IRC log for #gsoc on 20170512

00:05.00*** join/#gsoc igmojddzjegzespe (
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00:19.04*** topic/#gsoc is Google Summer of Code | Student Projects Announced May 4th, 2017 16:00 UTC |
00:24.36*** join/#gsoc annimesh2809 (b9891392@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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01:20.44*** join/#gsoc VivekNarang (60209ac8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:22.20*** join/#gsoc Blendify (~Blendify@unaffiliated/blendify)
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01:33.26*** join/#gsoc thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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01:43.18*** join/#gsoc Blendify_HP (~Blendify@unaffiliated/blendify)
01:59.01*** join/#gsoc shalzz (~shalzz@
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02:41.42*** join/#gsoc ArneBab_ (~quassel@freenet/developer/arnebab)
02:46.02*** join/#gsoc kneit (
02:52.04kneitHello all, I'm Kyle from Oregon, US, my org is FreeBSD :)
02:57.21valoriehi kneit
02:57.43valorielives south of Seattle, so no too far from ya
02:58.00kneitoh no way!  What project are you on?
02:58.06valorie<-- an org admin for KDE
02:58.57valorieI just spent part of last weekend chatting with the FreeBSD folks at linuxfest northwest
02:59.07kneitMe too!
02:59.27valoriewell, I was right next to you then, at the Ubuntu table
02:59.49valorieI'm the release manager for Kubuntu this cycle
02:59.51kneitwhat a small world!
03:00.03valorieLFNW is awesomesauce
03:00.38kneitI was talking to the System76 folks and a pal of theirs came over and absolutely blew me away with how pretty plasma 5 is
03:01.04kneitAgreed!  This was the first one I was able to make it to, and I got to me my sponsor
03:02.25kneitI use i3, but I always like to keep a beautiful DE installed as well in case I need to do outreach....because i3 isn't going to succeed there :D
03:03.48valorieis typing from a new System76 box
03:04.09*** join/#gsoc krishh (~krishh@
03:04.17valoriewith plasma 5 of course
03:23.42*** join/#gsoc rhari (~rhari@
03:50.30*** join/#gsoc antimist (~antimist@
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07:12.43*** part/#gsoc kushalsingh007 (~Kushal@
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08:52.29achillionthose new S76 laptops are making a lot of noise
08:52.39achillioner, wait, I don't mean that literally
08:52.45achillionI mean they're getting a lot of attention :)
08:52.55gevaertsThey have loud fans? :)
08:53.17ryzokukenYes, I've heard they are awesome.
08:53.38achilliongevaerts› Hey, you're not allowed to make that joke. I caught it early :D
08:53.41ryzokukenGalaga looks like a MacBook rip-off, tbh.
08:54.01ryzokukenBut others are cool.
08:54.07achillionrip-off, contender, inspiration, what's the difference? :P
08:54.41gevaertsYou mean it's white?
08:54.49ryzokukenYes, but the similarities are too obvious.
08:55.03ryzokukengevaerts: 😝
08:55.12*** join/#gsoc Tobbi (~Tobbi@supertux/tobbi)
08:55.21ryzokukenI wish I could get a good Linux laptop shipped here.
08:55.40*** join/#gsoc aloiscochard (uid2076@gateway/web/
08:55.46ryzokukenUsing nonfree firmware is a pain.
08:56.43gevaertswishes they came with a usable pointing device
08:58.28gevaertsAlso, *why* does everyone put those stupid numpads on laptops these days? :(
09:01.53achillionyeah, numpads on laptops are a pain
09:02.19achillionYou're sitting there trying to type like a normal person and your hands are like 20 cm to the left of where they should be
09:06.12ryzokukenAlso, if you guys like Ubuntu, s76 is giving away stickers for free.
09:09.28*** join/#gsoc yol (
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11:28.57j-bIs it possible, as an admin, to edit the projects titles?
11:33.30*** join/#gsoc shalzz (~shalzz@
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17:04.38Andre_HWhen a project only has one student, how many people are allowed to go to the mentor summit? one or two?
17:07.01thepsguy[m]The mentor summit is just for the mentors right?
17:08.36*** join/#gsoc yol (
17:09.56Andre_Hi think admins and comentors are also eligible
17:13.33perepujalOther years it was per org, not per project
17:13.33*** join/#gsoc blackskygg (~blackskyg@
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17:13.33*** join/#gsoc Tobbi (~Tobbi@supertux/tobbi)
17:13.52Andre_Hsorry, with project I mean org :/
17:14.24*** join/#gsoc shalzz (~shalzz@
17:14.44*** join/#gsoc Vel0city (Vel0city@gateway/shell/panicbnc/x-xsladxbvsovzfqpf)
17:20.39blackskyggHi, there. I'm blackskygg from China, working with the Xen Project in GSoC 2017.
17:22.27*** part/#gsoc blackskygg (~blackskyg@
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18:04.33terriAndre_H: Last year it was 1 or 2 per org depending on the number of students that org had, so if your org only had one student, the answer would be one mentor could go to mentor summit.
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20:41.39Andre_Hthx terri
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21:04.47gsocbotjn__: "timeline" is (#1), or (#2)
21:04.58jn__thanks, bot :)
21:13.45*** join/#gsoc umeshksingla (~umeshksin@
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23:47.23ollyj-b: i think you need to get the student to edit details of their project

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.