IRC log for #handhelds-intimate on 20080309

01:57.23*** join/#handhelds-intimate flypiper (n=46cub@
01:57.34flypipermzb, hey
01:57.50flypiperlong week
01:57.58flypiperyou OK?
01:58.15mzbgot a cold ... pushed myself too hard :(
01:58.33flypipervery good now that I have I-net again
01:59.13flypiperfreaking provider was bought out and the old company cut lines and said good bye.. sweet... :-)
02:00.09mzbI've been working on laptops for a client ... all running Windows ... doesn't give me that warm-fuzzy feeling
02:00.22mzbbut we'll see when he gets to play with the result
02:00.35mzbI have an unusual method of charging ;)
02:01.21flypiperyour a better man than me... I abosutly hate to touch a winduhs box.
02:01.37mzbannoys me
02:01.46mzbhad fun with a Dell rep
02:02.09mzbtold client to take one of the laptops back under warranty because video ram was faulty
02:02.28mzbgot call from client while rep was there ... got forced to talk to him (neither of us was keen)
02:02.48flypiperyou had fun then... I like that kinda fun
02:03.04mzbrep informed me that the problem was nothing to do with hardware, and that the whole problem was that the system partition was full
02:03.37mzbI told him (basically) that he didn't know what he was talking about, and that if he restarted the machine (now that it was warm) the problem would be evident
02:03.44flypiperof coarse.. it wouldn't be a hardware problem.  It never is with those dudes
02:03.52mzbblah blah ... didn't go any further with conversation
02:04.17flypiperbeen there before
02:04.17mzbgot a call from client 1hr later telling me that the rep had run away with the laptop, and his tail between legs ;)
02:04.36mzbshortly after getting off the phone he'd restarted the machine ;P
02:05.00mzbso client is now firmly convinced I know my sh!t ;)
02:05.17flypiperthere you go.. that is excellent
02:05.24mzbcharging system: "Take gear away, read my work logs, play with gear ... then pay me what you think my work is worth."
02:05.46mzbcaveat: if you don't pay me enough I'm not going to be keen to do work for you again ;)
02:06.01mzbah, he also needed an iPhone (from US) cracked to work in .au
02:06.20mzbwhich was interesting ... but still involved too much use of Windows (XP-SP2 only)
02:06.37flypiperyep.. That is interesting
02:06.52mzbunix in your hand ;)
02:07.16flypiperI have a mac.. and run linux on it
02:07.37mzb(client is a 78yo hyperactive pom... never seen anything like it)
02:08.01flypiperhmmm interesting
02:09.01mzbfriend of mine setup some IP cameras for him a year|two ago ... but never managed to work out how to enable client to watch cameras remotely (duh)
02:09.19mzbso I've got all that going, fixed a few problems
02:09.38mzbclient is now very wary of me saying "try me" ;))
02:10.21mzbie: "the reason your MFP isn't working is that it's out of black ink (I bet)"
02:10.47mzbclient: "but I can still print ... so it can't be that ... I'll bet you 20 to 1 that's not the problem"
02:11.04mzbmzb: "They're good odds ... try me:)"
02:11.48mzbhappened a few times that day ... was quite amusing (did it to the friend, too ... with good effect)
02:12.02mzbat this rate I'm going to earn some silly nickname ;)
02:13.01mzbnobody likes a confident smartarse that doesn't use many words (when working;)
02:13.26mzbbut when you know the answer, the rest of the time is just waiting for others to catch up ;)
02:13.42mzbno point in convincing them ... just a waste of effort ;)
02:14.12mzbeither way ... "try me" makes him shutup pretty quick now ;)
02:14.27flypipermy grandpa alway said " if you know something .. you can do something"... that's is what I go by.. gotta have an idea of how to fix it before you can
02:15.04flypiperthe problem is.. most people don't know how to fix it..
02:15.18flypipersounds like you do.. congrats.. it makes you feel good Im sure
02:16.02mzbyep ... felt far too stupid for way too long ... now I'm getting more feedback and realising I totally undersold myself
02:16.31mzbparticularly since meeting the members of the local LUG ;) (oops)
02:16.36mzbjk ;)
02:18.09mzbmost of these ppl don't understand the concept of O/C on 98th percentile, or how useful that ability *can* be
02:18.33mzbbut makes solving problems quite entertaining (even with an audience)
02:21.34mzb(getting paid seems to make me a little haughty ;)
02:36.12flypiperthat always does it for me !!!
02:37.38mzbI think I deserve a subwoofer ;)
02:39.06mzbhmm ... going to have to fix this drive-space issue = haven't even got enough room to create a DVD from a recording ... hmm
02:52.17mzbnope, subwoofer didn't want me
03:01.28mzbflypiper: do you know of a copy app where you can specify max bitrate?
03:02.15flypiperno.. sorry.. I don't
03:02.50mzbhaving problems flooding my network ;)
03:03.10mzb12.4MB/s tends to make it difficult for (current) recordings
03:04.51mzbhah ... rsync seems to have something (missed it before)
03:12.20mzbjust what I needed
03:13.48mzb(I'm a gkrellm addict ;)
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