irclog2html for on 20030830

00:00.18jacquesmaybe it's the time I did lcd off in the bootloader...  ;-)
00:00.29keithpjacques: I think there are parts of the samcop that we don't understand.
00:00.48keithpjacques: perhaps Jamey can dig through the schematics and find something
00:00.50pigeonxav: Sorry I have a few 3870s but I don't have hanging problems as such. Though, what I noticed is, one 3870 takes at least a few seconds longer to do apm -s, while all others are fine.
00:01.14jacqueskeithp: ok. you're right - seems like we need more info to go further
00:01.57jacquesdo you know any quick and dirty way I can get the DC register values under ppc ?
00:02.08keithpjacques: I've never even seen PPC
00:02.12jacquesI will probably re-install it just to prove to myself that the hw still works
00:02.34keithpYeah, that would be nice to verify.  At this point, it just looks broken
00:02.58jacqueswell it (the display) worked great until I put linux on it  :-P
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00:04.40jacquesI'll seem if I can find any (free - yeah rite) wince apps that will let me dump arbitrary registers
00:04.48keithpjacques: it could be a coincidence, but that seems hard to believe
00:05.19jacqueskeithp: which part is hardto believe? that the display worked before ?
00:05.33keithpNo, that it broke as you were installing linux
00:06.14jacquesoh yeah. I don't really believe that - now I'm just hoping ppc can bring it back to life if it's in a bizarre state
00:06.44jacquesjeeze I hope I don't have to re-install the wince bootloader - that would be a nightmare
00:07.07keithpjacques: that's a good point.  But, if you get wince installed and it doesn't work, we know what to do with it :-)
00:07.29bluefoxicythe simpsons is funny.
00:07.36Leedsoften true
00:07.46bluefoxicy"What's santa's little helper doing to that dog?  It looks like he's trying to jump over but he can't quite make it . . . "
00:10.40jacqueskeithp: heh, let's hope it doesn't get to that point :-)
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00:14.34xavpigeon: I have one 3835, with familiar unstable, and it hangs when doing "apm -s". I already left it for an hour, so I know it's not a temporary lag.
00:14.59xavwell, only the apm command hangs, the other apps still run.
00:15.13xavand I can ^C it
00:15.36xavbut I'd like to be able to suspend it ... right now I can't
00:16.54xavand there's no log or something else .. how can I have a syslog under familiar ?
00:17.21pigeonThere is a syslogd you can ipkg install IIRC
00:17.32pigeonOr there's also one from busybox.
00:19.18joshua_xav: sounds like the ancient opie-alarm bug... make sure atd isn't running. (if you're running opie)
00:19.25pigeonAlso, maybe, try loading apm with debug=1 and see if it's actually doing something.
00:21.52LazzatarWhat does this mean (trying to connect to my Familiar installed iPAQ via HTerm):
00:21.53Lazzatarbcsp_pkt_cull: Peer acked invalid packet                                        
00:21.53Lazzatarbcsp_handle_le_pkt: Found a LE sync pkt, card has reset
00:22.35xavjoshua_, I'm running atd because I wanted my ipaq to wake up on alarms .. I have to remove it then ?
00:25.22joshua_Right, you can do that wiht OPIE-alarm.
00:25.47xavI run GPE ...
00:27.43xavoh, another problem I have: loads of "void_list_remove_elt: ERROR: element not found in list" when using ipkg
00:27.57xavany hint ?
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00:28.42xav(anyway, thnaks joshua .. I'll try "apm -s" when I'm near my ipaq again. right now I can only ssh it)
00:32.33xavjoshua_: ok, my ipaq doesn't respond anymore after apm -s. I suppose it's sleeping now. thanks :)
00:33.02xavtime to sleep for me too. bye everybody
00:33.09pigeonnite xav
00:33.32joshua_quote, bye everybody, unquote
00:33.36joshua_quote, bye, unquote
00:34.19joshua_it doesn't respond to notices!
00:34.34joshua_it doesn't respond by message either
00:36.00pigeonb y e
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00:37.42Ronnybfai have an ipaq 3970 (PXA) with opie 1 and fam .7 i want to have a webserver with php on it, anyone has a particular package to recommend ??
00:39.46ryan5400_mmm, can you?
00:39.57joshua_Ronnybfa: apache
00:41.34Ronnybfayeah but with php
00:41.39Ronnybfaon ipaq ?
00:41.51joshua_get a debian package.
00:42.15Ronnybfawill it work on fam ?
00:42.32joshua_would I tell you to get it if it didn't?
00:42.54Ronnybfai found that
00:43.19Ronnybfau think it'd work on a pxa ?
00:43.49pigeonSo familiar now supports sd card without the "s" part?
00:44.11Ronnybfau mean mmc card ?
00:44.40Ronnybfajoshua can u direct me to a package that has php and apache for debian
00:44.42Ronnybfai cant find a url
00:44.58joshua_look harder
00:52.38ryan5400_whats the unstable 4 image like?
00:53.08jacqueshaven't tried it yet (still at work)
00:53.16ryan5400_mmmm ok
00:53.24ryan5400_53 seconds and ill let you know
01:01.09ryan5400_mmm, doesnt seem to be much different
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01:01.38jacquessomething you were hoping was fixed which wasn't?
01:02.28joshua_hi jg
01:02.43jgjoshua_: hi.
01:02.51jgjoshua_: all ready for the next semester?
01:03.01joshua_yes.. I go back tuesday..
01:04.19jgjoshua_: have fun.  I'm sure you'l miss hacking 24 hours/day...
01:06.37ryan5400_brb in linux
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01:13.35hunterklljesus h christ
01:13.39hunterkllany crl folks here
01:13.57CIA11gpe-conf-sv_0.1.0-pre8_all.ipk uploaded to 09unstable by
01:14.22jghunterkll: yes.
01:14.43hunterkllthank god!
01:14.47hunterkllcan you repair 3800's
01:15.09jghunterkll: what's the problem?
01:15.16joshua_how did it fail?
01:15.18hunterkll1. backlight
01:15.21hunterkll2. backlight
01:15.29joshua_CRL is not a repair place
01:15.33hunterkll3. flickery backlight <-- no longer evidnet due to problem number 2
01:15.33joshua_CRL will fix bricked iPAQs
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01:15.44joshua_so send it back to HP service labs, not CRL.
01:15.44hunterkllyes, well, your repair dudes have a 2-4 week turnaround
01:16.04jghunterkll: we aren't in a position to fix busted hardware.
01:16.12hunterklli know
01:16.18hunterkllit works perfectly fine
01:16.24hunterklljust the backlights a bit odd
01:16.30jghunterkll: bricked ipaq's are a different story: it just requires fresh bits in flash.
01:16.43hunterkllcan i swap it (3835) with you guys for a (3870)?
01:16.56hunterkllor whatever the bluetooth model is :D
01:17.01joshua_hunterkll: if it's going to be done at CRL it's going to be my solder toy next time I come in there. so if the backlight is gone and it's there, it's more likely to be entirely dead rather than just backlight dead.
01:17.13jghunterkll: we aren't in a position to do so, I expect....
01:17.18hunterklldamn :'(
01:18.03hunterkll3202898886 <-- compaq support case number if you want to look
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01:18.46pigeoni got flickery backlight with 1 or 2 ipaqs due to sort of dying battery.
01:19.21joshua_hunterkll: noone here has access to look at support cases
01:20.41hunterkllpigeon: but wiht a new one?
01:20.57pigeonhunterkll: Hmm, totally new one, probably not then.
01:21.11hunterklland one where the backlight slider has -->
01:21.13hunterkllthat problem?
01:28.29hunterkllpigeon: yea
01:28.34hunterkllfirst noticed the flicker in linux x.x
01:28.45hunterkllthat was about when i got it, round xmas
01:28.56hunterkllbecause i had gotten an all white screen, and i saw the flciker
01:45.28CIA11gpsdrive_2.01-2_arm.ipk uploaded to 09unstable by
01:47.03hunterkllhow do i hardreset
01:51.18joshua_hunterkll: bash your head against a brick wall until you pass out, then wait until you wake up. you should have hard resetted. however, please make sure that all your data is backed up, as this procedure can cause data loss and in some cases permanent damage.
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02:13.03Lazzatar|afkwhat is the best way to transfer files from a windows system to an installed version of familiar on an iPAQ?
02:13.23hunterklljoshua_: lol
02:13.28hunterkllLazzatar|afk: i'd suggjest
02:13.40hunterkllnetwork conn
02:13.44hunterklland ftp server on ipaq
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02:20.34nelsonLazzatar|afk: install Putty's scp client.
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03:47.23ryan5450mmmmm, well i loaded the at76c503 module successfuly, but now what do i do?
03:47.39ryan5450the orange light didnt come on for wifi either... should it/
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04:50.16ryan5450the 5400 has a 48mb chip and a 64mb chip.
04:50.21ryan5450where are they mounted?
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06:45.17fontenotOK I re-installed ppc2003 and my display works fine. luckily I didn't even have to re-install the wince bootloader.
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06:54.13ricmmfontenot: and now you will try familiar one more time right?
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07:40.04fontenotricmm: sure. I just wanted to prove that the mq1100 was still functioning. there was some questiona as we've never been able to get mine to do anything under linux.
07:40.26fontenotI'll probably install unstable4 later tonight or tomorrow
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09:08.00CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07harlekin: wallpaper with less jpg artefacts
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10:02.20Lazzataris there a way to install a Dvorak keyboard onto Familiar?
10:06.16CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07harlekin: strings from the new server
10:09.36Lazzataranyone in here?
10:15.00Harlekinopie has a dvorak keyboard
10:16.38LazzatarI have the GSP version (I think that's right)
10:17.07Lazzatarcan you tell me how I can put my iPAQ into a mode to receive a file through HyperTerm?
10:18.08Harlekinno idea what gsp is
10:18.17Harlekinand via term is a pita
10:18.24Lazzatarwell, whatever the other distro of familiar is
10:18.38Lazzatarlol, GPE, sorry
10:18.49Harlekinrz on pda
10:18.56Lazzatartype that?
10:19.04Harlekinand then file send
10:19.24Harlekinbut if gpe does not have a dvorak keyboard you dont need to try it .-)
10:19.45Lazzatarwell, I need to put other files onto the device
10:19.47Lazzatarnot just that ;)
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10:20.31Lazzatarhmm, it's still not transfering the file, the terminal window told me that it went into receive mode, but it's not transfering data... :(
10:20.37Ronnybfawhich browser do u recommend to use on an ipaq 3970 with fam and opie ??
10:20.42Lazzatargot it :D
10:21.42LazzatarI believe heh
10:24.51Lazzatardo you know where transfered files go as far as what folder?
10:25.01LazzatarRonnybfa: sorry, not sure here
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10:39.27LazzatarDoes anyone know where I can find a transparent terminal for familiar?
10:43.23puksHi, i changed the feed for familiar from 0.7 to 0.7.1, did ipkg update && ipkg upgrade, but my /etc/familiar-version still says that I own a familiar 0.7-rc3
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11:17.52fuzznuganyone here running linux on compaq h3955?
11:19.24fuzznuganyone here?  :)
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11:44.32schizoidhello all
11:49.08CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07christophe: qpe.ts translation after last Harlekin modifications and little modification into libqpe.ts. fr translation is 100 % again.
11:52.25ryan5400_pb_ in the unstable 4 image, it locks up whenever ts is pressed :(
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12:01.33pb_ryan5400_: yes, that's the same touchscreen bug that we have had for months.
12:24.01zenja-bbtw, i let my h5450 say overnight without battery, and now wince boots correctly
12:25.46zenja-bbootldr 2.20.4
12:31.42Ronnybfai cant seem to figure out how to save my current linux image before restoring my wince, in case i want to switch back .
12:33.40zenja-bRonnybfa: in boot> save root
12:35.14Ronnybfait will save the whole rom ?
12:35.37zenja-broot partition (without bootldr)
12:36.22zenja-byou probably want to manage bootldr separately anyway
12:36.45Ronnybfaso i get a jffs2 file ?
12:37.00zenja-bhmm, in linux 'dd if=/dev/mtdblock1 ..' should also work
12:37.07zenja-bRonnybfa: yes
12:44.19Ronnybfathx all bye
12:52.12CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07mickeyl: add 'version' target to see how Vars.make calculate the version
12:52.12CIAkergoth: the inclusion of a fourth dot (as in broke
12:52.13CIAyour sed-magic in VERSION_MIN and VERSION_PAT. please adapt it, so that VERSION_PAT results in 1.1
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14:39.48CIAcommit to module 09gpe by 07florian: Applied 2 i8n patches contributed by Libor Klepac
14:39.48CIANew version number for development branch: 0.1.0-pre9
14:39.49CIAupdated gpe-conf.pot
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15:15.23omi007hello all - it's so quiet! Is anybody listening?
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15:32.48CIAStartup and usability improved if a lot of contacts are stored. Left speed bootleneck is the xml
15:36.49Huencheni'm going to try intimate now, just received my new 1 GB cf card ;)
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16:00.38rhegorhas anybody here tried using lucent orinoco silver card with new familiar?
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16:14.46Ronnybfahow come in wince i can connect to gprs without setting a string (AT+CGDCONT=1...etc...) ??
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16:28.10rhegortrying to get kismet working with latest familiar - gone through all the stuff I can find on lists (change wavelan to orinoco in pcmcia config, call kismet_monitor with added option etc) but still no success
16:29.44flypiperrhegor: your card may not go into monitor mode.. do you have another card to try???  I have that with one of my compaq cards :-(
16:30.40rhegorflypiper - got a cisco but have had more luck with this lucent usually
16:32.09flypiperrhegor: my cisco works fine
16:32.54rhegorflypiper - ok - plugged it in - can be seen fine but what is there some settings I now need to change?
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16:33.48rhegor... I get the card showing on the bottom panel but can't seem to switch it on in networks
16:35.31flypiperrhegor: switch it on in networks?????
16:36.15rhegorflypiper - card is inserted and detected - ifconfig eth0 gives me an error - trying to use the networks program tells me there's an error in starting the card
16:37.02flypiperrhegor: do you have the modules installed for the cisco card??
16:37.49rhegoraironet-modules are installed
16:38.18flypiperdoes iwconfig show the card?
16:38.29flypiperwhat is the error ?
16:38.51rhegoriwconfig doesn't show the card
16:39.57flypiperrhegor: remove the card and cat /proc/kmsg .. and reinsert the card.. what do you see??
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16:42.02rhegor"(3)airo:Max tires excedded waiting for command (3) airo MAC could not be enabled (5) airo_cs: RequestConfiguration: Operation succeeded
16:43.57flypiperrhegor: cardctl ident = ??
16:44.06flypipercardctl staus = ??
16:44.34rhegordidn't say
16:44.57flypipersomething is askew.. there
16:45.20flypiperwhat kernel you using??
16:46.06rhegorlatest familiar - 2.4.19-rmk6-pxa1-hh1
16:46.58flypiperhmmm .. im not familiar with pxa1.. is that on 3900..???  and I think that there may be a hh22 kernel that works a little better
16:48.02rhegorhmmm wait a sec - must have mistyped the first ident - now getting Socket 0: product info:  "Cisco Systems", "350 Series Wireless Lan adapter" manfid 0x15f 0x00a
16:48.23flypiperOK.. add that to your pcmcia config
16:51.34rhegorfound it in /etc/pcmcia/config - card "Cisco Aironet 350" manfid 0x015f, 0x00a bind "airo_cs)
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16:53.04rhegor... sorry last ) was "
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17:18.47fng_smaHello! I have problems installing the kernelpackage ipk-file (...rmk6-hh23) on my ipaq.
17:19.11drudgehello everyone.
17:19.58fng_smathe ipaq always wants to download the ...-rmk6-hh13.ipk file, but I have no internet connection on the handheld.
17:20.51drudgedoes anyone know if the 1945 has a future with familiar?
17:21.08pb_drudge: yes, though it is not supported at the moment.
17:21.24pb_familiar hasn't been able to quite keep up with the recent outpouring of new models from HP.
17:21.53drudgepb_: i read that the cpu has linux drivers?
17:23.08bluefoxicywhat the hell is with gaim
17:23.09drudgepb_: if you guys need me to test on the 1945 (not sure if you have have, i know you have a 1900 series) i would be happy to help
17:25.30fng_smaIs it anyhow possible to extract a single file out of a .ipk file?
17:25.44pb_fng_sma: yes.  use ipkg-unbuild, or dpkg-deb, or ar and tar.
17:25.51drudgepb_: i read good things on the site though :)
17:26.29pb_drudge: the h1910, which is being worked on at the moment, is not as similar to h1945 as the closeness in model numbers might lead you to believe.  The internals are completely different.
17:27.13pb_I think, realistically, it's likely to be at least a month or so before there is anything worth testing on the h1930/h1940 platform, unless someone who has one of those machines volunteers to start work sooner.
17:28.01drudgepb_: i figured they were. just offering my machine to you guys if you need it.
17:28.17pb_drudge: cool
17:29.07drudgei looked at the 1900 code in the cvs, but i don't think my c skills are up to it :)
17:29.36galexandpb, i'm thinking of buying one to start.
17:29.45pb_galexand: ah, excellent
17:30.16drudgegalexand: your pretty close to me, nyc :)
17:30.17galexandmy major worries are that i'm too lazy to do the necessary hardware work to jtag the boot flash
17:30.27galexanddrudge, upper west side woo
17:30.46pb_galexand: it shouldn't require a lot of hardware work.  on most of the newer ipaqs it's just a case of plugging in a cable.
17:31.05drudgei am not in nyc, but albany.. not as far as some
17:31.10galexandpb, oh really?  the diagram for the 1910 that i think nontoxic made made it sound like there were pads you had to solder onto
17:31.18galexandor is there a cable that fits over them?+
17:31.45galexandif i could find a preassembled device to allow me to program it trivially then that would be the clincher, i'd order one right now
17:32.44pb_well, on h5400 (which is made by the same people as h1940), the jtag signals are brought out to an internal connector.  You still have to open the case, but no soldering required.
17:33.03galexandi don't know anything about jtag, i wonder if i should learn before or after ordering.
17:33.04pb_I don't have specific knowledge of the h1940.  however, if lack of jtag was a blocking issue for you, I'm sure someone else could do the necessary wiring.
17:34.22galexandscrew that, indecision blows.  i'm just gonna buy one.
17:34.37pb_galexand: good plan
17:34.38drudgei got mine for free, so i am happy.
17:34.45galexandlauglahu jealous
17:35.21galexandi can't believe i'm gonna buy a palmtop that i know is gonna sit around my apartment looking useless for at least a month before it's worth carrying around with me
17:36.26drudgebut you will make me happy O:)
17:36.45fng_smaWhen i try tar xzf .ipk I only get the message tar: Invalid gzip magic. Any help?
17:37.02pb_galexand: fyi, kyllikki in #debian-arm may be able to provide information about the s3c2410 kernel port.
17:37.21drudgefng_sma: < pb_> fng_sma: yes.  use ipkg-unbuild, or dpkg-deb
17:37.33galexandwhat is the s3c2410?  is that the new arm they're using on the 1940?
17:37.36pb_galexand: yes
17:37.57*** join/ jg (
17:38.02drudgepb_: what are you thoughts on the hardware for the 1940
17:38.08pb_fng_sma: if you cannot use ipkg-unbuild or dpkg-deb, you must first unpack the .ipk using ar, then use tar to extract the file you want from the data.tar.gz archive contained therein.
17:38.58pb_drudge: I've never actually seen a 1940 in the flesh, but it sounds like a nice unit.
17:39.16*** join/ Ronnybfa (
17:39.24pb_should be a little faster than h1910, I think.
17:39.31Ronnybfahey guys
17:39.36galexandwhoa the 1935 is cheap
17:39.36Ronnybfai managed to connect to gprs via blue
17:39.46Ronnybfaexcept i cant really ping addresses
17:39.46drudgepb_: whats the speed of the 1910?
17:39.52pb_drudge: 200MHz, iirc
17:40.00Ronnybfai can ping yahoo's ip but not his name
17:40.02pb_I think the 1930/1940 is 266 or so
17:40.05Ronnybfaany ideas?
17:40.10galexand1940 is 266 1930 is 206 apparently
17:40.13pb_Ronnybfa: check /etc/resolv.conf
17:40.21galexand203mhz my bad
17:40.34pb_galexand: ah, right.  I think the other main difference is that 1930 lacks bluetooth.
17:40.37galexandis performance really an issue heh
17:41.04drudgethis is my first bluetooth device, i love it.
17:41.10pb_probably not, for most people.  the 206MHz strongarm was quite adequate for most tasks.
17:41.43galexandthe tasks that the 206MHz strongarm in my h3765 fail at  are tasks that the 400MHz one would fail just as badly at
17:41.48galexandwhat kills me is the lack of an fpu, not the clock.
17:42.00Ronnybfapb: i got my dns's in /etc/resolv.conf
17:42.02Ronnybfait seems ok
17:42.05Ronnybfaany other idea?
17:42.31pb_galexand: yes, I think jg has a canned rant about the lack of an fpu.
17:43.01galexandgrrr newegg is out of stock.
17:43.15galexandi don't really mind the lack of an fpu but porting stuff over i'm just constantly amazed how many programs just can't live without it.
17:44.17pb_Ronnybfa: sorry, I don't have any other suggestions.
17:45.57GutemineRonnybfa: Does it work, if you use /etc/hosts?
17:46.36Ronnybfawhat do u mean
17:46.50Ronnybfalike set up in /etc/hosts ?
17:46.52Ronnybfawith its ip
17:46.56Ronnybfato like try ?
17:47.12galexandhmmm ordering online i only save about $20
17:47.26drudgegalexand: that to me is not worth it :)
17:47.42drudgefor the $20 i rather go to the store and get it
17:47.56galexandttyl :)
17:48.02GutemineRonnybfa: yes, for testing
17:49.39Ronnybfaok hold on
17:52.13Ronnybfait does work if i put it in etc hosts
17:53.26GutemineRonnybfa: then it's a DNS problem. Check if the DNS server is working.
17:53.43*** join/ a-rage (
17:54.50Ronnybfadns is only in /etc/resolv.conf ?
17:55.24GutemineRonnybfa: can you ping the DNS server?
17:55.34Ronnybfathats what im trying
17:55.38Ronnybfabut it wont answer my pings
17:55.43Ronnybfamaybe its blocked to pings
17:56.14Guteminealso maybe it's not available.
17:56.29Ronnybfayeah time to drive my operator crazy
17:58.44LeedsRonnybfa: I know Orange UK, if you're on their WAP GRPS service, don't provide DNS
17:59.06GutemineRonnyfba:   try as DNS server. this one is working at the moment and you can ping it.
18:00.38Ronnybfawill it accept me in it ?
18:00.55GutemineI don't know.
18:01.08Ronnybfawhere did u get it from ?
18:01.38Gutemineits the one I use.
18:02.32Ronnybfaok let me try it
18:04.57Ronnybfawont work
18:05.01Ronnybfanot working
18:07.10Gutemineworks for me
18:10.08Ronnybfaworks for u cuz ur part of the network
18:10.15Ronnybfabut im not allowed in it i guess
18:12.27drudgehttp:// <-- fear the evil.
18:12.46Leedsdrudge: ah! pain!
18:14.09Ronnybfahey leeds
18:14.10GutemineRonnyfba: try as DNS server. its not on my network.
18:14.56Ronnybfayou see i think i nailed the problem
18:15.23Ronnybfawhen i do nslookup DNS:
18:15.32Ronnybfawhen i do nslookup
18:15.38Ronnybfafrom my pc windows
18:15.41Ronnybfai get an answer
18:15.45Ronnybfawith googles dns
18:15.52Ronnybfanot dns
18:15.58Ronnybfaand when i try this command from my ipaq
18:16.02Ronnybfai get : unknown host
18:16.18Ronnybfawould it be some kind of problem with the way my ipaq sends dns queries ?
18:16.29Ronnybfacuz the servers seem all fine from my windows box
18:16.36Ronnybfaif u see what i mean
18:18.46Ronnybfawhat do u suggest?
18:22.04Ronnybfaupgrade busybox ?
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18:48.22galexandman i can tell arleady
18:48.29galexandi'm going to spend the next month of my life looking for a T-26 torx driver
18:50.29pb_Torx drivers aren't usually hard to find.  What do you need T-26 for?
18:50.34*** join/ Nermal (
18:50.52galexandisn't that the size for the ipaq?
18:51.00pb_no, that's T-6.
18:51.05aokpb_: are there any changes in the latest kernel for 39xx?
18:51.07pb_T-26 would be several times too large
18:51.14galexandheh i thought it was inverse like gauge
18:51.29galexandi still haven't seen anything this small :)
18:51.31pb_aok: don't think so
18:51.52pb_only changes I know of in hh23 are h5400 lcd, and h3800 sd.
18:52.11*** join/ _everslick (
18:52.46aok39xx uses different sd support than 38xx i guess
18:53.44pb_there are three different mmc/sd chipsets in use for ipaqs.  h3800 is one; h3900/h1900 is another; h1930/h1940/h5000/h2000 is the third.
18:53.46galexandman the 1940 is sexy
18:54.47galexandis the 1940 compatible with my 3700 serial cable you think?
18:55.13pb_probably not.  the serial connector changed between 3700 and 3800.
18:56.34pb_also, it's possible that h1940 has some of the serial port components depopulated.  if that's the case, you will have to get someone to fit them for you or make do with some other interface.
18:57.22*** join/ spicer (
18:57.49spicerwhat is the status of SD card support?
18:58.00pb_supported on h3800.  no support on other platforms yet.
18:58.09pb_sounds like it might be close on h5000 though.
18:59.13spicerwhat kernel does it need?
19:01.28spiceri am running hh13 right there an ipkg package for hh23??? I did an ipkg update and then upgrade and it did not update my kernel?
19:01.52Huenchenkernel feed:
19:02.11Huenchenadd this to /etc/ipkg.conf and do a ipkg update;ipkg upgrade
19:03.08spicercool i will try that
19:03.17spiceripkg is still new to me
19:03.25spicerbeen a gentoo man for too long
19:03.53Huencheni've started with debian and ipkg is quite simelar to dpkg
19:04.11spiceryah i noticed that....I wish i had more debian experence
19:04.16Huencheni'm just trying to compile opie for my laptop, not very easy :)
19:04.17spicerwent from red hat to gentoo
19:05.30Ronnybfahey guys
19:05.47Ronnybfai can access the net but my dns is not functioning right
19:05.58Ronnybfait seems to answer queries from my windows box
19:06.11Ronnybfabut from my ipaq it wont even take nslookups
19:06.22Ronnybfait wont answer my ipaq pings
19:06.28Ronnybfaany ideas why :?
19:08.19Ronnybfait really bothers me
19:08.24Ronnybfai cant figure it out
19:13.44*** join/ spung (
19:14.05drudgeno its rewt ;)
19:14.20spicerHuenchen: thanks it works
19:14.27spicerpb_: thanks too
19:14.52drudgepb_: question: does kde run on ipaq? ;)
19:15.05pb_drudge: don't see why not, if you have enough space.
19:15.11pb_the opie guys would probably know more about that.
19:15.22drudgeopie is pretty as well
19:15.51drudgepb_: whats the average size installation (with X) ?
19:16.09pb_for familiar, you mean?
19:16.17drudgeyes of course.
19:16.26pb_well, bootgpe2 is about 13MB.
19:16.54pb_opie doesn't use X, but the bootopie image is roughly the same size.
19:17.39Huenchenwhooo, compiling on my laptop is loooow ;)
19:19.05drudgepb_: do yo feel that opie's pim functions are equal or better than the ppc? (some say no)
19:19.17pb_drudge: dunno, I've never used opie for any length of time.
19:19.25pb_try asking in #opie
19:19.30drudgeok ;)
19:25.09ade|deskpb_: how do you think the PIM functions of GPE compare to that of ppc ? ..... ;)
19:25.25pb_ade|desk: at present, not as good.
19:25.55pb_The GPE PIM apps have been a bit neglected lately.
19:26.10ade|deskso the sync aint there but what else do they lack ?
19:26.38galexandwhat sort of brick and mortar store would sell T6 torx drivers
19:26.46pb_ade|desk: nothing major, just a collection of small features.
19:26.58pb_galexand: hardware store?
19:27.12galexandnot very optimistic but might as well check
19:28.12*** join/ omi007 (~jfb@
19:28.22drudgegalexand: i tried to get them once, a t5
19:28.25drudgefor my palm
19:28.38drudgeno stores carry anything smaller than a T7
19:28.48drudgeat least, here in albany
19:32.46pb_I didn't have any trouble buying a T6 here in England, but maybe things are different where you are.
19:34.40galexandhahah i love this city
19:34.48galexandi was wrong to doubt.  T6 was the smallest they had
19:35.46galexandhahahah man i'm gonna cry the 1900 is smaller, it must be t5.
19:36.12galexandokay well there are 3 more hardware stores within 5 blocks so
19:36.15pb_galexand: talk to joshua_sleep when he wakes up, he has a h1910
19:36.32pb_maybe he can tell you what driver is required.
19:36.40galexandyeah i've been wanting to talk to him ever since i decide to buy this sucker
19:36.59pb_obviously he takes his beauty sleep very seriously.
19:37.25drudgei've been wanting to talk with him as well :)
19:39.21drudgegalexand: i had to order mine special :-|
19:50.16galexandoh well internet mail order it is.
19:50.34drudgegalexand: want a link?
19:50.54galexandactually yes :)
19:52.02drudgewhere i got mine.
19:53.06galexandheh i could buy a t4 for kicks and giggles
19:53.45*** join/ a-rage (
19:55.45drudgeget a T1 ;)
19:56.11drudgei'd go anti static :D
19:56.36galexandif it's worth doing it's worth doing in excess right
19:57.18drudgemy T5 was the red ones, didn't know they had the anti-static
19:57.50*** join/ treke|z- (~treke|
20:05.06drudgepb_: actually, the ipkgfind only returns 0 results for me
20:12.01CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07zecke: Add Example tab and 4 examples for now
20:19.17Ronnybfahow to upgrade busybox
20:22.59*** join/ Shai (
20:23.42CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07zecke: Add four examples
20:23.42CIA#1 simple widget + OApplicationFactory + qmake usage explained
20:23.43CIA#2 simple icons   + usage of Resource and playing of sounds
20:23.43CIA#3 simple main   + Toolbar + MenuBar IconSets and QActions explained
20:23.44CIA#4 main tab     + Usage of OTabWidget and QSignals with parameters disconnect and connect
20:26.38CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07zecke: Add comments about API changes when possible again
20:26.38CIAAdd currentWidget() method and mark it as since 1.2
20:28.18CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07zecke: The usual .cvsignore
20:28.37CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07zecke: Add IDEAS for Opie bigscreen extensions
20:28.37CIAand the first sketch of the OSplitter please take a look
20:28.38CIAand comment
20:31.39CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07zecke: Sorry Stefan but the feature list is currently locked by mickeyl and I'm scared of forgetting the ideas we've and need to discus.. Ah feeling so much better... slowly recovering would guess now at 50-60%
20:34.44*** join/ Lazzatar|w3rk (~lazzatar@
20:35.42drudgepb_: here?
20:37.02Lazzatar|w3rkI have a usb connection from my iPAQ(Familiar) to my PC(Knoppix). I can get online on my PC, but not my iPAQ.  Any ideas?
20:37.46*** join/ ade|home (
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20:48.45aok39xx uses different sd support than 38xx i guess
20:49.14aoksorry, thats old
20:50.00treke|z-the 3900 uses wuit a bit of different sutff
20:55.10*** join/ treke|z- (~treke|
20:55.51pb_joshua_: evening
20:56.00joshua_heya pb_
20:56.16treke|z-pb and joshua use ipv6
20:57.28*** join/ treke|z- (~treke|
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21:00.19*** join/ dwmw2 (
21:00.47treke|z-there is something horribly wrong with using mutt to read mail in opie
21:01.52joshua_with the idea or with the implementation?:)
21:01.52treke|z-the idea
21:01.52treke|z-implementation is fine
21:06.14*** join/ qfh (
21:11.01pb_treke|z-: yes indeed
21:22.46CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07zecke: include a new menu for examples and the examples apps
21:23.33CIAcommit to module 09opie by 07zecke: Fix the
21:25.49*** join/ Ronnybfra (
21:34.46CIAcommit to module 09gpe by 07luc: i18n patch from Libor Klepac.
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21:39.11galexandhey joshua you there?
21:54.00Lazzatar|w3rklively group today ;)
21:54.33drudgeWEEEEEEEEEE OMG!!
21:57.29*** join/ qfh (
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21:59.19CIAcommit to module 09gpe by 07luc: tooltips are back, thanks to Libor Klepac <>.
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22:06.32CIAcommit to module 09gpe by 07luc: added czech translation, from Libor Klepac <>
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22:23.38steverpb_: whats new in you latest unstable image?
22:24.53*** part/ justme (
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22:34.04pb_stever: h5400 lcd power management, some more h3800 lcd changes, new gpe stuff.
22:34.11pb_er, h3800 sd changes, not lcd
22:34.37ferricpb_: bl seems to be broken in cvs?
22:35.21pb_ferric: bl not supported on h5400 yet
22:35.32pb_probably be fixed tomorrow
22:35.37ferricpb_: ah
22:35.41steverpb_: very good. thanks
22:35.45ferricwe could do bl on/off earlier, though.
22:35.54pb_oh, has that stopped working as well?
22:36.06ferricpb_: yes, afaik.
22:36.12pb_off/on ought still to work.  I don't know why that would have broken.
22:36.20pb_I'll take a look at it.
22:36.31ferricpb_: cool.
22:37.04steverpb_: should I wait  to try that last image, or is another comming shortly?
22:41.08Ronnybframy dns res not wokin well
22:41.13*** join/ a-rage (
22:41.30Ronnybfraso i tried to set instaed of
22:41.48Ronnybfraand isntead of
22:41.57Ronnybfrain the ipkg update
22:42.01Ronnybfrabut it doesnt work
22:42.07Ronnybfraanyone know the real ip's ?
22:43.22*** join/ qfh (
22:49.26ferrichm.  bl works on my current kernel, pb_ but i'm not running the latest in the cvs.
22:50.05pb_ferric: what version do you have?
22:50.21pb_stever: probably best use that one.  I don't plan to build another for a while.
22:50.27ferricpb_: i think 2 days ago cvs, but the other guy updated his cvs yesterday and bl * broke
22:50.43pb_ferric: strange.  I don't think anything changed in that area.
22:51.10ferricpb_: k, let me test mine.
22:56.19drudgearrg, netbsd is a pain
23:01.19steverpb_: ok, gonna load it now
23:02.28*** join/ treke|z- (~treke|
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23:05.00ferricpb_: btw, did you fix anything on the at76c503 front?
23:05.05pb_not yet
23:07.44*** join/ ricmm (ricky@
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23:16.19drudgegood bye
23:16.20*** part/ drudge (
23:23.32fontenothmm bl off was still working for me with CVS HEAD as of 2 nights ago
23:30.42*** join/ ryan5400_ (
23:30.44fontenotpb_: I put ppc back on the 5555 - you know od any ppc memory viewers? I wanna look at the DC registers. I have been searching but not found anything so far.
23:31.22pb_fontenot: do you have the ability to rebuild bootblaster?
23:31.42pb_should be fairly easy to add the DC register to its dump routines.
23:33.38fontenotpb_: I have no windows development tools - what would I need?
23:33.46thoughtnite guys
23:34.06fontenotis this a case of being able to dl the PPC dev kit from MS or would I need commercial software?
23:34.11pb_fontenot: if you have a windows machine, you can download embedded visual studio for free from microsoft.
23:34.29fontenotah OK that's what I thought I remembered
23:35.02fontenotI do have a windows dual-boot machine
23:35.10fontenotfor games
23:42.30*** join/ qfh (
23:43.41galexandyou're joshua wise / nontoxic right? :)
23:44.10galexandi just bought a 1940
23:44.40galexandi'm determined to get linux onto it, with bootldr and all
23:44.56joshua_well, 1940 is not the same processor as 1910
23:45.14galexandyes i expect this project to take several months :)
23:45.32galexandwhat can you recommend as far as jtag programming
23:46.12joshua_I dunno if jflash has support for the samsung chip
23:46.17joshua_infact I'm thinking it doesn't
23:47.00galexandi don't have any windows anyways
23:47.12galexandoh it's been ported heh
23:47.37galexandi kind of expected to have to write my own software, i was more curious about the hardware.
23:48.36joshua_how fine of a soldering iron do you have?
23:48.56galexandthe lart schematic is what i was looking for.  thanks.
23:49.14galexandnot very, i am going to have to upgrade and also learn if surface mount soldering is really involved.  i'm hoping they'll have some sort of usable connector but i don't really expect to find it
23:49.17galexand(my T-5 hasn't arrived yet)
23:49.30joshua_you will not need to do surface-mount soldering
23:49.49galexanddo you need to solder onto the pads on the ipaq?
23:49.56joshua_some test points, yes
23:50.22*** join/ Sniper^ (~Sniper@
23:51.12galexandwhat about for the jtag?
23:51.13*** join/ qfh (
23:51.36joshua_that is what I was talking about
23:54.05*** join/ RaT_HaCk (
23:56.45galexanddoes bootldr actually go into the on-CPU flash on the 1910?
23:57.02pb_there is no on-cpu flash.
23:57.05joshua_there is no on-cpu flash
23:57.20galexandoh a samsung innovation.  hooray. :)
23:57.46joshua_wtf? 1940 has onchip flash?
23:58.25galexandoh i do believe i may have misinterpretted "NAND Flash boot loader".  perhaps it just has a boot loader in rom to be able to access nand flash
23:58.46joshua_it's on the ASIC
23:58.49pb_ah, that makes more sense.  might be the same block as h2210 hamcop has.
23:59.01pb_joshua_: there isn't really an asic in 1940.
23:59.16galexandi think i'm gonna need to spend a good long while with the s3c2410 manuals
23:59.23galexandbecause it looks like almost everything is built into that chip
23:59.24joshua_pb_, no?
23:59.48pb_joshua_: well, unless you count s3c2410 itself as an asic.
23:59.53joshua_pb_: you have a 3900 handy?
23:59.57pb_joshua_: right here

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