IRC log for #handhelds-familiar on 20080306

00:25.46*** join/#handhelds-familiar Brylie (
03:55.36*** join/#handhelds-familiar lamikr (
03:55.37*** join/#handhelds-familiar zybl0re (
03:55.37*** join/#handhelds-familiar mace (n=mace@debian/developer/mace)
05:11.04*** join/#handhelds-familiar bluelightning (
05:11.04*** mode/#handhelds-familiar [+o bluelightning] by ChanServ
06:26.58*** join/#handhelds-familiar Marex (
06:43.38*** join/#handhelds-familiar Marex (
08:29.21*** join/#handhelds-familiar cyberdeck (n=molter@unaffiliated/cyberdeck)
08:38.33*** join/#handhelds-familiar nammi__ (
13:50.34*** join/#handhelds-familiar RedDak (n=dak@
17:23.07*** join/#handhelds-familiar svolpe (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
17:28.36*** join/#handhelds-familiar Marex (
18:07.20*** join/#handhelds-familiar RedDak (n=dak@
18:12.18*** join/#handhelds-familiar [Shadow] (
18:14.14[Shadow]hi, I have a problem with install Linux on my PPC
18:15.43[Shadow]I know english badly..
18:16.40[Shadow]i find this link:
18:17.05[Shadow]but I have Win on my PC
18:18.21[Shadow]and I have ipaq 4700
18:19.36[Shadow]I download Familiar here:
18:19.54*** join/#handhelds-familiar svolpe (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
18:20.04[Shadow]stable, v0.8.4, hx4700, Opie
18:20.53[Shadow]then I read this: "Please do not even try to apply the existing instructions from the installation guide on any of the HP iPAQ H2200, Hx4700, and H6300 series of devices. The installation will fail and in a worst case you may end up with a bricked device."
18:21.56[Shadow]how can I install it on my hx4700?
18:23.34[Shadow]pls, answer me or give me a link..
19:11.00*** join/#handhelds-familiar svolpe_gerrath (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
22:01.23*** join/#handhelds-familiar Gerrath (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
22:19.34*** join/#handhelds-familiar RedDak (n=dak@
22:31.57*** join/#handhelds-familiar CSMan (
23:15.17*** join/#handhelds-familiar ebb (i=ebbeyes@gateway/shell/
23:53.49*** join/#handhelds-familiar Brylie (

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