IRC log for #handhelds-intimate on 20080121

00:57.46*** join/#handhelds-intimate mzb (
00:57.49*** mode/#handhelds-intimate [+o mzb] by ChanServ
04:35.20*** join/#handhelds-intimate mzb (
04:35.39*** mode/#handhelds-intimate [+o mzb] by ChanServ
13:11.46*** join/#handhelds-intimate ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
13:11.46*** topic/#handhelds-intimate is Initmate distribution -
13:24.10*** join/#handhelds-intimate mzb (
13:24.10*** mode/#handhelds-intimate [+o mzb] by
22:30.03*** join/#handhelds-intimate mzb (
22:30.25*** mode/#handhelds-intimate [+o mzb] by ChanServ
22:47.38*** join/#handhelds-intimate mzb_d800 (
22:48.10*** mode/#handhelds-intimate [+o mzb_d800] by ChanServ

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.