IRC log for #gsoc on 20140406

00:10.50*** join/#gsoc thedarki (~thedarki@
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03:22.42*** join/#gsoc Niharika (~Happiness@
03:35.24*** join/#gsoc rip|2 (~kvirc@
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04:00.40*** join/#gsoc rip|2 (~kvirc@
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04:25.07miseria"un buscador, no es el que sabe lo que busca, un buscador es quien descubre que la vida, es una continua busqueda" bienvenidos: *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*
04:26.38*** join/#gsoc VaticanCameos (~pls@
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04:37.08*** join/#gsoc Bhash90 (~Bhathiya@
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05:24.05*** join/#gsoc sayan_ (~sayan@
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05:58.14*** part/#gsoc Nilabhra (~nilabhra@
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07:09.30*** join/#gsoc calin (~quassel@
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07:16.00*** join/#gsoc Dragooon (~shitiz@
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07:20.14*** join/#gsoc PulkoMandy (PulkoMandy@
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07:21.10*** join/#gsoc scared (1b61fc66@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:21.26scaredHi, Is anybody around?
07:21.44nilspinscared, everybody. :P
07:23.05*** join/#gsoc akshay_ (~akshay@
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07:54.50*** join/#gsoc Paramvir (~paramvir1@
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07:57.21ParamvirHi! i want to ask that who can view the project that is submitted on gsoc site? Actually i have received a comment on my project submission page? who can he be?
07:57.26*** join/#gsoc prth (~prth@
08:04.07*** join/#gsoc NameFILIP (~namefilip@
08:05.07PulkoMandyParamvir: all mentors from the organization can review projects and comment on them
08:05.15PulkoMandyhow would they select the students otherwise?
08:06.55Paramvirall mentors from ALL Orgs or just all mentors from that particular org?
08:07.18stqismDepends if you made it public
08:07.35*** join/#gsoc denis_boyun_ (
08:08.57*** join/#gsoc Niharika (~Happiness@
08:09.54Paramviri didn't see any option asking to make proposal public or private :-/ only i remember that on the time of submission they asked to not to include details in short description.
08:10.34PulkoMandyI don't think other people can comment on it, even if it's public
08:11.08Paramvirso i should assume that mentor from org is trying to connect. right?
08:11.31*** join/#gsoc modfs (97326df4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:11.37Paramvirwell in that case i should reply with a very serious manner
08:13.54stqismYou should reply in a serious manner normally
08:13.59*** join/#gsoc SeriousWorm (
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08:14.25Paramviroh GOD! just found the same name in their website page
08:14.33Paramvirhe has worked as a mentor
08:16.10stqismThat's nice, I suppose
08:17.40Paramvirhope this time india is goin to have max no of accepted projects ;-)
08:18.07Paramviranyways thnx stqism
08:18.12stqismWell, that is a tad biased
08:18.59*** join/#gsoc phant0mas (~quassel@
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08:23.06*** join/#gsoc Bhash90 (~Bhathiya@
08:23.47Paramvirabove all this time hoping more success for gsoc around the world
08:23.58Paramvirgood luck stqism
08:24.32stqismParamvir: I'm not a student, but gl to you
08:28.35*** join/#gsoc panzone (
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08:51.32*** join/#gsoc fracting (~fracting@
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09:00.22*** join/#gsoc Jaipradeesh (~jaipradee@
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09:17.00small_graphHi, is there anyway to figure out if I'm accepted (or how likely it is) before 21 April?
09:18.28*** join/#gsoc sarwarc_ (~livingsto@
09:21.47*** join/#gsoc Patiala (~paramvir1@
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09:36.57gsocbotologn13: "next" is Students for Google Summer of Code 2014 will be announced on 21 April, 2014 at 19:00 UTC
09:37.02*** join/#gsoc VaticanCameos (~pls@
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10:57.10TahirI commented on my GSOC proposal with a URL link of my updated proposal, is this ok?
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11:54.44somaenThat is a question you should ask to your potential mentors
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15:07.34teepeed3r1ck: hi!
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15:11.57d3r1ckteepee: whats up man?
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15:17.05teepeed3r1ck: just came back from mini vacation :)
15:18.05d3r1ckteepee: wow, that is nice
15:18.31d3r1ckteepee: how was it?
15:19.20*** join/#gsoc akshay_ (~akshay@
15:19.50*** join/#gsoc Jaipradeesh (~jaipradee@
15:20.27teepeed3r1ck: nice, lots of fun
15:22.00d3r1ckteepee: so did you apply for GSoC?
15:23.08teepeed3r1ck: nope, depending on student selection I might be mentor :)
15:23.53*** join/#gsoc gafsa_lagare (
15:27.43d3r1ckteepee: wow, nice on which org?
15:29.26teepeed3r1ck: OpenSCAD (via BRL-CAD)
15:30.22d3r1ckteepee: wow, nice, i know a friend that worked with BRL-CAD last year.
15:31.29*** join/#gsoc ravenlock (~ravenlock@enlightenment/developer/ravenlock)
15:32.07teepeed3r1ck: cool, how did he like the experience of a summer of opensource coding?
15:32.34*** join/#gsoc sidthekid (~quassel@
15:32.38d3r1ckteepee: he said it was nice and will want to do it again this year.
15:33.14teepeed3r1ck: and he introduced you to gsoc too?
15:33.35*** join/#gsoc NameFILIP (~namefilip@
15:36.49d3r1ckteepee: yes, i got that from him
15:36.59d3r1ckteepee: so i am to work this year with GCC
15:37.06*** join/#gsoc fruittie (~greensky@unaffiliated/greensky)
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15:37.48teepeed3r1ck: ah, nice. very important project :)
15:39.41d3r1ckteepee: ok
15:39.50d3r1ckteepee: so you will mentor this year.
15:41.19teepeed3r1ck: well, I will know once the student selection is over
15:41.26*** join/#gsoc fewcha_ (~sbairagya@
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15:42.43d3r1ckteepee: well so we are waiting
15:42.57d3r1ckteepee: i think your student will be selected.
15:43.04d3r1ckteepee: that is what i beleive in.
15:43.10teepeewith open source software there's always enough to do :)
15:43.42teepeeno time for waiting :D
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15:45.28d3r1ckteepee: ok man
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16:24.53bkuhnI have a stupid question.  "Mentoring organizations should have requested slots via their profile in Melange by this point." is deadline for tomorrow.
16:25.10bkuhnHowever, there is nothing in Melange called "requesting slots".  Do you request them by simply accepting N applications?
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16:28.04meflinit is in melange .. check the top for selections about your org
16:28.53meflinmanaged org -> prefferences
16:29.23Slurpeemeflin, bkuhn  - I believe that only org admins have permission for that option
16:29.33bkuhnSlurpee: I am an org admin.
16:30.25Slurpeebkuhn, dashboard -> managed orgs -> select
16:30.39SlurpeeThen you basically see org application
16:30.43bkuhnthank you!
16:30.44Slurpeenow there is a 3rd tab...
16:30.48bkuhnfound it now
16:30.54Slurpeebkuhn, you're welcome.
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16:42.57DragooonDo we get to know which proposals were submitted to Google for slots?
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16:44.37meflinno and slots are not tied to proposals
16:45.18DragooonI meant like, does the org say that your proposal is being considered into a slot?
16:46.00meflinslots are not tied to individual proposals and no orgs cannot tell you
16:46.31meflinall proposals are being considered for slots you will have to wait until students are announced
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16:50.33thiagothe orgs will not tell you and should not tell you whether they'd like a slot for you
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