irclog2html for on 20040314

00:00.30MasterRathe screen backlight
00:00.46litagereally? that's staying on for you? hrmm odd..
00:01.12MasterRayeah.. i press and hold the reset, then press the power (the one at the top of the unit), then release the power, then release the rest, right?
00:02.33litageMasterRa: yes, but you only push the power button (next to the speaker) when you can see the bootloader image
00:03.25MasterRalitage: yep, that's what i'm doing.. then it fades out, but the light stays on.
00:04.04litageMasterRa: 'fraid i don't know what else to suggest. that works for me
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00:05.06litageMasterRa: actually, what about holding the up key then pushing reset? i can't remember what that does, but it's specific to booting/the bootloader
00:05.54MasterRalitage: let me try
00:06.26MasterRahmm, no, doesn't seem to do anything..
00:07.15litageMasterRa: i'm all out of ideas then. sorry
00:07.39MasterRalitage: alright. thanks.. maybe someone else will wander by that has some idea.. in the mean time, i guess it'll go off when the battery dies.. :-/
00:08.35litageMasterRa: well, if it doesn't turn off when the battery dies, you know you've got an extra special ipaq  ;)
00:08.53MasterRalitage: heh, yeah, i'll let you know if it's still on a month from now ;)
00:09.58litageMasterRa: do you know how to run a plugin in opie?
00:11.36MasterRalitage: nope.. just started fiddling with opie today.. and everything was going good.. but i did some ipkg upgrades and installed some stuff, then left home for the night.. but never actually rebooted the machine.. then i went to reboot it a few minutes ago, and now it freezes when it's booting :-/
00:12.34litageMasterRa: yeah, same thing happened to me. i installed Familiar and opie yesterday afternoon. within 24 hours, Familiar died twice
00:13.02litagemostly due to ipks, i believe
00:13.09MasterRalitage: damn, that sucks.. yeah.. well.. actually.. hey i know what i'll do.. i got my cf sleeve and the card i used to install with.. i'll just reflash the base ipie install ;)
00:13.23MasterRalitage: yeah.. i didn't wanna have to reflash it though, cuz i manually upgraded ipkg..
00:13.54MasterRai couldn't get it to install a newer version than like 0.99.105 or something.. and it SIGSEGV'd everytime i tried to do something
00:14.29MasterRanot exactly the best arragement for a release.. but.. i manually unzipped 0.99.87 i think.. and it seemed to work fine.. installed a bunch of packages, some games.. everything looked great.. then.. well.. ;)
00:15.09litageif you grab one of pb's unstable images, it's 0.7.2 with some new stuff, plus a working ipkg:   bootopie-xxx.jffs2
00:15.39MasterRaalright.. i'll give that a try
00:15.50MasterRalucky me - i have a TC1000 with onboard cf reader ;)
00:16.14MasterRahmm, what was that link?
00:16.24litage   bootopie-xxx.jffs2
00:16.29MasterRalitage: the compaq tc1000 tablet pc.. it's actually a peice of shit, but..
00:16.36litageoh! hahah nie
00:16.37MasterRalitage: hmm, irssi is showing a space in that link :-/
00:17.00litagethe first is the link, the 2nd is an unspecified filename
00:17.01MasterRaoh ok
00:17.06MasterRaalright ;)
00:17.11MasterRai see now
00:17.16litagethe newest is unstable14
00:17.19MasterRalet me browse the files, see what there is.. then i'll give ti a shot
00:17.23MasterRalitage: alright, i'll try that one..
00:17.30litagegood luck  =)
00:17.46MasterRalitage: and i need the 3600 image for the 3800?
00:18.02MasterRaalright, cool, just making sure ;)
00:18.28litageheh i know. can't be too cautious
00:19.33MasterRawell i must say, Opie was running pretty good
00:19.42MasterRai was quite impressed :)
00:24.40MasterRalitage: about to flash the image.. brb, gotta move my car..
00:28.21litageMasterRa: have fun
00:30.48MasterRalitage: aha, it worked.. ok, i can turn it off and let the battery rest now ;).. though now i gotta check it out.. heh
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00:31.27MasterRalitage: what kinda extra stuff was included in that image?
00:32.37dspencekI'm trying to help out with the porting project for openembedded,
00:32.56dspenceki'm having trouble figuring out the differences between the toolchains
00:33.13MasterRalitage: alright.. thanks kfor the help.. i'm out for the night..
00:33.18dspencekand where to start for building a development environment
00:33.59dspencekany suggested sites that explain what tools are needed for development?
00:36.58dspenceksa: thanks
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00:55.12litagewhere are the docs that discuss <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> ?
00:57.03treke|homeThere isnt exactly much to it.
00:58.12litagetreke|home: i don't know what it is, so i'd like to read up on it, and others
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01:06.21litagetreke|home: would you mind pointing me to docs please?
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01:07.43treke|homethe source.
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01:17.06xsdgmy 5555 locked up when it was just sitting there (not plugged in, frontlight on); it didn't restart when I hit the button on the bottom, or when I hit the power button; I took the battery out and now it doesn't wanna turn on
01:17.11xsdgany ideas what happened?
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01:24.04joshua_xsdg: taken a look over serial?
01:26.52xsdgjoshua_: not yet; sec
01:31.56xsdgjoshua_: seems that the battery was drained (or close, at least)
01:32.07xsdgjoshua_: which is weird, because when it locked, the frontlight was still on
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01:57.53dspencekxsdg: is this xsdg as in xsdg8ameobas?
01:58.14xsdgdspencek: hey
01:58.18xsdgdspencek: what's up?
01:58.27dspencekxsdg: nothin much
01:58.47xsdgdspencek: funny seeing you here :o)
01:58.50dspencekxsdg: workin on settin up toolchain
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