IRC log for #gsoc on 20140626

00:16.31*** join/#gsoc Jeremy_Rand (~Jeremy_Ra@
00:20.45*** join/#gsoc solistice (
00:22.09*** join/#gsoc stoptecheviction (62765648@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:22.39stoptechevictionfor midterm evals, do we rate our mentors based on the official mentor, or based on the person we've been working with the most?
00:25.02IzakeeI think based on the person you've been working with stoptecheviction
00:25.10IzakeeI think based on the person you've been working with stoptecheviction:
00:31.01*** join/#gsoc nilspin (nilspin@2604:180:1::6975:9e29)
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02:34.27*** join/#gsoc coragem (~coragem@
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03:37.46*** part/#gsoc lfzawacki (~lucas@
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04:46.31*** join/#gsoc Intensity (NILl7RczYo@unaffiliated/intensity)
04:47.38*** join/#gsoc packo (~quassel@
04:49.58*** join/#gsoc KirarinSnow-pyon (
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05:19.00*** join/#gsoc bePolite (~sprinf@unaffiliated/sprinf)
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05:49.58*** join/#gsoc packo (~quassel@
05:51.24*** join/#gsoc Arthur_D (
06:01.51*** join/#gsoc Intensity (zakE-7tNfY@unaffiliated/intensity)
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08:45.40*** join/#gsoc Lennie (Lennie@nat/google/x-yrnuialzhjjdpbfy)
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09:01.24*** join/#gsoc Prasad (~quassel@
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09:27.34*** join/#gsoc Prasad (~quassel@
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09:32.12*** join/#gsoc packo (~quassel@
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09:50.29*** join/#gsoc Glorf (
09:55.24*** join/#gsoc alonl (~alon@
09:56.08alonlhi. I'm a mentor for a project (mediagoblin) and on melange I am not registered as such. Can anyone point me at the correct email to request help/fixing at? thanks
09:57.36*** join/#gsoc bePolite (~sprinf@unaffiliated/sprinf)
09:59.10alonlspecifically someone else is listed as a mentor instead of me, I do belong to the correct organization.
09:59.26*** join/#gsoc Watusimoto (~quassel@
10:01.33ollyalonl: talk to your org admin
10:02.04ollythey should be able to reassign mentors
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12:17.28rushboyHello, I have submitted the mid-term evaluation on melange. Should I expect a mail about the confirmation of my submission ?
12:17.31*** join/#gsoc fruittie (~greensky@unaffiliated/greensky)
12:20.37r4chi7rushboy: no, no mail
12:21.34LovelyGuyAnShrushboy: See in the Evaluation section. The status changes to submitted that is the confirmation..
12:22.20*** join/#gsoc leks__ (~leks@
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12:33.57rushboyThanks for the clarification. Would I know if my mentor has submitted his evaluation ?
12:34.31r4chi7rushboy: no
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15:01.07gsocbotVaticanCameos: "next" is Midterm evaluations for GSoC 2014 begin 23 June at 19:00 UTC
15:01.29*** join/#gsoc fruittie (~greensky@unaffiliated/greensky)
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15:54.30r4chi7will the students be notified of their mid term results?
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15:56.10carolsserves some tea and coffee
15:59.28Gentlecatr4chi7: yes, last year we received an email
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16:08.28r4chi7Gentlecat: ok
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16:13.08tlsaafter submitting a mid-term evaluation, can it be edited?
16:13.30tlsaWe have a situation where there are several mentors for one student
16:14.07tlsaand I want to submit an evaluation, and let the other mentors review/edit it as they get time
16:14.16*** join/#gsoc Glorf (
16:16.11carolstlsa: sure
16:16.18dhanush_tlsa: yes. you can edit it as many times as you wish until the deadline.
16:16.41tlsaok, cool, thanks
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17:10.04carolsserves some more coffee and tea
17:10.21downeytakes a double shot
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17:18.02carolshi downey
17:18.13downeygood morning, carols !
17:18.18carolsgood morning :-)
17:19.02downeycarols: so proud of my mentors, all evaluations in before i had to send out any nag mails
17:19.08carolsthat’s excellent.
17:19.14carolscan’t say the same for some other orgs...
17:19.53downeyevery time a nag mail goes out, carols sheds a tear
17:19.54Nightroseyeah :/  still tracking down my one missing mentor
17:20.10carolsNightrose: you’re forgiven :-)
17:20.19Nightrosethank you!
17:20.27Nightroseit'll be done in time but meh
17:20.32downeythose who say "cat herding" is hard have never tried mentor herding :)
17:21.24Nightrosedowney: you should send your mentors cookies for that really
17:21.35Nightrose(them getting in the evaluations before nagging)
17:21.38downeyNightrose: bribery? :D
17:21.49Nightrosewell i'd call it differently but... :P
17:22.00downeythat really would put me over to the dark side
17:22.19FlowRiserMy mentors, Sune and Aleix, are always there for me ^^
17:22.29downeySune++ Aleix++
17:22.56meflinbut the darkside has cookies
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17:23.59downeymeflin: precisely :)
17:24.11downeymeflin: most desirable cookies
17:24.58meflinstill waiting on 2 myself .. but they have been in contact and asked for some extra time
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17:29.23downeydata point: the process seems to take around 90 seconds
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17:32.30carolsdowney: which makes it even more amazing how many people don’t submit them
17:32.53downeycarols: being busy is one thing, but waiting on a "miracle" is another :)
17:33.09carolsdowney: yep.
17:36.18meflinthe only miricale that ever happens at midterm is when you student is to good and ate almost all of a large project already and you need to re-scope with more stuff
17:36.35downeyyes there is that
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17:36.48meflinI've seen that just 1 time ;)
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18:00.46Mathnerd314is there a more recent survey data analysis than ?
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18:10.51downeycarols: I asked sttaylor but wanted to confirm that there is not in fact an org admin evaluation/survey to complete at midterm
18:11.37carolsdowney: correct
18:12.10downeycarols: thanks :)
18:12.31downeyNightrose: Open Advice just got a shout-out at open source bridge :)
18:12.43downeygood reading for all gsoc participants ^
18:12.56Nightrosedowney: ohhh nice! by whom?
18:13.07downeyNightrose: Eric Steele from Plone
18:13.22Nightrosei don't know him which makes this pretty awesome :D
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18:41.47panzonewe can submit our evaluation until... ?
18:42.10gsocbotVarunAgw: "timeline" is
18:42.16mavihspanzone: 27 June 19:00 UTC
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19:08.22rahulrrixecarols : I have sent you the mail
19:08.28carolsrahulrrixe: okay
19:08.42rahulrrixecarols : Thanks
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19:19.46ishitva_carols: How do we get to know whether we have passed the mid term evaulation or not ?
19:19.56carolsishitva_: you’ll receive an email.
19:20.06carolshow do you find out most things online these days? :-)
19:20.13ishitva_google :P
19:20.51ishitva_Till when will we get the email ?
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19:24.15gsocbotmeflin: "next" is Midterm evaluations for GSoC 2014 begin 23 June at 19:00 UTC
19:24.31meflinboo :) at the end of midterms the emails go out automaticly
19:25.22meflinit is on the timeline ... soon
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20:01.55holliakeHi everyone ! can any1 tell me whether reminders to fill out the midterm evaluations have been sent to the mentors as well ?
20:02.06carolsholliake: yes, they have.
20:02.09carolsif they needed a reminder.
20:02.19carolsno one receives a reminder who’s already filled in an evaluation.
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20:02.42holliakei haven't talked to my mentor on this subject yet.
20:03.19gun_Hi, How can I know if my mentor submitted the mid term review?
20:03.39braverockask them, or your org admin
20:03.50holliakewill the students receive an email stating they have passed or failed the mid term evals ?
20:04.03Ivanovicthey will after the evals are over
20:04.10Ivanovicso relax and sit back!
20:04.10carolsgun_: just ask him/her
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20:04.33holliakewhen should one expect the evals to be over ?
20:04.44carolsholliake: at the deadline
20:04.51Ivanovic!timeline | holliake
20:04.52gsocbotholliake: "timeline" is
20:05.06Ivanovicgsoc does not feature deadline extensions!
20:05.10holliakethat is 27th june, 19:00 UTC. Am I correct ?
20:05.12Ivanovicno exemptions to this!
20:05.19carolsholliake: whatever it lists on the timeline.
20:05.21meflincarols: as an FYI I am off to #melange with an issue of a eval isn't being taken
20:05.34carolsmeflin: cool
20:05.37carolslet me know how it goes
20:06.21holliakeso carols, the students should receive the result of their mid term evaluations by 28th June, I guess ?
20:06.39carolsyou mean the emails?
20:06.48carolsthe emails are sent one minute after the window closes.
20:07.03Ivanovicwe are in the age of technology
20:07.04holliakeoh, okay. Thanks :-)
20:07.11Ivanovicthere is no extra manual evaluation of the results
20:07.24carolsIvanovic: i don’t even know what that would look like...
20:07.28Ivanovicif the mentors say "pass" it is a pass, if they say "failed", the student failed
20:07.37Ivanoviccarols: neither do I
20:07.46Ivanovicbut sometimes people expect manual processes
20:08.03Ivanovicincluding reviews of the evaluations by a 3rd party and stuff like this
20:08.19carolsi want as little manual process as possible.
20:08.33Ivanovicand it does not make sense
20:08.36carolsi already have to email people directly to tell them to submit their evaluations since they don’t pay any attention to the deadlines as it is
20:08.42Ivanovicsince nobody from google had direct contact with the students
20:09.11Ivanoviccarols: btw the reminder mail for one of the mentors in our group was sent about 1h after i sent one reminder as org admin
20:09.21carolsIvanovic: :-)
20:09.47Ivanovicand the other mentor i contacted 2h before via irc
20:10.28Ivanovicwhat i personally can't understand if students "forget" to fill out their survey
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20:10.45Ivanovicwould be interesting to see a matching between "student did not fill out survey" and "mentor org failed student"
20:12.06Ivanovicmy guess is that >90% of the students who do not submit their survey fall into the group of "mentor org failed student"
20:13.00carolsIvanovic: oh, we definitely get a few students each year who get passed by their mentors and don’t submit their own evaluation
20:13.07carolsand usually the org asks me to pass them anyway
20:13.30carolswhich suprirses me…they miss a major program deadline and you still think they should be in the program?
20:15.38gevaertscarols: they're all coders. That means the only raison d'être of deadlines is to be missed :)
20:17.26carolsgevaerts: yeah, but being a coder doesn’t excuse you from responsbility in life
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20:18.32gevaertscarols: of course it doesn't, but it's probably fairly easy to forgive people things one is prone to oneself
20:18.51carolsgevaerts: i guess. i don’t understand it myself.
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20:19.33gevaertscarols: that's why you're the right person to be in charge :)
20:19.43carolshaha :-)
20:19.47carolsthanks gevaerts :-)
20:20.12downeycarols: Is there any canonical definition for the failure reason "Life got in the way"?
20:20.21downey(or something like that, I forgot the exact wording)
20:20.35carolsdowney: sure, medical issue, grandparent died, i took another internship
20:20.54carolsdowney: read: “it didn’t have to do with the code”
20:20.59downeycarols: ok. :-)
20:22.03downeydid we ever sort out if org admins were (from a policy perspective) supposed to be able to see student evaluations? if so i'll bug #melange
20:22.48meflinas I recall only after the eval time ends
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20:23.32meflinI can see mentor evals now
20:24.10meflinin past years I recall post eval time counseling mentors based on the feedback
20:24.40downeyyes, it's very helpful
20:25.07downeyI also find it interesting conversation material to discuss why a student thinks they're doing great even though a mentor thinks they are failing.
20:26.34meflinthat I have never ran into
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20:27.22Uli-good $time_of_day to you all
20:27.44meflinmost of my work has been small orgs where you can keep an eye on all the things
20:28.05ValodimI wonder if there are students who check "less than 10 hours a week" in the questionaire, and how many of those fail/don't fail
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20:31.04s1991carols: is it possible to know, has my mentor done evaluation or not?
20:31.33meflinnot till the end no
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20:33.41blast007s1991: well, I'm sure you could ask the mentor or the admin about if the eval has been completed
20:34.10s1991what I'm suppose to fill in "Give one example of a very good or very bad interaction you had with your mentor."
20:34.23meflinwhat ever you want to fill in
20:37.03carolss1991: did you ask him/her?
20:37.41meflinnot sure you should ask your mentor for an example of communication
20:38.00Valodim"this one time, we talked about what to fill in for the example of a good interaction question. it really helped me find an answer to that question"
20:38.02Mathnerd314carols: is there a more recent survey data analysis than ? (repeated from earlier)
20:38.24carolsMathnerd314: nope
20:39.20Mathnerd314ok. it's been 5 years, maybe time to do another one? :-)
20:39.50carolsMathnerd314: did i just hear you suggest more work for me?
20:39.53carolsi hope i didn't
20:40.18Mathnerd314no, I was suggesting someone else do it
20:40.36carolsMathnerd314: “someone else” who exactly? :-)
20:40.41carolsi am the only one running gsoc...
20:41.24carolsMathnerd314: or were you volunteering yourself?
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20:42.55Mathnerd314hmm, let me check....
20:45.41meflincarols: browser issue .... all is good
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20:54.06Mathnerd314carols: maybe "Cat Allman", author of, could do the analysis?
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21:01.59sttaylorMathnerd314: we are a very small team (4 of us) and unfortunately we do not currently have time to work on the survey data anytime in the near future.
21:06.08Mathnerd314sttaylor: ok, but what about in the "distant future", say sometime before the next GSOC?
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21:09.13PulkoMandythere's GCI to run, and probably other things to do the rest of the year
21:09.40PulkoMandyunfortunately the opensource programs office is not where google puts most of their money and engineers
21:10.04Mathnerd314but what's the point of having of a survey if you never even look at the responses?
21:10.28meflinMathnerd314: are you voluntering your time to get it done?
21:11.25Mathnerd314I would, except it's not clear how I could analyze the data without also leaking it to the world at large...
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21:11.58meflinthat could be a convo is you are serious with OSPO
21:12.42carldaniCan students find out whether a mentor has already filled in the midterm eval?
21:12.53meflinnot untill the end no
21:13.01Mathnerd314carldani: yes, if you ask him/her :-)
21:13.36carldani(speaking with my mentor hat on, and being a bit unsure whether the review I submitted was registered successfully... unstable internet connection here)
21:14.06carldaniI would have asked my student if he had the ability to see whether the review is done or not
21:14.34meflinstudent does not ... your view of melange will tell you ... or you could ask your admin
21:14.49Mathnerd314carldani: so you can communicate with your student, but not with the internet?
21:15.21carolscarldani: sure, just ask them
21:15.43ollyMathnerd314: and with us it seems
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21:16.59carldaniMathnerd314: communication with my student is over a irc client running in a screen on a stable server, so even if the connection from me to the server drops, the screen will stay alive and connected
21:17.19carldanicarols: ok, will ask our admin. thanks!
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21:17.58Mathnerd314carldani: then why not use lynx on the stable server to do the form?
21:18.23gevaertsMathnerd314: for a javascript-intensive web app?
21:18.34carldaniMathnerd314: I had assumed it would only work with graphical js-capable browsers
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21:26.54Mathnerd314hmm, you appear to be correct. s/lynx/  then
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21:27.46carolsMathnerd314 carldani gevaerts: you guys want to take this to a PM?
21:32.24carldanicarols: our admin cross-checked, the eval shows as submitted
21:32.31carolscarldani: cool
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21:33.16carldanicarols: It is a pleasure and a privilege to have flashrom/coreboot in GSoC again this year, thanks for that!
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