irclog2html for on 20021102

01:15.59Thoughtanyone in here have any expertise with cross-compilers?
01:19.08Thoughtis anyone even awake?
01:27.59hubickThought: i have mine working
01:28.34Thoughtwould you happen to know if the h8300-hms cross-compiler produces different code from the h8300-elf?  or was it just named wrong?
01:29.17hubickdude, that's like a good question.  though mine does work, i'm still pretty much a newbie.
01:30.41Thoughthmm .. I've got the h8300-hms, nice neat rpm, but the kernel wants h8300-elf, and I'm too impatient to download all the source and build a new cross-compiler and gdb if they produce the same code, but if they don'r produce the same code, then none of my experiments will work at all
01:31.25hubickyeah, i have just used the prebuilt ones of :)
01:33.37ThoughtI don't think they support the h8 do they?
01:34.13Thoughtnope - don't see it
01:34.15hubicki haven't even looked at that
01:34.57hubicki know there was a dir in there with a few different ones, but i think they were all ipaq/arm centric
01:35.58Thoughtah - they are different
01:36.33hubickif you hang out, someone who knows something might stop by, but i wouldn't hold your breath this late on a Friday
01:37.13Thoughtyeah - true
01:38.40hubickhrm.  on a different note, i wonder if anyone has GTK 2 building for familiar yet.  i assume so.
01:39.55hubickoooh, pb_ does have it going.
01:41.03Thoughtgtk 2 is ok, but there aren't enough apps that support it yet, and I've found they've removed an aweful lot of features
01:41.40hubickthey seem to have made good headway on the internationalization of it at least
01:42.06hubick2.1 supports xinerama, which i really want for my dual head workstation
01:42.37ThoughtIt just seems like they've ... dumbed it down
01:44.00hubickuntil the last 5 months, i hadn't run linux since redhat 5.2 era several years ago, so i mostly forget the older stuff
01:44.31hubicki'm looking forward to see what Evolution looks like when it's ported.
01:47.38Thoughtported?  oh to Gnome2?
01:47.58ThoughtI'm not a big Evolution fan - reminds of the "remote virus shell" too much
01:49.07hubickhey Thought, i have a newbie cross compiler question for you though...
01:49.47hubickdo you need to ldconfig libs added to cross tool chain to update cache?  and how?
01:51.04Thoughtnot that I know of.  Just stick the finished libs and executables on the target machine and run ldconfig there
01:51.23Thoughtlinker shouldn't care until you execute the program
01:51.38Thoughtbeen awhile since I've done any cross-compiling though
01:51.57hubickwell, i mean, if you want to add libs to your xc tool chain though....other software you build with that can't find those until you update it's cache (?)
01:53.32Thoughtmust be late .. I'm not getting the question.  You've added libs ... to which system?  the target or the host?
01:53.40hubicki need to play around more.  as you can see, i'm pretty new to this whole xc thing
01:53.52hubickall referring to host system
01:54.03hubickbuilding arm binaries on host system
01:54.12Thoughtdynamically linked or static libs?
01:54.29hubickif you put an .so in arm's lib dir
01:54.44hubickwill it be picked up for arm cross compiles right away?
01:54.48Thoughtjust cross-compile the libs and copy them to the target system, then update the target.  The host system shouldn't care about it
01:55.10hubicki think you are misunderstanding me
01:55.30hubickif i am writing an app, A, that depends on lib B...
01:55.50hubickand i put B in the arm tool chain's lib dir... /skiff/local/lib
01:55.57hubickand then go to build A
01:56.06Thoughtyes, its automatic
01:56.18hubickno need to ldconfig
01:56.55Thoughtldconfig is for running the new executable.  The compilation uses hardcoded dirs into the xc and whatever you pass with -L
01:58.52hubicki knew it would pick up -L, but hardcoded was the question...didn't know if gcc would find it
01:58.57hubickdoes GCC use LD to find libs?
02:00.21Thoughtwell ... it uses it to find its own libs to execute, but not to build with
02:00.51hubickyet it will look in the library path just as ld
02:01.22hubickactually, that's an assumptionn
02:01.32ThoughtI forget all the search algorythms it goes through
02:01.36hubickthat it just wasn't built with what happens to be the same set of dirs, hardcoded
02:01.39Thoughtit usually "just works" :)
02:01.57hubicki never had to think about this kinda stuff before
02:02.30Thoughtever work on IRIX?
02:02.47hubicknot really, had a few of em during my CS degree
02:02.54Thoughtthey have 3 different ABIs you can compile for with 3 seperate sets of libraries for each ABI
02:03.00Thoughtcompiling on one is a nightmare
02:03.17hubickwell...actually, no, that might be good
02:03.28hubicki mean, drop all the old crap, and cut a fresh ABI
02:03.35hubicklike, if only Microsoft had done that a few times
02:04.05hubicki guess .NET/CLR counts as the first real departure
02:04.35hubickim reading API, not ABI
02:04.49hubickwell...3 separate libs, assuming
02:05.22hubickGCC has a new ABI every rev tho :)
02:05.38hubicki heard now they even found bugs in the 3.2, and it will have to change yet again
02:05.51Thoughtits usually not bad until you realize that Oracle only support the O32 ABI, now you want to make  a perl to load the Oracle module ... so all of perl and all the modules must be compiled O32 ... but GCC won't compile O32, only N32 or better, but some module needs real IEEE floating point, so it needs GCC not the broken IRIX compiler .. suddenly you can't do what you want
02:06.55hubicki wait for the day GCC can link with Intel compiler libs
02:07.04Thoughtyeah ... IRIX has 3 ABI .. different binary formats that can't load each others libraries or link with each others code, and even the newest monster 64 bit machines still have the regular OS utils compiled as N32 not N64, so they don't support there own ABI
02:07.21Thoughtlink with Intel libs?
02:07.28hubickIntel compiler
02:07.31hubickvery fast
02:07.34hubickfast code
02:07.50hubicki saw benchmarks showing 40+% on GCC 3
02:07.55ThoughtI'd have to compare against GCC myself
02:08.11Thoughtbenchmarks are well .. easily slanted for whatever you want them to say
02:08.34ThoughtI'd rather have Intel put there research into GCC than just have GCC load Intel libs
02:08.48hubickit's not really possible from my understanding
02:09.14hubickGCC's design for multiple architectures doesn't allow the integration between front and back ends necessary for many optimizations
02:09.34hubickdon't quote me on that though :)
02:09.55ThoughtI don't see why it couldn't
02:10.13Thoughtbut I'm getting cloudy so you could be right
02:10.23Thoughtits been a long time since I was into all this stuff
02:10.28hubicki think it has to do with current intermediate format
02:10.59hubickactually, i might remember something about GCC having a new tree format in a branch of their CVS
02:11.07hubickbut will require updates of all front/back ends to use
02:11.33pigeonHmm seems that the initial mounting of / on the ipaq/familiar is not according to /etc/fstab
02:12.24hubickpigeon: really.  that's /weird/
02:12.35hubickhow would that even happen?
02:12.53hubickbeing that mount reads from fstab in init.d ( i think)
02:12.57pigeonHmm well, I have noatime for /, but it doesn't seem to mount / with noatime.
02:13.11hubickoh, the options are different?
02:13.30hubickthat could be a kernel weirdness
02:13.51hubicki have a lot of problems with my NFS
02:14.16pigeon/dev/mtdblock3  /                       jffs2           defaults,noatime
02:14.22Thoughtinitial mounting of / is different from /etc/fstab, the kernel remounts root later
02:14.24pigeon/dev/mtdblock/1 on / type jffs2 (rw)
02:14.47pigeonHmm, /dev/mtdblock3 doesn't really exist anyway.
02:15.25Thoughtroot mount point is determined by the kernel at compile time or via a parameter passed to the kernel, not by /etc/fstab.   Think about it - with no root mounted, how can it read /etc/fstab??
02:15.39pigeonHmm true.
02:16.21Thoughtit should however match what the fstab says in case of remounts and such.  You can set the kernel root with the "root=" command line option.
02:16.49hubickibot: linuxargs?
02:16.49linuxargs is probably set linuxargs "nortfm noinitrd noroot noinit noconsole" ;) or or in /boot/params or set linuxargs "noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock1 init=/bin/sh console=ttySA0"
02:17.38pigeonHmm the question will be, how do I pass mount options in linuxargs.
02:18.40hubickit should do the remount according to fstab though right?
02:19.07pigeonIt doesn't seem to be doing that.
02:19.22pigeonNot until I added mount -o remount / in /linuxrc
02:19.46hubickhack away!
02:20.01Thoughtwhen it does the remount, it still hasn't read /etc
02:20.08pigeonI'm just a bit paranoid about atime ;)
02:20.26pigeon/dev/mtdblock/1 on / type jffs2 (rw,noatime)
02:20.47hubicki dunno, definitely beyond my limited understanding then
02:20.48Thoughtlinuxargs must be something specific to the handheld?  Normally passed in your boot loader, such as lilo or grub
02:21.01hubickThought: exactly
02:21.12hubickit is in the compaq bootloader
02:21.22Thoughtthe root= command is shown by ibot
02:21.40Thoughthow you change it .. well .. I don't have an iPaq - wish I did
02:21.49Thoughtfeel free to mail me one :)
02:21.58hubickibot: set linuxargs
02:21.58hubick: are you smoking crack?
02:22.03hubickibot: set linuxargs?
02:22.03i haven't a clue, hubick
02:22.16Thoughtibot: linuxargs?
02:22.16methinks linuxargs is set linuxargs "nortfm noinitrd noroot noinit noconsole" ;) or or in /boot/params or set linuxargs "noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock1 init=/bin/sh console=ttySA0"
02:22.28hubickyou can use set/show on them
02:22.33hubickat bootloader prompt
02:22.42hubickor edit /boot/params
02:22.59hubickibot: /boot/params?
02:22.59i heard /boot/params is Search for /boot/params on Wiki (xchat screws the link I tried to put here...)
02:23.18Thoughtxchat screws a link?  hmmm
02:23.58hubickmy xchat likes to core on channel list window :)
02:25.19Thoughtwonder why
02:25.20hubicknot every time, but it only ever dies when i'm in there
02:25.22pigeonHmm there's a zombie on my ipaq
02:25.36hubickpigeon: it's haloween, leave it alone :)
02:25.45Thoughthubick: did you download a binary or build it yourself?
02:26.06hubickThought: delivered by the nice people at Redhat with version 8 :)
02:26.14pigeon9 ?        ZN     0:00 [jffs2_gcd_mtd1 <defunct>]
02:26.29pigeonIt happens everytime now.
02:26.37ThoughtUnix ... the wonderful OS where parents can kill children and make zombies
02:27.10Thoughthubick: Ah - I havent messed with 8 - but the RPM on the xchat site is broken for me completely.   Had to compile myself
02:27.28Thoughtand it STILL has a nasty bug when sending an ACTION in private
02:27.35Thoughtit makes another tab for that one action
02:27.52hubickThought: i am just staring at the gtk 2 snapshot their right now :)
02:28.01ThoughtI tried it
02:28.08Thoughtthe gtk2 version is getting there
02:28.12pigeonThat zombie appears if I do that mount -o remount /
02:28.14hubickThought: yay!
02:28.33Thoughtbut if you make any config changes, you have to quit xchat and restart for them to take effect
02:28.35pigeonMaybe I shouldn't be doing that then.
02:29.01hubickI have high hopes for the linux of 8 months from now
02:29.27hubickwhen everyone has migrated to GTK 2, and we have 2.2 with Gnome 2.2 and Kernel 2.6
02:29.52hubickAnd Mozilla/GTK 2 included in that
02:31.17Thoughtforget Mozilla .. only reason I want them to finish Mozilla/GTK2 is so that Galeon2 can be released
02:31.34hubickThought: sure, that will do to
02:31.44Thoughtbut I do hope they put back some of the stuff they've removed from GTK
02:32.13hubickI just hope the fundamental architecture is good enough to enable all that
02:32.30Thoughtlike the taskbar applet .. you used to be able to right click a window name and send it a "Kill" signal to forcibly kill an application
02:32.39Thoughtthats been removed from the list
02:32.54Thoughtalot of the features of the panel have been just axed
02:32.57hubickThought: you mean gnome 2
02:33.07Thoughtyes, gnome 2 - sorry
02:33.21Thoughtits still a kludge
02:33.26hubickoh yeah, gnome 2 lacks features. yes.
02:33.37hubicki filed bugs and they fixing stuff though!
02:33.45hubickNautilus pisses me off a lot
02:33.53hubickmainly, that the tree is useless
02:34.02ThoughtI rarely use it
02:34.32hubickthough, they did fix the Gnome Search tool the way i wanted it in RFE i sent
02:34.40ThoughtI still prefer gmc honestly - gmc could handle rpms by installing them, upgrading them, or browsing inside the archive - handled tar and other archives nicely too
02:34.40hubickthey added drag n drop
02:34.59Thoughtnautilus is badly bloated and slow, although the newest ones are MUCH faster
02:35.15hubicki have only run ones that came with RH8
02:35.36Thoughtwhich version is it?
02:36.13Thoughtsame one I have
02:36.24Thoughtthe previous ones were about ¼ of the speed
02:36.30hubickthe damn tree needs to track your main window dir changes
02:36.52Thoughtwell, alot of the nice tabbed stuff on side panel are missing
02:36.54hubickand be opened to the dir that is your start dir when you launch it
02:37.28hubickand searching/medusa really needs to be fixed up and added back in
02:37.44ThoughtI used to not use the tree, I used the news panel instead .. but thats gone
02:37.58hubicki'm used to windows explorer
02:38.10Thoughtbut the icons look prettier than ever - and thats what counts
02:38.14ThoughtI'm used to bash :)
02:38.21hubickapparently i am supposed to open two nautilus windows
02:38.32hubickand drag from one dir/window to the other
02:38.46hubickwhich i think is comlete horse shit
02:38.56hubickas for's what i use mostly
02:39.07Thoughtbefore bash was GEM on my atari, and dragging between window was common, but opening a new window as a clone of the current one was easy
02:39.08hubickgod praise Cygwin on Windows as well
02:39.58hubickatari :)
02:39.59ThoughtI don't use windows for anything
02:40.13hubicki went out into the real world to make money
02:40.18hubickcomputing to get stuff done
02:40.22hubickrather than just for computings sake
02:40.33hubickwindows, stuff just works
02:40.42Thoughtwindows .. stuff just crashes
02:40.54hubicki hated windows - HATED - up until 2000 and XP, which actually half work
02:40.56ThoughtI wanted to get stuff done, so I stayed with Unix
02:41.01hubickXP does not crash
02:41.06hubickmy uptime with XP is month
02:41.07ThoughtXP still sucks
02:41.08hubickLinux is days
02:41.16hubicklinux crashes all the time
02:41.20Thoughtsomething is seriously wrong with your linux box
02:41.27hubickback in 93 when i first used to run it, fine
02:41.32hubickkernel runs fine
02:41.36hubickkernel is great
02:41.42hubickGnome and apps die
02:41.42Thoughtyou have bad ram or something
02:41.47hubickECC ram
02:41.56hubickkernel don't crash, just apps
02:41.56Thoughtlinux didn't crash them
02:42.08Thoughtlinux did NOT crash .. the application didn't
02:42.31hubickactually, my kernel does lock as well
02:42.37Thoughtbet it didn't
02:42.41hubickX likes to lock it
02:42.49ThoughtX doesn't lock the kernel
02:43.00Thoughtits possible that X can hang
02:43.05Thoughtbut it doesn't hang the kernel
02:43.19hubickwell, something is poking it the wrong way
02:43.26Thoughtyou can still log in via the network, or a serial port, kill X, and restart X
02:43.36hubicknot sometimes
02:43.47hubicki'm not that dumb
02:43.55hubickuse linux since 93
02:43.55Thoughtthen you have a VERY serious problem with your machine
02:44.11hubickkernel locks are /rare/
02:44.24hubickand i think device drivers
02:44.26ThoughtI've seen linux keep on going even on faulty hardware
02:44.47hubicki think dual head is responsible for large numbers of gnome/application/and X locks
02:44.55Thoughthave yet to see a real crash that wasn't my own fault from using developer releases, my own hacking, or the wrong CPU set
02:45.05hubicki use dual head and dual CPI
02:45.24Thoughtwhat kind of video card?
02:45.32hubicknvidia and matrox
02:45.57Thoughtnvidia drivers from Xfree or from Nvidia?
02:46.15hubickwhich don't work worth crap with my DVI either
02:46.27hubickwell, matrox does
02:46.36Thoughtstill, Xfree doesn't recommend the usage of different cards when doing dual-head
02:46.37hubicknv doesn't like it
02:46.42hubicksure it does
02:46.51hubickthat's how most everyone does it
02:46.55Thoughtyou can do it, but they say you'll have more problems
02:47.26ThoughtI'd try the drivers from nvidia .. see if they work any better
02:47.38hubicki'm againsed binary closed source
02:47.46hubickif i can avoid it
02:48.09hubicki think gnome is biggest problem, but they are working on dual head for gtk and gnome 2.2
02:48.32Thoughtso am I .. but if I got a GeForce4 or something, I don't think you could use the Xfree drivers and have it work, and if it did work, you'd be paying alot for a card you can't take full advantage of
02:48.50hubicki gots gf 4 in other box
02:48.51Thoughtand its odd that you are against closed source drivers, but like XP
02:48.53hubicknot linux box
02:49.16hubicki like XP from a usage perspective, not a political one
02:49.44ThoughtI hate XP from both - I tried to use it once and it got in my way
02:49.53hubickyou have to configure it a lot
02:49.54Thoughtswore at it the whole time
02:50.06hubickyou can shut off most all the crap
02:50.26Thoughtthe difference between windows and linux is simple
02:50.26hubickXP out of the box is shit
02:50.32ThoughtI tell linux to do something it does it
02:50.48ThoughtI tell windows what to do and it gives a wizard that tries to guess what I mean
02:50.49hubicki tell Xchat i want a channel list, it dissapears half the time
02:51.12hubicki tell mozilla i want ZDnet, it goes poof and dissapears
02:51.24hubicki can't tell nautilus i want to search for a file
02:51.31Thoughtcompile xchat yourself, the rpm is buggy
02:51.37hubicki copy something, close the app, then doesn't work
02:51.38Thoughtmozilla is a dog, try galeon
02:51.53Thoughtuse bash
02:52.04hubicki don't want to use bash
02:52.09ThoughtI do
02:52.15hubickif i was happy with bash, i wouldn't put X on at all
02:52.21hubickback to linux 93
02:52.44Thoughtguis have there place - file management isn't one of them
02:52.53hubicki think it is
02:52.57ThoughtI type too damn fast to waste my time with a rat
02:53.13hubicki can ctrl+click 10 files out of a big dir, and drag em to another one WAY faster than i can do that in bash
02:53.22ThoughtI use because I need the overlapping windows to seperate my attension
02:54.10Thoughtjust finding the files is a pain with a GUI .. waiting on icons and shit .. I can type part of the name and TAB the rest or use wildcards or regexs
02:54.16hubicksearch my pub_htm dir for *.xml, drag results to editor which opens in tabs...forget that in bash
02:54.35hubickyeah, you might deal with 1 file, i usually deal with 15
02:54.46Thoughtcd pub[TAB]; vi *.xml
02:55.07hubicknot every one, open only 10 out of 25 xml results?
02:55.19Thoughtwhich 10?
02:55.24hubickpick from list
02:55.39hubickyou know some of them don't have meta tag you need to change or whatever
02:55.44ThoughtI can type it faster than clicking them
02:55.55hubickyou a wizard on the keyboard then
02:55.59hubickyour choice
02:56.01hubicki like GUI
02:56.06Thoughttype as fast as I talk
02:56.06hubickyou like VI!
02:56.18hubicki like normal editors
02:56.24Thought<-- Unix admin
02:56.34hubickwhere i can delete a line by going shift+down, del
02:56.49Thoughtfaster for me to just hit d twice
02:57.07gco_just use ctrl-k
02:57.12hubickmy problem is i have a really crappy memory
02:57.18hubicki always forget commands for crap
02:57.19Thoughtwanna delete 10 lines?  its just 10d
02:57.40hubicki like "discovery" as a gui principle
02:57.41Thoughthow many key presses is that with a regular editor?
02:58.06hubick12 key presses
02:58.18hubickgrab mouse for that many
02:58.20gco_emacs is the only editor
02:58.21Thoughtvs 3
02:58.29hubickuh oh, here we go :)
02:58.34Thoughtnot going there
02:58.50Thoughtbigger than my OS with its own programming language.  I don't do LISP
02:58.50hubicki already said i liked windows, wasn't that enough
02:59.19gco_You don't need to know lisp.  That's mostly for extending the editor.  Try that with notepad.
02:59.34Thoughtbtw, a fun way to learn vi, is using gvim ... its a good mix
02:59.48Thoughtnotepad is just a textbox widget with a save command
02:59.59hubickcan i do shift+down, del  to kill a line?
03:00.25gco_You can make emacs work any way you want.  Use Xemacs for a version a Windows user would like.
03:00.28Thoughtnot shift-down, but you can highlight a line with either regular vi commands or the rat and hit DEL
03:00.34HET2/usr/lib/ipkg # ntpdate
03:00.34HET2 2 Nov 10:59:45 ntpdate[569]: step time server offset 3153.565341
03:00.34HET2/usr/lib/ipkg # run_sbin_pm_helper:71 pm_helper_path=/sbin/pm_helper
03:00.34HET2ide0: unexpected interrupt, status=0x00, count=1
03:00.35HET2rtc_pm_callback: pm callback 0 RTSR=00000000 ICPR=00000000
03:00.45HET2ntpdate crashed my system
03:01.26ThoughtHET2: looks like it was a faulty ide .. but submit a bug report
03:01.34hubickThought: unless i can do shift down thing, forget it...i want editor with normal highlighting
03:01.44hubicknormal == every other damn editor in the world other than vi and emacs
03:01.49Thoughtick - too many key presses
03:02.21hubickI'm using Anjuta and Gedit right now
03:02.33HET2Thought: i dont know if it is a bug...
03:02.35hubickthinking of giving Eclipse a try
03:02.36Thoughtdo they do syntax highlighting?
03:02.37HET2Thought: i cant reproduce it
03:02.40gco_Xemacs does that out of the box.  So it's normal (by your definition)
03:03.04hubickgco_: does it?
03:03.10gco_Of course.   Xemacs is the editor that does *everything*, you can stop asking questions like that.
03:03.19HET2<flame war> vim is so much better than emacs </flame war>
03:03.20hubickgco_: will it do ctrl+x and friends
03:03.34ThoughtHET2: if you system crashed, report it to the kernel maintaners ... anything that causes a kernel panic should be looked into
03:03.45HET2Thought: it wasnt a kernel panic
03:03.48gco_If you want to use those bizarre keys, yes.
03:04.02ThoughtHET2: what in your system crashed?
03:04.26HET2Thought: it froze
03:04.35Thoughtclose enough - report it
03:04.53HET2ibot, bugs
03:04.54Thoughtwith as much info as you can give em - see if it made any entries in the message log too
03:05.07HET2ibot, bug report
03:05.07bug report is, like,
03:05.42HET2Thought: the logs are on ramfs
03:05.51HET2Thought: and since i had to reboot it is obvious they are gone :)
03:06.26hubicki finally got my ipaq configured the way i like straight into Links
03:06.37HET2what was the url to mantis' bugviewer
03:06.50HET2hubick: whats links
03:07.03Thoughtwell, for people learning vi, I recommend gvim, since the menu short-cuts are the actual vi commands, so you can tear-off the menus and see the vi keys and learn them as you use them
03:07.15hubickHET2: a curses web browser
03:07.25HET2hubick: why would you want your ipaq to boot into links
03:07.34ThoughtI don't like links .. ever see w3m?
03:07.42Thoughtw3m handles tables and frames
03:07.51hubickThought: so does Links
03:08.01hubickHET2: i use ipaq as robot controller
03:08.04Thoughtdon't you mean lynx?
03:08.16hubickThought: no
03:08.33hubickLinks kicks Lynx's ass
03:08.33HET2links is better than lynx
03:08.58HET2i wish there was something like dillo for qt...
03:08.58hubickHET2: i don't want overhead of GPE/OPIE
03:09.15hubicki have links set to launch shell scripts
03:09.25hubickso i can have special boot.html file with links to scripts
03:09.31HET2hubick: hmm so you've no window manager?
03:09.32hubickwhich i can launch to run my robot control software /etc
03:09.41hubickall with NO keyboard
03:09.41ThoughtI like the layout and coloring of w3m
03:09.50hubickno typing, no login
03:10.00HET2Thought: my ipaq is b&w :) so colors are not an issue
03:10.13hubickLinks does color well
03:10.20hubickLinks even uses page colors
03:10.28Thoughtlooks like links uses less screen space than w3m
03:11.05hubickThought: you have to enable color
03:11.15ThoughtI see
03:11.46HET2as far as i remember there were 2 spreadsheet tools in opie
03:11.53HET2i just forgot which was the usable one
03:11.57hubickopen office?  :)
03:11.59dondiegohi all!
03:12.03dondiegoanyone up?
03:12.05hubickhello dondiego
03:12.14dondiegohi hubick
03:12.33dondiegoi've come here to get some help, as u might have guessed...hehe
03:12.36Thoughtfor spreadsheets I use gnumeric, but I guess there isn't a port for opie
03:13.04hubickthinks with GNU in them don't usually use QT
03:13.47hubickdondiego: i know next to nothing.  if you are lucky you might hit one one of the two or three simple things i do know :)
03:15.47hubickThought: you confirming my next to nothing? :)
03:16.15Thoughtnope - other statement
03:17.16dondiegoi have a problem with konqueror on my 3870...
03:17.38hubickyep, that would be a miss most likely :-)
03:17.52dondiegodoes it tilt somewhere in ur head hubick?
03:17.55hubickme being the console ipaq running weirdo
03:18.55hubicki just try to take care of some of the low hanging fruit questions to help unburden the main developers
03:19.25dc__thank god
03:19.46dondiegothat's a console problem though: i can open an url when typing it in the address bar of the browser, but not when calling the proggy from the command line
03:19.52hubickdo my time answering peon questions as i work myself up from newbie
03:21.23dondiegocould u help me dc?
03:21.48dc__dondiego: :/
03:21.57dc__dondiego: I spose I could try
03:22.05hubickdondiego: does doing the same work with konq on yer desktop?
03:22.11dondiegodid u read my problem?
03:22.34dondiegohaven't tried that yet hubick
03:22.38dc__dondiego: so it looks like a qpe/opie problem then?
03:22.46dondiegoreally dc?
03:22.56Thoughthmm ... I like w3m better for screen layout and navigation, but it hangs on yahoo mail on the first refresh, doesn't lock, just doesn't display it.  links works.  hmm
03:22.57dondiegodon't know
03:22.58hubickdondiego: it doesn't need some --loadthis option
03:23.02dc__dondiego: explain the exact problem to me...
03:23.45dondiegoi'm running familiar 0.5.3 on an ipaq 3870
03:23.56dondiegoi connect to the net using bluetooth
03:24.20hubick0.5.3 is sooo MAY.  we have 0.6 now you kow :)
03:24.34dc__and you're using opie/qpe?
03:25.08dondiegoi can browse the internet with konqueror when first launching it and then writing the url in the url bar
03:25.13dc__I'm the last person to ask then, try a guy who likes qpe/opie better :)
03:25.19hubickThought: does w3m let you use mouse in xterms?
03:25.19dc__dondiego: like #opie :]
03:25.28Thoughthubick: yes
03:26.16dondiegoBUT when i type, say "konqueror", i get an error
03:26.37Thoughtwhat error?
03:26.50hubick"I am sorry, i think that web site sucks, and don't want to load it"
03:26.56dondiegoit says "malformed file URL"
03:27.04dondiegolol hubick
03:27.17hubickfile url?
03:27.20hubickthats weird
03:27.21dondiegoit seems to try to open a file, instead of a distant url
03:27.35dondiegomalformed url file
03:28.16hubickyou forget a slash or somethin?
03:28.23dondiegono one is using a web browser down here?
03:28.30ThoughtI tried it
03:28.38Thoughtthe desktop version with KDE works
03:28.38dondiegoi tried all the ways i could think of hubick
03:28.39hubickhalf of those awake using Links now :)
03:28.57dc__or galeon 2 :D
03:29.13hubickdc__ is 3l337
03:29.25dondiegoi want a graphical browser though...hehe
03:29.39dc__indeed, compiling mozilla is an adventure of its own
03:29.47ThoughtI haven't done that yet
03:29.47hubicki told Thought i wanted a graphical file manager, he told me i wanted VI
03:29.53hubickand bash
03:29.59dondiegothought : u can run konqueror or konq-e
03:30.28Thoughtkonqueror worked fine .. but again .. I'm on a desktop, not an ipaq
03:30.36dc__hubick: gpe-filemanager yay
03:30.59HET2hi dc
03:31.05dondiegome too, on my desktop the regular konqueror works perfectly
03:31.08hubickdondiego: have you considered upgrading to 0.6 and possibly seeing what all those guys have been doing for 6 months?
03:31.22hubickwhich might include fixing your bug
03:31.31dondiegobut the embedded version has this problem on ipaq
03:32.01dondiegoactually, that's my last hope solution hubick
03:32.34dondiegohow do u suggest me to proceed:erase all and reinstall a clean system, or just upgrade?
03:32.47hubickobiwan, you are my only hope.  0.6 upgrade you will young padewan :)
03:32.56dc__HET2: morning
03:33.01HET2dondiego: whatch out dude
03:33.05HET2dondiego: they use a new libc
03:33.13HET2dondiego: if you upgrade just like that all will stop working
03:33.53hubickyeah, and you also may wish to use the new bootloader too
03:33.59dondiegoyup there's some explanation on how to upgrade on the handheld site
03:34.00hubickwhich all adds up to major work
03:34.28hubickall of which will be for naught when you need to reinstall for the 0.7 as well, when they move to GCC 3.2
03:34.33dondiegoso last question: how do i erase all and restart, err... right from the start?
03:35.09hubickdondiego: follow directions...but basically...iflash new bootloader, then flash new root image
03:35.35HET2hubick: oh man... 0.7...
03:35.44HET2hubick: any idea how long it will be before that comes out
03:35.51hubickHET2: nope.
03:35.58HET2i hope like... LONG
03:36.30hubickHET2: i heard nelson telling jamey how cool the new build system's gonna be too
03:36.44hubickthey build all from source
03:36.59hubicki hope like , tomorrow
03:37.23hubicki had to hack and slash my C++ code to get it to built on this 1997 libc++
03:37.31dondiegocan i execute bootblaster from linux?
03:37.48hubickdondiego: i believe the bootloader will upgrade itself
03:37.50dondiegoi mean, from familiar, not pocketpc something?
03:38.04hubickyou issue bootloader a command, and it will download a new bootloader over serial
03:38.33dondiegowhere can i find info about this precedure hubick please?
03:39.22dondiegothx a lot
03:39.25hubickin particular
03:39.38dondiegobtw, what GUI do u suggest me to use?
03:39.43hubicksee...that's the low hanging fruit i like to take care of :)
03:39.57dondiegoopie is not the "best" choice?
03:40.06hubicki think opie might be the best choice
03:40.17hubicki have heard that GPE has maturity problems
03:40.24hubick== stability issues
03:40.36dondiegobasically, i want to be able to: have a graphical interface, use bluetooth, use irda and a graphical web browser
03:40.37hubicki don't run either, so i can't speak
03:40.55hubickdondiego: Microsoft Power PC 2002 :-)
03:40.57dondiegook thx
03:41.18hubickPocket PC even
03:41.29dondiegolol X2
03:42.02dondiegogotta go eat smth...catch you in 20 minutes guys
03:42.13hubicki gonna sleep, so i TTYL
03:42.19hubickgood luck with upgrade
03:43.41Thoughtok - I've decided to build a cross compiler
03:43.46Thoughtthis is gonna be a pain
03:43.56Thoughtand will be work for the morning
03:44.04Thoughtg'night all
03:44.09hubickgnight, nice talkin
03:44.46Thoughtthis will all be for nothing if I can't get the docs I need for this thing.  I wanna try putting Linux on a cybiko ...
03:50.03dondiegocouldn't eat so i came back
04:01.55dondiegoHET2, still here?
04:04.11dondiegowhen following the instructions on how to upgrade from 0.5.3, i get errors...
04:04.29dondiegoisn't there a safe way to erase all and redo all?
04:04.53dondiegoassuming that i'm running familiar at the moment, not pocket pc
04:05.36HET2you can reflash
04:05.45HET2but first backup your useful data :)
04:05.49dondiegooh ok, i made a mistake in some file...
04:06.19dondiegobut anyway, i prefer to restart from scratch, to have a clean toy...hehe
04:06.29dondiegohow do i reflash
04:06.37HET2there are howtos
04:07.00dondiegodamn, didn't find them
04:07.11dondiegomaybe because i didn;t look for them...hehe
04:12.04dondiegodamn i'm lost...
04:12.42dondiegodon't know how to reflash, what to do after a reflash to reinstall the stuff...
04:13.38dondiegoplease HET2...
04:14.00HET2read the howtos
04:15.15dondiegothx bro
04:19.23HET2that one is better
04:19.55HET2for 0.5.3 to 0.6
04:22.01dondiegodoes it erase all and then reinstall?
04:22.27dondiegothat's what i want
04:23.05HET2heh dude
04:23.09HET2who installed your linux for you
04:23.28HET2i dont know the procedure by heart
04:23.32HET2i would have to read up myself
04:23.39HET2and i am not going to read so you can be lazy
04:24.31dondiegono i mean: do u know if upgrading will result in a full clean system?
04:24.50HET2most probably wont
04:25.01dondiegoi have installed linux myself, but never reinstalled it, that's why i'm a by worried
04:25.02HET2read up on installing 0.6
04:25.11HET2it is basically the same process
04:25.16HET2just without the nasty wince part
04:25.39HET2you also might want to upgrade your bootldr i guess
04:25.52dondiegothat's what i'm trying to do
04:26.01dondiegobut i don't know the last vresion of it
04:26.21HET2i dont know either
04:26.24HET2ibot, bootldr
04:26.24recommended, stable bootldr is 2.18.48, found at or at for cvsweb access
04:26.44HET2the trick is not to know stuff
04:26.48HET2the trick is to use your eyeballs
04:28.03dondiegoi'm a bit in a hurry at the moment het2
04:28.19dondiegothat's why i rely on people's words...
04:32.54dondiegoibot, zImage
04:32.54dondiego: I give up, what is it?
04:33.07dondiegodamn, doesn't work with me
04:33.11HET2dondiego: if you are in a hurry then stick to your old version
04:33.22HET2ibot, kernel
04:34.00dondiegoibot, kernel
04:34.37dondiegoibot, bootldr
04:34.37recommended, stable bootldr is 2.18.48, found at or at for cvsweb access
04:34.51dondiegoibot, fs
04:34.51dondiego: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
04:35.17dondiegoibot, help
04:35.40HET2ibot, ext3
04:35.40HET2: I don't know, could you explain it?
04:44.11dan_tdondiego: can you help me with bluetooth ?
04:44.43dondiegothis i can...hehe
04:45.14dan_tdondiego: i have an ipaq with M$ pocket pc and i'm trying to connect it to my linux box with bluettoth
04:45.56dan_tdondiego: at hte first time i have tried to set up bnep but pocket pc donesn't support it (possible ??)
04:45.58dondiegodidn't know u were using ms...
04:46.20dan_tso i have tryed to configure dund
04:46.28dan_tfor using LAN profile
04:46.46dan_tbut i'm unable to make it work
04:47.11dan_ttheproblem i think is that there is no /dev/rfcomm0 device
04:47.20dan_tbut i don't know how create it
04:47.41dondiegoi can help u with bluetooth on linux, but as for windows...
04:49.40dan_tdondiego: i think the problem is on linux side...
04:49.41dondiegocheck the linux side; problems often come from there
04:50.11dondiegowhich version of bluez do u use?
04:50.35dan_tthe latest from the site
04:51.00dondiegodo u start the hcid daemon?
04:51.34dondiegowhat have u managed to do so far?
04:51.45dan_ti get this error from dund: /dev/rfcomm0 open failed No such file or directory(2)
04:51.47dondiegocan u discover the LAN access point?
04:52.31dan_tyes i can connect to it but the LAN connections is not initialized:
04:52.41dan_tNov  2 12:36:25 grinta dund[24481]: PTY opened: /dev/rfcomm0
04:52.41dan_tNov  2 12:36:25 grinta dund[24481]: New connection from 00:02:C7:0C:D3:24
04:52.46dan_tNov  2 12:36:25 grinta dund[24482]: /dev/rfcomm0 open failed No such file or directory(2)
04:53.57dondiegoafraid i can't help u much...
04:54.07dondiegonot used tu using the dund daemon
04:54.19dan_tdondiego: do you have an /dev/rfcomm0 device ??
04:54.48dondiegodon't know; i'm under windows at the moment...
04:56.14dondiegowhat is the goal of ur app?
04:56.35dondiegodo u want to create an adhoc network?
04:56.47dondiegoor just a point to point connection?
04:56.57dondiegowith 1 servre and 1 client?
04:59.48dan_tdondiego: i want to create a ptp for the moment
05:01.53dondiegothen don't use dund
05:02.06dondiegojust run rfcommd and pppd
05:03.15dan_tthe right way to do this is to use dund so i want make it work
05:03.37dondiegocheck this page, it should help u:
05:03.52dan_tdondiego: about that can you explain me how to setup rfcommd ?
05:04.33dondiegoi use rfcommd and ppp, and i can surf the net from my ipaq using my linux box as a LAP
05:04.33HET2it would be rather fun if qtawt compiles
05:04.44dondiegolol het2
05:07.32dan_tdondiego: but now rfcommd is made obsolete from rfcomm kernel support
05:07.50dan_tdondiego: i have no rfcommd daemon installed
05:08.06dondiegoi have rfcommd1.2
05:08.11dondiegoand it works fine
05:08.24dondiegojust follow the link i have pasted
05:08.43dondiegofollow the steps and u'll get to what u want bro
05:16.08dondiegogot to go guys
05:16.10dondiegoc ya!
05:22.36zeckeHET2: qtawt for kaffee?
05:32.24HET2zecke: qtawt which comes with kdejava
05:32.32HET2zecke: problem is i cant make it compile...
07:04.34brainlesswb spiralman
07:12.30dan_tthere is someone here that can help me with bluetooth ?
07:12.58nchipwhat do you want to do
07:14.19dan_tnchip: i must connect my ipaq to my linux box with bluettoh
07:14.33dan_tnchip: ipaq is running windows pocketpc
07:14.58dan_ti have tried dund and fwcommd without succes. i get only errors
07:15.07nchipdan_t, this channel focuses on running linux on ipaq
07:15.29dan_tnchip: i know but i get errors on linux side so i think that someone can help me
07:15.38nchipi have no knoledge on pocketpc's bluetooth implementation
07:16.02dan_tnchip: i have plans to put linux on my ipaq but .... this is not my ipaq
07:16.04nchiphave searched bluez mailinglist archives?
07:16.28dan_tnchip: sure but without succes
07:16.48iCEBaLMbluetooth rocks
07:16.55zeckeiCEBaLM: yes it does
07:17.10zeckethe good ole danish viking king bluetooth rocks ;)
07:17.23iCEBaLMwish it had a little more bandwidth, I want bluetooth headphones
07:17.37dan_tso there is someone that can help me ?
07:17.57dan_tis two days that i work on that without succes
07:18.24iCEBaLMdan_t: you should probably ask in #bluez
07:18.27dan_tthere is here someone that have successfully configured dund ?
07:21.14dan_tnchip: have you sucessfully configured dund or fwcommd or fwcomm ??
07:21.46nchipdan_t, i have just usen pand an rfcomm
07:22.00nchipand rfcomm with mobile phone
07:22.19dan_tnchip: rfcomm to connect ipaq to your linux box ?
07:23.00nchipipaq(linux) -> mobile phone
07:26.54dan_tnchip: so you have used rfcomm as client and not as server ?
07:27.53nchipdan_t, excactly.
08:26.44FangalIve just installet opie with familiar, my first try didnt work out at all since there wasent any fonts. But with the updated one i got it right, but i havent been able to coonect to it with qutopia desktop. Anyone got this working ?? Or should i try some other way ??
08:27.53NermalI got it working with the latest beta of qtopia desktop
08:28.12Nermaland I'm also running the unstable feed of opie, though I'm not sure if that makes a difference
08:28.36Nermalwhat ver of qtopia desktop are you using ?
08:28.50Fangalis this in linux or windows ?
08:29.06Fangalits version 1.6.0
08:30.47Nermalyou need to use the latest beta for both windows and linux
08:30.52Nermalwhat are you using ?
08:31.33Fangalok, so there is a later version than 1.6.0 then ?
08:31.38Nermalthere are betas
08:31.43Nermalyou using doze or linux ?
08:32.20Fangalwell ill tryed in booth, i have windows in mmy laptop and linux in my workstation so i want it to work in both
08:32.34Nermaltheres the windows one
08:33.20Fangalah ok well its the one i use
08:34.58Nermalis the linux one
08:35.03Nermaland it should work ok
08:35.16Nermalcheck under the security settings underthe preferences tabv
08:35.25Nermalmake sure you are allowing syncs
08:35.38Fangalah ok, will check right again
08:35.46Fangalknow i mean ;)
08:37.27Fangalhmmm i wonder, i dont have any security settings. Could it be that some packages are missing ?
08:50.23Fangalisnt there anywone who installed latest familiar with opie ? And tried to syncronize with qtopia desktop ?
08:50.43flypiper|workFangal: try #opie
08:51.04Fangalah ok i will try there thanks
10:42.07RcastHello, does anybody have some advice they can give me on native compiling on the ipaq, i.e. installing gcc to the ipaq.
10:45.19HET2Rcast: this is going to take a LOT of space
10:47.08RcastHET2: Yeah i have a 256 compact flash card which i can use for the purpose, i not quite sure how to start wether it is better to try to install intimate to it or wether i can do it from familiar.
10:50.11HET2Rcast: i am not sure 256mb are enough :)
10:50.23HET2Rcast: well i have 128mb and that wasnt enough
10:50.28HET2Rcast: i forgot how much is enough though
10:50.35HET2Rcast: people use microdrives for native compiling
10:50.43HET2Rcast: or they use nfs mounts
10:52.29Rcastoh, so i might have to consider a setup with an NFS mout?, just out of curiosity how did you attemp this?
10:55.13HET2i didnt :)
10:55.16HET2i use smbfs mounts
10:55.27HET2and i use the skiffs for crosscompiling
10:55.33HET2and a local cross compiler
10:55.37HET2on a x86 machine
10:57.17Rcastah, ok, the main reason i want to do this is that i sometimes require other libraries for example readline, and when i try to compile on the skiff these are unavailable (?m to my knowledge) and also for ease of use.
10:58.01HET2Rcast: compiling for the ipaq has always been tricky
10:58.57Rcast:-) yeah i guess that was one of the reasons i wiped Pocket Pc, just to have some fun, Thanks anyway
12:47.11flybackanyone know how to eraser a palm's bigrom from debug mode ?
13:46.09Mutinyhas anybody ever used qvfb to run OPIE under a GPE X session?
14:19.40RcastHET2: I managed to get some simple programs to compile on the ipaq, using the debian sorces and a lot of symlinks, only taking 25mb of space (i could probably cut down on the space used if i knew what i didn't need) will probably need to install more libraries when i need then but so far everything works. Thanks again for trying to assist earlier
14:23.06HET2Rcast: i'd love to see your x compiling environment!
14:23.15HET2see / use
14:26.41RcastWell there isn't much there, just a basic gcc libraries, i kinda followed this: but then got the binaries from the development feed (wasn't able to use this directly due because it wanted to install directly to the flash)
15:00.03hubickYay.  I just got my own software to install from my own ipkg's and feed :)
15:02.19NonToxicIt's taking forever to mount ReiserFS on my iPAQ, is this normal?
15:02.24NonToxicAnd should I be partitioning?
15:29.11NonToxicUSB Networking just decided to become notworking.
15:39.52nelsonI'm sorry to hear of the death of your late networking.
15:47.27dizee=( i just installed familiar-0.6 on my ipaq along with opie.  now, after installing the opie-suspend package (i think, maybe it was task-suspend, i dunno) my ipaq likes to refuse to wake up from suspend unless i press the suspend button a dozen times in rapid succession.  it wakes for a second, then immediately goes back to sleep.  any advice?
15:48.32dizeein the meantime, i'm spidering the wiki to see if there's been any reported problems -- if i can't find out anything, i'm just going to build a new kernel
15:49.43dizeein the meantime, i think the wiki entry for "          o
15:49.43dizee          + Change the power button so it will not power down
15:50.01NonToxicOh well, I just bought a CF card.
15:50.18dizeewhy is that an 'oh well' ?  =)
15:50.23NonToxicdizee: I had that problem. Press the power button once for me, and see if it comes up and goes down.
15:50.34NonToxicOh well == I only have 1 slot for CF, so I have to use USB Flakeyness
15:50.43dizeeNonToxic: nope, single press and no reaction :/
15:50.46NonToxic(cradle is almost dead, it doesn't stay in ): )
15:50.51dizeemmm, bold colon bad
15:50.55NonToxicI mean, after you've done the dozentime thing
15:51.24dizeeNonToxic: will check
15:52.08dizeeNonToxic: doesn't work :/
15:52.25NonToxicTry upgrading/downgrading bootloader...
15:52.31NonToxicThat's what I've heard causes some problems...
15:52.40dizeei've tried particular combinations of successive presses, from 0-15 and it doesn't help me, the only way i can get it back to a usable state is hard-reset
15:53.02dizeehmm, i upped to the latest bootloader yesterday, i'll back down to the previous one, but why would the bootloader cause problems with the running system?
15:53.11NonToxicOh COOL!
15:53.57dizeewhat is chex quest?
15:54.06NonToxicYou've never heard of chex quest?!!?!
15:55.08dizeei've adjusted the light/power settings in opie to only deactivate lcd during suspend
15:55.32dizeeat least this'll prevent it from suspending while i'm logged in and doing something
15:55.39NonToxicYou need to hit buttons, instead of hitting the power button.
15:55.42NonToxicI believe that is the fix.
15:55.55dizeeand i'm sure the lcd probably is the most battery-consuming part of the system
15:56.12NonToxicHaha - nope, it's the CPU.
15:56.21dizeeecho 1 > /proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode
15:56.27dizeethat'll disable the suspend button as well ;)
15:56.39dizeereally?  what about the backlight?
15:56.49NonToxicWell, the b/l is different...
15:59.49dizeeyeah, not that i'm an electrical engineer or anything, but i'd say the backlight was more power-hungry than the lcd controller
16:00.34LoRezdizee: I'm sure it is
16:12.23dizeedamn away message - /set auto_away off
16:13.01nelsonwell done, Verisign (whois is down)
16:13.06dizeemmm, for some reason, i'm getting "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device" when attempting to configure usbf -- yet the interface is there :/
16:13.25LoReznelson: works for me
16:13.28nelsondizee LoRez: Compaq/HP has confirmed that the backlight consumes more power than any other item.
16:13.37dizeesa1100usb_core and usb-eth are loaded -- `ifconfig usbf` shows a configured device :/
16:13.50nelsonLoRez: must have been overloaded.  working now.
16:13.52LoRezer...  nm.. I guess .org works doesn't
16:14.19LoRezthey must've actually moved the .org stuff over
16:14.31LoRezthere it went
16:14.51dizeedamnit -- i've been trying for 3 days to get a room for phreaknic6 and the line at the hotel is constantly busy :/
16:16.08dizeeoh well, they're all sold out anyway
16:28.01nchipibot automount
16:28.02it has been said that automount is at
16:28.57nchiphmm. that is not the automount used to mount nfs :P
16:29.15treke|homeflypiper: Even more news on the cf front
16:29.35treke|homeflypiper: turns out the sleeve does actually work. It seems it's hh21 that doesnt like it
16:30.19treke|homeAntiProxy: you around?
16:30.27Leedstreke|home: which sleeve?
16:30.38treke|homeLeeds: PI Dual CF
16:31.01treke|homeLeeds: what did you just upgrade? :)
16:31.04LeedsI've got one waiting for me at the office, after having to call FedEx from the other side of the planet
16:31.17treke|homeLeeds: I'm back on hh20a and it works fine
16:32.26treke|homebut all is well again
16:42.59hubickis the Packages.filelist created by ipkg-make index required for the feed, or can it be deleted?
17:05.56LeedsiCEBaLM: been in Bangkok
17:11.15iCEBaLMyeah I had that happen once too, I went to the hospital
17:54.16nelsonhubick: it's required for ipkgfind.
18:01.23pragmaWhat do I need to install and have JAVA ipkgs working in my familiar?
18:39.42Namapooshas anyone ever had problems with gid warnings when making cramfs images?
20:36.13lammer1can anyone give me a hand setting up my cisco350 card?
21:27.09nelsonlammer1: sorry, not me.  I don't have one myself.  What happens if you simply insert it into your sleeve?  What gets printed on the console (if anything).  What gets printed when you run logread immediately after inserting the card?
21:41.16lammer1nelson: the card's lights are flashing... but when i perform an iwconfig it's not listed...
21:41.16lammer1nelson: when i plug in the card i get the following:
21:42.57lammer1nelson: cardmgr[86]: executing: 'modprobe airo'
21:42.57lammer1cardmgr[86]: executing: 'modprobe airo_cs'
21:42.57lammer1airo: MAC enabled eth0 0:7:50:ca:83:f9
21:42.57lammer1eth0: index 0x05: Vcc 5.0, Vpp 5.0, irq 42, io 0xc49b0000-0xc49b003f
21:42.57lammer1cardmgr[86]: executing: './network start eth0'
21:44.25xsd[g]lammer1: hrm... what does `ifconfig eth0` say?
21:45.31lammer1sh-2.03# ifconfig
21:45.31lammer1lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
21:45.31lammer1          inet addr:  Mask:
21:45.31lammer1          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
21:45.31lammer1          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
21:45.31lammer1          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
21:45.33lammer1          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
21:45.35lammer1          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
21:46.18lammer1xsd[g]: sorry... coming right up
21:46.35lammer1sh-2.03# ifconfig eth0
21:46.35lammer1eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:07:50:CA:83:F9
21:46.35lammer1          BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
21:46.35lammer1          RX packets:0 errors:205 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:205
21:46.35lammer1          TX packets:4 errors:4 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:4
21:46.36lammer1          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
21:46.38lammer1          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:2312 (2.2 Kb)
21:46.40lammer1          Interrupt:42
21:47.49kergother, is tehre a reason you're flooding the channel?
21:47.55kergoth#flood exists for a reason
21:48.49xsd[g]lammer1: hrm... are you in the range of a WAP?
21:49.51NonToxicdhcpcd eth0
21:50.06NonToxicif that fails, force iwconfig to recognize it
21:50.07kergothlammer1: 'dmesg' is your friend
21:50.08NonToxiciwconfig eth0
21:53.05NonToxicy0h a7r
22:01.12lammer1can someone tell me what the arguement for iwconfig is to change a card from managed mode to adhoc?
22:08.43NonToxicibot slashdot
23:43.33NonToxic"What is IRC?"

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.