IRC log for #gsoc on 20130313

00:02.03*** join/#gsoc megha (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
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00:52.46gsocbotJainAmber: "logs" is
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05:28.55hfactorHi all, my name is Hiran, I am exGoC, 2013. I am invited to an event to talk about GSoC. Could someone helping me by sharing some slide that covers the entire topic GSoC - what, how, what not, timeline, benefits etc ?
05:31.49*** join/#gsoc ajedwards (
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05:44.13marinahfactor: take a look at !
05:44.39hfactorthanks a lot marina
05:45.16marinahfactor: welcome - you might like to check out the info on the rest of that wiki too
05:45.59hfactormarina: sure, what i need was a base. with every point in it , so that i wont miss the major things - this is perfect!
05:46.27marinahfactor: yeah, it's an awesome resource!
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07:02.55*** join/#gsoc Sayantan (~Sayantan@
07:05.28SayantanI'm an undergraduate student and I'm enrolled to my university till June 2013. Can I participate in this year's GSoC?
07:06.24Catfish_ManSayantan: as far as I know, yes
07:06.38thiagobut ask yourself: what will you be doing in July and August?
07:06.49thiagowill you be looking for a job?
07:07.32SayantanYes of course I will, but I think that shouldn't be a problem.
07:07.56*** join/#gsoc koda (
07:09.30SayantanWhat kind of transcript is required for verification as a student?
07:10.00SayantanCan I sumbit a bonafide certificate issued by the college?
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08:42.26paramhello .... i am new to opensource .... heard about gsoc...... how to get started with gsoc and how to apply ... I have been working on openstack and ubuntu from couple of months
08:44.16paramhello .... i am new to opensource .... heard about gsoc...... how to get started with gsoc and how to apply ... I have been working on openstack and ubuntu from couple of months
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09:46.22Xardovhey there!
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10:27.59gsocbothimsin: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
10:28.15*** join/#gsoc piyushbansal (~solo@
10:28.43gsocbotcensorydep: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
10:29.29himsinHi, where are the logs for this channel?
10:31.15gsocbotcensorydep: I don't recognize you.
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11:43.15jawhi, to apply our project as a mentoring organization, what should I do?
11:44.24jawnevermind, found it I think :)
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16:00.00JordiGHAre there any success stories of an individual being org admin for two orgs?
16:00.05JordiGHI'm gonna try to do that this year.
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16:08.25akif500Jordigh: which orgs ?
16:08.34JordiGHMercurial and Octave.
16:08.56akif500you sure google allows this ?
16:09.08JordiGHYeah, they allow it. They just discourage it because it's a lot of work.
16:09.28gevaertsI know scorche has done that in the past
16:09.34JordiGHI'll still need a backup admin for each org, but I think I can get them.
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16:15.42JordiGHscorche`: Confirm, deny?
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16:31.39JordiGHDo students get taxed on their GSoC income? That varies by country, right?
16:31.47JordiGHThey're not paying US taxes, only local taxes, right?
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16:36.50akif500they pay local taxes
16:37.51akif500in INDIA they pay 20% taxes if the tax is not deducted at source
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16:43.23darnir_akif500: That is quite easily avoidable. Put some of the income as an investment. You can tax concessions there and fall out of any taxable blocks.
16:44.24MatthewWilkesdarnir_: I think there's a policy of not giving tax advice in this channel, as US law forbids it and it might put Google in an unpleasant situation
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16:44.47akif500hahaha... :D
16:44.54darnir_MatthewWilkes: Oww! Didn't know about that. Sorry.
16:45.09MatthewWilkesI won't tell if you don't ;)
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16:46.02anth_rand regardless, it's not a good idea to take tax advice from random folks in IRC. ;-)
16:46.12derdonMatthewWilkes: US law forbids to give tax advice?!
16:46.21darnir_anth_r: True that.
16:46.37*** part/#gsoc csoec (~chatzilla@
16:47.04darnir_MatthewWilkes: Also, I think US law would forbid giving tax advice only when applicable to US right? (Just for my knowledge)
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16:48.31MatthewWilkesdarnir_: Yep, but people have such complex situations that it's a good rule of thumb. I've occasionally PMed someone in the UK to tell them the right people to talk to and certain implications that I'm sure of, but only if I'm careful to put all the caveats on it
16:48.53MatthewWilkesIf we give advice here then more people will ask for it, and it turns into an issue
16:49.18gevaertsdarnir_: I always understood they have freedom of speech there
16:49.26MatthewWilkeshits gevaerts
16:49.40darnir_Oh okay. That way it's true. You don't want to encourage these things
16:49.52derdongevaerts: only if you want to deny the holocaust. SCNR
16:50.06MatthewWilkesWell. That escalated quickly.
16:50.26scorche|shlets stop that
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16:55.59JordiGHWhat's the suggested average time commitment for a mentor? I've been saying 10 hours per week.
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16:59.11anth_rthat seems like a good average in my experience.
16:59.46anth_ri usually tell my prospective mentors 10 hours, possibly more if things get rough.
16:59.55darnir_10 hours a week for a mentor?
17:00.09darnir_Why would so much time be required?
17:00.21ChrisOelmuellerto, well, mentor the student
17:00.24anth_rit's often less, but i don't mention that up front to keep expectations good.
17:01.03darnir_I understand that duh!
17:01.23darnir_But I would've figured the mentor usually only points in the direction and the student does the work.
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17:01.51ChrisOelmuellerand everything works out of the box and they lived happily thereafter
17:01.54darnir_Didn't realise mentoring requires all that time!
17:02.59darnir_I have been working with a propective mentor for about a month now. (I'm a student). He usually only spends enough time to reply back to my mails once a day.
17:03.13darnir_And that's worked quite well.
17:03.36ChrisOelmuellerother students may need more guidance
17:04.14carolsserves some tea and coffee
17:04.49whitethanks carols for tea
17:04.56carolsyou're welcome, white
17:05.18anth_rit all depends on the student.
17:05.37anth_rwe've had a few that required maybe 2 hours a week from their mentors.
17:06.14anth_rand we've had more difficult ones where the mentor, backup mentor, and admin all got involved, spending different amounts of time, maybe 30 hours a week between them.
17:06.25anth_rthankfully, the former is way more common that the later, in my experience.
17:06.56anth_ractually, i can only think of one case where it got that intense.
17:07.54darnir_anth_r: You mentor for?
17:07.58anth_rso i'd say the mean was around 10 hrs/week, but the median was abotu 5.
17:08.32anth_ri've been admin for plan9 for a few years now; mentored for them once.
17:08.37JordiGHWhen are the two 2500 installments paid? (sorry, too lazy to jfgi)
17:09.05*** join/#gsoc kodab (
17:09.12anth_r(we always have more mentors than slots, and other mentors fit the specific projects better the other years)
17:09.47ChrisOelmuellerit's 500 - 2250 - 2250
17:09.57darnir_JordiGH: 500 in the beginning. May end I suppose. 2250 at mid-sem. Somewhere around July I guess
17:10.02*** join/#gsoc RR42 (~quassel@
17:10.03darnir_and 2250 at the end.
17:10.20JordiGHYeah, but I want the exact dates... for advertising to starved PhD students.
17:10.25*** join/#gsoc rihnapstor (~rihen@
17:10.26JordiGHI guess I'll jfgi.
17:10.47*** join/#gsoc rihnapstor (~rihen@unaffiliated/rihnapstor)
17:11.44anth_ris it on !timeline ?
17:11.56anth_roh, doesn't work that way, huh? hrm.
17:11.59gsocbotanth_r: "timeline" is
17:12.05JordiGHHere we go:
17:12.53darnir_Slightly off-topic. Is there any chance that gsocbot's code is open sourced?
17:13.12JordiGHI think it's a supybot.
17:13.16JordiGHgsocbot: What are you?
17:13.48gsocbotJordiGH: (info [<channel>] <key>) -- Gives information about the factoid(s) associated with <key>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
17:13.52Kakerotis GSOC for only undergraduates
17:14.04JordiGHKakerot: No, grad students are also welcome.
17:14.07Kakerotor even for people doing post graduations?
17:14.15sharveyKakerot: I was a phd student and did gsoc
17:14.15KakerotJordiGH: ok
17:14.25*** join/#gsoc harshadura_ (~harshadur@
17:14.33Kakerotsharvey: in which org?
17:14.48sharveyKakerot: I was with 52north
17:15.07Kakerotwas there anybody with abiword?
17:16.30*** join/#gsoc mang0 (~Matrix@unaffiliated/mang0)
17:17.21Kakerotto participate in gsoc does one organisation has to be open source or it can be possible that it wants few open source projects
17:18.23JordiGHWow, Abiword.
17:18.27JordiGHDid they get into GSoC?
17:18.59KakerotJordiGH: YA y??...werent they supposed to?
17:19.14*** join/#gsoc gsoc (925f6f96@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:19.20JordiGHI'm just impressed that they still have mindshare despite a giant like LibreOffice.
17:19.24*** join/#gsoc marina (
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17:19.37gsocHello from Hunter College! We're all gathered around doing a thing about GSOC 2013!
17:19.58Kakerotya...i am thinkin of participating in that org
17:20.03anth_rhello, Hunter College!
17:20.21anth_rand wow, the whole school? good turnout!
17:24.22*** join/#gsoc thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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17:26.44gsocJust the cool people
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17:32.50gsocThanks to carols for the t-shirts, stickers, et al.
17:33.02carolsgsoc: you're welcome.
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18:28.49gsocdberkholz: Thanks for your advice re mentor-student communication! Just talked about it with some students at an info session.
18:29.10gsoc(This is Sumana.)
18:31.35dberkholzgsoc: much of my advice is backed by gsoc survey data so thank the gsoc team for doing it in the first place =)
18:32.00*** join/#gsoc v1z_ (~rfabbri@
18:32.43dberkholzgsoc: is a great post
18:42.29*** join/#gsoc AmberJ_ (amberj@unaffiliated/amberj)
18:42.52gsocBye all
18:44.18*** join/#gsoc BlankVerse (~pankajm@
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19:18.42scorche`JordiGH: confirmed - i have been org admin for 2 orgs in the past
19:19.49JordiGHscorche`: And apparently lived to tell the tale.
19:21.50*** join/#gsoc MrDHat (~quassel@2605:6400:2:fed5:22:0:5e7b:870b)
19:22.13JordiGHscorche`: Which orgs?
19:23.38scorche`Rockbox and Sugar Labs
19:24.43*** join/#gsoc vitaluha (925f02d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:24.47JordiGHBtw, I just got Rockbox on a Sansa Clip+ that my girlfriend bought for me for its hackability factor, and man, Rockbox is an awesome piece of work. I've never seen such beautiful documentation before.
19:25.10JordiGH30 CAD for a free player with a free OS, yay!
19:25.21JordiGHAnyways, Rockbox lives up to its name. Thanks.
19:26.09scorche`cheers for the fine people who have worked on our fine manual ;)
19:28.11JordiGHI'll be sending some money to the donation box very soon. Not a whole lot, sadly, but some.
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21:01.47gsocbotsumanah: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
21:02.33*** join/#gsoc thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
21:02.36gsocbotscorche|sh: "logs" is
21:02.40scorche|shsumanah: ^^
21:02.54sumanahThank you!
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21:03.34paultaghi, sumanah!
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21:04.03sumanahhi paultag!
21:04.15sumanahok, so the logs from today don't show up until after midnight the server's time - that is okay
21:04.40paultagsumanah: I have lots of logs if you need them
21:05.23sumanahI was nick=gsoc for a little bit today during an info session and wanted to see whether anyone said something to me while someone else was in charge of the computer -- I think Donnie pointed us at a tips page, or something, that my co-presenter put up
21:06.55paultagsumanah: I don't have anyone saying anything to gsoc on #gsoc :(
21:07.11paultagI've got two
21:07.12scorche|shsumanah: that was all
21:07.57sumanahmuch thanks paultag
21:08.18paultagsure thing!
21:08.45*** join/#gsoc carols (~carols@
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21:11.14sumanahpaultag: you saw ?
21:11.51paultagsumanah: I didn't! but I did now! Very neat!
21:12.15paultagHaha, can always count on a laugh from SJ's comments :)
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22:36.10r0bby_sumanah: They gave one link to a blog
22:36.15r0bby_I'll get it
22:36.20sumanahI got it.
22:36.33sumanah<paultag> 14:32 < dberkholz> gsoc: is a great post
22:37.11*** join/#gsoc _wolf_ (
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22:37.39r0bby_I shared that on my school's CompSci page
22:37.49sumanahGood idea.
22:37.50r0bby_(that was when turned off the projector)
22:38.00r0bby_I felt nobody neededto see my fb
22:38.10r0bby_anywhoo back to coding
22:39.31*** join/#gsoc SL42 (~solo@
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.