irclog2html for on 2002.06.06

00:38:50WiseGuy58i thought qtopia had more apps
00:39:00spiralmanhow did you install it?
00:39:49spiralmanipkg install task-opie isnt all the apps
00:40:17spiralmanjust the basic stuff you need to install more stuff
00:41:46spiralmanbut dont use the package installer, its unfortunately broken at the moment
00:41:55spiralmanactually, it should work if you run it from the console
00:42:02spiralmanbut not if you run it from the GUI
00:42:17WiseGuy58and how do i get it to stop being hell-bent on setting backlight to hi?
00:42:27spiralmaninstall the light and power app
00:44:01WiseGuy58and, pacman is complaining about themes
00:44:56spiralmannever installed kpackman
00:45:40WiseGuy58it came with task-opie
00:46:28WiseGuy58i tap the screen
00:46:33WiseGuy58set it to off
00:46:34WiseGuy58it goes off
00:46:37WiseGuy58tap the screen again
00:46:39WiseGuy58comes back on
00:47:01WiseGuy58i had to hit OK
00:56:15WiseGuy58setting up kbd, ftp, etcetera
00:59:55WiseGuy58is there a terminal for opie?
01:05:27Russ|werkis anyone using udhcp on familiar (curious if its working for people)
01:20:42PVS5611anyone knows where to get the binaries for the ftp daemon
01:21:29spiralmantry ipkgfind
01:21:33it has been said that ipkgfind is at or at
01:21:33spiralmanibot ipkgfind
01:43:32pgampeanyone got opinions on ipaq vs zaurus?  I'm in the market for a new pda
01:45:33spiralmanzaurus is very cool
01:45:43spiralmanbut so is the new 38xx ipaq
01:45:48flypiperipaq has most options
01:45:59flypiperhardware options that is
01:46:36pgampebluetooth support is priority for me, as i need accesss from remote
01:46:55pgampemailing lists suggest 3870 is working with bluetooth/gprs phones
01:50:33spiralmani guess if you have a compatible phone...
01:59:10pgampethat's a point. any idea on how i can check ?
02:05:43spiralmanno idea
02:06:24pgampefound something positive on the bluez-users mailing list
02:08:31DaveHis there a channel for the GPE project by any chance ?
02:08:38spiralmani dont think so...
02:08:42spiralmanbut i dont know for sure
02:09:15DaveHwould you know who the people to talk to are concerning gpe ?
02:11:32spiralmannope, i dont use it...
02:11:38DaveHok thanks
02:12:26WiseGuy58i have a "feature" question about opie
02:12:59WiseGuy58is it supposed to repeat if i hit "shift" "k", it keeps hitting K - is it supposed to do that?
02:16:33spiralmannot sure whats wrong?
02:16:46WiseGuy58got OPIE handy, with opie-keyboard installed?
02:17:01WiseGuy58launch any app
02:17:07WiseGuy58hit "shift"
02:17:10WiseGuy58then hit any letter
02:17:13WiseGuy58don't do anything else
02:17:18WiseGuy58the letter appears "stuck" and repeats
02:17:22WiseGuy58does that happen for you?
02:17:30spiralmanwhich version of familiar do you have?
02:17:49spiralmanupgrade to 0.5.2
02:17:52spiralmanits a kernel bug
02:17:57spiralmanits gone in 0.5.2
02:18:17spiralmanor you could just upgrade to the latest kernel, i suppose
02:18:52WiseGuy58can i do that from oipkg?
02:19:00pigeonspiralman: What bug in particular, do you know?
02:19:02spiralmannot easily
02:19:09spiralmanpigeon: the sticky key bug
02:19:23spiralmanitll be easies to just run ipkg upgrade from the console
02:19:29WiseGuy58lemme login
02:20:00WiseGuy58tell me what to do
02:20:37spiralmanwhat feed does ipkg.conf point to for familiar?
02:20:57WiseGuy58hold onm
02:21:00WiseGuy58lemme find out
02:21:29WiseGuy58stupid text editor thinks it's smarter than I am
02:21:38spiralmannow, this **may** not work, you can always just reflash...
02:21:45WiseGuy58it won't let me decide for myself what file i need!
02:21:51spiralmanits not a text editor bug, its a ofiledialog bug...
02:21:52WiseGuy58that's reassuring :-P
02:22:08WiseGuy58so when's it gonna be fixed?
02:22:11spiralmanopen the file viewer, and click and hold on the file you want to open
02:22:14WiseGuy58it makes it hard in Opie Player too
02:22:15spiralmani dont know
02:22:24WiseGuy58hold on
02:22:27WiseGuy58in any event
02:22:32WiseGuy58looking from terminal
02:23:03spiralmanchange the v0.5.1 to v0.5.2
02:23:08spiralmanthen run ipkg update
02:23:11spiralmanthen ipkg upgrade
02:23:20WiseGuy58easier said than done
02:23:20spiralmanand wait... itll take a while
02:23:24spiralmanwell, yeah
02:23:25WiseGuy58what editors do I have?
02:23:42spiralmanin file manager, click and hold on the filename
02:23:49spiralmanand then select "view as text"
02:23:57spiralmanand it will open properly in the text editor
02:24:34WiseGuy58should I also change the "src 0.5.1?"
02:24:40spiralmanif you want
02:24:43spiralmanit doesnt actually matter
02:25:04spiralmani think i just changed mine to "src familiar"
02:25:34WiseGuy58and upgrading
02:25:45spiralmannow, this may not work if you dont have enough space...
02:25:51spiralmanand youll just have to reflash...
02:25:54WiseGuy58stupid thing went and downloaded a new ipkg.conf :-P
02:25:58WiseGuy58WHAT DO YOU MEAN REFLASH??!!!
02:26:05spiralmanits really not that big a deal
02:26:10WiseGuy58it takes time
02:26:23spiralmanactually, running ipkg upgrade will probably take longer...
02:26:25WiseGuy58and this thing's gotta be ready for tomorrow, me horizontal in 1/2 hour
02:26:40WiseGuy58hits ctrl-c and decides to deal with it tomorrow
02:26:44spiralmanhehe : )
02:26:55spiralmani find reflashing is easier myself...
02:27:16spiralmanthere is a much lower chance of breaking stuff
03:11:21cruisermananyone dualbooting?
03:18:12cruisermanflypiper: which bootldr do i use, latest unstable?
03:18:28WiseGuy58anyone here know if there's an irrecord prebuilt for iPAQ?
03:28:22spiralmanWiseGuy58: yes, there is
03:28:29spiralmanWiseGuy58: ive got an ipkg if you want it...
03:29:20spiralmanWiseGuy58: i got it off the geekserve feed, but im not sure its there anymore
03:29:50spiralmanthere is also lirc-tools in familiar unstable, but thats for a different version of lirc than the one thats in familiar stable
03:36:41WiseGuy58just downloaded it from the link pointed to in the wiki
03:36:45WiseGuy58(off of a skiff)
03:36:48spiralmanahh, ok
03:40:10BrianRhey folks.
03:40:55BrianRany interesting developments lately?
03:41:06spiralmansince when?
03:41:13BrianRI dunno. Past month or so :)
03:41:18BrianRI haven't been paying enough attention
03:41:25BrianRcrazy lightning outside here
03:41:40spiralmanopie is approaching an initial release (0.9)
03:42:26spiralmanso there has been a lot of development there...
03:42:31spiralmandont know about X stuff
03:54:21nelsonIs anybody doing war-driving with their iPAQ?
03:54:41radugano, but I war-walk with my jornada
03:54:52nelsonrunning wince?
03:55:00BrianRheh. how is that little jornada anyway?
03:55:06BrianRthe keyboard and larger screen are appealing..
03:55:09radugawhy would i do something nasty like that, nelson?
03:55:30BrianRI've been meaning to set up my public wap again...
03:55:32nelsonno idea.  So what software are you using?
03:55:34BrianRbeen lazy..
03:55:41radugabrianr: niftee.  only not-so-little i'm afear't :(
03:55:57radugafamiliar 0.51 at the moment
03:56:32BrianRraduga: err?
03:56:51nelsonraduga: no, I mean for war-walking?
03:57:00radugaits big and ugly enough that I *do* have to worry just a little, about carrying it around in my pocket
03:57:20raduganelson: nothing really special. I haven't taken it out very seriously,
03:57:32radugai bring down the interface and back up again, and see what I can catch
03:58:08radugawhat wardrive/walk software do you use out there?
03:58:25BrianRdoes anyone have the jornada 820 working?
03:58:28nelsonsupposedly kismet runs, but it needs an extra library.
03:59:15BrianRi got kismet working on the ipaq under intimate...
03:59:18radugabrianr: some posts to the mailing list.  I don't think its very much there though.
03:59:58radugatrouble is, most of the hardware has no open documentation, and the few HP people working on the port don't have access to any 820s
04:00:22BrianRthe 728 seems nice... both a cf and a pcmcia slut..
04:00:34nelsonBrianR: and you've got that library....
04:00:37radugathe people with 820s don't have access to the info; the people with access to the info, don't have 820s
04:00:43radugabrianr: yes
04:01:10radugai'm using 512mb in the CF, and putting external devices in the PC slot
04:01:34BrianRI have a udrive, so that little journada would kick all ass..
04:01:42BrianRthe 820 is not on their web site for some reason..
04:01:57radugayep. unfortunately, the udrive is CF type 2, and doesn't fit very well
04:02:07radugabrianr: mostly because its old
04:02:09BrianRoh wow. the 820 is kinda large...
04:02:25radugathe 820 is really a subnotebook
04:02:40BrianRdoes the 72x series work well?
04:02:43radugai dont know ANYONE with pockets that big
04:03:04BrianRwork is giving me $1000 to buy a pda / gadget..
04:03:08radugabrianr: the keyboard is really nice. the screen is decent enough indoors, but almost unuseable outdoors
04:03:18raduganot nearly as good as ipaq
04:03:34radugathe linux port is mostly complete-
04:03:41WiseGuy58stupid thing
04:03:54radugaaudio out, X, kb and pcmcia work pretty well
04:03:56BrianRFor linux support, most of the work on the 720 is done (including
04:03:56BrianRpower management!!) and I will be putting it into the
04:03:56BrianRCVS tree early next week.  I have made quite a bit of progress
04:03:56BrianRon Linux for the 56x series (in particular, the 568) this week and
04:03:56BrianRhope to have it working at the same level and in CVS
04:03:57BrianRin a couple of weeks.
04:03:58BrianRooh. .
04:04:07radugabrianr: hasn't happened yet
04:04:10radugawe're still waiting.
04:04:42radugawhat's currently missing are: audio in, power management, and the digitizer is pretty wonky
04:05:05WiseGuy58anyone have experience with getting irrecord to go on the ipaq?
04:05:15radugaI'm also seeing frequent lockups with audio playback, but others haven't seen them
04:05:23raduga(could be my kernel)
04:05:46BrianRwhat cpu does the 720 use anyway?
04:05:56radugaat 200mhz
04:06:00raduga(same as ipaq)
04:06:47BrianRwhen ordering a 72x, how does one tell if the unit will have roms or flash?
04:07:14radugabrian: if it came from HP, and is not a demo/dev/test model, then its rom :(
04:07:32radugafor awhile jca was giving people free upgrades though
04:07:45radugai don't think he has any more flash chips left.
04:08:02radugathe *latest* 72x may have flash though, instead of roms
04:08:07radugaI don't know this for sure.
04:08:11radugathe 728 i think they are.
04:09:58BrianRit's about $600
04:11:10raduga$600 is pretty good!
04:11:22radugathey were $1000 or so when I got mine
04:11:30raduga(off eBay for ~500)
04:14:00BrianRhow is size?
04:14:59BrianRi like the host usb connector ;)
04:16:37BrianRIs the CF slot type I only?
04:16:41nelsonThis is very annoying: the prism2 in my Linksys WPC11 works with wvlan driver, but my D-Link DCF-650W doesn't.
04:17:03spiralmanhrm, did you try the orinoco_cs driver?
04:17:17nelsonspiralman: it works (with cis_vcc hack)
04:17:32spiralmanthe dlink does?
04:17:49nelsonspiralman: the DCF-650W is sending packets, but not receiving them.  I can see my bootp server responding.
04:17:55radugacf is type 1, but some people have modified their CF slot to make it into a type 2
04:18:03raduga(only diff between 1 and 2 is size)
04:18:21spiralmani think they are the same size
04:18:27spiralmanbut type 2 allows for more power
04:18:28radugayou can also use your cf-II cards with a pcmcia adaptor in the PC slot
04:18:44nelsonraduga: the card fits just fine.  It's a driver problem.
04:18:44radugaspiral: cf-2 is a bit larger.  It may also draw more power.
04:18:48BrianRraduga: aah. Is it just a matter of filing down the slot or something :)
04:18:50spiralmanand the cf sleeve for the ipaq is a type 2 slot...
04:19:10raduganelson: why then, did boodle dremel his J720 open then??
04:19:20nelsonraduga: no idea.
04:19:39raduganelson: alright.
04:19:53BrianRno 728's on eBay yet...
04:20:01BrianRI wonder if the 728 is gonna get the axe or not..
04:20:11spiralmani think all the jordanas are...
04:20:14radugafwiw, the dremelized jornada+udrive work just fine he says
04:20:47radugai'm not sure if it was jamey or jca who suggested it,
04:21:02radugabut the j7xx may stick around a bit logner than the 5xx series
04:21:10radugaif only because its a unique device.
04:21:14spiralmanthe problem w/ the udrive may just be that it requires an ejection mechanism...
04:21:24radugaspiral: could be
04:21:26DaveHhas anyone got a office suite working on familiar ?
04:21:29spiralmannot the actual size of it
04:21:40spiralmanDaveH: there is hancom mobile office...
04:21:53BrianRyeah.. My udrive has no eject tab on it...
04:21:53spiralmanDaveH: but they wont give it to people using opie on familiar...
04:22:04spiralmanDaveH: just people w/ a Zaurus
04:22:08BrianRalthough I suppose you could just put a bit of tape on it if you plan to use it in a slot with no ejector
04:22:10radugaspiral: will they sell it?
04:22:19DaveHI looked at that could only find details on there site to download with a zurus SN# is it open source ?
04:22:35spiralmanraduga: they looked like they were going to, but now it looks like they arent going to
04:22:46spiralmanyeah, its closed source
04:22:51BrianRDaveH: I ran koffice on intimate,,,
04:22:54spiralmanthey used to have a 30 day trial
04:22:57radugaheh. anyone got a warezed zaurus SSN i could 'borrow' ;)
04:23:00BrianRit kinda sucked on the small screen :(
04:23:21spiralmanbut the 30 day trial is gone now : (
04:23:30DaveHalso im using X .. CCOffice claims to be open source but i cant find anything on there site as to the actule licence or how to download it ..
04:23:48BrianRaparently the 728 has _32MB_ of flash rom
04:24:00DaveHBrianR: Intimate is a bit largew for my machine
04:24:03radugaFLASH rom? are you sure??
04:24:20BrianRraduga: so says a few review sites anyway...
04:24:21radugathe 710 and 720 shipped with 32mb masked (non flash) roms
04:24:27radugathe sites may be confused.
04:24:31radugaask jamey.
04:24:35BrianRNot sure if anyone's actualy reflashed it yet or not tho..
04:24:48radugabrianr: if its flash, its reflashable
04:25:00radugabut there's no upgrade for wince... so the demand may be small
04:25:17BrianRraduga: well... this assumes the unit has the required logic to in-circuit program flash too :)
04:25:46radugabrianr: well. the 710 and 720 can reflash themselves.
04:25:49radugaI'm living proof :)
04:25:51BrianRActually though -f olks have replaced the mask roms with flash and successfully reflashed, right?
04:25:59radugaand the 728 is almost exactly the same unit
04:26:04radugabrianr: yes.
04:26:18radugajca has been trading in masked for flash roms, at HP labs
04:26:27radugabut i think he's run out of flash boards.
04:26:53radugajamey might know if there are any left.  jca would know for sure.
04:27:09radugajca is squirrely, and difficult to contact
04:28:17BrianRis the internal modem a real modem or winmodem?
04:28:49BrianRdoes your unit have 16 or 32mb of flash?
04:29:25raduga32mb flash
04:29:32radugaand 32mb ram
04:29:33BrianRwow. this is like the perfect handheld...
04:29:41radugado you have an ipaq?
04:29:53BrianRraduga: I have a 3670 with the dual sleeve
04:29:56radugathe screen is non-reflective and not-so-good as the ipaq's
04:29:59BrianRI have two main gripes - it's massive with the sleeve
04:30:03radugabut its decent enough indoors
04:30:09BrianRand it doesn't have a keyboard
04:30:14BrianRI have a fold out keyboard, but it sucks.
04:30:19radugayeah, I'm just warning you :)
04:30:25BrianRI have a clip on keyboard, which sucks less, but makes the unit even bigger.
04:30:35radugathe jornada is big too
04:30:39radugabut its all in one piece
04:31:10radugamy major gripe with it, is all the space taken up by lame windows keys :(
04:31:18radugaer. major keyboard gripe
04:31:41radugaif you took out the windows keys, the regular qwerty layout could have been just a *little* bigger
04:31:48radugaand every bit helps
04:32:17radugathey are just a bit too small for comfort.
04:32:22radugabig enough to touch-type though
04:32:27BrianRraduga: well. I want a real pcmcia slot. And I want more than one slot so I can use both wireless and my udrive
04:32:36BrianRand I want 32mb of ram.
04:32:41radugathe kb is definitely useable
04:32:50BrianRwith the ipaq 3800 and my dual sleeve I get everything but a keyboard
04:33:07BrianRthe zaurus gets me a keyboard, but not enough flash
04:33:12radugai'd just like to have had the extra 0.05 mm per key the windows keys are stealing
04:33:20BrianRand I'm short a slot, since the mmc/sd slot is mostly useless.
04:33:23radugaer. 0.5 mm or somtehing
04:33:28spiralmanthe zaurus has the same amount of flash as the ipaq...
04:33:35spiralmanand its a builtin cf, not just mmc/sd
04:33:40radugazaurus kb is also sillily tiny
04:33:49BrianRspiralman: the zaurus has 16mb of flash, doesn't it? The 3800 has 32.
04:34:02spiralmanBrianR: no, it has 32mb, im almost certain
04:34:11radugai think the *current* zaurus are 32mb
04:34:16BrianRA few coworkers have zaurus with 16mb..
04:34:22spiralmanthe devel ones might have less
04:34:29radugaspiral: yep
04:34:41spiralmanthe 5000 is the devel model, the 5500 (what you can buy in the stores) has 32
04:34:59BrianR,1058,698,00.html claims 64mb ram, 16mb flash
04:35:36spiralmanwell, the flash is also locked
04:35:39spiralmanso you dont use it as storage
04:35:53BrianRspiralman: yeah, cf is good. But if I put my udrive there, that leaves me without a slot for 802.11, cdpd, 1xrtt, or gprs :)
04:36:10spiralmanBrianR: i think there are 802.11 sd cards
04:36:21spiralmanBrianR: i believe somebody mentioned them once, could be wrong though...
04:36:32BrianRspiralman: does the zaurus have working sdio on the SD slot?
04:36:39BrianRspiralman: I know there's SD bluetooth cards.
04:36:41spiralmanBrianR: sdio?
04:36:43BrianRsleep time
04:36:52BrianRspiralman: secure digital i/o. for non-memory sd/mmc cards.
04:37:03spiralmanhmm, i dont know...
04:38:04radugawhat if i want insecure digital i/o?
04:38:21spiralmanthats what mmc is, although its also slower
04:38:42spiralmanthat sharp page said there was no copy protection w/ sd media...
04:39:05radugaspiralman: somehow I doubt
04:39:46spiralmandoubt what?
04:40:03radugathat there is no copy protection with sd media
04:40:15spiralmanits very possible...
04:40:23spiralmanand they arent really allowed to lie about it
04:40:31pgampei think sharp are coming out with CF bluetooth cards
04:40:52spiralmanthere must already be bluetooth cf cards, right?
04:41:27pgampefrom i've read on the mailing lists
04:41:57spiralmansocket makes a bluetooth cf card...
04:42:44pgampeanyone got bluetooth working on ipaq or zaurus?
04:43:05spiralmanthe builtin bluetooth works in the 38xx's that have it...
04:44:35pgampeah ok
04:45:01spiralmani dont know if the bluetooth/cf sleeve works...
04:46:59nelsonShit.  The Micro Innovations keyboard isn't working with lirc.
04:47:23macovahey, the usb link for somereason dosnt work or smth like i cant ping anywhere, did anyone had similar problems?
04:47:52spiralmanevilcat: what os are you using on your desktop?
04:47:59evilcatlinux 2.4.17
04:48:08spiralman2.4.17 should work fine
04:48:15evilcati tried .18
04:48:18spiralmanperhaps you arent setting it up correctly
04:48:21spiralman.18 wont work
04:48:21nelsonBrianR: I was hoping that the Micro Innovations keyboard would work with the Linux IR interface, but it seems not to.
04:48:22spiralmandont sue it
04:48:25evilcatbut then i heard that the now one wonk work
04:48:53spiralmanwas it working before with it set up the way you have it now?
04:48:56evilcatdamnit, like i dunno why but i guess i set all the interfaces right
04:49:06spiralmanthe order you do things in is very very important
04:49:55evilcatgreat now my pppd stoped working ;>
04:53:10spiralmandont know about the ppp, but as far as usb, you are probably doing something just a little differently than you were before...
04:53:29evilcatit wasnt working from the begining
04:53:38evilcatall the modules work fine
04:53:41evilcatthey load
04:53:47evilcatbut i just cant ping
04:53:54spiralmanwhat order are you doing things in?
04:54:23spiralmanwith the ipaq not connected, you should load uhci and usbnet on the desktop, and usb-eth on the ipaq, and run ifconfig and route on the ipaq
04:54:32spiralmanthen you connect the ipaq to the usb cable/cradle
04:54:40spiralmanand then you run ifconfig and route on the desktop
04:55:00evilcatthats what i did
04:55:17evilcati loaded the module on my ipaq
04:55:27evilcatpluged it in the cradle
04:55:31spiralmaneach time you start over, you have to completely remove all the usb modules on the desktop and the ipaq
04:55:48evilcatifconfig usbf netmask up
04:56:00spiralmanno, thats what i was saying not to do
04:56:00evilcatroute add default gw
04:56:07evilcatok :)
04:56:12evilcatthen i should
04:56:14spiralmanyou run ifconfig on the ipaq **before** you plug it into the cradle
04:56:15evilcatload the module
04:56:24spiralmanack, no
04:56:32evilcati dont get it [;
04:56:37spiralmanload the module and run ifconfig, **then** plug it in
04:56:39evilcatwhy does it matter?
04:56:48evilcatill try that
04:57:10spiralmanbecause if the module is loaded, and you plug it in, it tries to get an ip addres automatically, and it wont get the right one...
04:57:40spiralmanbut if youve already given it an ip address, then it wont try to get a new one
04:57:51evilcati tried reconfiguring it
04:57:55spiralmanhowever, on the desktop, you call ifconfig usb0 **after** you plug it in...
04:57:57evilcatifconfig usbf down
04:58:23evilcatshould the interface on my computer
04:58:33evilcatbe configured before i plug the ipaq too?
04:58:47spiralmanno, thats what i just said, you do that **after** you plug it in
04:58:58evilcatand how do i set the delay in the boot> prompt
04:58:59spiralmanthe usb0 interface wont even exist untill you plug it in, actually
04:59:03evilcatso it would boot after 5s?
04:59:15spiralmani dont know, why are you rebooting so much?
04:59:22spiralmanare you rebooting each time?
04:59:26evilcatsometimes it reboots
04:59:32evilcati need to reboot
04:59:34evilcator smth
04:59:44evilcatand then if im away from the computer
04:59:48spiralmanthats what rmmod and insmod are for
04:59:56spiralmanohh, its suspending, i think
05:00:05spiralmanjust hit the little power button in the top right...
05:00:12evilcatim not that dumb :)
05:00:23evilcatsometimes i reboot it or smth
05:00:35spiralmanwell, why are you rebooting it?
05:00:38evilcatand i dont want to connect it to my pc every single time
05:01:01evilcatspiralman: well for example my battery discharges...
05:01:27norikoim not an expert on networking. i have 192.168 being used on 3 interfaces, im using diff subnets (192.168.x.0), but im wondering if i have to
05:02:02spiralmannoriko: no, you can use the same ip for each interface, but youll get some interesting (and sometimes usefull) behaviour
05:02:25norikoip or subnet?
05:02:32spiralmannoriko: for instance, my desktop has eth0 and usb0 both w/ the same ip address, and it automatically functions as a router...
05:02:35spiralmannoriko: well, both
05:02:52spiralmannoriko: but if they are on the same subnet, but with different ips, you should have normal behaviour
05:03:03norikoso you can forward with forwarding set to 1? and no iptables?
05:03:12spiralmannoriko: but im not exactly a network expert either, so i may be wrong
05:03:24spiralmannoriko: yes, but i also have to set proxy_arp to 1 as well
05:03:50evilcat[root@laptop]~> ping
05:03:50evilcatPING ( 56 octets data
05:03:54evilcatit doesnt work
05:04:05noriko1.1.1.1 isn't routable ida think
05:04:14norikoits an illegal address
05:04:19evilcatits legal
05:04:19spiralmanyeah, use a reserved address
05:04:23spiralmanlike 192.168.something
05:04:30evilcatif i use it on just my
05:04:39evilcatill change it and it will do the same thing
05:04:52spiralmanyoull have a problem because somebody actually owns
05:04:53norikotry using, or
05:05:07evilcatif you have a newtmask
05:05:09spiralmannoriko: no, thats bad
05:05:11norikocause they dont work
05:05:15evilcatwith 32 bits ereserved
05:05:24evilcatthen you can only have one ip
05:05:24norikoi didn't know is a real ip
05:05:44evilcatand your changing the destination for the whole internet
05:05:51spiralmanim pretty sure is a valid ip address
05:06:02spiralmanjust use a 192.168 ip
05:06:02evilcatit is..
05:06:08spiralmanits the safest way...
05:06:09evilcatthats what ill do
05:06:14norikowho would own it?
05:06:30spiralmanevilcat: unless you have a whole shitload of computers and need more addresses
05:06:40spiralmannoriko: probably one of the original darpa servers...
05:06:49norikoit looks down
05:07:10norikono hostlookup, no ping
05:07:28spiralmanIANA (RESERVED-9)
05:07:28spiralman   Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
05:07:29spiralman   4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
05:07:29spiralman   Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
05:07:30spiralman   US
05:07:52evilcat# echo 10 >/proc/scale
05:07:52evilcatcannot create /proc/scale: directory nonexistent
05:07:55evilcatwhats that?
05:08:03norikoi get that too
05:08:19evilcathow to i _get_ it?
05:08:30norikoits installed like that
05:09:48evilcat[root@laptop]~> ping
05:09:48evilcatPING ( 56 octets data
05:09:51evilcatsame old thing
05:10:08spiralmanevilcat; where are you pinging from?
05:10:16evilcati tried both
05:10:20evilcatmy pc and ipaq
05:10:45spiralmanok, go through exactly what you did, in the order that you did it...
05:10:55spiralmaneach command...
05:11:15evilcatmodprobe usb-eth
05:11:30evilcatifconfig usbf netmask up
05:11:40evilcatroute add default gw
05:11:51evilcatthen for my pc
05:12:05evilcatmodprobe usb-net-host
05:12:22evilcatifconfig usb0 netmask up
05:12:26spiralmani think thats the wrong driver...
05:12:30spiralmani do modprobe uhci
05:12:33spiralmaninsmod usbnet
05:12:42evilcatuhci is just a usb controler
05:12:52evilcatusbnet is loaded right now
05:12:58evilcat[root@laptop]~> lsmod
05:12:58evilcatModule                  Size  Used by
05:12:58evilcatusb-net-host            4624   1
05:12:58evilcatusbnet                  7296   0  (unused)
05:12:59spiralmanyes, i know uhci is a usb controler
05:13:07spiralmanit has to be reloaded each time...
05:13:07evilcatyea i have it compiled in the kernel
05:13:19spiralmanusb-net-host is old and out of date
05:13:20spiralmandont use it
05:13:52spiralmanand uhci has to be a module
05:14:06spiralmancause you have to rmmod and modprobe it each time you reconnect the ipaq
05:14:51evilcatthis will take w while ;>
05:22:09evilcatwhats the deal with /proc/scale?
05:22:17spiralmanno idea
05:22:17evilcatdo i need it for anything?
05:22:25spiralmanwhere are you seeing the error message?
05:22:29evilcatmy procfs doesnt support is
05:22:36evilcatthe howto
05:22:40evilcatsays that i should
05:22:48evilcatecho 10 to /proc/scale
05:22:57evilcatok can you tell me what do you do ?
05:22:58spiralmani just ignore that
05:32:16pigeonYay, I got my cf sleeve plus.
05:37:46evilcatand i got my usb working :)
05:37:51evilcatthanks  spiralman :)
05:40:16spiralmanahh, spiffy
05:41:31spiralmani gotta go now...
05:41:33spiralmannight all
05:48:50norikocan someone gimmie an example format of /etc/localtime
05:49:02norikomy desktop has it encoded somehow
05:49:34pigeonnoriko: I believe it's not plain ascii...
05:51:08norikotimezones - Timezone data
05:51:13norikolooks like a package
05:53:33norikocant find canada
05:54:59DaveHwhereabouts in canada ?
05:56:54DaveHon your desktop pc it should be under /user/share/zoneinfo/$COUNTRY$/$ZONE$
06:09:07norikofound a city nearby
09:18:02dc_this is gonna be interesting
09:21:51pigeondc_: Yo... I got my cf sleeve plus!
09:22:13dc_pigeon: a what?
09:22:25pigeondc_: cf single sleeve plus
09:22:51dc_pigeon: what's that?
09:23:36pigeonThe second one.
09:23:45pigeoncf single sleeve, with a removable battery.
09:26:47dc_pigeon: cool :)
09:27:31dc_pokes duffekn_away
09:28:12norikohow can i go about changing the size of ram and ramfs?
09:28:29norikoid rather have 16mb ram and more ramdisk
09:28:57norikoramfs, even
09:29:06pigeonnoriko: mount -o remount,size=xxM /mnt/ramfs
09:50:58dwmw2_goneibot: message for cmarqi: Occasional CRC failures are harmless. They can happen when you power cycle or reboot, and the original version of the same data should be intact.
09:51:09dwmw2_goneibot: message for cmarqu: Occasional CRC failures are harmless. They can happen when you power cycle or reboot, and the original version of the same data should be intact.
11:17:27peepohi jamey
11:17:50peepotrying skiffcluster for the first time
11:18:32peepobash: scp: command not found
11:18:43peepologged in as guest?
11:47:12mindneone know a chan fore jornada720 devel... since #jornada720 is all empty?
11:48:30mindguess not ;)
11:55:51peepoanyone using skiff?
11:56:15Mornis away: if (dirty) { shower(); }
11:56:24i think skiff is at or broken
11:56:24peepoibot skiff
11:57:57prhibot message for morn: if (dirty) { shower() or bath() or hand_wash() or die "Staying smelly"; }
11:59:12dc_prh: haha
11:59:25dc_poor Morn
12:04:18LThi, anyone here
12:04:33LTNeed help on iptables
12:09:28LTIt's kind of urgent. Can someone please help
12:11:44Mornis back (gone 00:15:28)
12:16:38peepowhat iptables problem?
12:27:04Mornis away: hungry
12:28:02LTI couldn't find the iptables command even after insmod ip_tables.
12:31:08LTpeepo: Any clue
12:31:13prhperhaps you need the package that has the iptables binary command...
12:31:30prhadding a module to the kernel does not install a binary in your path...
12:32:01peepodid you want ipmasquerading instead?
12:32:33LTwhich pkg ? I have downloaded one of the iptabes...ipk and installed.
12:33:22LTi want to setup NAT on my ipaq.
12:34:08LTpeepo: can u do ipmasq without iptables in kernel 2.4.18 ?
12:36:29peepoi reckon, give us  a moment
12:36:36peepocan't find link
12:36:44LTMy understanding is release 0.5.2 do support iptables.
12:38:06peepocant help with that
12:38:14LT is where I downloaded the pkg.
12:57:26prhLT: you'll probly need two packages. one with the modules - one with the support programs (iptables)
13:01:28LTprh: Do you know which pkg is missing that will give iptables command.
13:05:02LTThere are a number of iptables-modules-2.4.18-rmk3_hhx_arm.ipk on the above dir. I installed the latest one. I can see there are ~10 obj files under the netfilter/ dir.
13:13:34LTprh: what u mean by no ?
13:14:15prh<LT> prh: Do you know which pkg is missing that will give iptables command.
13:14:18prh<prh> no
13:15:44prhmaybe net-tools or netbase
13:17:32LTThat's a good suggestion worth trying. But, i will really appreciate it if someone can give me a more definitive answer.
13:21:36LTprh: Is there any way i can access this irc channel using some software running over http protocol ?
13:22:19LTI can't access irc from my office.
13:23:15LTWhat client software that i can use.
14:00:14BrianRjamey_: Around?
14:11:02BrianRDoes anyone know if the hp jornada 728 has flash or mask rom?
14:17:29jamey_BrianR: I'm around
14:17:34dc_jamey_: !
14:17:48dc_jamey_: can you add me to the gpe group for hh cvs?
14:18:00jamey_BrianR: I believe it has mask rom but HPL has provided flash modules for a small number of them
14:18:03jamey_dc_: ok
14:18:09dc_jamey_: yay, thanks :)
14:19:19jamey_dc_: done
14:21:01baubMorning all. I hope your will forgive a very newbie question: After reading everything I could on the site I am still not certain what the requirements are to load Linux on my iPAQ. The only number I saw was 140MB for the "full blown debian linux distribution" (Intimate). I have a stock 3650 (32MB/32MB) any chance to get Linux on it as is?
14:23:12dc_jamey_: next problem, how do I get an ssh key to add?
14:23:44cmarquHi all.
14:23:48jamey_dc_: ssh-keygen
14:25:13dc_jamey_: on my box?
14:25:17dc_cmarqu: hey
14:25:20dc_cmarqu: #gpe :P
14:25:31cmarqudc_: Cool.
14:28:18jamey_dc_: on your box
14:28:20jamey_hi honeypea
14:28:37honeypeahiya jamey_
14:29:09cmarqudc_: Do you run mallum's lock app?
14:29:24honeypeacan anyone tell me if bluez is at a point where i can use it to get up ppp via my phone..?
14:33:12jamey_honeypea: I have heard reports that it is
14:33:42honeypeathanks jamey_, any ideas who could help a 3-day newbie with it?
14:34:14BrianRjamey_: hpl?
14:34:39pbhoneypea: what phone do you have?
14:34:53jamey_BrianR: hpl?
14:34:58honeypeapb: ericsson t39
14:35:04jamey_honeypea: google?
14:35:30jamey_BrianR: hpl == hp labs
14:35:42honeypeajamey_: um, tried that, but i'll take the hint and try again :) i just dont know how to get started with bluez
14:36:27jamey_honeypea: I don't know off the top of my head, so I would also have to try google
14:36:37honeypeaok thanks
14:36:47jamey_honeypea: or try the bluez-users mailing list and/or archives.  there are some ipaq users there
14:37:03BrianRjamey_: Aah.. For pay, or do I just need to ask nicely?
14:37:40honeypeaoh, i didnt even realise bluez wasn't ipaq-only - sounds good jamey_, thanks
14:38:44jamey_BrianR: not for pay.  but the boards are assembled by hand, so you would have to ask very very nicely.
14:39:07BrianRjamey_: Aah. Yeah. that sounds like a hassle for them.
14:39:22BrianRHow hard is it to get the linux stuff to play on the jornada 72x?
14:40:20BrianRWork gives me a $1k/yr stipend to buy a PDA... Last lear I had the ipaq 3670...
14:40:32jamey_BrianR: I do not know, but raduga has done so
14:40:54BrianRBut with the dual sleeve, a udrive, a wireless card, a keyboard, etc., it's way bigger than the jornada..
14:41:05BrianRwhereas the jornada is one nice solid unit - no parts to fall off.
14:41:59ToyKeeperThe journada isn't even flashable, is it?
14:42:52ToyKeeperSomeone gave me a 548 and I've never used it because I have no use for wince...
15:06:06nelsonwhich serial port does the SIR data arrive on?  And do I need to install a driver to get at it?
15:07:56spungibot: message for mallum: it seems more and more to me that it is a xkbd bug
15:10:37dc_cmarqu: yeah, it's a nice util. lick :)
15:10:54nelsonBrianR: well, there's always glue!
15:10:59cmarqudc_: lick? :)
15:11:21cmarqudc_: Well, the ssh package seems to be overflowing my flash again...
15:11:34nelsoncmarqu: I hope it's short for licking the lollipop.
15:12:16cmarqu:) And only a candy lollipop too.
15:12:59dc_lock :}
15:40:15dc_nelson: ;p
15:47:15radugacheck out headlines on slashdot!
15:47:41radugasome crazy hacker has apparently managed to run linux on an ipaq!!!!
15:47:53dc_I want one!
15:47:54radugai dunno
15:48:01radugabut slashdot seems to think its amazing
15:48:11raduganot only linux but an http server!!
15:48:15radugaand wifi!
15:48:29dc_somone's actualy installed linux on an...
15:49:02honeypeagoes to read :)
15:49:26honeypeatheyre really on the ball, arent they
15:49:39radugaslashdot is news for nerds!
15:49:48radugaer. you *are* a nerd, aren't you?
15:49:52honeypeastuff that used to matter!
15:50:56dc_a longg...long...;time ago
15:50:58dc_it mattered
15:52:11radugain a galaxy far, far away?
15:52:35ToyKeeperEgad.  If anyone thought an ipaq webserver was amazing, they could have made headlines months ago...
15:52:55dc_raduga: VERY far away
15:53:04honeypeaToyKeeper, knowing /. its probably been a headline 5 times already
15:53:06pigeonHmm how does one create reiserfs on an cf?
15:53:23ToyKeepermkreiserfs /dev/hda ?  :)
15:53:38Tangentpigeon: One doesn't like the fixed size 32M journal, so one normally uses ext3 on CF instead
15:53:40pigeonOh good enough :)
15:53:58radugaif you read the comments people make on the article, its really fascinating
15:54:06dc_pigeon: hehe
15:54:13honeypeadc_ and raduga, do i have your permission to post a snippet of the log above to slashdot :)
15:54:19asuffieldrunning a classic journalling filesystem on cf would seem like a bad idea...
15:54:24radugapeople are surprised that an only 200mhz box with only 32mb ram could run a web server without dying in short order
15:54:27dc_honeypea: probly, ask alexksso
15:54:30dc_honeypea: probly, ask a7r
15:54:42radugahoneypea: eh. sure
15:54:45honeypeawhy a7r?
15:54:55radugahoneypea: if i have permission to moderate :)
15:54:57dc_honeypea: n/m do it :
15:55:00honeypeaok :)
15:55:04honeypeascampers off
15:55:15dc_honeypea: do the news that matters bit :}
15:55:20asuffieldpfeh, my ipaq has been hooked into my dancer-ircd network at home for months
15:55:21honeypeaok :)
15:55:30jamey_asuffield: it should be fine, although of course it will cause the card not to last as long
15:55:34ToyKeeperDang.  I've been hosting portable versions of online documentation on my ipaq for months with boa.  It's handy to have in your pocket..
15:55:37dc_giggles and waits for honeypea's comment
15:55:38jamey_asuffield: cf cards do wear leveling internally
15:55:40asuffieldwebservers just don't seem quite the same...
15:55:52honeypeaim not witty enough, just a snippet, dc_ :)
15:56:05ToyKeepergoes to sleep
15:56:05dc_honeypea: indeed
15:56:09asuffieldwonders if it could handle the OPN traffic level
15:56:12dc_honeypea: i wanna see the replies!
16:03:06dc_ Yup, all you need to do to replicate this amazing feat is:
16:03:06dc_    * Take a few minutes to download Familiar []
16:03:06dc_* ipkg install thttpd
16:03:31honeypeasorry about the delay :) even with "plain old text" it wanted to treat <name> as html
16:07:10radugahoneypea has 1 karma point!
16:08:50moraydc_: yes, I know it's bad, but I posted to Slashdot
16:08:54morayis ashamed...
16:09:22dc_moray: it's cool :)
16:09:42honeypeasees moray's post above mine :)
16:09:57moraynormally just glances at from time to time (Slashdot digest)
16:10:22honeypeais that the one slashdot claim is unconstitutional, or something, moray?
16:10:22spungmoray: nice!!
16:11:03spungslashdot is getting to fast for me
16:11:59spungi don't have time to check it everrry day
16:12:08morayhoneypea: well, I presume they wouldn't like it, given it removes their revenue stream
16:12:29honeypeayes, terribly open source :)
16:12:36moraypoints at ;)
16:12:40dc_honeypea: you should have put from :)
16:12:41radugathey also didn't like
16:12:53honeypeadc_, see the title!
16:13:01radugawhich was mostly just parodies and criticism of the original
16:13:08dc_kicks himself
16:13:10dc_honeypea: :D
16:14:26spungmoray: too bad i can't access afterslash :\
16:15:58morayspung: hm - sometimes it disappears for a bit - as far as I know it's just someone's personal project, so that's probably to be expected :-/
16:16:09dc_#8. Screaming 14-year-old boys attempting to prove to each other that they are more 3133t than j00.
16:16:12dc_not true
16:16:16dc_that offends me
16:17:08radugais m0r3 31337 then U
16:17:21honeypeawaits for more snippets to be posted as a followup
16:17:31spungdc_: :)
16:17:35r4duG4i can't post :(
16:17:55dc[being1337]r4duG4: phe4r
16:18:01honeypeabad boy, r4duG4, or did they get IPs messed up again?
16:18:09r4duG4well. no.
16:18:13r4duG4i moderated this discussion
16:18:18r4duG4you can't both post and moderate :(
16:18:27dc[being1337]r4duG4: j00r fux0red lack or rice will own j00
16:18:32r4duG4otherwise all of my posts would end up rated +5 Insightful
16:18:33honeypeathey stopped me posting for a bit - IP mixup. the server even reported the wrong IP for ME.
16:18:37morayhm, as well as the inserted square ads, the banner ads on slashdot are about 4x the size since I last looked...
16:18:58dc[being1337]moray: I noticed that to:/
16:19:10honeypeayes theyre growing
16:19:22r4duG4moray : CoMmAnDeR tAcO 0wNz U
16:19:52spiralmanslashdot is still good if you dont click on "read more" too much
16:20:11r4duG4should i moderate moray's post? :(
16:20:21honeypeathe palm version of slashdot is a good way of digesting it. its a far better site than the full one :)
16:20:30morayspiralman: well, that's why I was recommending (though apparently it's inaccessible just now)
16:20:34r4duG4if i do then he will have a higher mod than honeypea
16:20:38morayspiralman: the top few comments can be worth seeing too
16:20:52morayspiralman: since half the time they say why the story's not true...
16:20:57r4duG4moray: i actually like the page-widener trolls
16:21:04r4duG4moray: and the BSD IS DYING trolls
16:21:16dc_before I own all of j00
16:21:23spiralmani usually read the comments for things like ask slashdot, cause they tend to actually be informative
16:21:25r4duG4and the first posts have their own peculiar charm
16:21:29morayhm, is Natalie Portman petrified passé by now?
16:21:46r4duG4moray: no.  its actually old enough to be classic
16:22:22r4duG4moray: especially since lucas has suggested splicing in episode 1-3 characters into new releases of ep 4-6
16:22:28morayit would be kind of fun to script a Slashdot karma whore/troll
16:22:40r4duG4moray: i'm waiting to see Natalie Portman in Empire Strikes back
16:22:59r4duG4naked *and* petrified.  Along with Harrison Ford :)
16:23:13moraya bot could easily watch for new stories then create posts with excerpts from them while would get modded up
16:23:29morayand if you had a pair of similar bots they could take it in turns to post/moderate...
16:23:30spiralmanand old...
16:23:37dc_Flatbager asks "I just started playing around with ICQ and it looks very powerful.  I started thinking that this program might be perfect for my plans of comunicating with aliens.  Has any other Slahsdot user tried using ICQ in this way, or is teh Open Source community not raely into communicating with aliens?  Either way I'd like to haer your views."
16:23:39spiralmanshed be fucking old in empire
16:23:57spiralmanalso dead
16:24:02spiralmanbut whatever
16:24:03Magniwonders if anone could awnser a quick question for him
16:25:02spiralmanwhats the question?
16:25:05Magnii have seen much spoken of a linux distro on various Strong ARM setups... and i was led here in my search... every one has admiration for the mp2k series... was there ever a kernel written for it?
16:25:17Magniisnt fond of mac based os's there too cute
16:26:00dc_OS/2 Being Ported To The IPaq
16:26:00dc_Posted by brian on Thu June 06, 10:47 AM
16:26:00dc_from the have fun hitting reload page dept.
16:26:00dc_The wait is ovver.  For all of you who have been waiting to run OS/2 on your iPaq here's your oportunity.  This is the port we've al been waiting for, and it's GPLed.  Get to the servers before they slow to a crawl.
16:26:05r4duG4spiralman: yes.  but how many *plausible* opportunities are you ever going to get, for her to be actually petrified on screen?
16:27:02Magnios/2 as in the ibm gui from like 5 years ago
16:27:03Magnikick ass!
16:28:44Magnisighs without awnsers and continues crawling the web looking for PSone linux and MP2K linux
16:29:35spiralmanwhat is mp2k?
16:29:44morayspiralman: I think that's a Newton
16:29:45MagniMessagePad 2000
16:29:48spiralmanahh, ok
16:29:56MagniStrongarm 169Mhz
16:30:07Magninice little proccessor... horrid little os
16:30:16morayhm, you'd have thought someone would have tried - but if too much of the hardware's closed maybe they just gave up
16:30:20Magniand finding the assembly calls for mac machienes is a pain
16:30:21spiralmandebian has an arm distro, that you might be able to base something on...
16:30:46Magnispiral... yea... im a debian user but i cant find hardware specs
16:30:51Magnicant find bios calls
16:30:57Magnifind find bootloader info
16:31:01Magnicant find
16:32:03r4duG4speaking of apples
16:32:19r4duG4I just got a weird mac clone box yesterday
16:32:28r4duG4a motorola PowerMax
16:32:28MagniPPC or 68k
16:32:40Magnihas heard good things about those
16:32:51r4duG4er. about the PowerMax?
16:32:57spiralmanhehe, the only 68k i have is my NeXT cube...
16:32:59r4duG4had never actually quite heard of them before
16:33:36radugaits kinda funny, because it has both scsi and ide,
16:33:50radugaand uses PS2 keyboard and mouse, but also ADB
16:34:12radugathe disks inside it are all IDE though. not sure if it can boot scsi or not
16:34:30moray suggests that people *have* failed to find out about Newton hardware enough
16:34:32radugaboots OS7.6 though :)
16:34:54radugamoray: hrm. a real shame
16:35:18radugamoray: apple had absolutely no clue what to do with the Newton, and managed it in just about the worst possible way
16:35:24radugamoray: contrast with the Palm
16:36:09spunghmm... i just found a way of deciding whether to say something on the IRC or not.. drop something on the keyboard and hope it hits (or not) the enter key
16:36:41radugaspung: i use different criteria
16:36:49moraywell yes - the Newton was as far as I could tell a good machine, it just got bad press because the first version of the handwriting recognition wasn't as good as people hoped
16:36:49radugai ask my mom.
16:36:53spungraduga: too late, it already hit enter
16:36:55spungraduga: lol
16:37:01spungraduga: how old are you?
16:37:25radugaspung: i cant remember.  i used to be able to count that high, but i dont have enough fingers anymore
16:38:01radugamoray: i thought it used graffiti
16:38:23radugaanyway, the two biggest problems it had were its size and cost
16:38:32radugaalmost pocket-sized but not quite there
16:38:42morayat least early Newtons used a more sensible handwriting recognition scheme...
16:38:49morayand you could just write where you wanted text to go
16:38:53radugahandheld, sure, but you needed a belt holster or something to carry them around with
16:39:27morayraduga: yes, but have you seen the size of e.g. some of the Psions, that were pretty popular
16:39:31radugaand at the time, people weren't willing to spent $600 or $700 on a weird machine that nobody had
16:39:43morayor indeed the *increasing* size of most laptops over more recent years...
16:39:52radugamoray: the psion netbook and s7 are subnotebooks
16:40:03radugathe s5 and s3 are h/pc
16:40:10morayraduga: yes, but these categories are artificial...
16:40:15radugathey're bigger than an ipaq, but much smaller than a Newton
16:40:25radugamoray: not to me.
16:40:59radugamoray: a handheld or palmtop is a computer i can use with one hand while holding it with the other, that I can stow in my pocket when im not using it
16:41:18radugamoray: a subnotebook is anything bigger than that
16:41:46radugamoray: newtons are somewhere between, really
16:41:52morayyes, and at least for me even the smaller psions have tended to be too big for pockets - the iPAQ will go in my *coat* pocket...
16:41:59radugamoray: yea
16:42:24radugamoray: i wear pants that a psion or jornada720 can fit in, on purpose :/
16:42:40moraywell, that's one way to solve the problem ;)
16:42:43radugamoray: though i'll grant they are near the upper limit on pocketsize
16:43:00morayof course I solve the problem by not leaving the house ;)
16:43:00radugamoray: i need the keyboard
16:43:02DaveHThere you see its not technologys fault its the evil fasion world
16:43:15dc_hey DaveH
16:43:21dc_DaveH: #gpe ;}
16:43:31moraywell sure - if men carried bags we'd all just take laptops with us presumably...
16:44:31honeypeahey we got a Score:3, Funny
16:44:40prhtends to take laptop most places - but then it is an ibm x22 - nice and small and light. well comparatively
16:44:56radugai can moderate moray now.
16:44:56morayI've got a Sony Picturebook thing
16:45:08radugacouldn't let moray get more karma than honeypea
16:45:14honeypeagrumbles :)
16:45:24honeypeaoh wait, the other way round! aw :)
16:45:24radugabut if Pea is up to +3 we can certainly do it
16:45:29moraythough of course I would no longer recommend Vaios to people, given their batteries seem to die very quickly, among other things...
16:46:17spiralmanmy grandparents have a vaio, nice screen, but they always leave it plugged in, so they havent had any battery problems...
16:46:34dc_my friend's battery broke
16:46:55honeypeadoesnt leaving a li ion plugged in all the time wear it in the end?
16:46:56spiralmanahh, that sucks..
16:47:02morayspiralman: well, the battery life was never that good (especially considering it's Crusoe-based), but it got worse and worse, then died completely
16:47:24morayhoneypea: I suspect that's what happened with mine, which was 24/7 for maybe a year (IIRC) before dying
16:47:26spiralmanhoneypea: well, if the laptop is designed inteligently, it wont be recieving power when its fully charged
16:47:37morayspiralman: so apparently Vaios aren't...
16:47:44honeypeaspiralman i guess - im never sure how to treat the li ions in my dell
16:47:50spiralmanor it was just a bad battery...
16:47:52moraymy previous Vaio's battery died too
16:47:59radugaspiralman: if the laptop is designed intelligently it will wear out and break over time, so you have to buy a new one.
16:48:02morayand my flatmate's, within months of her getting it
16:48:05honeypeawhether to leave it plugged in all the time, or occasionally use the batteries
16:48:12radugaspiralman: and the laptop manufacturer makes more $$$.
16:48:17radugathat's what I call Intelligence.
16:48:20spiralmanraduga: hehe
16:48:57radugaactually, i think my laptop HD is having some issues lately :/
16:49:03moraymy flatmate bought a 4x (or whatever) battery off someone as a replacement (they had one they didn't need, so it was cheap), but that about doubles the weight of her laptop... :)
16:49:04radugawhen the disk spins down in powersave mode
16:49:11radugait *wont* spin back up again without a reboot
16:49:19radugathis is becoming annoying.
16:49:37radugai've had to disable spindown altogether.
16:49:38moraythe HD in my Picturebook is kind of worrying too - it's always made strange loud click-type things from time to time
16:49:41honeypeabit worrying too, raduga
16:49:45Magniwill note that the attempts were for the older newtons in early 2001... its mid 2002 and the MP2K was severly upgraded... *ponders poking apple for information*
16:49:47radugai wonder if its a sign that the drive is failing
16:50:07morayMagni: maybe you could remind Apple about their supposed new culture of openness ;)
16:50:19honeypeamy dell hd occasionally makes a scary high pitched whirring sound spontaneously
16:50:36spiralmanlaptop hds are almost as cheap as pc hds
16:50:42honeypeaand my other older dell's hd (gulp) died from shaking last month
16:50:42spiralmanbut its still a bitch when they go
16:50:44MagniI think i will start drafting an email... or possibly a Petition
16:50:45radugamoray: the same openness as when Steve Jobs announced a permanent moratorium on easter eggs
16:50:47moraygave his previous Vaio to his grandmother to use for email, running GNOME/Evolution/Galeon
16:50:48honeypeaso i found out, spiralman :)
16:50:56Magnicause the MP2K and 2K1 are cool little machienes
16:51:04Magniplus im getting one for cheap =^_^=
16:51:07spiralmanmy brother dropped a laptop while it was running
16:51:13spiralmanthat wasnt good for the HD
16:51:20radugaanyone heard anything on the new Apple palmtop?
16:51:38spiralmanwe just got a new HD in it, and i tried putting slackware on it, but no good, i think something else is broken...
16:52:13spiralmanraduga: not me...
16:53:31radugaEl Nino is coming!
16:53:32spiralmani thought about taking the HD and a dual pcmcia sleeve and making a hard drive sleeve, but that would really eat the batteries...
16:53:49spiralmanand i dont have a dual pcmcia sleeve...
16:54:03spiralmanraduga: thats spanish for "the nino"
16:54:23radugaspiralman: my keyboard doesn't support the n~ very well :(
16:54:39spiralmanraduga: sorry, thats an old SNL scetch...
16:55:10spiralmanor maybe its mad TV, i dont remember...
16:56:32Magniok draft of letter complete
16:56:47spiralmanhmm, well, i gotta go wait for somebody, even though i know hes gonna be later : /
16:56:50spiralmanlater guys
16:57:50grey_eyesQ: my ipaq is unable to ping my pc (both have linux installed), even though the pc can ping the ipaq... Naturally, this throws a monkey-wrench in any plans to connect the ipaq to the internet as I have before. Any ideas?
16:59:29honeypeagrey_eyes, first question, ipchains?
16:59:33DaveHgrey_eyes: afternoon
16:59:47honeypeayou're not blocking pings on the pc perchance
16:59:48grey_eyesDaveH: Afternoon; nice to see you again ;)
17:00:01grey_eyeshoneypea: No ipchains.
17:00:13honeypeai know, its a bit like asking if you plugged it in, sorry :)
17:00:30grey_eyesOn DaveH's advice, I checked my /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp* files.
17:00:36Pieciolmy ipaq duplicate and loss packets
17:00:38grey_eyesNo blocking going on there.
17:00:45moraygrey_eyes: have you tried 'tcpdump'ing on the pc?
17:00:58honeypeayes, and does netstat -rn on the ipaq look ok?
17:01:04DaveHI think any tech support person will tell you ... is it plugged in is a very valid question some times
17:01:23grey_eyeshoneypea: netstat -rn looks fine
17:01:49honeypeaid do as moray suggested then and tcpdump host <pc> on the ipaq..
17:01:50grey_eyesmoray: I haven't; testing it now.
17:02:35BrianRraduga: So tell me more about your jornada...
17:05:17grey_eyeshoneypea: ipaq doesn't have tcpdump installed; the pc detects the ipaq's echo requests...
17:05:20honeypeanotices the score 4's for me and moray now :)
17:05:45honeypeahmm... there is an ipkg for tcpdump.. not sure it would tell you any more
17:05:50grey_eyeshoneypea: so it appears there is some form of blocking...
17:06:26grey_eyeshoneypea: that is new; this has worked before
17:06:42honeypeaits not wireless is it? not a wep thing?
17:07:01grey_eyeshoneypea: heavens no. This is good old usb.
17:07:17honeypearight - just because im sure i had similar when the wep keys were wrong once
17:07:21BrianROh.. I have quasi-permenant  moderatgor status on /.
17:07:26BrianRWho needs to be moderated :)
17:07:47honeypeawell, moray and i just got up to 4 on the ipaq story today, BrianR :)
17:08:48BrianRheh heh
17:10:23moraygrey_eyes: what's the routing table on the ipaq?
17:10:54grey_eyesDestination:   Gateway: *
17:11:03grey_eyesDestination: default   Gateway:
17:11:41honeypeaand mask ok?
17:11:50grey_eyesStandard. Yes.
17:19:41grey_eyesfixed the problem...
17:20:24grey_eyesSome idiot set the Default-Deny on my TCP wrappers.
17:20:39grey_eyesgrowls subterraneously.
17:21:00honeypeadamn :) i SHOULD have guessed that
17:24:31cmarquWow. The ssh package took almost *three* hours to install, but it completed successfully.
17:26:37raduga meanwhile on (Score:5, Funny)  
17:27:48radugamaybe i should mod it -1: Troll
17:28:07honeypealaughs. in which case there's 3 trolls in that post :)
17:31:32radugakuro5hin is funny
17:32:04radugaits like slashdot, except the stories come from users and not the evil JonKatz
17:32:21radugasomeone posted an article about Obesity, and why it sucks, and how to lose weight
17:32:42radugaand soemone else found that article offensive, and so posted an article about why fat is beautiful, and how to gain as much of it as possible
17:35:52BrianR#  Breakfast: There's one key word here: bacon.  Lots and lots of bacon.  Your ideal breakfast should consist of no less than a pound of bacon.
17:39:04moraynotices the time - Edinburgh Linux User Group later on this evening...
17:39:57BrianRraduga: so does the touchscreen work on your jornada?
17:41:16honeypeabye x
17:43:13radugabrian: yes, but its a bit slow and wonky
17:43:26radugabrian: the new patches are supposed to help that
17:43:47radugabrian: definitely useable, but somewhat annoying
17:44:01radugait *can't* be calibrated thus far :(
17:44:46radugai.e. if you run the calibrartion program the digitizer gets confused
17:44:59radugaits otherwise okay
17:55:00BrianRhow hard was it to get bootldr flashed onto it?
18:05:20radugabrianr: i didn't actually do so myself. jca did it at HPL
18:05:29edwardamSo I guess france doesn't come around that often?
18:05:31radugai'm probably going to update bootldr shortly, though
18:05:47radugai do not believe there is anything fancy to it
18:10:38BrianRraduga: aah.
18:10:54BrianRI tried to mail jca, but it bounced.
18:16:16dc_moray: !!!!
18:16:18dc_moray: #gpe
18:21:37radugawhat address did you use?
18:23:45radugai'm not sure if the mit address still works is what he's sending from, these days
18:28:28BrianRraduga: aAh. Ok. I resent.
18:28:37BrianRapparently some folks got linux working on the psion too..
18:28:57BrianRbut it has no pcmcia slot...
18:29:11TangentIt has a CF slot tho
18:29:25BrianRTangent: true, but the machine isn't very useful without a card installed in there at all times
18:29:36TangentBrianR: Very true
18:30:23BrianRthe psion guys have this little mouse icon in the corner of their X screenshots - it looks like a mouse you could click on to toggle which button a stylus tap would send. Anyone know what app that is?
18:30:34BrianRsounds like it might be useful on my ipaq.
18:30:42metriccan any handhelds run vim in linux?  If so is it enough room to code with?
18:32:02radugaenough room??
18:32:16radugadepends on your font, entirely
18:32:23metricie. 80 column's of visible text
18:32:39radugai'd be more concerned about data entry than visible screen.
18:32:40metricbut they CAN run vim?  :)
18:32:42radugametric: do the math
18:32:53cmarqu"Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
18:33:05cmarquKernel command line: mtdpart=bootldr@0x00000000:0x00040000,root@0x00040000:0x00FC0000  noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock1 init=/linuxrc console=ttySA0
18:33:15cmarquI'm doomed!
18:34:08radugawith 7x8 cells you should have 40x30 screen
18:35:37radugawith 4x4 font, you should be able to get 80col but it will be almost unusable
18:36:10radugaantialiasing should help
18:36:32radugametric: what is the lowest screen resolution you have ever worked with?
18:36:49metricconsole. :)
18:37:01BrianR4x4 is actually readable in portrait mode, i think because of some subpixel coincidence with the arrangement of rgb dots on the lcd
18:37:05radugathat's not an answer.
18:37:10BrianRbut if you rotate it the picture looks like crap.
18:37:22radugabrian: ya. antialias and subpixel helps a fair bit
18:37:39radugametric: even "console" mode uses bitmaps
18:37:49BrianRraduga: the rgb cells on the ipaq screen are stacked horizontally or vertically?
18:37:50radugaVGA console, for example is 720x480
18:38:03radugabrian: i dont have an ipaq :) sorry
18:38:19radugaon the jornada they are horizontal i believe
18:38:19BrianRheh. Just our of curiousity, how are they stacked on the jornada?
18:38:41radugabrian: cga console is 640x200
18:38:46radugaand ega is 640x350
18:39:09metricVGA linux console is nice.  but that depends on the monitor size
18:39:31radugatrs80 console is 256x192
18:39:41BrianRheh. I remember my tandy color computer..
18:39:44BrianRwhat a POS...
18:39:52radugabrian: heathen!
18:39:53BrianRit had an evil black-on-green framebuffer too
18:39:58BrianRwith huge black borders on all sides
18:40:00radugaos/9 forever!!!
18:40:39radugabrianr: remember the semi-graphics modes?  that you could get by fiddling with the registers
18:40:55BrianRI never got os/9 on my coco. I was always stuck with evil extended color basic and the crappy tape IO.
18:41:05radugato give you something like 64x192 resolution?
18:41:32BrianRraduga: I remember the extended ascii characters would give you characters where each quadrant was filled with either black or a certain color
18:41:43radugacharacter graphics.
18:41:48BrianRbut you couldn't have say red in one quadrant of a given character cell and blue in another...
18:42:02radugabut that was 64x32 resolution
18:42:08mallumspung[muzzik]: hello
18:42:35BrianROh. And I remember that if I poked into some byte in the upper end of the 64k memory map, I could change the coco from black on green to black on orage...
18:42:37BrianRvery weird.
18:42:54mallumwtf is that dumbass slashdot story about a webserver on a pda all about ?
18:43:07BrianRmallum: /. being lame again <-- slashdot made palitable
18:43:17spung[muzzik]mallum: hi.. i gotta go now but i'll tell you more about that xkbd thing after dinner :p
18:43:18radugatrue graphics modes were 64x128,  128x64,  128x128, 256x128 and 256x192
18:43:22BrianRif I ran a web server on an old piece of dog shit I found in the gutter it would make /.
18:43:30mallumspung[muzzik]: okey dokey
18:43:41cmarquHi mallum
18:43:52radugamallum: its about someone just discovered that you can run linux on an ipaq.
18:43:59radugamallum: AND an http server too
18:44:13radugamallum: even a wifi card. Woah!
18:44:21mallumcmarqu: word up :)
18:44:34ACTION staggers around drunk and then pukes all over BrianR.
18:44:34BrianRibot: drink a beer
18:44:44BrianRwe should post a /. story about ibot's beer drinking capabilities...
18:45:54mallumhaha , looks like he's running the crap old xkbd too ...
18:46:02cmarqumallum: I just broke my ipaq. "Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel." There is an init=/linuxrc on the kernel line though :/
18:47:51mallumcmarqu: try setting init=/bin/sh , you can poke around then
18:48:10cmarqumallum: Ah, indeed. Thanks.
18:48:36mallumraduga, dc_: you are on alterslash ->
18:55:55dc_mallum: hehe
18:56:28dc_mallum: I love that comment :)
18:58:19mallumeastenders time ... brb ..
18:58:29dc_oh noo!
18:58:32dc_mallum: please, nno!
19:07:48WiseGuy58hey all
19:08:43honeypeahey WiseGuy58
19:08:57WiseGuy58i'm running familiar 0.5.1
19:09:01WiseGuy58what should I go up to
19:09:05WiseGuy580.5.2 or unstablE?
19:09:11honeypeaim on 0.5.2
19:09:25honeypeaits fine for my 3870..
19:09:33WiseGuy58what's new in unstable?
19:09:37honeypeadunno, sorry
19:10:08cmarquDamn. How do I set init=/bin/sh? params save tells me I have no params partition, but I also do not have a /boot/params file.
19:31:18cmarquis away: I'm busy
19:36:12WiseGuy58minicom makes a crapload of noise when it's done
19:38:39BrianRheh.. it's a knockoff of telix...
19:38:48BrianRI remember telix used to play a riff from some guns n roses song..
19:39:25radugatelix itself was a clone of procomm
19:39:35raduga(better, though, imo)
19:39:50honeypeawhat noise, WiseGuy58?
19:47:10honeypea*crunch* *smash*
19:47:23GeorgXis there any way to buy an ipaq without os?
19:48:18honeypeaid be very surprised, GeorgX. i dont think you can buy a laptop from Dell now without Windows
19:48:47GeorgXI just asked
19:49:21honeypeaask HP :)
19:49:45WiseGuy58boodoodoot boodoodoot doodoodoot
19:50:13WiseGuy58i can't get familiar 0.5.2 to connect via ppp
19:50:26WiseGuy58pc gives me confreq id=0x1s
19:50:30WiseGuy58i set asyncmap 0
19:50:39WiseGuy58but yet it still doesn't go
19:51:55evilcatit there a way to upgrade memory in my ipaq without any expantion slots?
19:52:15evilcatand how do i make it s
19:52:22evilcat /dev/mtdblock/1        16M  6.5M  9.3M  41% /
19:52:30evilcat tmpfs                  15M  188k   14M   2% /mnt/ramfs
19:52:48evilcattmpfs would be smaller and my "drive" would be larger
19:53:56radugausenet is Odd
19:54:16radugacomp.sys.handhelds has only half as much traffic as comp.sys.hp48
19:55:00honeypeais there any way to fix the upside down keypad on a 3870?
19:55:01asuffieldand probably both pale in comparison to
20:04:47WiseGuy58anyone have experience with ppp?
20:04:58mallumspung[muzzik]: eaten your dinner yet ?
20:06:18honeypeais away: fishing
20:08:13evilcatwhat does familiar use by default (gui)?
20:09:27mallumjamey_: are you about ?
20:10:48asuffieldevilcat: ash, on a serial port
20:11:16evilcatno, like what windows menager does it use?
20:11:44asuffieldstupid question. whichever one you tell it to use.
20:11:52evilcatby default
20:12:01evilcatwhen you install task-x
20:12:02asuffieldsame stupid question. whichever one you tell it to use.
20:12:11evilcatit installs something by default
20:12:29evilcatok fine, ill just look in the script
20:12:36mallumevilcat: I think matchbox is the defualt
20:12:38evilcatbut it installs something by default :)
20:12:45asuffieldthe only "default" does not install X at all
20:12:51honeypeaevilcat: ps -ef | grep wm :)
20:12:54asuffieldeverything else is done by the user
20:13:08asuffieldhoneypea: neither sawfish nor ion contain the string "wm"
20:13:15evilcatis there a way i could increase
20:13:21evilcatmy storage
20:13:29honeypeaps -ef | grep 'wm|box'
20:13:30evilcat(change the systemfs?
20:13:37honeypeaps -ef | have a look
20:13:55evilcatright now i have 16mb on /dev/mtdblock/1 and 16Mb on tmpfs
20:14:16mallumevilcat: get a cf adaptor and a cf card or udrive
20:14:17evilcathow can i make it so it will be 24mb for mtdblock and 8mb for ram
20:14:25evilcatmallum: ;>
20:14:30evilcatthats not the point
20:14:48edwardamevilcat: tmpfs is aram based IIRC ... which is different from the *flash* ram in the system
20:14:51evilcati just want to decrease the memory used by tmpfs
20:15:08evilcatcan i jusst mount it?
20:15:11edwardammallum: how's it been going?
20:15:18evilcatand create a fs
20:15:23evilcatthere, copy the files
20:15:26evilcatadn use that?
20:15:31edwardamevilcat: huh?
20:15:33evilcati know it wouyld be erased every time
20:15:37evilcati reboot
20:15:48evilcatbut i want do to something like
20:15:53evilcatwhen the ipaq boots
20:16:04evilcatit would create the fs inside tmpfs
20:16:11evilcatthen unpack files there
20:16:19evilcatmount it do /opt
20:16:20evilcator whatever
20:16:24evilcatthen use it from there
20:16:37edwardamevilcat: tmpfs == a dynamic ram disk ... so yes..
20:16:50evilcatok cool
20:17:05edwardamevilcat: tmpfs takes memory away from the apps and uses it as a disk ... then releases the memory when the files are deleted..
20:17:10edwardamevilcat: at least IIRC
20:17:24mallumedwardam: hey dudeo , Im good and you ?
20:17:37edwardamevilcat: the max memory that tmpfs is configured to use is 16mb ...IIRC ...
20:17:55edwardammallum: good. Moving soom. How is Matchbox shaping up?
20:18:12edwardamevilcat: otherwise it could grab all system ram ...which would be bad
20:18:38edwardamevilcat: cf cards are cheap ... and so are cf sleeves IIRC ...
20:18:42jamey_hi edwardam, nice to see you
20:18:47evilcat16mb is damn not nice
20:18:50jamey_edwardam: where are you moving too
20:18:51evilcati cant fit anything there
20:18:53edwardamjamey_: same same ...
20:19:03edwardamjamey_: Springfield, MO ....
20:19:04evilcatand expantion slots are annoying [;
20:19:05mallumedwardam: yeah is going well, working on 0.3 at the moment - lots of new / improved bits and pieces
20:19:13edwardammallum: stable? :-)
20:19:14evilcatis there a way to open the ipaq and add memory?
20:19:15mallumedwardam: where are you moving too ?
20:19:26edwardammallum: Springfield, MO USA
20:19:36mallumedwardam: 0.2 is pretty much, 0.3 ( in CVS ) is no way near ... ;-)
20:19:37jamey_edwardam: springfield mo will be quite a change!
20:19:44edwardamis moving to the where the Simpsons live. :-) err :-(
20:20:07mallumwonders if edwardam will turn yellow ....
20:20:09edwardamjamey_: yep. I can't find a job out there either ... :-( ...
20:20:20edwardammallum: bean there .. done that (turning yellow) ...
20:20:51edwardamI was actually hoping to find france for a bit ... Is he still working with Compaq/HP ?
20:21:14jamey_edwardam: sorry to hear about the job situation
20:21:23evilcathow do i install the basic x-free without anything just so x would start?
20:21:31jamey_edwardam: france is still around -- he's been doing qa/debugging for alpha redhat distribution
20:21:36mallumdc_: have you ever managed to get mol to mount a CD ?
20:21:47jamey_edwardam: I will find france
20:22:28mallumjamey_: it just over the channel from england ;)
20:22:53edwardamjamey_: thanks (on both counts)....
20:23:01oziozHI I NEED HELP
20:23:17mallumozioz: yeah your caps key is stuck
20:23:25mallumozioz: press it again and it'll be fixed
20:23:43oziozi can't send data
20:23:58oziozi use windows 2000 with hyperterminal
20:24:30oziozmy bootldr is 2_9_5 version for mlinux
20:25:27oziozNo body know howto???????????????????
20:25:39oziozcould I change my xmodem maybe ???
20:25:51jamey_mallum: thanks for pointing me to france (I just got back from there)
20:25:56jamey_mallum: and thanks for the url
20:26:05mallumjamey_: looks interesting eh ?
20:26:10mallumjamey_: pity its c++
20:26:12oziozyeah a cind of linux
20:26:21edwardamloves voice prompt systems that hang up on you when there is a problem :-(
20:26:27mallumjamey_: it wouldn't compile on powerpc, havn't tried it for arm yet
20:26:36oziozPLZ HELP
20:26:53jamey_mallum: it looks interesting
20:27:06oziozHELP HELP HELP PLZ
20:27:08jamey_edwardam: no france today.  He might be visiting red hat, actually
20:27:28jamey_ozioz: you have to type faster
20:27:40edwardamjamey_: np. Thanks. I'll try his wife at some point ... I never can seem to keep his phone number around ... just hers :-)
20:27:43jamey_ozioz: to get the transfer started before the bootldr times out
20:27:54mallumjamey_: IIRC there was a discussion on the lists a while back about needing exactly this type of thing for the ipaq batterys
20:28:03jamey_edwardam: :)   I'm not sure he carries a phone around with him anyway
20:28:09jamey_mallum: exactly
20:28:33edwardamjamey_: He does have one and sometimes carries it when he is away from home .... :-)
20:28:48oziozI have to be fast so the xmodem couldt send ????
20:29:01oziozjamey ???
20:29:11edwardamozioz: yes ... within 2 secs or so IIRC
20:29:24oziozwhat the hell is IIRC
20:29:55jamey_if I remember correctly
20:30:06mallumdc__: have you got mol to mount a cd ?
20:31:04dc__mallum: !!!
20:31:10dc__mallum: man, you're a mind reader
20:31:24dc__mallum: did I say anything I didn't notice?
20:31:42dc__mallum: right this moment, I'm whacking my iBook, because MOL won't find my CD
20:31:54dc__mallum: I've been working on it for the last 30min, lol
20:31:58dc__PaxAnima: mac on linux
20:32:07mallumdc__: I think you have to put the cd in before you start mol
20:32:20mallumdc__: and have an entry in molrc
20:32:29mallumdc__: for the cd
20:32:30dc__mallum: it doesn't like my burnt data cd's
20:32:33edwardamdamn Klez virus
20:32:35dc__mallum: what entry do yo uhave?
20:32:42PaxAnimadc_: ah....
20:32:55edwardamozioz: If I Remeber Correctly ...
20:33:14oziozif you corrextly remember what ????
20:33:23edwardamIIRC == If I Remember Correctly
20:33:55oziozIt always timed out
20:34:02mallumdc__: blkdev:                 /dev/cdrom      -force -cd
20:34:43evilcatwhere can i find ps ?
20:34:44evilcat[root@ipaq]~> ipkg search ps
20:34:45evilcatdev-files: //dev/psaux
20:34:45evilcatmodutils: //usr/bin/ksymoops/
20:34:45evilcatshellutils: //usr/bin/groups
20:34:55evilcatthe pkgs doesnt seem to have it
20:35:24evilcatthat would be logical
20:35:35edwardamneeds to ressurect his iPAQ's again ...
20:35:41evilcatbut ipkg doesnt show it
20:35:51oziozhow FAST I HAVE TO BE SO XMODEM DONT TIMED OUT ????????
20:35:55edwardamanyone here know the status of the Qt Embedded stuff these days?
20:36:18PaxAnimadc__: the sourcecode for my little pim-project is to be found at .... for the moment only the date and time functions are there, and some test-apps for the lib.
20:36:22gribozioz: please stop yelling or go away
20:36:53oziozhow quik i have to be so xmodem dont timed out ??????????????
20:37:00dc__mallum: hmm
20:37:02jamey_ozioz: you have to get the transfer started within a few seconds of when you type 'load bootldr'
20:37:09dc__mallum: thanks, I got the cd working with -force now
20:37:23oziozyes i do but it timed out anyway
20:37:24dc__mallum: but what about unlocking my HFS+ drive ;)?
20:37:29oziozi tried again
20:37:50honeypeais back (gone 00:31:32)
20:37:57Tangentozioz: Do you have lrzsz installed? If you go to a command prompt and type sz does it work?
20:38:32oziozon my handheld ????
20:38:38mallumdc__: hmm mine dont work :(
20:38:44Tangentno.. on the box with minicom
20:38:53oziozi dont use minicom
20:38:54dc__mallum: you put the cd in first?
20:38:59oziozi use hyperterminal
20:39:01mallumdc__: do you have scsi emulation for the cdrom ?
20:39:04dc__mallum: don't mount it
20:39:05mallumdc__: yeah
20:39:08dc__mallum: hmm
20:39:12mallumdc__: not mounting it
20:39:17Tangentozioz: Oh.. never mind then.. you'll have xmodem capability
20:39:19dc__mallum: I have mine pointing to /dev/cdrom
20:39:25edwardamozioz: within 2 sec IIRC
20:39:29dc__mallum: which goes to /dev/hdb I think
20:39:43oziozand how could i change????
20:39:54mallumdc__: mine goes to sr0
20:40:08jamey_ozioz: you cannot change it in bootldr 2.9.5, I don't think (and I'm one of the bootldr authors)
20:40:17mallumdc__: I dont know if hfs+ will work
20:40:19dc__mallum: oh?
20:40:39dc__mallum: it should, the fs says it's done at block level :/
20:40:42oziozso if i am quiker then 2 sec. i could transfer ????
20:41:00oziozohhhhhh im not a machine
20:41:05mallumdc__: but try this: boot into macos ( no linux ), make a shortcut on the desktop to the hfs+ partition, then try clicking the shortcut under mol
20:41:24jamey_ozioz: don't be a machine, be an athlete
20:41:34oziozok i give my all
20:41:35dc__mallum: I'm booting off HFS+
20:41:45mallumozioz: did you never play daily tomsons decalthlon as a kid ?
20:41:56oziozso is this in the bootldr 2_19_xxx better ?????
20:42:07dc__mallum: I've even installed MYOB on it
20:42:19jamey_ozioz: much better
20:42:45oziozok so it will be coorect to first install the bootldr and then reinstall win ce
20:42:56dc__honeypea: hey
20:42:59dc__honeypea: :D
20:43:15mallumdc__: MYOB ?
20:43:36honeypeadc__ :)
20:43:41dc__mallum: my dad's accounting
20:43:45dc__mallum: I got it wokring
20:43:58dc__mallum: I use -boot -rw for hda
20:44:02mallumdc__: you run your daads accounting ?
20:44:04honeypeasorry, i just thought mallum's last comment was funny :)
20:44:34mallumdc__: no wonder you have the money for ipaqs and ibooks etc ;)
20:44:47dc__mallum: haha
20:44:53dc__mallum: I'm glad I dont!
20:44:57dc__mallum: hehe
20:45:09dc__mallum: he does his, and to many other people's
20:45:23oziozi try everything to be like a athlete
20:46:02ozioztimed out
20:46:12mallumozioz: heard of copy and paste ?
20:46:22oziozyeah i tried
20:46:32Tangentozioz: I think there's some xmodem_timeout parameter you can tune in the bootloader
20:46:33ozioznow a second time
20:46:47edwardamTangent: old boot ldr ... Hello BTW
20:46:49oziozwhere to find ????
20:47:06ozioz2_9_5 bootldr
20:47:13Tangentedwardam: Hi
20:48:31oziozis it better with minicom ?????
20:51:13Tangentozioz: With minicom it's Ctrl-A S, Down, Down, Enter, Enter, Enter
20:52:54oziozbut in minicom the time to do this is 2 sec like in windows or ???
20:53:26Tangentozioz: The time is the same. The bootloader sets the timeout value
20:53:42oziozand i could fix this ???
20:54:06Tangentozioz: To fix... Install a newer bootloader
20:54:07oziozcouldnt fix this
20:54:13Tangentozioz: A classic catch 22 situation
20:54:22oziozbut i couldn send data over x modem
20:54:43Tangentozioz: Try some other comms program
20:54:47Tangentozioz: Like tera term
20:54:50Tangentibot tera term
20:55:07oziozwhat could be bether with other terminals
20:55:43oziozwhat could be better with terraterm ????
20:55:46asuffieldor real the minicom documentation
20:56:39asuffieldand the sx manpage
20:56:53asuffieldit's not exactly a complicated problem, or solution
20:59:28Tangentozioz: If you can't start an xmodem transfer within 3 seconds then either a.) Your terminal isn't very good or b.) You're not very good
21:00:13nelsonedwardam??  That name sounds familiar....
21:00:23asuffieldand if you're typing rx or equivalent commands on the remote host by hand, then you're showing a lack of BBS experience :P
21:00:59edwardamnelson: hah!
21:01:05edwardamnelson: whazzup?
21:01:52nelsonIs there a script which runs when a sleeve is inserted?
21:02:02nelsonedwardam: I got the !@$#%$! Navman sleeve working!!
21:02:14nelsonedwardam: fricking cool gps solution.
21:02:27edwardamnelson: cool.
21:02:28nelsonedwardam: so did you get fired or something?
21:03:06edwardamnelson: nah ... My wife is doing her internship in MO ... So I go with her .... plus the company I'm working for now is getting smaller and smaller so ... it's probably just a matter of time until we either go out of buisiness ...
21:03:20edwardamnelson: or they fire everyone except the owner and like a sales person ...
21:03:54edwardamnelson: dang ... I gotta go catch a boat ... I'll be on over the next few days ... chat then ... l8r
21:06:38jamey_nelson: /etc/hotplug/sleeve.agent or /etc/hotplug/sleeve.rc, can't remember
21:07:44nelsonjamey_: tnx.
21:11:03jamey_nelson: I just got a navman also, but have not tried it yet
21:15:18raduganelson: got any nice mapping software for it now? :)
21:36:36dc__night kids
22:08:07honeypeahi Kero
22:08:19cmarquSorry, I have to ask again: "Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel."
22:08:26cmarquHi Kero
22:08:52cmarquOf course, I have the normal init line in the linuxargs.
22:09:26Kerocmarqu: boot> set linuxargs="console=/dev/ttySA0 init=/bin/sh" or something very much like that
22:09:33cmarquAnd I somehow cannot set init=/bin/sh like mallum suggested... (or I am too stupid)
22:09:52cmarquKero: params save tells me I have no params partition
22:10:06cmarquAnd I also don't have a /boot/params file... :/
22:10:22Kerowhy save? just boot. it'll use that value, you fix the problem and on reboot it will use /linuxrc again
22:11:00cmarquReally? I tried that, it seemed like it was not used... will try again.
22:13:34Kerocmarqu: it is also possible your kernel panics before it actually does something useful with any init, but then it is not supposed to tell you to try another init=...
22:14:31cmarquKero: Well, /linuxrc looks fine.
22:14:52cmarquAnd now, "Uncompressing Linux.......................................... done, booting the" and sits there.
22:15:17cmarquStupid minicom is not linewrapping.
22:17:50cmarqu"..... done, booting the kernel." Do I have no /bin/sh maybe?
22:18:20cmarquIt was indeed upgrading bash last time before I rebooted.
22:18:52Kero(but even minicom should show several dozens of lines before init is started...)
22:18:53cmarquThat would, like, suck, right?
22:19:17cmarquDisabling LCD controller
22:19:17cmarquBooting Linux image
22:19:17cmarquUncompressing Linux.......................................... done, booting the kernel.
22:19:35cmarqu(and stuff before that. But then, it's just sitting there)
22:19:46cmarquAnd Tux is on the LCD.
22:20:06asuffieldsounds like the kernel has put the console somewhere else
22:20:17cmarqucommand line is: mtdpart=bootldr@0x00000000:0x00040000,root@0x00040000:0x00FC0000 console=/dev/ttySA0 init=/bin/sh
22:20:21asuffield(or it could just be broken)
22:21:13Kerohas had non-responsive kernels like that. It probably is broken. Did you build the kernel yourself?
22:21:15cmarqunotes to self to make a copy of the boot process every now and then for comparison purposes)
22:21:31cmarquKero: No, it's a stock 2.4.16.
22:21:43asuffieldoh, if you built it yourself, I hope you built serial port support in...
22:22:03cmarquI was doing an ipkg upgrade, which got me some new modules though.
22:22:13Kerothe stock 2.4.18-rmk3-hh6 panics on my h3630... but at least tells me so.
22:23:00cmarquIt was 2.4.16-rmk1-hh18 IIRC.
22:23:29cmarquSuch bad timing. I wanted to show it all off at the Linuxtag tomorrow...
22:24:24bladerunDoes anyone know if I can download the handhelds bootloader directly in the iPaq by JTAG interface?
22:25:23Kerobladerun: without a soldering iron and some other equipment, you can't.
22:25:26Kerogot a brick?
22:26:15bladerunI have all to reach the JTAG on the StrongARM
22:26:35bladerunno brick, only I'd like to know
22:27:10bladerunAnd I'd like to try... :)
22:27:37bladerunso, do I can?
22:28:46Kerobladerun: jamey does it to fix bricks.
22:29:26Keroyou may want to talk to him before you try :)
22:29:26bladerunyeah... so I'll do  experiments soon..
22:30:02bladerunoh.. he's not here now.. can you give me his email please?
22:30:38i guess jamey is on vacation 5/23 afternoon until june 4
22:30:38Keroibot, jamey?
22:30:43WiseGuy58feeds/unstable is the correct URL, right?
22:30:54honeypeasmiles wistfully at ibot
22:31:00i don't know, kero
22:31:00Keroibot, date?
22:31:02WiseGuy58probably old info
22:31:08bladerunthank you very much!
22:31:19kero: bugger all, i dunno
22:31:19Keroibot, WiseGuy58?
22:31:21WiseGuy58: i'm not following you...
22:31:21WiseGuy58ibot, no, jamey 0wnz j00
22:31:35...but jamey is on vacation 5/23 afternoon until june 4...
22:31:35WiseGuy58ibot, no, jamey is 0wning us all
22:31:40OK, WiseGuy58.
22:31:40WiseGuy58ibot, no jamey is 0wning us all
22:31:44jamey is on vacation 5/23 afternoon until june 4
22:31:44WiseGuy58ibot, jamey?
22:31:47honeypeaWiseGuy58, infobots need "is" or "are"
22:31:56honeypeato recognise factoids
22:31:56WiseGuy58: I forgot jamey
22:31:56WiseGuy58ibot, forget jamey
22:32:04OK, WiseGuy58.
22:32:04WiseGuy58ibot, jamey is 0wning us all
22:32:08honeypeaoh :)
22:32:10wiseguy58: i don't know
22:32:10WiseGuy58ibot, jmaey?
22:32:13rumour has it jamey is 0wning us all
22:32:13WiseGuy58ibot, jamey??
22:32:17WiseGuy58there we go
22:32:22honeypeapats ibot
22:32:36OK, honeypea.
22:32:36honeypeaibot, pats is <action> pats \who back
22:32:39honeypeapats ibot
22:32:58honeypeapats ibot!
22:33:10ACTION pats who back
22:33:10WiseGuy58ibot, pats?
22:33:22honeypeano ibot, pats is <action> pats $who back
22:33:25WiseGuy58pats ibot
22:33:44ACTION pats who back
22:33:44WiseGuy58ibot, pats?
22:33:50WiseGuy58: I forgot pats
22:33:50WiseGuy58ibot, forget pats
22:33:58OK, WiseGuy58.
22:33:58WiseGuy58ibot, pats is <action> pats $who back
22:34:07ACTION pats WiseGuy58 back
22:34:07WiseGuy58ibot, pats?
22:34:12honeypeathats it :)
22:34:19honeypeaof course, its in require mode
22:34:48honeypeait needs addressing directly. in the other mode, it would respond to an action
22:35:07honeypeaoptional mode? or whatever its called
22:35:41OK, honeypea.
22:35:41honeypeaibot, i am honey
22:36:10honeypeabye bladerun
22:43:56norikoi chiseled a slab of ice off my freezer, and slabed the freezer, and it released a mild smelling gas
22:44:01norikois that bad?
22:46:59Keronoriko: probably...
22:47:37flypipernoriko: prolly won't make ice now:(
22:50:30norikowill the fridge still work?
22:50:36norikois it safe?
22:50:37asuffieldnot wise to breathe it, either
22:50:44asuffieldnot likely
22:50:52norikoi took a small nose full
22:50:54asuffieldnot really
22:51:13asuffieldif you die, it's not safe
22:51:23norikoill have to take notes
22:51:53asuffieldprobably freon or whatever the heck they use nowadays
22:52:05norikoits a very old fridge
22:52:10norikodidn't smell like freon
22:52:17norikoi think i know what it smells like
22:52:28norikoit was like realy old sterile air
22:52:44norikoim not getting a headache
22:53:21flypipernoriko: you will just notice a shortness of breath and pass-out
22:54:03WiseGuy58hears *thump!!*
22:55:23asuffieldsome of those things are carcinogenic, so you might notice your lungs inflating to the size of a cannonball and trying to eat your face
22:55:59norikothe smell is stuck in my nose though
22:56:32flypipernoriko: the freeon gas is stuck in your lungs:\
22:57:36flypipernoriko: although I think freeon is heavier than air .... so if you stand on your head it might come out!
22:58:14asuffieldprobably isn't freon
23:00:50WiseGuy58i think * should == *
23:00:55WiseGuy58just like ==
23:01:40asuffieldWiseGuy58: you are offering to buy it away from its current owner?
23:02:07WiseGuy58who currently owns it?
23:02:25asuffield<shrug> as the whosi database
23:03:06honeypea"" i.e. they'll want $2,000,000
23:03:22cmarqu   Administrative Contact:
23:03:23cmarqu      Universal NetSource Inc.
23:03:29honeypeayes :)
23:03:53cmarquTo give such an e-mail address.
23:42:04nelsonraduga: yes, pygps.
23:52:38mlambok, how can i use my ibm microdrive, trying doing mkfs.ext2 on the drive, but of course the module is not installed to support it, afraid to load a possible kernel package to add that module, last time i did that i lost my filesystem and got a kernel panic and had to reload
23:56:11flypipermlamb: you will need to put it in a linux nb... or the intimate installer will mkfs.reiserfs on it to install intimate
23:58:54mlambflypiper: nb? im not worried about install intimate, i just want to use it to store docs/mp3's etc.

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