irclog2html for on 20030420

02:01.02*** join/ ibot (ibot@
02:01.02*** topic/ is Open Source Operating Systems for Handheld Devices
02:16.27*** join/ MasterRa (
02:21.11*** join/ iCEBaLM (
02:34.01*** join/ BluefoxIcy (
02:38.48*** join/ BluefoxIcy (
02:49.33*** join/ Pl0enK (
03:01.23*** join/ JaBZ (
03:02.58JaBZdo the orinoco-modules-2.4.18-rmk3 have snax's rmon patch??
03:05.34JaBZif not, can someone PLEASE send me orinoco_cs.o which has been patched with snax's rmon patch, and works with 2.4.18-rmk3
03:11.47nelsonno one.
03:12.04nelsonJaBZ: I use hostap.
03:12.16RelativeToxicuse hostap
03:12.20JaBZnelson: does that support rmon?
03:12.31nelsonJaBZ: iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
03:12.43kergothhey nelson
03:12.47nelsonkergoth: hey.
03:12.53RelativeToxichotel provides wifi.
03:12.59RelativeToxicthey only block port 80 if you havent paid for it yet.
03:13.13nelsonRelativeToxic: so you're irc'ing for free??
03:13.35RelativeToxicnelson: yeah
03:13.56RelativeToxicI have gaim working (as soon as I bleep out screen names I will post a screen cap)
03:14.10RelativeToxicactually, there is a screen cap on scaps.
03:14.17jimhillWhat is an appropriate way to dispose of cronked batteries?
03:14.22jimhillHe said without segue...
03:14.37RelativeToxicjimhill: recycling center
03:16.12jimhillAnd thanks to whoever 'twas that pointed me to mobileknowledge.
03:19.27JaBZto install hostap can i just get hostap-modules 2.4.19-rmk6?
03:19.42JaBZdo i need to disable the other drivers?
03:30.15JaBZdoes "save all" via xmodem receive backup my ipaq?
03:38.20RelativeToxicuse save root
03:38.31RelativeToxicor if you have a faster net connection
03:38.46RelativeToxiccat /dev/mtdblock/1 /mnt/nfs/foobar
03:40.16JaBZcan i do cat /dev/mtdblock/1 /dev/hda1/foobar?
03:45.29nelsonjimhill: you're welcome.  I got a battery from them and was quite pleased.  Instructions, tools, everything.
03:46.26RelativeToxicJaBZ: yeah. there shoudl be a > in there, also.
03:46.34RelativeToxicand you have to mount the card
03:46.38RelativeToxicwill likely be mounted as /mnt/hda
03:46.52RelativeToxicso you would do: cat /dev/mtdblock/1 > /mnt/hda/my.backup
03:47.08JaBZfrom the bootloader?
03:47.31RelativeToxicfrom linux
03:48.06JaBZhow long shld it take?
03:49.29RelativeToxiceh, depends on the speed of the media
03:49.41RelativeToxic.... damn, the barrel connector on the bottom of my ipaq is shot
03:50.05RelativeToxicguessing Im going to have to open up my stowaway and solder in wires for power over the other connector
03:50.16RelativeToxicprobably do that when I get home.
03:50.39JaBZi want to backup before I install hostap drivers since i have kismet working with my prism card, but really want my orinoco card working.....can i just install hostap 2.4.19? since I have kernel 2.4.18-rmk3, also do i have to remove any old drivers?
03:51.02RelativeToxicJaBZ: what version of familiar?
03:51.30RelativeToxichow much data do you have?
03:52.17RelativeToxicid just say upgrade to 0.7pre :)
03:52.28JaBZused 17264KB, 15248KB free
03:52.31RelativeToxicits getting late.
03:52.34RelativeToxicsee you all later.
03:52.50RelativeToxicJaBZ: just backup files that matter to you, and reinstall.
04:38.56ikeaboyhow comes that no one misses cursor keys on those xkbd keyboards ?
04:46.20*** join/ iCEBaLM (
04:47.36JaBZdoes kismet and wellenreiter wireless scanners run under familiar v0.7??
04:48.17spiralmanthere is no reason they shouldnt, really
04:48.56JaBZk cool, does familiar 0.7 have hostap drivers?
04:50.24spiralmanit should
04:50.31spiralmanim not using it yet, so im not sure
04:50.35spiralmanbut check the feed
04:51.03JaBZdo u use a lucent card?
04:51.14spiralmana linksys prism2 based card
04:51.49JaBZall i really want is a patched orinoco_cs.o with rmon patch to use under familiar 0.6.1
04:56.00spiralmanyou can try building it yourself on one of the skiffs or ipaqs on
04:56.52nelsonJaBZ: I've run kismet just fine using hostap under 0.7-pre10.  I expect it would work for you, too.
05:00.38JaBZskiffs?, only resolves to a domain parking site stands for
05:00.53spiralmanibot skiff
05:00.57it has been said that skiff is at or broken
05:01.13spiralmanthey arent broken
05:03.24JaBZcool, too much work to do it tho
05:04.39JaBZis it not possible to compile on a normal linux station?
05:04.58spiralmanit is, but you have to set up a cross compiling toolchain, and thats a fair amount of work
05:05.12spiralmanwell, not so much so if you are using a prebuilt one, but its still a pain in the ass
05:08.47JaBZlol, somone must have a patched orinoco_cs.o
05:09.56JaBZi thought that the newer familiar feeds would have snax's patched drivers

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.