irclog2html for on 20021219

00:04.42*** join/ adsoh (
00:06.37adsohanyone can help please?
00:10.30adsohmaybe someone could send me his backup .gz so i can be able to restore? i dont know what to do.. :/
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00:17.51adsohmaybe someone could send me his backup .gz so i can be able to restore? i dont know what to do.. :/
00:17.59adsohanyone can help please?
00:19.05NonToxichey all
00:19.45NonToxicanyone know if hh23c is available yet?
00:21.28pb_NonToxic: looks like hh24 exists now
00:21.52*** join/ raster (
00:21.55pb_NonToxic: but hh23c is also in the 2.4.18 feed
00:23.56adsohpb_: do you know how i can reinstall pocketpc without any backups?
00:24.54pb_ibot, wince restore?
00:24.55extra, extra, read all about it, wince restore is or
00:24.58*** join/ pragma (
00:25.26pb_adsoh: see the first link ibot mentioned
00:25.30adsohi read the first one.. but said i needed the backup file
00:25.55pb_adsoh: in particular refer to the bit that says "If you do not have the saved wince image ..."
00:26.41adsohi will take a closer look to the texts, thanks
00:38.09*** part/ pragma (
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01:06.22NonToxiccool stuff pb
01:06.25NonToxicwhoops, he's gone
01:22.04*** join/ gone_dwmw2 (
01:24.19*** join/ jg_ (
01:27.09NonToxicHey jg_.
01:27.12NonToxicHow's your leg doing?
01:27.30NonToxic.... uhm... how long is the ping timeout??
01:27.36NonToxicyou know you can kill your ghost...
01:41.38*** join/ Mutiny (
01:54.06jg_NonToxic: it's getting better, slowly.
01:54.19jg_NonToxic: I really clobbered it badly.
01:54.38jg_So this is only 3 nights after surgery.
01:54.58jg_still complains greatly if I put it down lower than the heart.
01:55.22*** join/ Sammy (~sam@
01:55.56jg_yeah, well, I don't recommend doing what I did to myself.
01:56.06NonToxicI wouldn't either.
01:56.28NonToxicjg_, listen to WOPN radio stream.
01:56.35jg_still running a bit of a fever.  Sigh...
01:56.35NonToxicor if you have a bad connection today, low-bitrate
01:56.46NonToxicyeah, :(
01:57.31jg_NonToxic: what's on Wopn?
01:57.53NonToxiccurrently impulse's reviewing the new Star Trek movie
01:57.57NonToxicbut it's usually music
01:58.23jg_star trek has lost it completely. I no longer care at all about it.
01:58.29pookydhcp problem
01:58.46NonToxicimpulse is really taking them out
01:59.44jg_Babylon 5, on the other hand...
02:14.29NonToxicfresh build of OPIE
02:53.16*** join/ jeanjean (
03:14.35pigeonHmm, any of those gsm/gprs cf/pcmcia card works with the ipaq/linux yet? (i.e. any drivers?)
03:31.18*** join/ LoRez (
03:37.26pookyalright, time to put linux on this thing
03:39.58*** join/ Mave (
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03:45.21NonToxicoh shit
03:45.21NonToxicPrelinking /usr/lib/
03:45.21NonToxicSegmentation fault
03:46.49NonToxichh24 fixed my resume bugs
03:46.53NonToxicbecause it doesn't suspend now!
03:47.50NonToxicaw crap
03:47.58NonToxicwhen it suspends it causes a backtrace
03:48.34NonToxicUnable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address c001fba0
03:48.35NonToxicpgd = c3664000
03:48.35NonToxic*pgd = c000042e, *pmd = c000042e(bad)
03:48.35NonToxicInternal error: Oops: 0
03:49.07Dilb_op2it's not really a BT :)
03:50.19NonToxicit stacktraces actually
03:50.30*** join/ jimhill (~jimhill@
03:52.01NonToxicand now it's detecting the wrong type of pcmcia cards
03:55.19pookyis 2.18.55 the latest bootldr?
03:55.54NonToxicwll, there are some 2.19 ones, but those have some brick potential.
04:10.23pookyI can't find this damn
04:12.03pookyah, found it...
04:21.31*** join/ xsdg (xsdg@xsdg.staff.freenode)
04:22.38pookyokay, I have a stupid question, does the bootldr contain the kernel?
04:22.54pookylike, will I be able to boot after loading it?
04:22.58treke|homethe kernel is part of the root image
04:23.25treke|homepooky: You can boot wince if you havent erased it. If you've uploaded a familiar image you can also boot
04:23.47pookythat's what I'm looking for
04:23.59pookyI'm trying to be uber careful, and do this howto, but, I didn't see a anywhere...
04:24.21treke|homeWhat howto?
04:24.35pookythe one on
04:24.53*** join/ brainless (~anurag@
04:24.53pookyUse ActiveSync or network to copy bootldr to the ipaq's CF card.
04:24.56treke|homepooky: url?
04:27.04treke|homepooky: hmmm. No idea where to get
04:27.15pookyare you bored ;D
04:27.38treke|homeUnfortunatly I'm bored with something I have to do :)
04:44.42Xerxesanyone know what's up with the Opie keyboard?
04:44.51Xerxesit installs but doesn't show up
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05:37.29*** join/ cdm (
05:37.32cdmevening all.
05:37.46kergothhey cdm
05:37.50cdmanyone know if there is a "standard" way to grab a list of shoutcast streams from a server like
05:38.47Dilb_op24 letters: perl
05:39.01cdmDilb_op2: that isn't what I mean.
05:39.19Dilb_op2ok 6 letters then: python :)
05:39.32cdmI am looking for something like how news is shared between websites.
05:42.07cdmBZFlagNotCTO: :)
05:43.08kergothanyone have a procmail rule handy that matches html mail?
05:43.51cdmkergoth: to toss it away?
05:43.55BZFlagNotCTOkergoth: there is no mimencode on there is there?
05:44.04kergothcdm: yeah
05:44.08kergothBZFlagNotCTO: /me shrugs
05:44.16cdmkergoth: get spamassasin
05:44.25kergothdont actually have any html mail handy, just wanted to ensure it gets nailed
05:44.32kergothcdm: using it, does it block em by default?
05:44.41cdmkergoth: Just know it can.
05:45.11kergothcdm: k, ill figure out how to tweak that. thanks
05:51.44pookykergoth: if you're just out to block spam, I suggest bmf
05:56.26pookyso, I'm not running windows, so I can't move the files over that way, but can't I just download them directly using my wireless link?
06:16.50pookyI guess I would still need some kind of internet connection though after I booted into linux...
06:17.50pookyah, and here at the end, it says I must have it connected
06:18.01pookyI think I'm just gonna take it into work and find a win box ;(
06:22.21pookythat sucks ;/
06:23.20spiralmanpooky: you dont need a net connection, it just makes things a lot easier
06:23.53pookyspiralman: well, the issue, is, I can't make a serial connection
06:24.10pookyspiralman: I'm lucky enough to have a wireless card for my ipaq, so I can get all the files...
06:24.17spiralmanas in a ppp over serial connection, or a serial connection at all
06:24.38spiralmanthe wireless card will work in linux...
06:25.03pookyI'm really feeling stupid right now.
06:25.21pookymostly out of the anxiety of owning a brick
06:26.51pookyspiralman: so, I could fire up bootblaster, install the bootloader, then what would I do after that?
06:27.19spiralmanthen you need a serial cable/cradle to install the rom image
06:27.25pookythat's what I thought
06:27.28spiralmanthats what i was getting at before
06:27.44spiralmanits not a ppp connection between the ipaq and the desktop, its just raw ascii over serial
06:27.56pookyI see
06:28.20spiralmanonce you get linux installed, you can set up a ppp connection, or a wireless connection, or wired ethernet, or a usb connection
06:28.30spiralmanor ir, or bluetooth, etc
06:28.38spiralmanbut for that first step, you need serial
06:28.48pookythat's what my general assumption was
06:29.03pookyand since something is wierd about my serial ports on this box
06:29.09pookyI'm just gonna take it to work, and find a win box
06:31.16pookyOH WAIT
06:31.20pookyI HAVE A WIN BOX :D
06:31.27pookyI just gotta go dig it out of the closet
06:31.50pookyhrm, I don't think I've ever been that happy over realizing I have windows..
06:34.19cdmanyone know if has a small-screen version of thier website?
06:38.22spiralmanpooky: you dont need windows...
06:38.32spiralmanpooky: not for the installing the flash image part
06:38.39spiralmanpooky: it works fine from linux or anything else
06:39.18pookyspiralman: heh, I'm just trying to find anything, that will let me move an image over ;)
06:39.41*** join/ pierre (
06:39.45spiralmanpooky: pretty much anything that can do text and x modem will work
06:43.40*** join/ Sammy (~sam@
06:50.31BZFlagNotCTOanyone else using swing java apps on Familiar? /me is having native threads grief with blackdown jvm
06:56.56cdm<shiver> swing </shiver>
07:07.17*** join/ Elsifer (
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08:18.19*** join/ pkomarek (
08:27.41*** join/ Dragon1212 (
08:28.02Dragon1212anyone here awake?
08:32.18TangentMorning all
08:32.26TangentDragon1212: I am now :)
08:33.44Dragon1212did I wake u?
08:34.02Dragon1212sorry if i did :(
08:34.16TangentYeah... you and your noisy typing... How's a guy supposed to sleep with that racket going on ;)
08:34.36Dragon1212well, I must get straight to the point here....
08:35.04Dragon1212I am desperatly looking for an ARM port of the readline library
08:35.09Dragon1212err... the include files
08:35.24TangentDragon1212: They should be available from debian
08:35.45Dragon1212their search engine is down :(
08:36.17TangentYou probably want the libreadline4-dev package
08:36.29Dragon1212wait... i just got that package
08:36.32Dragon1212its in rpm
08:37.02*** join/ banshee (
08:37.11Dragon1212ok, call me stupid, but, how do I open a RPM w/o having to actually install it
08:37.30TangentDragon1212: With RPMs... I've no idea...
08:37.40TangentDragon1212: I could tell you how to handle a .deb tho'
08:38.20TangentLet me find a URL... 20 secs
08:39.51Tangentuse 'ar -x package.deb' to get at the goodies
08:40.26Dragon1212ahhh....thank u soo much
08:40.27TangentShould be a data.tar.gz (the goodies)... control.tar.gz (how to install the goodies on debian).. and debian_binary... (nothing important)
08:40.40Dragon1212just like the ipkg's on my zaurus
08:40.41TangentNP :)
08:44.21*** join/ BBrox (
08:44.58TangentDragon1212: You can tell where ipkg got it's ideas from :)
08:45.21Dragon1212and OPIE uses a Debian base I think
08:45.40TangentI thought opie used familiar as a base.... intimate uses debian... (I know too well)
08:46.29Dragon1212damn... the headers didn't work
08:46.32TangentI have two copies of debian arm... one to break.. and the other one as a backup copy
08:46.41TangentHrm.. what do they say now?
08:47.33Dragon1212bunch of compile errors
08:48.26TangentYeah... my own fault :)
08:48.37Dragon1212Mozilla fer me... although it has its issues
08:49.06TangentI'm _tyring_ to get my main machine over to running linux full-time... but it still has _issues_...
08:49.33Dragon1212hehe... just converted mine from XP to Redhat 8 few months ago....
08:49.42Dragon1212haven't booted XP since :)
08:49.49Dragon1212and DON'T miss it either
08:51.02TangentI won't allow XP in the house...
08:51.02TangentI won't allow XP machines on the network at work either
08:51.02TangentThis machine's been dual-boot for ages... but Video & Sound support always cause fun...
08:51.06TangentI've got two gfx cards.... so what optimisations do I tell mplayer to use... etc...
08:51.39TangentAnd the support for my Soundblaster Live! seems to support everything except the front panel... which is full of inputs for me...
08:51.50Dragon1212ya, that sux
08:52.20TangentThe worst one tho... the one killer app for me... is rdesktop... i.e. Windows Terminal Services Client
08:52.36Dragon1212never heard of it
08:52.39TangentFor me... that works for 5 mins.. .then screws up the window manager so badly that the only fix is to restart X
08:52.51TangentIt works perfectly on every machine except this one
08:52.57TangentIt's totally weird
08:53.13Dragon1212im sorta new to Linux... well, not really... just got over that initial learning curve
08:53.18TangentIt's not like I'm a scared noob... but I still don't have a clue what's up with it
08:55.24TangentI've been linuxing since slackware fitted on 31 floppies (for everything... 11 for them were X)
08:55.42Tangentsomething like 9 years now
08:56.03Dragon1212maybe 4 or so years for me... off and on
08:56.06TangentYeah.. you'd think that after 9 years I'd have got my sound card set up properly :)
08:56.59Dragon1212ahh well, that compile didn't work w/ the readline library...
08:57.21Dragon1212guess ill c what I can do tomorrow...
08:57.53Dragon1212I'm off to Unreal Tournament 2003 land...cya
08:58.05Dragon1212btw, thx for you're help
09:04.16TangentDragon1212: No problem... Hope you blast them all :)
09:04.30ker2xinittab call /etc/init.d/powerfail , this file do not exist .
09:04.55*** join/ pkomarek (
09:04.59ker2xis it resolved in the last familiar release ?
09:05.33NgTangent: hey
09:05.47NgTangent: live ports on the front? is that a live drive? if so, some of that should be supported I think
09:06.10ker2xsomeone with the last release can check please ? :)
09:08.21TangentNg: It's a SB Live! Platinum Edition
09:08.41TangentNg: The ports on the front didn't work under windows either until a few months ago...
09:09.18ker2x"didn't work under windows" <- bah :)
09:09.22Tangentker2x: Not there on my iPAQ
09:09.29NgTangent: nice :\
09:09.33Tangentker2x: Yeah.. I know...
09:09.41NgTangent: the linux live drivers are a bit sucky, but then the card is a bit sucky
09:10.11Tangentker2x: It's kind of a fair assumption that if the manufacturer provided drivers don't work properly, then the OpenSource versions are less likely
09:10.36TangentNg: The card is the sort of thing I'd design.... let's stick a big DSP on there... and let the software deal with the rest :)
09:10.46TangentGreat for hardware designers
09:11.49ker2xor a big CPU on PC, let's the software deal with this bad architecture :)
09:12.22TangentYep.. that's the way it works...
09:12.40ker2xSun powah !
09:12.56ker2x(old sun)
09:12.57TangentThe sad truth is... you can buy custom logic... or you can pay 1/10th the price and buy a CPU that can do everything the custom logic can, only faster, better, cheaper... and it does other stuff too
09:13.23TangentThis is why my homeautomation custom PCB has two CPUs and pretty much nothing else... couple of resistors etc...
09:13.24ker2xno, only _cheaper_
09:14.44Tangent4MHz crystal oscillater... abou $2.... Pic Microcontroller with built in 4MHz oscillator... $1...  Use it as a clock signal... get a whole CPU thrown in for free
09:15.06ker2xok ok :)
09:15.10ker2xnot only cheaper :)
09:16.08TangentOnly cheaper if you count component cost... Have to add in dev time... but if you're mass producing then dev is a very small fraction of the cost
09:16.36Tangenti.e. I'd have to program the CPU to act as a crystal... the crysal would just work
09:18.06pookyok, so, I just finished installing on my ipaq
09:18.22pookycan I reboot?
09:18.56ker2xwhy ?
09:19.09ker2xyou just finished to install windows ?
09:19.17*** join/ Ng (
09:19.42pookywell, no
09:20.00pookyI can just kill the serial connection and carry on ;)
09:20.29pookyI thik it's great it supported my wireless card and had dhcpcd set up out of the box...
09:20.41pookybig props to whoevers decision that was...
09:20.50pookyI'm exhausted
09:20.53pookyand must sleep now
09:21.00BZFlagNotCTOanyway to get gpe to start rotated?
09:21.00ker2x'day :)
09:21.32ker2xi have to go to work
09:21.46TangentWireless support still bugs me.... Mostly just the fact that I have two different wireless cards... One detects OK, but cant route (and it's definately got routes etc)... the other one I have to hack /etc/pcmcia to make it work
09:22.16ker2xmy wireless card is working
09:22.22ker2xbu ti lost some hours
09:22.27TangentMine is now... It's just every time I upgrade it stops
09:23.29sc00bis anyone experienced installing cisco aironet 340/350 on a out-of-the-box familiar/opie-installation?
09:24.04Tangentsc00b: Cisco Aironet 340.. no .... Aironet 4800 yes...
09:24.07sc00bis it possible to install this wlan-card without d/l any other package?
09:24.16sc00btan: thnx...too bad then :)
09:24.20Tangentsc00b: It should be...
09:24.56sc00btan: should be?
09:25.21Tangentsc00b: It uses the airo_cs driver.. same as my 4800 does
09:25.26Tangentsc00b: And that's there by default
09:25.44sc00btan: yes, but at boot-time it says that some module is missing
09:26.04Tangentsc00b: Hrm.. which module is missing? airo_cs ?
09:26.29sc00btan: good question...don't remind it and i can't check it right now
09:26.37sc00btan: but i think it was airo_cs
09:26.44Tangentsc00b: It's there on the bootstrap image I downloaded a couple of days ago
09:26.54sc00btan: really??
09:27.05sc00btan: do u have the url of this bootstrap?
09:27.19Tangentsc00b: It's just the one from the familiar install page...
09:27.58TangentThat's the one I'm using
09:28.11ker2xwhat is the last stable bootldr version ?
09:28.16sc00btan: i'm using ->
09:28.32sc00btan: so maybe i should downgrade :)
09:28.43Tangentsc00b: Ah.. more bleeding edge than me... Maybe downgrade is a good idea.
09:28.53sc00btan: seems so
09:29.06Tangentsc00b: I have the modules in /lib/modules/2.4.18-rmk3/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/airo_cs.o
09:29.07sc00btan: anyway, thank u very much for that tip
09:29.15Tangentsc00b: No problem.. glad to help :_
09:30.03ker2xthe install.html for the bootloader is outdated
09:30.18sc00bker2x: y?
09:31.25ker2xDownload bootldr 2.8.01
09:31.30ker2xDownload bootldr 2.18.01
09:31.43ker2xthis version can't boot the last img
09:34.39sc00bker: i don't know where you saw this...but this site seems more up to date:
09:39.08Dragon1212yawn... peace Tangent
09:39.12Dragon1212thx again
09:46.52*** join/ mallum (
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10:02.34BZFlagNotCTOipkg.conf does not contain "card" or "mmc"
10:04.44sandman_BZFlagNotCTO: hi .. thanks for the ibot alias btw
10:11.57mallumBZFlagNotCTO: NotCTO ?
10:12.27mallumBZFlagNotCTO: is this something to do with the metroworks buy out ?
10:29.28BZFlagNotCTOmallum: yes.
10:29.40ker2xi'upgraded 0.6.1 to "unstable"
10:29.59ker2xand now i don't have the "login" prompt
10:30.13BZFlagNotCTOmallum: Metrowerks has not choosen to offer me a full time position (or a few other engineers for that matter)
10:30.27ker2xId "T0" respawning too fast, disabling for 5mn
10:30.47ker2xINIT: no more process left in this runlevel
10:30.50BZFlagNotCTOmallum: yet they claim they have acquired "All key talent from Embedix Inc.: management, engineering, marketing, sales"
10:31.09BZFlagNotCTOso I'm just griping about it. ;-)
10:33.25mallumBZFlagNotCTO: arg, bummer :(
10:34.03ker2xStarting PCMCIA Service
10:34.25ker2xcardmgr[270]: watching 2 sockets
10:34.31ker2xand that's all
10:34.40ker2xcan't boot
10:35.18mallumBZFlagNotCTO: They are sorting you out a good redundancy deal though ?
10:39.50ker2xi have an idea, stable version in flash, unstable on hardrive
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11:59.09ker2xhey, how can i submit a bug on the familiar 0.6.1 with bugzilla ?
11:59.46BZFlagNotCTOmallum: remains to be seen.
11:59.52ker2xthe last version displayed is 5.0-9, or i misunderstanding something
12:00.39ker2xsorry :)
12:01.05ker2xit's sorted in alphanumeric :)
12:04.38minddogwhat /dev/ttyS... is it for second serial device
12:04.44minddogin debian
12:04.51ker2x1 ?
12:05.12minddognot happenin heh
12:05.41minddoggot it
12:10.48minddogupgrading the bootldr and familiar today
12:10.51minddogbeen a while
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12:13.53ker2xyo dilb
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13:30.49markhi all.  can anyone tell me what signal gets sent to apps when a device goes into suspend?
13:32.35minddoghrmm ymodem seems to break in 2.18.48
13:32.58minddogguess ill just upload the new bootldr through familiar
13:35.38AntiProxyhow can you upload bootldr through familiar anyway ? .)
13:35.58minddogAntiProxy: send the file over minicom
13:36.08AntiProxywhere to ?
13:36.29AntiProxyi don't think you can access /dev/mtdblock/0 from within familiar, if that's what you'r trying
13:36.42minddogzmodem to the ipaq
13:36.59AntiProxyi got that point
13:37.10AntiProxysay you have the new bootldr.bin sitting in your iPAQ somewhere..
13:37.11AntiProxynow what ?
13:37.14minddogusually it worked couple months ago
13:37.18minddogoh duh
13:37.28minddogi have a cf disk
13:37.35minddogmy ibm microdrive
13:37.48AntiProxyokay.. that explains .)
13:37.59minddoghrmm i should just be able to send it over zmodem right?
13:38.08minddogno application has to be instantiated right?
13:39.05AntiProxynot sure how exactly it works.. i usually do that over minicom
13:39.19AntiProxyand i'd guess the reciever has to expect an incoming transmittion..
13:39.19minddogi have minicom open
13:39.24minddogctrl a+s
13:39.31minddogchhose zmodem and then the file
13:39.39AntiProxyyou know..
13:39.41AntiProxyi was thinking
13:39.43pookyheh, are there keys missing?
13:39.53AntiProxyyou could have been done already, if you sent the image over xmodem
13:39.59pookyI could not figure out how to get an @ for the life of my last night on that thing?
13:40.04AntiProxyit's just 200KBs anyway
13:40.09minddogi did but it was taking over 25minutes
13:40.12minddogsomethings wrong
13:40.23AntiProxypooky: keys where ?
13:40.29pookyman, it took me just over half an hour to move the gpe image
13:40.45AntiProxypooky: that's a ~6MB image
13:40.45pookyAntiProxy: trying to use xvt with the virtual keyboard
13:41.01AntiProxyhe's just tranfering bootldr image which is a couple of hundred KBs
13:41.12pookysorry to interrupt
13:41.30minddogsomethings really akward
13:41.45pookybut seriously how does one ssh, if one can't type an @ symbol ;)
13:42.02pookyit was giving me a " when I typed the normal key...
13:42.09AntiProxythe @ symbol should be SHIFT - 2
13:42.14AntiProxyunless you've altered the keymaps
13:42.19pookyI haven't
13:42.30AntiProxywhat does shift-2 do ?
13:42.44jameyAntiProxy: last time I installed bootldr from Linux I had to recompile the kernel to do so
13:43.01jameywe have it pretty well protected from linux apps
13:43.05AntiProxyjamey: oh.. so it's the kernel that protects /dev/mtdblock/0 ?
13:43.14kero-workmakr: and what would the app do with it, specifically, how would it report to the kernel it is "done" with the signal? no signal is sent, afaik.
13:43.51kero-workmark, even...
13:43.58jameyAntiProxy: the sector is locked, but then the mtd device is also marked read only so the kernel won't let you unlock it or write to it
13:44.23AntiProxypb_ and i , had a lil chat on this earlier on
13:44.27markkero-work: right.  so how do the apps stop running? (which they seemingly do?)
13:44.30jameyAntiProxy: that might be overkill.
13:44.36minddogeither a) im doing something wrong, cuz the file won't send b) a lot of things aer busted
13:44.48kero-workmark: they don't, they continue when the unit resumes.
13:45.00jameyminddog: what are you trying to do?
13:45.13minddogsend a file over *modem
13:45.13AntiProxyjamey: it could enable people to update bootldr without a serial cable/cradle
13:45.16minddogin familiar
13:45.28markkero-work: so does something in the kernel 'pause' them whilst the device is suspended?
13:45.59AntiProxyjamey: we could as well write a simple script, that'd generate MD5SUMs of /dev/mtdblock/0 and compare them to the image copied..
13:46.01minddoghell maybe my minicom might be busted
13:46.17AntiProxyor even perform the same verification routines that bootldr does on new images transferred
13:46.28AntiProxythat could be a good alternative to "load bootldr" .)
13:46.32AntiProxyfast too
13:47.47pookycan you use the "minikeyboard" with linux? is it a supported device?
13:48.12kero-workmark: the CPU is shut down; the app has no chance of doing anything at all
13:48.13jameyAntiProxy: then we need to modify bootldr not to attach "ro" to bootldr partition description
13:48.36AntiProxypooky: you mean Microkeyboard ?
13:48.55minddogi knew it was a hack a while ago, never did get my keyboard working
13:49.04jameyminddog: have you ever sent a file to the ipaq via *modem?  if running linux on ipaq (not bootldr), then zmodem works best.  make sure lrzsz is installed on host.
13:49.36kero-workmark: note that various hardware parts are governed by the kernel, so get a chance to shut down properly.
13:49.41minddogahhh thats why
13:50.11pookyyeah, the micro keyboard
13:50.24minddoghrmm no its installed
13:50.35AntiProxypooky: yup.. it works with microkbd-modules-2.4.18-rmk3
13:50.36markkero-work: okay, thanks.
13:50.50kero-workmark: and there is some tricky stuff with sleeves and cardmgr, so all is done in proper order. Bt you'd have to ask someone else about the details.
13:50.54kero-workmark: np
13:51.29minddoger i mean no, ive been up all nite
13:51.36pookyAntiProxy: thanks
13:51.51pookysorry for all the newb questions...
13:52.04*** join/ ade|bed (
13:52.12pookyI really should have gotten some sleep last ngiht, instead of sitting awake till 2 in the morning installing ;)
13:52.23pookythen having to get up at 5 to go to work...sigh
13:57.06minddogim gettin somewhere
14:00.50minddogzmodem gives me a timeout on filename
14:01.41minddogahh rz
14:03.38*** join/ LoRez (
14:05.04minddogstill messed hrmm
14:05.18*** join/ sacah (
14:06.00minddogahh the update killed my network config file oos
14:09.27LoRezum.  the vinyl keeps the trees protected from the elements
14:09.46Hymiedamn Greenpeace nuts
14:10.09LoRezthe animals like to chew on the corners too
14:10.38LoRezwe also sell windows.  lots of windows.
14:10.56pookyman, i can't read this term for the life of me...
14:11.04Hymiechange the font
14:11.07pookyis there any way to turn off aa?
14:11.07Hymiechange the colours
14:11.18Hymiethat's probably bold, not aa
14:11.29Hymiesome mindless bonehead decided that all terms look better with bold fonts
14:11.37Hymieso they went around setting that as the default
14:12.11AntiProxyDisconnect: ping
14:13.36AntiProxy~botmail for Disconnect doesn't ibot log channels anymore? if so, how come the channel stats page hasn't been updated for 2 months ?
14:16.21minddogahh sftp for the 9meg image
14:17.14AntiProxyjamey: still no hh24 in unstable feed... haven't you got a chance to copy it yet ?
14:24.52minddogi have deleted many files
14:24.58minddoghow would i flush them
14:25.08minddogdf still shows the same amount of space used
14:25.39minddognevermind it updated itself
14:27.26*** join/ pierre_ (
14:44.46Xerxeshas anyone gotten Opie to connect via Qtopia Desktop 1.6b for Windows?
14:45.19nDiScReEtI haven't gottten that same version for linux to work neither
14:45.29nDiScReEtwe are in the same boat on this one.
14:46.13XerxesI can get it to work in Linux if I establish a ppp connection
14:46.49nDiScReEtReally? Maybe if I tried it that way instead of using USB networking?
14:47.35*** join/ dc__ (
14:47.36nDiScReEtDid you have to change the ip for your ipaq in order for it to work?
14:48.02Xerxesno, I just use the same connection I use fo ssh, IpMasq,etc...
14:48.24Xerxesjust tell Qtopia Desktop the ipaq's IP
14:48.32minddogdoes ext3 work on the bootldr
14:48.40minddogor does it have to be jffs2 partition
14:48.49nDiScReEtI do and then that is when the ipaq comes out of standby mode but I can't sync anything
14:49.13Xerxesdoes it connect? I mean, does the ipaq prompt you to allow the connection?
14:49.26nDiScReEtIt has no features enabled.
14:49.51Xerxesyou have to make sure you enter the IP AND choose the ethernet radio button
14:49.54nDiScReEtMaybe I should try the tarball instead of the rpm?
14:49.59nDiScReEtDid you use the rpm?
14:51.06minddogi still get an RXSTAT error
14:51.25Xerxesminddog: when you do what?
14:51.35minddogload bootldr
14:51.40minddogwhen i send over xmodem
14:51.49Xerxesminddog: what are you sending it?
14:52.11Xerxesdid you do 'partition reset'?
14:52.50minddogthat won't help anything
14:52.51minddogbuty eah i tried
14:53.00nDiScReEtI don't see the ethernet button. Only USB, Serial, and Local Area Network
14:53.08XerxesLAN, sorry
14:53.09minddogRetry 0: Retry Count Exceeded
14:53.12Xerxesthat's what I meant
14:53.27Xerxesminddog: yep. That's weird.
14:53.34nDiScReEtThat is what I have it on now
14:53.46Xerxesand you entered the ipaq IP?
14:53.48minddogits gotta be my machine
14:54.10Xerxesand it agrees with ifconfig?
14:54.10nDiScReEtYes, I use the default
14:54.32Xerxesmine works fine
14:55.15nDiScReEtI can assess the internet from the ipaq and ssh from the ipaq or the desktop
14:55.36Xerxesthat is odd
14:55.49Xerxesmaybe the ipaq is missing a service?
14:56.01XerxesI don't know what part of Opie controls that though
14:56.17minddogXerxes: weirdest ever
14:56.33minddogit was an xterm problem
14:56.36minddogenviroment variables
14:57.09nDiScReEtI think you are right but I too don't have an idea what that could be.
14:57.20Xerxesminddog: you're using xterm?
14:57.23nDiScReEtanyway you can list yours?
14:57.29minddogxterm -> minicom
14:57.42XerxesnDiScReEt: you could try installing the rest of opie?
14:58.08XerxesnDiScReEt: yes, I can sync, install software, up/download documents, etc.
14:58.12Xerxesminddog: ah
14:58.42nDiScReEtI am envious of Xerxes
14:58.58minddogokay ymodem'ing the 9megs
14:59.01minddogill be back in a couple hours
14:59.45XerxesnDiScReEt: try the network packages from Opie
15:00.11nDiScReEtI'm looking through them now using ipkgfind
15:01.49Xerxesminddog: you're loading it a 9MB bootloader??
15:01.58nDiScReEtXerxes: you don't happen to use storm do you?
15:02.16XerxesnDiScReEt: Storm Linux?
15:03.27nDiScReEtoh no, storm the ipk package
15:03.32nDiScReEtit is a syncing PIM
15:08.07XerxesNo, but it sounds interesting
15:10.11*** join/ niklas_ (
15:11.56nDiScReEtI went to opie and someone told me that I needed to install opie-security and then set the ip range.
15:12.58niklas_When I start playing music on my iPAQ I only get low volume and in the left earphone, mostly.  If I raise and lower the volume it gets good, but how can I avoid having to do this?
15:13.34Xerxesyou could have a bad connector
15:14.08minddogXerxes: nah bootldr is only 250kb
15:14.15minddogthe bootstrap is 9megs
15:14.20Xerxesah, ok
15:14.39minddogbeen 5month since last fresh install
15:14.42minddogmight as well now
15:18.00Xerxeshehe, yeah
15:18.04Xerxeslet me know how it goes
15:24.01jameyAntiProxy: hh24 is now in the unstable feed.  thanks for reminding me.
15:24.30Xerxesbtw, what is hh24?
15:24.44jameyXerxes: 2.4.18-rmk3-hh23 kernel packages
15:24.50jameyXerxes: 2.4.18-rmk3-hh24 kernel packages
15:25.02Xerxesoh, ok
15:25.27Xerxesdo these constitute substantial improvements?
15:26.54minddogtake a look at the source hehe
15:28.31minddoggreat its doen
15:37.22*** join/ aok (
16:01.14*** join/ jg (
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16:01.51*** part/ jg (
16:04.24AntiProxypb_: did you get a chance to try the modded init scripts ?
16:04.33AntiProxyhi jg_ feeling better i hope ?
16:04.47AntiProxyjamey: thanks.. updated successfuly
16:05.14jg_AntiProxy: not much.
16:05.52AntiProxyjg_: you have a surgical operation due sometime soon, right ?
16:06.43jg_I have about 5 days of heavy duty pain meds left, so my expectation is either the pain starts abating or I get a refill. I'm hoping the former, rather than the latter....
16:07.01AntiProxyhope you get well soon man..
16:07.10jg_AntiProxy: Had the surgery to reassemble the ankle Sunday.
16:07.10AntiProxyi hate it when bad things happen to good folks .)
16:07.18AntiProxyouch.. that bad ?!
16:07.19jg_it went well.
16:07.25AntiProxyi'm glad..
16:07.32jg_two breaks: fibia and tibia.
16:07.51pb_AntiProxy: not yet, been quite busy the last few days
16:07.59jg_I just want to know if I'll set off the airport detectors now.
16:08.01AntiProxycouldn't be worse!
16:08.03pb_AntiProxy: I will try to test 'em out this evening if I get time
16:08.12jg_my head gear didn't do so; maybe this will now.
16:08.19AntiProxyjg_: all that cuz you fell while sweeping some leafs ?
16:08.35jg_yeah, to reduce the chance of injury.
16:09.11AntiProxypb_: great.. lemme know how it goes
16:09.30pb_will do
16:09.32AntiProxypb_: i *think* i'll have to update familiar-base, cuz it got updated in the unstable feed ( if you'r using that )
16:09.37AntiProxyotherwise.. it should be fine
16:09.45pb_yeah, I am using unstable
16:10.12AntiProxyokay.. i'll fix that up
16:10.18jg_AntiProxy: so I get about 1 hour out of every 4 where I feel pretty decent; the rest of the time varies between drugged out or uncomfortable.
16:10.34jameyhi jg
16:10.43jg_hi jamey.
16:10.57jameyjg_: what kind of fractures did you have in your fibia and tibia?
16:11.03jg_serious boredom is setting in....
16:11.04AntiProxyjg_: i know the feeling.. all the best man, hope you get well real soon .)
16:11.47jg_well, the one I saw to my untrained eye went well up the length of the bone, along its length...
16:12.00jameyjg_: oh wow
16:12.11jg_the other I didn't see, not that I've examined the xrays carefully.
16:12.27jg_so they have to hold the bones together carefully for them and the ligaments to knit.
16:12.43jg_No weight on the bones for at least a month after injury.
16:14.00jg_though seeing it in the dislocated state was more psycologically disturbing.
16:14.13jameyI would think the pain meds would be the worst part of it.
16:14.15jg_You just aren't used to things going at funny angles.
16:14.29jameybeing immobilized is bad enough without being able to do anything
16:14.38jg_yeah, as usual, the meds are both blessing and a curse.
16:14.54minddogwow the new bootldr is fast
16:15.07jameyminddog: which new bootldr?
16:15.17jg_I'll be glad when I'm off the narcotics, which I have way too much experience with for my taste, so the brain again functions properly.
16:15.30minddogi just upgraded from 2.18.48
16:15.40*** join/ Mutiny- (
16:15.59jameyminddog: yes, it scans jffs2 faster now.  as suggested by dwmw2, it does not check crc on nodes it is not reading
16:16.35jameyminddog: same thing is in the kernel in 2.4.19 now -- latest is 2.4.19-rmk4-pxa2-hh3 in feeds/2.4.19
16:16.50jameyit makes the whole boot process much faster
16:17.19jameyjg_: is there anything we can get for you?
16:17.31jg_not at the moment.
16:17.55minddogahh sweet
16:18.04jg_Once I get off the drugs so I can work again, I'll probably want an assortment of iPAQ gear to mess with.
16:18.21jg_I hope that will be a bit after Christmass.
16:19.01jg_I'll put a list together of things I didn't have in my backpack, when I'm a bit more cogent.
16:19.30minddogjg_: what happened if i may ask
16:19.33jg_I've ordered a hospital sort of table to work on: it hasn't arrived yet.
16:20.53jg_minddog: dislocated ankle, broke fibia and tibia
16:21.11Ngouch :(
16:21.14Nghope they heal quickly
16:21.20jg_Ng: ouch is right.
16:21.25minddog=/ ... yeah get better fast
16:21.32jg_cast on for maybe 8 weeks.
16:21.41minddogi hope nothing goes real permanent
16:22.01minddogso heal right!
16:22.32Ngyeah, make sure they put all the bits in the right way round ;)
16:22.46minddoggood luck, im out for the day
16:26.06nelsonjg_: I stayed in bed an extra hour this morning, in solidarity with you.
16:27.14jg_nelson: sounds like a plan :-)
16:27.16*** join/ BZFlag (
16:28.43*** join/ sjohnson (
16:38.18jameyBZFlag: btw, I made 2.4.19-rmk4-pxa2-hh3 packages yesterday for sa1100 and pxa in feeds/2.4.19
16:38.35jameyincludes your mmc patch
16:40.55gribnelson: some genius should create and we can all donate some healing time to jg
16:45.09sjohnsonHas js had sugery yet?
16:45.43jg_sjohnson: yes, on Sunday.
16:46.07jg_so I'm bolted back together again...
16:46.31jg_sjohnson: the question of the hour is whether I'll set off the metal detectors at airports now...
16:47.35sjohnsonjg_: Probably will. Late time, my small belt buckle set off the detector.
16:47.48BZFlagjamey: cool. I'll test today.
16:48.03jg_the titanium in my skull doesn't set it off, so I dunno.
16:48.03jg_We'll see.
16:48.18*** join/ dctanner_ (
16:48.33pookyso, I installed the micro keyboqard modules, but, I'm still having issues, is there anyhting extra I should do, besides installing the package?
16:51.17sjohnsonjg_: Well, either way, I hope you feeling better.
17:13.23niklas_I've researched my sound problem a bit more.
17:14.41niklas_If I do "madplay -o raw:/dev/dsp a.mp3 b.mp3" it only occurs at the start of a.mp3, but if I do "madplay -o raw:/dev/dsp a.mp3; sleep 1; madplay -o raw:/dev/dsp b.mp3" it occurs at the start of both.
17:15.18pb_what is the problem?
17:15.20niklas_The problem I get is that if I don't have the volume over half I only get sound in the left earphone.
17:15.44niklas_If I raise the volume and then lower it back I get full stereo, but it's annoying to have to do that.
17:16.14pb_ah, I see.  sounds very strange.
17:16.39niklas_I uninstalled esd as the .ipk with ogg123 I found didn't support esd, and esd hogs /dev/dsp.
17:17.20niklas_My system is a pretty standard familiar 0.6.1, so I don't see how I could be the only one with this issue...
17:21.39pb_well, I guess most people are using esd.  maybe the problem doesn't occur in that situation.
17:32.01*** join/ dc__ (
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17:55.04pookyhow does one take screenshots?
17:55.36*** join/ dc__ (
18:01.54*** join/ nDiScReEt (
18:04.21pookysure does take awhile
18:04.29pookyactually, i bet my proxy is screwing it up ;/
18:04.36pookythere's no way to do a local capture?
18:04.54pb_ah, yeah, scap doesn't get on well with proxies.
18:05.03pb_you can cat /dev/fb0 >somefile
18:05.06AntiProxysays who ? .)
18:05.18pb_but you will have to convert the raw bits to some usable image format.
18:05.48pookyis it similiar to what xwd pumps out?
18:06.18pb_dunno.  I don't have much of an idea what you get from xwd.
18:06.36pb_it will be raw 16bpp pixel data: five bits of red, six bits of green, five bits of blue.
18:06.56AntiProxyput that in /usr/bin, chmod it +x, and of course, set your proxy IP/Port
18:07.26pookyyour site is blocked...
18:07.29pookyon this network
18:07.30AntiProxyotherwise, if you just wanna do local scaps,, cat /dev/fb0 > some_file, and get raw2ppm to convert that
18:07.34AntiProxyblocked ?
18:07.35pookyI tried looking at it the other day
18:07.50AntiProxypooky: which network is that ?
18:08.01pookythe filtering software is websense
18:08.07pookyit's a school network
18:08.25AntiProxytry the IP instead
18:08.28AntiProxywebsense is stupid that way
18:09.05pookycan't do any port outside of 80 ;)
18:09.13AntiProxyah.. that
18:09.14pookyno worries
18:09.20pookyI'll pop something up later
18:09.22AntiProxyi thought they banned *
18:09.27pookyI want to start finding themes and such for matchbox though soon ;)
18:09.30nDiScReEtThis is it "/usr/lib/ipkg/info/gtk-locale-da.control
18:09.49AntiProxynDiScReEt: paste the whole line
18:09.55AntiProxyi put that '-al' there on purpose ,)
18:09.55mallumpooky: there are a load of older ones in matchbox cvs
18:10.31nDiScReEtaiight "~ # ls /usr/lib/ipkg/info/gtk-locale*
18:10.40AntiProxystop dude
18:11.08nDiScReEtok, told ya
18:11.08pookydid you exec -o ipkg list?
18:11.11AntiProxyi said the "whole LINE" not the whole damned thing
18:11.13pb_AntiProxy: lol
18:11.26nDiScReEtok, heh
18:11.27AntiProxybesides.. that was ' ls /usr/lib/ipkg/info/gtk-locale* -al '
18:11.28nDiScReEtmy bad
18:11.30pooky| grep gtk
18:11.30AntiProxyyou missed the -al
18:11.43AntiProxyi was just interested in the date
18:11.56AntiProxyso we can look for other control files around, that were installed around the same time
18:12.00nDiScReEthere we go : "/usr/lib/ipkg/info/gtk-locale-da.control
18:12.05AntiProxycuz your status file doesn't mention any dependencies
18:12.22nDiScReEtand "/usr/lib/ipkg/info/gtk-locale-da.list"
18:12.24AntiProxydude.. -al
18:12.28AntiProxyls BKLAHLKFH -al
18:12.30AntiProxysee the -al ?
18:12.53nDiScReEt-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          228 Dec 16 07:58 /usr/lib/ipkg/info/gtk-locale-da.control
18:13.15nDiScReEtI did miss that -al part
18:13.19AntiProxywell.. ls /usr/lib/ipkg/info/*.control |grep "Dec 16"
18:13.29AntiProxydon't miss a thing.. otherwise you'll get 100++ lines
18:13.39AntiProxyand btw.. don't paste anything here
18:16.45pookythat sucks
18:16.51pookyI wanted to show someone a screen shot
18:16.55nDiScReEtIt prints nothing
18:17.09nDiScReEtYou can by providing a link
18:17.13nDiScReEtI think
18:17.26nDiScReEt. o O (hmmm...)
18:17.51AntiProxyit was my turn to forget the -al this time
18:17.57AntiProxywell.. ls /usr/lib/ipkg/info/*.control -al |grep "Dec 16"
18:19.34nDiScReEtI have too many lines shown.
18:19.40nDiScReEtI did an upgrade this day
18:20.04AntiProxyi don't think we can really pinpoint the "offending" app
18:20.51nDiScReEtRight. It would be easiest for me to post my ouputs to a file and provide a url for you to view, right?
18:21.10AntiProxythat could be better..
18:21.12nDiScReEtBut then again, there is so many entries beyond the gtk-locales-xx
18:21.21AntiProxyjust do it .)
18:21.28nDiScReEtI will make it so
18:21.42AntiProxy <-- interesting
18:21.48AntiProxyhas any of you got an XDA ?
18:28.35nDiScReEtexcuse the lack of a url name. I have to wait two more days
18:32.12AntiProxy(113) No route to host
18:32.46nDiScReEt. o O (hmm) brb
18:34.02nDiScReEtQuick test but what does this show?:
18:35.33AntiProxyyour network is unreachable from my end
18:35.50AntiProxyso regardless the link.. i can't reach your host .\
18:36.55*** join/ jamey (
18:37.06nDiScReEtdarn, ISP
18:37.29nDiScReEtI can dcc it to you
18:37.36nDiScReEtor scp
18:37.53sjohnsonjamey: You at the Media Lab?
18:40.06mallumhmmm, is anyone having truoble ipkg downloading from ?
18:40.38nDiScReEtNot earlier but I can try and test it now
18:41.58mallumit stalls for me about 20% through downloading new kernel :(
18:45.07AntiProxymallum: is flying fast for me today .)
18:45.17AntiProxycurrently at 700KBps ++
18:45.27mallumAntiProxy: yeah, this isn't though ...
18:45.33AntiProxyah.. then ?
18:45.43AntiProxy13:51:00 (788.11 KB/s) - `linux-2.4.20.tar.gz' saved [33963814/33963814
18:45.56AntiProxyi love wasting my bandwidth
18:45.57AntiProxylol has always been fast too
18:46.25AntiProxybut i think the backbone is 18mbps or so
18:47.35AntiProxymallum: if it's still not going, gimme the link, and i'll mirror it for you
18:47.50nDiScReEtno problem with for me
18:48.45AntiProxyno luck ?
18:48.49nDiScReEtI'm working with 1.53 myself
18:48.50mallummaybe its my ISP's stupid transproxy :(
18:48.52AntiProxygimme the link.. lemme see if it works here
18:50.37AntiProxy14:00:57 (814.46 KB/s) - `kernel-2.4.18-rmk3_hh24_arm.ipk' saved [607988/607988]
18:51.28mallumAntiProxy: cool thx
18:51.43AntiProxygoing good ?
18:52.20mallumno, I think it may be the stupid wireless card :(
18:52.48AntiProxyand it's not as big as i thought
18:53.00sjohnsonmallum: ARe you using the orinoco dirvers?
18:53.01AntiProxytry using a proxy
18:53.02mallumIm upgrading debian on another machine with a const 120k per/sec
18:53.16mallumsjohnson: yeah probably its a dlink card ...
18:53.24mallumsjohnson: one sec ..
18:53.27AntiProxy650 or 660 ?
18:53.34mallumsjohnson: yeah
18:53.38mallumAntiProxy: 650
18:53.54mallumpure evil
18:54.06sjohnsonmallum: Try using the wvlan drivers. I've always have problems with orinoco
18:54.24*** join/ dctanner_ (
18:54.25mallumsjohnson: yeah let me stick an actula orinoco card in first ...
18:55.28sjohnsonThat reminds me I need to rechard my Z.
18:58.02*** join/ pb_ (
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19:11.07niklas_pb_:  (I've been away.)   About that sound issue, I'll try again with esd, but I think it still happens with it. Anyway, I gotta go again. Bye
19:15.07*** join/ sajd (
19:16.04sajdHi! Does the NetGear CF MA701 wireless network card work with linux on an ipaq?
19:16.36sjohnsonsajd: It should. Do you know that chip set it is?
19:18.36sajdi have no idea.. i played with it 5 months ago but i wasn't able to get it to work..
19:18.55sjohnsonWhat does card ident print out with the card inserted?
19:19.00sajdi'm just about to restore my wince just to see if it still works at all
19:19.21sajdok.. let me just boot up linux again..
19:19.21sjohnsonOpps. should 'cardctl ident'
19:19.29*** join/ bemis (
19:20.18sajd~ # cardctl ident
19:20.19sajdSocket 0:
19:21.05sjohnsonOK let me see
19:22.53sajdis there a better (free) program than hyperterminal for use with serial communication?
19:25.30sajdi once was told that is should work with the prism2 driver but that gives me:
19:25.43sajdinit_module: prism2_cs.o: 0.1.14 Loaded
19:25.43sajdinit_module: dev_info is: prism2_cs
19:25.43sajdprism2_cs: GetNextTuple: No more items
19:25.43sajdprism2sta_config: NextTuple failure? It's probably a Vcc mismatch.
19:25.43sajdprism2sta_event: prism2_cs: Initialization failed!
19:26.57sjohnsonAh. Bad bios.
19:27.11sjohnsonsajd: Add a line to /etc/modules.conf like this.
19:27.39sjohnsonoptions orinoco_cs ignore_cis_vcc=1
19:27.49sjohnsonRestart pcmcia and try the card again.
19:28.15sajdi have that line already
19:28.39sjohnsonOK. Then the only other advise is to use the wvlan_cs driver.
19:30.05sjohnsonYou need to change the card desc that has manif 0xd601, 0x0002 to bind 'wvlan_cs' and make sure that you have the wvlan_cs kernel ipkg loaded
19:30.50sjohnsonsajd: That the wvlan-modules... ipkg file.
19:32.36sajdchange the id list in the wvlan_cs source to include this card?
19:33.58sajdwhat is the latest kernel version familiar provides? i use 2.4.18-rmk3
19:37.36sjohnsonThat's the latest one I know of StrongARM
19:42.30NonToxicibot seen jamey?
19:42.31jamey <> was last seen on IRC in channel, 3h 3m 56s ago, saying: 'includes your mmc patch'.
19:43.08NonToxicibot botmail for jamey: hh24 is broken, now my iPAQ refuses to suspend, and input becomes extremely slow with the PiTech attached
19:43.16NonToxicibot thx
19:43.16from memory, thx is ibot's welcome
19:45.17*** join/ pb_ (
19:47.52NonToxicheya pb_
19:48.07NonToxicare you involved with hh24?
19:49.31pb_NonToxic: not really, I have been working mostly on the 2.4.19 kernel.
19:50.06NonToxicDoes that have fixes for the no power IDE CF bug/pitech bug?
19:50.11NonToxichh24 is refusing to suspend for me
19:50.52pb_There's no specific fix for that problem as far as I know.  It might be worth trying out the newer one though just in case some other patch has improved matters.
19:51.36NonToxicwhich problem?
19:53.31pb_the no power IDE CF one
19:54.58NonToxicstill better than the 'no suspend at all' bug
19:55.02NonToxicdo the PiTechs work now?
19:55.12pb_not sure
19:57.22*** join/ jg__ (
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19:57.37sjohnsonWow. Citrix is using the Florida Dept of Rev. because taxes having a chilling effect on free speech.
19:58.56sjohnsonSnakes. Why does it ave to be snakes?
19:59.54*** join/ Morn (
20:01.24*** join/ jamey (
20:01.39pb_jamey: afternoon
20:04.27sajdcan i use ymodem=1 when restoring wince?
20:04.35pb_sajd: yes
20:06.36NonToxicjamey, hi
20:06.44NonToxicjamey, hh24 seems to be broken
20:23.03*** join/ kencausey (
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20:23.16kencauseyibot: What's news?
20:23.17kencausey: no idea
20:23.25kencauseyibot: That's OK, have a botsnack anyway.
20:24.42mallumjg__: check scap ;-)
20:30.20*** join/ cdm (
20:30.23cdmibot: seen a7r
20:30.24a7r <a7r@> was last seen on IRC in channel, 6d 15h 24m 6s ago, saying: 'nelson: it's good.. it's actually not running on ARM though.'.
20:30.27*** join/ MonMotha (~monmotha@2001:618:424:2:0:0:0:2)
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20:32.29pb_cdm: what's new?
20:32.43nDiScReEthey pb
20:32.52mallumKero: new matchbox
20:34.27Keromallum: :)
20:36.51pb_cdm: ah, neat.
20:37.00NonToxiccdm, can you dualboot qnx and linux?
20:37.56cdmNonToxic: sure.
20:38.03cdmnot that I do. ;)
20:38.06NonToxiccan qnx recide on the CF?
20:40.22cdmNonToxic: oh, you mean on the iPaq?
20:40.31NonToxiccdm yes.
20:40.49cdmNonToxic: I am not sure you can easily dual boot from flash.  And I have not done up a nice package of stuff for a CF yet.
20:40.51NonToxicor do I need to boot Linux from the CF?
20:41.09NonToxicawww dilb
20:42.28Dilb_sickNonToxic: is op2 running now correctly ?
20:42.44NonToxicdilb it is.
20:42.57NonToxicguess I'm gonna have to format my CF
20:43.16NonToxic(or can bootldr read ext[23]?)
20:44.27pb_NonToxic: no ext2 support in bootldr at the moment
20:44.41NonToxicpb_, ok
20:48.15*** part/ flypiper (~46-cub@
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20:50.19nelsonkencausey: hey there....
20:50.49kencauseynelson: Hi, how's it going.  Any news?
20:51.52nelsonpooky: can't you get to ?
20:52.16nelsonkencausey: oh, just fussing about, trying to figure out what belongs in base and what in x.
20:52.42nelsonkencausey: I'm thinking it should just be whatever's dependent upon xlibs, and anything starting with gpe- or gtk-.
20:55.53kencauseynelson: gpe gtk in x task?
20:56.12kencauseynelson: or gpe take = gpe* and gtk task = gtk*?
20:57.18kencauseynelson: <different topic == gps> You don't happen to know source for garmin format?
20:57.37*** join/ paperclip (
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21:15.36sajdis bootldr 2.18.55 safe?
21:15.57pb_seems to be, but I don't believe it is much different to 2.18.54.
21:16.14sajdi have 2.18.01 should i upgrade?
21:17.05pb_newer bootldrs give you a faster startup time.  on the other hand, some people seem to have suspend/resume problems with 2.18.54.
21:18.04pb_if you flash an 0.6+ bootstrap image you will need to upgrade your bootldr otherwise the kernel won't load.
21:18.22Keroxkbd in familiar unstable crashes...
21:18.39Keromallum, you around?
21:18.56mallumKero: yes
21:19.23KeroI got xkbd segfaulting on startup... any idea?
21:19.41sajdok, that's why it's not booting :) should i use .54 or .55 then? .55 is not even in the changelog
21:20.21mallumKero: nope
21:20.35mallumKero: works fine for me ..
21:20.45Kero# strace xkbd
21:20.45Keroexecve("/usr/bin/xkbd", ["xkbd"], [/* 18 vars */]) = 0
21:20.45Kerobrk(0)                                  = 0x18ccc
21:20.45Kero--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
21:21.23pb_sajd: either should be fine
21:22.04Kerowhat was that... shared lib?
21:22.50mallumKero: what version you running ?
21:26.02KeroVersion: 0.8.8-1
21:27.35mallumKero: hmm, thats the latest ...
21:28.14mallumKero: what if you run like xkbd -k /usr/share/xkbd/en_GB.qwerty.xkbd ?
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21:30.47Kerosame, a segfault
21:31.47mallumKero: you havn't edited /usr/share/xkbd/en_GB.qwerty.xkbd ?
21:32.17Kero# file  /usr/bin/xkbd
21:32.17Kero/usr/bin/xkbd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Advanced RISC Machines ARM, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
21:33.43Kero# ldd  /usr/bin/xkbd
21:33.43Keroldd: /lib/ exited with unknown exit code (139)
21:34.06mallumKero: seems like your system is a little fuxored :(
21:35.10Keroindeed, reinstalling helps...
21:35.31KeroSure looks like I need a fresh install :(
21:35.45mallumcool, phew !
21:36.39Kerobut since I tried busybox (and removed...), my iPAQ is not what it used to be :(
21:37.37jameysjohnson: no, I was at MIT LCS -- tech square
21:37.48jameyhi pb
21:37.55Kerohello jamey
21:38.01jameyhi Kero
21:38.08jameyibot: seen NonToxic?
21:38.08nontoxic <> was last seen on IRC in channel, 53m 27s ago, saying: 'pb_, ok'.
21:39.04jameywhat was the raw ipv6 address?  was it a 6to4 address?
21:39.15jameyor just a 9to5 address :)
21:40.00MonMothajamey: naw, I think it's in the 3ffe::/18 test range
21:40.01MonMothaer /8
21:41.37jameyI need to get with the program
22:11.23kerzZznighty night
22:14.27*** join/ flypiper (
22:43.46pookyHrm, I know I asked this earlier, but, I've forgotten, how does one get the microkeyboard working?
22:43.57pookyI installed the microkeybd package
22:44.05pookybut, I still get no input froom the keys...
22:44.07*** join/ pierre (
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22:57.21NonTromboneMonMotha, I'm 2001:
23:04.29jameyhi NonToxic
23:04.39jameyI was going to tell you something, or ask or something
23:04.41jameybut I forgot
23:04.58jameyoh, hh24
23:05.00jameyhow is it broken?
23:05.20jameynelson: is 0.6.1 released?  let's release it before christmas
23:05.32Hymieyay! ;)
23:05.51Hymiehe was out of here quicker'n'stink
23:07.23NonToxicibot, botmail for jamey: the resume has been fixed as far as I can see. but that's not very far - I'm only seeing what people tell me, as it's not suspending. it'll Oops on suspend, and just keep chugging along. Also, with a 128mb CF inserted into slot 2 of my pitech, stylus gets laggy during games such as Bust'em (Eon Games).
23:07.28NonToxicibot thanks
23:07.28NonToxic: no problem
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.