IRC log for #gsoc on 20140320

00:00.00ollygroundnuty: I'd suggest one proposal given you're starting late
00:00.10ollyone is quite possibly the best strategy anyway
00:00.24groundnutyolly: that's what I will do, write one hell of a proposal :)
00:00.24TCDNo way I could've gotten 2 in
00:00.30ollyterri: we've no spam either
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00:04.23wkoszekI'm a project admin. Can I add a mentor to the project?
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00:04.32wkoszekI mean: without them requesting it.
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00:05.31ollywkoszek: you can invite them if they already have a profile in melange for this year
00:05.53ollyyou'll need to know their username though
00:06.00wkoszekolly: So I know the user anme
00:06.12wkoszekI type the user anme and it says:
00:06.13ollydo to your dashboard
00:06.17ollyah, ok
00:06.17wkoszekSorry, we could not save your data. Please fix the errors mentioned below.
00:06.24wkoszekAnonymous connections are not supported at this time. Please provide usernames of users with profiles only.
00:06.28medflyI can edit my proposal until tomorrow, right?
00:06.40ollymedfly: until 19:00 UTC on 21st
00:06.42wkoszekolly: How do I fix it?
00:06.53ollywkoszek: that suggests they need to create a profile for 2014
00:07.04medflywhta sould "actual content of proposal" say? elaboration of abstract?
00:07.20ollymedfly: does your org provide a template?
00:07.30medflyuh... I don't know?
00:07.50medflyI guess I could talk more to the guy who gave the idea once he shows up
00:08.10ollyif they've set it up right it should appear automatically when you create a proposal I think, but they may have failed to
00:08.22ollythe place to add it appeared some time after orgs were accepted
00:08.31medflyyeah there is a template thing, I think? I have a form to fill in
00:08.47ollyoh, "actual content of proposal" is in their template?
00:08.59medfly"Content" is.
00:09.16medflyokay, I'll just check all this with him
00:09.35*** part/#gsoc sttaylor (sttaylor@nat/google/x-annrqxytmdqpyvzg)
00:09.42mudleruh oh hi to all humans :)
00:10.00mudlerit's possible to edit the proposal after the deadline? (adjusting it a little bit)
00:10.07ollythere are various examples proposals from past years around, but orgs are not all after exactly the same things
00:10.18ollymudler: no, but you can make comments
00:10.30wkoszekolly: Do they have to use accounts?
00:10.39ollywkoszek: no
00:10.50wkoszekolly: OK, so I don't understand the proble,
00:11.16ollyyou need a google account to sign in, but a google account isn't exactly the same as a gmail account AIUI
00:11.17gevaertsYou need a google account, which isn't the same at all as a gmail account
00:11.40ollywkoszek: an account != a profile for 2014
00:11.48ollyit sounds like they have an account
00:11.51ollybut not a profile
00:11.55wkoszekSo I use "bsdimp" to add him.
00:11.57mudlerok, so google will decide slots upon the proposals? or also comments will matter? defining a timeline would be a bit hard,maybe some tasks are to hard to accomplish and maybe the student could be "overloaded"
00:12.11olly"Please provide usernames of users *with profiles only*."
00:12.29ollywkoszek: bsdimp is right, but he needs to create a profile
00:12.30gevaertsmudler: google doesn't decide who to accept. The organisations do
00:12.44wkoszekSo which link can I give him?
00:12.55wkoszekolly: I think he missed registration step.
00:12.57mudlergevaerts: i was talking about slots, not the proposal itself :P
00:13.02ollywkoszek: there will be a big orange button on front page
00:13.17olly!slots | mudler
00:13.17gsocbotmudler: "slots" is (#1) Slot allocation is done manually by Chris DiBona and Carol Smith, be a good org, play nice on the mentor list and #gsoc, ask for a non-crazy-high number of slots, and you'll probably get what you ask. Note that non-crazy-high for new orgs is around 1 or 2., or (#2)
00:13.19wkoszekolly: "Mentors and administrators" Log In ?
00:13.20gevaertsmudler: then I don't understand where this timeline comes in
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00:13.31ollywkoszek: probably
00:13.36ollyit's weeks since I did it...
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00:13.46mudlerthank you olly
00:14.26mudlergevaerts: sorry, i mean the project schedule
00:14.37ollymudler: google don't look at proposals
00:15.04ollyyour timeline won't influence google (except that if your proposal is poor, the org won't ask for a slot for it)
00:15.33mudleroh ok, thanks for the clarification
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00:17.18medflyman, writing this is hard, the task I'm supposed to do is simple in theory, hard in practice. not much to say about it
00:20.26ollymedfly: you can write about things like alternative approaches to solve the problem and why your chosen one is better, the benefits your work would provide to users, etc
00:20.39medflyaww yiss he's online
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00:35.44bePolitewhen will the results of accepted students be out?
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00:39.36houliwould love to use gsoc as a stepping stone into open source however a lot of the organisations seem to place a heavy emphasis on having contributed to open source before. anyone know how much this practically applies?
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00:43.16ollyhouli: that's not true for a lot of the orgs
00:43.32ollyone purpose of gsoc is to introduce more people to open source development
00:43.42olly!timeline | bePolite
00:43.43gsocbotbePolite: "timeline" is
00:44.11ollyhouli: many may ask about previous contributions, but not having made any isn't a problem
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00:47.47bePolitethans olly
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01:02.03danielinoaIs the project proposal placed in the "Message" box?
01:03.49umcculloughdanielinoa, did you use the submit proposal feature?
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01:06.36danielinoa"umccullough", I don't really see it anywhere in the melange site. I just see the option to start a connection with a mentoring organization.
01:06.53umcculloughthen you've done the wrong thing
01:06.56umccullough!unmentor danielinoa
01:07.06umccullough!unmentor | danielinoa
01:07.06gsocbotdanielinoa: "unmentor" is If you can't see a FORMS section in your profile page, you've registered as a mentor not a student. EITHER mail and Cc: with your melange username (top of the page) and say you mistakenly registered as a mentor, OR just register again with another Google account
01:07.49*** join/#gsoc wiruzx (~wiruzx@
01:09.56danielinoaThank you!
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02:19.34bePolitedo mentors get to see all the different project proposals  a student has written?
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02:25.45ollybePolite: they'll see them if they are mentors for the orgs you send them to
02:26.00ollyquite a few people are involved with multiple orgs
02:26.38ollyso sending the same proposal to 5 orgs is fairly likely to be spotted, if that's what you're wondering
02:26.54ollythey tend to be obvious anyway - they're just too generic
02:27.18dfightermost desirable proposal, har har
02:27.33umcculloughmy favorite so far: "Implement an idea of you"
02:28.04bePolitewhat are too generic?
02:28.07ollyhas a fondness for the offer to write us an accounting system (that was from years back)
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02:28.25ollye.g. what umccullough said
02:28.39umcculloughwhen they don't actually have an idea, but just offer to do whatever they're told
02:29.00ollytext that has nothing directly to do with our org, possibly with a paste from our ideas page added
02:29.21umcculloughyeah, a paste of the timeline, but no actualy project details - that's always nice :P
02:29.41umcculloughor, a copy/paste of the student template we provide
02:29.50emusanwhat percentage of the proposals are that kind vs. ones that have a lot of effort put in?
02:30.00emusanOr does it vary a lot depending on the oraganization/project?
02:30.00umcculloughthis year, not too many
02:30.03ollyemusan: it varies by org and by year
02:30.20ollyi've seen none like that this year, but previously perhaps 25%
02:30.23umcculloughi hear last year was terrible :)
02:30.44ollyi was only mentoring last year, and for a different org, so I can't really compare last year
02:31.19ollyi suspect orgs near the top of the list might suffer more
02:31.22umcculloughwe didn't participate last year, so i have no reference beside what i hear
02:31.33ollyor whose tags match popular buzzwords
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02:38.10rusnicHi all! can any one tell me the official channel for Melange? Thanks in advance.
02:39.05ollyrusnic: #melange - we may be able to help with some issues though
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02:49.58rusnically: Hi! i am gsoc 14 applicant. and i am looking to connect with melange to get and heads up feedback on my proposal. This is my proposal.
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03:27.08emusanIf we get the proposal in on time, but then make some commits to the project after that, is it possible that those commits will be considered when reviewing the proposal?
03:27.21emusanor is it just any work done up until the proposal deadline that gets considered
03:27.55*** join/#gsoc Blanboom_ (~anonymous@
03:28.09emusanI know a lot of projects seem to be very interested in students contributing at least something before the summer starts
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03:41.06umcculloughemusan, orgs have until april 18 to decide which student projects to accept
03:41.37umcculloughplease review the timeline in detail
03:41.39emusanah, but are there any rules against them basing their decision on that?
03:41.50umcculloughthere are not hard rules
03:41.58emusanokay, that's all I was wondering
03:42.01umccullougheach org can decide however they choose
03:44.54ollyemusan: it'll depend on the org, but in general they'll probably be happy to take it into account, but the later on it gets, the more likely decisions have been made
03:45.07emusanmhmm, I was just curious
03:45.35emusanThe org I'm applying to mentioned that they would like to see you make some changes to code and submit a pull request, to ensure that you know what you're doing
03:45.54emusanbut unfortunately I just found out about this yesterday, and with my coursework I don't really have time to get any code in before friday :(
03:45.57ollyemusan: you can just ask them when you should try to do that by
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03:46.17emusanyup, I will, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't specifically against the rules first
03:46.24ollyso long as you're polite about it, you can just ask questions
03:46.38ollyit definitely isn't
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04:34.27marti1125help!! where I send my proposal
04:34.33marti1125I don't see a form :S
04:35.11brlcadsend it to larry, he'll take care of it
04:35.33ollymarti1125: have you sent your proof of enrollment?
04:36.07marti1125where is it =?
04:36.18olly!proof | marti1125
04:36.18gsocbotmarti1125: "proof" is
04:36.37ollyit's only linked to about 6 times from the FAQ
04:37.07brlcad!faq | marti1125
04:37.07gsocbotmarti1125: "faq" is
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04:37.35brlcadyou are indeed expected to read that in full ;)
04:37.55ollyor at least not complain at surprised resulting from not reading it in full
04:38.59marti1125in my profile I don't see upload file ??
04:40.02olly!unmentor | marti1125
04:40.03gsocbotmarti1125: "unmentor" is If you can't see a FORMS section in your profile page, you've registered as a mentor not a student. EITHER mail and Cc: with your melange username (top of the page) and say you mistakenly registered as a mentor, OR just register again with another Google account
04:40.26marti1125ok, thanks
04:40.30ollycollect all the factoids and win a prize
04:40.37umcculloughdamn, i missed my chance
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04:40.48olly!chance | umccullough
04:40.49gsocbotumccullough: "chance" is p, where p + q = 1 and 0 <= q <= 1
04:41.16umcculloughstop, i'm drunk
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04:41.42emusan!drunk | umccullough
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04:42.00umcculloughgoes to find another beer
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04:57.37CharlesHsiahello everyone, can i continue edit my proposal after student applications deadline?
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05:06.19ollyCharlesHsia: no, it wouldn't be much of a deadline if you could
05:06.23ollyyou can still comment
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05:10.26_mjWhen i click the submit button on the gsoc form page , i am not directed to any othe page but on the top of the form page without any errors.Is it normal or should i be directed to some other page ?
05:11.42umcculloughit's normal
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05:12.01umcculloughif you're unsure, you can open it in another browser window to confirm it was saved
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05:23.52ujjwal92Hello all
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05:27.14casyIf i get selected by two orgs in which i applied, am i asked to choose the org ?
05:27.54olly!multiaccept | casy
05:27.55gsocbotcasy: "multiaccept" is If multiple organizations want to accept you, they will decide which proposal is accepted. Sometimes, but not always, they will ask your preference.
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05:29.35casygsocbot: if i have preference for one one org, can i communicate to gsoc team ?
05:30.00casyolly: ^
05:30.03ollycasy: the gsoc team only intervene if the orgs can't agree
05:30.15ollyyou can tell the org you prefer if you want
05:30.21ollybut they don't have to honour it
05:30.31ollyit's assumed you only apply for projects you want to do
05:30.47k_colly : how do i know whether my proof of enrollment is accepted or not ?
05:31.07ollyk_c: you'll be told only if there's a problem
05:31.21thiagocasy: be prepared to do any of the proposals you submit
05:31.22ollyk_c: right now, worry about improving your proposal
05:31.52thiagoit might happen that one of the orgs say "we really want this project, we have no other fallbacks", so you'll go with them and no one will ask your opinion
05:32.45ollyyou could even be their only good proposal
05:32.59casyya true
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05:33.33_mjis it advisable to give a good mockup of your topic in the proposal ?
05:33.57_mjor bare introduction is enough ?
05:34.56casy_mj: its preferable to give as much details as possible, except if the org has limit on no of pages
05:37.11casycasy,  thiago thanks
05:37.24casyolly ^
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07:10.42numes" In addition to a proposal, students will be required to sign a Student Participation Agreement and submit their Proof of Enrollment forms."
07:11.00numeswhat does signing a student participation agreement means?
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07:12.04numesin practice, do I have to do something in the melange system?
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07:19.39Niharikanumes: For now you have to give the proof of enrollment and proposal. Participation agreement will come later, I guess.
07:20.04shinigamiryukwhat is Participation Agreement???
07:20.15numesNiharika: OK, thanks
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08:20.35kblinmorning folks
08:21.47kblinpro tip: "As I don't know the programming language your test framework uses, I'll create new tests using another language" doesn't make a particularly convincing application
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08:22.38ollykblin: there are whole projects whose existence is due to a developer not knowing the language an existing project is in
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08:25.24PulkoMandywe had "all your ideas look so cool, I can't decide on a single one" submitted in a proposal yesterday
08:25.34PulkoMandyunfortunately, we need a detailed action plan
08:26.11olly"coding week 1: decide which idea i like best"
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08:27.48kblinPulkoMandy: aka "please tell me what project has the best chance of getting accepted" I guess
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08:29.04avaneeshI guess there is no such thing as 'easy project'. It depends on your skill in required technologies or languages.
08:29.52PulkoMandywe classify some of our ideas as "big"
08:29.58avaneeshBut I can tell you, stuff in CERN Projects is slightly complicated than, say, GNOME or KDE projects.
08:30.40PulkoMandynot necessarily - big algorithm and dataset processing could be easier than building a (good) user interface
08:30.51PulkoMandyand event-driven programming that goes with UI
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08:31.15ashmew2FWIW, I feel skill as well as interest matters a lot.
08:31.58PulkoMandywell, we allow students to cut down our project ideas and only plan to implement a subset of them
08:32.41ashmew2Since most people haven't used the concerned program, they don't have any idea (even a user perspective) about it , so they are bound to be unclear on what's big and what's small and what's needed the most.
08:33.10PulkoMandyyes, but they can ask the mentors for help
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08:33.25PulkoMandy(unless they wait for the last two days, then it becomes difficult to do)
08:33.54PulkoMandywe had students using the last two weeks very well for this, coming from "I know nothing about it, but it looks interesting" to quite good proposals
08:33.57ashmew2PulkoMandy, yea. But some of the students I know feel "What would they feel if I ask them stupid doubts?"
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08:34.32ashmew2so they end up not asking at all and trying their level best. But then it comes down to "Asking and maybe getting accepted" or "Not asking and not even being able to write a proposal".
08:34.35PulkoMandyyes, that's the one thing they need to avoid - we're fine with students asking questions, admitting they don't know how to do something, and getting help from the mentors
08:34.44PulkoMandyboth in the application period and during the program
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08:35.01PulkoMandycommunication is the key
08:35.03ashmew2Yes exactly. That's the role of the mentoring organization right. I wish they understood more of that.
08:35.52PulkoMandywell, if the students don't even try to make contact, it's hard for the mentoring org to do anything
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08:36.28PulkoMandynext year I think we'll try to have much more detailed ideas, to help student get started on something
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08:37.44ollyif it's too detailed, there's less scope to see that they've thought about it
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08:40.53sidthekidmentors' trash talk about students is really funny :D
08:41.38ollyi wouldn't say it's trash talking
08:41.39kblintrash talk?
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08:43.08kblinhow is "if you wait for the last two days and then decide you need extensive feedback for your application" trash talk?
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08:43.50ashmew2PulkoMandy, which org do you represent?
08:43.58kblin"students are all idiots and can't write a proposal worth the bits to store it" <-- that'd be trash talk ;)
08:44.06kblinand we'd never say that, of course
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08:45.50medflywhy would there be trash talk
08:46.08medflymy approach to finding a gsoc project is to go to the mentordudes and be like "you guys like any projects?" and then put it on
08:46.17PulkoMandyolly: being an operating system project, I think a lot of students frightened away when they met the "kernel" heading in our ideas page or something
08:46.43PulkoMandyI don't think the ideas that involve kernel-side code are more difficult, but it's probably something students are less familiar with
08:47.10PulkoMandyso, at least some pointers to the relevant code could make them think "Ok, I can understand this, it's fairly classical C++ after all"
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08:47.20medflyweird, of the few courses I had to take in university, there were a few about operating system and lower level stuff
08:47.35medflyeverything else, on the other hand, would be alien :)
08:47.44ashmew2PulkoMandy, you could probably have a Skill Level : Easy/Medium/Hard/Insane/You-dont-wanna-do-this :)
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08:47.54ashmew2for each listed idea.
08:48.37PulkoMandyashmew2: as I said, I don't think that's the problem - they are not really easier or harder than other ideas, and sticking "medium" on everything doesn't really help
08:48.45ashmew2PulkoMandy, true.
08:49.12PulkoMandywe have some ideas tagged "big", which we allow the students to split apart and work on only one part of the problem
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08:53.28sidthekidolly, kblin, just kidding :) maybe you should make a '10 funniest GSOC proposals' meme or something :)
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08:56.35PulkoMandyif only there were only 10 :/
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08:57.09ollyi think i'd rather focus on the good ones
08:57.17ollythough perhaps it would be a good lesson in what doesn't work
08:57.35ollyit's looking a lot better so far this year though
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09:02.45avaneeshone of my friends was talking about some 'best projects' thing, at the end of GSoC. Is there any such thing ?
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09:03.48ollywho could pick there? there are ~1200 projects and nearly 200 orgs
09:04.05medflyPulkoMandy: how does one go about getting community approval to alter a large project?
09:04.09medflysince mine is like that too
09:05.46PulkoMandywell, in our case you don't need to ask anything, we have stated this on the ideas page - we don't expect students to copypaste the idea into their proposal, but build their own proposal that may be more or less close to one of the ideas
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09:06.02PulkoMandy(or something completely different - which I succesfully did as a student in 2009)
09:06.58medflyI don't even know how one goes about adding features to something that is updated so frequently
09:07.12medflyobviously as soon as I get anything to work there'll be a new version
09:07.18medflyhopefully not too different :)
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09:12.41ollymedfly: when you're at stable point, you can merge the main development branch to yours
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09:13.01ollygenerally that's less painful if you do it fairly often than after 3 months
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09:13.53ollyalso, some projects can be split into a series of parts which can each be completed and merged to the main development branch in turn
09:14.04ollyso the changes you haven't merged stay smaller
09:14.09kblinavaneesh: they probably confused that with the GCI, where there's "grand prize winners"
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09:15.09ollyoh, there is a thing where the org can mark projects to be shown in the random rotation on the front page
09:15.17ollyor at least there was a few years ago
09:15.22kblinmedfly: or said the other way around, in 2005 I made the mistake of submitting all my GSoC changes in a gigantic patch
09:15.34kblinno fun whatsoever to take that apart again
09:15.43kblinon top of CVS, as well
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09:17.23PulkoMandyso, at Haiku we ask students to submit patches that the mentors review before applying, and now that we use git, it's not so much of a problem to keep your patches up to date
09:17.46PulkoMandymoreover, our project has a small enough developer team (about 20 active devs), so actually there are few chances some changes conflicts with yours
09:18.32PulkoMandyif the work has too much inpact, you will have to work in a branch, in that case just plan a 1 or 2 week period around the pencil down date to merge everything, if ready
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10:55.43apsdehalIs it upon the mentoring organization to select who can mentor?
10:56.43ollyapsdehal: who else could?
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10:58.09apsdehalI thought anybody can apply to mentor, so there must be specific conditions to mentor successfully.
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10:58.36ollyorgs will only accept people they know
10:58.42ollyexisting members of the community
10:59.29ollysomeone we've never heard of is unlikely to know the code or how the org works
10:59.56srichakradhar_what is the span of GSoC?
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11:00.48gsocbotsrichakradhar_: "timeline" is
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11:08.29polychronIs it possible to upload the proposal as a .pdf file?
11:09.58ollypolychron: no, but you can paste HTML source
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11:11.10LordAroI'm having issues sharing my proposal with anyone else, despite me setting it to be "Public"
11:11.15LordArois this a known bug or something?
11:11.26polychronolly: I already made a pdf file using LATEX, mainly because it has quite a lot of images. Using the text editor in the page is quite uncomfortable.
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11:11.58ollypolychron: yes, it's terrible
11:12.17ollyyou can at least switch it to source mode and paste HTML in
11:12.33ollyit may mangle it a little, but the orgs realise that's not your fault
11:13.25polychronolly: I am sorry, I didnt quite understand.
11:15.30ollythere's a button on the tinymce control to switch to show html source
11:15.36ollyyou can then just paste in HTML source
11:15.55ollythough it does alter it a bit
11:17.35polychronolly: ohhh..... I see. But how about the images. I mean how do I give the "src". They reside here in my system, should I need to upload them onto an online resource so that melange can find it.
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11:20.49kansipolychron, or else you can include a like to ur pdf in the content section where ur supposed to write ur proposal ...
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11:21.32ollypolychron: people just stick them on a site like imgur usually
11:21.56ollykansi: personally i hate that
11:22.08kansiwhy is that
11:22.15ollyi don't want to have to download a PDF each time you update your proposal
11:22.37*** join/#gsoc apoorvnarang (~apoorvnar@
11:23.14kansibut after the deadline u wont update the proposal ... so when ur done with ur pdf u can host it somewhere and just add the link
11:23.19*** join/#gsoc shweta (~quassel@
11:23.28ollywhy should i have to host their pdf?
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11:23.46kansiits ur pdf :)
11:24.02olly!ur | kansi
11:24.02gsocbotkansi: "ur" is Ur was an ancient city located near the modern village of Tell el-Muqayyar
11:24.24ollybut it isn't my pdf
11:24.32ollyi'm the one reviewing it
11:24.50kansiohhh ... :)
11:24.53*** join/#gsoc Dragooon (~shitiz@
11:25.02kansithem its not
11:25.11polychronI will try converting my LATEX into HTML.(fingers crossed) If it doesnt work I think I will go with pasting the url of my proposal on Google Drive.
11:25.39ollyit's also an issue that an external prposal isn't frozen at the deadline like one submitted properly is
11:25.57ollywhich is unfair on the students who put theirs in melange
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11:26.21ollyand means mentors can end up reviewing different versions to each other
11:27.45polychronolly has a point, you should bring it to Google's notice.
11:28.52ollywho should bring what to their notice?
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11:43.22panzone_uh, the gsboot is more incredible than i thought
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11:46.28downeyolly: it is if you require something with time stamps :)
11:47.25ollydowney: what is what?
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11:47.59downeyolly: I'm responding to your comments from 20 min ago
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11:49.07ollyi guessed so, but I'm unclear what you're trying to say
11:49.48ollywhat does requiring something with time stamps achieve?
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11:51.45downeyA proposal is frozen if you require something with time stamps.
11:51.59downeyGoogle Drive doc, wiki page, etc.
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11:55.08ollydowney: if they can't be forged and people bother to check
11:55.29ollyit's not actually frozen, it's just changes can be detected
11:55.43ollybut in the google drive case at least, you can't see what it used to be
11:55.56downeyAnd you can view the last version submitted before the deadline. :-)
11:56.11downeyolly: actually you can
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11:56.49ollythat's kind of scary
11:57.01*** join/#gsoc Dragooon (~shitiz@
11:57.43downeyWhy so?
11:57.52downeyNo different than a wiki page
12:00.24*** part/#gsoc armax00 (~armax00@pdpc/supporter/student/armax00)
12:01.01panzone_using melange like everybody ? with melange is very simple to avoid that a student cheats.
12:01.46panzone_even with timestamp. timestamp should be checked. melange doesn' t have this problem
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12:07.58ollyseems scary that google keep all old versions of a file you store with them
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12:11.25kblinwhat did you expect?
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12:21.54ollykblin: i guess it shouldn't surprise me
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12:40.47d3r1ckchick: how is it moving?
12:42.10d3r1ckchick: nice, i want to send you something, send me your email address on fb
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12:43.12chickn whats that?
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13:45.49ralphaHello, I have a question. Did any student from Belgium participate? Does anyone know about the regulations in Belgium with respect to student work in Belgium and participation with gcos?
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13:46.35darnirralpha: Legal and/or tax matters are usually a taboo to discuss here.
13:47.25sumanahralpha: so, in 2013, 9 participants came from Belgium.
13:48.10sumanahralpha: you might want to follow the directions in
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13:48.57panzone_20 people from italy ?
13:49.24ralphasumanah: ty for the links.
13:50.21panzone_i haven' t encounter any italian so far
13:50.38sumanahpanzone_: Have you sought them out?
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13:51.36darnirIn India you have a separate mailing list which all students and sometimes mentors subscribe to. Indian participants in GSoC.
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13:51.56sumanahdarnir: is it useful?
13:51.57panzone_not really, but sometimes i asked in org channels and here just for curiosity
13:52.08darnirsumanah: Sometimes Yes.
13:52.15sumanahdarnir: Do people get technical help, and maybe cheer each other up?
13:52.22darnirWe used it to organize a GSoC meetup during PyCon.
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13:52.55sumanahOh nice!
13:53.11*** join/#gsoc rishimittal_ (~rishimitt@
13:53.29darnirAnd also for specific things like how to use the card to withdraw money in the most efficient manner. Nice ATMs have a relatively low limit on per-transaction withdrawals.
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13:54.55darnirAlthough, I'm usually not sure which mailing list is being used. So I can't say if the India-specific list has been of much help. They all look the same to me.
13:54.59panzone_uh, this seems useful
13:55.46kblinha! converted one of my coworkers to vim by forgetting to install emacs on some machines :)
13:56.16darnirkblin: Nice job! :)
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13:56.35darnirThere's an active movement in the other direction against me.
13:56.51kblinwas on a post-it and that fell off my whiteboard
13:56.53darnirMy thesis advisor is trying to convert me to emacs.
13:57.02novochen2(I use both emacs and vim. So no convertion for me. :P)
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13:57.22mwilkes|workkblin: Of course, on the system I administrate, vi is symlinked to ed. Emacs has been replaced by a shell script which 1) Generates a syslog message at level LOG_EMERG; 2) reduces the user's disk quota by 100K; and 3) RUNS ED!!!!!!
13:58.09darnirruns and hides from mwilkes|work
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13:59.32PulkoMandymy school advertised use of nedit :(
14:00.02panzone_my school use gedit, what we win ?
14:00.16mwilkes|workpanzone_, A copy of ed
14:00.32panzone_I also wrote a single source file for my thesis using gedit
14:00.37mwilkes|workIt *is* the standard text editor, after all
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14:03.48kblinmwilkes|work: not on my system
14:03.51panzone_sorry mwilkes|work, vim user
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14:04.32panzone_( i hope darnir don' t read it since he is a mentor for the org i want to apply )
14:04.51darnirSo? I myself use ViM.
14:05.09panzone_uh, i remember you said to be a emacs user
14:05.16medflyhi #gsoc. how do I remove a proposal?
14:05.20darnirNah. that's jemarch. The org admin.
14:05.26sumanahmedfly: I think #melange can help you
14:05.31darnirmedfly: You can withdraw your proposal on melange
14:06.02kblinnot sure if that still counts towards the 5 proposals you get, though
14:06.36medflyno, I want to withdraw completely. something showed up which will take a lot of my time.
14:06.52medflyit would be cool if I didn't waste anyone's time any more :P
14:07.19sumanahmedfly: I hope it is a good opportunity that is going to take up your time
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14:07.48sumanahhi gchatzipapas
14:08.16gchatzipapas:) i want to ask something about the application form
14:08.27sumanahgo ahead and ask :-)
14:08.31sumanahwe may direct you to #melange
14:08.39sumanahif they can answer your question better than we can
14:08.39medflysumanah: :) it's something pretty cool, but I would have done it anyway.
14:08.52sumanahmedfly: can you tell us?
14:08.55sumanahor is it secret?
14:08.59medflyit's not secret, no
14:09.15gchatzipapasok where can i fill out my application for this years gsoc
14:09.18darnirGood for you medfly :) We hope you have an enjoyable summer. And Open Source will miss another developer.
14:09.30*** part/#gsoc a_k_a_s_h (~admin@
14:10.14sumanahgchatzipapas: do you see a "submit proposal" button there? or on ?
14:10.35gchatzipapasi have already fill out this but how can i contact companies or organisations for available projects??
14:10.36sumanahyou will need to log into Melange, create a profile, and submit your proof of student enrollment before you will see that button, gchatzipapas
14:10.39sumanah!proof | gchatzipapas
14:10.40gsocbotgchatzipapas: "proof" is
14:10.54medflygchatzipapas: a lot of those have websites with a list of projects
14:10.58sumanahgchatzipapas: You go to and you click on an org you are interested in
14:11.05sumanahgchatzipapas: and you'll see a page with instructions
14:11.10gchatzipapasok thank you very much
14:11.17gchatzipapasfor your help
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14:11.26medflyI haven't found where to withdraw the proposal, though.
14:11.27sumanahgchatzipapas: Did you already read ?
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14:12.52panzone_it is on the left side of your proposal
14:12.56medflyIn the end I'll go through with GSOC *and* the thing that is going to take up a lot of my time now! :-)
14:13.02*** part/#gsoc sumanah (~sumanah@mediawiki/sumanah)
14:13.37medflywoo hoo
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14:13.48medflynow to talk my friend into taking up the project instead ;)
14:13.52gchatzipapasthanks for your info ;)
14:13.52gchatzipapassee you
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14:26.13dberkholzlooks like this is gonna be a pretty small year for us.
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14:27.21kblindberkholz: oh, for you as well?
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14:31.20panzone_i' m the only one who have too much competition for the projects i want to apply xD ?
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14:31.35kblindberkholz: I've also compared the pre-last-minute-rush application numbers with the last few years and been a bit underwhelmed
14:31.46dberkholzyeah, i was just trying to dig those numbers up myself
14:32.25dberkholzeven if we double our proposal count in the next 28 hours, it's still gonna be a small year
14:32.28kblindberkholz: if you're on the proposals page for this year, you can get the previous years by just changing the year in the URL
14:32.39PulkoMandyseems to be a quiet year for us as well - however, we're getting decent last-minute applications today, which is unusual
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14:33.43kblinit'll be interesting to see if people all applied to a few big orgs this year, or if we're seeing less applications overall
14:33.57kblin"we" as in gsoc
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14:35.01dberkholzi think the requirement for student verification before they could apply has lowered apps a fair bit
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14:37.08kblinbut that would imply that in the last years we would have had more uneligible proposals
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14:37.40kblinand I can't remember ever seeing something like google saying "you can't have X because they're not a student"
14:37.50dberkholznot necessarily
14:38.16kblinunless you assume that the burden of having to prove student status deterred people already
14:38.20dberkholzit could imply that in past years, more students applied because it's easier to apply
14:38.37kblinyeah, possibly
14:38.49panzone_dberkholz: what is your org ?
14:38.51PulkoMandyI can see it limiting the last-day rush by stopping the students at that point
14:39.06darnirThis does limit last day rush
14:39.19kblinI have seen less spammy proposals, so I guess that's an additional benefit as well
14:39.28darnirAlso, the shifting timeline seems to have caused a few problems. I don't know how many it solved.
14:39.38kblinor rather, all spammy proposals came in as mentor connections
14:39.46dberkholzso last year we got 30% of our apps in the last 24 hours, and 26% in the 24 hours prior. in 2012, we had 39% in the last day, and 14% in the day prior
14:40.12dberkholzseems like the rule, at least for us, is that roughly 55% apply in the last 2 days
14:40.43PulkoMandyyes, the earlier timeline may have prevented some european students from participating
14:41.25dberkholzpanzone_: gentoo
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14:42.27panzone_PulkoMandy: why ? i' m european and it doesn' t seem a problem this timeline
14:42.46dberkholzin 2011, it was 31% on the last day, and 15% the day before
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14:42.55PulkoMandypanzone_: here in France the courses can run as late as mid-june
14:43.08PulkoMandythis means when french students are done with school, it's already past midterm
14:43.35PulkoMandymaybe other european countries are a bit different
14:44.07panzone_so in italy officially, but many courses end in the first/second week of may
14:44.50kblinI think in germany, the summer semester ends in late july
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14:45.43kblinok, lectures end mid-july
14:46.23PulkoMandyon the other end, the current schedule would be a good fit for using GSoC as an internship in France - if you convince the school to allow it
14:47.36SlurpeeIs it wrong to tell a student it is too late to start an application and finding mentors?
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14:48.31kblinwell, technically they still may apply
14:48.38neuro_sysPulkoMandy: are you the Amstrad CPC guy, or is it a nickname similarity?
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14:48.58PulkoMandyand I'm fairly sure this is an unique nickname
14:49.00neuro_syshaha cool
14:49.06neuro_sysyes I thought so
14:49.15pchaignoPulkoMandy: I'm in France and my courses finish in May :P
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14:49.40PulkoMandypchaigno: ok... maybe I was in the wrong schools?
14:50.06neuro_sysPulkoMandy: what is your mentoring organization?
14:50.35PulkoMandy(so no 8bit coding in GSoC... yet)
14:50.44kblinSlurpee: after all there's like 28 h to go
14:50.44pchaignoPulkoMandy: Where were you?
14:51.12neuro_sysI'd be more inclined to participate in, if there were any 8-bit stuff
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14:51.22PulkoMandypchaigno: IUT Bayonne Pays Basque, then ENSSAT
14:51.23neuro_syshaiku is as close as its gets though
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14:51.41BonnieHello, I have a question: Is the proposal only allowed to be submitted after the enrollment form is submitted?
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14:53.35pchaignoPulkoMandy: Oh! I know the ENSSAT, it's in my hometown :-)
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14:54.02PulkoMandythe world is small
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14:54.18osa1hi all. I just realized that I need to provide "enrollment form" before I can submit a proposal. unfortunately, because of some reasons I can't get that form from my school until monday(I was just about to submit my proposal now). but I get accepted to graduate school for Fall 2014 at a university and I have acceptence letter sent via email. does that letter work as a enrollment form?
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14:54.48PulkoMandyosa1: try it - if it doesn't work you'll be given extra time for another try
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14:55.01neuro_sysIs it required for the student participators to be unemployed?
14:55.04gsocbottachyons: "timeline" is
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14:55.15osa1great, thanks.
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14:55.19gsocbottachyons: "next" is Student applications close for GSoC 2014 on 21 March, 2014 at 19:00 UTC
14:55.47PulkoMandyneuro_sys: I think not, but it may be a string factor against you because you may not have as much time as other students to spend on GSoC
14:56.15PulkoMandyand however awesome it is, working at home and everything, it's not possible to keep the motivation to run two full-time jobs for 3 months
14:56.41neuro_sysright, but then, the mentoring participants aren't full time working on the project, though, is it? :P
14:56.57neuro_sysbut I see the point, yeah
14:57.19inhumanpwnageHello, my college doesn't have a Student ID Card policy, although I have a letter from my college which I can use as proof of enrollment, is this enough?
14:57.32darnir!proof | inhumanpwnage
14:57.33gsocbotinhumanpwnage: "proof" is
14:58.07inhumanpwnageyes darnir, however, I feel it isn't enough
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14:58.51PulkoMandyneuro_sys: the mentors don't get pay a full-time salary for this
14:58.55umcculloughinhumanpwnage, if it is not enough, someone will contact you
14:59.31VaticanCameosI gave my 6th sem transcript (which shows that even semesters have exams commencing in May) and ID card (shows that 8th or last sem is in 2014). Very unconventional, and I'm kind of expecting a "We need more info" mail soon. Been 4 days though.
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15:00.26umcculloughVaticanCameos, possibly you might not get anything until your proposal has been selected by the org - no reason to followup until that happens anyway :)
15:00.59VaticanCameosumccullough: Ah..well I should be ready for the possibility.
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15:01.25umcculloughi'm sure you'll be given the time to get the proper info if you need to
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15:02.47VaticanCameosumccullough: Fingers crossed, I need to be selected first! :p
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15:13.16spoffyHey guys! Quick question, once we submit a proposal, can we modify it again before the deadline?
15:13.23gsocbotdarnir: "next" is Student applications close for GSoC 2014 on 21 March, 2014 at 19:00 UTC
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15:24.14spoffyThanks darnir and sumanah
15:24.29sumanahGlad to help spoffy
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15:27.06gokussjxI remember submitting my College ID as enrollment form a few days ago
15:27.13gokussjxIt was up & visible fine on portal
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15:27.28gokussjxToday, I see it empty, with an option to upload enrollment form
15:27.40sumanahgokussjx: check your email including your spam box
15:27.58gokussjxChecked it sumanah. There's nothing from Google in it
15:28.02sumanahmaybe the Google Open Source Programs Office has sent you a request for a better enrollment proof
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15:28.30sumanahgokussjx: just to be absolutely sure: you only have 1 login on Melange, correct?
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15:29.16gokussjxYes, absolutely
15:29.46Niharikagokussjx: It´s a bug on Melange. Did you edit your profile after uploading the proof?
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15:30.15gokussjxI think I might have, yes... Probably changed my profile image URL
15:30.29gokussjxShould I reupload form, Niharika?
15:30.31sumanahoh wow, that causes the proof of enrollment to seemingly disappear?!
15:30.51Niharikagokussjx: Yes, re-upload.
15:31.03Niharikasumanah: Apparently. :(
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15:32.32sumanahNiharika: btw I don't see a proposal yet from you in :)
15:32.50Niharikasumanah: It´s in the works. Lemme show you.
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15:36.23Identwill it be possible to edit the proposals after the submission tomorrow?
15:36.34Identi think this was possible in gsoc2012 but not in gsoc2013
15:36.41Identor vice-versa, i cant remember
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15:40.43sumanahI believe it's possible to leave comments in the per-proposal comment thread in Melange, but not to edit after the deadline, Ident
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15:48.00sumanahI don't have the energy to push on this in any coherent and systematic way, but I would love for more GSoC students this summer to do pair programming with their mentors
15:48.25sumanahand with each other
15:48.32sumanahas a means of knowledge transfer
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15:49.13gokussjxThanks a bunch Niharika!
15:49.21gokussjxI can submit props now :-)
15:49.35gokussjxWeird bug, btw. Was quite unexpected
15:50.16panzone_ok, last pass of error checking i i should finish with my proposals
15:50.54sumanahI'm glad you are putting some time into your proposal panzone_
15:50.58sumanahand wish you luck
15:51.17sumanahafter your mentor or someone else from your open source community takes a look, I'd be happy to give you some second-pass feedback
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15:51.48panzone_sumanah: i just hope this work will be rewarded
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15:52.04sumanahpanzone_: well, you've already learnt a lot by doing the application process, haven't you?
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15:52.28panzone_oh, that isn' t a problem, i wrote them using the orgs mailing lists and irc channels
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15:53.18panzone_sumanah: just trying to write a personal and complex text in english is a great result for me
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15:54.09panzone_it is like the first time i have to write something important in english
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15:55.19sinhayash_Is it advised to add code snippets in application or just link to some demos (for POC) ?
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15:55.46sumanahI think it depends on your org sinhayash_ - have you asked your mentor?
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15:56.45sinhayash_I have add links now. Yes, he reviewed the proposal, but did not comment on that.
15:57.12sumanahsinhayash_: you can follow up and ask him :)
15:57.39panzone_sinhayash: your org opinion have precedence over mine, but i think adding code to a proposal is the best way to make it hard to read
15:57.46sumanahPersonally, I would include code snippets if they are approximately 20 lines or under, and link elsewhere if the code snippet is over 20 lines
15:58.06sumanahYou could sort of make it a footnote/appendix/endnote, sinhayash_
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15:58.09sinhayash_Thanks sumanah, panzone
15:58.22sumanahso it's still in the proposal but it doesn't interrupt the flow of the reader's concentration on your basic ideas
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15:59.17sumanahsinhayash_: if you have a demo site up, you should link to it no matter what, in my opinion - the only question is whether to ALSO include code snippets in the proposal
15:59.57Bhash90Hi,got a problem here
16:00.15Bhash90I submitted my Student enrolment sheet as proof of enrolment.
16:00.31Bhash90But it does not specifically mention about 21st-April
16:00.47sinhayash_Yes, I have added links to demo sites demonstrating an implementation of my ideas. Thanks sumanah
16:03.14*** join/#gsoc croozeus (~croozeus@
16:03.25panzone_bhash90: don' t worry
16:03.36Bhash90my question is in a case of proof of enrolment refused after proposal period, what would happen? will I get a chance to submit it again?
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16:03.43panzone_if it isn' t sufficent, they tell you
16:04.01panzone_and yes, you have the chance and time to submit it again
16:04.17panzone_even after tomorrow
16:04.18Bhash90panzone_: thanks :)
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16:12.46panzone_ok, one is ready. if anyone want to read it and give me some feedback i would really appreciate it (
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16:18.07sumanahpanzone_: happy to, since you said your open source community has already seen it and given feedback
16:18.43sumanahpanzone_: "I should take my bachelor of science on the first/second week of July, so I' ll take one or two day free in this period" is this an exam of some kind?
16:18.55panzone_i wrote it using the mailing lists. this version is the results of many revision
16:19.14sumanahUsually when we say "bachelor of science" we're referring to the entire degree; perhaps you could clarify that this is just the final exams or final paper submission
16:19.30panzone_no, i mean my degree xD
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16:19.53panzone_my bsc
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16:23.29sumanahok, then what do you mean by "take"?
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16:24.32sumanahpanzone_: what IRC channel is the one devoted to your mentoring org?
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16:25.12panzone_i used the #glibc channel for the comunication
16:25.34sumanahmind if we talk in there for a few more suggestions?
16:25.52panzone_i don' t think is a problem
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16:27.42devajayi want to contact with melange mentors but in the melange page mentors irc channel nick name or mail id is missing  . so, how i contact with them .
16:27.55sachin_hhi. I was a GSoC student. I was wondering if I must mention GSoC as a *work experience* in legal documents and such. Would my employer then be Google?
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16:28.08carolssachin_h: no, google is not your employer.
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16:28.32sumanahdevajay: you could mail the mailing list of the mentoring project and ask for the mentors to reply.
16:29.07sachin_hcarols, well then I guess my mentoring organization couldn't be called an employer either. Right?
16:29.15carolssachin_h: correct.
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16:29.46sachin_hcarols, so would it make sense to list GSoC as a work experience in a legal document?
16:30.03carolssachin_h: no, you should list it as an "Activity" if you list it at all
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16:30.46sachin_hcarol, okay, thanks.
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16:32.05devajaysumanah: there have no mail id of mentor in project details
16:32.18sumanahdevajay: I'm not sure you heard what I said. :)
16:32.55sumanahdevajay: I'm suggesting that you send an email to the organization's *public mailing list* and say, within that email, that you're interested in working with these specific mentors.
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16:34.43devajaysumanah : can you please give me melange public mail id .
16:35.07sumanahdevajay: The thing you want is probably on the page you're looking at.
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16:35.49sumanahIf you actually want to work on the Melange software itself as your GSoC project, devajay, you can ask for more information in #melange .  Is that what you're aiming to do?
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16:36.12devajaysumanah: thank you
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16:38.53aalekhNhi sumanah, after our last talk and various community disscussion i have made several changes in the proposal, please give me your feedback about the proposal:
16:39.28sumanahaalekhN: No, I don't have time.
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16:40.06aalekhNok, no problem but whenever you do please have a look at it.
16:40.09epifanioHI All
16:41.02sumanahaalekhN: No, I probably won't have time before the deadline.
16:41.05sumanahhi epifanio
16:41.15devajaysumanah: once again thank you
16:41.25aalekhNok :)
16:41.34epifanioI'm looking for info about the "Proof of Enrollment"
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16:41.48sumanah!proof | epifanio
16:41.48gsocbotepifanio: "proof" is
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16:42.05epifanioi went on :  .. too fast :)  .. i was pasting the same link
16:42.23sumanahoh that's ok epifanio :)
16:44.57epifanioi finally received the letter of ecceptance for a offer of admission is to the Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanography
16:45.24epifanioand i was wondering if this is ebough, because i'm now going to fill the taxt form that is needed to receive the VISA
16:46.01kblinclear case of
16:46.04kblinstraps in
16:46.06epifaniois there someone that can have a look at the pdf i received and tell me if it is ok, or i should ask more docs to my univ ?
16:46.30nikhatzilol kblin
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16:47.02epifanioi've written the proposal already, now seeking the right docs i need to attach as  proof of enrollment
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16:48.00sumanahepifanio: I figure you should just go ahead and upload that. If Google needs more they'll email to ask.
16:48.01epifanioi'm officially accepted and i received an ID at UNH (univ of New Hampishare) what i'm looking for is the right doc to attach
16:48.20sumanahcongratulations epifanio on getting your PhD admission!
16:48.34epifaniosumanah:  i'm so happy too :)
16:48.56epifanioand class will start 2 sept .. gsoc ends the 19 aug .. so i'm safe ;)
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16:50.01sinhayashCongos epifanio
16:50.05sumanahGives you a little time to move, if you have to move to NH
16:50.22sumanahit must feel wonderful to have that settled, and to have interesting work for the summer in between
16:51.00epifanioi'm already in US .. i'm (goin back to school) i'm switching from h1b (i had for 3 years) back to a F-type visa
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16:51.31sumanahoh interesting
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16:53.16sinhayashIs it ok if I move to US in between GSOC period? What documents do I need?
16:53.30carolssinhayash: the person to answer that would be a tax advsior
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16:54.00ankush92carols: I submitted my proposal but I can't view it in the proposals page
16:54.16carolsankush92: #melange
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16:54.50ankush92k thanks
16:55.04epifaniook, pdf sumbitted .. do you know how can i find the "exact name" of my organization on melange ?
16:55.17panzone_ankush92: i had a similar problem
16:55.20epifanioshould i go on #melange too ?
16:55.40stqismepifanio: Yes
16:55.52stqismfor Melange questions, ask in #melange
16:56.00*** part/#gsoc unitraxx (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/unitraxx)
16:56.14sinhayashcarols: Ok the tax advisor would have a detailled answer, but have students done it in the past?
16:56.15panzone_my problem was the abstract that exceed 500 characters. it still say "data saved succesfully" but in reality no
16:56.30stqismpanzone_: That's a #melange issue :)
16:56.37carolssinhayash: i don't know, i don't really speak to the students directly about such things...
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16:56.55sinhayashOk thanks carols
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17:09.27SlurpeeIt's The Final Countdown -
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17:10.27carolsSlurpee: i'd discourage posting videos in here, please
17:10.38carolsi know it's just for fun, but if everyone started doing it...
17:10.58carolsno problem
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17:18.46carolsankush92: how long has it been?
17:19.12ankush92carols: 20 minutes
17:19.31carolsyeah, they're not required to answer for 48 hours, so i'd suggest you be patient :-)
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17:25.56stqismcarols: Patience is a skill a lot of folks seem to be lacking :)
17:26.19carolsstqism: yeah, it seems to be a problem our world has...
17:26.51meflinI'm tired of waiting for the patch for this issue :D
17:27.29stqismmeflin: Sometimes it's faster to do something yourself :P
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17:39.51carolsserves some more coffee and tea
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17:42.08panzone_uh, i could really use a coffee
17:42.49ankush92Sorry; it was my mistake. I had more than 500 characters in the Abstract because of which my proposal was not being accepted.
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17:42.53stqismCurious, anyone else getting proposals via email that look like resumes?
17:43.31stqismThis guy just sent me a pdf, 2 pages were about him and his experience, 1 line mentioned his proposed project.
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17:43.51arrdemsomeone didn't read the "how to proposal" in the FAQ....
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17:44.07stqismSeriously, and he wasn't the first
17:45.04gsocerHi.. Had a doubt regarding who would review the proposals sent?
17:45.12gsocerIs it google or the mentoring orgs?
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17:45.16carolsgsocer: the mentoring org
17:45.18carolsnever google
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17:46.05gsocercarols, what about in big organizations? Would there be one representative for whole gsoc programme or something?
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17:46.25carolsgsocer: you'd have to ask them how they manage their reviews, i'm not the person to speak to about that
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17:46.57gsocerah! okay. so it differs from org to org..
17:47.13stqismgsocer: Every org does everything in its own special way
17:48.01gsocerk.. thanks. :)
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17:48.35downeywarms up some tea
17:48.50carolshey downey :-)
17:48.52jjestrelSeems like a lot of organizations want mailing list contributions + patches
17:48.55downeyHi, carols!
17:49.05stqismjjestrel: 100% based on the org
17:49.16JordiGHI've got a GSoC applicant who is evidently very underqualified but I feel I can't just tell them to go away because I feel like I have to be fair. Would it be ok if I just ignore them or tell them to talk to someone else?
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17:49.38carolsJordiGH: what does your org admin say?
17:49.48stqismJordiGH: Answer his questions, even if you know he won't be chosen. It's the least that you could do, in my opinion :)
17:49.52carolsis he/she telling you you have to keep speaking to him?
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17:49.56jjestrelstqism: Most of the ones I want seem to unfortunately
17:50.08downeyjjestrel: Unfortunately?
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17:50.20JordiGHI don't suppose anyone is telling me that I have to speak with him. I just feel like I should because otherwise Google will think we're being awful to applicants.
17:50.28stqismjjestrel: You've got tons of time till people are chosen fully
17:50.44jjestrelCan we do proposal then make patches/mailing list while the orgs are deciding?
17:50.50stqismjjestrel: Yes
17:50.57jjestrelthat makes things much easier then :)
17:51.10stqismYou're also free to make patches and contributions outside of GSoC, too :)
17:51.23gsocbotstqism: "faq" is
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17:52.49downeyjjestrel: That decision is up to each organization. You should ask them to clarify whether or not they'll consider your proposal without a previous patch/contribution.
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17:53.16panzone_ok, i have finished my proposals. now it is the time for some luck xD
17:53.29stqismpanzone_: Luck? Nothing is luck :)
17:53.35scorche|shpanzone_: if they are good ones, you shouldnt have to rely on luck  ;)
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17:54.13sidthekidtry out to find out your fate ;) and to pass the time :)
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17:54.36scorche|shpanzone_: also, make sure to communicate with the org a lot - we like people who do more than just submit a proposal  =)
17:54.47panzone_stqism, scorche|sh: i don' t rely on luck. i put everything i have, but i also know that there isn' t place for everybody
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17:56.33panzone_scorche|sh that shouldn' t be a problem, since i wrote my proposal using the orgs mailng list
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17:57.19panzone_i think they can' t tolerate me anymore
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17:58.51panzone_xD with 20 tentatives i have obtained 16 no and 4 yes. good thing that gsoc isn' t about luck otherwise i have a problem
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18:00.51sidthekidpanzone: its all about Math.random()...or not :D
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18:00.59jjestrelWill the comment section still be open when proposals stop being taken?
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18:17.21eterncorrect me if I'm wrong but 2:00 PM Est time is when the deadline for proposal submission is right?
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18:18.07eternthanks carols
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18:19.03yellepeHey apart from the proof of enrolment do we have to submit anything els e?
18:19.11carolsyellepe: your proposal...
18:19.26yellepejust the 2, right ?
18:19.36carolsyellepe: does the org want anything else from you?
18:19.39eternRushing to finish a proposal. Can't believe the deadline is here already, I was busy with college work and didn't get to finish my first proposal. I planned on submitting at least 3 but now I'll submit just one.
18:20.02yellepeit doesnt mention anything els e
18:20.06carolsyellepe: then that's it
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18:20.12yellepeok thanks!
18:21.46panzone_etern: i can understand. i started with a great advance i' ve finished just now.
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18:22.11eternpanzone_: nice. good luck!
18:22.21panzone_etern: you too
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18:23.30LovelyGuyAnShcarol: If I make my proposal to public.. can others view it before 21 or not..?
18:23.45carolsLovelyGuyAnSh: yes, they can, if you give them the URL
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18:24.10LovelyGuyAnShcarols: ok thanks..
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18:26.47carolssips some tea
18:27.17panzone_this should be a good answer
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18:28.06LovelyGuyAnShpanzone_: thanks.. I also made public but i tried google search but it won't show it in result..
18:28.35stqismLovelyGuyAnSh: That's normal, Google doesn't go around indexing random proposals, and not that fast
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18:29.26LovelyGuyAnShstqism: yup understood.. thanks for reply..
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18:30.17eternyeah, only 2 proposals are indexed so far in Google. one of them is really short, with a paragraph. it'd be interesting to see if it gets accepted.
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18:32.15eternnevermind, the one paragraph guy made a detailed PDF which he linked to in that one paragraph proposal.
18:32.50dfighterwhat if he changes it after the deadline?
18:32.50stqismWhat's with all the pdfs?
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18:33.23LovelyGuyAnShdfighter: good question..
18:33.42LovelyGuyAnShsome operator must answer this issue..
18:34.47darnirIt depends. Some orgs want you to keep your proposal as a separate file outside of melange so that it can be changed and reworked if need be.
18:35.10dfighterbut then there's no point for a deadline
18:35.12stqismLovelyGuyAnSh: dfighter To answer your question, despite not being an Op, if he changes the pdf, people will see whatever copy of the pdf they have at the time, or however they look at it
18:35.24stqismdfighter: That is not true
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18:35.36stqismdfighter: You're not even on the list of people to look at without a proposal
18:35.46stqismA proposal before the deadline
18:35.59dfighterstqism, yes but you can't edit your melange proposal after the deadline
18:36.05darnirI'd assume that organizations asking for such PDF's don't really care if the student changes it, as long as it improves things.
18:36.07dfighterif there's a way around it, then there's no point for that
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18:36.38stqismdfighter: That isn't a way around it, in our case I'll do something special, download every little pdf the moment the deadline comes
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18:37.02dfighterstqism, that's you
18:37.03darnirThe point of a deadline is to ensure that students apply by then. Orgs are allowed to ask for more information. As a mentor, I'd ask the student to update his/her proposal outside of melange to reflect the changes and answers to our questions.
18:37.11dfighteryou can't assume everyone else will do the same
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18:37.23stqismdfighter: This depends on what the org does, man
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18:37.49yatharth01Who's applying to mozilla here?
18:37.50stqismdfighter: If you submit a proposal with just a blank pdf planning to edit it later, we'll know
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18:38.32darnirAlthough rather than PDF's, I think a better idea is to use GitHub gists.
18:38.47stqismGithub gists are nice
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18:38.58darnirEach edit is tracked. Hence, you know when the edit was made, and more importantly, you get diffs
18:39.11stqismgists are just small git repos
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18:39.44eternstqism: rats, i was gonna use the blank pdf method.
18:39.51darnirI don't care if the student polishes the proposal or makes grammatical changes to it after the deadline. And with diffs its really easy to see that
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18:40.00dfighterstqism, I don't think you get the point I'm trying to make, maybe I'm expressing myself poorly. If there are people submitting PDFs and have the opportunity to change it later, they will have an unfair advatage, compared to submits proposals using the Melange text editor
18:40.03stqismdarnir: +1
18:40.19dfighterso in essence there's no point in having a deadline and freezing the Melange proposals
18:40.25PulkoMandydfighter: it's not that unfair
18:40.28stqismdfighter: Here's the fun part, an org might even disregard PDFs
18:40.55stqismdfighter: Everyone can submit something extra, it isn't like only Asian students get to submit a pdf
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18:41.05dfighterPulkoMandy, it's QUITE unfair, because some people would have more time to work on their proposals
18:41.05darnirdfighter: But if an org *asks* for PDF's, every student applying has done so. And hence, they're all equal
18:41.35VarunAgwI guess there can be dispute about deliverable during evaluation period too because there is no proof what is deliverable
18:41.35PulkoMandydfighter: you're not directly cmpeting against all students
18:41.41eterndo organizations look at every proposal or stop looking once they find the first few proposals they like?
18:41.50PulkoMandyeach org picks the best students in their own applications
18:42.02stqismetern: We look at all of them, and discuss who we like in our secret channel
18:42.04PulkoMandyso on that part you're equal to other students from the same org
18:42.19eternstqism: alright, thanks.
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18:42.26dfighterPulkoMandy, I'm well aware thanks. I was accepted in 2012 and 2013. It's still unfair if some have more time than others
18:42.28stqismetern: It's up to the various org thogh
18:42.30darnirAlso, I see it as a sort of weeding process. Some people simply write proposals without actually going through the org's guidelines. If the guideline says, PDF mandatory. It allows you to weed out those students who didn't even bother to read that.
18:42.37scorche|shdfighter: and some orgs may deny looking at PDFs for that reason
18:42.42PulkoMandydfighter: it doesn't grant any more slots to the org
18:42.46scorche|shand some orgs may encourage that for that reason
18:42.47dfighterscorche, which is great
18:42.52scorche|sheither way, it is all up to the org
18:43.00PulkoMandyand, as a mentor I'm watching the applications as they come
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18:43.21scorche|shit isnt unfair if you can do the very same thing - the important part is to do things the way the org is expecting
18:43.25stqismPulkoMandy: I've made a vow to refuse to look at melange proposals till the deadline is hit
18:43.30PulkoMandyand I can say you that students that were working in the last two weeks and discussing the proposal with us have a lot more change of getting in than the proposals we wil lget tomorrow anyway
18:43.31*** part/#gsoc gaganjyot (~gagan@
18:43.35stqismPulkoMandy: I'll review one via email though
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18:43.57darnirPulkoMandy: +1
18:44.03scorche|shi can tell you that we have had students go the PDF route and it is very clear when they make changes
18:44.20darnirscorche|sh: How so?
18:44.21scorche|shi can also tell you that we have had times when we wished we could let them change the proposal
18:44.32scorche|shit really isnt a big deal
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18:45.09scorche|shdarnir: it is pretty obvious when they add whole sections  =)
18:45.15scorche|shthe small changes that we might miss likely wouldnt have much impact either
18:45.34CFS-MP3I have the complete opposite strategy to stqism ... I check proposals (and comment on them) as they arrive
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18:46.05scorche|shand that is the glory of GSoC - the org does things in the manner that best fits their workflow  =)
18:46.12stqismCFS-MP3: You know, I like people who take the effort to contact me directly :)
18:46.33darnirI work in a hybrid fashion.
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18:46.51darnirInstantly review only those proposals that come from students who have contacted us in the past
18:46.54stqismSome of my mentors review them, even do counts and stuff :)
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18:47.36darnirThe others, they will be seen after the deadline. If a student has been in contact with us, they ask us for reviewing the proposal on melange and we suggest changes.
18:47.48makoscafeehas any person ever accepted during his first year for GSOC?
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18:48.11VarunAgwDon't ask me who
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18:48.34stqismmakoscafee: If no one got accepted on his/her first year, we'd have no one for the 2nd years
18:48.39darnirmakoscafee: I'd assume hundreds
18:48.56PulkoMandystqism: not true. I failed in 2008 and I was a student in 2009
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18:49.01darnirAlso me, last year :P
18:49.05PulkoMandy(and a mentor since then)
18:49.25stqismPulkoMandy: I assume that if everyone failed the first year, we'd have zero students that year
18:49.27*** part/#gsoc raianknight (~chatzilla@
18:49.34PulkoMandybut yes, we don't get much returning students
18:50.23darnirPulkoMandy: What do you think could be the reason?
18:51.05makoscafeesorry i mean has any one ever aceepted when he was in first year in university?
18:51.06PulkoMandydarnir: my best gues would be they try another org, or give up
18:51.52stqismmakoscafee: I'm sure tons
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18:55.23VarunAgwI was wondering if there will be any GSoC related work for student after tomorrow for one month?
18:55.32carolsVarunAgw: what does the org say?
18:55.50VarunAgwcarols, I haven't asked :)
18:56.01carolsVarunAgw: then that's your next step :-)
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18:56.44osa1is there a way to see my submitted proposals? I think I just submitted one but I can't see it again(just to make sure I'm really submitted and no errors happened)
18:56.56stqismosa1: #melange
18:57.00stqismThey know, always
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18:57.32makoscafeewhat is a enrollment form must b? can it be admission letter?
18:57.42gsocbotVarunAgw: "proof" is
18:57.43osa1VarunAgw: thanks. apparently my submission worked
18:58.36electro_Is it okay to ask people to review your proposal on IRC?
18:58.40VarunAgwosa1, It is assessible from Side Bar -> My Dashboard -> Proposals
18:58.48carolselectro_: in the org's channel?
18:59.01electro_On any channel.
18:59.04*** part/#gsoc osa1 (uid13910@gateway/web/
18:59.20carolselectro_: you're welcome to ask the org to review it in IRC if that's one of their preferred communication methods.
18:59.24stqismelectro_: Any? No, the orgs? up to them.
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19:00.42electro_Okay, do the orgs know when a new proposal is submitted?
19:00.58carolselectro_: yes, if they have notifications turned on
19:01.01stqismelectro_: They get an email
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19:01.54electro_Okay. I was asking because I submitted my proposal about 4 hours ago and didnt receive any comments.
19:02.07carolselectro_: they're not *required* to respond
19:02.11carolsthey just do if they choose to
19:02.33carolsalso, please keep in mind, even if their policy is to respond to proposals, they are getting lots right now
19:02.43carolsand they might need more than 4 hours before responding
19:02.53VarunAgwelectro_, I submitted 4 days ago and not received any comment yet. So, just wait
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19:03.32CFS-MP3VarunAgw what org?
19:03.55stqismcarols: Tell me about it, I've got rows of emails from no-reply@etc, actually having trouble finding non proposal emails
19:04.33VarunAgwCFS-MP3, Why? Actually, I don't want to name any organisation publicly
19:04.59eterndon't expect a response at all, if you want feedback you can try asking them in IRC or some other method. but don't hunt down their e-mails because that would annoy them.
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19:05.11CFS-MP3VarunAgw just to check if it was mine and I missed your proposal...
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19:05.38CFS-MP3Anyway hopefully you won't be so shy during the coding stage and will be more open to share stuff :-)
19:05.57VarunAgwSo, which organisation you represent? It is PHP related.
19:06.12tierraVarunAgw: I've reviewed yours, sometimes feedback doesn't come immediately if it's generally looking pretty good already ;)
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19:06.26CFS-MP3Sorry, not going to play that way. If you don't feel like sharing who you applied for then don't
19:06.49CFS-MP3really ridiculous I think, but well
19:07.06CFS-MP3I'm going for tea
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19:07.27LovelyGuyAnShVarunAgw: you can have private dialog window with CFS-MP3 if you are using any chat client
19:07.44stqismThis is from yesterday and today
19:07.49sinhayash_makoscafee: 2 of my friends got selected in 1st year
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19:08.09stqismAfter that, there are like 50 more spread out
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19:08.14VarunAgwtierra, Thanks
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19:13.37gsocbotVarunAgw: "logs" is
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19:14.52VarunAgwWhy can't we see latest logs. They are two day old. :(
19:15.25carolsVarunAgw: maybe take that up with the person who manages the logs?
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19:17.36VarunAgwbut bot manages the log. Anyway, I catch bot owner later :)
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19:24.47panzone_uh, just for curiosity, anyone from italy ?
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19:29.11pr0ggiedoes the enrollment confirmation need to be submitted by today as well?
19:29.17pr0ggie*by tomorrow
19:29.28*** part/#gsoc LovelyGuyAnSh (~anuj@
19:29.29carolspr0ggie: it needs to be submitted whenever you want to submit a proposal
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19:33.01pr0ggiecarols, so it's impossible to submit the proposal without sutmitting that?
19:33.01pr0ggieis a photo going to be ok
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19:35.05stqismpr0ggie: Yes, and no. You need to submit a proposal to submit a proposal.
19:35.13carolspr0ggie: correct
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19:35.53stqismpr0ggie: also, your proposal has to be done through melange, you can't just send an email of a photo :)
19:35.55agliodbswhere do we report Melange bugs?
19:36.06carolsagliodbs: on the issue tracker
19:36.08eternagliodbs: #melange
19:36.29agliodbsok, will try IRC first
19:36.44stqismIRC will direct you to the issue tracker
19:36.51agliodbsthen issue tracker ...
19:36.56agliodbsstqism: yeah?  ok
19:37.07pr0ggiestqism, i meant if uploading a photo of my enrollment confirmation on melange is fine
19:37.20carolspr0ggie: you read over the instructions, yes?
19:37.26pr0ggiebecause I dont have a scanner
19:37.42stqismpr0ggie: You'll know if it was accepted or not.
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19:39.27pr0ggieoh i see I need to submit the enrollment form first, sorry
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19:39.47pr0ggiedoes it take longer to process?
19:40.03pr0ggiegreat, thank you
19:40.30stqismThough this is something you should of taken care of sooner
19:40.56carolsstqism: it falls on deaf ears.
19:41.00carolsi've been trying for 4 years.
19:41.03carolsI've given up
19:41.47stqismcarols: Perhaps patience doesn't mean hours before the deadline.
19:41.55carolsstqism: maybe.
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19:45.34agliodbscarols: *hours* before?  For a student, that's pretty good.  ;-)
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19:46.35Ivanoviccarols: hmmm, would it help to say in the middle of the application time that the deadline was move *up* one day so things have to be in the day before?
19:46.54Ivanovichaving something like this happen once a week it might make some of the students submit the stuff earlier...
19:46.57carolsIvanovic: no, it would help for people to not assume there's going to be a deadline extension
19:47.19stqismcarols: I'm curious as to how you read all those GSoC emails, I feel like a fish in the entire ocean reading all the mailing lists, proposals, and student emails.
19:47.20agliodbscarols: I feel that the lack of a deadline extension is an important lesson for the students.
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19:47.33eterni wouldn't mind a deadline extension. go ahead if you want. :)
19:47.37arrdemas a student deadline extensions are a terrible thing to plan on
19:47.38carolsstqism: you get used to it. it's my job, after all.
19:47.42Ivanoviccarols: i have been doing the org admin job for 6 years now and students will just not learn what a real deadline is
19:47.44stqismagliodbs: Lesson one, the world is a cruel mistress
19:47.51Ivanovicat least not all of them
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19:47.58carolsIvanovic: it's really sad. it's particularly sad when the orgs do it
19:48.02*** join/#gsoc lmccart_ (~lmccart@NYUFWA-WLESSAUTHCLIENTS-03.NATPOOL.NYU.EDU)
19:48.33agliodbscarols: student emailed us today that he wants help coming up with a proposal, and just looked at the PG code for the first time today
19:48.54carolsagliodbs: well, sounds like you've got a volunteer developer prepped for next year on your hands
19:48.58agliodbsme: "Here's what you should do *next year*"
19:49.01pr0ggiecarols, great I can already submit the proposal
19:49.08carolspr0ggie: great
19:49.20agliodbscarols: yep
19:49.26stqismpr0ggie: Now start writing it, you've got hours when others have had weeks.
19:49.33Ivanovicagliodbs: spounds to me as if you got a student at hand who wants to proof that he is a fast learner
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19:50.01Ivanovicthe submission deadline does not mean that the proposal has to be 100% perfect (at least not for us)
19:50.17agliodbsI'm just so happy for the comments that go to the student.  That's saved me a lot of time
19:50.17Ivanovicsince we will ask for changes and improvements to see how the students react on the feedback
19:50.31Ivanovicthose starting early with us of course got the benefit that they get the feedback earlier
19:50.34agliodbspeople who are bitching about melange this year have NO IDEA ...
19:50.50Ivanovicit seems to be really working well this year
19:51.11carolsIvanovic: would you tell the developers that? i'm sure they would really like to hear it
19:51.16carolsthey've been working their tails off
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19:53.00Ivanoviccarols: done!
19:53.10carolsIvanovic: thanks very much.
19:53.15carolsall they really get is complaints
19:53.22carolsnot a lot of "job well done" messages
19:53.22Ivanovicthose folks really deserve some praise
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19:54.09eternto be fair melange is not all that perfect
19:54.25nikhatziDaniel saved my &&&& some days ago fixing the withdraw function within minutes after the bug report. Respect.
19:54.25Ivanovicetern: noone said it was perfect
19:54.28stqismetern: We're all human, humans make errors. It's simple.
19:54.32Ivanovicit is just working well this year
19:54.49eternstqism: oh i agree, good job to the developers for improving it. i'm sure it will only keep getting better.
19:55.24agliodbsetern: it's software.  by definition, it has bugs.
19:55.43nikhatzione thing i don't like on melange is it's small fixed width on the proposal form... it's damn too narrow to have a big picture of your proposal onthefly
19:55.44panzone_stqism; well, this year there aren' t less student ?
19:55.52stqismpanzone_: Pardon?
19:56.00agliodbsetern: but this year I can rate and comment on all of our proposals in a few minutes.  That's getting the important stuff right.
19:56.01Ivanovicagliodbs: uhm, i can't agree 100%
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19:56.17Ivanovicagliodbs: often getting the software close to bugfree is just freaking expensive
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19:56.35agliodbsIvanovic: I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with
19:56.48Ivanovic[20:55:24] <agliodbs> etern: it's software.  by definition, it has bugs.
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19:56.51eternagliodbs: that's  great.
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19:57.03agliodbsIvanovic: right.  All software has bugs.
19:57.11arrdemEdsger Djikstra is rolling in his grave...
19:57.27agliodbsand for that matter, all software can be simplified
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19:57.29Ivanovicagliodbs: hmm, not sure
19:57.37agliodbstherefore, the ultimate program is one line, with a bug
19:57.38gevaertswrites a buggy line of code
19:57.48Ivanovicif the aim of the software is just a hello world: might be bugfree
19:57.57arrdembut since the purpose of this one line is to exhibit a bug, is it not correct?
19:58.02riteshkarvalI need some help on dr memory's project system call tracing
19:58.13agliodbsarrdem: ooooh!  clever
19:58.14stqismagliodbs: Tell that to our lead engineer. He's rather sure of himself with his buffer overflow prevention.
19:58.34panzone_riteshkarval: what type of help ? i wanted to apply for that project
19:58.44agliodbsstqism: Bug: buffer overflow preventer causes server to crash.  ;-)
19:58.49panzone_but i prefer to concentrate my resources to other proposals
19:59.02Ivanovicagliodbs: if you said that any software of some complexity is likely to have bugs i would agree
19:59.19riteshkarvalpanzone: I also want to applt, but I can't understand how to write path for them
19:59.20Ivanovicbut there are cases where just "enough" money is spent to create software that is as close to bugfree as possible
19:59.27stqismTo be fair, the bugs could be a part of the library that prints text.
19:59.29Ivanovicthink of those fly by wire systems in modern aircrafts
19:59.54Ivanovicthere they go far enough to document every single line of code providing which purpose that single line has
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20:00.02panzone_riteshkarval: first question: have you asked on dr. memory irc or mailing lists ?
20:00.04agliodbsIvanovic: those still have bugs.
20:00.08*** part/#gsoc unitraxx (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/unitraxx)
20:00.09Ivanovicso development gets freaking slow and even more expensive
20:00.13agliodbsfewer bugs, less, but not none
20:00.28riteshkarvalpanzone: not till now
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20:01.16panzone_so ask to them. every project use different methods for patch submission or commit operations
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20:01.29gevaertsriteshkarval: have you tried asking for organisation or project specific help in organisation or project specific places?
20:01.55riteshkarvalgevaerts: not till now
20:02.00agliodbsIvanovic: one of the guys in SFPUG actually writes auditing code for aircraft software.  He'd tell you that it's not bug-free.  Their standard is "don't crash the plane", not "eliminate all bugs"
20:02.14riteshkarvalpanzone: thanks
20:02.33Ivanovicagliodbs: sure
20:02.36riteshkarvalis anyone working for RAXA?
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20:02.48Ivanovicgsocbot: anyone | riteshkarval
20:02.48gsocbotriteshkarval: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization directly. You can find an org's contact information via the org list at
20:02.59panzone_riteshkarval: i was expecting a technical questions
20:03.55*** join/#gsoc harshit93_ (~harshit@
20:04.28riteshkarvalgsocbot: I mean to say is anyone has proposed to RAXA? I need help in marsing technologies
20:04.41riteshkarvalsorry parsing technologies
20:04.49Ivanovicriteshkarval: why not ask in their chan?
20:05.06carolsriteshkarval: what they sent you applies. if you want to speak to people about raxa, you should talk to the raxa people.
20:05.07Ivanovicyou should always get in contact with the org
20:05.11Ivanovicthe mentors are not evil
20:05.20Ivanovicthey will most likely help you create a good proposal
20:05.25panzone_ivanovic: probably
20:05.26Ivanovicbut you need to communicate with them
20:05.29carolshi suraj
20:05.42Ivanovicso go there, ask questions and follow advice
20:05.45suraji need to apply for the melange ideas
20:05.55carolssuraj: you may want to try in #melange in that case
20:06.18surajok i will thankyou
20:06.18carolsdowney: any spam?
20:06.23carolssuraj: you're welcome
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20:07.43agliodbsIvanovic: and if the mentors *are* evil, it's better to find out *now*
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20:08.00Ivanovicagliodbs: still some students might even enjoy that
20:08.14arrdemI for one refuse to work with someone less evil than myself..
20:08.39gevaertsarrdem: that sounds very reasonable, so you can't be very evil :)
20:08.51Ivanovicarrdem: but, uhm, does a being like this exist?
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20:09.20arrdemIvanovic: until you see the robots marching, no one doesn't
20:09.29Ivanovicarrdem: considering that some fluffy guinea pig is probably more evil than you are...
20:09.34agliodbsgevaerts: well, he's applying to the OSELE
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20:15.23laura___hi all
20:15.29carolslaura___: hi
20:15.43laura___hi carols
20:15.56carolslaura___: how's your day going?
20:15.59laura___just one question :)
20:16.32laura___i'm a phd student at an Italian University
20:16.43carolscongrats on the phd :-)
20:16.56stqismdj_jazzy_jeff: You followed me ;_;
20:17.44laura___can I use as proof of enrollment a formal declaration from the coordinator of the PHD course?
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20:18.25carolslaura___: will it have the school's seal or letterhead?
20:19.24laura___maybe letterhead
20:19.31carolsthen it's probably fine
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20:19.33carolsjust submit it
20:19.44carolsif it's not what we need we'll contact you to submit something else
20:19.55dj_jazzy_jeffstqism, im watching everywhere all the time!
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20:20.15stqismdj_jazzy_jeff:  .......
20:20.17laura___ok, thank you :)
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20:28.51downeycarols: so far so good.
20:28.58carolsdowney: awesome
20:29.13agliodbswierdly, we're getting fewer *bad* proposals this year
20:29.31KolibriOS|yogevI am amazed that there is actually carlos as well as carols in [GSoC Mentors] mailing list :-)
20:29.50agliodbscan the senior org admin edit a proposal?
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20:47.43dj_jazzy_jeffetern test test
20:48.18eterndj_jazzy_jeff: test test test back :P
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21:00.22Ivanovicagliodbs: i don't think that the org people can edit the proposals
21:00.38Ivanovicbut, once the edits are closed, they can usually allow their students to change the proposal agian
21:00.39Jeremy_Randso I registered on a while back with the intent of being an administrator, but my organization wasn't approved... now I want to be a student, but the website is only showing me administrator-related functions... have I missed something?
21:00.48Ivanovicplus comments should always be possible
21:01.06stqism^unmentor | Jeremy_Rand
21:01.08pchaigno!unmentor | Jeremy_Rand
21:01.08gsocbotJeremy_Rand: "unmentor" is If you can't see a FORMS section in your profile page, you've registered as a mentor not a student. EITHER mail and Cc: with your melange username (top of the page) and say you mistakenly registered as a mentor, OR just register again with another Google account
21:01.15stqismThat freaking !
21:01.17*** part/#gsoc lfzawacki (~lucas@
21:01.19pchaignostqism: :P
21:01.22stqismMy bot uses ^ :(
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21:02.47stqismJeremy_Rand: You need to hurry, you've had weeks to do that and now you have hours to do what others have had weeks to do :)
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21:04.08Jeremy_Randstqism: I've been talking with the organization I want to be a student at for a few weeks, I just haven't formally posted a proposal on Melange yet
21:04.16Jeremy_Randis that a particularly complex process?
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21:04.38stqismNo, but you have to hope that they are able to change your account to student in less than a few hours
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21:05.28Jeremy_Randstqism: ok
21:05.53Jeremy_Randas a backup, should I just register another Google account?
21:06.06stqismIt might be faster
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21:06.35warthog9Jeremy_Rand: that's what I'd suggest
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21:06.48Jeremy_Randok, thanks
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21:08.47gevaertsthinks that the proof of enrollment requirement should be dropped for students applying during the last minute before the deadline
21:09.18stqismgevaerts: I'm sure carols would like that :)
21:09.56gevaertsWell, what better proof of being a student can you get than applying at the last minute? :)
21:10.04ollygevaerts: heh
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21:26.58dj_jazzy_jeffso basically.
21:27.07dj_jazzy_jeffI fucked up Google summer of code.
21:27.14dj_jazzy_jeffI will see you guys next summer.
21:27.23dj_jazzy_jeffI got this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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21:43.10agliodbsIvanovic: the issue is a formatting bug which causes melange to barf on a proposal.  But looks like Melange folks fixed it.
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22:03.52agliodbsyay!  we got a credible proposal from a female student!
22:03.55agliodbsis happy
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22:12.09gammerHi, guys! Is there anyone studying at first course?
22:12.34ollygammer: there are applicants from all years
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22:14.18ijimenezagliodbs: Do you do celebrate all your credible male proposals too?
22:14.43agliodbsijimenez: we celebrate *any* credible proposal
22:14.57ijimenezagliodbs: nice :)
22:15.01agliodbsijimenez: but given that we're a database project, ones from female students are extra-sparkly special
22:15.10gammerolly: i know, but it's interesting for me to chat with them) Because i am understand it's pretty hard to participate in just on first course
22:15.25agliodbsijimenez: since enrollment of female students in database concentrations < 10%
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22:16.08ijimenezagliodbs: yes pretty sad :( so I agree on the great news
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22:20.39derdongammer: why do you think so? I learned most of programming in the internet and the open source world, not at my university
22:20.50*** join/#gsoc rajataggarwal (~rajatagga@
22:20.54Taggnostrif I was a student last year, do I have to create a new profile to apply for this year?
22:20.55*** part/#gsoc unitraxx (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/unitraxx)
22:21.16derdonTaggnostr: not a new account but a new profile, yes
22:21.25Taggnostrderdon, ok, thanks!
22:21.32derdonyou're welcome
22:21.33*** join/#gsoc hitlin37 (uid16371@gateway/web/
22:22.21hitlin37for the deadline, it is required to submit Proof of Enrollment?
22:22.28gammerderdon: so did I. my university education it's too poor. our c++ lector known just a bit about, and can't explain something. she just knew a basics. and can't do something serious, all i knew i'd lear myself
22:22.58*** join/#gsoc prth (prth@
22:23.07gevaertshitlin37: you have to submit your proof of enrollment before you can submit your project proposal, so yes
22:23.19derdongammer: I didn't blame my university for anything, I didn't want to sound negative!
22:23.28hitlin37hmmm...thanks gevaerts
22:23.30derdonI don't expect the university to teach me programming
22:23.39gammerderdon: but it's hard to participate if u hadn't learned programming b4 university studying
22:23.50derdonI expect it to teach me the theoretical background of computations, for example
22:23.54gevaertsOr words, even :)
22:24.04hitlin37then i would need to get the enrollemt letter for my college...
22:24.22derdongammer: university is hard if you haven't programmed before, so ... ;)
22:24.53gammerderdon: and so do i :D it's cool that it's nice chance to teaching yourself learning yourself :D
22:25.10ollyhitlin37: or one of the other items on the list
22:25.13olly!proof | hitlin37
22:25.14gsocbothitlin37: "proof" is
22:25.37derdongammer: I wonder if your nick is a typo for "grammar" :P
22:25.37gammeri'd programmed before just a bit web-programming, but it's isn't hard to studying at university. it isn't easy to participate in GSOC)
22:25.39hitlin37didn't saw :Any *one*
22:25.44ollystudent card is a popular option
22:25.49ollyif it has the date on
22:25.51hitlin37thanks olly gsocbot
22:25.56*** join/#gsoc harshit93 (~harshit@
22:26.12hitlin37so the processude is proof and then application. and them i can relax
22:26.16VarunAgwderdon, maybe gamer
22:26.35*** part/#gsoc ilv (~ilv@unaffiliated/ilv)
22:27.05gammerderdon: why?) did u meant my english so bad?))
22:27.13ollyhitlin37: then you can watch out for comments and questions from the mentors and respond to them
22:27.22gammern.b. GAMMER, that's right, not gammer, not grammar)
22:27.23*** join/#gsoc harshit93_ (~harshit@
22:27.46derdongammer: sorry, didn't want to sound offensive
22:28.05gevaertsEnglish has words like "you" in it
22:29.41Taggnostrdo I have to submit the proof of enrollment before being able to submit the proposal?
22:29.55olly!u | gammer
22:29.55gsocbotgammer: "u" is the chemical symbol for Uranium, a silvery-white metallic chemical element in the actinide series of the periodic table with atomic number 92
22:30.21Taggnostrderdon, ok, thanks again
22:30.28derdonolly: is there something gsocbot doesn't have an answer for?
22:30.41ollythere are many things it shouldn't have an answer for
22:30.53gammerderdon: don't mind, i like all the critic sounds directly to me))
22:30.57gevaertsderdon: yes
22:31.08*** join/#gsoc neuro_sys (neuro_sys@unaffiliated/neurosys/x-283974)
22:31.25gammerolly, gsocbot oh, thanks, just a bad habbit (
22:31.30gammeri'm sorry
22:31.59gsocbotolly: (forget [<channel>] <key> [<number>|*]) -- Removes the factoid <key> from the factoids database. If there are more than one factoid with such a key, a number is necessary to determine which one should be removed. A * can be used to remove all factoids associated with a key. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
22:32.10ollyah, interesting
22:32.19ollyso that factoid is particularly useless
22:32.30gevaerts!learn forget as let's see if this works
22:32.30gsocbotgevaerts: "forget" is (#1) not to remember anything anymore., or (#2) let's see if this works
22:32.32ollygsocbot: whatis forget
22:32.32gsocbotolly: "forget" is (#1) not to remember anything anymore., or (#2) let's see if this works
22:32.37gevaertsAh, I see :)
22:32.42ollygsocbot: forget forget *
22:32.43gsocbotolly: The operation succeeded.
22:33.22derdonreading "forget *" makes me think "ah yes, that's me!"
22:33.23*** join/#gsoc santa_ (~santa@unaffiliated/santa/x-8068685)
22:33.55gevaerts!forget derdon
22:33.55gsocbotgevaerts: Error: There is no such factoid.
22:33.58*** join/#gsoc carols (carols@nat/google/x-ctybkwifigaqrcnr)
22:33.58*** mode/#gsoc [+o carols] by ChanServ
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22:35.18derdonI don't even exist, I wasn't worth remembering :(
22:36.57*** part/#gsoc TanviM (~tanvimalh@
22:37.40gsocbotolly: "gnome" is (#1) a small humanoid statue for gardens, or (#2) GNOME is not a small humanoid statue for gardens
22:37.48olly!forget gnome
22:37.48gsocbotolly: Error: 2 factoids have that key.  Please specify which one to remove, or use * to designate all of them.
22:37.51olly!forget gnome *
22:37.51gsocbotolly: The operation succeeded.
22:39.40gsocbotgammer: "u" is the chemical symbol for Uranium, a silvery-white metallic chemical element in the actinide series of the periodic table with atomic number 92
22:39.49*** join/#gsoc abdou_bms (~abdou_bms@
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22:40.23olly!botabuse | gammer
22:40.24gsocbotgammer: "botabuse" is (#1) If you want to play with the bot, please do so in a private /query so as not to spam the channel, or (#2) When in a query with me, use whatis #gsoc <factoid>
22:43.18*** join/#gsoc harshit93 (~harshit@
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22:46.10gammeroh, how it's cool to work Google, it's seems for me now like mission impossible :D
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22:51.44hitlin37does the id must be scanned or good mobile picture is enough
22:52.10terrihitlin37: as far as I've heard, mobile as fine as long as it's legible.
22:52.33hitlin37thanks terri
22:52.50hitlin378mp camera on mobile gives good enough picture
22:53.24terriyeah, I was just wondering if my camera is actually higher resolution than my (much older) scanner.
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22:56.36pchaignoHi all! Are mentors notified when we update our proposal?
22:57.00derdonyes, they get an e-mail each time
22:57.17derdonwell, the mentors who belong to this project. not all mentors in general ;)
22:57.19KolibriOS|yogevderdon: Actually no, there is a bug and we still don't
22:57.34derdonoh, ok. didn't know that because I'm not a mentor ;)
22:57.41KolibriOS|yogevderdon: We get a notification on new proposals and on new comments, but not on update proposals
22:57.42derdonI only heard of it from other mentors
22:57.49terriKolibriOS|yogev: Oh, phew ,I was just going to ask becaus eI haven't seen a single one.
22:58.01derdonsorry for the confusion then
22:58.04KolibriOS|yogevderdon: We should but we don't because of a bug
22:58.12derdonah, I see
22:58.45*** join/#gsoc denis_boyun (
22:58.51KolibriOS|yogevpchaigno: Just add a comment to the proposal that says you have updated it, your mentor will get notification on the comment and this way check the proposal :-)
22:59.48pchaignoKolibriOS|yogev: Thanks. I'll do it :-)
23:00.35kblinclear case of indeed
23:01.59KolibriOS|yogevkblin: Well, the last minute is in 20 hours or so :-)
23:02.03*** part/#gsoc pwnedu46 (~pwnedu46@2601:e:1380:b6d:e454:e8c2:c640:fdb9)
23:02.25kblinanyway, bedtime
23:02.32ollypchaigno: it's a good idea to explain briefly what you changed too, as we can't see that
23:02.47pchaignokblin: You say that because of me?
23:03.15pchaignoolly: That's what I'm doing :-)
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23:37.09gsocbotagliodbs: "next" is Student applications close for GSoC 2014 on 21 March, 2014 at 19:00 UTC
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.