IRC log for #gsoc on 20130418

00:02.33*** join/#gsoc santa_ (
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01:11.31Guest89107i have a college course that ends beginning of june. am i eligible to participate?
01:12.09*** join/#gsoc KirarinSnow-pyon (
01:19.13*** join/#gsoc zqzas (~zqzas@
01:20.34*** join/#gsoc Frankie_Freedom (
01:20.58Frankie_FreedomHey anybody here
01:22.41*** join/#gsoc pitchoilcan_ (
01:22.43*** join/#gsoc automata (~automata@
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01:25.24meghaduring the gsoc period i have to stop contributing to other open source  projects that i contribute ?
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01:27.44*** join/#gsoc ISF (~ivan@
01:27.49tomprincemegha: No.
01:28.23meghatomprince: so i can contribute to other project simaltaneously to my gsoc one correct ?
01:28.48tomprincemegha: The understanding is that you work full-time (~40h/wk) on whatever your gsoc project is. What you do beyond that is up to you.
01:29.35meghatomprince: ok got it :)
01:29.46meghatomprince: are you a mentor ?
01:30.22tomprinceAn admin. I'm not sure if I'll be an official mentor this year. Probably not.
01:31.02*** join/#gsoc codeinjector2 (~yaaic@
01:31.17meghatomprince: which org ?
01:33.03meghatomprince: cool :D
01:33.47*** join/#gsoc gh_ (~gh_@
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01:39.34Frankie_FreedomSo durjng the gsoc project of which i still need to apply is it like set hours or is it the the amount of time recommended
01:40.32tomprinceThe understanding is that you work full-time (~40h/wk) on whatever your gsoc project is. What you do beyond that is up to you.
01:41.09tomprinceWhen those hours are also isn't important (since people are located all across the world, nothing else is really practicable)
01:43.23anth_rwell, up to you and your mentor, really.
01:43.31Frankie_FreedomI see
01:44.55ojwbit's probably better to have a routine though
01:47.05semmudoes gsoc participating really take the whole summer? i mean if i want to go to a festival, vacation, partying, etc., would i be able to do so?
01:50.33*** join/#gsoc pitchoilcan_ (
01:50.46DrinkMachinesemmu: you're expected to put in 40hr a week, but they allow for vacations and such as long as you note them
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01:54.07ojwbsemmu: doing all of those might be overkill though
01:54.48semmuwow, i see. i have never participated in gsoc yet, but i really want to
01:55.23semmui wonder how a summer like this could be
01:56.19semmuand what if i finish my project before the end of summer? am i supposed to work on other things i didnt applied for? (i think so)
01:57.32ojwbit's good to include some "stretch goals" in your proposal for such an eventuality
01:59.12*** join/#gsoc mlaatif (~mlaatif@
02:01.46*** join/#gsoc gh_ (~gh_@
02:01.47semmuhmm, it makes sense
02:02.04semmuthanks for your help everyone
02:03.05*** join/#gsoc semmu (
02:03.43mlaatifhi all, anyone here from ASU Engineering?
02:04.01tomprince!anyone | mlaatif
02:04.01gsocbotmlaatif: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization directly. You can find an org's contact information via the org list at
02:04.50*** join/#gsoc pitchoilcan (~pitchoilc@
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06:58.29vijay_anyone online?
06:58.49vijay_I have some doubts regarding application to gsoc 2013
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06:59.50vijay_When can we start mailing the mentors about the idea proposed on the idea page of the organisation?
07:00.18vijay_and when is the final date to do that?
07:00.28haseebvijay_,  now
07:01.01vijay_when can be the last date to do that? haseeb?
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07:01.17|Kev|!timeline | vijay_
07:01.17gsocbotvijay_: "timeline" is
07:02.21vijay_so before 21st we need to do the mailing and all?
07:02.38vijay_or can we do that till the application deadline?
07:04.45|Kev|There is no final date for mailing orgs, but you'll need to have your application in by the published date.
07:06.36vijay_ok, Kev can you help me on this? What exactly do we need to write up to the mentors, like I have liked a particular idea proposal and what else do I need to mail them?
07:07.29|Kev|What you're going to say to the org is not a question someone else can answer for you.
07:09.02vijay_Kev, Who can help me out with that?
07:11.22*** part/#gsoc iamas (~arnavshar@
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08:57.29gsocbotkai: "bugs" is
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09:11.20Uli-good morning folks
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09:30.46Aayush251hey :0
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09:36.32ala_magesi have one question
09:36.54ala_magesin order to participate to the program you must be a student right?
09:37.08*** join/#gsoc ajs_ (~ffledglin@
09:37.16ala_magesand you can prove it by providing an academic Transcripts of your university
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09:38.12ala_magesin case the transcript from the university is not in english can I make the translation and provide also the official one with the translated
09:38.40Aayush251I have no clue about that sorry
09:38.46Aayush251Stay here someone might answer :)
09:38.52ala_magesor its needed to be an official translation ?
09:38.57ala_magesAayush251: no prob thanks
09:39.03ala_magesyes i will wait
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10:39.49banasJust wanted to confirm.
10:39.57banasIs there anything students need to do at this point?
10:41.25weltallAndCan get in contact with the organization they are interested on
10:41.57loneswordbanas, students should read read and read
10:42.11loneswordbanas, and after that, they should think think and think
10:42.27loneswordbanas, and somehow let the people at the organization know what you are thinking :)
10:42.56banasNo, I meant, any formalities. Such as registrations. I'm almost done with my proposal already :)
10:42.56loneswordbanas, this is the time students should think about which organization they are going to work for, and for which particular project
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10:43.24loneswordbanas, As far as I know, nothing. Some organizations do have some sort of format for submitting proposals :)
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10:43.56banasOk cool lonesword :) I guess mine requires me to make a wiki page, but that's later. Thanks!
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10:44.10loneswordbanas, Good luck :)
10:44.33banasThanks lonesword :)
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11:33.09Vk__Hi all
11:33.26Vk__can we apply to the ideas that do not have mentors?
11:33.43Vk__or only those ideas that have mentors must be applied?
11:34.13kaiVk__: talk to the org. usually they're happy to find a mentor for an idea
11:34.54olasdall the more so if a student manifests interest
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11:52.55Vk__thanks @kai
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12:09.56ala_mageshello , i have a question, in order to take part into the GSoC you need to be a student. In order to prove that you need to provide an academic transcript. If the transcript is not in english, do we need to provide an official translation with the original paper?
12:10.21ala_magesor we can translate ourselves?
12:10.32ansgarala_mages: Last year students could just translate it themselves (at least I did).
12:10.40dfighterthat ^^
12:11.11ala_mageskewl thanks :)
12:11.23dfighterin fact if you have a student ID card with stamps or w/e showing you are active, you don't even need to translate
12:11.25dfighterjust scan it
12:11.30dfighterthat's what I did last year
12:11.40dfightersince the numbers are the same in English too :P
12:13.04kaialso, google can probably find an employee who knows the language if they really want to check
12:14.21ala_magesdfighter: indeed that's a good idea
12:14.27ala_magesi did not think of it :p
12:14.40ala_mageskai: also that rue
12:14.56ala_magesi will do it that way :)
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12:17.42dfighterwell in my case they would have to ask the Zurich office for example ( I know some hungarian Phds are there ), doubt there are any in Mountain's view, but they probably have some internal mail-list or forum or whatever so it's easy
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12:24.22kaiif only google had a program that could do translations
12:25.47dfighterkai it's not really reliable with hungarian, trust me :P
12:25.58dfighterbut yea in the worst case it might be usable
12:26.20ibotwell, timeline is the GSoC 2011 timeline is at
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12:46.28kaidfighter: it's not reliable in any language I tried ;)
12:46.50kaigoing via intermediate languages is really fun.. ;)
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12:49.46fenrigI'm here to ask some pretty complex questions about the gsoc :)
12:50.27dfighterhi fenrig, then ask?
12:50.32dfightermaybe some of us can help
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12:51.03fenrigWell I'm a electronics-ict student from Belgium, and I really like to participate in the gsoc.
12:51.20dfighterfenrig then do so!
12:51.25fenrigNow I understand that when you fully complete the gsoc assignment you get a stipend of 5000usd :o
12:52.00gevaertsThat's correct, yes
12:52.01fenrigbut here in belgium we have this fee the goverment gives for having children under some circumstances, the 5000 USD can be a problem for this :)
12:52.02dfighterthe connections you get probably is worth more but yes
12:52.12gevaertsThat's also correct, yes :)
12:52.34fenrigare there some arrangments I can make to lower this stipend?
12:52.41dfighterno fenrig
12:52.57dfighterif you participate and complete your project you get the 5k USD total
12:53.13dfighteryou can "lower" it by not completing
12:53.22dfightersince you get the 5k in multiple parts
12:53.53gevaertsI imagine that it *might* be possible to lower it by donating a part of it to a registered charity. You need to find a tax expert to find out though
12:53.59gevaertsonly just came up with the idea
12:54.07gevaertsdfighter: then you don't get the t-shirt
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12:54.10fenrigdfighter: I'd like to lower it but still completely achieve the goal of the project (don't want to waste possible experience and time of the organization/mentor)
12:54.12gevaertsSo that's not an option
12:54.23dfighteryea gevaerts, that's also true :P
12:54.40dfighterfenrig there's no way to not get paid
12:55.13dfighterthere have been others asking similar questions here over the years and all were told the same
12:55.17gevaertsYou could ask carols if you want to be really sure, but I don't think she'll like the idea
12:55.53kaibasically everything that causes more work for carols is bad, because there's about 1200 students and one carols
12:55.57ansgarI would offer to get his money instead ;)
12:56.07gevaertsActually, that's not the only possible problem you have. IIRC, (and I never *really* knew...), there's also a limit on the time you can work legally without losing benefits
12:56.20fenrigtrue that was my next question :/
12:56.27dfightersure any of us would ansgar, but legally fenrig would still get it
12:56.28gevaertsBut again, I don't really know the details
12:56.33dfighterand would have to pay taxes for it
12:56.46kaiwell, but gsoc is contracting work, I'm not sure there's a fixed time component involved
12:56.57gevaertsdfighter: *taxes* aren't the problem as such. It's losing benefits
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12:57.19dfighterI know gevaerts, that was just an example for why it was a bad idea :P
12:57.38kaiI'm not sure how belgian laws deal with this, but I think this is contracting where you get the money for bringing the deliverable, not for time spent
12:57.39fenrigActually if I can get a example contract then I can further investiguate this with some govermental organization like "student@work"
12:58.09gevaertsRight. That's the best thing to do, I suspect
12:58.26kaifenrig: I think the only "contract" you get is the terms of service
12:58.32gevaertshasn't ever been a student in gsoc, so he can't help much with example paperwork
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12:59.16kaiI don't remember ever signing a contract
12:59.46dfighterkai that's because there isn't one to sign
12:59.53kaiapart from clicking "I accept" on the ToS
13:00.20kaiI had to sign a lot of tax documents in 2005
13:00.43gevaertssuspects many students simply don't bother figuring out these things and hope nobody notices
13:01.33kaiI actually checked, and was below the limits in germany at that time
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13:01.49kaibut then, in the olden days we only got $4.5k
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13:02.40fenrigokay thx I'll take a look at the ToS
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13:03.47kaiand we had to whip the hamsters to produce enough power for the computers all the time
13:05.00ansgardfighter: I'm not sure. As far as I know there are tax saving constructs that work that way: all payments go to $company (which you own), you get a free loan from your company -> no income to tax.
13:06.12dfighteransgar but then that would count as revenue for the company, and they would have to pay revenue taxes ( if there is such in said country ) after it, wouldn't they?
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13:06.46kaiI'd be wary of IRC tax advice ;)
13:07.20ansgardfighter: You locate $company in the right country. But I don't know much about it besides having read about it in some article.
13:07.39dfighteransgar like Cyprus? :D
13:07.52dfighterkai yea we're just chatting, neither of us is a tax expert ofc
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13:10.29fenrig I found this :)
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13:11.20ala_magesthanks for the info guys cheers
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13:11.49kaifenrig: yeah, that's the one
13:18.31fenrig:D I'm just gonna participate, I'm gonna investigate if it would be financially viable to particapte to the gsoc. But I can always try to do some networking without being payed for it. Though I'll have to find another job in the summer :/ so my time will be more "limited"
13:18.44fenrigBig thanks for helping me out ;-)
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14:47.22edsipergood morning
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15:01.12Aayush|AwayMorning edsiper :)
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15:39.43diadaraHi. A student can submit upto 5 proposals. Can he give preference order for these projects?
15:41.37billybobyou won't have enough time to prepare 5
15:41.49billybobtry 2, at most
15:42.41diadaraokay. that's fine. but, can I prefer one over other?
15:43.12OsakaFoodiadara: There is no way to indicate your preference, that I know of.
15:43.20billybobI suppose this should be up to the organizations
15:43.24tomprinceThe assumption is you will be happpy doing any of them. You can specify a preference, but it won't necesarily be taken into account.
15:43.42diadaraokay thanks.
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15:48.45swookdiadara: remember that you apply directly to organisations with specific proposals and ideas
15:49.01swookIt would be kinda rude to tell one: "Hey, you're my second choice"
15:49.34gevaertsI'd say the best option is to tell your preferred one
15:49.43gevaertsDon't say anything to the others :)
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15:50.27diadarasuppose a guy is selected by both the organisations he applied for. who and how will they decide which project to be alloted to student?
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15:50.47gevaertsThe organisations decide
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15:50.56gevaertsThey also get to decide *how* they decide
15:50.57thiagothere will be a session for the organisations to "fight it out"
15:51.13thiagothey may ask the student, or one of them might say "we really, really need this"
15:51.19gevaertsYes, but that's really only for cases where things couldn't be worked out earlier
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15:52.54semmuhi everyone! does anyone know something about the tax/fee in hungary? how much the government cuts off? i googled a lot but it seems like hungarians arent very active in gsoc, therefore i couldnt find any reliable information...
15:53.38gevaertssemmu: your best bet is to ask a local tax expert
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15:57.22semmuhmm, i will, but i thought i would ask here too, maybe somebody know. thanks anyway!
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15:59.21iamcool1i have already involved in a project.. over 3-4 months.. got committer rights too... how much chances r there for me to get accpeted in gsoc
15:59.45lionaneeshiamcool1: How are we supposed to know?
15:59.46patrickgdepends on the project
16:00.01iamcool1just in general
16:00.05blast007iamcool1: ask the organization you're working with ;)
16:00.09gevaerts!odds | iamcool1
16:00.10gsocbotiamcool1: "odds" is Odds, chances or probability really do not come into play for GSoC. Rambling off numbers or asking What are the odds of getting accepted... is really quite useless as one's acceptance is not dictated by luck or numbers, but by the quality of your proposal and your skills instead.
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16:01.02iamcool1should I be asking directly the community ??
16:01.16iamcool1that would be too rough..
16:01.34kaiiamcool1: I'd estimate your chances are 0 <= p <= 1
16:01.43kaigive or take a few
16:01.49gevaertsWell, we can't know how specific organisations rank proposals
16:02.43gevaertsThey might want to prioritise new blood, in which case being a committer seriously reduces your chances, or they might prioritise code, in which case a pre-existing track record will help
16:04.32gevaertsYou should talk to them about your proposal anyway
16:05.02iamcool1talk is underproposal.. they said its very good idea..
16:05.32iamcool1the thing is that.. if I am sure to get in gsoc.. if wont be putting other commitments in that time
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16:29.26gsocbotyogev_ezra: "next" is (#1) April 22 19:00 UTC: Student application period opens., or (#2) April 19th 18:00 UTC: Rejected org feedback meeting
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16:29.55yogev_ezraI think that (#2) is not correct, I got a rejection e-mail that stated 16:00 UTC. Was it changed?
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16:30.56gevaerts!learn next as April 19th 16:00 UTC: Rejected org feedback meeting
16:30.56gsocbotgevaerts: "next" is (#1) April 22 19:00 UTC: Student application period opens., or (#2) April 19th 18:00 UTC: Rejected org feedback meeting, or (#3) April 19th 16:00 UTC: Rejected org feedback meeting
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16:31.03gevaerts!forget next 2
16:31.03gsocbotgevaerts: "next" is (#1) April 22 19:00 UTC: Student application period opens., or (#2) April 19th 16:00 UTC: Rejected org feedback meeting
16:31.23yogev_ezragevaerts: good
16:31.30gevaertsIt says 16:00 UTC in the email I got
16:33.40yogev_ezraAlso on melange website in the calendar it's 9:00 PST
16:34.06yogev_ezraBut it was a nice trick to make the other competitors come late :-)
16:34.45gevaertsalways wonders why those Californians whisper all summer :)
16:35.01gevaertsOr all the time, actually
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17:02.31Uli-good evening my fellow gsoc enthusiasts.
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17:04.34apsgood evening Uli- :)
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17:10.58carolsserves some tea and coffee
17:11.28manugupt1accepts some coffe from carols and thanks her
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17:17.30carolsyou're welcome manugupt1
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17:21.18yogev_ezracarols: Hi, where can I read about the queuing process for tomorrow's meeting?
17:21.38carolsyogev_ezra: kblin said he'd post a little bit on the gsocbot. let's see if he's around?
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17:25.09yogev_ezracarols: Bah webchat crashed so haven't seen your answer if it was given :-(
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17:25.22carolskblin: you around?
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18:23.43chrowhen is the deadline for students application? Apr 22?
18:25.12haseeb!timeline | chro
18:25.13gsocbotchro: "timeline" is
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18:26.40chrowhere can I discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations?
18:27.09gsocbothereticgod: "timeline" is
18:28.27tomprincechro: It depends on the project.
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18:40.10brlcadchro: go to where that mentoring organization talks
18:40.22brlcadfor BRL-CAD, we talk on #brlcad and on our developer mailing list
18:40.30brlcadothers have a forum
18:40.43brlcadsome even talk in person (phone, video chat, etc)
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18:55.48chrois there any organization working on big data?
18:55.53chroand no sql data stores
18:55.56chroor dataflows
18:55.59chrodata-intensive computation
18:56.48Aayush|AwayI have no idea
18:57.26tierrathe Apache Software Foundation is, which may include Hadoop-related projects
18:57.52rihnapstorchro: there is mongoDB ! but dont know which org  !
18:58.24tierrayeah, probably a couple projects in there using mongoDB
18:59.04chrook, I will try to find them
18:59.09sumanahhi chro - have you already done some keyword searches at  ?
18:59.55sumanahbtw chro you might also want to skim which is semi-related but not quite what you are aiming at
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19:01.18Aayush|AwayHey sumanah :)
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19:02.06sumanahbtw, I have been a GSoC mentor & org admin in case any aspiring students have questions
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19:03.21scorche|shsumanah: the great thing about this channel is that there are quite a few people who meet those qualifications too  ;)
19:03.43sumanahI am specifically saying that I am open for questions right now
19:04.09sumanahsometimes a somewhat shy student needs to hear that in order to feel ok asking a question
19:04.39sumanahso I encourage other mentors to also explicitly speak up once in a while and say "hey, anyone got a question? I have a few min right now"
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20:06.58musicremDoes anyone know if there are projects which support the use Dart language?
20:07.32carolsmusicrem: have you tried searching the orgs list's tags for dart?
20:09.16musicremYes. 0 results.
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20:10.48sumanahhi blecam
20:10.55carolsmusicrem: then you might want to try reaching out to the orgs you were already planning to approach, mentioning in your introduction/discussions with them that you're also interested in dart, and go from there. maybe you'll get some bites. maybe you won't. but at least you'll have tried and you'll still be on the path to working with those orgs you're interested in.
20:10.58carolshi blecam
20:11.01*** join/#gsoc thepvrks (~Ravikiran@
20:11.10LekShi, are you new to gsoc?
20:11.31blecamYes, totally new to gsoc!
20:11.43carolsblecam: cool, welcome :-) glad you're here.
20:12.16blecamI just had a question concerning project that are not related to organization in the list of accepted organization.
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20:12.44carolsblecam: sure, you mean a research project?
20:12.47carolsor something else?
20:13.13blecamYes exactly, a ressearch project! (my english is not perfect yet :) )
20:13.36carolsblecam: ok, so you are already working on one or plan to work on one at your university and have an advisor who'd like to mentor you?
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20:14.15blecamI'm working on the parallelization of the Nasa software named Stereo Pipeline, that is open source, along with my computer science professor. He offered me to stay on campus on summer to work on it but I can't afford it
20:14.30blecamso I figured out that would a good project to work on as part of the Google Summer of Code
20:14.45carolsblecam: ok, so then if you wanted to use that as your gsoc project you'd need to apply under the open source programs office umbrella when the applications window opens.
20:14.48thiagoyou'd probably apply to Google as your mentoring organisation
20:15.19blecamOk, here is my main question, is that a receivable project?
20:16.09carolsblecam: well, whether it gets chosen or not is up to us, but in terms of the structure, it sounds like it's suited for the OSPO application umbrella.
20:18.07blecamAllright, this is exactly what I wanted to know. I will talk about it with my professor. I suppose you require more informations on the project, what else would you find relevant along with the introduction and explanation of the project, the timeline, the goal?
20:19.51carolsyes, please :-)
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20:22.58blecamand also, would you have any research project application example in order for me to have an idea of the type of informations you expect, thanks
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20:24.49carolsblecam: i would recommend you use the sample proposals from the student manual and simply modify the format to include your university's name and your university advisor's contact information.
20:25.19blecamGreat, thank you. I'll come back if I need help. Have a good day
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20:34.24blecamOups, I remebered
20:34.38blecamOups I remembered two questions I forgot :)
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20:35.35sumanahGo ahead
20:35.38carolsblecam: sure, how can i help?
20:35.50blecam1) I'm a french student in the US right now, but will be living in France during the GSOC, the faq states that it depends on the country i will live in, but my school accreditation will be us school
20:36.45carolsblecam: the accreditation depends on the university, not the country you live in. i simply provide guidelines on accreditation methods in different countries because everyone does it differently.
20:36.54carolsif your university is accredited in the us you're fine.
20:37.53blecamgood, i was just worried about the fact that i would have to get a cpt to be able to do the GSOC
20:38.21carolsblecam: we're happy to provide you a cpt of you need one.
20:39.50blecamif I live in France this summer, but my school is in the US, I don't need to get a CPT. This is where I am confused and want to make sure I'm doing right
20:40.15carolsblecam: well, if you know you don't need a cpt then don't ask us for one :-)
20:40.19carolsone less letter i need to write.
20:40.44blecamI was not sure about it, but glad to reduce your work task :)
20:41.30*** join/#gsoc anth_r (
20:41.52blecamAllright, here is my second question. Does my mentor for my research project have to apply now or will I add his application along with my proposal application?
20:42.33carolsblecam: by "apply" you mean sign up for a profile?
20:42.42carolsbecause he doesn't apply, you do.
20:43.47blecamYes I mean, having to sign up for a profile before the mentors deadline. I'll take care of the paperwork, that sounds great :)
20:44.29carolsblecam: it would be nice if he signed up for a profile before may 27. but even if he doesn't it's not the end of the world, i can list myself as your mentor if we're choosing to accept you and have him sign up for a profile after that.
20:45.11ojwbthere isn't a cut-off on mentor sign up (sometimes an org might need to sign up a replacement if a mentor becomes unavailable)
20:45.36blecamAllright, got it :)
20:45.56blecamDo you have an ideas on how many students apply?
20:46.04carolsblecam: for the oslo umbrella?
20:46.26blecamumbrella and general
20:46.45carolsif you mean generally, there's a blog post about that on the google open source blog.
20:46.59carolsif you mean to the ospo umbrella i'd need to check the numbers from last year.
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20:55.46carolsscorche: you around?
20:55.53scorche|shcarols: i am
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21:04.30shivshnkri am confused choosing a project
21:04.54carolsshivshnkr: sure, how can we help?
21:06.11shivshnkrcarols: can i know on what basis do i get selected?
21:06.28carolsshivshnkr: it's up to the organization to choose their selection criteria.
21:06.34carolshave you reached out to them to ask?
21:06.48shivshnkrcarols: how to ask them?
21:07.00carolsshivshnkr: use their contact info listed on their melange homepage.
21:08.33shivshnkrcarols: well mailing list and irc is you talk about?
21:08.55carolsshivshnkr: yes, if that's their preferred contact method.
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21:09.38shivshnkrcarols: i want to basically do an android project
21:09.57carolscool :-)
21:10.00carolsthat's great.
21:10.53shivshnkri had found catroid so far
21:11.01paultag\o/ catroid
21:11.08paultagshivshnkr: we have an android project in Debian this year
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21:11.16paultagwe've not taged it well [yet]
21:11.33shivshnkrno tutorials for catroid
21:11.42paultagthe catroid dudes are amazing
21:12.04shivshnkrpaultag: debian project, let me check
21:12.08carolspaultag: no ladies on the team? that's a shame.
21:12.15paultagcarols: none that I've met
21:12.19carolstoo bad.
21:12.22paultagcarols: so, I can't attest to their awesome-ness.
21:12.25paultagYeah, it really is.
21:12.25carolstoo common in open source.
21:12.29paultagvery true.
21:12.45paultagWe're actually using the GSoC orga money to do an OPW slot in Debian
21:12.45carolswell, too common in businesses and organizations at large, really.
21:12.47paultagwhich is going to be great.
21:12.52paultagreally looking forward to that
21:12.55sumanahpaultag: GENIUS
21:12.56carolscool, glad to hear it paultag :-)
21:13.01paultagsumanah: Thanks! :)
21:13.36sumanahhow many slots did Debian get last year?
21:13.41*** part/#gsoc thocevar (
21:13.43paultagsumanah: 13, ISTR, but that may be off by a few
21:13.47paultagcan't remember if that was pass or total
21:13.56shivshnkrcarols: do we need to suggest proposals?
21:14.17carolsshivshnkr: suggest project ideas to the organizations, you mean?
21:14.42shivshnkrcarols: yes, does this increase my possibility of being selected?
21:15.02carolsshivshnkr: actually, quite the opposite. i'd suggest you look at their ideas page and suggest something you'd like to work on from there.
21:15.31sumanahshivshnkr: have you already read ?
21:15.41shivshnkrcarols: yes i have read
21:16.20gevaertsYour own idea *can* work well, but don't spend time on proposing things not on the ideas list without seriously discussing them first with the organisation
21:16.38shivshnkrgevaerts: very true
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21:16.53shivshnkrwe dont have that time left now
21:17.12carolsshivshnkr: you've got time for anything.
21:17.18carolsapplications haven't even opened yet.
21:17.23carolsseize the diem!
21:17.25carolsor something.
21:17.56gevaertsSomething about fish, I think :)
21:18.02carolsah, yes.
21:18.03shivshnkrcarols: what i need to do now, choose my project and then?
21:18.04carolsthat was it.
21:18.22gevaertsshivshnkr: work on your proposal
21:18.23carolsshivshnkr: what you need to do now is start talking to organizations you'd like to work with.
21:18.36carolsand then look at their ideas pages, and then start to formulate some ideas.
21:18.40carolsand go from there.
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21:19.38shivshnkrcarols: on what basis do they select, again my basic ques
21:19.45carolsshivshnkr: you have to ask them.
21:19.55shivshnkrcarols: does their criteria involve bug solving
21:20.15carolswe're very careful about not being prescriptive to the organizations about much of anything. it's far too constraining given how many orgs participate from so many different spheres.
21:20.21carolsshivshnkr: it may. ask them.
21:22.18carolsserves some tea and coffee
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21:22.55gevaertshas some tea with the fish
21:23.16carolsthat sounds…more exotic than i'm ready for.
21:23.42gevaertsIt's the fish of the day, like you said!
21:24.21carolsright :-)
21:24.35diadarahey,how are the slots alotted for each org,based on number of applications ?
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21:25.08carolsdiadara: that. and a lot of other factors too.
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21:26.55dukeletocarols: is that brewpony coffee you are serving? ;)
21:27.04carolsdukeleto: indeed it is!
21:27.15carolsposted a nice pic of my current shipment on plus yesterday :-)
21:27.19carolsthanks dukeleto :-)
21:27.32dukeletocarols: the least I can do
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21:27.59dukeletohas been trying to spread the word about GSoC on the twitterwebs
21:28.09carolsthanks very much, dukeleto :-)
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21:28.14carolshope it's going well.
21:29.01dukeletocarols: thanks! GSoC has me excited, as always. A ton students have wandered into #parrot and lots of activity has started :)
21:29.20carolsawesome :-)
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21:30.10Arthur_Dsame here, we've gotten so many promising students we really want to get hold of three slots if at all possible ;)
21:32.14dukeletocarols: is there a cut-off date for people volunteering to mentor for an org this year?
21:32.23dukeletocarols: sorry if I missed it on the timeline. It is not clear to me.
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21:33.13carolsdukeleto: the only soft cutoff date would be the point when we start deduplication because orgs have to have accepted all their desired students by then and that requires having a mentor assigned.
21:33.22carolsbut you could assign a mentor to a student at any time you wanted, really
21:34.09dukeletocarols: yes, parrot tries to assign at least 2 and maybe more mentors to a student
21:34.40dukeletocarols: thanks, that answers my question!
21:34.53carolsyou're welcome :-)
21:35.33Arthur_Donly thing is, we're a new org so I guess we'll get two slots at most
21:37.52dukeletoArthur_D: which org are you with?
21:38.49gevaertsremembers when TuxKart was new-ish!
21:38.59gevaertsWeird to think of you as "new" :)
21:39.16Arthur_Dyeah. TuxKart is old :)
21:40.01gevaertsWasn't SuperTuxKart one of the results of this "game of the month" idea on the happypenguin forums?
21:40.07Arthur_Dthis year GSoC fit with various schedules, including release schedules very well
21:40.09gevaerts's memory is getting vague...
21:40.28Arthur_Dthey did some months work on it
21:40.34Arthur_Dbut then it died off
21:40.51Arthur_Dand our current leader stepped in :)
21:41.13Arthur_Dfrom then on it's going steadily forward
21:41.35gevaertsGood to hear! It's too nice a game to be neglected...
21:42.02Arthur_Dagreed, but I'm very biased ;)
21:43.06gevaertsThere are no unbiased people in this channel :)
21:43.12gevaerts(well, except carols)
21:43.28Arthur_Dwe'll get students to work on a couple things needed for network play ;)
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21:45.08carolsi'm very biased
21:45.15carolswhat are we being biased about?
21:45.34Arthur_DSuperTuxKart being great ;)
21:45.43Arthur_Dso we need three slots ;)
21:46.01gevaertsWell, I was being more general. Relative greatness of organisations :)
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21:47.21Arthur_Dand you call yourself biased! :P
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21:47.50gevaertsI represent an organisation on my off days! :)
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23:35.41IsharaComixSo right now, the mentoring organizations have been chosen, and they are picking out their mentors. Students can't apply until 4/22, right?
23:38.48tierraIsharaComix: correct, but students should at least be jumping in and getting a headstart by proposing projects on community mailing lists and forums
23:39.01tierragetting involved in discussions, etc...
23:39.59tierraand probably should (depending on the org requirements) be submitting a couple patches to show they know what they are doing
23:40.13IsharaComixtierra, thanks! Yeah, I took care of that a while back trying to poke orgs to apply in the first place. :3
23:40.46IsharaComixI wish EdX would have applied. :/
23:41.17IsharaComix(or rather, got accepted, since they very well could have!)
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