IRC log for #gsoc on 20170208

00:03.26*** join/#gsoc Tobbi (~Tobbi@supertux/tobbi)
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09:42.46tobbi[m]Hmm...Maybe I should rethink that, then.
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10:30.40FresoHi bringtree. Glad you're sticking around. :)
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14:28.51achillionsuch nice interactions
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15:48.45ak-55_Hii sir,
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15:51.06bneogy92Hey all!
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15:54.32ak-55_Hii Sir, I have knowledge of java and know how to use swing. I am facing a problem in building up this project. Can you please help on how to proceed ?
15:56.03meflinyour question doesn't make sense ( and dont call people sir )
15:58.58meflinak-55_: what are you trying to do?
16:02.16*** join/#gsoc moongazer (~universec@
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16:09.18moongazeroddvar, I need a little guidance regarding GSoC
16:09.49oddvar!studentguide | moongazer
16:09.49gsocbotmoongazer: "studentguide" is
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16:46.17intrigusHi, is there a specific reason, why GSOC is _only_ for students, who are "enrolled in or accepted into an accredited institution"? Or put differently: Why can I not apply for gsoc after I've graduated school, but did not yet start to study? E.g. I'd start studying 2018 and would take a gap year in between?
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19:08.56divyanshumehtahey everybody
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19:26.36ak-55_@meflin I wanted to clear GSOC , can you please help me how to start
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19:27.40ak-55_as I a beginner and  don't know how to proceed
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19:28.33blast007!studentguide | ak-55_
19:28.33gsocbotak-55_: "studentguide" is
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20:54.43gsocbotFreso: "logs" is
20:54.58*** part/#gsoc abhikpal (~abhikpal@
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20:55.23FresoAh well.
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21:15.24ESphynxhi guys, is there a page where we can retrieve our info from last year?
21:16.18meflinthe application part no
21:16.33ESphynxreally ? :S it was possible the previous years
21:16.38ESphynxnow I just get a: "We couldn't find an account for you..."
21:17.59FresoESphynx: GSoC is no longer running on melange.
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21:18.59ESphynxFreso: yes I understand that, but it's very unfortunate to not be able to retrieve application from previous years
21:19.29PulkoMandymake your own backups!
21:19.33ESphynxconsidering how many times we've applied in the past and never got selected, I would certainly like to minimize the effort to try to apply once again.
21:19.56ESphynxPulkoMandy: I certainly would have if I knew I wouldn't be able to retrieve it, but since it was retrievable in the past...
21:20.52PulkoMandywell, if you application didn't work in previous year, isn't it unlikely to work by just trying again?
21:21.59PulkoMandyand anyway, the application is not really the essential part of a GSoC application. I think the org will mostly judge you on the interactions and discussions while preparing the application
21:22.31ESphynxPulkoMandy: I'm the organization
21:22.41PulkoMandyah yes, sorry
21:22.59ESphynxhow about the info from 2015 on melange? is that still accessible
21:23.10FresoI'd guess not.
21:23.14PulkoMandywell, mostly the same applies, I think? if Google didn't accept you, copypasting the text seems unlikely to work, rightN
21:23.30meflinnot anymore the email list gave a deadline for you to retrieve that info
21:23.38FresoDidn't they make an announcement that everything got archived/purged some time ago?
21:23.52ESphynxmeflin: apparently I was not on that email list. I have so many email list I probably would have missed it anyways
21:24.05ESphynxPulkoMandy: according to feedback we received it was all good, just too many orgs applyging ;)
21:26.16tobbi[m]Guys, I will soon have one of you guys proof-read our ideas page...
21:26.45tobbi[m]If anyone feels comfortable doing that, that is.
21:26.49ESphynxwell thanks guys, going to try harder to see if I might have backed up in a text file somewhere...
21:26.59ESphynxotherwise it's from scratch again!
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21:36.09ESphynxThis data may be transferred into the United States  -- it "may" be? lol
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21:37.26ESphynxI sure hope it gets transferred if we hope to have a chance at being selected :P
21:47.52*** part/#gsoc icey (~Chris@canonical/icey)
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.