IRC log for #handhelds-intimate on 20130217

05:11.23*** join/#handhelds-intimate flypiper (
05:12.33flypipermy computer just locked up... wierd.. it has never done that before...
05:14.24mzbhow odd
05:15.00flypiperit was like the HD was busy processing something and wouldn't do a thing
05:15.06flypiperyou messing with me?
05:15.47mzbyou mean hacking?
05:15.54mzbI don't do that sort of thing
05:17.27flypiperFeb 16 18:11:05 Berry smartd[2938]: Device: /dev/hda, 1 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
05:17.27flypiperFeb 16 18:11:05 Berry smartd[2938]: Device: /dev/hda, 1 Offline uncorrectable sectors
05:17.40flypiperthat is odd .... in the logs
05:18.38flypipernot you hacking ....... I have very old crap... sometimes it just refuses to work
05:19.36mzbdoesn't look too good ... how old is the drive?
05:19.45flypiperFeb 16 06:34:04 Berry avahi-daemon[2803]: Invalid query packet.
05:19.45flypiperFeb 16 06:34:45 Berry last message repeated 13 times
05:20.11flypiperThat doesn't look good.....
05:20.18flypiperdrive is about 4 years old
05:20.59mzbyou may be able to get the drive to swap out that (presumably) bad sector for one of it's spare good ones
05:21.42flypiperI just shut it down and rebooted it... everything looked fine.. dunno
05:21.53mzbyou work out which sector it is, and then write 0's to it ... the drive then realizes that it's no longer being used and automatically remaps it to a spare sector
05:22.27mzbthat's the theory ... it turns out to be a bit of a challenge to calculate the exact sector, however ;)
05:26.30mzbin reality it's probably only a temporary fix, because it's usually the start of the drive dying
05:26.43flypiperit's 12:30, I have to go to bed my friend... have a good day.. talk to you later on
05:26.46mzbtime to get SSD! ;)
05:26.52mzbrighto! ttyl
22:44.02flypiperIm running debian on one of my old laptops... what do I need to install to call into the conference?  Sip4 or twinkle?
23:01.49mzbtwinkle is probably the easiest to setup
23:02.56flypiperdo I need to get a phone number from google?
23:03.33mzbjust a direct sip call should work
23:03.46flypiperok, I have astrisk  starting and need the code for US
23:03.58flypiperdo you mind helping me set this up?
23:04.10mzbnot at all
23:04.24mzbwhy are you doing asterisk?
23:04.49flypiperlooked at twinkle and didn't understand the settings
23:05.14mzbin twinkle you just do a custom dial string:
23:05.26flypiperok.. let me try that
23:05.28mzbyou'll find that asterisk is even more complicated ;)
23:05.41mzband you'll still need a phone and/or voip client
23:06.19mzbI don't suppose you've got an android mobile/cell phone?
23:06.56mzbhmm ...
23:08.26flypiperim there

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