IRC log for #gsoc on 20140105

00:00.18bluedot951_So on the website, it sys that the deadline for claiming tasks is tomorrow at 9 AM PST
00:00.54bluedot951_Would any exceptions be possible? Because I have completed another task, I'm just waiting for my mentor to accept my current task
00:02.12DarrelI had a problem last year, my computer had issues connecting to melange website so I was late by ~5 minutes in claiming, and I had to just deal with it -  no exceptions are allowed, I'm afraid
00:02.50bluedot951_hmm okay :(
00:02.53Darrelmentors are usually quick in reviewing work, and especially since they know claiming deadline is coming, I'm sure they are doing their best
00:03.07bluedot951_yup thats definitely true :)
00:03.57Darrelthere are like 19-20 hours left, so I wouldn't worry much, your task will be reviewed before deadline :)
00:04.51bluedot951_I hope so... thanks!
00:05.32Darrelbest of luck mate :)
00:06.02bluedot951_thanks! i appreciate it :)
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06:26.46enthusudheer303: Hi
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06:46.40A_how to work upon
06:46.40A_[12:01] <gcibot> Categorise words by inflectional paradigm (Hindi) [17]
06:46.41gcibotCategorise words by inflectional paradigm (Hindi) [17]
06:46.42gcibotStatus: Reopened
06:46.42gcibotMentor(s): Nikant Vohra, Francis Tyers
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16:21.48chroI've been noticing that I've been paying more than 3% for international transactions. Does this happen with you guys?
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17:00.41EgorMatirovThe end.
17:01.28EgorMatirovWe can't claim tasks more. Thanks for all. It was very cool!
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18:15.21subins2000Hello ?
18:15.59subins2000Why is there an output of "Missing XSRF token." when the parent consent form is uploaded ?
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23:43.12tangocharlieHi! I've been working on the Google Code In, and I've realized I've made a mistake. I forgot to hit 'mark as completed' on my final task, and now time has run out and I can't reclaim it. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
23:43.22tangocharlieTask is, if it helps
23:55.10tangocharlieAny ideas?

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