimerpb_: hey, it worked!
01:40.23mreimerjust rebooted with NAND_ECC_NONE
01:40.28mreimermust have been nfs
01:40.31pb_ah, very good
01:41.51mreimerdo you know off the top of your head what the minor number would be for the second partition? 'c 90 0' works for mtd0, but 'c 90 1' just gives me the same 16k
01:42.03pb_try 90 2
01:42.45pb_to make the hardware ecc stuff work, I think you need to provide a custom ->correct_data() method in the hamcop driver.
01:42.55mreimerthere you go
01:43.23mreimertake a look at the latest where I've done that
01:44.06pb_ah, right
01:44.11pb_yeah, that looks about right
01:44.38mreimerI'll try the hardware ecc again, this time after rebooting
01:44.47pb_It's conceivable that the first 16k block doesn't actually have any ECC data.   The HAMCOP doesn't check or correct ecc when it copies that data into the steppingstone area.
01:46.20mreimerah. I wonder if there's an ioctl or some such to tell mtd not to do ECC for a given device?
01:47.20mreimersince NAND_ECC_NONE works, I guess it's about time to commit all this stuff so we can deep-six shamcop*. Hopefully I won't break LAB in the process.
01:47.39mreimerI haven't tested the LED stuff, but that's not critical so I'm inclined to leave it for later
01:48.11pb_ok, sounds good
01:48.53pb_If you can persuade nanddump to work with ECC_NONE, that should reveal whether there's anything in the OOB region for the first block.
01:49.49mreimerI could check an old dump I have too
01:49.54pb_good idea
01:51.04mreimerit looks like there's something there. my image is 33M, so I think that means there is OOB data in there. Looking at 0x200-0x20f I see non-zero data.
01:51.44mreimerI managed to read the entirety of all three partitions. sure was slow writing it over NFS over USB, especially with mtd debugging = 3
01:54.51mreimerpb_: thanks again for *all* your help!
01:54.58pb_mreimer: you're welcome
01:55.07pb_night all
01:57.27*** part/ mreimer (
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03:06.55tmbg37are there any binary mod_* packages for apache on familiar?
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07:35.10vIkSiTheya p0m .. how goes it?
07:36.47p0mNot too bad, tinkering with moinmoin at the moment.
07:38.00vIkSiTp0m, ah cool.. i let my ipaq battery die.. so i've got wait for about 30 min before i can even swtich it on!
07:38.38p0mGot to love that.
07:38.50p0mMine comes on after a couple of seconds of continuous power.
07:39.18vIkSiTbtw, i have a problem with it.. it never starts up opie on its own.. this is AFTER i applied the patch (changed the config settings)..  It just gets stuck on Loading.. the stupid tux icon shows up.. but i need to use a term program to log in and start!
07:39.23vIkSiTp0m, heh which model?
07:39.34vIkSiTmine's a 5550
07:39.58p0mThe battery in mine's got a life of its own.
07:40.17p0mWell, according to APM.
07:40.41vIkSiTwhen i reset mine after a couple of minutes on power.. al i ge tis a fleeting white screen
07:44.27*** join/ Chicken (
07:51.24p0mHi Chicken.
07:51.57vIkSiT'lo Chicken
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07:57.19CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07chicken: jornada 720 device updates
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08:20.13CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07chicken: jornada 720 device pic for opie systeminfo
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09:47.23p0mWelcome back koen.
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10:15.16CIA-8commit to module 09linux/kernel26 by 07chicken: small jornada 720 keyboard fix
10:16.14vIkSiT|2Anyone help me out with a opie-cvs compile error?
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10:23.42guillermomy ipaq with opie doesn't retroilluminate, and I don't know how to change it
10:23.44guillermoany help?
10:24.01guillermofirst I thought it was the battery
10:24.06guillermobut it's full
10:24.35LeedsI can't help, but I'd like to say that I love the word retroilluminate :-)
10:27.04guillermohehe, excuse me, it comes from spanish ( my native language )
10:27.09guillermoit's backlighting
10:27.16guillermoI remembered now
10:27.17Leedssure, I knew that
10:27.20guillermoexcuse me ;)
10:28.45guillermoit's a nice language
10:29.01guillermoi'm trying to learn german now and it's crazy
10:29.49LeedsSpanish sounds much nicer than German to me
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10:46.13vIkSiT|2guillermo, hehe, i learned german for 6 years..
10:51.38guillermoLeeds:  to me too
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11:22.05chan_cbrhi all,
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11:39.23blizaardwhat's the url of the 0.8.1 familiar?
11:40.36koen|afk0.8.1 isn't out yet
11:41.10koenthe *snapshots* are at
11:41.28koenas the name implies, those are snapshots
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11:46.11blizaardkoen, ok thanks
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12:01.28paulieMorning all!!!
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12:05.28koenhey paulie
12:05.45pauliehey koen
12:06.04paulieGot my serial cable this morning. Just waiting for the CF sleeve :)
12:09.55pauliekoen: Just had a thought. If I put the ext2 file system on my Mac can I do the partitions and install of Familiar and Opie or GPE straight onto a CF card? Or do I have to download all of the packages with a serial cable and compile tham on the IPAQ?
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13:39.50pukshi, when I plug the ipaq 3870 usb cable to my pc, dmesg says "usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71".. What's the problem??
13:40.09puksI am using debian sid with 2.6.10 pre-compiled debian kernel image
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14:19.55skinnyglhi :-)
14:20.28skinnyglI would like to know what step I wrong...
14:21.29skinnyglAfter installing the bootldr 2.21.12, I send the file --> bootopie V.0.8.0 by command load boot.
14:22.05skinnyglupon finish, I read erasign .... then addr .....
14:22.38skinnyglbut later, when everything is finish , just see a black screen with my little penguin....that's it!
14:22.52skinnyglHave I lost some steps?
14:23.28skinnyglit is a iPaq 3850
14:27.04jscread the release notes
14:27.54skinnygljsc, I think to have read it, maybe I do not understand something :-)
14:28.12skinnyglThere is some problem with V 0.8.0 on ipaq 3850 ?
14:28.13jscyou have to modify a file.... sec
14:28.46jsclook under opie doest start on boot
14:28.55jscdoesnt start on boot
14:29.32jscmodify /etc/init.d/opie according to the release notes
14:30.28skinnyglmhh ok, now I will try
14:30.32skinnyglthx for the moment
14:30.38jscyou welcome
14:30.55jscyour welcome that is
14:41.51skinnygljsc, sorry now I read the release note. just I do not how to write by console in minicom... I see boot>
14:42.07skinnyglhow can make a change
14:42.15jscyou have to use vi
14:42.25skinnyglbut if I write vi
14:42.26jscor ssh
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14:42.45jscdo you have another linux box? you can use to ssh in?
14:43.15koenjsc: he's in bootldr, not linux
14:43.20jscactually you would have to know the ip
14:43.28skinnyglinfact :-)
14:43.51skinnyglI am connect by Hyperterminal
14:43.56jsckoen to the rescue
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14:45.30jsci misunderstood skinnygl .... sorry
14:45.44skinnygljsc, no prob
14:46.14skinnyglbytheway may I do the modify from Hyperterminal
14:47.12jscskinnygl: have you installed opie yet? or just the bootloader?
14:47.50skinnygljsc, I already sent both file by hypertherm
14:48.02skinnyglthe bootldr is ok
14:48.20skinnyglJust the opie does not start
14:48.35skinnyglit write me....booting... but nothin happen
14:48.54jscyeah you can modifiy with hyperterminal ..... but using vi with hyperterminal is not fun
14:49.26jscssh in if you can
14:49.57skinnyglsomething happen
14:50.04skinnyglin Hypertherminal
14:50.14skinnyglthere is : h3600 login:
14:50.25jscpress enter
14:50.33skinnygldone but
14:50.39skinnyglstill h3600 login
14:50.48jsctype root
14:50.55skinnyglahh right
14:51.16skinnyglmy I do a ipkg install nano
14:51.27jsci wish.... it wont let you
14:51.44jscsomething about ncurses and busy box
14:51.54skinnyglno I use vi
14:52.07jscyeah vi is ok once you get used to  it
14:52.20skinnygljust sometime
14:52.21jscjust not fun with hypertimnal
14:53.48skinnyglops, in /etc/init.d/opie, I already have the # at the start
14:55.15jscscroll down untill you find the line /sbin/getkey
14:55.26jscand put a # in front of that
14:55.52skinnyglctrl i for insert is it ?
14:56.11jsci just use insert..... us keyboard though
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14:57.43jscand i dont use vi much at all
14:59.05skinnygljsc, ciao I have to go out with my children.... I hope to see later
14:59.10skinnyglthx a lot for the moment
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15:14.49guillermoanyone knows how to switch the backlight on in gpe?
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16:26.16guillermoanyone knows how to switch the backlight on in gpe? I don't know why is off and no way to swithc it on
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17:16.36CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07mickeyl: make inline image support optional
17:22.47CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07zecke: -QFileDialog is not used in opentext.cpp so remove it from its header file
17:22.47CIA-8-Help Window eventually uses QFileDialog, better include it then as well...
17:24.23CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07zecke: Make use of the platform
17:27.24koenguillermo: via minilite, bl or screen setup
17:33.50guillermokoen:  bl tells me it's on, but it's not
17:33.58guillermocould it be a hw problem?
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17:35.50koencould be
17:40.04guillermoa friend gave me a pda with familiar 0.6, but now it's like if it was dead
17:40.20koentry bl 255
17:40.30guillermokoen:  I alread did it
17:40.38guillermokoen:  with no luck
17:40.47guillermobut It happned to me before
17:41.00guillermoand after reinstalling familiar it worked again
17:41.11koenvert strange
17:41.23guillermothe problem now is I have already "customized" this familiar
17:41.34guillermoand I don't want to reinstall
17:42.21guillermokoen:  I have another 3800 that is like dead, is there any combination of keys or something that I could try?
17:42.51guillermoit has not been used for months, but I put it in the craddle with same results
17:43.53koendon't know
17:44.08guillermothx anyway
18:07.49CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07mickeyl: back out an unintentionally commited change
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18:20.03CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07mickeyl: fix logo name
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18:36.05tmbg37koen, i've told you about the teddybear, right?
18:38.29tmbg37^ a pic
18:38.46koenthe bear could use some organ and limb donations
18:39.09tmbg37soon it will have a heart of solid ipaq
18:42.12*** join/ puks (
18:43.08tmbg37koen, know of a cheap CF ethernet card?
18:44.32koenlike this: ?
18:45.10tmbg37yeah, except cheaper and 10/100
18:45.33tmbg37blah, i'll either find one myself and pay $30-$40 or buy a pcmcia sleeve
18:56.20*** join/ vIkSiT|lurking (~Viksit@
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19:04.25*** join/ ___Matt (
19:05.21___Mattowdy tmbg
19:10.39guillermocan I use jconnector lib in familiar?
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19:25.53joshua_~botmail next
19:26.56___Mattoioi Joshua!
19:34.28koenhey joshua_ && ___Matt
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19:35.38___Matthello koen!  how are you?
19:35.43koenfine, and you?
19:36.06___MattGood thanks.  There was a bit of a speedbump in my plans to "tinker with h2200 today"
19:36.23___Matti.e. I thought I'd left it in hotel in the USA (but I found it, phew!)
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19:50.09*** join/ RickSeymour (
19:50.34RickSeymourHello.... eck.. i'm just about to start putting a linux dist on a CF card.. whats the linux cmd for partition?
19:52.46RickSeymouroh right :-) doh! of course.... i just need to work out how to turn on the USB card reader :-)
20:02.28*** join/ Kaloz (
20:05.00vIkSiThey people
20:05.25vIkSiTon the release notes, one method of starting opie is to edit the opie script. i cant understand the other (using linuxargs and things)
20:05.46vIkSiTcould anyone advise?
20:06.26koen|tvthat~[3~[3~[3~[3~'s messing in bootldr'ws
20:07.18koen|tvit's kept vague on purpose
20:08.38*** join/ Pigi (
20:08.49PigiCiao all
20:09.21koen|tvhey Pigi
20:09.38gints|homehi Pigi
20:10.30PigiI would like to try also on my 3870, because the kernel driver sound does not seems to wrok.
20:10.52PigiDid someone has never tried something like this ?
20:15.49hedgehairis the ram partitioned to /var and /mnt/ram ?
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20:17.39ralfhi all
20:17.44*** join/ MiniLeeds (
20:17.46ralfSpyro: and hi you
20:18.02Spyrohi ralf
20:18.05ralfSpyro: news about linexecing from an SD card?
20:18.13Spyroralf: not had time tot try it
20:18.16koen|tvMiniLeeds: a mac mini?
20:18.23ralfi haven't a CF to boot
20:34.02MiniLeedskoen|tv: indeed
20:34.26koen|tvyou bastard!
20:37.19MiniLeedskoen|tv: got it in the US after hearing my bad news... I felt a need for hardcore retail therapy :-)
20:45.22*** join/ RickSeymour (
20:45.39RickSeymourhello... i'm trying to mount my card reader.... its found one at scsi5
20:45.45RickSeymourany ideas?
20:45.59___Mattwhat do you want to mount?  an existing partition?
20:46.11RickSeymourwell the CF card in the reader
20:46.16RickSeymourso i can partition and format it
20:46.41___Mattdoes it appear in /dev?
20:47.07___Matt(if you have no other scsi devices, it's probably appeared at /dev/sda - the dmesg will tell you which device it landed as)
20:47.18___Mattthen you can fdisk /dev/sda
20:48.13RickSeymour.. unable to open sda / sda1
20:48.38RickSeymourhow do i assign a dev block to the existing devices in /proc/bus/usb/devices
20:48.49RickSeymour<---- actually sounds like knows what talking about... haha
20:48.57___Mattdoes 'dmesg' mention anything about "USB device appeared, attaching to device blah" ?
20:49.21RickSeymourAttached scsi removable disk sdb at scsi5, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
20:49.22RickSeymourUSB Mass Storage device found at 9
20:49.32___Mattah! cool
20:49.46RickSeymouroh.. is that a good thing :-)
20:49.48___Mattfdisk /dev/sdb :)
20:49.57*** join/ zap_ (~zap@
20:50.14RickSeymourunable to open /dev/sdb
20:50.35___Mattre things in /proc/bus/usb/devices, if you plug something unknown in it'll still appear in ther e- it doesn't mean you have a working driver for it; a driver should notice it and then make a valid block device in /dev somewher
20:50.57___Mattdoes /dev/sdb exist?  (what's your system, kernel, etc...?)
20:51.11RickSeymouri'll just take out the SD card in the card reader and pop in the CF card.. the one i really need (the SD card is formated to vfat)
20:51.16RickSeymourfedora .... the new one
20:51.27___MattDo you have devices that appear and disappear (devfs-style) in /dev or.. fedora, should do that
20:51.44___Mattit could be calling the scsi device by some other filename in /dev
20:52.55RickSeymourit did do previously
20:53.08RickSeymourand i mounted a usb memory stick (with vfat)
20:53.23RickSeymourmount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb  
20:53.27RickSeymourthat worked fine
20:53.41RickSeymourbut i've taken that out... and put in my card reader
20:53.46RickSeymour(sda1 isnt there anymore)
20:54.29___Mattit /should/ look the same; even if CF has no partitions, the raw device /dev/blah-without-the-partition-number (e.g. /dev/sda) should exist still
20:55.41RickSeymouroh.. it auto mounts /dev/sdb  when i put in a usb memory stick
20:57.23RickSeymourand when i take it out and back in it adds and removes sdb1  and also puts in U-Storage into "Computer"  so its auto mounting ok
20:58.48RickSeymourhmmmm... when i put in the card reader .. its making a sdc file in dev
20:59.04guillermowhere is the newest bootloader?
21:00.17*** join/ mianos2k (
21:00.53mianos2k20050217: what has changed?
21:04.37RickSeymourso i have something in proc.. how do i activate that into a dev block?
21:05.31___MattRickSeymour: dmesg seems to say that there /is/ a driver
21:05.40___Mattand if it's making an sdc file.. sounds OK so far
21:05.53___Mattbut you can't open the /dev/sdc device with fdisk?  (you are root...?)
21:06.20RickSeymouryes... logged in as root
21:07.03___Mattdoes 'dd if=/dev/sdc of=/tmp/foo1234 bs=1k count=1' complain?
21:07.42koen|tvmianos2k: some opie opie updates and a lot of gpe updates
21:09.22guillermokoen|tv: where is the last bootloader? I don't find any link from the documentation...
21:09.22*** join/ p0m (
21:11.27koen|tvor int he install kists
21:12.42*** join/ InHidingX (
21:14.18RickSeymour... no medium found
21:15.46RickSeymouranyways... i'm off to get pissed
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21:45.41zeckeDoes anyone know if the scan codes changed?
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22:39.45bluelightninghi all
22:39.54p0mHey bluelightning.
22:40.21bluelightningp0m: any luck with lirc?
22:40.31p0mNot thus far.
22:40.44p0mI've noticed that the pxa_ir module works fine.
22:41.02p0mUntil I can get a recompiled lirc-modules, there's not much I can do.
22:41.19bluelightningyeah well pxa_ir is needed for IrOBEX for sending to/from mobiles, and we know that works
22:41.23bluelightninghmm ok
22:41.36*** join/ Kaloz_ (
22:41.59p0mGints said something about there is no correct module or something.
22:43.34CIA-8commit to module 09opie by 07zecke: Correct the placement of the exportation
22:44.51bluelightningp0m: the trouble is I suspect kernel expertise is needed for these sorts of things, which is something I don't have :(
22:46.24p0mbluelightning: Ditto. From what I can see, all we need to do, is find out which driver it is that can work with lirc.
22:53.43*** part/ zedkatuf (
22:55.50*** join/ Shai (
23:01.51p0mThat reminds me.
23:02.02p0mI sent a file over IR to my PDA, where did it end up?
23:02.05p0mBy default.
23:03.08*** join/ Kaloz (
23:03.12bluelightningp0m: not sure with gpe... in opie it ends up in the user's Documents folder
23:07.23zeckebluelightning: is beaming of contacts, todos and events working?
23:08.25bluelightningzecke: last I checked yes... I did some testing between WinCE and Opie, some fields did not get transferred but the send/recieve worked
23:08.43bluelightningI will file bug reports at some stage
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23:11.35zeckebluelightning: please do so
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23:21.13bluelightningzecke: done
23:21.49bluelightningI was going to do some GPE<-> Opie beam tests but my h3850 running GPE seemed to freeze whenever it was about to transfer anything
23:22.31bluelightningI have Opie on it now and I was trying to get an ircomm link going the other day and it was locking up then as well, so I suspect it is a kernel issue
23:25.46p0mbluelightning: Openobex stuff works fine on my 3970.
23:26.06*** join/ mreimer (
23:26.16p0mThen again, I downgraded to hh37 to try and use those lirc-modules.
23:28.00bluelightningp0m: as I said, I think it is not a GPE issue, it must be a kernel problem specific to the h38xx
23:28.16p0mAhh, I thought you meant the kernel in general :)
23:28.41bluelightningannoying though... I was hoping to get a network link up so I could try prboom over the IR link... :)
23:39.32Piginite all
23:46.38*** join/ benh (
23:59.56*** join/ paulie (

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