IRC log for #gsoc on 20210311

00:09.12Arthur_rainbowMc: thanks. Is there anything specifically to do to indicate it on the dashboard?
00:09.18Arthur_rainbowBecause it's not really intuitive right now
00:10.09Mccurrently there is not much to do apart from interacting with prospective students
00:22.31Arthur_rainbowOh ok. So no need to let Google know that the number of actual mentor is the sum of the number of people listed as mentor plus the number of people listed as admin. I feared Google would believe we have only one mentor instead of 4
00:23.17Arthur_rainbowMy understanding is that Google decided of the actual number of students based on this information too, so I feared that not being accurate would get a big impact
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19:40.08coodosHey, I have a question, do mentors get anything at the end of GSoC?
19:40.27coodos(like a certificate or something) ?
19:58.54PulkoMandyI think a virtual certificate. And when real life meetups are allowed, two mentors from each org can attend the mentor summit in Google HQ, and all participants (mentor and students) can attend various meetups (for example there is one during FOSDEM usually)
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20:02.38valorie_wouldn't it be fantastic if we could have a real meetup this year?
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