IRC log for #gsoc on 20120327

00:02.10*** join/#gsoc cinemascop89 (
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01:20.18*** join/#gsoc pokoko222 (~chatzilla@
01:20.36pokoko222is it ok to ask a mentor what are my chances of being accepted ?
01:20.55pokoko222at least if the news are bad I can try another project while there is time
01:20.58ryaopokoko222: Yes.
01:21.22ryaopokoko222: I think people are suggesting that you apply for multiple things. If multiple people apply, only 1 will be accepted.
01:21.31pokoko222they are the ones with the final word right? google is just intermediary
01:21.40ryaoI believe so.
01:21.48ryaoI am mentoring and as far as I know, I get the final word.
01:21.56pokoko222saying to multiply for more things is easier said than done :)
01:22.02pokoko222to apply *
01:22.22pokoko222the project I am on now... it is taking lots of time just to get to know the code
01:22.29ryaoWhich project?
01:22.35ryaopokoko222: Also, you could look at this:
01:22.44ryaois advertising his project. :P
01:23.07pokoko222you are so evil :D
01:23.09censorydeppokoko, I have heard from some others that there is a balance.  You don't want to apply to too many as your proposals will be weak.  But, all-your-eggs-in-one-basket may not be a winning strategy either.
01:23.35pokoko222so far I got it all on one
01:23.38ryaoOr you could propose your own ideas and have a better chance of no one else proposing it.
01:23.50pokoko222but so far on this one I am kicking ass
01:24.01pokoko222so far I say, some better dude might come out
01:24.24censorydepwell, if you feel like you're kicking ass, then I think it's definitely reasonable to show you work to the mentor and see what they think your chances are.
01:24.31*** join/#gsoc pelotr0n (
01:24.40pokoko222they like it and want to merge the code
01:24.51censorydepalways a good sign. :-)
01:25.01pokoko222and i am talking lots of code here
01:25.03pokoko2221000+ lines
01:25.10pokoko222did it this week
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01:27.41pokoko222if someone wants to merge 1000+ lines that is a good sign I guess :D
01:27.51*** join/#gsoc ajs (
01:28.30censorydepagreed.  Good luck with your proposal.  Definitely seems like you're off to a good start.
01:30.03*** join/#gsoc Catfish_Man (~david@adium/CatfishMan)
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01:38.33MatthewWilkeshi the
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01:41.47thebolthi MatthewWilkes
01:41.53theboltany success with your MCUs?
01:42.41MatthewWilkesthebolt: yup, got them responding
01:43.38MatthewWilkesnow I need to hack together a virtual serial port that they will talk to and I can bridge one onto my home network and play
01:44.22MatthewWilkesafter that comes powering up the 802.15.4 radio, watching when nothing happens, and reading up on trace layout for 2.4ghz signals
01:45.03*** join/#gsoc madrazr (~madhu@unaffiliated/madrazr)
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01:55.51theboltMatthewWilkes: layouts for RF parts is a bit.. interesting
01:56.37MatthewWilkesthebolt: Indeed, but there are 3 commercially available products based on this ยต
01:56.56theboltMatthewWilkes: sure, its not magic.. but a bit different than low frequency parts
01:56.58MatthewWilkesone of them I found a lot of forum posts laughing at how they'd clearly just used eagle autorouter
01:57.09*** join/#gsoc mrglavas (
01:57.13MatthewWilkespeople were getting decent range, but nowhere near what it could do
01:57.22*** part/#gsoc Unfurth16_ (
01:58.26MatthewWilkesthe other two are either a really expensive Atmel dev board (yuck)
01:58.57MatthewWilkesor a dresden electronics CE certified module for 25 EUR (nice)
02:00.35*** join/#gsoc nightrocker (~nightrock@
02:00.58DarrowHey guys, the FAQ says I submit via the GSoC site, but the organization I'm submitting to says to send an e-mail to them.
02:01.05MatthewWilkesthebolt: Assuming that none of the other boards I have tried already are fixable my unit cost is already down to 30 EUR, so, no big loss ;)
02:01.10DarrowWhat am I supposed to do?
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02:01.19theboltMatthewWilkes: :)
02:01.21MatthewWilkesDarrow: The email is for their convenience so they can help you improve the proposal
02:01.32MatthewWilkesDarrow: Only applications submitted via the GSoC site count
02:01.40DarrowMatthewWilkes: Where's the link to the official application? I can't seem to find it.
02:02.25MatthewWilkesDarrow: Log in/register as a student on the site and you should see an apply button on org homepages
02:02.59ojwbif they prefer to work on it via email first, then do that as pasting it into melange repeatedly is very dull
02:03.05DarrowMatthewWilkes: Ah, got it, was looking on the individual organization pages the entire time. Thanks!
02:03.05nightrockeri've never wordked on a real project, less an open source project, but i love coding? will my application be considered? thanks for responding
02:03.18ojwbjust make sure to actually submit it a decent amount before the deadline
02:03.35ojwb!amigoodenough | nightrocker
02:03.35gsocbotnightrocker: "amigoodenough" is
02:03.42ojwbshort answer is yes
02:04.04ojwbbut apply for something appropriate to your abilities
02:04.57nightrockerthank you all :) you've encouraged me a lot to apply
02:06.09*** join/#gsoc zach_ (~zach@
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02:13.08*** join/#gsoc pkillian (
02:13.42pkillianHow do we go about noting a typo on the summer of code registration?
02:14.47pkillianThe example of how to write out the full name of our school has "University of California at Berkley". It should be Berkeley :P
02:18.35Smasher816Im only 16, but know how to program. Any suggestions (seeing as this event is only for 18+).
02:20.19Smasher816I guess i could just start helping some open source projects. I already use github for some colab android kernel work.
02:20.35*** join/#gsoc madrazr (~madhu@unaffiliated/madrazr)
02:21.30MatthewWilkesSmasher816: Sounds like you have a good idea of what you're doing already
02:21.41MatthewWilkesSmasher816: Also, keep an eye out for GCI
02:22.47*** join/#gsoc ardahal (0e8b55c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:22.50Smasher816Thanks Matt. I was thinking some more 'events' or real life stuff would be nice to help give me some direction. Whats "GCI" you mention?
02:23.30Smasher816ahh -
02:24.46*** join/#gsoc chitz (7ab0cac6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:25.05ojwbpkillian: probably telling them on #melange would work
02:26.02*** join/#gsoc maverick (~maverick@
02:26.18gsocbotardahal: "timeline" is
02:26.58Smasher816yay for irc bots. i actually made a simple telnet expect script to anounce stuff over irc. lol
02:27.22*** join/#gsoc MandiW (~wangman@
02:27.57chitzHello, I had mailed the organization that I'm interested in with the project ideas that I would like to work on this summer. The mentors of the organization replied to it. So is it advisable to start the communication with them on the mailing list itself or to personally mail them regarding this?
02:28.30ojwbchitz: use the list
02:28.41ojwbpublic communication is the default
02:30.49*** part/#gsoc MandiW (~wangman@
02:31.19chitzojwb: Thanks will stick to the mailing list. Also there is some kind of etiquette in gsoc, to not to include the "show quoted text" part in the mail. How valid is that in this case?
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02:52.16ojwbchitz: those sort of things are very org-specific
02:52.29ojwbgenerally people dislike the "top posting" style
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02:53.01ojwband prefer you to quote the relevant parts interleaved
02:53.08ojwbbut that's not universal (sadly)
02:53.43ojwbbut communicating in public is a good default - if they do reply privately, you can follow the lead on that
02:53.52Catfish_Mantop posting is the only thing that makes the slightest sense :P
02:53.53Catfish_Manalso tabs
02:54.17ojwbit's tedious to get up in the morning and find a whole slew of PMs from people who are no longer on IRC
02:54.36ojwband asking questions that could easily have been dealt with by anyone in the channel
02:56.29*** join/#gsoc lfz (~chatzilla@
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03:21.05*** join/#gsoc PJain (4b24c693@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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03:21.27PJainHi - if I am a high school student, can I still participate?
03:22.04Catfish_Manno, although there's another related program called Google Code-In that does accept highschoolers
03:22.19PJainOk - Thanks!
03:22.33Catfish_ManI don't believe it's been announced yet whether there'll be a GCI this year, but keep an eye out for it :)
03:22.55tomprinceIf you are currently in high school, but have been accepted for the fall, then you may be elligibale, I think.
03:23.06*** join/#gsoc crdueck (
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03:24.48PJainI'm a sophomore but I do work on several open source projects all ready. I'll check back with Code-In in November since that was when it was last year
03:25.11Smasher816Im pretty much in the same boat PJain
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03:41.45ojwbtomprince: yeah, you need to be over 18 and enrolled in a university on the cut off date, and it's probably possible to be both while still at high school
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04:32.23crdueckhello, i'm very interested in participating in the gsoc. but as a freshman in university i'm worried i wont have enough knowledge or experience to handle it. I'm enrolled in a mathematics program and have some experience with functional (scheme) and imperative (c,c++) langauges. do i have a chance at all in getting an application accepted?
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04:32.52ojwb!amigoodenough | crdueck
04:32.52gsocbotcrdueck: "amigoodenough" is
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04:49.16_hsrcrdueck, checkout the list of organisations accepted, there are many which has c/c++ as their language preference
04:50.43*** join/#gsoc Lewc (
04:50.59_hsrto start, < its math + c/c++
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04:58.57crdueckhow necessary is it to have previous dev experience or commits to opensource projects?
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04:59.35ojwbmost students don't
04:59.47ojwbhave previous opensource experiencethat is
05:00.12ojwbprevious development experience varies from close to none to lots
05:04.08*** join/#gsoc Uzix (~notebook@
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05:20.30*** join/#gsoc Andrew_Askins (~andrewask@
05:21.25Andrew_AskinsDoes anyone have advice for a first year student with limited experience who is eager to get involved and learn and really wants to participate in the program?
05:22.45Catfish_ManAndrew_Askins: get involved early, self-motivate as much as possible, abandon fear and ego
05:25.58Andrew_AskinsCatfish_Man What about as far as actually applying? I'm a freshman computer science student who knows Java, and that's about it, but I'm confident I can learn as I go. However all of the orgs seem to want extensive experience. How do I convince them I can do it?
05:26.53Catfish_ManAndrew_Askins: the usual two suggestions are a) to look for an easy-ish project from last year and see if you can prototype it, or at least understand roughly understand the solution
05:27.05Catfish_Manand/or b) to try fixing a small bug or two in your project of choice to get a feel for it
05:27.28Catfish_Man(and demonstrate some basic level of competence as a convenient side effect :) )
05:27.53*** join/#gsoc nit3ch (~chatzilla@
05:28.21ojwbnotes there's an org tagged "good for beginners"
05:28.24Andrew_AskinsCatfish_Man: So I should do this before starting and/or submitting my application?
05:28.26*** join/#gsoc ajs (
05:28.47Catfish_ManAndrew_Askins: heck, if you could manage to do it last year, that would be a great head start ;)
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05:29.17Catfish_ManAndrew_Askins: in pretty much any situation, getting more practice and getting involved is almost never the wrong answer
05:29.22Catfish_Manunless it's the drug trade or something I guess
05:30.20*** join/#gsoc samxan (~sam@kde/developer/bairagya)
05:32.55Andrew_Askins@Catfish_Man: hahaha, fair enough. i've been looking at apertium and catroid. but you're saying the best thing to do would be to try coding something first, either a minor bug fix or old project, and then work on the proposal?
05:33.36Catfish_ManAndrew_Askins: or alternate, or do both at once, I don't know. :)
05:33.38ojwbAndrew_Askins: that's the better way round, as you'll learn quite a bit from working on the code
05:33.50ojwbwhich should help you write a better proposal
05:34.06Andrew_Askinsokay, great! appreciate the advice. sorry for sounding dumb, just trying to get things straight
05:34.26Catfish_Manno worries, we get this several times a day. You're more polite than most ;)
05:34.30*** join/#gsoc VultureBike (
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05:37.27Andrew_Askinshaha, glad to hear it. where should i go about finding a simple bug to fix for apertium? should i check github or something like that? or would there website be the best place to find something like that
05:38.07Catfish_Manmost projects have some combination of mailing list/forum, irc channel/xmpp room, and bug tracker
05:38.39Catfish_Manfor the vaguely competent ones there's usually a "get involved" link somewhere reasonably obvious on their website that covers that
05:39.27*** join/#gsoc billybob (~billybob@2001:da8:201:1080:21e:68ff:feae:c1cb)
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05:41.07tomprinceSome projects have some bugs explictly marked as simple.
05:42.05Andrew_Askinsgreat, i've joined the irc channel, though no one's on at the moment. i'll look into mailing lists and forum and see if i can find anything on their site
05:42.50Catfish_Manit is about 11PM PDT, so I'd imagine a lot of people will be asleep
05:44.01_hsron a math scale, what would be the chances of getting approved if you are just applying to a single org ?
05:44.11Andrew_Askinshaha, yeah, not the best time to be getting started. life of a college procrastinator.
05:44.32*** join/#gsoc skbohra (~shrikant@unaffiliated/skbohra)
05:45.00kblin_hsr: I think that's a clear q = 1-p chance, where 0 <= p <= 1
05:45.31_hsrah, expected somthing like that :p
05:45.37Catfish_Man_hsr: a probabilistic approach is misleading. A top student will have an extremely good chance, since many of the applications submitted are barely more than spam
05:45.44theboltmorning kblin et al
05:45.54kblinmorning thebolt :)
05:47.12_hsrhmm, I don't see any others I can work with now, too much involved with the current one :(
05:48.12kblin_hsr: so make sure the proposal to that one org is a good one
05:48.42_hsrwill sure do :)
05:48.55kblinif your proposal is the best they have, even if they only get very few slots, you'll make the cut
05:49.30kblinthe last few gsocs, I actually had less useful proposals than I had slots
05:50.25ojwba wonder if that's better or worse than the contrary
05:51.13kblinon a personal level, the contrary is a bit sad
05:51.26kblinbecause you need to send a good student away
05:51.48kblinhere, I just need to find a new home for my slot :)
05:52.29*** join/#gsoc Uzix (~notebook@
05:52.29_hsris it possible that the slots can be redistributed, if some are not per standards
05:52.39ojwbit happens every year
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05:58.30tomprinceAndrew_Askins: Is nobody on the channel, or are they just not responding? In the former case, I'd be inclined to guess you have the wrong channel (or server).
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06:03.14Andrew_Askinstomprince: nobody is on the sofc specific channel for apertium, there are lots of people on the general channel, but no one responding there.
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06:36.25theatrexHello, how do I add my software to the GSOC listing? :)
06:37.48ojwbtheatrex: wait until about february next year and then fill in an org application form
06:38.12*** join/#gsoc j4nu5 (~j4nu5@gateway/tor-sasl/j4nu5)
06:38.22theatrexYeah, I just saw the dead-line answer in the FAQ. Bummer. Thanks though! :D
06:39.26ojwbactually, it's worth starting gather ideas much sooner - it takes time to come up with a good list, and that's important to the org app
06:40.18tomprinceThis year it seemed to be one of the more important deciding factors, along with contingency plans.
06:40.30*** join/#gsoc harshpb (~harsh@
06:40.48ojwbI think it is every year
06:41.10ojwbparticularly for new orgs
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06:41.42theatrexWell, I have quite a few of things already lol. It's difficult for me to play cook, chief, and bottle-washer. As far as I know I am the only one working on my software.
06:41.48ojwbhmm, i haven't read the logs of the feedback meeting
06:42.19ojwbtheatrex: you're unlikely to get a one person project accepted - too much of a single point of failure
06:43.10ojwbif there's a suitable umbrella org, you might be best to try to go under their auspices
06:43.24theatrexojwb: I realized this. I think I have an idea.
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06:46.51theatrexThanks all! Good health.
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08:17.58|Kev|No proposals yet...sad panda :(
08:19.10cb_any owasp mentors here ?
08:19.30|Kev|!anyone | cb_
08:19.30gsocbotcb_: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
08:19.32*** part/#gsoc zeroXten (
08:21.23cb_|Kev|, i have contect list, but want to chat to disuss something interesting :))
08:22.48*** join/#gsoc ThibG (
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08:43.24*** part/#gsoc goranAt (~goran@
08:46.46*** join/#gsoc pokoko222 (~chatzilla@
08:47.05pokoko222I replied to mailing list and I my message does not show up
08:47.21pokoko222what should I do
08:47.41*** join/#gsoc saurabhsood91 (~saurabh@
08:47.43pokoko222mail might show up later? things like this happen with mailing lists?
08:48.00gevaertsLots of things happen with mailing lists
08:48.26*** join/#gsoc ardahal (0e8b55c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:48.32pokoko222I should pray for the best and wait then
08:48.42pokoko222if it does not show up I will send again in hour
08:48.55gevaertsIs this a subscribers-only mailing list?
08:49.34gevaertsDid you send the email from a subscribed address?
08:50.02*** join/#gsoc asavu (~asavu@
08:50.17pokoko222I replied to a message from gmail
08:50.32pokoko222it worked so far
08:50.45pokoko222I had done so before... send at least 10 mails so far
08:50.52*** join/#gsoc tdfischer (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/tdfischer)
08:51.03gevaertsIt might have hit a spam filter. Such things happen
08:51.43pokoko222oh oh i see it now
08:52.02pokoko222it never took this long, like 15 min to show up after sending
08:52.27*** join/#gsoc kj1 (~jiggy@
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08:53.02gevaertsThat doesn't sound very long
08:54.22*** join/#gsoc maverick (~maverick@
08:55.17*** join/#gsoc maverick (~maverick@
08:56.16mathieuiHm, ยซโ€ฏStudents should be prepared to provide oogle with official transcripts or a letter of acceptance from their accredited institution as proof of enrollment statusโ€ฏยป
08:56.22*** join/#gsoc maverick (~maverick@
08:56.34mathieuiMine was a simple mail with ยซโ€ฏYou are now registered as a studentโ€ฏยป
08:57.45mathieuiDoes that count?
08:58.10*** join/#gsoc Enygma` (~Enygma`@
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09:02.31chino9I am Mexican and I want to apply as a student for gsoc, can I apply if my university is not on the "Accredited Universities" list?
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09:17.57aliqhey guys, stupid question: where are the logs?
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09:18.32Jooles!logs | aliq
09:18.32gsocbotaliq: "logs" is
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09:19.21aliqholy cow, I'll never understand gsocbot. Just tried /msging him with logs and !logs and whatever, and he ignored me. unpolite.
09:20.01*** join/#gsoc weta (
09:21.14JoolesI would have thought there'd be some instructions for it somewhere but I've not found any. That's one of only three commands I've learnt for it :)
09:21.36dhaunJooles: the syntax in PMs is different
09:21.38weltallAndBad bot! :)
09:21.45dhaun!gsocbot | Jooles
09:21.46gsocbotJooles: "gsocbot" is
09:21.56JoolesAwesome :). Thanks dhaun
09:22.09*** join/#gsoc dragansah (
09:22.58sree_gsoc "mentors: apply  now" page is somehow not working...
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09:26.12ajaybhargavcan anyone tell me when to chat with a mentor??
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09:28.36gevaertsajaybhargav: that's easy. Now
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09:32.15gevaertsajaybhargav: don't contact people privately without prior agreement here
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09:32.28ajaybhargavok.. sry
09:33.04ajaybhargavwhat if the mentors are not online?
09:33.17ajaybhargavwhen will they be online?
09:34.03gevaertsThat depends entirely on their timezone and schedule
09:34.37*** join/#gsoc zz_Uzix (~bnc@
09:35.23ajaybhargavhow do i find out who is a mentor and who is not, in this channel?
09:35.53MatthewWilkesajaybhargav: ask them, but it shouldn't matter
09:36.01*** join/#gsoc erione (~erione@
09:36.22MatthewWilkesajaybhargav: You're best off talking to people in the org chatrooms
09:37.13ajaybhargavok.... thanks
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09:44.38pc_magasdude google melagne is TOOOO slow....
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09:45.55MatthewWilkespc_magas: Try accessing it in the middle of the night? ;)
09:46.17pc_magas<MatthewWilkes>The Hours that I sleep?
09:46.30MatthewWilkespc_magas: It was a joke
09:46.35pc_magasIn greece now is 12:46
09:47.01pc_magasAt least provide A Mirror site....
09:47.07*** join/#gsoc Intensity (4c1eFHrfL0@unaffiliated/intensity)
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09:47.31gevaertsMirrors don't work for dynamic sites
09:47.45*** join/#gsoc haseeb_ (~haseeb@
09:48.27sharveypc_magas: it seems to load pretty well for me
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09:48.37sharveyit's fairly early in the morning where I am
09:49.10pc_magas<sharvey>Did you filled the profile page?
09:49.20*** join/#gsoc Al_Da_Best (
09:49.27sharveypc_magas: mmmm no
09:49.47*** join/#gsoc Uzix (~notebook@
09:50.40MatthewWilkespc_magas: If you're having a specific issue with a page taking unusually long to load you can file a bug, but only really if it's unusably slow
09:50.51MatthewWilkesotherwise it's probably just a GAE issue
09:51.04|Kev|MatthewWilkes: You think there might be a few users on it today?
09:51.13gevaertsThree of them, possibly
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09:56.04pc_magasEven the startpage loads too slow
09:56.23MatthewWilkes|Kev|: I don't think so, the FAQ's on there.  Nobody reads that, what could they be looking at?
09:56.37MatthewWilkespc_magas: too slow meaning "the connection times out"?
09:56.39*** join/#gsoc yashshah (~yash@
09:56.50MatthewWilkesor too slow meaning "it's slightly inconvenient for me"
09:57.17pc_magas<MatthewWilkes>Yes it happend even this in firefox I got the error "The connectios was reset"
09:58.08MatthewWilkespc_magas: On every page?
09:58.36pc_magasPerhaps there are many connections on this site
09:58.49MatthewWilkespc_magas: Then there's might be something wrong with your internet connection, it works fine for me and others
09:58.58MatthewWilkesyou might have got unlucky and hit an overloaded server, yeah
09:59.00MatthewWilkeskeep trying
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10:17.04faryshtaHow do I change my profile info on melange?
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10:18.54aghislafaryshta: log in, click on "My Profile"
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10:21.28faryshtactrl-f "my profile" doesn't find anything.
10:22.19zapimasteryou need to go to GSOC page and, if your are logged in, you'll see a column which says my profile
10:22.22aghislafaryshta: the link for profile is
10:22.45*** join/#gsoc DarthGandalf (~Vetinari@znc/developer/DarthGandalf)
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10:23.35faryshta"This page is inaccessible because you do not have a profile in the program at this time." mmm but I am logged in with my gmail account.
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10:27.25aghislafaryshta: then you have to create it. Apply as mentor or student, according to your intention, and you will be asked to create a profile.
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10:34.10faryshtaaghisla, I found my mistake. When creating my profile it appeared an error message saying that I was registered so I assumed I had a profile which had to be created separately.
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10:37.09sharveycallumacrae: ?
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10:48.43tuhinatAlthough it is pretty late now, I don't understand how to talk to the mentors directly.
10:49.06sharveytuhinat: I just joined relevant IRC channels and asked about the projects
10:49.10*** join/#gsoc eike_52n (
10:49.20sharveyalternatively, e-mailing is probably useful
10:50.25tuhinatok, another weird question, how do I find the relevant IRC channels here?
10:50.58sharveyuh, I don't know about here; I looked on the contact websites for potentially interesting mentors
10:51.11*** join/#gsoc perdo (
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10:51.26dmpIt's weird when I log in into google-melange I can't see My profile and My Dashboard options in menu
10:51.41sharveydmp: did you create your profile?
10:51.47Al_Da_BestIf you do /list you'll get a list of every channel on the networks. At least on mIRC :P Best bet would be to try /join #orgname and see if that exists
10:52.00dmpsharvey: I have last years one
10:52.06sharveyfreenode has a lot of channels though, so it might be an overwhelming list
10:52.11sharveydmp: you probably have to recreate?
10:52.19*** join/#gsoc dhruvasagar (~dhruvasag@
10:52.21sharveythere's a button on the front page for students to create a profile
10:52.29Al_Da_BestIt sure is
10:52.33dmpok, thanks
10:52.37dmpI'll try
10:53.21*** join/#gsoc yangyan (
10:53.25dmpGreat It copies all the form data :)
10:53.57tuhinatok, I'll try that right now, thank you very much sharvey
10:54.21sharveyno problem
10:55.03*** join/#gsoc yashshah (~yash@
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11:01.50kurbelis it possible to use a gsoc-project for a thesis?
11:01.58gsocbotAl_Da_Best: "faq" is
11:02.06Al_Da_BestSomewhere on that, it says yes
11:02.32sharveythis is of sudden interest to me
11:02.54kurbelhmm so i should probably read that again
11:03.33*** join/#gsoc janinge (
11:03.34Al_Da_BestIt's on there somewhere I think, to do with using it for educational things
11:03.46sharveyI'm not sure of thesis qualifies as educational
11:03.58sharveythis might be more of a copyright-type issue?
11:04.06*** join/#gsoc hiddenpearls (~Adnan@
11:04.17Al_Da_BestPossibly. Might need to talk with the org and Carol
11:04.40*** join/#gsoc ofan (~ofan@unaffiliated/ofan)
11:04.55kurbeli remember reading about this somewhere
11:05.03kurbelbut can't remeber where
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11:05.35Al_Da_Best That's where it says about Uni credit. Doesn't mention thesis
11:06.10sharveykurbel: if you find information about this, could you be sure to share the relevant links, docs, etc.?
11:07.03kblinkurbel: that really depends on your thesis advisor
11:07.16*** join/#gsoc Kaetemi (
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11:09.04devithere is no option in my account to apply for
11:09.48kurbelkblin: so it is completely independent from the project itself?
11:10.25|Kev|kurbel: If they copyright terms are suitable, I don't see why this would be a problem.
11:11.21devii mean there is no apply button in my account
11:11.37deviof google-melange
11:11.40devii have applied for a mentor
11:11.48|Kev|You can't be a mentor and a student.
11:11.49kblin|Kev|: glad that where I live, I do own my own thesis
11:12.21|Kev|kblin: I had sponsorship, which changes things a little.
11:12.43|Kev|So there's a patent on some of my stuff (now owned by Google, via acquisition, I guess).
11:12.51*** join/#gsoc weta (
11:12.57kblinI actually did my undergrad thesis about the stuff I did in gsoc 2005
11:13.04devii m rejected for mentor
11:13.18devicant i apply for student
11:13.22kblindevi: right, but you're still in the sustem as a mentor account
11:13.33kblindevi: talk to the #melange folks about getting out of that
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11:28.32devithey are not responding
11:28.48gevaertsIRC does not stand for Instant Reply Chat
11:29.20chino9Hello, can someone tell me if I can apply as an student if my university in Mexico is not listed on the "Accredited Universities"
11:30.01_drwelcome to the internet delay chat :)
11:30.16*** join/#gsoc chinmayd (~Chinmay@
11:30.23gevaertschino9: if you mean it's not in the list of universities known by melange, don't worry about that
11:30.28*** part/#gsoc chinmayd (~Chinmay@
11:31.00gevaertschino9: see
11:31.24arg3tlamHey, is the lack of a blog a major deterrent?
11:31.36*** join/#gsoc yashshah (~yash@
11:31.52|Kev|arg3tlam: Blogs are easy to create.
11:31.54gevaertsarg3tlam: no, although some organisations may ask to set up one for progress reports
11:32.06gevaerts*set one up
11:32.11arg3tlam'cos I'm yet to start maintaining a tech blog logging whatever I'm experimenting with
11:32.28arg3tlamSo, seeing the student form, it was a relief seeing that it wasn't * marked
11:32.36arg3tlamStill, was wondering if that put me at a major disadvantage
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11:33.41gevaertsI can't say I've ever heard anyone say it was even relevant
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11:35.29gevaertsOf course if you do have a blog, and you post relevant things on it, pointing to it can be one way to show e.g. prior involvement in open source. It won't ever be the only way though, and the *way* you show things like that isn't really important at all.
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11:39.30chino9The problem is that it is not on this list, does it matter?
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11:42.18cpolymerischino9: I am no expert, but I guess what counts if it is accredited by the mexicans
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11:46.44chino9cpolymeris: Thanks :)
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11:46.49arg3tlamgevaerts, thank you so much :)
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12:02.44PraZuBeRin student registration form, in Public name should i put my real name or a nickname?
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12:04.01kodawsapplication period opened \o/
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12:10.27harshadura<PraZuBeR> u can change it later
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12:26.46viktorfilimis thisthe google coding chanel?
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12:27.56|Kev|This is the Google Summer of Code channel.
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12:45.33pokoko222I dont know anything about doxygen documenting
12:45.38pokoko222can I learn it in few hours?
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12:46.53gevaertspokoko222: you can learn the essentials in five minutes
12:47.18pokoko222gevaerts: some links you can recommend to read?
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12:48.40gevaerts maybe?
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12:49.08gevaertsFor the exact style to use, see other files in the software you're working on
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12:49.21pokoko222is it worth it spend some hours playing with it?
12:49.28pokoko222it would give my code more serious look
12:49.46gevaertsDoes the rest of the code use doxygen?
12:49.53Justin_I was wondering, what would be the best organization to apply to based on my particular skillset? I am a CIS student, and I know java, android, a little c, shellscripting, and a few other languages. Java and android is where I have a majority of my coding experience (~3 years)
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12:50.00pokoko222gevaerts: eh no
12:50.07pokoko222basic c++ comments only
12:50.18gevaertspokoko222: in that case, I wouldn't bother
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12:50.50pokoko222gevaerts: if it has comments at all, it has it in the headers only
12:50.55pokoko222otherwise it is mostly not commented
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12:51.17gevaertsJustin_: filter on tags on the organisation list, and then go from there
12:52.33gevaertsJustin_: for completeness, also look at the organisations that didn't provide tags
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12:58.03Justin_So, we're supposed to come up with an idea for an open source project, correct?
12:58.48gevaertsJustin_: you can come up with an idea, but you can also use one of the ideas provided by the organisations
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12:59.29Justin_Gotcha. I just want to say that I think google is awesome for supporting a project like this.
12:59.35Justin_Open source is the way to go.
12:59.45gevaertsHave you read the FAQ and the student guide?
13:00.02Justin_I have read the FAQ, I haven't read all of the student guide.
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13:17.07Zoris it by design that a person who is registered as a mentor cannot submit applications as a student?
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13:17.31MatthewWilkeszor: yes
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13:18.57Zorwhy is that?
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13:19.21Zorit seems very logical that if a mentor decides that there are no projects he wants to mentor, he can apply as a student instead
13:19.55MatthewWilkesZor: Were you aware there's a FAQ document?
13:20.17MatthewWilkesI only ask as so many people seem to have not read it, was wondering if maybe the link isn't showing for everyone
13:20.35ZorMatthewWilkes: that's not quite the thing I'm asking though
13:21.01ZorI know a person cannot be a student and mentor, effectively, at the same time
13:21.22aghislaI think that the person should decide whether being student or mentor prior registration.
13:21.24MatthewWilkesand you should "plan accordingly" as to which one you want to be in a given year
13:22.07MatthewWilkesZor: If you've made a mistake and want to withdraw as a mentor you can contact the melange mailing list and they will remove you
13:23.08gevaertsZor: Allowing to register as a mentor first would also allow looking at the other proposals first and then writing your own , i.e. cheating
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13:25.37gsocbottomprince: "logs" is
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13:27.25Justin_Is there anyone from the MIT mobile learning lab online in this chat?
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13:29.07tomprince!anyone | Justin_
13:29.08gsocbotJustin_: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
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13:30.07Justin_thanks :)
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13:32.35faryshtaIs tux4kids an accepted project?
13:34.26_hsrofftopic: does anyone have an iinsomnia invite code ?
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13:43.14gsocbotdadkins: "faq" is
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13:47.24codepython7771Does it help to name mentors for GSoC?
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13:48.18gevaertscodepython7771: does it help what to name them where?
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13:48.56tomprinceI'm guessing for org applications.
13:49.53codepython7771tomprince: thanks. (I meant when a student applies for a project)
13:50.37JordiGHcodepython7771: If you've already talked to them, sure.
13:51.01JordiGHcodepython7771: It would be a little a surprising if you mention a mentor and you haven't already previously agreed to work with her.
13:51.29tomprinceIt has to be a mentor for the org, since orgs typically wont take projects with random other mentors.
13:51.37JordiGHOh, that too.
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13:54.20tomprinceIt is also probably more of an issue in large organizations, with lots of mentors. In a small org, if you've talked to them, everybody involed likely knows who you are.
13:55.22tjermanHi, What happens if a student applies for two projects in different organizations and is selected for both of them? Does he choose the project on which he will work on in the end?
13:55.36gevaertstjerman: it depends
13:56.03gevaertsIn many cases the student gets to choose, but the organisations don't have to ask, they can also agree between themselves
13:56.40gevaertsThe latter can e.g. happen if one of the organisations doesn't have good proposals to replace the lost one while the other does
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13:59.05tjermanso the organisations know that a student applied for more then one project?
13:59.37gevaertsThey will get told about duplicates near the end of the selection period
13:59.39MatthewWilkestjerman: The student should voice a preference, you can do this by telling the org you prefer "By the way, I also applied for x, y, z elsewhere.  If you should happen to select my project and there is a conflict with another org my preference is to work with you on this"
13:59.53gevaertsIn general it's good form to say you applied elsewhere too
14:00.02MatthewWilkestjerman: But, for the record, the student's preference won't necessarily be listened to, you could end up with either
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14:01.32tjermanthank you for your answers
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14:02.26_hsrso, how many students in total are you guys expecting this year ?
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14:03.49gsocbotdreimark: "timeline" is
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14:09.58downeyCan students still submit multiple proposals per organization?
14:10.33JordiGHYes, but quality, not quantity, is what's gonna get you selected.
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14:17.07downeyJordiGH: Yes, agreed. But I wanted to make sure I instructed correctly a student who's torn between 2 project ideas. :)
14:18.22tomprince!numstats | _hsr
14:18.22gsocbot_hsr: "numstats" is There are 12 statistics in !numapps.
14:18.28tomprince!numapps | _hsr
14:18.28gsocbot_hsr: "numapps" is 180 of 406 potential mentoring orgs were accepted in 2012. In 2011, 175 of 417 orgs were accepted; 3731 potential students submitted 5474 proposals, of which 1116 were accepted. In 2010, 151 of 367 orgs were accepted; 3464 students submitted 5539 proposals, and 1026 were accepted.
14:21.07tomprinceThat is a bit misleading, in terms of student proposals, since many of them are essentialy spam.
14:21.32*** join/#gsoc prakhar_4 (~prakhar@
14:22.37Lennietomprince, iirc we don't count those if they are marked as such by the org
14:22.44an1I will be finishing my undergrad studies by May 2012(in India), and
14:22.44an1have plans of pursuing graduate studies in the USA (on a study visa).
14:22.44an1The term in USA probably starts by July end/August.
14:22.44an1I know that I need to get work permit before I start working in the
14:22.46an1USA, but I want to know if anyone has experienced this before, and if
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14:22.48an1there are any legal requirements to be met after moving to the USA.
14:23.26Lenniean1, ask your local consulate?
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14:27.15an1Lennie: I could, but just wanted to know if anyone here has experienced this before. Cause if I go to USA for graduate studies, it would probably be during the first/second week of August. So most of my work would be done by the time I leave
14:28.28LennieAre you talking about a J-1?
14:28.53LennieOr is it F-1?
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14:29.22an1Lennie: F1 visa
14:29.44LennieFor as far as you'd trust wikipedia :)
14:30.18LennieSo only on-campus or as an intern in a US company
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14:31.25nemoSoooo. I was reading: which someone just linked to in our IRC channel
14:31.28nemoand I saw
14:31.36nemowell. point (2) actually
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14:32.26nemowell, we got 2 slots as noobs last year (despite like 50 applications).  1 of the 2 told us the *day after* the slot awards that he was starting a new high pressure job.
14:32.52nemoand then he vanished and we never were able to contact him again.  we were a little miffed given it was almost a coin toss between him and 2 other excellent applications
14:33.15nemoAnyway, so point (1) is successful track record.  Not sure if 1 out of 2 counts
14:33.46nemobut point (2)... the 2nd student kept working on it all the way up until now and is offering to be a mentor this year. that counts right? :)
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14:33.53nemoI'm just curious how gsoc learns of this
14:34.07kblinnemo: well, that's the usual thing that happens to everybody, I'm sure carol, chris and whoever else is doing slot allocations won't hold that against you
14:34.15an1Lennie: Thank you!
14:34.40kblinnemo: and you mentioned that your student from last year is now available as a mentor for this year, right?
14:35.03nemokblin: that shows up in the statistics? :)
14:35.25nemokinda curious about (4) too - I've been burning a lot of time answering same questions over and over past few weeks on IRC - but how does GSoC tally that?
14:35.27kblinI'd guess so. I've never been involved on that side of gsoc
14:36.02kblinI think they're talking about #gsoc
14:36.12nemoI thought they meant *our* IRC channel :-p
14:36.20kblinand the way carols notices that is that when she joins, you're there helping students
14:36.33nemowell. all the students come to ours since it is, well, linked off our website :)
14:36.37nemooh well...
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14:36.52kblinwell, your project's channel doesn't really count, does it? that's mainly helping you get some good applicants :)
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14:37.20nemokblin: huh. that's how I read (4)...  that we are trying to help students succeed
14:37.21buffygI don't know that I agree with the popularity metric as a basis for student allocation.
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14:37.47kblinwell, you have to have some metric
14:38.04wzssyqacan I apply if I will graduate in early of July?
14:38.13nemokblin: true. I was just curious how they were able to measure (2) and (4)
14:38.15buffygWe've seen quite a bit of students whose interest is at the level of a mail saying "I'm interested". If the interest really is in developing long-term contributors, the focus should be on students who show a bit more commitment.
14:38.18kblin!faq | wzssyqa
14:38.18gsocbotwzssyqa: "faq" is
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14:38.50kTwitchwhat kind of commitment exactly ?
14:39.00kblinbuffyg: er, the doc is talking about non-spam student applications to the org
14:39.17buffygHow's that filtered?
14:39.35kblinwell, you get to mark all spam applications as spam
14:39.48gsocbotamanforindia: "numstats" is There are 12 statistics in !numapps.
14:40.05gsocbotamanforindia: "numapps" is 180 of 406 potential mentoring orgs were accepted in 2012. In 2011, 175 of 417 orgs were accepted; 3731 potential students submitted 5474 proposals, of which 1116 were accepted. In 2010, 151 of 367 orgs were accepted; 3464 students submitted 5539 proposals, and 1026 were accepted.
14:40.09buffygDoesn't that provide perverse incentives not to mark apps as spam?
14:40.40kblinyou're not trying to game the system by pretending "Ohai... I know PHP, can I haz slot?!" is a valid application, are you?
14:41.06kblinno, because I honestly don't think that'll help you in the long run
14:41.27buffygNo, quite the opposite. The point is that you get more popularity if you don't mark apps as spam or don't invest in students who come in showing little legwork.
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14:41.29kblinif you have 5 good applications, what on earth would you gain by asking for 10 slots
14:41.58buffygBut the popularity metric still works for you if you encourage the 10 apps, even if half are weak.
14:42.02desti5 slots?
14:42.30kblindesti: which you'd fill by underperforming students?
14:42.33buffygYou're more likely to get the five slots if you encourage ten applicants and say you want five, according to the description given.
14:43.05kblinbuffyg: in the past years, I didn't really have any problems getting the slots I needed
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14:43.36kblinI think that applies to most orgs, shy of maybe a slot here or there
14:43.50kblinand possibly new orgs that are capped to 2 slots
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14:44.15buffygThat may be, but what I'm saying is that the allocation scheme baseline seems to beg adjustment.
14:44.40kblinthat's just a webpage explaining some of the metrics they apply
14:44.53kblinI'm willing to bet they don't follow this fanatically
14:45.59buffygWe're a second-year org, trying to make some adjustments to grow our program, and I'm kind of surprised by the top-level metric. It seems easier to scrutinize that baseline by focusing on student quality within the awesome project bracket.
14:46.08*** join/#gsoc pokoko222 (~chatzilla@
14:46.23pokoko222where do I send code for which I want comments and am not ready to pull request for yet?
14:46.28pokoko222mailing list?
14:46.29nemokblin: the new orgs thing makes sense I guess, although it was sad to turn away so many enthusaistic people. I'd say out of the 50 applicants, probably half a dozen seemed really good
14:46.49kblinwe've had this discussion at mentor summits, where orgs felt that they were cutting into their own flesh by trying to pre-screen students
14:46.50pokoko222or I just make a pull request, and as I get comments I change the code there in the pull request ... on github
14:46.56nemokblin: admittedly, some of that half-dozen was overlap, but still, 4 instead of 2 would have been nice
14:47.05pokoko222kblin: what do you mean
14:47.07buffygMy experience is that new orgs tend to end up happier for not having taken on the number of slots they thought they could take.
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14:47.38nemobuffyg: well. it ended up being 1 as noted due to naughty student. so we ended up w/ 1 student w/ about 4 mentors :)
14:47.40buffygI was at the first-year org session at last year's summit, and I don't think anyone said they'd have been better off with more slots.
14:47.44kblinpokoko222: you've stumbled right into an ongoing conversation, sorry that the world doesn't revolve around you.
14:47.56nemobuffyg: hm. koda didn't say that? 'cause he should have
14:47.59nemohe said he went to that one
14:48.09kblinpokoko222: to answer your question, you probably need to talk to the people you want to send your pull request to
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14:48.25_hsrpokoko222, if your org has a dev forum, put an RFC there, which would be the best way imo
14:48.35buffygThere was definitely some frustration expressed about the scenario you described, but you can't really compensate for that with slot allocation.
14:48.40pokoko222_hsr: just mailing list not even irc
14:48.56nemobuffyg: well. if we'd had 1 or 2 more slots, it would have hurt a bit less :-p
14:49.19*** part/#gsoc pokoko222 (~chatzilla@
14:49.20_hsrin that case, start a new thread with [RFC] as the tag, see how it works
14:49.46kblinnemo: right, but as a returning org, i'd expect that if you have 50 applications and ask for 5-6 slots, you're likely to get those
14:49.51buffygSure, but at 4:2, you're on the money for ratios. If you're at 4:3 or 4:4 and you don't have any drop-outs, you might under-mentor your entire class.
14:50.15buffygThere's a risk either side of that problem.
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14:52.19nemobuffyg: well. 4 dedicated. there's a couple of spares that could be called on
14:52.52nemothat I know of anyway.  I'm not the one organising it this time around, fortunately.
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14:53.01nemo(or ever - not very organised personally)
14:53.16nemoanyway. whatev. was just curious how (2) and (4) were calculated.
14:53.21kblinI wouldn't fret about that document, in any case
14:53.39gsocbotkblin: "slots" is (#1) Slot allocation is done manually by Chris DiBona and Carol Smith, be a good org, play nice on the mentor list and #gsoc, ask for a non-crazy-high number of slots, and you'll probably get what you ask. Note that non-crazy-high for new orgs is around 1 or 2., or (#2)
14:54.04nemohrm. actually. 5 dedicated. my bad.
14:54.35kblinnemo: I think what gsocbot said is pretty much true in a nutshell
14:54.48buffygkblin: Fair enough. Just seeing if we're trying to make adjustments that go too much against the grain.
14:54.53nemoTiy's all happy running his new video game company ( ) so I doubt he's going to jump all into this again :)
14:55.18nemoI think after Terraria he's decided FOSS doesn't pay enough ;)
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14:57.22kblinbuffyg: basically the best that can happen to you is that you get a low number of slots, mentor those few students really well and turn all of them into contributors that stick around with the project
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14:58.02kblinof course low is tricky to define here, because you need some redundancy :)
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14:59.11|Kev|For what it's worth, we've prefiltered student applications, end up with a few high-quality applications (and some spam), and then typically get ~=the slots we want.
14:59.17*** part/#gsoc wzssyqa (~syq@ubuntu/member/wzssyqa)
14:59.26|Kev|So it doesn't feel that, for us, we're hurting ourselves by not trying to game the system.
14:59.28*** join/#gsoc aman11dhanpat (73f04b79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:59.32nemokblin: the worst thing about the dropout is he had to know he had a very good chance of getting accepted for that job. he could have told us 1 day *before* slot allocation instead of 1 day *after* :(
14:59.56|Kev|nemo: Happens to everyone at some time or another.
15:00.30*** join/#gsoc deLta30__ (~quassel@
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15:01.17kblinnemo: two years ago I've had a student who got another job in mid-gsoc, after a lot of hand-holding to get started from my side
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15:01.32nemothat's even worse
15:01.38nemoat least we didn't burn half a summer
15:01.41kblinso you never can tell earlier
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15:04.12buffygWe had a hairier case last year: student who went all the way to the last two weeks, split to take a job, went off the grid.
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15:05.32buffyg|Kev|: Thanks, your experience is reassuring.
15:06.14tomprinceDid you at least have the code from earlier, I'd hope.
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15:07.26buffygtomprince: We were under the mistaken impression he had made a code drop and passed him. It looked very different in retrospect than when we were trying to be sympathetic at the time.
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15:08.16MatthewWilkesbuffyg: :(
15:08.46tomprince:( That sounds like a good argument for requiring work to be publicly hosted from the begining.
15:08.51buffygSo it goes. We learned a lot from the mentoring summit about how to avoid those problems.
15:09.06kblinwe're doing that
15:09.22kblinwe're not reviewing code that isn't in a public repo
15:09.26*** join/#gsoc jayrambhia (~jay@
15:09.27buffygtomprince: That's on a list of things we're doing differently this year. I've been meaning to write a list of things I heard from the first-year org session to pass along to the new orgs.
15:09.33kblinand we require a commit to that repo at least once a week
15:09.44kblinand encourage more frequent commits
15:09.56|Kev|tomprince: We do require that (project, not umbrella) - we give commit access to a contribs repo as teh first thing.
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15:10.10buffygkblin: That's pretty much what we're doing: daily status reports, weekly WIP updates, everything on primary community channels.
15:10.43kblinbuffyg: ok, I leave the decision to do daily status reports to the mentors
15:10.59*** join/#gsoc hiddenpearls (~Adnan@
15:11.06|Kev|We don't go quite that far. We expect the mentors and students to chat most days - ideally in MUC, else in private. Then we expect blog posts every week, and a meeting across the umbrella of all students to check everything's ok at the admin level.
15:11.08nemokblin: isn't hard to checkup daily in IRC :)
15:12.15kblinnemo: depends on timezones of people involved
15:12.25buffygASF recommended daily, and we thought we'd try that. One problem we hadn't anticipated was time zone difference between mentors and students. Students had questions on a regular basis, some of which became blockers, and weekly checkin proved pretty insufficient. To be fair, some of that was not putting them in the regular channels.
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15:13.17kblinwell, nobody would _limit_ the students to one question per week
15:13.25buffygWe get pretty good coverage on our main channels, as we have people in Russia, Western Europe, and both North American coasts.
15:13.51|Kev|kblin: We hand out 12 'question' tokens at the start. Students can use one per week if they want, or save them all for the end. ;)
15:14.33buffygNo, but the students either saved the questions up or tended to use minimally covered IRC channels to ask questions, and they didn't adapt well when it wasn't working well, even when encouraged. A lot of that was the premise of not having them engage as regular contributors.
15:14.34kblinok, make that s/nobody/nobody sane/
15:14.46*** join/#gsoc hybrid_ (~rfabbri@
15:15.00|Kev|[I should make it clear I'm joking in case anyone *really* clueless reads that and takes it seriously]
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15:15.40buffygASF had the simple point that a student who's reporting status on a weekly basis could easily be off the grid two weeks before a red flag is raised, at which point the student is at high risk of failing.
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15:16.23kblin27-Mar-2012 17:11:08.258 the key 'test' is too short to be secure
15:16.37|Kev|buffyg: I would expect ~=daily contact with the mentor. Whether that's formally "You must report once a day in IRC" or just a chat in a PM with the mentor.
15:16.38*** join/#gsoc hiddenpearls (~Adnan@
15:16.40kblinso how long is a 'secure' key?
15:16.48|Kev|kblin: "0" * 24
15:16.50buffygA few times a week seems the reasonable minimum. Daily may be too much, but one thing I heard a lot of first-year orgs acknowledge was not pushing students hard enough on structure.
15:17.08kblinI don't care how many 'A's I put into that base64 string
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15:19.35buffygA big part of what I'm seeing in this year's applicants is that an apparent development area for undegrads is learning how to structure development projects and use prior analysis to establish a reasonable grasp at the outset.
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15:23.03buffygAre other projects seeing something similar? I expect that's meant to be a major area of progress students should see from the program.
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15:36.33edsiperhello world
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15:41.18qballer1gsocbot !next
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15:42.09gsocbotofan_: "next" is Apr 6 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
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15:45.08nemokblin: ehm. I guess. although we were in different timezones and still managed.  of course. sometimes there was quite a bit of lag :)
15:45.13nemokblin: irssi + screen FTW!
15:45.29nemoadmittedly that basically turns IRC into e-mail ;)
15:45.45Uzixalso irc bouncers nice
15:46.18kblinnemo: you mean there's another way to use IRC?
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16:25.58devican we apply more than one project for a particular organisation
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16:26.43|Kev|devi: Yes.
16:26.49SukhEdevi: Ask the org, it's up to them.
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16:28.10|Kev|It's technically not up to the org whether you can apply, it's up to the org what they do with the application.
16:28.13|Kev|But yes.
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16:35.37nemoSo. I was wondering. Are students allow to submit 2 proposals?
16:35.54|Kev|Students are encouraged to read the FAQ
16:36.00nemoI'm not a student :-p
16:36.09nemoI was just curious. but fine, I guess I could read the entire student FAQ
16:36.21nemosighs and hunts for it
16:36.26|Kev|!faq | nemo
16:36.26gsocbotnemo: "faq" is
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16:37.46nemo|Kev|: hm. flipped through FAQ searching for "proposal"  and didn't see anything about limits on submitting multiple proposals
16:37.52nemo|Kev|: there's a limit of 1 project of course
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16:38.20nemo|Kev|: but I was basically wondering if a student could write up a proposal to do project A and B - and we could pick either one in the decision phase
16:38.27|Kev|20 is the limit, from memory.
16:38.38|Kev|And yes, multiple for the same org is also fine.
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16:38.59nemo|Kev|: ok. 20 isn't mentioned anywhere in the FAQ
16:39.03nemoall hits were for 2012 etc
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16:39.20JordiGHnemo: Didn't I find that for you?
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16:39.36SukhEnemo: "twenty"
16:39.36JordiGHI did it for downey, I guess, sorry.
16:39.39nemoJordiGH: nope :)
16:39.44nemoSukhE: doh
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16:40.02nemoohhh. "application" not "proposal"
16:40.03nemoah well
16:40.27|Kev|Sorry JordiGH, you were (much) faster.
16:40.28nemoyep. JordiGH linked to it
16:40.36JordiGHblows smoke off fingers.
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16:46.39devinow what is in gsoc can we make 2 applications for a particular  organisation
16:47.27JordiGHSyntax error near "is in gsoc can". Expected punctuation or sentence-separator.
16:47.48JordiGHBut does this help?
16:47.49|Kev|devi: You asked that only a moment ago, and got answers.
16:48.00nemo|Kev|: I think devi read that
16:48.07nemoand is now wondering how to add more applications in the interface
16:48.22nemo(just a guess)
16:49.06|Kev|Sounds plausible, I guess.
16:49.35deviin the link there is answer of all organisations
16:49.48devibut i am asking for a particular organisation
16:50.07Al_Da_BestYes you can
16:50.10JordiGHdevi: Yes, same org is fine.
16:50.21JordiGHIt would have to be, especially for umbrellas.
16:50.23*** join/#gsoc LetterRip (44e1d7de@blender/coder/letterrip)
16:50.34|Kev|nemo: Or not.
16:50.54JordiGHnemo: Your malformed input heuristics possibly need improvement.
16:50.59LetterRiphi all - since slashdot hasn't done a story yet to mention this years gsoc - you might want to vote up my submission -
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16:51.13JordiGHAren't all the cool kids on Reddit nowadays?
16:51.28summatusmentissrsly, does anyone read slashdot?
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16:51.36summatusmentisI mean, you know, it's still in my rss feeds, but
16:51.50JordiGHI still read it.
16:51.55sree_hi , does the "mentors: apply now!" web page is working for someone?
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16:52.24JordiGHsree_: Yeah, wfm.
16:52.28JordiGHWorks for me.
16:52.29weltallit was before
16:53.04weltallworks still at least the request form for the projects
16:53.11sree_JordiGH, hm not for me,,,hanging...
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16:55.20nemoJordiGH: damn
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17:00.45prabalcan someone submit multiple proposals?
17:01.14MatthewWilkesprabal: yes
17:01.25|Kev|!learn multiple as
17:01.26gsocbot|Kev|: "multiple" is
17:01.32|Kev|!multiple | prabal
17:01.32gsocbotprabal: "multiple" is
17:01.44MatthewWilkes|Kev|: Beat me to it
17:01.53MatthewWilkesFAQ was loading
17:02.36prabalthanks a lot
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17:03.25isaacbwheh heh. Spent last night setting up an Arch install just for gsoc
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17:16.30apoch632Hey, anyone in Galway, Ireland planning on entering the gsoc?
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18:02.11jazzycrazzyi want to work on dialog improvements project of abiword
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18:09.18PraZuBeRi'm still confused - public name must be a real name, or a nickname?
18:09.38gevaertsPraZuBeR: I'm not entirely sure, but I think that's up to you
18:11.15PraZuBeRgevaerts: thanks
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18:15.00jazzycrazzyis anyone working on abiword ?
18:16.11blast007jazzycrazzy: you should contact the organziation directly
18:16.17JordiGHblast007: Too slow!
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18:17.12maheshakyawho's with Battle For Wesnoth?
18:17.44blast007maheshakya: check their org page and contact them via those methods
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18:18.04JordiGHIvanovic: Customers for you. :-)
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18:18.53JordiGHmaheshakya: Go ask in #wesnoth, I guess Ivanovic is currently IRL.
18:19.13*** join/#gsoc Jooles (
18:19.27Ivanovicyes, i am
18:19.32Ivanovicand the cha in #wesnoth-dev
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18:23.39PraZuBeRSchool Home Page URL - my university home page or my faculty home page?
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18:34.21klocatelliPraZuBeR, it says school home page so I assume the university...
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18:41.25MelieraxI am one here?
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18:47.18ChadWindnagle@Melierax nope other folks are here to!
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18:48.27chitzHad a doubt. Are applications sent organization specific or project specific? Can I apply for multiple projects of the same organization?
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18:49.22gevaertschitz: you propose specific projects. You can propose as many as you want (well, up to 20), to as many organisations as you want, with as many per organisation as you want
18:49.49chitzgevaerts: Thanks.
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18:53.02chitzAlso, is it appropriate to contact to multiple mentors of the same organization on their mailing list?
18:53.22*** join/#gsoc Applify (73f88294@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:53.46ChadWindnagleYes aboslutely
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18:53.55ChadWindnaglein fact doing so probably increases your chances of being selected
18:54.06ChadWindnagleit shows the org you're engaged, interested in the project
18:54.30*** part/#gsoc c00kiemon5ter (~c00kiemon@foss-aueb/coder/c00kiemon5ter)
18:54.39ApplifyHi, the org im applying to has asked for a detailed descritption of the app...this has made my proposal quite huge. Is that bad, not suggested?
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18:55.01ChadWindnagle@Applify nothing wrong with that at all
18:55.08ChadWindnaglebe sure you ask for feedback from them after you've submitted it
18:55.17ChadWindnaglein my org we gave basic ideas
18:55.40ApplifyIve included all techincal nitty gritties as well
18:55.42*** join/#gsoc qballer1 (~chatzilla@
18:55.46ChadWindnagleand we want students to take some interested and imagination to their task and show us what their thinking
18:56.09ChadWindnaglenot sure if the details are *that* necessary, but I don't think it can hurt
18:56.13Applifywell not all, but enought o show i know what im talking abt
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18:56.22ChadWindnagleit can only hurt if the details are very-very wrong
18:56.30ChadWindnagleif they're spot on, then it'll look impressive
18:56.31*** join/#gsoc Falias2 (Jacob@
18:56.50Applifyi see. I was wondering if it might make the whole thing quite boring
18:56.51qballer1details like design details
18:56.54Applifyand daunting to read..
18:57.00Applifyno like functionality
18:57.19ChadWindnagleMost likely the org will actually very much appreciate the thought and effort you put in no matter what
18:57.27ChadWindnagleeven if it's not exact or precise
18:57.31ChadWindnagleit shows you're thinking
18:57.42Applifyoh great. I was thinking of chucking that part out...
18:58.04ChadWindnagleIt sounds like you've put a lot of thought into your work
18:58.21ChadWindnagleSo that's really good, it will go a long way in the ranking process
18:58.24ApplifyYeah, Im quite scared of the amount of competition here...
18:58.51qballer1Not wining is not a reason not to compete
18:59.08qballer1Applify, I feel the same
18:59.13Applify:) Its my first time...a bit overwhelmed i guess
18:59.19qballer1For me too
18:59.21tzbobsame here Applify
18:59.26tzbobhaha the three of us
18:59.26*** join/#gsoc schumaml (
18:59.31ChadWindnagleit's my first time /adminning/ an org!
18:59.40qballer1What org are you applying too ?
18:59.40tzbobI never expected the amount of competition that I've seen the last days
18:59.41ChadWindnagleI'm as much a newbie as you three!
18:59.48Applifyyes true
19:00.06Applify^ to tzbob
19:00.21tzbobthe Concord Consortium and e-cidadania are the orgs I will apply for
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19:00.37qballer1I wrote down one for Apache.
19:00.39gevaertslikes the relaxing atmosphere of this competition :)
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19:00.57Applifyhaha, far from relazing
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19:01.25gevaertsOh, it's *very* relaxing for me!
19:01.30ApplifyIm in the middle of my exams >.<
19:01.32tzbobyeah Applify, sleep work write/code and repeat all over again
19:01.51qballer1A day in a life.
19:02.09schumamlat least we don't make you show up for a job interview at 7:30am, sharp ;)
19:02.22qballer1lets just get excepted. I'm a bit afraid because the project I want to go to is somewhat sleepy regarding GSoC
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19:02.33gevaertsschumaml: apart from the deadline anyway :)
19:02.38tzbobor make us dress up in stupid clothes schumaml :P
19:02.40qballer1One would be mentor I've discussed things with and he already mentors something else.
19:02.49Applifyor a life in a day </philosophical>
19:03.10schumamltzbob: oh, we had dress codes for developer meetings
19:03.25qballer1dress code? hua?
19:03.30*** join/#gsoc rkulaga (
19:03.35tzboband here I was hoping being dressed would meet the requirements
19:04.21schumaml... and I'm very, very lucky that two stepcial member of our org didn't get to decide about that dress code
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19:06.55schumamlthat's a strange typo
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19:23.39chitz_Is it appropriate to contact multiple mentors of different projects of the same organization on their mailing list?
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19:29.39alexihi! The student application/proposing a project link doesn't seem to appear on the website. HELP?
19:31.21dhaunalexi: what do you see below the photo on ?
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19:35.18alexidhaun: nothing! 404 error
19:35.40alexiI just see the mentors apply button
19:35.48alexinot the student apply button
19:36.28Gentlecatare you logged in?
19:36.39dhaunI've seen a few people report this today, not sure what the reason is ...
19:36.41*** join/#gsoc infinity0 (~infinity0@freenet/developer/gsoc2009/infinity0)
19:36.49dhaundid you apply as an org admin or a mentor before?
19:37.18*** join/#gsoc elacheche_anis (~elacheche@unaffiliated/elacheche-anis/x-0400566)
19:37.40alexinope. I went to the gsoc website few days back and registered and filled up my dashboard and after that I cant ssem to apply
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19:38.30dhaunpokes Lennie
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19:39.35dhaunalexi: I'd suggest you ask over in #melange
19:39.35alexiam i supposed to accept any confiramtion email?
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19:45.35Lenniealexi, define a few days back
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19:49.14alexiLennie: A few days back would mean say between 20-24th of March
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19:49.50qballer1you can't go in to gsoc?
19:51.02alexiqballer1: I can enter and login but the students apply link is not appearing! Only the mentor's apply link is appearing!
19:52.04ajedwardsflush your cache
19:52.25qballer1Try another browser
19:52.37qballer1Could you post a link to a screen shot?
19:53.53*** part/#gsoc apoch632 (~Adium@
19:53.55schumamlalexi: you didn't sign up as a mentor for another org, did you?
19:54.01Lennieschumaml, he did
19:54.11LennieSo many eager students who don't read
19:54.25Lenniethe page clearly says mentor/org admin multiple times :P
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19:55.54LennieYou can have them mail with the link_id (top right of your screen) :)
19:56.09hvqhey I can not see the apply button
19:56.10LennieSomeone will help them out soonish
19:56.14*** join/#gsoc forresto (
19:56.23Lenniehvq, let me guess you were eager and signed up as a mentor before students could apply?>
19:56.23hvqI didnt apply as mentor
19:56.30Lennieas in before Monday?>
19:56.36LennieDid you do anything in Melange before Monday :)?
19:56.59hvqno, I just click on the mentor:apply button, but I haven't submitted yet
19:57.14alexi@lennie: How do i fix it?
19:57.14hvqis there any way to check this?
19:57.28LennieMail the group as I said
19:57.42LennieDon't forget to include your link_Id
19:57.51hvqif one registered as a mentor, will it appear in  Main dashboard / My requests?
19:58.12hvqI just want to check if I submitted by a mistake
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19:59.05hvqperhap I should email the staffs
19:59.23*** part/#gsoc perepujal (
19:59.56alexi@lennie: I haven't applied as a mentor!
20:00.06LennieYou signed up as one
20:00.10LenniePlease mail the list
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20:00.30Lennieschumaml, if any of them come knocking in IRC you can redirect them to :)
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20:00.56Lenniemake sure they include their link_id which is printed on almost every page :D
20:01.05Lenniemeeting time
20:01.12schumamlLennie: I saw the messages on the list already
20:01.57alexiI have registered as a mentor. what should the email contain apart form my link?
20:02.09GentlecatIs it possible to modify proposal after submitting it?
20:02.31JordiGHGentlecat: Up until the deadline, yes.
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20:03.46alexiwat should the mail contain?
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20:07.23abc__Say an org decides to mentor me then does it mean I am in or there is a final say by Google guys
20:09.17*** join/#gsoc khannan (ca4ea9f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:09.23JordiGHabc__: The orgs decide.
20:09.45abc__JordiGH: the orgs decision is the final say
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20:10.43JordiGHabc__: Yes, Google won't veto a project that fits the guidelines (has to be free, has to be code and not documentation, etc) if the org approves it.
20:11.22hyphaThis might be a very silly question. But does one have to be in the states to apply?
20:11.53alexihypha: No
20:12.03alexiu can be anywhere in the world!
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20:12.18JordiGHhypha: You have to be enrolled in an educational institute of higher learning, you have to be able to legally work where you want to work, and you can't be in the of the countries that the US embargoes.
20:12.22allmanHypha: except for a few countires as noted in the FAQ
20:12.24JordiGHYou can't be a citizen of
20:12.30JordiGHNor be in it while you're working.
20:13.52hyphaThanks JordiGH. I read that. But I just wonder if mentors and students would communicate virtually
20:14.11JordiGHYou mean over the internet or telephone?
20:14.14*** join/#gsoc Falias (Jacob@
20:14.19JordiGHIt's rarely face-to-face.
20:14.21hyphaah that's great!
20:14.29hyphaThanks JordiGH!
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20:32.32JordiGHHuh, only 5 applications submitted.
20:32.35JordiGHShould I be worried?
20:32.37*** join/#gsoc SolarCreed (~pea.000@
20:32.43JordiGHI heard that we would get "hundreds" of applications.
20:33.10gevaertsJordiGH: the vast majority of students only applies in the last three and a half seconds
20:33.20JordiGHOf course.
20:34.35klocatellibrownie points to early apps!
20:35.01*** join/#gsoc tlikarish (
20:36.26JordiGHThere's a really juicy app here from a guy who's already submitted some really difficult patches...
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20:38.08klocatellia go-getter ^_^
20:38.58JordiGHIs Sage a new org?
20:39.05JordiGHSo they'll probably only get two slots at most?
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20:41.31klocatelliapparently this is their first accepted year
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20:44.04dberkholzgevaerts: JordiGH: that said, there is a high correlation between early applicants and high-quality applicants. it's pretty mixed closer to the deadline
20:44.28*** join/#gsoc Filar (
20:44.41gevaertsThe very best ones though are the ones who miss the deadline by milliseconds
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20:52.58RazinovHello. I live on "ABC" street, house number is 42, appartment number is 84. What is correct address line for me?
20:53.16Razinov"42 ABC Street Apt. 84" ?
20:54.37klocatelliif there's only one address field, I think that's right. But if there are two, afaik suite/apartment/po box/etc is supposed to go on the second
20:55.26Razinov1st: "42 ABC Street" 2nd: "Apt. 84"?
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20:56.12Razinovthank you
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21:34.56qballer1How many application where they last year?
21:35.18dhaun!numapps | qballer1
21:35.18gsocbotqballer1: "numapps" is 180 of 406 potential mentoring orgs were accepted in 2012. In 2011, 175 of 417 orgs were accepted; 3731 potential students submitted 5474 proposals, of which 1116 were accepted. In 2010, 151 of 367 orgs were accepted; 3464 students submitted 5539 proposals, and 1026 were accepted.
21:36.03ojwbwith the standard footnote that dividing slots by number of apps is pretty meaningless
21:36.31qballer1ojwb, explaind?
21:36.43qballer1explain* please
21:37.02ojwbseems popular to go from the above to concluding you have a ~30% chance of acceptance
21:37.20ojwbbut there's a lot of junk applications which stand no chance
21:37.33FatbagIf you graph number of students applying versus number of accepted applications, you'll get a sigmoid
21:37.34ojwbone line apps, pastes from the ideas list
21:37.44qballer1So that means that if you try a little that you chances increase by a lot
21:37.48ojwbincomprehensible ideas
21:38.18ojwbqballer1: yes, unless you're one of those applicants
21:38.28qballer1I toke an idea from the project like bug and I plan on implementing that.
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21:39.26qballer1I didn't go much in to the design since  a project member (would be mentor) explained to me that it should be a work in progress with the mentor.
21:39.29qballer1is that bad?
21:41.37qballer1is getting worried by ojwb
21:42.04ojwbthat probably depends on the org
21:42.08gevaertsDon't. He's not dangerous
21:42.21RazinovHi all. I have question about English. I have list of questions. 1) One question 2) Second question 3) Third question. The "3" is the same as "1". How can I say it in English? My assumptions: "point 3 is the same as point 1", "paragraph 3 is the same as paragraph 1". Please, correct me.
21:42.25ojwbcertainly wants to see that the applicant has thought through the project
21:42.47RazinovI don't like phrase "I have question about English", so please correct this phrase too.
21:43.11RazinovThanks in advance.
21:43.27ojwbRazinov: that phrase seems fine
21:43.52Razinovojwb:  "point 3 is the same as point 1" seems fine?
21:43.54ojwbyou could say "English grammar" perhaps
21:44.00ojwbwell, that too
21:44.06Razinovojwb: thank you
21:44.08gevaertsRazinov: *a* question
21:44.15ojwboh yes
21:44.20tlikarish@Razinov "I have a question about some English grammar."
21:44.32gevaertswouldn't use "some" there
21:44.39Razinovthank you all
21:45.22ojwbdropping articles in English seems a common mistake for native speakers from some languages, but it rarely actually causes a problem to reading it
21:45.33ojwbwell, at least to me as a native English speaker
21:45.44ojwbperhaps it's harder if it's a second language
21:45.59ojwbyou just read them in where they're missing, like I did!
21:46.27tlikarishIt sounded less fluent to me but I understood the meaning.
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21:47.52gevaertsspeaks English as a third language, and while he notices the missing article he doesn't stumble over it
21:47.57gevaertsUnlike "u"
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21:50.28schumamlisn't Russian usually parodied in this manner?
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21:52.55qballer1ojwb which org are you from?
21:57.52ojwbqballer: xapian
21:58.38ojwband swig to a lesser extent
21:58.58ojwband debian to an even lesser extent (in terms of likely gsoc involvement)
22:00.06gevaertsAnd lego constructions
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22:00.46ojwbgevaerts: oh yes
22:01.06qballer1Lego :)?
22:02.19qballer1I know what lego is. :D nice pic
22:02.44ojwbqballer1: that's the incident in question
22:02.49gevaertsIt wasn't really very stable though
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22:03.59qballer1I'v never heard of xapian, Swig up until GSoC
22:04.12schumamlgsoc applications that are not going to make it, #123: "You give me certain images and i will manipulate them the way you want"
22:05.26GentlecatWill mentors from org contact me after I submit my proposal if something is not clear or they want to know more?
22:05.29*** part/#gsoc dae-eklen (~dae-eklen@
22:05.41GentlecatOr I wouldn't hear anything until deadline?
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22:07.57gevaertsGentlecat: it depends on the organisation. I believe some organisations don't provide (m)any comments on proposals during the application period. In any case, talking to them on mailing lists / forums / irc can't hurt
22:08.46Gentlecatgevaerts: so it's okay to ask for some feedback?
22:09.02gevaertsDefinitely. Just don't ask every ten minutes :)
22:09.32GentlecatNah, I'm too lazy
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22:12.42tlikarishschumaml: is that for real?
22:13.46klocatelliapplications like those make me feel much better about my proposal's chance of being accepted :D
22:14.06gevaerts!chances ! klocatelli
22:14.12gevaertsThat's what it means :)
22:14.21gevaertsIf only I got the factoid right, anyway
22:14.25gevaerts!chance ! klocatelli
22:14.33gsocbotgevaerts: "chances" is Odds, chances or probability really do not come into play for GSoC. Rambling off numbers or asking What are the odds of getting accepted... is really quite useless as one's acceptance is not dictated by luck or numbers, but by the quality of your proposal and your skills instead.
22:14.51gevaertswrites down "Don't confuse a ! and a |"
22:15.47klocatelliI know it's not random :P but it's easier to "chance" than... well, that factoid
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22:29.31buffygQuestion: when should we have final updates for the "awesome project"/"project capacity" info on our project profile, as this is clearly important to slot allocation but requires us to have done a lot of our cat herding with both mentors and applicants?
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22:31.25ojwbbuffyg: carols should email warning when it is needed
22:31.36ojwbwon't be until after student applications close though
22:33.51buffygojwb: Excellent, thanks.
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23:08.25buffygMy only feedback is that writing a solid proposal is pretty time-intensive, so quality is likely to suffer if you try to write multiple proposals, certainly for orgs you may not know as well.
23:08.52buffygSorry, answering the scrollback buffer as though it were a current question. :-/
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23:15.48tomprinceHmm. I can't seem to find anywhere that mentions what time commitment a mentor should expect to put in.
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23:26.04tomprinceI found a suggestion of ~5h/week at but didn't see it in the FAQ, and could find any obvious place where it was mentioned in
23:26.58teuftomprince: really depends on the student, the mentor, ...
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23:30.20tomprinceteuf: Well, I was hoping to find somewhere that gave a rough idea, to point potential mentors at. (Since we put out a call for more mentors)
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23:57.20Michituxtomprince: some more hints can be found at
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