IRC log for #gsoc on 20130521

00:03.07*** join/#gsoc santa_ (
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02:38.39navgsocdoes anybosy have an idea, that what is the posibility of the proposal being selected
02:40.39ojwbnavgsoc: it depends on the proposal
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02:40.55ojwbsome have no change, some are almost certain
02:40.58ojwb*no chance
02:41.30*** join/#gsoc MarkAtwood (~mark@unaffiliated/fallenpegasus)
02:41.39navgsoci am new to this so, i am really curious about the results
02:42.09navgsocit says 3 days and some hours remaining
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02:44.40ojwbnavgsoc: 27th is the announcement date
02:45.03navgsochow many do they select ?
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02:45.23ojwbi don't think that's been announced yet
02:45.37ojwbi'd guess ~1200
02:46.06*** join/#gsoc anth_i (
02:48.50navgsocdo they short list further?
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02:52.43*** join/#gsoc dag10_afk (
02:56.03navgsoci mean do you know the process of being finally selcted
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02:57.50ojwbeach org is given a (different) number of slots by google, the org picks students for those slots however it prefers
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03:03.32navgsoci mean once they select a certain no of proposal, then howmany among them  goes upto final
03:04.31overflowdepends on your proj
03:06.09ojwbthere isn't a "final"
03:06.41ojwbonce each org select their proposals, it's just a matter of resolving students who have been selected by more than one org
03:07.06ojwband iterate until there aren't any more, which is why there's a 3 day window allowed
03:07.43ojwbif the results are announced even a few minutes late, things get pretty heated
03:10.32navgsocdo they assign one project to more than one person, if yes then can they accept more than one project
03:10.35*** join/#gsoc megha (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
03:11.06ojwbyou mean a project idea?
03:11.10*** join/#gsoc Sewar (~Sewar@
03:11.29navgsoci mean more than one code for a single project
03:11.34navgsocfrom diff person
03:12.11ojwbthe FAQ answers that - an org can accept more than one student to work on the same project idea, but they can't work as a team
03:12.21ojwbmy experience is that few orgs will do that though
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03:12.54ojwbit doesn't make much sense - if you end up with two successful projects, you probably have to throw one away
03:13.03*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic (
03:13.08ojwbwhich is demotivating for that student
03:13.41navgsocok "more than one student can work on the same project" my question is  "who gets the pretty amount"
03:14.15navgsocfor the same project idea? are you sure ?
03:15.03ojwbyou mean the stipend?
03:15.17aciidyes , every student accepted will be paid after mentor approves it
03:15.23ojwbassuming both students pass their midterm and final evaluations, both get it
03:15.36ojwbit's two separate projects, just happen to be working on the same thing
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03:15.58ojwbbut that also means if an org get (say) 6 slots, they'll use 2 to do that
03:16.37ojwbas I said just above:
03:16.45ojwbeach org is given a (different) number of slots by google, the org picks students for those slots however it prefers
03:16.59aciideach org is alloted a number of slots ie number of students they can take
03:17.42aciidslot trade between org is possible
03:18.02aciidnavgsoc : go through FAQ once :)
03:18.29navgsoci have been but that was confusing so i just came in here
03:19.40navgsocnow that mean they can give stipend to more than one student for one project idea
03:20.08aciidyes its allowed
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03:23.17navgsoci was thinking that generally they select 3000(say) and then they short list them in midterm and then agai in final
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03:24.19ojwbeach student passes or fails midterm and final independently
03:24.28ojwbthere's no quota that have to pass (or to fail)
03:25.14navgsocmeans its the proposal that decides whether you are in or out
03:26.37ojwbto start with?
03:26.47ojwbyes, plus how you've interacted with the org so far
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03:27.07ojwbsome orgs also do interviews
03:27.29dfighterHow would you move Mount Fuji? >;-D
03:27.34ojwbor ask for a patch or similar so they can see how you work
03:27.45ojwbdfighter: continental drift
03:28.08dfighterojwb :)
03:28.10navgsocdo you prepare for gsoc?
03:29.08ojwbnavgsoc: yes, though i'm on the org side so it's different sorts of preparations
03:32.21navgsocif i make any comment on my proposal, does it make sense now, i mean are org gonna read it?
03:33.19ojwbthey're likely to, though there's no requirement they do
03:34.51navgsoccoz i was asked to submit an easy hack but i missed their comment, i was thinking to cooment again and tell them that i have submitted
03:35.57ojwbit can't hurt to
03:36.14ojwbyou could also go and find them on IRC if they use IRC
03:36.29navgsocthey don't
03:37.07navgsocoops no they do
03:38.08navgsock, thanks for all the info, that was really helpfull. i gtg now, have a good day
03:38.32*** part/#gsoc navgsoc (012619ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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04:56.52ashutosh30492When do we find out if we are accepted or not?
04:57.50ojwb!timeline | ashutosh30492
04:57.50gsocbotashutosh30492: "timeline" is
04:58.46*** join/#gsoc Ashish_ (75cea9ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:59.39meghawhen i was commenting my half msg got posted in teh melange site.. can't i delete that post ?
05:00.13Ashish_Hi, I would like to know. When do the students will get to know if they are selected in more than 1 org. Timeline says "First round of de-duplication checks happens; organizations work together to try to resolve as many duplicates as possible." on 22nd May. Will those be informed about this?
05:02.28*** join/#gsoc robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby)
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05:08.15ojwbmegha: no - just comment again
05:08.24ojwbAshish_: on 27th
05:08.42ojwbdeduplication is a task for the orgs (and google)
05:09.51*** part/#gsoc Ashish_ (75cea9ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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05:11.05meghaojwb: ok
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05:22.42gsocbotManoj: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
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05:35.56meghaManoj: that means everything would be decided by 24 th right ?
05:37.52meghahope i can do my project this summer with GNOME..fingers crossed.
05:38.22meghaanyone there from GNOME is doing a project ?
05:38.43*** join/#gsoc rihnapstor (~rihen@
05:40.58sunu_!anyone | megha
05:40.58gsocbotmegha: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization directly. You can find an org's contact information via the org list at
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05:48.19Manojmegha: yes, all the best to you :)
05:48.34meghathanks Manoj
05:48.55meghaare you a mentor or a student
05:49.22ManojI'm a student, trying for a SymPy project, fingers crossed here as well
05:49.49meghaall the best to you too
05:50.11Manojthank you :)
05:50.33ojwbmegha: 27th is the date when it's all finalised
05:51.34Manojoh yes, sorry 27th is the date we will get to know
05:52.10meghaoh than  anxious moments till 27 th
05:53.04meghaManoj: where are you from ?
05:54.14*** join/#gsoc LauraJ (
05:55.09Manojmegha: I private messaged you, its better not to spam the IRC Channel
05:55.59gsocbotk-joseph: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
05:56.08meghaohh but not recieved your msg yet
05:56.40gsocbotmegha: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
05:57.22ojwbyou know that factoid doesn't change from minute to minute?
05:57.31meghawhat are the different command that can be given tobot ?
05:57.51meghaojwb: sorry
05:57.54ojwbnot sure there's a full list
05:57.58gsocbotojwb: "gsocbot" is
05:58.07meghai was just checking out.
06:00.13*** join/#gsoc werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
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06:03.52simplemindhello i'm a student i would like to apply for soc is the deadline for atudent application over ?
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06:04.24simplemindjoin #beginner
06:04.29AndreiDumasimplemind, yes, deadline was May 3
06:05.33simplemindso all i have to do is w8 for the next years gsoc :(
06:06.36*** join/#gsoc Manoj (~manoj@
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06:07.45ojwbsimplemind: or pick an open source project and get involved
06:08.05ojwbthen you'll have a headstart of many months over most applicants
06:09.04*** join/#gsoc thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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06:10.53SunuThePirateI starteed exploring projects from July last year, because I wasn't old enough to participate last year. And I have to say if you get involved early, you have higher chances of being accepted. Because you have more time to learn and you mentors know you better.
06:12.31ojwbeven if you get involved with a different org to the one you end up applying for, a lot of the collaboration skills will be applicable
06:13.29*** join/#gsoc vedant (~vedant@
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06:15.49simplemindcan you suggest any site which is useful for beginners in coding
06:16.17meghasimplemind: it's in your benifit that you have an year to start with..
06:16.32meghawhat ojwb and SunuThePirate told is correct..
06:17.06meghasimplemind: just start with any project that you are interested in..
06:17.28meghaand depending on the project start learning things..
06:17.54*** join/#gsoc marhaban (
06:18.35simplemindi'm a begginer in coding i and i dont have much knowledge i do know c++(basic) and html i want to like learn more before i program
06:19.02rkugood luck with that :)
06:20.02simplemindso do you know any site which has good c++ sources
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06:20.17meghasimplemind: google is your best friend...
06:20.26meghai have never learned from a specific site..
06:21.37simplemindthank you
06:24.43*** join/#gsoc kiuz (
06:24.57meghasimplemind: you are welcome
06:25.23zero_levelquer /rpf
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06:31.11meghazero_level:  ?
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07:27.36ashutosh30492Is it usual to see radio silence in the community in these times? I mean no more comments on proposals and all.
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07:30.06kblinashutosh30492: depends on the community, but can happen
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08:18.08manik__hi guys
08:18.36manik__I'm having trouble trying to locate a student proposal on melange
08:18.56manik__the search link doesn't seem to work
08:19.13manik__how can i navigate the list of proposals?
08:19.32manik__either for a given org or for all orgs?
08:20.21aried3rHey. How exactly does Co-Mentoring work? Is there a way to explicitly assign co-mentors in Melange?
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08:25.31aghislamanik__: you can only browse the proposals of the org you are mentor for. After registering on Melange, you are not yet connected to any org. To do this, you have to go to the org's homepage on Melange, e.g., and "start a connection" (orange button at half-page)
08:25.55aghislathe org's admins approve you, then you can see the proposals of that org in your dashboard.
08:26.49aghislaaried3r: there will be a way to assign co-mentors after students' acceptance, if I got it correctly.
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08:27.36aghislafor the moment, you can ask the comentors to toggle the "Willing to mentor" button on the given proposals
08:34.14manik__aghisla: I am a mentor for
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08:35.04manik__aghisla, when I browse to it ack's this with this message: "You are already a mentor for this organization"
08:35.49aghislaGood. What is shown in your dashboard?
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13:42.13Shubham_24Hi everyone !
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14:05.59carolsserves some tea and coffee
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14:07.25gevaertsdecides to get some coffee
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14:11.17carolshey gevaerts :-)
14:11.40gevaertshopes carols enjoyed her vacation :)
14:11.48carolsi did, thank you  :-)
14:13.54anth_rquestion for admin/mentors: am i correct that, in Melange, "Should accept" should be either True or blank (that is, there's no "False")?
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14:17.32carolsanth_r: yes, you're correct.
14:17.44anth_rexcellent, thanks. and welcome back.
14:17.45carolsthe only "opposite" of accept is "ignore," but that's for a different purpose.
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14:36.37tnkhanhhave the students for gsoc been all chosen?
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14:37.13k-josephdkayiwa: hi
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14:57.41anth_rback, with coffee.
14:57.47anth_rtnkhanh: no.
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14:58.30anth_rat this point, i imagine the vast majority of slots are "provisionally" filled, but nobody can know for sure until after the de-duplication meeting on the 24th.
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15:05.31dberkholzwe're now at the point of "should we raise our standards even higher" vs "will more students get in who weren't going to"
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15:06.25fewchaso by 24th the final list will be ready I guess ?
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15:10.15meflinits final when the emails go out
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15:14.15fewchameflin: if i say, "tentative" list, would I be correct?
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15:15.47gevaertsDoes it really matter?
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15:16.29meflinmy tentative list was done at student app close and I was up all night arguing it over and its not that list
15:17.15fewchaoh, okay, thanks :)
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15:26.51gsocbotsinhayash: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
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15:48.59anth_rcarols: i'm out of the country during the de-dupe meeting. our backup admin knows and will be here.
15:49.17anth_rjust in case something happens, i'd like to arrange for a backup for him, just for the meeting.
15:49.49anth_rbut we of course only have one backup in melange. do i need to do anything to indicate some person is authorized to speak for us if our backup gets hit by the proverbial bus?
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15:51.19carolsanth_r: i'll assume if someone says they can speak on your org's behalf that they're telling the truth.
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15:51.43carolsi think the likelihood of a nefarious person trying to change deduplication choices is very low
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15:52.12kblinhey carols
15:52.17anth_ryup, just making sure. thanks.
15:52.17manugupt1welcomes carols :)
15:52.18carolshey kblin
15:52.21carolsthanks manugupt1
15:52.24carolsanth_r: yw
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15:52.38kblincarols: thanks for the blanket, just what I can use in lousy weather like that :)
15:52.48carolskblin: you're welcome! thanks for all the help :-)
15:52.50kblinthe OSPO has the greatest shwag ever :)
15:52.58carolsit's pretty soft, isn't it?
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15:53.05JordiGHHm, I think I did click on "should accept" for some proposals, but Melange still thinks I haven't accepted any.
15:53.15carolsJordiGH: do they have a mentor assigned?
15:53.25kblinJordiGH: did you assign... what carols said
15:53.33JordiGHHuh, I thought I did.
15:53.45JordiGHDo I have to click on something else after choosing a mentor from the drop-down?
15:53.52carolsyes, "assign"
15:55.58JordiGHIt's a bit weird how some of the options need a "submit" option and some don't.
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16:10.41gsocbotkesha: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
16:11.04gsocbotkesha: "timeline" is
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16:55.51jkremser!queue foo
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16:59.48gervAnyone able to answer this one?
17:00.05gervIf we slot more students than our allocated number of slots, will dedupe checks be run for all of them, or just N, where N is the number of slots?
17:00.21gervIt would be very useful if we could dedupe-check more students than we have slots for.
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17:00.30carolsgerv: it will be run for all of them, so long as the students are marked as accepted and have a mentor assigned
17:00.36gervAwesome :-)
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17:01.43meflinand have a mentor assigned ... ( always did that but double checks ))
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17:03.19Lenniecarols, that's actually not true
17:03.24carolsok :-)
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17:03.41Lenniegerv, it will only run for the N slots you have based on the ranking you have for those applications
17:03.56gervLennie: are you contradicting carol, there?
17:04.02Lenniegerv, yes
17:04.18LennieIn short, we only check for duplications on the applications that would actually be accepted
17:04.30Lennieso if you have N slots we don't check for more than N applications for your org
17:04.53gervAny plans to change that?
17:05.07Lenniegerv, not at this time
17:05.09gervIf there's a chosen student and a backup for a project, it's very helpful to know the dupe status for both.
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17:05.46Lenniegerv, maybe
17:05.53LennieI'm off, have to do an interview
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17:06.09Lenniegerv, you can leave your thoughts on the mailing list or issue tracker for Melange if you'd like
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17:07.22meflinwhat rankings?
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17:13.19gervmeflin: The stars, presumably.
17:14.04meflincontains his freek out
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17:21.35hannibal_11hello is it possible that my proposal is very well prepared and i submit patches also but unfortunately my mentor does not get selected for gsoc so indirectly i also dont make it for gsoc ?
17:21.51hannibal_11please help me with this, i'm confused
17:22.11scorche|shhannibal_11: mentoring orgs have already been chosen
17:22.29JordiGHhannibal_11: Chill out. :-)
17:23.40hannibal_11scorche|sh, I know , i'm asking abt the case when my mentoring org does not select the particular mentor which i'm working on ?
17:24.17carolshannibal_11: the mentor is either already selected and working with the org or isn't. there isn't some application period for mentors.
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17:24.22hannibal_11JordiGH, I know i should not worry but this keeps bugging me
17:25.00scorche|shhannibal_11: i cant comment for all orgs, but most orgs dont really have a selection process for mentors like they do for students
17:25.03carolshannibal_11: so don't worry about it :-)
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17:25.55hannibal_11carols, okay , thanks . One more thing do some orgs have a criteria of selecting students only from particular countries ?
17:26.03carolshannibal_11: nope
17:26.21carolsthat would be discrimination and it would mean the org would never get to participate again.
17:26.51hannibal_11allright :-)
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17:27.37hannibal_11thanks for the answers guys, may be i'll sleep soundly again , thanks scorche|sh , JordiGH , carols :-)
17:28.18JordiGHHow would you detect if an org refuses to work with a particular country, carols?
17:28.32carolsJordiGH: if a student told me.
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17:30.11manugupt1_carols: Will that be the only criteria ( me is curious)
17:30.22manugupt1_or Google talks to the org too
17:30.31scorche|shwell, of course there would be further investigation...
17:30.36carolsmanugupt1_: um, i don't know what you mean "criteria"? criteria for not being accepted again?
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17:31.16JordiGHWe're asking our students what their internet connectivity is like. Is this discrimination?
17:31.17manugupt1_carols: I mean if a student says he / she was discriminated, will you be willing to accept their word
17:31.33carolsmanugupt1_: well, i would speak to the org about it, of course.
17:31.54manugupt1_carols: k.  thats what I was asking
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17:32.39carolsJordiGH: no
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17:33.03JordiGHIt's just that some countries have really bad internet connectivity. It makes it awkward sometimes to work with some students.
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17:33.41JordiGHAlthough so far it hasn't been bad enough to be unable to work with someone.
17:33.50meflinsome of the worst spam proposals come from India/China/ex-USR
17:34.20meflinlast year I had 3 awesome passing students from just those places
17:34.42JordiGHI don't think "spam" proposals are ever actually spam in the sense of automated and massive.
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17:34.50meflinjudge the book not by its cover by what it does
17:34.54kblinright. spam is pretty obvious, and not a reason to filter per country :)
17:35.01gevaertsWell, "some of the worst spam proposals come from X" is correct for any X :)
17:35.24kblingevaerts: I'd be unwilling to believe that for antarctica
17:35.38meflinkblin: you might have a win there
17:35.44gevaertsadmits defeat
17:35.50gevaertsgoes to sulk in a corner
17:35.54kblinmars, maybe, never trust those rovers...
17:36.06JordiGHkblin: That's true because
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17:40.26overflowis there any overflow from gsoc?
17:40.32overflowstudents that haven't made it, etc.?
17:41.00meflinany student can join the org and contribute
17:41.11overflowand not get paid
17:41.17overflowplus doing that after not getting accepted?
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17:41.28braverockoverflow: there are some organizations that run gsoc-like programs, including for students that don't get selected
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17:41.40meflinmoney piffle
17:41.43overflowright, i have a not-yet-bonafide open-source project
17:42.03overflowit's in the non-MV* backbone/angular/ember/knockout space
17:42.10braverockwell, then you need to make something awesome that people want to use so that you can attract collaborators
17:42.45overflowit is actually kind of awesome, heh
17:42.56overflow+ i'm a gsoc 2010 grad
17:42.57kblinoverflow: well, if you don't name your pattern model-view-viewmodel or somoething similarily silly, that's a good first step
17:43.00braverockthen get the word out, and your community will grow
17:43.06overflowkblin not at all
17:43.11overflowMVC is way too convoluted
17:43.23overflowi'm more like the perl of web frameworks
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17:43.27kblinoverflow: also, how can you be a not-yet-bonafide open-source project?
17:43.38overflowoh i don't focus on marketing, just good product :)
17:43.53overflowplus i'm semi-open-source, we have a marketplace too that is either free or paid per what the author wants
17:43.58braverockkblin: you getting at licencing questions?
17:44.14gevaertsfree or paid isn't an open source question :)
17:44.42overflowoh that makes sense i guess --
17:44.44kblinbasically, if it's somewhere I can clone it from, under an OSI-approved license, it's open source
17:45.03overflowthat's kind of lame, open-source usually comes with a particular style of community
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17:45.32kblinISC Bind doesn't have a community, really, at least not a dev community
17:45.37kblinit's still open source
17:46.03overflowwell, nonetheless is there a place to find overflow?  i presume #gsoc is a good spot for students to hang (from memory, it's the only place aside from specific channels)
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17:47.44meflinoverflow: you are wrong
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17:48.29kblinto be honest, I don't think there's a general pool of students who didn't get into gsoc
17:48.31meflinthe topic here is not some random stuff its GSOC
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17:49.29kblinmost students who completed their GSoC projects even though they didn't get in worked with their respective almost-mentoring-orgs
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19:24.23sdumitriuHi carols, I transfered two slots from XWiki earlier today, asking to have them given to CCM, if possible; and while the transaction has been approved, the CCM didn't receive them. Is more patience required, or the CCM won't get them?
19:24.36carolssdumitriu: more patience is required.
19:24.46carolsthat's generally the mantra for most of gsoc.
19:24.52sdumitriuOK, thanks a lot
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19:27.26kblin!patience | sdumitriu
19:27.26gsocbotsdumitriu: "patience" is very important for GSoC/GCI. Relax and go code something useful.
19:27.50kblinalso of course...
19:27.52gsocbotkblin: "when" is later
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19:28.37sdumitriuYes, I was just doing that
19:28.53sdumitriuThanks kblin
19:29.06kblinsdumitriu: I just love to use that factoid :)
19:29.16gsocbotsdumitriu: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
19:29.39kblinsdumitriu: actually, I'd assume most mentors will be doing that anyway
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19:36.20gsocbotrays2pix: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
19:37.14dberkholzwe might have 1 extra slot. anyone i know need one badly?
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19:45.58rihnapstordberkholz: tim video org needs the 3rd slot.
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19:46.54kblindberkholz: that's mithro's hobby project. he's a summit regular :)
19:47.35kblindberkholz: speaking as someone who's completely happy with his slot allocations, anyway :)
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20:29.42Andrei_Hi - just a quick question: I didn't get any feedback on my applications. Does that imply negative answers?
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20:30.44sdumitriuAndrei_: Did you explicitly ask for feedback, or are you just expecting feedback to come on its own from the mentors?
20:31.01neverpanicAndrei_: quick answer: no, not neccesarily.
20:31.23Andrei_sdumitriu: I just don't know whether I get no/yes feedback. Last year I was accepted and got the news by email
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20:32.00sdumitriuWell, as a good student you're expected to be the one actively keeping contact with the mentors
20:32.23sdumitriuShooting applications and passively expecting results only rarely gets the student accepted
20:32.56sdumitriuBut as neverpanic said, it doesn't mean bad news, it depends on how each mentor/organization likes to do things
20:33.19Andrei_Still, do I get a yes/no resoultion by email at the end?
20:33.40sdumitriuYes, every student will get an email for each of their applications
20:33.56sdumitriuEither "Congratulations" or "Sorry"
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20:34.17Andrei_Thanks! :) Any advice on how to approach my potential org?
20:34.41sdumitriuWell, each org should have some contact details listed on their melange homepage
20:34.54sdumitriuIRC or email are the most popular
20:35.05sdumitriuI'd try on IRC first, it's quicker
20:35.33sdumitriuBut hurry up, only a few days left for mentors to make up their minds
20:35.40gsocbotsdumitriu: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
20:35.40Andrei_Approach, not contact. I.e. do I just go "hey, in case you're not convinced, here's why you desperately need me"
20:35.53gsocbotAndrei_: "next" is May 24 at 07.00 UTC: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor
20:35.54sdumitriuAh, I see
20:36.32sdumitriuHm, actually another option is to leave a comment on Melange
20:37.26sdumitriuDid you communicate with the organization so far?
20:37.27gevaertsIf it's a large organisation, I'd say the admin is likely not to appreciate mentors changing their minds at this time
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20:51.02grooveCan someone tell me when the students will actually get to know if they are selected or not?
20:51.11dfightergroove FAQ
20:51.14groove24th or 27th?
20:52.04gsocbotspan: "when" is later
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20:53.24groovesome of the orgs have this schedule that they will ask students about their availability and all. Eventually if someone is asked about it, doesn't it mean that they are selected?
20:54.15grooveOk. Thanks.
20:54.16sdumitriuOnly receiving an email from Google congratulating you for being accepted means that you are accepted
20:54.19dfightergroove you are only accepted if you are on the list, when accepted proposals are announced
20:54.22dfighteryou will get an email
20:54.34grooveThanks :-)
20:54.45dfighterbut IIRC that is also in the FAQ
20:55.12sdumitriugroove: Relax, fix some bugs, wait for the 27th
20:55.28grooveI didn't fix a single bug
20:55.32groovethey never asked
20:56.13dfighter...and ofc you never do stuff that is not asked :)
20:56.28grooveyeah \m/
20:56.48dfighterI see you have the right mindset for the program!
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20:57.53sdumitriudfighter: Need a hand to get out of that sarchasm?
20:58.21groovedfighter Thanks for the appreciation :) .. good luck to you as well
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20:58.35dfightersdumitriu sarcasm is great, it's better than killing people! :)
20:58.58groovedfighter but you almost killed me there
20:59.06neverpanicdfighter: how do you know? have you tried?
20:59.27dfighterneverpanic what if I say I was in jail for a few years for it?
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21:00.21neverpanicI'll take your advise then.
21:00.29groovedfighter I am assuming you are a student, right?
21:01.00roonyHjail for sarcasm?
21:01.00dfighterneverpanic :D
21:01.09dfightergroove yep
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21:02.05groovedfighter then it must have been hard staying in jail
21:02.26dfightergroove how so?
21:02.41dfighterpeople who have been in jail cannot be students?
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21:03.00groovewe are not talking about days or weeks or months.. you were in jail for a  few years.. dude that is real badass
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21:03.15dfighterwhen did I say I was? :P
21:03.25dfighterI asked neverpanic what if I say I was
21:04.32neverpaniccorrect, I should have written "I'd take your advise then."
21:04.35groovepallavtinna ssup maan??
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21:04.55groovetell dfighter how many decades you have spent in jail
21:05.18sdumitriuLooks like pallavtinna got scared...
21:05.19dfighterI don't think he wants to discuss it
21:05.32grooveyeah :D
21:05.42dfighteranyhow afk
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