IRC log for #gsoc on 20150917

00:09.47*** join/#gsoc michaelni (
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05:44.30*** join/#gsoc vimal (vikumar@nat/redhat/x-nexjabrtizdufpuz)
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17:37.40carolshi gsoc419
17:38.47*** join/#gsoc cave (
17:40.17*** join/#gsoc Andre_H (~german_wi@
17:41.48gsoc419I want to contribute to Gsoc 2016,can anyone guide me?
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17:48.49carolsserves some tea and coffee
17:50.47terrigsoc419: I recommend you start by reading the whole student manual: it's got a lot of good information on how to get started.
17:51.47gsoc419do i need to have extremely good coding skills for this?
17:52.08carolsgsoc419: one of the sections of the gsoc students manual is called “am i good enough.” it sounds like that would be good for you to read
17:53.16gsoc419carols:Thanks for the help,I'll ask for more help along the way,if anything comes up...
17:53.33carolssure, sounds good
17:55.11*** join/#gsoc ShubhamD94 (7aa1e768@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:01.51ShubhamD94can i apply for mozilla in gsoc 2016
18:02.10carolsShubhamD94: gsoc 2016 hasn’t been announced.
18:02.19carolsyou’re more than welcome to start volunteering for mozilla, of course
18:02.24carolsand we encourage you to do so
18:02.28carolsbut not “for gsoc 2016”
18:03.53*** join/#gsoc spectre (~fran@
18:04.28carolssips some tea
18:05.19ShubhamD94carols:Do you work for mozilla,I would love to know about the process of volunteering for them
18:05.33carolsShubhamD94: i don’t, sorry. there’s many ways to contact them
18:05.40carolsi’d encourage you to use one of those avenues
18:06.34*** join/#gsoc Rurik (~topkek@unaffiliated/temur)
18:07.17sagaragarwal94ShubhamD94: hello :) so you have contributed to mozilla ?
18:07.55ShubhamD94No but I am planning to start contributing to them,what about you?
18:08.10carolsShubhamD94: sagaragarwal94: why don’t you folks take it to a PM?
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19:41.28*** join/#gsoc Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4002:9927:45c5:3645:5a40:4350)
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