IRC log for #gsoc on 20120321

00:01.27o0o0o_o_o_ oOo _o_o_
00:03.42*** join/#gsoc asmeurer (
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00:06.04ojwbhmm, we're still missing 5 orgs
00:06.38agliodbsno paperwork?
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00:07.39ojwbagliodbs: i guess because they've yet to fill in their profile
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00:08.12ojwbi guess it's not impossible someone dropped out
00:08.32agliodbsor that theyr'e not paying attention
00:08.44agliodbsor don't understand what they'e supposed to do
00:08.53agliodbscan you say which projects?
00:10.58ojwbno, because as far as I can tell, the only way to know which projects are accepted is to view that list!
00:11.23ojwbi suppose I could comb the internet for projects saying they've been accepted and cross-reference, but I'm not that keen
00:11.25*** join/#gsoc cdo (80876466@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:11.51ojwbbut yes, it's more likely the admin just doesn't know he/she should do that
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00:13.00agliodbsojwb: then how do you know 5 are missing?
00:13.10ojwbbecause 180 were accepted
00:13.14ojwband the list gas 175
00:13.26agliodbsthought ojwb was a google admin
00:13.27ojwband I have a degree in mathematics
00:13.36ojwbah, no
00:13.44agliodbsyou do? I'm surprised you can manage arithmatic then
00:14.02agliodbsall the math majors I know need a calculator to figure out the tip
00:14.09ojwbworked it out from first principles
00:15.51*** join/#gsoc abma (
00:15.53ojwbbut yeah, that does seem a fairly accurate stereotype
00:18.27tomprinceWell, pmost pure mathematicians I know don't deal much with particular numbers. At least not numbers much bigger than 2 or 3.
00:23.09*** join/#gsoc chinmayd (~Chinmay@
00:24.31agliodbsI've just been out to dinner with a fair number of mathemeticians
00:24.40agliodbsI always figure out the split and the tip
00:24.56agliodbswhile they're firing up their RPN calculator apps
00:25.06agliodbshad a degree in fine art
00:25.23klocatellimath is a fine art
00:25.27tomprinceThose must be some sort of applied mathematicians then. :)
00:26.15spasovskimathematicians are not and shouldt be calculators :)
00:31.33*** join/#gsoc Mango_Man (957dcd0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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00:33.01Mango_Man!missing orgs
00:34.02gsocbotMatthewWilkes: "missingorgs" is The list of participating organisations only shows those that have filled in their organisation profile, so it will slowly reach 180 as that's done. The list is incomplete at the moment because not all accepted organisations have done that yet. If your org isn't on there you can check if it's been accepted by asking the person who submitted the application.
00:34.29Mango_Manis there any way to view the remaining 5 organizations?
00:37.36MatthewWilkesMango_Man: Not that I know of
00:38.58klocatelliask every potential applicant that isn't on the list
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00:53.13*** join/#gsoc JordiGH (~jordi@octave/developer/JordiGH)
01:03.00*** join/#gsoc Afan (
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01:08.13*** join/#gsoc ISF (~ivan@
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01:16.46meflinhappy evening
01:17.28*** join/#gsoc z4chh (~zach@
01:20.37JordiGHHappy Nowruz, Iran.
01:22.13meflinthat isn't just iran
01:22.56*** join/#gsoc Al_Da_Best (
01:22.59JordiGHNo, but I want to wish it to Iran.
01:23.21meflinso those in every state in the world you wished to ignore?
01:24.09JordiGHFor the moment, yes.
01:24.26meflinah I see
01:24.52JordiGHIran is sending me patches. I'm hurt the people who are sending me patches are being punished.
01:25.03agliodbsby whom?
01:25.21meflinthis actually diminishes mine
01:29.30*** join/#gsoc akshaya4r (~akshaya4r@
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01:32.03Afan[A]is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes
01:32.56MatthewWilkesAfan[A]: Your client is poorly configured, you're changing your nick and sending a channel command when you've been idle for 30 minutes
01:33.34MatthewWilkesAfan[A]: IRC has metadata for that, /away, you'll want to look into what settings you need to fix
01:34.13meflinit is the same script .. nick change goes with away ( both are a bad idea )
01:35.24meflinalso away notification is posted from the script irc doesn't do that on its own
01:38.41*** join/#gsoc v1z_ (~rfabbri@
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01:46.36MatthewWilkesmeflin: Indeed, the client is poorly configured
01:46.42MatthewWilkesthought he said that
01:47.29meflinI was only attempting to add detail to your right claim
01:48.42meflinI am probably being over picky since I was insulted 3-7 ways just before
01:50.05*** join/#gsoc floh1111__ (~floh1111@
01:50.11meflinwith super bonus points that somone just pissed all over my xmas and my birthday
01:50.44*** join/#gsoc Pwnna (~mrrow@
01:51.14*** join/#gsoc ofan (~ofan@unaffiliated/ofan)
01:51.45Afan[A]MatthewWikes yeah i guess it is i dont really use IRC a lot
01:51.46Afanis no longer away : Gone for 49 minutes 42 seconds
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01:52.05meflinstop auto-scripty doing away and not away
01:52.23Afani didnt do it i guess it came with the client
01:54.07meflinthat could be so .. in that case I sugest a better client... old irc'ers at least can be very unforgiving ;)
01:54.19meflinat this time I forgive ::)
01:54.24Afana free one? IceChat is the only free one i could find
01:55.06AfanWindows 7
01:55.12Cheezmeisterxchat, ChatZilla, anything that uses libpurple, you have so many options.
01:55.27Afani used xchat thought you had to pay for that
01:55.43meflinfor windows lasst I knew you do ( evil )
01:55.57MatthewWilkesAfan: Most windows users use mIRC, I don't know how many actually pay for it though
01:56.00MatthewWilkesX-Chat is free
01:56.42CheezmeisterHuh, Windows version of XChat got de-GPL'd.
01:56.52JordiGHCheezmeister: No, it's still GPL.
01:56.57JordiGHThere's nothing wrong with selling free software.
01:57.12meflinxchat is not free for binarys on win ( last I knew )
01:57.23Afanmaybe i just imagined it having a popup asking for money or for me to register
01:57.27JordiGHThe binaries are free, but they're sold.
01:57.43meflinJordiGH:not free beer then :P
01:58.13*** join/#gsoc felipeborges (
01:58.41CheezmeisterStrange. Well, anyway. There are so many libre and gratis IRC clients, it's not even funny.
01:59.03meflinnot that much for win
01:59.11JordiGHSo much for fail.
01:59.23Afanmost of the ones i found asked for money so when i finally found a free one i put up with it
01:59.25*** join/#gsoc FACEFOX (
01:59.29Afani dont think i can even disable that scriopt
01:59.29*** join/#gsoc dwcramer (~dcramer@
01:59.31JordiGHThere are other ways to get Xchat binaries on Windows. Since it's free, if you have a friend who's paid for an Xchat binary, pirating it is fine.
01:59.48meflinJordiGH: so provide a link :P
01:59.52JordiGHPeople also make alternative Xchat builds on Windows.
01:59.55JordiGHmeflin: I don't use Windows.
02:00.10JordiGHBut really, it's not difficult to find, let me see.
02:00.15*** join/#gsoc machine2 (
02:00.32meflinif a windows needs a $0 client that isn't crap then put up or shut up that is the established question
02:00.59Cheezmeister Sort by Windows, there ya go.
02:01.01meflin3 years out of date?
02:01.25JordiGHmeflin: Xchat itself hasn't changed that much in 3 years. Neither has IRC.
02:01.29*** join/#gsoc harshadura (~harshadur@
02:01.49Afanmaybe i should just work harder on getting a duel boot going
02:01.55meflinthats an amusing point of view
02:01.57Afanbut thanks for the link
02:02.31*** join/#gsoc klocatelli (~xchat@
02:02.32JordiGHmeflin: No, really, look at their changelog:
02:02.41JordiGHmeflin: Latest Neews 28-August-2010
02:03.18JordiGHIt's kinda cute how hard people work to not pay for something.
02:03.23meflinJordiGH: so you trust a soft that doesn't even have a sec update in 2+ years?
02:03.39JordiGHmeflin: "A soft"? Do you speak a Romance language?
02:03.55*** join/#gsoc mrglavas (
02:03.56JordiGHI guess other speakers also say that.
02:04.21*** join/#gsoc Afan_ (
02:04.24JordiGHAnd yeah, I trust xchat. It gets security updates on Debian, and I've patched it myself a number of times when I didn't like what it did.
02:04.40*** join/#gsoc edsiper (~edsiper@
02:04.41meflinnot sure I understand that last
02:05.03meflinyou are saying there have been no security issues in xchat or irc in the last 2 years?
02:05.07JordiGHmeflin: It's free, so I've patched it. Not a whole lot, but I don't run the same Xchat you see on that site.
02:05.26meflinso you are running a dev version?
02:05.36JordiGHI'm running the JordiGH version.
02:05.46meflincustom then?
02:05.58JordiGHYeah. I also merge in the Debian patches.
02:06.19*** join/#gsoc Afan (
02:06.24meflinand that helps a random student how?
02:06.24JordiGHmeflin: I'm honestly curious, which languages do you speak? "A soft" sounds to me like a Romance language. I'm only curious.
02:06.47*** join/#gsoc ofan_ (~ofan@unaffiliated/ofan)
02:06.47meflinJordiGH: no you are not curious you are just insulting
02:07.05JordiGHmeflin: Noooo, L2 interference is really interesting, I do it a lot too. I exhibit a lot of L2 interference in French.
02:07.47meflinthats your 3rd major insult of the night to me personaly
02:08.12JordiGHSorry, I'm not trying to insult you. What is wrong?
02:08.13CheezmeisterJordiGH, tell meflin he's a poopoo head! Make it four!
02:08.14*** join/#gsoc harshadura (~harshadur@
02:08.25meflinJordiGH: i've already pointed out more then one
02:08.42JordiGHmeflin: I don't understand. I'm sorry. Can you please explain? I apologise.
02:09.13meflinwell if you realy want to get straight ( and I could be at fault for some ) this is off topic and lets go /msg
02:10.20MatthewWilkesmeflin: You can ignore other IRC users, try /ignore
02:10.34meflinI am aware :)
02:10.56*** join/#gsoc Afan_ (
02:11.30MatthewWilkesmeflin: It might be a good idea, you seem to be very thin-skinned today, it's getting tedious.
02:12.08meflinMatthewWilkes: observation noted and I think that may be true
02:12.16thebolthi mr MatthewWilkes , how's it going?
02:13.02*** join/#gsoc rodrigods (~rodrigods@unaffiliated/rodrigods)
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02:13.53MatthewWilkesthebolt: Okay, a little frustrated at micro controllers not behaving, you?
02:16.31theboltMatthewWilkes: ah, which one? as long as they are MCUs it is usually ok to fix.. i had a 5 hour fight yesterday to get some GPIOs going on my omap chip.. (ARM A8-based thingy)
02:18.08*** join/#gsoc soapyillusions (
02:18.27MatthewWilkesthebolt: ATMega128RFA1, I don't seem to be able to get it to talk to me over ICSP, it just doesn't echo the sync bits back
02:19.26theboltMatthewWilkes: the power supply is ok, have decent decoupling etc?
02:21.06meflinJordiGH and I fought it out .. I at least think its all good and all bad fealings are gone
02:21.54MatthewWilkesthebolt: Power is being supplied by the programmer, seems sensible enough, decoupling is exactly according to data sheet (well, not this particular board, I'm trying on a partial board right now, but get the exact same symptoms on the full ones)
02:22.00meflinsome misunderstanings
02:22.29theboltMatthewWilkes: hm, ok
02:22.41theboltMatthewWilkes: tested another chip?
02:22.43MatthewWilkesthebolt: I get the chip putting out its regulated voltage, and its power on indicator is behaving correctly (i.e. takes a little while after hitting reset to come on, doesn't seem to be spontaneously resetting)
02:22.55theboltRESET pin handled properly etc?
02:23.18MatthewWilkesthebolt: multiple boards, but same design, not a different board
02:23.20thebolti've stopped using those tiny chips, so all i use today have real jtag interfaces..
02:23.27MatthewWilkesthebolt: reset is working fine
02:23.45theboltif it is a board design problem they would all be faulty though, no? :)
02:24.06thebolt(i've had problems in past with improper pullups/downs on programming lines for example)
02:24.06MatthewWilkesI tried clocking it right down, and I've gotten good at aiming my multimeter probes onto 0.5mm pitch
02:24.17thebolt:) that is an art
02:24.39thebolt(my new board is mostly 0.4mm pitch stuff.. and some QFN which is impossible both to solder and probe :P)
02:24.56MatthewWilkesthebolt: Indeed, got two different layouts, I re-designed after the first batch.
02:25.47MatthewWilkesthebolt: There are pullups/down on the programming lines, it's relying on the programmer to drive everything, is that a very thing?
02:26.12theboltMatthewWilkes: well, not sure about that exact chip/what programmer you use
02:26.21MatthewWilkesthebolt: The board is based on the datasheet's example application schematic, programming connections are based on docs for programming a different chip of the same family
02:26.33theboltbut some chips / programmers don't have push-pull drivers, or limited strength
02:26.47MatthewWilkes(that didn't have any pulling on the lines)
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06:23.23dilipany one here thinking about coding 4 simplrCV ??
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06:23.38kblin!anyone | dilip
06:23.39gsocbotdilip: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
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09:05.50fcerullomorning all
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09:06.20fcerulloanyone interested to talk about owasp projects?
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09:10.53|Kev|fcerullo: I'm not sure if you're a student or a mentor, but if everyone spammed the channel with the org they were looking for, or adverts for the org they mentor for, it would rapidly become untenable.
09:11.17*** join/#gsoc rabisg (~rabisg@
09:11.39fcerulloi dont think im spamming
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09:11.57fcerulloim available for few hours a day
09:12.25fcerulloto help students get more info about the org
09:12.41fcerulloim the owasp gsoc admin btw
09:12.58|Kev|You're presumably available in your own channel, too, though, which students will be able to find when they look at your profile in Melange.
09:13.18|Kev|The standard advice for students is:
09:13.19gsocbot|Kev|: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
09:14.04fcerullobut dont think there is any harm
09:14.07*** join/#gsoc dan_w (
09:14.17fcerullotalking openly in a channel
09:14.24fcerulloisnt it?
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09:21.32shurikasfcerullo, what languages do you use for owasp projects?
09:21.41shurikasI see java and .net only
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10:18.45denisboyunHi, anybody know is drizzle take part in GSoc 2012?\
10:20.00Al_Da_BestAccording to this list It does not appear to be
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10:22.13denisboyunAl_Da_Best, I know but official community said another
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10:23.09Al_Da_BestThey could be one of the 5 who haven't put their details up yet, but many sites have pages such as that and were turned down. Best bet is to go and ask in #drizzle
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10:26.08denisboyunAl_Da_Best, --- it's the final list or may even some change?
10:26.37Al_Da_BestAs far as I know (I'm not an admin or anything) it's final, waiting on the last 5 orgs to put their pages up
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10:27.41denisboyunAl_Da_Best, I understand, thank you.
10:27.50Al_Da_BestYou're welcome :)
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10:30.44pokoko222is it ok to ask for help with code on mailing lists
10:31.08pokoko222for example I have written lot of algorithms but I need help to figure out how to execute some code when called from command line
10:31.21pokoko222for example program --myCode arguments
10:31.39pokoko222and I have the myCode part I just need it to be called when that is entered in command line
10:31.51pokoko222are questions of such type appropriate?
10:31.59pokoko222I mean I have done the hard job, I implemented and tested lot of algorithms
10:32.15pokoko222but with exams and stuff it is hard to get to figure out how their command line parsing works...
10:32.18|Kev|pokoko222: I would first ask in the IRC/MUC if there is such a thing.
10:32.33|Kev|But generally the things you can't do on a mailing list are go way offtopic, or be a troll.
10:32.51|Kev|So I would have no problem with someone sending a coding question to my mailing list, for example.
10:32.51pokoko222i dont get it
10:32.56pokoko222ah ok
10:33.10pokoko222I mean as I said I implemented lot of image processing algorithms
10:33.37pokoko222they could help I guess to make it work so that I can call them from command line
10:34.03pokoko222that's all the help I asked, I suppose it would be easy for someone on the project to do it fast and allow me to code more algorithms
10:34.42pokoko222not just implemented but tested them too
10:34.52aghislapokoko222: you can point them to your git/hg repository, so they can test the code too
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10:35.10pokoko222I wrote on mailing list, hope I will get an answer
10:35.15pokoko222so far the guys were nice
10:35.21pokoko222I am just trying to ask good questions
10:35.43pokoko222the logic is, I would spend a day or two to figure out how their parsing for command line calls works
10:35.52pokoko222or I could implement more algorithms and have someone help with that
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10:37.28pokoko222should not be hard for someone of the seniors on the project to do that in no time
10:37.48pokoko222what do you guys think give me some more opinions :)
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10:46.30hmhi! could somebody help me suggest me an irc client that works well behind a proxy server. I tried smuxi (no proxy support)
10:46.41hm, xchat (proxy support but failing on http and would not connect via socks5)
10:47.03hmi'm currently using the webchat for freenode
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10:51.03ebf0hm.... that depends on your proxy ?
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10:53.43shurikasdo students work remotelly or on-site at the mentoring organization?
10:54.04teufshurikas: remotely
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10:54.35shurikaswell that's not very efficient :|
10:55.07teufshurikas: why ?
10:55.30teufI guess if the mentoring organisation has office space and you're leaving nearby, you can work on site as well
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10:55.39teufbut most students are remotees
10:55.41Al_Da_BestIs it though? For starters, how many organisations have offices? We're talking open source projects here. Secondly, where would they be located? This is an international event, people can't be expected to live in a foreign country for 3 months :/
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10:55.50shurikasI would be interested in moving there for a summer :)
10:56.08shurikasok, I see
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10:58.45shurikas"people can't be expected to live in a foreign country for 3 months :/"
10:58.45shurikasthat's not so hard :D
10:58.52shurikasthough what's hard is that there are no friends around
10:59.32Al_Da_BestYes it is
10:59.47Al_Da_BestFrom a financial point of view, it's not viable
11:00.04Al_Da_BestPlus visa issues, and so on
11:00.06shurikasand moving is quite stressful
11:00.12shurikasah yes, visa
11:00.17shurikasthough I would love to try out US
11:00.21shurikasnever been there
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11:00.41Al_Da_BestI'm sure you'll get the chance :D
11:01.45vivek1729can we apply for 2 or more projects?
11:02.04*** join/#gsoc DecimusXIV (~DecimusXI@
11:02.06Al_Da_BestYou can apply to up to 20 projects
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11:04.05gevaertsDon't do that though. Two or three is fine, but if you try much more than that, the quality of your proposals *will* suffer
11:05.46vivek1729ya. U are right.
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12:24.06LiuYang-b #sds
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12:24.37|Kev|LiuYang: I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but I suspect it's not working.
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13:09.12qubodupwhere is a list of all gsoc accepted projects?
13:09.25thiagodo you mean accepted organisations?
13:09.47qubodupthat sounds like what I'm looking for :)
13:09.53thiagoon the website somewhere
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13:10.59gevaertsTechnically it's not a list of *all* of them. Apparently there are still four that haven't completed their profile yet
13:11.16gevaerts176 out of 180 isn't bad though :)
13:11.36Al_Da_BestDrizzle has been added since earlier, I wonder if denisboyun spoke to them
13:13.28*** join/#gsoc yashshah (~yash@
13:13.41qubodupplease retweet if you agree that this list is hard to find and you have followers that might profit from it!/qubodup/status/182454780575236096
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13:17.32gevaertscan't say he finds that list hard to find
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13:21.28hugoplArc, ping
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13:23.36ojwbthinks it should be harder to find
13:23.41ojwbmake it an initiative test
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13:30.14Archey hugopl
13:31.44hugoplArc, did you got the email with mentors phone numbers? sorry for annoy you :-/, but what the status? can I start interview students that had contacted me?
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13:36.49Archugopl: talk to students clearly
13:36.57Arcill get back to you today
13:37.31hugoplArc, ok
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14:52.41shurikasif I propose an open source project, mentoring organization accepts it and gsoc approves it, who is the owner of the project?
14:52.46shurikasme or mentoring organization?
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14:53.35shurikashmm... intellectual property
14:53.35kaias in copyright?
14:53.48kaidepends on the mentoring org, I guess
14:54.16kaigevaerts: thanks
14:54.18shurikasoh, I was actually reading faq but didnt finish it...
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14:54.25shurikasand come up with this question meanwhile
14:54.28shurikasok then, I will continue reading
14:54.44kaiso there's orgs that do require copyright assignment
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15:18.43debaris wondering about the small amount of sec projects
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15:21.00prateekpwhich is better to communicate with org irc or mailin list
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15:21.46dadkins_afkprateekp: depends on the org -- why not try both? :)
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15:24.51prateekpis it like that communicating without any point also matters rather than communicating after you have read all about the project u are applying for
15:25.31prateekpis it like that one who communicates with the org his/her name is joted down
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15:43.35z4chhwhat is the deciding factor on # of project slots a mentoring organization will get?
15:43.58kaiwe had a factoid for this
15:44.11kaiz4chh: the short answer is "depends"
15:44.13prateekpthere are slotcounts given to each org
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15:44.32kaiz4chh: the long answer is that there's many parameters
15:44.46prateekpbut that depends on the number of application the organisation it receives
15:44.55kaiso e.g. if you're a new org, you'll likely get one or two slots
15:45.05prateekpalso is the org new or old in Gsoc .. that also matters
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15:46.40kaiif you're a long-time org, the most significant factor (apart from "how many slots did they ask for") is the number of applications you get
15:46.47gsocbotblast007: "slots" is (#1) Slot allocation is done manually by Chris DiBona and Carol Smith, be a good org, play nice on the mentor list and #gsoc, ask for a non-crazy-high number of slots, and you'll probably get what you ask. Note that non-crazy-high for new orgs is around 1 or 2., or (#2)
15:46.50kaias far as I understand, that is
15:47.05kaiblast007: ah, too easy
15:47.08kaiblast007: thanks
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15:47.46kaiz4chh: so, what gsocbot said :)
15:48.08z4chhkai, thank you
15:48.45kaiz4chh: the last two years, I've always gotten the number I asked for
15:48.59kaimostly because it was non-crazy-high
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16:08.54ranjanhiii fellas :)
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16:32.23|Kev|carols: Heh. Normally it's the students who don't read the questions ;)
16:32.43carols|Kev|: i've discovered as a general rule no one reads much of anything :-)
16:32.57|Kev|<student> I've read [link], and I have further questions
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16:33.06|Kev|<carols> [link] will be helpful.
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16:36.09downeyReading? What's that?
16:36.42|Kev|It's about an hour outside London.
16:36.46carolsdowney: something you wouldn't know anything about, I'm sure :-)
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16:38.32downeyas a phd student, my problem is more with memory than with reading :)
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16:39.01summatusmentisdowney: this. x100
16:39.27|Kev|I would have thought writing would be more of a problem than either :p
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16:39.55downeydon't even start about writing. heh.
16:40.12gevaertsYou first have to remember there's a writing bit!
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16:40.14|Kev|I ended up writing my thesis in five weeks at the end, when I got a job and needed to finish the thesis before I started work.
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16:40.37summatusmentisI'm nowhere near my thesis
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16:41.22|Kev|I suspect that I (and my wife, then girlfriend) would have had a much less stressful time if I hadn't though the same thing :p
16:41.46summatusmentisas a 1st year student, I guarantee I'm nowhere near my thesis
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16:43.50rklancerA student can make multiple applications to a single organization, right? I'm trying to respond to a student who asked about making 2 proposals, and I don't want to mislead.
16:44.04rklancer...although I'll point out that 1 strong proposal beats 2 less well developed proposals.
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16:44.32|Kev|Yes, multiple proposals to the same org is ok, if the org's ok with it.
16:44.45summatusmentisrklancer: unless something has changed since 2009, the upper limit of applications was 20, distributed among as many (or few) orgs as necessary
16:44.50|Kev|stamps the statement with NOTOFFICIAL.
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16:45.58rklancersummatusmentis, |Kev| great, thanks. I thought so. The FAQ seemed to imply that one organization could get more than 1 from the limit of 20 applications, but didn't say so explicitly.
16:46.06rklancerI'm running with it.
16:47.32summatusmentisrklancer: when I was a student in 2008, I submitted 2 applications to one org
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16:48.02summatusmentisnow, I understand that the application requirements have become a little bit more stringent than they were then
16:48.10summatusmentisor, at least, potentially
16:48.32rklancergreat. Didn't want to tell a student he could write 2, then have him be forced to by the application app to choose to throw one away.
16:48.54|Kev|rklancer: You can always advise him to try to submit two dummy apps, and then flesh them out.
16:49.03|Kev|If you're (or he's) concerned about it.
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17:47.14Teugonfrom the FAQ I know that it's possible to make more than 1 application for student but, Am I able to make more application for the same mentor (different proposes obviously) ?
17:47.51dhaunTeugon: yes, you can apply for different projects with the same organization
17:47.51carolsTeugon: sure, you can. have you talked to that mentor and they've directed you to do that?
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17:59.11nitikais anyone from apache project here/
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18:04.03marinaznitika: take a look at and!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=labels+=+gsoc2012&runQuery=true&clear=true
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18:04.33marinaz(the second one is their idea page linked to from )
18:05.08marinaznitika: Apache is a big organization - you first need to select a project or projects that interest you and look for people in relevant IRC channels
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18:06.32nitikaI am more interested in the hive jiras they posted,
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18:09.59marinaznitika: basically, you need to find the project specific IRC channel
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18:10.15nitikaokay thanks
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18:29.17csjadmins around???
18:29.37carolscsj: admins for the program or for an org?
18:29.54csjfor the program GSoC
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18:30.56carolssure, i'm here.
18:31.11csjHello sir, I am Chandan
18:31.18carolsi'm a ma'am, but hello.
18:31.21csji went thorugh
18:31.36csjoh my appology..
18:31.48carolscsj: that looks like an ideas page for benetech. you'll want to speak to them directly, most likely.
18:32.13csjand i was wondering where is their community portal or IRC chanel
18:32.24carolscsj: is it listed on their homepage?
18:33.01carolsyou can email me and ill cc you on an email to their admins.
18:33.16csjis it approp. to contact directly to the Mentor??
18:33.23carolssure, you're welcome to do that.
18:33.29*** join/#gsoc flak37 (~quassel@
18:34.02csjone more thing
18:34.11csjthis is my first GSoC
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18:34.29carolsgreat, we're glad you're here.
18:34.31csjn also I am new to code.googel
18:34.33blast007csj: I see contact info on the org profile for benetech, including IRC and a mailing list.
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18:35.09csjI have experience in programing Java as in my acedemics
18:35.28carolscsj: great, you'll want to speak to the org you're working with directly about this.
18:35.37csjalso i am interested in android
18:35.59carolsagain, something you'll want to discuss directly with the orgs.
18:36.39csjbut i dont have experience in working on real time android applications... i eager to work on it though..
18:37.03carolseager is good. you should speak to the org directly regarding your experience.
18:37.16csjsure i will...
18:37.22carolsawesome :-)
18:37.35downeycsj: I just spoke with them earlier. They'd be eager to hear from you (and others).
18:37.53csjsounds great.. :)
18:39.57*** join/#gsoc aghisla (~anne@
18:40.07csjthanks for the help, no more feeling stranger here... :)
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18:42.41kblinevening folks
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18:44.22carolshey kblin
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18:50.24tamaracarols sorry I logged out yesterday, can you maybe tell me now what I can do about my stolen card from last year? the bank says I need to change the address, and I know that I can't do that. I need to block it.
18:50.47carolstamara: i said please email me because i don't discuss personal matters like this in logged public irc channels.
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18:56.12JordiGHHuh, jQuery isn't in the org list. Did it apply?
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18:58.13downeyJordiGH: I don't know, but they've never been in afaik
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20:30.52agliodbsshould I be able to see the org co-admin in "members of your organizations"?
20:30.55agliodbsI can't
20:31.31downeyagliodbs: they should have a listing in the 3rd column for "organization admin for"
20:31.48SukhEagliodbs: It's there.
20:31.50*** part/#gsoc ddurieux_all (
20:31.58kblinagliodbs: my co-mentors were dropped by melange when we were accpeted
20:32.05kblinI had to re-invite them
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20:32.40agliodbskblin: aha, ok
20:32.49agliodbskblin: why did they make us list the coadmin then?
20:32.57kblinbeats me
20:33.02gevaertsTo make sure you have one
20:33.12kblinI assume dropping the co-admin is an accidental feature
20:33.26agliodbskblin: melange has a lot of "accidental features" ;-)
20:33.35downeythe co-admin also needs a gsoc 2012 profile before they can be added as co-admin
20:33.48kblinsome people in here were co-admins who registered the org first, and the primary admin got dropped instead
20:33.59gevaertsI'm pretty sure having some stuff go wrong is mandatory in melange. This sounds minor compared to melange's first year :)
20:34.32agliodbsoh, fun
20:34.44agliodbsI tried to invite the co-admin, and got a Melange 500 error
20:34.46downeyis just happy the UI isn't changing this week
20:35.18agliodbsworked on 2nd attempt
20:35.27agliodbshas extreme pity for poor Carol
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20:35.39gevaertsdowney: don't mention that sort of thing!
20:35.47gevaertsYou know what will happen now!
20:36.30*** join/#gsoc LinusT (
20:37.25downeygoes back and deletes that line from the logs
20:38.13gevaertsremembers the total UI overhaul the weekend before the student application period started :)
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20:38.38kblinwell, the new UI is nice, now that I'm used to it
20:38.50agliodbskblin: I don't know, it seems worse to me
20:38.57agliodbstakes more clicks to do each task
20:39.11agliodbshowever, it's more important that they leave it alone until the end of the summer, now
20:39.20agliodbsat least I *can* do each task
20:39.54kblinif you admin multiple orgs, it does save clicks
20:40.36agliodbsI only do one, and for me, it adds them
20:40.49*** part/#gsoc techno19 (~Ayush@
20:40.56agliodbskblin: how on earth do you admin multiple orgs?  are you full-time on GSOC?
20:41.19kblinnope, I just have pretty low-maintenance mentors
20:41.28kblinso far, at least
20:41.36kblinknocks on wood
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20:42.09kblinand both are small enough, I guess
20:42.55downey<3's his mentors
20:43.23agliodbshas to beat his mentors over the head to get progress reports
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20:43.48downey+1 for offering tea and biscuits in exchange for progress reports
20:43.56agliodbsnot the students, mind you.  just the mentors
20:44.18agliodbsdowney: difficult to do from 13000km away
20:44.48downeyserves tea and biscuits
20:44.51downeynah. see?
20:45.12gevaertsdowney: are you trying to replace carols? :)
20:45.33downeyi figure if it works in #gsoc it should work for our mentors
20:45.50gevaertsGood point
20:45.51downeythat and i'm a tea addict
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20:47.25agliodbsdowney: favorite tea(s)?
20:47.44downeyany kind of white tea
20:47.51downeyalso, cocoa tea
20:48.24agliodbs*cocoa* tea?  sounds ... repulsive
20:48.37agliodbslikes green tea. especially a nice sencha
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20:49.40agliodbsof course, I'm primarily an espresso drinker
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20:50.59carolshi faliva
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20:51.09nitika_hello i wanted to check if hive is one of the accepted organisations for gsoc
20:51.19nitika_i know apache is one
20:51.34nitika_but hive team said they are not sure if they will be accepted
20:51.44Lenniedarn close
20:51.55LennieThe list is on :)
20:51.59gsocbotLennie: "orgs" is
20:52.16carolsnitika_: they will know if they're accepted or not by now.
20:52.20carolsthey knew last friday.
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20:52.57nitika_they are not sure
20:53.12nitika_I don't know who will be the right person to contact
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20:53.23carolsnitika_: well, you can check on the list Lennie linked to as well to see for sure.
20:53.27falivaam I right that if I want to apply for gsoc, I have to make contact with a mentoring organisation first?
20:53.35carolsfaliva: yes
20:53.39dberkholzfaliva: only if you want to be accepted =P
20:53.50nitika_apache does have some hive jiras for gsoc2012
20:54.17*** part/#gsoc aghisla (~anne@
20:54.30dberkholzagliodbs: i mainly rely on my mentors to correct the students' reports if they're wrong. don't require their own, although i've considered it
20:54.53downeydberkholz: progress reports?
20:55.35dberkholzdowney: yeah. in gentoo, we require weekly progress reports from each student
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20:55.44dberkholzthat keeps people from falling through the cracks
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20:56.09dberkholzwe have a master spreadsheet where we track everyone's projects
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20:56.34dberkholzturns out that poor communication is a surprisingly good predictor of poor progress
20:56.48downeygets reports from both mentors and student to cross-validate. :)
20:57.09dberkholzour reports go to the public list, so anyone can do so
20:57.20SukhESame for Debian. We had bi-weekly reports last year and now we are going to do them weekly.
20:59.08dberkholzthe thing i'm trying to get working better is better check-ins w/ mentors around 1/4 and 3/4 of the way through, to try to fix any issues serious enough to result in a failure
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20:59.22dberkholzthat leaves enough time to actually do something about it
21:01.13ryaoI keep getting emails from prospective students. It is going to be hard to pick one if this continues, assuming my mentor application is accepted.
21:01.51dberkholzryao: you might want to suggest that they consider more than 1 application for different projects
21:02.01dberkholzryao: i.e., one to add feature X, another for feature Y
21:02.21dberkholzthat way they won't get ruled out entirely if a single idea turns out to be highly competitive
21:03.42TayeI'd like to ask...
21:03.45downeyhi Taye
21:03.47falivaso do I have to apply at a mentoring organisation first within the next 4 days, and then, when i get accepted there, for gsoc as well?
21:04.06ryaodberkholz: Thanks for the tip. :)
21:04.31Tayeif you apply for more than one project/organisation, dou you get a choice if multiple organisations accept you?
21:05.06carolsTaye: the decision is usually left to the student, but we do assume that if you applied for all those organizations that you're fine working for any of them.
21:05.15dberkholzryao: also keep in mind that those ideas are best supported by different mentors, as especially first-time mentors are unlikely to get more than 1 project.
21:05.53gevaertsfaliva: no. You submit a proposal (or several) to an organisation on the gsoc website during the application period which *starts* in a few days. That's it as far as the formal application is concerned
21:06.04Tayecarols: thanks very much
21:06.23falivaand what's the current discussion period all about?
21:06.44gevaertsTalking to mentoring organisations to make sure your proposal will be good
21:07.13gevaertsfaliva: have you read the student guide?
21:07.17MatthewWilkesHey, what were the student payment amounts in 2010 and 2011? 5500 both times?
21:07.18gevaerts!studentguide | faliva
21:07.19gsocbotfaliva: "studentguide" is
21:07.28gevaertsalso recommends that to all other students
21:07.45falivano, i haven't. thanks
21:08.03carolsMatthewWilkes: 5000 both times. 500 additionally goes to the org for each student mentored.
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21:08.58MatthewWilkescarols: Thanks!
21:09.04dberkholzcarols: is there a wrong number on the faq?
21:09.17dberkholzcarols: oh no, i just can't add
21:09.17*** join/#gsoc sourabh0612 (~sourabh@
21:10.50carolsdberkholz: :-)
21:11.04dberkholzcarols: for a second there, i thought you were raising the student stipend to 5500
21:11.12carolsnope :-)
21:11.16dberkholzsomehow misread 2250 as 2500
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21:11.50dberkholzcarols: gonna be at any conferences in the next month?
21:12.06carolsdberkholz: yeah, i'm speaking at POSSCON next week actually
21:14.59dberkholzhmm, i'll be at eclipsecon
21:15.32dberkholzcolumbia SC is awesome though
21:15.40dberkholzmake sure you get together with @cra while you're there
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21:16.05dberkholzhe's running twitter's oss stuff, i was giving him some gsoc tips (that apparently worked)
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21:18.52dberkholzcarols: cool bar called speakeasy there, open very late. another place closer to the convention center w/ ~100 taps called the flying saucer
21:19.07carolsdberkholz: ah, nice. thanks for the recommendations :-)
21:19.11carolsill check those out
21:19.30dberkholzi lived there for a summer while i was interning at their newspaper
21:20.05dberkholzin fact, i just realized that everybody i actually gave advice to about gsoc was accepted
21:21.54carolsthat's awesome :-)
21:22.27falivai figure that in the USA, the students have a break from university during the coding period?
21:23.08dberkholzfaliva: for the most part, although there can be some overlap.
21:23.31falivaand it's necessarily a full-time job?
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21:24.20nitika_Do we need to find our own mentors for the projects?
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21:26.02MatthewWilkescarols: Grand, was doing some back of a napkin calculations to emphasise how much organisation goes into GSoC by comparing the budgets to throw on the flames of the timetables thread.  Now I can sit back and wonder if it turns out to act as water or gas.  Apologies in advance if it's the latter ;)
21:26.25carolsMatthewWilkes: aw, are you trolling my mailing lists? ;-P
21:29.07MatthewWilkescarols: Would you prefer I troll elsewhere and deprive you all of the entertainment?
21:29.15summatusmentisfaliva: it's expected to be ~30 hr/week, iirc. Some orgs may differ, but really you should be expecting that it's a full-time commitment
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21:29.50carolsMatthewWilkes: i have to say, the mentors provide a lot of entertainment for me. i kind of wish i had more boring days in this job :-)
21:31.36nitika_hi, i wanted to ask if we need to find our own mentors for the projects under the accepted organisations?
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21:32.23gevaertsnitika_: no, the organisation handles that
21:32.29edsipernitika_, no, mentors are assigned by the organization, focus in the project idea and start talking with the org
21:32.37*** join/#gsoc cab938__ (
21:32.54cab938__Hi all, first time we were accepted as a mentoring organization to the program.
21:33.14cab938__Super excited, we are getting some phenomenal student inquiries.
21:33.56cab938__A question about procedure though; when we rank students, how do we know how many we are likely to be assigned?  This step seems kind of magical to me thus far.
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21:34.18MatthewWilkescab938__: You ask for how many you want, then you're told how many you get, and you have time to finalise your choices
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21:34.32cab938__Ok, ty MatthewWilkes
21:34.43edsipercab938, congrats!, we too :)
21:34.46cab938__How does the "you're told how many you get" number get decided?
21:34.58cab938__Yes edsiper, the students applying are really quite impressive thus far
21:34.59downeycab938__: i think most new orgs get 1 or 2 slots
21:35.08cab938__downey, ok, tyvm
21:35.12*** join/#gsoc m1k3y (~m1k3y@unaffiliated/m1k3y)
21:35.15edsipercab938, same here.. they already started to provide patches without ask :)
21:35.41MatthewWilkescab938__: In general, it's based on past performance, amount of mentors you have signed up, etc, but downey is right, as a new org it'll be 1 or 2
21:35.43downeycab938__: i'd also not recommend asking for more slots than you have mentors - in other words, 1 student per mentor
21:36.20cab938__And do they just give slots, or approve specific students?
21:36.31MatthewWilkescab938__: They give slots, you assign them to students
21:36.41*** join/#gsoc Mayank (~mayank@
21:37.03MatthewWilkescab938__: It used to be the top ranked x where x was your number of slots, but now the ranking is more just for your convenience, once you get your slots allocated you can provisionally accept people
21:37.05carolscab938__: have you read
21:37.06downeycab938__: if you get n slots, your top n ranked students' proposals will get in.
21:37.10cab938__I think we might try and poke around and see if we can find some funds, already we have had four amazing candidates show up
21:37.25MatthewWilkescab938__: Then, once the deadline for allocating passes Google will notify the students that have been accepted
21:37.36cab938__gotcha MatthewWilkes
21:37.40cab938__ty carols, reading now
21:38.11*** join/#gsoc flak37 (~quassel@
21:38.13Michituxcab938__: I also wouldn't underestimate the chance that some of your top students apply for other projects, too, and you loose them during conflict resolution
21:38.25downeywonders if there is a date set for that initial allocation to be provided?
21:38.28cab938__Right, I understand this Michitux
21:38.36cab938__And yes, I could see this happening :)
21:39.48*** join/#gsoc yashshah (~yash@
21:40.32Michituxlast year two of our top 3 candidates were also accepted by other orgs, we lost one of them during conflict resolution, so the two slots we got were enough in order to have a slot for all our "amazing" candidates
21:41.09*** join/#gsoc mesutcang (~mesutcang@
21:41.23cab938__It's going to be an interesting process to go through!
21:42.51cab938__We are an unfortunately large organization with many excited mentors.
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21:46.07carolscab938__: you might also want to read this:
21:46.31cab938__awesome, ty carols
21:47.02cab938__This looks perfect
21:47.36carolsi thought so. our 50 new orgs collaborated on it last year at the mentor summit.
21:47.42carolsi was quite pleased with how it turned out.
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21:48.10carolsi had a mentor shake my hand and thank me for not allocating all the slots their org had asked for to them.
21:48.15carolsthey didn't realize how much work it would be.
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21:48.40cab938__We haven't done SoC before, but we have had students participate with us through UCOSP
21:48.51cab938__(Undergraduate Capstone Open Source Projects)
21:49.06cab938__That was a little different because there was a weekend sprint at the beginning as a "get to know you"
21:49.18cab938__But yea, mentoring 5 students at once was a bit of terror
21:49.37cab938__Many of our committers are full time employed on the project though, so that helps
21:50.01MatthewWilkescarols: Hehe, that's sweet
21:50.07carolsMatthewWilkes: yeah :-)
21:50.15*** part/#gsoc sourabh0612 (~sourabh@
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21:50.23MatthewWilkescarols: I had a member of staff at a university come up to me and thank me for failing one of their students last year
21:50.40carolsMatthewWilkes: really?
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21:50.55MatthewWilkescarols: Apparently he went around complaining how it was unfair to everyone that would listen, and they all listened patiently and told him that they'd have done the same in my shoes
21:51.05carolsoh wow
21:51.12carolswell yeah, that sounds appropriate.
21:51.33MatthewWilkescarols: He was always missing meetings, apparently that was a common theme, and he's taken it as a kick up the backside and has been better about communication and time management since
21:51.38Catfish_Manfailing like that is a required class at the school of hard knocks
21:51.51MatthewWilkescarols: Not the best way to use GSoC as a learning experience, but still valuable I suppose
21:51.59carolswell then it does sound like it was good for him :-)
21:53.08MatthewWilkesFailing a student sucks, though
21:53.35MatthewWilkesAt least we won't have to go through that this year
21:55.41dhaunMatthewWilkes: +1 on your post on gsoc-discuss, btw :)
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22:05.41tamaracarols I sent mail. thanks again
22:06.30|Kev|MatthewWilkes: Thanks for making that post. I was holding off until I could think of something suitably not trollish.
22:06.43|Kev|(And I was failing)
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22:59.44Catfish_Manhey lh :)
23:00.18lhCatfish_Man: hello my friend, greetings from Denver!
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23:00.39Catfish_Manhow's Denver? Cold I expect?
23:02.55agliodbslh: apparently Drupalcon isn't that exciting
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23:06.31ojwbhello lh
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23:09.05lhagliodbs: It is very exciting thus far.
23:09.13lhojwb: hello! so nice to type to you. :)
23:09.41lhCatfish_Man: Denver is dry. Also, do not drink while you are here. I was *really* careful last night and 2 cocktails (whiskey + soda) left me a *mess* this morning.
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23:09.53lhNo es bueno.
23:10.08Catfish_Manlh: oh dear. I generally start feeling it halfway through cocktail one, so I think I'd probably fall over after my first drink there
23:10.29gevaertsYou mean "Don't drink and dry"?
23:10.30lhCatfish_Man: Seriously.
23:10.41Catfish_Manis almost done setting up his new machine at work :) (the old one broke)
23:10.56lhgavinatkinson: I don't even know if that matters. I slammed a liter of water before going to sleep, didn't even feel tipsy, etc.
23:11.15ojwblh: you missed I think
23:11.22ojwblh: how are you keeping?
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23:11.57lhojwb: I am doing very well, thank you. You?
23:12.03lhCatfish_Man: yay new machines!
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23:12.53ojwbyeah, things are good
23:13.08ojwbtrying to survive the initial onslaught of enthusiastic students
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23:24.51lhojwb: a good problem to have. :)
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23:27.15nitika_anyone from asf?
23:27.31gevaerts!anyone | nitika_
23:27.31gsocbotnitika_: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
23:28.29nitika_looking for mentors interested in hive/hadoop projects
23:28.49ojwbnitika_: you are far more likely to find them on asf channels than here
23:29.02nitika_I did contact the organisation directly but didn't get much results
23:29.30LennieIs hive under ASF?
23:29.41|Kev|nitika_: How did you contact them, and how long did you wait
23:30.10gsocbotjh-d: "next" is Mar 26 19:00 UTC - Student Application period opens
23:30.11|Kev|I'd have thought 24-48 hours for a mailing list, and 24 hours for IRC would be reasonable sorts of timeframes to get a reply.
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23:30.28|Kev|All sorts can happen, though, and delay things.
23:31.41Lennie!orgs | Lennie
23:31.41gsocbotLennie: "orgs" is
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23:39.03lhLennie: yes, hive is an apache project
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23:40.15ojwbstill missing 4 then
23:42.30agliodbsojwb: maybe google has dropped them
23:42.35agliodbsmore slots for everyone else!
23:43.13ojwbat least once before the org place was filled when that happened
23:43.41ojwb(ubuntu -> limesurvey)
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23:44.23Lennieojwb, still missing 4 orgs?
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23:45.05ojwbLennie: shows 176
23:45.25ojwbapparently 180 were accepted
23:45.32ojwbso 4 have presumably not filled their profile yet
23:45.33LennieI'll take a look at the failers :p
23:45.53ojwbthat might be useful - i guess the admin missed the memo
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23:58.33pokoko222Do I have to contact the organization before 26 march?
23:58.49ojwbno, but it's good to talk early
23:58.55pokoko222I mean I am writing code and I probably will contact them like 30 march maybe
23:58.59ojwbit'll get busier once applications open
23:59.20ojwbso now is a good time to get in touch
23:59.26pokoko222I want to impress them with my code which will take me more time, like 30 march
23:59.52ojwbyou can just say hello and say what you are interested in
23:59.53pokoko222or maybe I could at least present myself on the mailing list

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