irclog2html for on 20031126

00:01.16Spyroseletz: sorry baby emergency. back now
00:01.58seletzSpyro: heh, got a child to watch for?
00:02.02jacquesso someone is actually working on pxa pcmcia ide? that's really good news
00:02.25seletzyeah, I absolutely _need_ it.
00:02.39Spyrook... lets get cracking
00:02.42seletzSpyro: same over here ;)
00:03.26seletzWell, i just started a new patch series, goal: Break Up Tha Mess, Man
00:04.32seletzSpyro: CF isnt that hard, i did it for the SA in BLOB, so ...
00:07.35*** join/ Leeds (
00:07.54zappb_: hmm, interesting, mq11xx has a common way of switching backlight and disabling the chip. Won't they work on h5400?
00:08.13*** part/ ferringb (
00:11.43pb_zap: I don't know.
00:11.59zappb_: in particular, GC00R bit 0 turns off power to flat panel interface and gfx controller
00:12.25pb_zap: but leaves the rest of the chip powered?
00:13.17zapaha so samcop powers it off completely?
00:13.31zapthats perhaps better indeed
00:14.14zapon axim this is either impossible or done through pxa gpios
00:14.24zapbecause there's no samcop and such
00:18.07zappb_: btw why you did separated lcd and backlight modules?
00:18.20zappb_: aren't they responsible for almost the same?
00:18.28pb_zap: that was jamey's architecture, but I guess because they are conceptually different things.
00:19.01zapused by different clients?
00:19.10pb_in theory
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00:30.58hhgate* Carnia ( joined
00:34.45pigeonhmm, we actually have a e740 here.
00:38.17*** part/ zap (~zap@
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00:41.12zapgood night everyone
00:41.19*** join/ ricmm (ricky@
00:43.01pigeonI got my arm cd from
00:43.43Leedsnow all you need is the delivery from! ;)
00:44.01*** join/ tmbg37 (
00:44.59tmbg37hey guys, i got my ipaq back from HP
00:45.06ricmmand i got a new phone
00:45.10ricmmwe are all getting stuff
00:45.23tmbg37but i still can't apply a ROM update
00:45.37LeedsI got... a holiday to go on tomorrow (Thursday) :-)
00:45.38tmbg37and bootblaster still tells me that flash is in an unrecognized state
00:45.44ricmmLeeds: where to
00:46.12Leedsricmm: Paris
00:46.16*** join/ fr0zen (
00:46.24ricmmLeeds: great
00:46.46Leedsricmm: yeah :-)  I'm going partly for a concert and partly because... well.. why not? :-)
00:47.53LeedsI've never been to South America... been to USA, Europe, Asia, Australia...
00:48.25ricmmWhy never South America
00:48.34Leedshaven't made it yet :-)
00:48.39ricmmyou should come here, you are going to NEVER find a beach or a climate like the one in here :P
00:49.22Leedssome day... I'll hold you to that...
00:50.23tmbg37i guess my problem is out of your guy's scope
00:51.01tmbg37i don't know how that sentence was supposed to come out
00:51.20Leedstmbg37: you didn't explain your problem, really... but yeah - I don't really know about bootblaster... that's a bit specialised
00:51.48tmbg37my problem is that i can't apply hp rom updates to my ipaq
00:52.01ricmmask jamey
00:52.03ricmmwhen he comes in
00:52.06Leedsask HP...
00:52.11ricmmibot seen jamey?
00:52.13jamey <~jamey@3ffe:4015:ffff:11:2e0:63ff:fe81:cc92> was last seen on IRC in channel, 5h 48m 49s ago, saying: 'later all'.
00:52.13tmbg37and that bootblaster tells me that my flash is in an unverified state
00:54.22pigeonLeeds: btw, does look funny :)
00:55.04Leedspigeon: um, porn?
00:55.38pigeonsorry, i mean
00:55.49Leedsbah :-)
00:56.10Leedsyes, does look funny... less so :-)
01:23.35pigeon~change 6750 usd to aud
01:26.20*** join/ fr0zen (
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01:43.58CIAcommit to module 09gpe/base/gpe-contacts by 07moray: There is no 'cs' translation in CVS, so removing from LINGUAS.
01:45.18CIAcommit to module 09gpe/base/gpe-edit by 07moray: There is no cs translation in CVS, so removing from LINGUAS to fix build.
01:50.12*** join/ tmbg37_ (
01:50.46tmbg37_so i just tried flashing my backup bootloader image, and bootblaster says that it's not a valid image
01:55.39tmbg37does anyone have a 5450 bootloader image they could lend me?
01:59.29tmbg37is anyone here at all?
02:05.43*** join/ juser123 (
02:05.52juser123howdy all!
02:06.16tmbg37juser123, would you happen to have a h5400?
02:06.45juser123nope.. got a sick h3600
02:07.24juser123I seem to have lost my boot kernel, is there anyway I can get at my data?
02:07.44juser123i can paste in the message i get after trying to boot.
02:07.46tmbg37there's probably some stuff you can do with the bootldr, but i'm not sure how
02:08.14juser123I was thinking about reloading the kernel via the bootldr but didn't want to loose the rest of the data on the unit.
02:08.28tmbg37well, that's possible too
02:08.34tmbg37but like i said, i don't know how
02:08.48juser123anyone have an idea. I really don't want to loose the $500 bucks in mileage expense records on this unit.
02:10.48tmbg37if you check back later here, i'm sure there will be more knowledgeable people than i
02:11.36juser123cool. thanks.
02:11.41pigeonjuser123: what exactly has happened?
02:12.10juser123well.. I was using it. suspended it. came back several hours later and it wouldn't turn on.
02:12.23juser123so i gave it the reset and all it would do was the bootldr
02:12.46juser123I'm in on the bootldr via serial and can talk with it, jsut no boot. says kernel is not cool.
02:12.53pigeonhmm and so what's the booting error now?
02:13.00juser123I can paste in the exact error if that would help
02:13.14juser123booting boot/zImage from partition >root<
02:13.14juser123find_inode failed for name=zImage-2.4.19-rmk6-pxa1-hh13
02:13.14juser123Failed to resolve inode file structure
02:13.14juser123loaded file of size = 0x00000000 at location 0xC0008000
02:13.14juser123kernel partition base C0008000
02:13.19juser123Unrecognized kernel image
02:13.57pigeonwell, first to one of your questions, you can dump and save the whole root image in bootldr.
02:14.54pigeonlooks like you have a bad filesystem, but i don't see why it will happen.
02:14.59juser123ok. so dump the image and then try to re-load? what can I use to get at the image data?
02:15.21tmbg37compile in jffs support for your kernel, maybe?
02:15.47juser123ahh.. then I can mount it.  great idea. I'll give it a swing
02:15.50pigeonanother thing, you should be able to mount and see files in the fs on the flash in bootldr, too.
02:16.00juser123how do i do that?
02:16.35juser123i have not played with the bootldr except for initial setup of the environment
02:16.36pigeonhmm check the help in the bootldr, i cannot remember the exact command.
02:16.46juser123ok.  checking.  brb
02:17.02tmbg37pigeon, would you know where i could find a parrot image for 5450s?
02:17.23tmbg37mine seems to be somewhat corrupt
02:17.24pigeontmbg37: no clue, i thought it would be at but it's not.
02:18.20fr0zenwow, i had a similar prob last week (but i didn't loose anything i cared about) i'll have tp rmember all this :)
02:19.02pigeonjuser123: you were trying to boot a kernel that you build yourself?
02:19.03tmbg37pigeon, is it possible that the 3900 bootloader will work?
02:19.28pigeonI would say no.
02:19.57juser123prigeon: nope. just normal usage and it pooped out.
02:20.24juser123sorry prgeon.
02:20.28pigeonjuser123: right... hmm...
02:20.46juser123dang.. pigeon.. i'll get it right. too freaked out over loosing data right now. sorry.
02:21.34tmbg37fr0zen, have you a 5400?
02:24.45pigeonjuser123: you should be able to download the root partition by "save root" over xmodem.
02:25.26juser123pigeon: xmodeming as we speak.  then I'll try to mount it and extract my data.
02:26.37MonMotharemember, you can't just loop it, you'll need mtdloop support
02:33.00*** join/ ryan_ (
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02:45.20juser123huh.. mtdloop support?
02:45.34*** join/ brulez (
02:52.05brulezdoes the ipaq normally use the flash space as ram?
02:54.37brulezwhat does the "cached" space represent in the memory tab of sysinfo?
02:58.00*** join/ france (
02:58.57pigeonbrulez: number of bytes of data cached by the kernel (i know this isn't really a very good description though)
03:01.36brulezpigeon: is that being cached in the flash rom section of memory instead of the volatile ram?
03:02.24MonMothaisn't that that the fs read cache?
03:02.26MonMothaor is that buffers?
03:03.17pigeonno, not flash rom, the ram I think.
03:03.21pigeonyes, fs read cache
03:08.30tmbg37brulez, MonMotha, are either of you 5400 users?
03:08.40MonMothanope, I have a good ol' 3765
03:09.04brulezno, ipaq 3850
03:13.39*** join/ ricmm (ricky@
03:17.29tmbg37kergoth, think you might be able to tell me where i can get a h5450 parrot image?
03:17.40kergothi dont even own an ipaq :)
03:17.45kergothso nope
03:17.49tmbg37oh :(
03:18.28*** join/ fifth (
03:18.46fifthhi all
03:19.04*** join/ seletz_ (
03:19.06francefifth: hi
03:19.11fifthcan anyone give advice on flashing wince back onto a 3850
03:19.15franceibot parrot image
03:19.17france: I wish you would RTFM.
03:19.34franceibot fishslap yourself
03:19.37ACTION slaps yourself up side the head with a wet fish.
03:19.49franceibot fishslap ibot
03:19.52ACTION slaps ibot up side the head with a wet fish.
03:20.15fifthi've flashed from an update but when booting it dies on 'disabling lcd controller'
03:20.22MonMothatmbg37: I believe there is a wince feed
03:20.53francetmbg37: and there are instructions on taking an image from Compaq upgrade CDs on the wiki
03:20.59franceMonMotha: Hi!
03:21.04MonMothahello france
03:21.38francefifth: tell us more!
03:22.58francefifth: how did you do this?  How did you verify that the image used for the update was for your HW, etc....
03:23.18fifthok, i used the compaq upgrade SP21474 and extracted the NK_Glamis3812021WWE.nbf file and deleted the 1st 32 bytes, gzipped it and used bootlaoder to 'load root'
03:23.44fifthbut when i reset or boot it stops with the 'lcd disableing' message
03:23.53francefifth: that is perfect!
03:24.11fifthso ... i'm putting familiar/opie back on for now
03:24.29fifthjust the my wireless card doesnt work to well with familiar
03:24.47fifthfrance ... but it doesnt work :(
03:25.02francefifth: you did a good job!  you did not even come close to creating a brick.  it sounds like you loaded a wince image that did not match your HW.
03:25.21pigeonfrance: hi!
03:25.34fifthcould be, i'll need to go back and check on the comapq site
03:25.38francepigeon: Hi!
03:26.00francefifth: since you have attempted to reload familar, tehn I assume that you have a boot prompt?
03:26.20fifthyep, wasnt going to touch that until i could boot
03:26.46fifthgot linux booting as i type ...
03:27.18francefifth: Well Done!
03:27.26francefifth: which model did you say you had?
03:27.27fifth:) thanks
03:29.21franceon somebody has loaded a 3800 and a 3870 image.
03:29.50fifthcool, thanks i'll check it out
03:31.03francedoes your unit have blue tooth?
03:31.25fifthi guesss the 3800 image should be okay
03:31.27francethen we know that the 3870 image will probably not work on your unit.
03:31.46francefifth: :-)
03:32.30fifth:) worth a shot ...
03:33.16fifthjust rechecked the compaq downloads, looks like i did download the correct image ... strange
03:34.37francefifth: keep at you are on the right track, I suspect that you will get it soon.
03:35.12francefifth: When you do find the solution, please feel free to add to the wiki.  This will make it easier for anybody else with similar issues.
03:35.22fifthyep, will do
03:36.49tmbg37france, my problem is that i don't have the correct parrot firmware
03:37.32francetmbg37: which model do you have?
03:38.03tmbg37also, i checked the wince feed, and it wasn't there
03:39.11fifthfrance: thanks for the help
03:40.23francefifth: you are welcome
03:40.33francefifth: you may also want to see:
03:40.56francethere is a person that restored their 3850 and give the exact filenames and procedure they used.
03:41.13francetmbg37: I am still hunting for about for something.
03:41.24fifththanks, but i've tried that as well, flashed the split files individually and got the same result
03:42.30francefifth: I have a 3850 at the office but I will not be back in until Monday.
03:42.51francefifth: if you do not have it by then, I would be happy to see what happens on my unit.
03:43.24fifththanks, appreciate it ... i'll see how i get on
03:46.13francetmbg37: do you have pocketpc restored?
03:46.53francetmbg37: It is sort of late and my memory is fuzzy, but I do remeber seeing the solution to your problem, I just can not find it. <sigh>
03:50.02*** part/ glm2k (
03:50.31tmbg37yeah, i have it restored, but i can't apply HP ROM updates, and bootblaster can't recognize the bootloader
03:50.52fifthtmbg37, theres a rom update at the hp site for your model, you can extract the parrot from the update ...
03:51.33tmbg37i've tried that
03:51.49fifthso you got the parrot.bin file?
03:51.59fifthand tried to load bootldr?
03:52.31tmbg37where's that?
03:52.43franceI would hope he tried load root, to verify wince works, before replacing the bootldr.
03:53.02tmbg37no, it can boot fine
03:53.18tmbg37but i can't apply rom updates and bootblaster can't recognize the bootloader
03:54.03fifthhave a look at the link to that france posted above
03:54.17francefifth: :-)
03:54.40francewell it is that time.  I must head off to sleep.
03:54.51tmbg37yeah, i'm kind of tired too
03:55.12fifthi'm almost considering not bothering, its not late anymore, its early :(
03:57.51fifthbye all
03:57.56fifthgot to go
03:58.09francegood night!
04:54.44*** join/ destroyer (
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04:59.43juser123I'm back. did the save root and followed the mount proceedure in the wiki. no joy. I get a mounted jffs2 but it does not contain the stuff I can see if I do a ls from the bootldr. help.
05:00.38tmbg37well, what is in it?
05:00.48juser123just /usr
05:01.07tmbg37that's weird
05:01.20juser123from the bootldr i can ls around and see the files I'm after.  no kidding that's weird.
05:01.47juser123I'm trying a save all and see if that is any different, but it's a 2hour wait to see.
05:02.36juser123i had to insmod the modules and create the node files for the mount to work.  I'm running SuSE9.0
05:02.54tmbg37you should use devfs :)
05:03.26juser123is there a wiki on how to do that?
05:03.31tmbg37it automatically makes devices on the fly
05:03.39tmbg37just compile your kernel with it enabled
05:04.05tmbg37it's under filesystems
05:04.29juser123coolness. is there a way to see if it's already compiled in?
05:04.56tmbg37yes, if you need to use mknod, then it's not compiled in
05:05.29tmbg37also, usb serial converter devices are listed as /dev/usb/tts/0 rather than /dev/ttyUSB0
05:05.43juser123i guess that would be obvious. i'll remove the mtdblock under /dev and compile in the support.
05:06.11juser123yup.. i have a usb serial and it is listed as ttyusb0... off to the kernel compile races.
05:06.53tmbg37most of the other devices have the same names, though
05:07.27tmbg37y'know, for compatability
05:07.42tmbg37anyway, i find it incredibly useful, and cool
05:08.21tmbg37maybe a little frustrating when a device that you want to be there isn't, but what can you do
05:08.39juser123excellent. I'll give it a shot. its midnight so what the heck, right?
05:10.02tmbg37geez, it is midnight
05:10.13tmbg37i've still got homework to do :(
05:14.04juser123hehe. yeah.
05:14.53tmbg37so today the cd-rom drive in my old computer crapped out
05:15.09tmbg37and the other one in it, which is also a cd-rw drive, really really sucks
05:15.26tmbg37i wanted to install ut2003 on it, but it looks like that won't be happening for a while
05:15.44tmbg37i just installed linux on it yesterday
05:16.28juser123while I've been waiting I installed winXp on a vmware slice under linux.  works pretty well.
05:16.50tmbg37vmware or windows :-P?
05:19.10juser123vmware with a WinXP Pro guest running in it. not too bad on performance.
05:19.55juser123the vmware... :)
05:20.07juser123too slow on the up take.
05:20.34juser123I think that is my queue to pull the plug tonight and see what happens in the morning.
05:21.19*** part/ juser123 (
05:32.57hhgate* AngelofCarnage ( joined
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05:34.22pigeonmorning joshua_
05:34.27joshua_sleepnight pigeon
05:34.30pigeonnite joshua_
05:34.39pigeongeez, time flies.
05:34.42hhgate<joshua_> yes
05:47.40*** join/ ljp_ (~lpotter@
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05:56.24*** join/ omi007 (~omi@
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06:40.01omi007somebody up?
06:47.35*** join/ yann_ (
06:52.10omi007How do I get the latest kernel with ipkg? What do I put in /etc/ipkg.conf? Thanks a lot!
07:09.07Burner_uniomi007: hmm what kernel do you have installed?
07:09.11Burner_unihh30 ?
07:09.21Burner_uniI think thats the newest.
07:14.10Burner_uniwell I need to go now. maybe so elese is arround ... but as far as I heard there is some working on 2.6 and at the end of this week +- 3 days 1.0.3 should be released.
07:14.14Burner_uniHave a nice day :)
07:35.00*** join/ _2x4ever_ (~vlad@
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08:01.18omi007Burner_uni: sorry for the delay! uname -a gives "Linux familiar 2.4.19-rmk6-pxa1-hh30"!
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08:56.54Spyroseletz_: hi
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09:10.45omi007hi! Could somebody tell me what configuration I have to use in /etc/ipkg.conf
09:11.09omi007in order to get the latest kernel and gpe? Currently I have the stable 0.7.2!
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09:56.20omi007hi! Why is "/sbin/hwclock" telling me: "hwclock: Could not access RTC: Device or resource busy"?
09:56.36CIAcommit to module 09gpe/base/gpe-conf by 07florian:  Changes icon to symbol for selected button now.
09:57.20omi007I'm asking because the clock is off by approx. 1 min/h! So I try "/sbin/hwclock --systohc"!
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10:38.48absolvo_teppl, i wonder if familiar linux runs on hp 2210 ipaq. Does anybody know?
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10:50.11Burner23hi Cathore
10:50.56Burner23hmm well bye.
10:50.59*** part/ Burner23 (
10:59.38Cathoreohh hi
11:02.13absolvo_tedoes the topic mean that Familiar runs on 1910???
11:02.26absolvo_teshit, i understand damn nothing
11:09.46morayabsolvo_te: it means the experimental new bootloader runs on a 1910, so progress is being made
11:10.52*** join/ Nermal (
11:12.39ryan_hey joshua_ any luck with ur lcd?
11:13.22Cathorei got working familiar 0.72 on my h5450... :-)
11:13.42Cathorebut atm without wlan... can anyone help me?
11:14.03*** join/ ryan (
11:14.20Spyroseletz_: hello?
11:15.11absolvo_temoray oh i see...
11:18.11*** join/ pole (
11:33.57omi007hi ryan! Do You know why I cannot access the hardware-clock with /sbin/hwclock! I keep
11:34.12omi007geting "hwclock: Could not access RTC: Device or resource busy"!
11:37.01pigeonomi007: atd is running?
11:40.07ryanhi omi007
11:40.13ryanwhat he said ^^^^
11:41.31Cathoreis there a special way to enable wlan on ipaq h5450??
11:45.44omi007pigeon: yep! I'm asking because I would like to ntpdate -> "/sbin/hwclock --systohc"!
11:46.08omi007Otherwise my internal clock is slow by 1 min per hour - or even more!
11:48.10omi007On my SuSE8.2-Linux-Box I do that, even if atd is running! It shouldn't be a resource-problem?
12:12.34*** join/ pole (
12:14.31Spyroseletz_: hello?
12:17.33*** join/ Cathore (~dkjfje@
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12:29.27Cathoreanyone there??
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13:55.37CIAcommit to module 09apps by 07mallum: composite bits updated to newer api. lowlight experiments
14:06.22*** join/ qfh (~qfh@
14:12.21ricmmit is not nice when someone comes and say, the deadline for the thing is Dec 3
14:12.26ricmmand you have not yet started and it is long
14:13.42*** join/ Emonk (
14:17.07Leedsricmm: you weren't expecting sleep between now and then, were you?
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14:22.33Tyg_w_babiesrehi all
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14:26.58dc_tiibot seen Morn
14:26.59i haven't seen 'morn', dc_ti
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14:47.57mallumLeeds: hi
14:48.07mallumLeeds: how do I know if my battery's toast ?
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15:04.31Leedsmallum: iPAQ battery?  why do you think it might be?
15:04.55mallumLeeds: yeah light not coming on :/
15:05.06Leedswith a running kernel?
15:05.37TyggerBobMallum: it's running?
15:05.40Leedshmm... is it discharged?  a new kernel?
15:06.20mallumTyggerBob: no not yet
15:06.34TyggerBobok.. I thought you said it had a running kernel..
15:06.47TyggerBobLeeds, you use sqlite at all?
15:06.48mallumLeeds: last time I used it, did an ipkg upgrade, rebooted , gets to blank X and just hangs so left it
15:07.06LeedsTyggerBob: I think I looked at it briefly once
15:07.12Leedsmallum: nothing on the serial?
15:07.13TyggerBobI'm stuck...
15:07.14*** part/ karm_ (
15:07.27TyggerBobnever mind. got out of it.
15:07.27Leedsand if you boot to a shell does it work?
15:07.51mallumLeeds: I cant hit the reset switch whilst its in its cradle to get serial
15:08.15Leedsmallum: sure you can!  the paperclip trick...
15:08.23TyggerBobMallum: you have a couple seconds to get it into the cradle before it starts booting
15:10.44Leedsmallum: if you bend up the end of a paperclip, you can stick it in and hit reset while in the cradle...
15:11.13mallumLeeds: okey. good find a paperclip
15:12.53Leedswell... I've got a few here :-)
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15:44.34omi007I messed up /etc/ipkg.conf! What are the entries to get the "latest unstable" for h55xx? Thanks!
15:46.31TyggerBobomi007: src/gz unstable
15:49.29*** join/ france (
15:50.35TyggerBobFrance: Hiya
15:50.47franceTyggerBob: Hello!
15:51.06ricmmwhy do i get unresolved symbols with my alsa drivers
15:51.14ricmmif the system maps show the missing symbols inside
15:51.17franceyou are not alone!
15:51.24absolvo_teomi007: did familiar work on your 55?
15:51.34francethe alsa drivers give everybody headaches.
15:52.53omi007absolvo_te: Every time I (re)install familiar (after switching back to WinCE) something more works :-)
15:53.59omi007absolvo_te: Resume does not work :-(; the clock is strange (atd somehow locks the RTC!)
15:55.23omi007absolvo_te: In order to /sbin/hwclock -w I had to first stop atd :-P
15:56.28franceomi007: is the improvement with the same version of familiar or newer versions?
15:56.55francejg: good morning
15:57.20francejg: snow predictected for Sunday!
15:58.05francejg: I was just chatting with ricmm, he is having problems with the alsa drivers (along with everybody else).
15:58.09omi007france: I have a version dated Nov. 17 (0.7.2 stable), then update/upgraded!
15:58.16francejg: Any suggestion as to whom he should bug?
15:58.43*** join/ dc__ti (~dctanner@
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15:58.53franceomi007: what type of handheld device are you using?
15:59.12Harlekinwhat was the command in bootldr to load a certain file as kernel
15:59.21omi007france: h5550!
15:59.36TyggerBobRicmm: what problem are you having witht the alsa drivers?
15:59.47TyggerBobI got them to work ok on my 5450
15:59.54TyggerBobchewy, but it works
16:00.06ricmmTyggerBob: i mean, on my pc :P
16:00.19TyggerBobOhhhh. sorry
16:01.24*** join/ destroyer (
16:01.57omi007TyggerBob: Sound seems to work altough I would like alarms not to go via ALSA! Is that possible?
16:02.27TyggerBobdunno.. just started playing with alsa yesterday
16:14.39CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07ar: work around sucky distributions (from HEAD)
16:14.52jgfrance: any chance I'll get to try out my brand-spanking new snowblower?
16:15.25*** join/ MonMotha (
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16:17.28ricmmfixed hehe
16:20.35*** join/ tomasito (
16:27.38TyggerBobjg: what kind of snowblower do you have?
16:28.17ryan_TyggerBob: i think her name is Shelly
16:31.37hhgate<joshua_sleep> ooh spiffy
16:31.51hhgate<joshua_> france: how much?
16:33.57TyggerBobRehi Josh
16:34.16hhgate<joshua_> hi TyggerBob
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16:38.23jgTyggerBob: as I have about 300 ft (almost 100meters) of driveway, a pretty big 2 stage one.
16:39.26nelsonjg: I have 600' of driveway.
16:39.38nelsonjg: and a truck with a plow!  Ya gotta.
16:40.09jgTyggerBob: mine's about a 10hp unit, IIRC.
16:40.22jgnelson: If I lived where you do, I probably would too....
16:40.47TyggerBobnelson: you guys get a lot of snow there too?
16:41.25nelsonTyggerBob: actually, not so very much.  We're far enough from Lake Ontario that it's already dropped its snow by the time it gets to us.
16:43.03jgwe sometimes get "interesting" north-easters....
16:43.49nelsonjg: yes, that would be a problem for you.  For us, that usually brings freezing rain.  Not a problem ... unless it comes to be an inch thick!
16:49.44hhgate<joshua_> jg: is it possible to 5turn off x11's keyboard autorepeat on an application level?
16:49.59mallumhhgate: xset
16:50.29TyggerBobI'm in Ottawa here and we get LOTS of snow.. as well as the odd freezing rain storm
16:50.40TyggerBobthat's and it's FRIGGIN cold ;)
16:53.05*** join/ glm2k (
16:53.53hhgate<joshua_> mallum: that's system level..
16:54.11hhgate<joshua_> mallum: I'm writing a game, and I don't want holds of keys to autorepeat..
16:54.21mallumhhgate: oh ok. check the source for xset then ;-)
16:54.28hhgate<joshua_> heh
16:54.30mallumhhgate: wait I'll tell you the xlib call
16:54.38hhgate<joshua_> well that would mean that I'd have to clean up after myself when I exit my app...
16:54.46hhgate<joshua_> alright thanks\
16:54.51hhgate<joshua_> s/\\//
16:56.01mallumhhgate: XAutoRepeatOn(Display *dpy) + XAutoRepeatOff(DIsplay *dpy)
16:56.49mallumhhgate: if its a game, Id also grab the keyboard and take control of it
16:56.57mallumhhgate: just release it when you exit
16:57.47hhgate<joshua_> I do grab the keyboard...
16:58.49hhgate<joshua_> thanks
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17:30.35mallumhhgate: what game is it ?
17:34.43hhgate<joshua_> X-Plane
17:34.47hhgate* joshua_ eating lunch, bb in 10
17:37.14ricmmhey joshua
17:37.15francehhgate: only a few inches.
17:38.15mallumhhgate: whats X-Plane ?
17:38.21mallumhhgate: please eplain X-Plane
17:41.02*** join/ TheMasterMind1 (~aman@
17:41.08hhgate<joshua_> I'm porting it to Linux
17:41.42Leedsah, that
17:42.26OrmodUmm, I think x-plane works on Wine.
17:42.38OrmodBut of course a native port is desirable.
17:43.22hhgate<joshua_> x-plane does work under wine, although my tests show native is MUCH faster
17:43.40hhgate* joshua_ lunching
17:44.08*** join/ pole (
17:44.17CIAcommit to module 09gpe/base/gpe-beam by 07florian: Added french to list of translations.
17:46.02CIAcommit to module 09gpe/base/gpe-aerial by 07florian: Added French to list of translations.
17:52.06hhgate* joshua_ </lunch>
18:05.57hhgate<joshua_> from oss.pdf: "Trying to play data in an unsupported format is a fatal error. The result is usually just loud nouse which may damage ears, headphones, speakers, concrete walls, and other unprotected objects."
18:09.26jobiHere we have an iPAQ that does not start anymore, after it seems to have run out of battery
18:09.27*** join/ pole (
18:11.00jobiI already had the case, and after a while of loading, and sometime by removing the battery, it finally started, but this time it seems dead
18:11.12jobianyone has any such experience ?
18:12.03francejobi: which model?
18:12.45franceibot 5500 battery
18:12.47france: I give up, what is it?
18:12.57franceibot fishslap ibot
18:13.00ACTION slaps ibot up side the head with a wet fish.
18:15.37francejobi: from my fuzzy memory, the 5500 is very similar to the 5400, but I thought the batter charger was under software control.
18:15.43francejobi: which os are you using?
18:16.05jobifrance: linux
18:17.27franceIt makes me wonder if the battery charger is working when the unit is suspended.
18:17.43francejobi: the person that is working on the 5500 port is on holiday until monday.
18:19.13franceor it could be a dead battery
18:19.40TyggerBobJobi, do you have an expansion sleeve with a battery in it?
18:20.08TyggerBobwhen you plug it in, is the light on the back of the sleeve flashing?
18:22.07jobiTyggerBob: I just plugged it and it vibrated
18:22.21TyggerBobthat's a good sign
18:22.28TyggerBobis the sleeve flashing?
18:22.33jobiand the green light is on
18:22.39TyggerBobtry booting it
18:22.42jobiseems back to life, thanks
18:24.04jobiit was a bit of a panic here, we have a demo tomorrow
18:24.16TyggerBobglad things are working..
18:24.20TyggerBobwhatcha demo'ing?
18:24.38jobisip services on ipaq
18:24.52TyggerBobFrance, do you wiki at all?
18:25.35TyggerBobhow does one get started?
18:26.00TyggerBobI wanted to set up a page about all the voodoo about using a 54/5xx with familiar
18:26.23francesee the bottom of
18:26.38TyggerBoba script to start the wifi, how to reclaim the extra 16/32mb of flash in mtdblock/2 etc...
18:26.44franceto get started pick a point in the hierarchy.
18:28.38franceso all you need to do, is find where you want to add your new page and add the link to the page, which will create a new page.
18:28.50franceit is so easy even a VP can do it. :-)
18:29.13franceat times it is too easy, and I need the help of a 10 year old to figure things out.
18:31.21*** join/ trewin (~asdw@
18:31.55trewinhi, i restored wince_img
18:32.38trewinand have the bootldr.. everything is ok.. but when i do a soft-reset .. it turns everything like a hard-reset
18:32.43franceTyggerBob: play with the sandbox.  I You will get the hang of it.  In the worst case just send an e-mail to and we can revert back to a known good page, as everthing is under revision control.
18:32.51trewinthis is in an ipaq3630
18:33.04trewincan anyone tell me why?
18:33.14francetrewin: I assume that this is when running wince
18:34.09francewince keeps much of its data in DRAM, when you reset the unit and pop into the bootldr, DRAM gets reset as the bootldr needs some DRAM its own execution.
18:34.33trewini have the bootldr and had the linux.. and now i restored the wince image.. and when i do a soft-reset.. it erases everything and start the wince from the beggining... like the hard-reset
18:34.42francethe newer bootldrs, should allow a soft reboot back into wince with out loading the bootldr into DRAM, unless you hold down one of the buttons on the unit during the reset.
18:35.15trewini have the 2.21.12 version
18:36.00trewinso.. what can i do?
18:37.27franceibot booting wince
18:37.29france: bugger all, i dunno
18:40.23francethere was a long discussion on the ipaq mailing list in early nov 2002 on this subject, that I am trying to find in the archives.
18:40.56franceIf I find the tread of e-mails, it is probably faster than me typing everything. :-)
18:41.49francetrewin: try:, but there is some more current data.
18:48.32TyggerBobFrance: I tried adding a WikiName to the sandbox (BobDavies) but it doesn't seem to like it. is it because the guy above ended in a !?
18:49.06franceTyggerBob: looking...
18:50.04franceso what happens when you click on the ? after your name?
18:51.01TyggerBobI get it now
18:51.06TyggerBobOk.. that's too easy
18:51.21franceTyggerBob: your welcome!
19:02.52*** join/ zap (~zap@
19:14.09silverwolfIs there a C++ IDE for the PDA?
19:14.12silverwolfin wince
19:16.33zapcrazy enough to write code on a PDA?
19:17.01*** join/ tomasito (
19:23.45trewinwhere can i get the dd command for windows?
19:25.41TyggerBobibot: what's google?
19:25.43well, google is a search engine found at
19:26.36trewinyes.. i'm tryng there
19:26.55trewinbut no luck
19:30.09trewinthank you
19:46.23*** join/ dIEhARD (
19:47.14dIEhARDhow can i setup a cisco aironet card on familiar? no driver loads automatically!
19:50.18*** join/ BBrox (
19:50.32franceibot aironet
19:50.37france: bugger all, i dunno
19:50.48franceibot pcmcia
19:50.49i guess pcmcia is Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.  People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
19:50.59franceibot wireless
19:51.01extra, extra, read all about it, wireless is The Z supports most prism2 compact flash based wireless 802.11b cards as well as a few others, see or or or see wifi
19:52.48francedIEhARD: on the mailing lists there has been never ending discussions, like:
19:54.00dIEhARDthank you france
19:55.36franceyour welcome
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20:31.24Spyroseletz_: hello??!
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22:22.11fifthhi all
22:23.07fifthcan anyone help with a post reflash (wince) problem?
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22:26.40fifthanyone know how to set the model number string after a re-flash to show correct model and allows compaq udates>
22:29.12*** join/ ade|desk (
22:43.34fifthbye all
22:48.13jacquesquiet here today
22:48.54nexexa lot of ppl have work off till monday
22:49.06LeedsAmerican people, that is...
22:49.41nexexwell, i would think a large percentage of the people here, this time of day would be American :)
22:49.59Leedsnot really...
22:50.08pigeonmorning Leeds!
22:50.17pigeonmorning jacques!
22:50.18Leedsthere's a lot of late-night Europeans or early-morning Australians :-)
22:50.21pigeonmorning nexex!
22:50.25Leedsevening pigeon!
22:56.26jacqueshi pigeon :-)
22:56.36jacquesthose damn americans
22:56.38jacquesso lazy
22:57.00jacquesoh yeah, I am one
23:01.51*** join/ BillSteamShovel (~BillSteam@
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23:04.43hhgate<joshua_> whee
23:04.48hhgate<joshua_> I just made gdb core
23:05.26*** join/ Ormod2 (
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23:11.38CIAcommit to module 09linux/kernel26 by 07zap: Dell Axim X5/MediaQ 1132 fbdev updated to match last changes
23:11.38CIAin mq1100fb architecture.
23:12.44CIAcommit to module 09linux/kernel26 by 07zap: New Dell Axim X5 GPIO macros.
23:13.26CIAcommit to module 09linux/kernel26 by 07zap: Some MediaQ 1100/1132 definitions & macros
23:16.19*** join/ Ryback_ (
23:17.58Ryback_Hi there! Is there any known problem upgrading from bootldr 2.18.54 to 2.21.12?
23:18.12Spyrohey zap! :)
23:18.22pigeonhi Spyro!
23:18.39zaphay Spyro! hey pigeon! :)
23:18.47pigeonhey zap!
23:19.04zapok, we covered the 3x3 greeting matrix
23:19.37zapexcept the rendundant cases when every one greets himself
23:20.23ricmmibot: lart zap
23:20.36zapibot lart everyone
23:20.40pigeonhi pigeon!
23:20.50ricmmhi pigeon
23:20.51pigeonibot: no you can't!
23:20.52pigeon: are you using Windows?
23:20.59pigeonibot: nope
23:21.00pigeon: I give up, what is it?
23:21.03ricmmowned by ibot
23:21.19zapibot: he's using Linux :)
23:21.20zap: I give up, what is it?
23:21.29zaphehe. desynced :)
23:23.58*** join/ zap_ (~zap@
23:24.58zap_uh my... why would my motherboard use Outgluk Express?
23:26.01jacquesso nice to see additional kernel developers here
23:27.07zapit's quiet here today.. pap`a phil is missing :)
23:27.50jacquesyeah - surely the British don't celebrate Thanksgiving
23:28.08pigeonwhen is thanksgiving?
23:28.23jacquesalways on thursday
23:28.44jacquesthird thursday in november
23:28.50zapand who's getting the thanks?
23:28.54pigeonso, today then...
23:28.59jacquesOOPS - last thursdat in November
23:29.18jacquesyeah today for you I suppose - tomorrow for me
23:29.18pigeon(au time)
23:29.37jacquesand of course, everyone gets thurs and friday off - making a 4-day weekend
23:29.55jacquesand naturally most ppl take wednesday too - or rather not much gets done on wed
23:30.24jacquesthanksgiving is actually a very gib holiday here - only one bigger is Christmas
23:31.09jacquesfriday after thanksgiving is the "official" start of the christmas shipping season
23:31.10Leedsno - your thanksgiving is nothing to do with us
23:31.13jacquesshopping season
23:31.33jacquesso all stores have huge sales on "black friday"
23:31.44jacquesblack because that's when most go "into the black"' for the year
23:31.50kergothi'm *so* glad i dont work retail anymore
23:31.55kergothblack friday is a nightmare
23:32.01pigeonwhat is the thanksgiving day actually for anyway?
23:32.05*** join/ brulez (
23:32.23jacqueskergoth: I never knew you had worked retail
23:32.41zaphmm... very strange. I have a serial console set up (through IrDA) and when I enter characters they are echoed back in packets -- after I enter 8 characters they all 8 are echoed back. Nobody seen such a effect?
23:32.42*** join/ user12 (
23:32.45kergothi worked at office depot for 3 months, then office max for 3 months
23:32.50kergoththen Digi in tech support for like 3 years
23:32.51jacquespigeon: it's a celebration of thanks by the pilgrims that they had food and freedom in a new world
23:32.51kergoththen TI
23:33.09kergothdoubled my wages from sales to digi, then again from digi to ti
23:33.17jacqueskergoth: nice
23:33.30kergothand yet, i still live check to check
23:33.33nexexi worked in a grocery store for a few years as a teenager, the day before thanksgiving (today) is the worst there
23:33.36kergothsomething is wrong with this picture
23:33.40jacqueskergoth: too many toys?
23:33.53kergothnah, dunno where its goin
23:33.56jacquesnexex: yeah I bet
23:33.59kergothguess i should buy quicken or something
23:34.12kergothquicken's so depressing though
23:34.15jacquessigh - I dont have food in the house - pickings at the market will be slim tonight :-(
23:34.19kergothmain page, your net worth is -$14k
23:34.24kergothgee, thanks, i really wanted to see that
23:34.47ricmmhey peepz
23:34.51kergothhey ricmm
23:34.53jacqueshi ricmm
23:35.00ricmmsup kergoth, jacques
23:35.12pigeonjacques: we need a day for celebrating freedom of software one day.
23:35.32ricmmtrue heh
23:35.58kergoth"in honor of free software day, you can ask me questions about my projects, and i wont cluebat you"
23:36.58jacquespigeon: good idea - i like that
23:38.01ricmmhey one thing
23:38.10ricmmnever cook pasta and be in the computer at the same time
23:38.22kergothugh, done that
23:38.44kergothi burned soup one time doing that
23:38.46kergoththat sucked
23:38.56ricmmthats difficult, to burn a soup
23:39.02jacquesyeah I have burned bacon several times doing that - it sucks
23:39.07SpyroI just deleted my drivers/pcmcia (deliberately)
23:39.10kergothricmm: yeah, have to forget about it long enough to boil all the water away
23:39.17Spyrohow do I get CVS to replace it?
23:39.28kergothSpyro: cvs up -Pd
23:39.38kergothadd -Pd to your .cvsrc for update
23:40.21ricmmkergoth: indeed
23:40.28ricmmthats why i am cooking this pasta slowwwwwwly
23:40.53pigeonhmm... pasta...
23:41.02kergothpasta does sound good
23:41.05pigeonI still prefer rice.
23:41.25kergothi suck at cooking rice
23:41.43ricmmpigeon: how can you prefer rice to pasta?
23:41.53ricmmnot with the sauce i use
23:42.00kergothwhat ya cooking?
23:42.04pigeonI'm an absolute riceman.
23:42.12ricmmpigeon is chinese
23:42.19pigeonYes I am.
23:42.24ricmmi am just cooking the pasta, the sauce is already cooked
23:42.33kergothricmm: what sauce?
23:42.38Leedspasta does sound good though
23:42.49ricmmtomato sauce, but it has such a great taste
23:42.57ricmmbtw, it is not ketchup
23:42.57kergothyou make it or buy it?
23:43.00ricmmmake it
23:43.11kergothi'm way too lazy for that
23:43.22pigeonaccording to googlefight: rice wins! rice (8 200 000) : pasta (3 670 000)
23:43.34ricmmowned by google
23:43.53kergothwe ought to get a supybot up in here
23:44.26*** join/ everslick (
23:44.44pigeonwe have our interenal irc bot hooked with googlefight, so... ;)
23:45.35kergothricmm: what phone?
23:45.47CIAcommit to module 09linux/kernel26 by 07zap: Oops... forgot to disable debugging...
23:45.54ricmmkinda old for another countries, but new in here and with a good price/usefullness relationship
23:45.56ricmma motorola c333
23:46.26ricmmaround $80 and with a prepaid gsm line which had around $8 in it
23:46.46ricmmit has gprs and stuff, thats what i needed :P
23:47.49ricmmkergoth: how is the hacking
23:48.13kergothpretty good, dealing with most distribution and buildsystem stuff atm
23:49.19ricmmnot too much
23:49.21ricmmhave got no time
23:54.20ricmmi have an uber-cold throat pain mixed
23:59.02*** join/ HET2 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.