IRC log for #gsoc on 20120910

00:00.01*** join/#gsoc Shidash (
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01:31.11*** join/#gsoc brunocoelho (~brunocoel@
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03:49.52*** join/#gsoc ISF (~ivan@
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04:47.48*** join/#gsoc witness123 (~witness@
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05:08.12*** join/#gsoc nit3ch (~nit3ch@
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05:51.32*** join/#gsoc erione (~erione@
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05:55.47*** join/#gsoc KirarinSnow-pyon (~kirarinsn@
05:58.58*** join/#gsoc Catfish_Man (~david@adium/CatfishMan)
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07:17.47*** join/#gsoc thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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08:01.30gsocbotrajul: "next" is Beginning 24 August 2012, passing students can begin submitting code samples to Melange with a soft deadline of 14 September 2012 at 19:00 UTC. See for more details.
08:06.36*** join/#gsoc zomux (~zomux@
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08:27.45*** join/#gsoc naman22 (naman22@
08:28.13naman22wants to close his citiprepaid account
08:28.36*** join/#gsoc Neo-- (
08:28.44naman22already written to carols but no reply so far
08:28.48*** join/#gsoc samxan (~sam@kde/developer/bairagya)
08:31.50AmberJ_I'm yet to withdraw my 2nd and 3rd GSoC payment...
08:32.25KirarinSnowKoreaI've just been using mine as a credit/debit card
08:33.08KirarinSnowKoreaI've made ATM withdrawals in four countries so far
08:38.25*** join/#gsoc vytas (
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13:24.35*** join/#gsoc harshpb (~harshpb@
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13:56.16*** join/#gsoc chetan_ (~chetan_@freenet/developer/gsoc2012/chetan)
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14:00.16mpreislerregarding mentor summit, it seems that Wild Palms is already booked out, yet the link doesn't redirect me to overflow hotels
14:01.08kblinmpreisler: you might want to send an email to carol
14:01.16kblinmpreisler: sorry this all took so long to figure out
14:06.13*** join/#gsoc AmineKhaldi (
14:07.03mpreislerfor the record: I found someone else having the same problem on the mailing list, the suggested solution is to mail Wild Palms directly
14:09.43*** join/#gsoc AmineKhaldi (~AmineKhal@reactos/developer/BZMaintainer)
14:10.47*** join/#gsoc AmberJ_ (~amberj@
14:10.47*** join/#gsoc AmberJ_ (~amberj@unaffiliated/amberj)
14:25.11MatthewWilkesDr. Who Christmas Special being filmed outside my office right now?
14:26.46thiagohow do you know?
14:27.06thiagocan you see Karen Gillian?
14:29.05*** join/#gsoc herat (~herat@
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14:30.26agliodbsMatthewWilkes: time to photobomb ;-)
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14:31.35gsocbotbillybob: "logs" is
14:31.57MatthewWilkesthiago: The crew told us
14:32.05MatthewWilkesthiago: They were filming around the corner a few weeks back
14:32.09gary_bdoes the balance stated by citi prepaid have pending transaction already deducted?
14:32.33MatthewWilkescan't see any cast at the moment, but they've changed the Royal Naval Volunteer pub opposite into The Dancing Ferret
14:32.43MatthewWilkesand there's a load of cameras and light screens and lorries around
14:34.14*** join/#gsoc asmeurer (
14:35.35thiagoMatthewWilkes: where are you?
14:35.39thiagoI thought they filmed in Cardiff
14:37.52MatthewWilkesthiago: Bristol
14:38.07MatthewWilkesthiago: They are based in Cardiff, but do a lot in Newport, and some in Bristol
14:38.19*** join/#gsoc Shidash (
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14:46.59*** join/#gsoc witness123 (~witness@
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15:11.06*** part/#gsoc billybob (~billybob@2001:da8:201:1030:8eb:b793:b461:5ce)
15:13.46mpreislerkblin: np (it initially didn't occur to me that you are Kai)
15:18.44*** part/#gsoc bafna_p (~prashant@
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17:25.13fidenciowhere is carols? :)
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21:36.10*** join/#gsoc LetterRip (48d7c8c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:36.27LetterRipno carols - bummer
21:36.50LetterRipanyone know what to do about the wild palms sign up problem?
21:37.09LetterRipi emailed the contact person carols mentioned on list and also mentioned via the sign up interface
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23:16.23*** part/#gsoc fidencio (
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.