IRC log for #gsoc on 20131227

00:19.03*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic_ (~ivanovic@wesnoth/developer/ivanovic)
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08:10.27bobby_hi everyone
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20:19.50mautbabacan anyone guide me on how to get started with GSoC ?
20:20.25meflinread the faq check the orgs out join your project early and start working on it
20:20.33tierraand read
20:21.25*** join/#gsoc mautbaba_ (~mautbaba@
20:21.39mautbaba_can anyone guide me on how to get started with GSoC ?
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20:21.56meflin[13:20] <meflin> read the faq check the orgs out join your project early and start working on it
20:21.58meflin[13:20] <tierra> and read
20:25.38kshitij8Have mentors started floating ideas for GSoC'14?
20:25.57meflinthat would depend on the org
20:26.39mautbabawhat programming languages do I need to know ?
20:27.07meflinthat would depend on the org
20:30.16kshitij8Last I recall somebody here mentioned they were starting to look for students.
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20:30.45meflinI'm always looking for students
20:30.59meflin2014 I will be on my 3rd org in 3 years :P
20:31.30kshitij8what org are you moving to this year?
20:31.46kshitij8or is it a secret? ;-)
20:31.56meflinfor now a secret
20:32.16meflintechnically admin isn't announced
20:32.39kshitij8Yeah what I thought. Officially no org as of now.
20:33.23kshitij8Any project ideas on your mind?
20:33.46kshitij8is a student btw
20:34.32meflin_I_ find good students are hard to find ... good project ideas rain down in unending quantities
20:35.41kshitij8If you dont mind, which org did you work with in 2013? KDE?
20:35.43meflinto be fair for 2013 I had good students running out my ears
20:36.01meflinSysters ... before that
20:36.36meflinsmall stuff vs KDE :D
20:38.04kshitij8lol. sounds pretty cool!
20:38.23meflinits not what you think ;)
20:38.39meflinlinux kernel dev happens under the linux foundation
20:39.51kshitij8ohh yes. I forgot there's the Linux Foundation too.
20:40.15kshitij8So does packaging and repo stuff?
20:40.38meflinits an umbrella ...
20:41.06meflinso kernel bug reporting systems, mirroring/tracking, drivers for net booting
20:41.14meflinand a few other things
20:42.17meflinSysters is the Anita Borg Institute ... mostly mailman ( python )
20:44.37kshitij8mailman wasnt that from GNU (thats an org too right?)?
20:44.59meflinGNU is an org yes ... not sure about mailman .....
20:45.19meflinmailman is its own org ... its just that most of the Systers work was on mailman
20:45.41meflinlast year mailman unbrella'd under the Python Foundation
20:47.25kshitij8Hmm.. Its a bit confusing with the umbrella org's.
20:47.53meflinmailman and python are a good example
20:48.13meflinmailman was not selected as an org but has mentors and projects
20:48.28meflinpython by its nature has little to "DO" much like kde
20:48.44meflinbut there are a zillion sub projects ... like mailman
20:49.49meflinso kde python ect admin up ... rally the little projects around and set up as a group
20:51.26kshitij8Indeed kde too had some orgs under its umbrella.
20:51.48meflinkde _IS_ a pure umbella
20:52.08kshitij8didnt know that.
20:52.10meflinas an example a sub project for python is "core python"
20:52.41meflinie the programmers who program the language itself
20:52.52kshitij8thats the only purely relevant project for Python Foundation
20:53.04meflinkde is the same
20:53.33ollythe umbrella org concept is partly (perhaps mostly) a way to simplify things for google
20:53.49kshitij8kde is a collection k* projects.
20:53.52ollysince they only have one full-time person running gsoc
20:54.11meflinthere is a lot of truth in what olly is saying
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20:54.37meflinI remember once at a project didn't make the cut for gsoc and G sent them to us
20:54.48kshitij8how do the umbrella orgs organise themselves? org admin,subadmin, mentor?
20:54.59ollyit's up to the org really
20:55.35kshitij8so did you take the project in?
20:56.10meflinyes they had 1 awesome idea and  awesome mentors to back it up
20:56.58meflinalso the boss is smart and it was right in line with what we where doing
20:58.02kshitij8So basically everyone tries to make sure a good makes it in. :)
20:58.25meflineveryone's idea of good varies
20:59.06meflindifferent orgs even have different ideas of sucess
21:01.10kshitij8success as I understand is meet many/most project goals and have students become contributors.
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21:02.15meflinthe longer I do this the more convinced that sucess is students being contributors
21:02.26meflinperhaps not your own project but some project
21:03.59kshitij8Indeed, that probably is the idea behind GSoC.
21:04.14meflinof course
21:04.26meflinjust image the internet without a web server
21:04.42tierraI've come mostly to the same conclusion... if the student turns into a regular contributor even outside of GSoC, that's the pinacle of success for a GSoC project
21:05.08meflinI've become a bit less then humble about that ;)
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21:07.16kshitij8Its the most activity we've had on this channel in a while. Soon it'll be bursting with students again :D
21:07.24meflinstill watching the last years hatchlings to see if the pain was worthwhile ;)
21:07.25tierragiven of course, it's still useful if it results in contributions that end up officially merged into the project and actually used, even if the student disappears, but if the student sticks around and keeps going with it, that's what I try to accomplish with students if possible
21:08.16kshitij8and how are your hatchlings turning out?
21:08.43ollyperhaps the bigger benefit of actually merging the code is motivating the student
21:09.22meflinit takes time to tell
21:09.23kshitij8yes its HUGE confidence booster if the code goes upstream.
21:09.33meflincheck back in 2 years
21:10.29kshitij82 years? thats really long! specially considering your first batch of hatchlings took flight 2 years back.
21:10.40meflin4 years ago
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21:11.23meflinone from 2 years ago is still growing wings but its promising
21:12.52kshitij8ohh.. I thought this will be your 3rd time as a mentor. :P
21:13.12meflindont that 4 times
21:13.24meflinalso admin'd 4 times
21:16.31kshitij8Were you a part of GSoC in 07?
21:18.03meflinI was dragged in kicking and screaming in protest
21:18.15meflinit took a calling in of a personal favor
21:18.46meflinand dont think I will ever get to live it down ;)
21:19.00kshitij8Did you mentor the first time around?
21:19.13meflinmentor and admin ... every year i've done this
21:19.31kshitij8It'd be interesting being an unwilling mentor ;-)
21:19.52meflinonce I hit the ground I was right in the grove
21:20.03meflinmy friend knows me better then I know myself ;)
21:20.46meflinthat is why I can't live this down ;)
21:21.18meflinF->lets do X? me->no! F->remember that time me->shut up when do we do this thing
21:22.02kshitij8Its great having such awesome friends. :)
21:22.16meflinit is :D
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