IRC log for #gsoc on 20180131

00:04.10*** join/#gsoc thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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00:42.48*** join/#gsoc Yaser (8107000f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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01:18.52*** topic/#gsoc is Google Summer of Code 2018 - orgs announced Feb 12th - | Google Code-in 2017 -
01:43.49*** join/#gsoc xncsxpimusdjfazs (
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05:54.30*** join/#gsoc skarpy (~Akash@
06:12.44*** join/#gsoc gaayan (43b45630@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:15.48gaayanHi everyone ! I want to contribute to GSOC 2018
06:17.19jngaayan: great!
06:17.37jn!studentguide @ gaayan
06:17.38gsocbot@ gaayan:
06:17.42jn^ read this
06:17.53*** join/#gsoc Guest45 (~textual@
06:21.19*** join/#gsoc SIELA1915 (uid56976@gateway/web/
06:21.30gaayanThanks for the link. I saw this. How can I be prepared for it?
06:22.15gaayanor what can I do in upcoming month to increase my chances of getting selected?
06:25.46thiagostart participating in your chosen org
06:26.33*** join/#gsoc skarpy (~Akash@
06:30.16valoriethiago: +1
06:34.55*** join/#gsoc skarpy (~Akash@
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09:46.26*** join/#gsoc teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
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10:06.31r2d3Hi all, I have been accepted by OpenCV for mentoring … where do I register on the gsoc side ?
10:06.40r2d3I read the mentor guides and found no info there
10:10.01r2d3OK, I have to wait for the organization to be accepted
10:22.14r0bbyr2d3: you don't. They havent been accepted. Talk to your Org Admin. They will invite you.
10:23.01r0bbys/They havent been accepted/Nobody has been accepted yet./
10:35.00*** join/#gsoc teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
11:08.05*** join/#gsoc carpediem (
11:33.29r2d3r0bby: yes, I have re-read the email from my Org Admin and it is now clear … sorry for the dumb question
11:36.16*** join/#gsoc Tobbi (~Tobbi@supertux/tobbi)
11:44.06*** join/#gsoc teepee (~teepee@unaffiliated/teepee)
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11:47.58r0bbyr2d3: happens sometimes -- Good luck :)
11:58.33*** join/#gsoc Supun (~Supun@
12:26.57*** join/#gsoc him-cesjf (~himcesjf@unaffiliated/himcesjf)
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16:24.13*** join/#gsoc lvv (~logan@
16:24.45lvvgci finalists and gp winners announced in a few hours :p ?
16:26.29meflinsome time "today"
16:26.48*** join/#gsoc pavan71198 (~pavan7119@2405:204:b285:ee2:d8f:d47a:bb0b:2921)
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17:06.07*** join/#gsoc pavan71198 (~pavan7119@
17:06.44jatinderHi everyone
17:06.48*** join/#gsoc thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
17:07.05Slurpeehi jatinder
17:07.09jatinderCan anyone tell me how to prepare for gsoc
17:07.27thiagofind an org, start working with them
17:07.43Slurpeejatinder, contributing to opensource organizations by testing/writing patches will help.
17:08.09jatinderok slurpee
17:09.32jatinderI know c,c++,Java and Python which organization can i work for??
17:09.52thiagolook at last year's list
17:12.59Slurpeejatinder, I would find an org that is based on a technology you know a bit about and start by testing patches for them.
17:14.12jatinderok slurpee
17:21.26meflinprops to Slurpee for that link
17:31.25*** join/#gsoc gibix (
17:33.02*** join/#gsoc Supun (~Supun@
17:39.09*** join/#gsoc pavan71198_ (~pavan7119@
17:45.00*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic (
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19:41.43thenerdHello World!!!
19:46.30*** join/#gsoc gibix (
19:49.57*** join/#gsoc joecrown (54eea5b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:08.49*** join/#gsoc gibix (
20:23.14*** join/#gsoc ArneBab (~quassel@freenet/developer/arnebab)
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20:46.43*** join/#gsoc anonisgoodfornow (75e2da26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:57.47anonisgoodfornowany one there ?
20:57.55r2d3hello anonisgoodfornow
20:58.13anonisgoodfornowI wanted to apply for mentorship
20:58.24anonisgoodfornowI was unable to find it on timeline
20:58.27r2d3anonisgoodfornow: just done this today :-)
20:58.36anonisgoodfornowOh :o
20:58.42r2d3anonisgoodfornow: I have been accepted by OpenCV
20:58.43anonisgoodfornowHow ?
20:59.14r2d3the Admin told me that the application (on GSoC) will be available when the chosen orgs will be published
20:59.34r2d3anonisgoodfornow: you should apply to an Org to which you contribute
20:59.49anonisgoodfornowAny application work
20:59.54anonisgoodfornowor anything ?
20:59.55r2d3each org have some wiki/web/maillist to discuss about being a mentor
21:00.06r2d3anonisgoodfornow: you want to mentor on which project ?
21:00.39r2d3anonisgoodfornow: you will need to have a « good » knowledge of the project, how it works, the internals, the workflow/process, the people, … so you will be able to help the student
21:00.54anonisgoodfornowYes! True
21:01.11valoriein KDE we consider "drive by mentor" applications as spam
21:01.21anonisgoodfornowI thought, we have to send some application to google
21:01.43valoriein a way you do, in that you have to use the webapp
21:01.47r2d3yes, I think we have to be registered to google at some point
21:01.53valoriebut your org will invite you to it
21:02.08r2d3but you should discuss the project with the org and the students applying
21:02.11anonisgoodfornowthat means, first step is to approach
21:02.29valorieyes, when you click into the invitation, you'll need to register with Google
21:02.47*** join/#gsoc jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner)
21:02.58anonisgoodfornowinvitation ?
21:03.07anonisgoodfornowit will be after 12th feb
21:03.10anonisgoodfornowRight ?
21:03.39valoriethere is a FAQ for mentors on github
21:04.07valoriethere is a timeline on the site -- please read the links in the /topic
21:04.34r2d3I read the Mentor Guide but the invitation process was not clear
21:05.01ollytalk to the org admin for your org
21:05.09ollythey then invite you
21:05.22r2d3yeah, this was the solution
21:05.26olly(or don't if you're some random person they've never heard of)
21:06.01ollyas valorie says, orgs are looking for existing contributors wanting to mentor
21:06.07anonisgoodfornowNo, I'm maintainer of 2 projects
21:06.46r2d3anonisgoodfornow: this 2 projects applied for GSoC ? directly or via an umbrella org ?
21:07.49anonisgoodfornowNo. Maintainer of the organisation. It's an individual org. not an umbrella org
21:08.12r2d3and you submitted your org to GSoC ?
21:08.20anonisgoodfornowI now, got the thing, just have to talk with founders
21:08.46anonisgoodfornowIs there anything that we have to submit ?
21:08.58anonisgoodfornow**for mentors**
21:08.59r2d3the deadline was last week for org
21:09.04ollyorgs which want to take part need to apply to google by last week
21:09.22ollygoogle then select some of those
21:09.23anonisgoodfornowNo No, I'm a part of an existing org
21:09.28r2d3anonisgoodfornow: each org have its rule
21:09.31anonisgoodfornowNot my own org
21:09.50r2d3anonisgoodfornow: does this org applied to GSoC ?
21:09.57anonisgoodfornowGuide lines, Yes
21:10.04anonisgoodfornowYes, probably
21:10.20r2d3so you will soon know if it was chosen
21:10.42r2d3anonisgoodfornow: meanwhile you could propose your mentorship to your org admin
21:10.44anonisgoodfornowYes, on 12th
21:10.53r2d3start discussing with the students willing to apply
21:10.59anonisgoodfornowThanks !!
21:11.15r2d3for OpenCV, we have a wiki and a maillist + IRC
21:11.47anonisgoodfornowOpenCV is cool, I'll apply as a student, the very next year
21:12.33anonisgoodfornowI love Image Recognition :D
21:19.42*** join/#gsoc gibix (
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23:57.04*** join/#gsoc Yilong (

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