irclog2html for on 20031203

00:00.23*** join/ raster (
00:07.36pb_zap: I am here now.
00:07.47pb_... but you're not.  oh well.
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00:26.21Spyrowheee. it survived 230 simultaneous pings ;-) (max latency 4ms!)
00:26.40Spyrowhere do I find wvlan_cs ?
00:28.49*** join/ Tygger-Bob (
00:29.34pb_Spyro: drivers/net/wireless/
00:29.49pb_same place that the other wireless drivers hang out.
00:29.52Tyg-Upstrs'lo all
00:30.01pb_hi Tyg-Upstrs
00:30.18Tyg-UpstrsForgot to log out downstairs in the office
00:30.34pb_Spyro: if you're looking for a prism driver, wvlan_cs would be a bad choice.
00:30.44Spyrook :)
00:30.50Tyg-UpstrsHow's Phil doing?
00:31.01pb_that's one of the few non-prism drivers that we have.
00:31.13pb_Tyg-Upstrs: not too bad.
00:31.19Tyg-UpstrsWhatcha looking at doing, Spyro?
00:31.36Spyro# cardctl ident 1
00:31.39Spyrodriving that :)
00:31.57Tyg-Upstrswho makes it?
00:32.11pb_We generally recommend hostap_cs or orinoco_cs for prism cards.
00:32.22pb_wvlan_cs is for Orinoco cards.
00:32.35Tyg-Upstrsunless you want monitor mode :)
00:32.45Spyroorinnoco_cs didnt bind to it :(
00:32.56Tyg-Upstrsyou have to edit the /etc/pcmcia/config file
00:33.00pb_Tyg-Upstrs: both orinoco and hostap can do monitor mode on my prism cards.
00:33.03Tyg-Upstrschange the binding driver
00:33.21Tyg-Upstrsyeah,but wvlan won't, was what I was saying
00:33.28pb_oh, right, I see.
00:33.57pb_yeah.  I don't remember whether we recommend wvlan or orinoco at the moment for those.  There doesn't seem to be any clear winner.
00:34.11pb_I think there are at least some people for whom orinoco doesn't work at all.
00:34.12Spyromy drivers arent compiled as modules...
00:34.23Spyrosurely they would bind if they could?
00:34.26*** join/ Sniper^ (Sniper@
00:35.17pb_no, they won't bind on their own.  cardmgr needs to do that.
00:35.45Spyrooh ok
00:36.13pb_well, that's certainly true in 2.4.  I'm not sure about 2.6, but I think cardmgr is still required at present for that as well.
00:36.43Spyroyou're right =- ide-cs wont buind otherwise
00:37.48Tyg-Upstrsmine's an orinoco gold and I use orinoco_cs. not that that is probably particularly helpful
00:37.55Tyg-Upstrsworks great for me.
00:39.32CIA11landcam_2.23_arm.ipk uploaded to 09unstable by
00:47.26Spyrowell none work so far... I'll try hostap_cs
00:52.17jimtimesinfinityI'm trying to configure my wireless network card but I can't get the wlan0 to be recognized by ifconfig
00:52.30Spyrojoin the lub
00:52.45Tyg-UpstrsJim: what PDA?
00:52.59jimtimesinfinitywith a linksys wpc11 card
00:53.19Tyg-UpstrsWhat driver is it using?
00:53.19jimtimesinfinityI'm using familiar 7.2 and GPE
00:53.27jimtimesinfinityI'm trying them all
00:53.42jimtimesinfinityorinoco_cs fails to load and gives me an error in dmesg
00:53.43Tyg-Upstrsshould be hostap_cs if I remember correctly
00:53.48Spyrowvlan_cs has no config option?
00:54.01Spyrohow do I build it? I see  a wvlan.c in the tree
00:54.04Tyg-Upstrsworks with teh WPC12?
00:54.30jimtimesinfinitythe prism2_cs linux-wlan-ng package is built for the wrong kernel and I can't seem to find another package that's built for this one
00:54.37jimtimesinfinityI'm trying hostap_cs right now
00:54.52jimtimesinfinityit seems to load fine but nothing appears in ifconfig
00:55.07jimtimesinfinityand wlan0 appears as no wireless extensions
00:55.14Tyg-Upstrsiwconfig wlan0 gives you what?
00:55.33jimtimesinfinitywhen I use wvlan_cs I get eth0 showing up but no MAC address and garbage for the ssid
00:55.50jimtimesinfinityit says wlan0 no wireless extensions
00:56.06jimtimesinfinitysame as lo, and usbf, and sit0
01:05.51*** join/ Ng_ (
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01:10.10jimtimesinfinityare there any other cards that work with the prism2_cs?
01:13.58jimtimesinfinitywhich smc?
01:14.04glm2kjust a sec
01:14.46glm2kSMC2642W 11Mbps Wireless CF Card
01:15.16glm2kattach it to a pcmcia adapter and it's good to go either way
01:20.41jimtimesinfinityglm sorry I have a card already. I'm trying to configure it
01:21.17glm2knp. what model is it?
01:21.44jimtimesinfinityit's a linksys wpc11
01:24.14*** join/ phpCure (
01:25.54Tyg_WrkJim:  can I PM you with some information I found?
01:27.10TyggerBobDunno if that's helpful
01:27.56jimtimesinfinityI've tried those settings. The problem is that the orinoco_cs driver is loading correctly
01:28.50jimtimesinfinitysorry isn't loading correctly
01:28.54jimtimesinfinitythanks tho
01:33.49SpyroI got to have some fun with some WinCE users just now :-)
01:34.05Spyrodillo on my e740 is *twenty times* as fast as PIE on WinCE
01:34.23Spyrono shit
01:34.44SpyroI thought I'd show them the money :)
01:35.23Spyrodillo renders the 'full fat' site FASTER than IE can render the 'PDA' version
01:36.11jacqueswow that's amazing
01:37.00*** join/ juser123 (
01:37.22juser123hello all.
01:39.45SpyroI can render via 10m ethernet from my e740 to my desktop box in under 1 second!
01:40.08Spyrojuser123: for the real wow:
01:41.29*** join/ sneg (
01:41.53Spyrocompletely pasted wince/PIE ;-)
01:42.39collord__what ATI chip does that tosh have?
01:42.48SpyroImageon 100 in the e7xx
01:42.55Spyrohi collord
01:44.28*** join/ change (
01:44.51jacquesSpyro: do you know what's in the e8xx ?
01:45.18SpyroIts a pxa26x (25x with flash) and an IMAGEON (200? perhaps)
01:45.28Spyrothe e800 can manage 2Mbit video!
01:45.45changeanyone using an h54xx?  looking for experiences and tips...  would REALLY love to be able to mount sd/mmc
01:45.52jacquesyeah it has that sweet 640x480 display too
01:46.01SpyroI want one
01:46.12SpyroI want its babies and I want linux on it :)
01:48.28DebolazBtw, is it possible to disable the input keys on an ipaq? (Not the LCD though). So that I can have it in my carrying case without it constantly turning on the backlight because some keys are touching the walls.
01:48.53Spyrorm /dev/input/event0 :-)
01:49.51DebolazSeriously, I'm trying to minimize battery drainage.
02:30.22*** join/ Ricky- (ricky@
02:33.30TyggerBobDebolaz: Keylock?
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02:37.24TyggerBobSpyro: just tried out Dillo over my XManager server on my XP box.. cool.
02:41.02Disconnectibot: toolchain
02:41.04somebody said toolchain was at, or see factoid other-toolchains
02:41.11Disconnectibot: other-toolchain
02:41.12Disconnect: I give up, what is it?
02:41.13Disconnectibot: other-toolchains
02:41.15other-toolchains are at, or, or at which can be modified to work with Zaurus cross development, or can be found at
02:41.22TyggerBobSpyro: are you able to open in dillo?
02:41.39TyggerBobdoesn't seem to want to open for me.. that seems a bit ironic...
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04:00.19Tyg_WrkAnyone else getting this:
04:00.19Tyg_WrkRunning script /tmp/ipkg-WUmnaR/xserver-kdrive-fbdev-FtfaZT/preinst
04:01.09Tyg_Wrkduring an upgrade?
04:21.55*** join/ france (
05:15.17*** join/ ryan_ (
05:17.52ryan_hey joshua_
05:23.00hhgate<joshua_> hi ryan_
05:23.06hhgate* joshua_ recovers fs
05:23.36ryan_whats new
05:24.01hhgate<joshua_> Hans Reiser ate my homework
05:24.29hhgate<joshua_> you laugh
05:24.35ryan_thats the oldest excuse in the book
05:24.45hhgate* joshua_ lp reiserfsck.log
05:28.14*** join/ zap (~zap@
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05:30.34zapHi! Someone succeeded to compile the 2.6 kernel after yesterday jamey's changes to lcd_module.c?
05:32.12CIAcommit to module 09linux/kernel26 by 07zap: Fixed jamey's unfinished fixes so that it at least compiles.
05:32.48*** join/ seletz_ (
05:33.04abhishekis there a 16bit firewire pcmcia card or a cf card?
05:52.40*** join/ zap (~zap@
05:54.29Disconnectabhishek: um. how about hell NO.. firewire is faster and wider than pcmcia..
05:54.40Disconnectand cf is just pcmcia with a diff't form factor and 3.3v instead of 3.3 or 5
06:09.05DebolazHrmm, what's the url to the H5400 specs again? Someone gave it to me here before.
06:13.47*** join/ omi007 (~omi@
06:19.24zapDebolaz: I'm interested too
06:21.18DebolazSo what project do you want them for?
06:27.26zapDebolaz: I'm rewriting the MediaQ driver and I'm interested in some details about how mq1100 is connected on ipaqs. However, I found no such info
06:27.43zapthe PDFs mostly cover the SAMCOP
06:27.49DebolazI just want to make the bloody thing support suspend/resume. :)
06:27.50pigeonzap: what's this mediaq thing btw?
06:27.59DebolazI consider that kind of essencial to a PDA.
06:28.22zapa combined LCD controller/graphics engine/USB host/USB device/SPI/I2S/whatever chip
06:28.35pigeonwoo... ok...
06:28.38zapthis is second big chip on my Dell Axim
06:28.41pigeonsounds tricky.
06:28.46abhisheknow if only the USB host was externally accessible
06:28.47zapand the third big chip on h5400
06:29.05pigeonsame chip?
06:29.34zapabhishek: h5400 contains mediaq 1100 which does not contain the USB host. mediaq 1132 which is found on Dell Axims contains it, and I've heard it is accessible
06:29.53zapthere are two flavours: 1100 and 1132. First does not have USB host/SPI/I2S
06:30.11abhishekzap: there's a USB host somewhere inside, dont know where
06:30.26zapabhishek: yes, h5400 has a USB host inside the SAMCOP chip
06:30.48zapit would be nice to have TWO unconnected USB hosts instead of one, eh? :)
06:31.42zapI think though the USB host won't work with devices that requires a lot of power (e.g. external HDDs without their own power supply)
06:31.44abhisheki heard theres actally another port you can access from some point, but finding that point is impossible
06:32.18abhishekwould work with a digital camera or something along those lines
06:32.32abhishekusb memory stick
06:33.33zapcan't find which GPIO is MediaQ interrupt connected to on h5400 :(
06:33.34abhishek(tho who is going to keep a keyboard at least 5 times bigger than their pda i dont know)
06:34.08zapabhishek: it would be nice to debug in Linux with a normal keyboard
06:34.19zapabhishek: although this is possible through ssh
06:34.53abhishekprolly easier with ssh anyway
06:34.58abhishekbecause of the screen size
06:41.07MonMothaserial port console too
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07:59.44ryan_can i use my ipaq with familiar (with the right cables) to debug a cisco router via a serial line?
07:59.57ryan_ie is there a minicom equivellent for familiar?
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10:22.24KoRBeNcan anyone offer some help on how to reflash my 3850 back to ppc 2002? i've read the instructions but still not sure
10:23.35{HyGy}when bootloader is awaiable trough serial terminal
10:24.01{HyGy}then you need to write load root
10:24.10{HyGy}then upload the wince.gz
10:24.32{HyGy}after thet  I think you need: load boot
10:24.44{HyGy}then upload the saved wincebootloader.gz
10:24.52KoRBeNok....i dont have a serial connection only usb.... the wince.gz file on the cf card in the expansion slot
10:24.55{HyGy}I never try this
10:25.05{HyGy}but I think that is the correct way
10:25.58KoRBeNive got the bootloader on the cf card too....but when i try and bring up the serial or usb boot menu from the bootloader nothing happens
10:26.24KoRBeNis there a program under XP that can emulate the usb/serial connection to enable the boot config or should I run it thru linux?
10:29.24{HyGy}dont konw
10:30.32ricmmKoRBeN: how did you installed linux on your ipaq?
10:32.12ricmmwith only an usb cable
10:32.34KoRBeNcopied the files to the cf card, and made sure that i made several back ups of the original bootloader and wince image
10:32.48KoRBeNused bootblaster to flash the bootloader
10:32.52*** join/ geri (~geri@
10:33.25ricmmthen i still need to buy my serial cable
10:33.37ricmmi only have a 15mb CF card, and no CF jacket for the ipaq
10:34.12KoRBeNwhere are you?
10:35.07KoRBeNnot in western australia by any chance?? :)
10:35.14*** join/ Shai (
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10:50.40gerihow can i upgrade my kernel to one of the 2.6 kernel feeds?
10:55.11*** join/ Nermal (
10:56.35Debolazgeri: Isn't it just adding the feed to ipkg.conf and upgrading?
10:56.46Debolaz(I dunno, never tried:)
11:08.21ricmmKoRBeN: heh no, turn the world around and you will find me
11:09.34geriDebolaz: nope. i tried this
11:11.17gerii made a new file "kernel26.conf" containing: src kernel26
11:11.25geriin /etc/ipkg
11:17.24gerihmm. i forgot 'update'. i'm eventually running 2.6!
11:18.37gerioh no. my wireless is broken.
11:21.00geriwhere are all the usb modules gone? no usb-wifi?
11:27.25*** join/ Transputer2001_ (
11:31.54*** join/ Leeds (
11:41.34geriCANNOT FIND PACKAGE TASK-BOOTSTRAP_2.4.19-RMK6-PXA1-HH25_IPAQPXA. why not? i want my old kernel back!
11:47.21mallumgeri: play with fire, expect to get burnt
11:48.04*** join/ lg (
11:49.13gerii still have one chance. is it possible to boot from cf with h5500?
11:49.44gerii broke opie and the kernel. maybe time for a reflash.
11:52.04gerii wanted opie 1.0.3 because i couldn't configure the backlight. i wanted 2.6 because i couldn't use my sd memory card. no i can't use my ipaq...
12:17.14*** join/ marcus34 (
12:17.29marcus34gday all
12:18.15marcus34have servers up, still configuring (pls excuse my delay)
12:24.36marcus34going offline for a bit more... just received new card for outer firewall (3c905 beats tulip AFAIK)
12:24.43ryan_geri, download libopie....... latest and you can have backlight on 1.0.0
12:24.47ryan_hey marcus34
12:24.59marcus34gday ryan_!!!
12:25.07marcus34was about to go offline again
12:25.14marcus34good luck!
12:25.15ryan_how you doing?
12:25.22Leedsryan_: watch those shakes, man
12:25.36ryan_wiiilllll ddddoddddooooo
12:25.45marcus34good mate, lots of things happening (sat + wifi contract in the pipeline:)))))
12:25.54ryan_wifi? where to?
12:26.06marcus34heh: confidentiality agreement :)
12:26.11ryan_i thought all you tassies still used CB radios
12:26.18ryan_marcus34, have to /msg me then
12:26.40marcus34but will eventually cover oz (???)
12:27.06Leedsyou're not going to cover oz in wifi... you'd need all the APs in the world :-)
12:27.14ryan_if anyone thinks of a way other than relay to get a signal over a hill, i will have unlimited, 30mbit wireless internet
12:27.40ryan_Leeds, he is talking about tasmania afaik, you will only need 1, with the antenna unscrewed
12:27.50ryan_will also give wifi to the navigation channel too
12:27.54ryan_for ocean liners
12:27.57marcus34i will do ... but am working on developing my system ... currently have outer firewall working (changing card now) ... have internal router (almost) operational ... dmz and green zone all OK and updated .. not far from success
12:30.04marcus34u guys have no idea! .... this is the real deal ... video conferencing is main aim (for client) everything else is cream. Multiple sat up/down-links combined with 802.11b wifi hotspots
12:30.09marcus34will kick arse
12:30.32marcus34all linux-based
12:30.41*** join/ lool (
12:30.41ryan_marcus34, tell me more
12:30.46marcus34(i didnt say a word, ok? :))) lol
12:30.59ryan_what company
12:31.06ryan_a word about what???
12:31.23marcus34pm later ryan_ will tell u later (see citilan ... is local to you)
12:31.45ryan_kinda, im south of the city though
12:31.46marcus34i cant give away details ryan_
12:32.02ryan_ibot lart marcus34 for not giving me details
12:32.32marcus34do a search for citilan ... will tell you more by pm at later date ... will need your input
12:32.56ryan_marcus34, is this with internode
12:33.27marcus34no ... i cant tell u
12:33.58ryan_(if its with internode or agile, say 'i like dogs', else say 'i like cats')
12:34.44marcus34ill tell u no more till later
12:36.32marcus34i cant pm u. ill give u the url later. have to shut down now to exchange nic's from external firewall
12:36.36marcus34talk to u later
12:42.41CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07alwin: just a fix that mail2 can work with dirbased imap-server.
12:42.42CIAMeans: the user can set a pathprefix to search for. In this case,
12:42.42CIAmail2 will check for inserting the special mailbox "INBOX".
12:42.43CIAThis is just a fix hack for branch_1_0, in head should go a whole new
13:29.38*** join/ qfh (~qfh@
14:09.41*** join/ heloimhere (
14:09.46heloimherehi all
14:10.00heloimherei recently installed linux in my 5400 ipaq
14:10.12heloimherei have a problem
14:10.49heloimhereI am trying to boot linux, but doesn't work just now. it did work before
14:11.03heloimherei putting it to charge but wont charge
14:11.36heloimhereit seems that it is dead!
14:12.16Debolazheloimhere: What about serial console?
14:12.38heloimhereeverything worked before, the serial the usb, opie etc
14:12.53heloimherebut i left it on for an hour, battery was full
14:13.00heloimhereand i found it dead...
14:13.08heloimherei put it to charge, and wont charge
14:13.27heloimherei am trying to restart, by pressing the reset button on the bottom right of the pda
14:13.33heloimhereand won't reset either...
14:13.52heloimherei took the battery off for a minute and back on... nothing changed...
14:14.07heloimherethis happened a few times before...
14:14.16heloimheredo you have an idea what that might be?
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14:32.49geriheloimhere: i had the same problem with my h5500. i tried and tried, half a day. after a while it worked again. i think your battery is too low. just let i charge for a few hours (it'll charge although the led's off). and try again.
14:33.15geriyou could also try hard reset.
14:34.08geritry this:
14:34.35Leedsgeri: heloimhere... isn't here
14:34.41gerii see
14:35.11gerihis fault...
14:37.00Leedsyup :-)
14:41.20geridoes someone know anything about mmc & h5500? should it work?
14:46.41*** join/ jg_ (
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14:48.13Nico_Bdavdid anyone know how to acces to palm SDcard via the USB cradle ?
14:48.51LeedsNico_Bdav: this isn't really a Palm place
14:49.29Nico_BdavLeeds: ok i was not thinking so
14:49.37Leedsunless you're planning to run Linux on your Palm :-)
14:49.45Nico_BdavLeeds: can you give me a right channel
14:49.47*** join/ jamey (~jamey@3ffe:4015:ffff:11:2e0:63ff:fe81:cc92)
14:50.17Leedsno, not really... I've not done any Palm stuff for years - we didn't have stuff like SD sockets back then :-)
14:50.31Leedsmorning jamey
14:51.18Nico_BdavLeeds: i would also put linux on a palm m515 but support is more than experimental and my wife would be sure to can goback to palmos on is palm device :(
14:51.18jameyhi Leeds
14:51.20jameyhi all
14:51.58LeedsNico_Bdav: I was pretty much joking about Linux on the Palm...
14:52.58Nico_BdavLeeds: i see some project but they actually search tester for m515
14:53.23Leedshmm... I didn't know it had even got that far :-)
14:53.28Nico_Bdavi would try to find a palm user channel
14:54.03Leedsyeah...  there used to be some good mailing lists and newsgroups, but I think the Palm world has changed a lot since I was there
14:55.39Nico_BdavLeeds: actually they dont seems to be support for sd card via the cradle bcause the solution proposed is to buy an sdcard reader :-)
14:56.00Leedsyou should be able to do it with a helper app on the Palm (httpd?)
14:56.43*** join/ Chicken (
14:56.49Nico_Bdavyes i see a solution with pppd and a ftp client on the palm and a ftp srever dedicated dor
14:57.19Nico_Bdavbut i think its a little complicated for my wife to just put some pictures on his card
15:07.09gerijamey: how far is the sd memory support for h5500?
15:09.12mallumgeri: closer if you help
15:09.29gerihow can i help?
15:10.09mallumgeri: Im sure jamey can advise
15:10.38sodremallum: what about for h3900 ?
15:12.30mallumsodre: dunno
15:13.25sodremallum: okay ... thanks
15:14.41jg_mallum: have the minimo folks put together ipkg's?
15:17.26mallumjg_: dunno. I asked but havn't had a reply as yet
15:18.20jg_mallum: the screenshots sure look nice/promising....
15:19.40mallumjg_: yeah, I just sent another mail
15:19.50mallumjg_: theyy have xft working now by the looks of it
15:20.25mallumjg_: Id run a build off myself, but my arm machine is bitten by libc bug atm
15:20.48jg_mallum: best if we can convince them to do so and maintain it....
15:21.19mallumjg_: yeah I think so. I think they have a cross compile setup too
15:23.36jg_mallum: particularly since it looks like they have it integrated into their tinderbox....
15:26.02mallumjg_: yeah. though you can download tinderbox builds I think :/
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15:59.32clementhi all
16:00.02*** join/ TheWizzard (
16:00.04clementipaq 3970 here, 0.7.2 upgraded, sdptool browse seems broken...
16:00.21TheWizzardi have a problem
16:00.29clementanyone else having problem browsing Bluetooth services?
16:00.33TheWizzardi just installed opie on my 3870
16:00.49TheWizzardand now i need the bahia network driver, but the link is broken
16:00.59clement(I used to have `sdptool browse` work in this 3970 before upgrading, and it still works on a non-upgraded 3870)
16:01.15clementibot: bahia
16:01.17[bahia] a driver allowing TCP/IP over USB communication between a Windows host and a Linux handheld based on Intel's StrongARM SA1110. and can be found at
16:01.30TheWizzardlink is broken
16:01.31clementoh ok :)
16:01.58TheWizzardcan someone send it to me via e-mail?
16:02.08TheWizzardor DCC
16:03.21clementabout my sdptool problem, guys, is it better to fill a bug in bugzilla against bluez-sdp?
16:04.38clementTheWizzard: hope you'll find someone on windows...
16:07.44TheWizzardplease guys i really need that driver
16:16.34*** join/ moray (
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16:21.39Debolazhey fr0zen
16:21.56fr0zenhi :)
16:23.06TheWizzardnoone has got bahia network driver?
16:23.18TheWizzardi really eed
16:23.21TheWizzardneed it
16:23.43DebolazI can upload it to you if you've got somewhere I can put it.
16:23.47DebolazMy DCC doesn't work.
16:23.54TheWizzardsend it per e-mail
16:23.58mallumTheWizzard: have you tried contacting bahia ?
16:24.12DebolazGive me your address then.
16:24.24TheWizzardsend it to
16:25.13*** join/ CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
16:27.59TheWizzardthanks a lot *kisses your ass*
16:29.19gerijamey: are you busy?
16:37.38Spyrohi zap
16:46.56jameygeri: no progress on sd support for h5xxx
16:47.17jameybut the asic spec is there for anyone who wants to work on it, and we have the start of a driver from samsung
16:49.39gerijamey: what needs to be done? just copy paste and change io-addresses?
16:50.58jameyit needs debugging to see why card is not responding as expected
16:51.09jameyaddresses might already be correct
16:53.46gerii wrote drivers for i386 and ppc but this is very different. i even didn't manage to install kernel 2.6.
16:56.00geriwhere should i start? what do i need? jtag? hopefully not? but i hate printk debugging.
16:58.48mallumgeri: do you hate it more than not having sd though ?
17:00.57gerii just dislike long debug cycles. compile. run. see log. change one line. compile. see log...
17:16.27Debolazgeri: Is it okey if I ask you some questions in a private query?
17:19.10*** join/ qfh (~qfh@
17:19.36geriif you want to...
17:20.06geridepends on the topic.
17:26.39DebolazArchitecture / Speed / Length of register?
17:29.07Leedsha ha
17:34.56*** join/ qfh (~qfh@
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18:09.00robAnyone used pypaq?
18:12.14Leedsnot got round to it yet...
18:22.09hhgate* AngelofCarnage ( joined
18:22.26DebolazMaximum Carnage... I remember playing that game.
18:26.41*** join/ Disconnect (
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18:43.35hhgate<joshua_> I see people are finding my "intel PDF mirror" handy
18:44.23DebolazIt is. :)
18:51.41*** join/ egggman (hidden-use@
18:52.13egggmanI have been running familiar for about a year on my Ipaq
18:52.30egggmanI went to reboot it the other day and the bootloader did not load.
18:52.59egggmanI can see it as an unknown usb device if i plug the USB into an XP device
18:53.13egggmanis there any way to flash a bootloader across usb?
18:53.43egggmanRight now I have a brick
18:53.54egggmanwell backlight works but nothing else
18:54.08Leedsyou have serial, right?
18:54.22egggmanNothing happens on serial
18:54.24fr0zenserial is much easier
18:54.29Leedsserial cradle or cable?
18:55.06Leedswell... I'd ask if there's anything at all on the serial if you reset it *while it's in the cradle*
18:55.07egggmanno go?
18:55.17*** join/ fluxx (
18:55.25Leedsyou have tried a reset and a battery-disconnect reset, I assume?
18:55.39Leedswhich device is it?
18:55.53egggmanBattery disconnect on a 3800?
18:56.01egggmanBattery disconnect on a 3850 even?
18:56.05{HyGy}perss the center of the joypad and then reset
18:56.17egggmanyup dont that
18:56.27fr0zenwhat did you do right before your last reboot?  the reboot when it died
18:56.33Leedstried a reset while holding in (I think) the two outside buttons?
18:57.49egggmanOpie locked up so I rebooted
18:57.57egggmanHad been running fine forever
18:58.11Leedsjust to check - what do you think a reset is?
18:58.12ricmmi got the ipaq
18:58.30egggmantried standard reset button
18:58.38Leedswhich is the reset button?
18:58.42egggmanwhen that did not work held down joypad and reboot
18:58.58egggmanreset button in hole on bottom of unit
18:59.17Leedsoh, okay... just checking - we've had people thinking the power button does a real reset
18:59.53egggmanany insight?
18:59.57egggmanor am I screwed?
18:59.59Leedsanyway... nothing personal, but I'm about to go home, so I can't really help...
19:00.06LeedsI'd suggest asking jamey very nicely :-)
19:00.08egggmanok thnx anyhow
19:00.55egggmanjamey: Any chance you have a second to help someont\e in need?
19:02.12hhgate<joshua_> ricmm: spiff
19:03.28ricmmjoshua_: now i just need the serial cable :/
19:03.41hhgate<joshua_> ricmm: heh
19:04.16*** join/ Disconnect (
19:04.21hhgate<joshua_> hehe
19:04.39ricmmuff heavy
19:04.46ricmmppc 2002 shows up
19:05.15hhgate<joshua_> heh
19:05.19*** join/ raz (
19:05.30razhi buddies
19:06.54razjust installed familiar on my h5450
19:07.05razand i'm having ipkg segfaults problem
19:07.21razi thought somebody here might be able to help me
19:07.26ricmmipaqs are so nice
19:07.39razi agree with that ;)
19:08.02hhgate<joshua_> raz: talk to Jamey
19:08.42*** join/ qfh (
19:08.59Debolazraz: Install ipkg 0.99.106 or 0.99.87
19:09.32razsame problem on my mate's h3600
19:09.47razok debolaz
19:10.14razbut how do you install another ipkg when ipkg's broken (segfaulting that is)
19:11.01ricmmcrap, recompile kernel time
19:11.14DebolazJust unpack it manually and replace the ipkg manually.
19:12.01Debolaz or should work.
19:12.19DebolazI have only tried the latter, but Jamey recommends trying the first one.
19:12.43razgonna try this right away
19:15.14CIAcommit to module 09linux/kernel by 07jamey: updated to net from 2.4.22 and draft24 mipv6 stack
19:16.40egggmanjamey: Any chance you have a second to help someont\e in need?
19:16.53egggmanjamey: Any chance you have a second to help someone in need? oopse
19:19.35jameyI have a minute now :)
19:20.37Debolazjamey: What are the adventages with ipkg .106 over .87?
19:22.42*** join/ Tyg_Wrk (
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19:23.15rbm_hey hello
19:23.15TyggerBobHiya all
19:23.21TyggerBobHI rbm
19:23.33fr0zenhi :)
19:23.46DebolazHey TyggerBob
19:23.57jameyDebolaz: many bugs fixed, few bugs introduced
19:24.31Disconnectany way to maek opie do a partial restore? (eg just contacts, no apps, no settings, etc..)
19:25.13ricmmi must do a learning charge for this battery once i get to boot linux on it
19:25.21ricmmit doesnt works
19:25.24ricmmjust dont charges hehe
19:26.05hhgate<joshua_> ricmm: I would think that the battery in there would be pretty dead by now
19:26.17hhgate<joshua_> maybe if you're lucky it'll take an hour charge
19:26.18ricmmi just hope not at all
19:26.26ricmmthat would be enough heh
19:26.40ricmmlinux has no problems with that right?
19:26.44hhgate<joshua_> I'd suggest doing a full charge, then pretty full discharge (although not a deep discharge)
19:26.45hhgate<joshua_> correct
19:26.50razexcuse my shameful newbie question but how does one unpack an ipkg package
19:26.53ricmmit can be always plugged
19:27.05hhgate<joshua_> raz: it's not a newbie question ;)
19:27.31hhgate<joshua_> raz: ar -x foo.ipk; gunzip < data.tar.gz | tar xzvC /
19:28.22hhgate<joshua_> jamey: I have word from ryan_ that LAB boots on h5400 with my new changes to make sure that we properly detected memory
19:28.32jameywell done!!
19:28.40Disconnect...nevermind. the backup is 0 bytes, I suspect it failed ;)
19:28.42hhgate<joshua_> :)
19:28.52hhgate<joshua_> once I get my machine booting again I will check in my changes
19:30.09*** join/ Leeds (
19:30.32TyggerBobJoshua: congrats.. great work!
19:30.39TyggerBobso.. what's in the new apmd?
19:30.49TyggerBobimproved suspendage?
19:31.02hhgate<joshua_> tyggerbob: thanks :)
19:32.55razlooks good so far
19:33.15rbm_pfffffffffffff.. to muuch beer today
19:33.34ricmmwtf the internal pc speakers sounds when i plug the ipaq in
19:33.52hhgate<joshua_> ricmm: hah, on your desktop?
19:34.00hhgate<joshua_> hah
19:34.02TyggerBobbelay my last..can't read.. no change in apmd :(
19:34.17ricmmcool, im connected with synce
19:34.20ricmmsynce r0x too hard
19:34.26ricmmworks from my wince 2.0 to ppc 2002
19:34.29*** join/ fifth (
19:34.41hhgate<joshua_> ricmm: spiff
19:34.48hhgate<joshua_> ricmm: that means you can start porting LAB to sa1100
19:35.12ricmmof course
19:35.17ricmmthats the why of this ipaq
19:35.25ricmmnot only to have linux on it
19:35.36ricmmthough i have to admit it, first i want to see linux there hah
19:35.39hhgate<joshua_> hehe
19:36.19ricmmwell just give me the information
19:36.25ricmmi will get to it once i have a little time
19:36.30hhgate<joshua_> it's in the Kernel26 tree
19:36.39razdoes not just look good
19:36.48razit is good
19:37.01razno segfault
19:37.16razmany thanx :)
19:39.27TyggerBobRaz: you mean on the upgrade?
19:39.30TyggerBobYes.. many thanks
19:42.47ricmmwe have a problem in here
19:42.52hhgate<joshua_> yeah ricmm?
19:42.53ricmmi am connected, but i cant browse websites
19:42.59ricmmcrappy synce
19:43.02hhgate<joshua_> no
19:43.03hhgate<joshua_> crappy user
19:43.12hhgate<joshua_> you need to do DNAT
19:43.12ricmmit would be easier in linux
19:43.38ricmmthe thing is, i only needed ip forward and the iptables rule to have internet on my wince2.0 machine
19:43.47hhgate<joshua_> ah, yes
19:43.48ricmmjoshua_: i am, the rule is set
19:43.49*** join/ julia_ (
19:43.51hhgate<joshua_> the iptables rule IS dnat
19:44.00hhgate<joshua_> don't know
19:44.08julia_Hi everyone
19:46.33julia_does anyone know if familiar will run on an AudioVox Thera?
19:46.42julia_and still have access to the phone parts
19:47.38hhgate<joshua_> unlikely
19:49.08julia_was that meant for me?
19:49.29hhgate<joshua_> it's unlikely to run on the thera.
19:49.49julia_ok, the thera is a sa1110 so I thought it might work
19:50.00hhgate<joshua_> unless the Thera is *exactly* the same as a supported device (ie, down to the same chips), it will not work.
19:55.23julia_too bad
19:55.33julia_the thera's 'watcher' app is kinda sad
19:58.29hhgate* joshua_ drum drum
20:03.51DebolazIs there any prefered version / branch of binutils to use?
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20:20.29jameyDebolaz: latest. iirc
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20:31.19BOVhas anyone used busybox init?
20:36.30fr0zenoh how i love ssh :)
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20:58.47zapjamey: how a client to a SoC base device gets access to device resources? Is there a standard way of communicating between the client and base drivers?
20:59.10zapjamey: or I will have to export functions like asic2_base does?
21:01.40*** join/ pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:20a:95ff:fe76:cd6c)
21:02.12pb_hi all
21:02.22pigeonhi pb_
21:02.30pb_hi pigeon
21:03.43zappb_: hi!
21:03.45DebolazAre there any utilities to make graphical opie interfaces from bash?
21:03.59pb_hi zap
21:04.19DebolazHrmm, opie-sh..
21:04.51zappb_: thinking right now how to organize interface between mq11xx_base and aximx5_lcd. Is there a standard way to communicate with the basic SoC driver?
21:05.18ricmmone question
21:05.18zappb_: e.g. how the LCD driver gets the address of mediaq registers, for example?
21:05.28ricmmcan i have the bootloader installed with bootblaster, with wince?
21:05.39pb_zap: the scheme I have been using is to pass a set of resource structs inside the soc_device.
21:05.45ricmmi mean, can i access wince while using bootldr
21:05.57pb_ricmm: yes, though soft resets may not work properly.
21:06.17ricmmi would like to do something at least, but i dont have the serial cable :P
21:06.28ricmmand this thing is usb heh
21:07.22*** join/ plop0 (
21:07.49zappb_: you mean this: res = kmalloc (sdev->num_resources * sizeof (struct resource)); sdev->resource = res;
21:08.11zapI thought that's for soc_device_register
21:08.25pb_well, it's for that too.
21:08.47pb_all that soc_device_register() actually does is to call request_resource(), which is really a cosmetic thing.
21:09.01zapcan I pass somehow a pointer to my special structure? A class-like struct with pointers to functions
21:09.02pb_nelson: welcome back
21:09.33nelsonpb_: it was all a lie.  I've actually been back for a whole day, mu-hahahaha!
21:09.43nelson(sometimes I forget)
21:10.01zappb_: sdev->device->driver_data is mine or is used by someone else?
21:10.41pb_zap: that's for the driver to use.  You could stash your pointer in ->platform_data, I guess.
21:11.39zaphmm... platform_data is meant for reverse direction communication but should work :)
21:12.17ricmmpb_: why is there support for USB console on sa1110 but not usb image transfer?
21:12.36pb_ricmm: there isn't really support for usb console; that's a joke.
21:12.44zappb_: and one more thing; will be my driver probed independently of the module load order? I mean they have no direct dependency of each other thus I can load them in any order
21:13.10zapor I should load the _base driver first and clients next?
21:13.18pb_zap: order doesn't matter.
21:14.07ricmmpb_: oh ok
21:14.32ricmmis usb on ipaq too hard to get working at booldr level, or are we just waiting for LAB to be working on sa1110
21:14.43ricmmi think i am going to help on that one
21:14.44pb_just waiting for lab, really.
21:14.54zapafter driver.shutdown the device could be re-initialized somehow (with probe perhaps)? Or after shutdown remove is always called?
21:15.15pb_I'm not sure.
21:15.38zapI mean if I should free in .shutdown all resources allocated in .probe or in .remove?
21:17.15pb_zap: in .remove, I think.
21:17.40zappb_: ok, thanks, sorry to bother you - but there's no big choice whom to ask about SoC drivers except you and jamey :) I'll try to be quiet for some time now.
21:21.15pb_zap: :-)
21:25.55ricmmso we said that the booldr screen can get me to boot wince again with that bootldr
21:26.03ricmmand 0.7.2 release bootldr is stable
21:26.06ricmmremember this is not mine hehe
21:26.08kergothhey pb_, ricmm
21:26.12ricmmhey kergoth
21:26.17kergothhow goes it?
21:26.18ricmmkergoth: i got an ipaq to play with!
21:26.22ricmm:D heh
21:26.26zappb_: oops... I hardly miss a per-driver-instance parameter passed to lcd and backlight modules :-( I hate global variables.
21:26.27kergothi should get one
21:26.30kergotheither that or an axim
21:26.32ricmm3765, but it is still pretty nice
21:26.39ricmmplan to move on to LAB on it
21:29.04ryan_pb_, joshua_ almost got lab to boot with a h5450
21:29.22pb_zap: pardon?
21:29.24pb_ryan_: that's cool.
21:29.40ryan_pb_, how is 2.6 coming along?
21:30.14zappb_: as far as I understand the "struct lcd_module*" passed to every lcd_module function is just a pointer to the global structure, not a copy on the heap?
21:31.29zappb_: Theoretically the lcd_module and backlight_module can drive more than one device, but I can't think of a place to store that per-instance pointer.
21:31.43jameyzap: it's a pointer to the structure that was registered
21:31.53zapjamey: e.g. in .data segment?
21:31.55jameyzap: if you have drivers that can support multiple devices, then heap allocate them
21:32.23jameykmalloc, that is
21:33.13zapbut 99% of the structure is identical in all instances
21:33.21zapI need just a per-instance pointer
21:33.31zapoh ok
21:33.47*** join/ _everslick (
21:34.16jameyzap: it may be that the structure needs to be refactored
21:35.03zapjamey: this already involves a lot of work
21:35.24zapjamey: ok, the way you propose should work for me now.
21:36.18zapthe only thing I miss is a "void *module_data" inside backlight and lcd modules. Can I add them?
21:37.01jameywait, maybe not
21:37.08zapthats why I asked :)
21:37.40jameyhere is the question: if you can always contain the lcd_module inside the device's structure, then you don't need a pointer, you need to use container_of()
21:38.01jameyto_lcd_module does this to convert class_device to struct lcd_module
21:38.11jameyif that won't work for you, then we need to add a pointer
21:38.17jameyI don't have strong feelings against it
21:38.23zapok got it
21:38.36zapyour idea should work
21:38.52*** part/ ribbon (
21:40.44ricmmwhen i save saved_wince.gz, is that image 32mb long?
21:40.51ricmmif i have a device with 32mb of flash
21:40.53kergothjamey: I'm thinking about moving away from SF for the OZ and OE websites.  Think I could get an 'oe' project on hh.o?
21:41.06jameykergoth: no problem
21:41.25pb_ricmm: 32MB less 256k for the bootldr.
21:41.46pb_and, on h3800 and later, less an additional 256k for assets.
21:41.46ricmmwell, ~32mb heh
21:41.57ricmmh3700 has no assets?
21:42.15pb_they're stored inside the Atmel uC on h3100/3600/3700.
21:42.24ricmmoh ok
21:42.50zapjamey: btw can I can start my project on
21:43.09zapjamey: or it is of no interest?
21:43.29randystrying to install package files. When a .ipk file is selected from the file manager and "open in packages" is selected, "packages" sigsegv's
21:43.40jameykergoth: oe project is being created on
21:43.53jameyzap: what is your project and what is it called?
21:44.02kergothjamey: thanks
21:44.10randysis there another way to install .ipk files file local storage? i.e. by setting up "packages
21:45.01randysoops..  is there another way to install .ipk files file local storage? i.e. by setting up "packages" to read the files locally? If so, what directory should the .ipk files reside in?
21:46.10hhgate<joshua_> hmm
21:46.18hhgate<joshua_> kergoth: hmm you should move away from freenode too ;)
21:46.44kergothjoshua_: not a bad idea.  someone tried to get #opie to move, but nobody else but him wanted to
21:46.52kergothso he's sitting alone in #opie on oftc
21:47.18*** join/ TheMasterMind1 (
21:47.37pb_hi tmm1
21:47.49hhgate<joshua_> yeah
21:47.55hhgate<joshua_> kergoth: I think that was dilb
21:47.59jameyjoshua and hhgate are quite cosy together on openthink :)
21:47.59kergothyeah, it was
21:48.40hhgate<joshua_> heh
21:48.49jameybut with hhgate we could switch over without losing people who come here first
21:49.04hhgate<joshua_> right, that was my thought...
21:49.23kergothstill, i find hhgate annoying, and having to get a script to make it less annoying even more so
21:49.23hhgate<joshua_> I have a test hhgate that uses services on openthink to create 'fake' freenode users for those with clients that don't support my script
21:52.29ricmmone question, how am i going to check the md5 hash of these backups gzs
21:52.37ricmmwith what will i compare them? heh
21:53.36ricmmsorry i confused concepts
21:54.43hhgate<joshua_> alright I've done a cursory examination of my backups, now it's time to reiserfsck
21:54.52hhgate<joshua_> be back in 15 minutes with luck
21:55.08hhgate* joshua_ mount -o ro,remount /
21:56.35pb_reiser strikes again, huh?
21:56.39ricmmwow so nice
21:57.32ricmmnow i am traumatized, just flashed the bootldr and i cant install linux
21:59.02ricmmwhy it doesnt comes back after i press the joypad down the second time i reset the ipaq?
21:59.29ricmmit goes directly into ppc
21:59.33ricmmnot the bootldr screen
22:03.03jameyhold the joypad down longer than you hold down reset
22:03.13ricmmyeah yeah, i was pressing it too soft
22:03.21ricmmyou know, it has been used a lot hehe
22:03.47hhgate* joshua_ cringes and types "Yes" into reiserfsck
22:08.50CIAcommit to module 09haret by 07zap: This is the Handheld Reverse Engineering Tool, a program used to research
22:08.50CIAthe internal hardware structure of a Windows CE handheld in order to get
22:08.51CIALinux up and running on it. It also contains a linux loader (loads the
22:08.51CIAkernel and initrd into memory then kicks out wince and runs the kernel).
22:09.47CIAcommit to module 09haret by 07zap: The HaRET icons.
22:10.38hhgate<joshua_> zap: spiff
22:10.58hhgate<joshua_> does haret run in winceland?
22:11.09hhgate<joshua_> or does it immediately go into haretland?
22:11.27ricmmhmm they dont have the serial cable as they said yesterday
22:11.40ricmmthey only have is a usb to serial converter
22:13.54zaphhgate: its a wince app
22:14.09hhgate<joshua_> ah, ok
22:20.11ricmmso, will this usb to serial converter work?
22:20.24ricmmi guessed so
22:20.28ricmmnow i have to wait a week hehe
22:21.25zapjamey: alas the approach with kmalloc() doesnt work. You can't register several lcd_module's with the same .name field (or rather you can but the second will never be used)
22:23.11*** part/ rbm_ (
22:23.37pb_zap: the name field is how lcd_modules are distinguished, so that's to be expected.  You will have to set the name uniquely for each module.
22:24.11*** part/ plop0 (
22:24.16pb_I was thinking we should make the video drivers use their instance name rather than their class name (ie "pxafb0" rather than "pxafb") when they look up lcd modules.
22:24.22*** join/ TMM1 (
22:25.07jameyzap: each one needs a unique name
22:25.30jameypb_: right -- instance name makes more sense
22:28.28*** join/ HET2 (
22:30.44zapgood night everyone. feeling tired today
22:31.50CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07mickeyl: remove X11 stuff for now - will come back later
22:41.11CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07mickeyl: remove OToolbar - QPEToolBar is deprecated anyway
22:43.55CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07mickeyl: remove X11 abstraction classes - they will come back later but using
22:43.55CIAthe same strategy as zecke did when porting Opie to Qt/X11
22:59.04hhgate* joshua_ woots
22:59.12hhgate* joshua_ got his machine to boot
23:01.07pb_hhgate: congratulations
23:02.59hhgate<joshua_> heh
23:05.05hhgate* nelson ( joined
23:05.32jameyoh, nelson has defected to the other side
23:05.36*** topic/ by mallum -> Open Source Operating Systems for Handhelds. (i.e., we're not a ppc warez channel) || LAB boots to an LCD, boot> prompt, and can reflash itself on h1910! || OPIE: #opie. GPE: #gpe. Familiar and everything else: here. || v0.7.2 is out.
23:05.45mallumuh ?
23:05.45nelsonHehe, no I just want to see what it looks like from there.
23:05.52mallumnelson: please dont goooooooooooo
23:06.25*** topic/ by mallum -> Open Source Operating Systems for Handhelds. (i.e., we're not a ppc warez channel) || LAB boots to an LCD, boot> prompt, and can reflash itself on h1910! || OPIE: #opie. GPE: #gpe. Familiar and everything else: here. || v0.7.2 is out.
23:06.27hhgate<nelson> open/free technology center
23:06.40mallumI dont know what happened there, I think a pug may have changed the topic
23:06.49kergothjamey: the server #kernelnewbies, #blob, etc moved to a while ago
23:07.22nelsonmallum: pugs.  Ya just can't trust 'em.
23:07.30pb_ah, he's back.
23:07.41mallumnelson: they are very mischivious
23:08.07nelsonCan't be any worse than our husky.
23:09.24mallumnelson: heres the culprit
23:09.53Leedsmy God that's ugly!
23:10.02Leedscute dog though...
23:10.14hhgate<joshua_> heh
23:10.17mallumLeeds: hehe
23:10.20nelsonAwfully furry!
23:10.37mallumI got alot more furry. shaved a bit now though
23:10.47nelsonYou're not ... you're not ... *kissing* that dog, are you???
23:11.02nelson(kissing dogs is fine; letting them kiss back is NOT!)
23:11.16mallumthey are licking my feet atm
23:11.27Leedspoor dogs
23:11.31nelsonfaithful dog on master's feet.
23:11.57mallumI told them off for attacking laptop, thus foot lick
23:12.32nelsonI could just see one of my dogs carrying off my iPAQ ... NOT!  Bad dog, bad dog!
23:14.18mallumI like it when they watch tv
23:15.10hhgate<joshua_> heh
23:15.19hhgate<joshua_> my hamster used to sit there and watch tv.
23:16.15mallumjoshua_: arnie the other pug, watched most of 'The Hulk'. Its seems to be dark things with lots of flashes of color in it he like
23:16.46hhgate<joshua_> heh
23:16.54hhgate<joshua_> brb feeding cat
23:19.46hhgate<joshua_> back
23:22.09*** join/ mithro (
23:24.21jameylater all
23:24.27hhgate<joshua_> night jamey
23:24.35hhgate* AngelofCarnage ( joined
23:29.18ricmmquien tiene una ipaq
23:29.47ricmmthe amsg scaped to the other networks
23:29.58hhgate<joshua_> ricmm
23:30.03hhgate<joshua_> yo tengo una ipaq
23:30.46ricmmyo s?
23:30.57ricmmahora, tu estas muy lejos de mi como para prestarme un cable serial
23:31.32hhgate<joshua_> jeje
23:31.44pigeonmorning ricmm joshua_
23:31.49hhgate<joshua_> morning pigeon
23:31.52ricmmmorning pigeon
23:33.06hhgate* joshua_ bats it in ricmm's direction
23:34.20ricmmpoor cat :/
23:35.01hhgate<joshua_> heh
23:38.12ricmmi think i am going to open this cradle and solder the cables
23:38.25ricmmjoshua_: is there any tutorial on the web
23:38.29ricmmor should i call joshua hehe
23:38.55*** join/ AndiM (
23:42.40ricmmiirc the 3900 cradle is not compatible with an 3700 right?
23:45.26pigeonricmm: I think that's correct, yes.
23:45.43pigeon36/37 differs from 38 and so on.
23:53.31ricmmjoshua_: how do i make the serial cable
23:53.34hhgate<joshua_> ricmm: I believe there is a tutorial
23:53.44ricmmive been looking for it
23:54.23hhgate<joshua_> hehe
23:55.16ricmmit is a little messy
23:55.23ricmmill open the cradle this night to see the sizes
23:55.40AndiMDoes anyone have any hints for porting to Dell Axim?
23:56.23AndiMI know that demo is working on it, but he doesn't freakin' answer...
23:56.52AndiMAnd I'd like to know further details, since porting work is not exactly too easy...
23:57.20hhgate<joshua_> ricmm: alright

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