IRC log for #gsoc on 20111118

00:08.48*** join/#gsoc carols (carols@nat/google/x-lqdznkkyamacrawi)
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00:15.00*** join/#gsoc asmeurer__ (
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00:22.05ShootI have a quick question, when november 21st comes along, do we have to register for something or.... how exactly does this work
00:24.36*** join/#gsoc lfz (~chatzilla@
00:25.50valorieShoot: as a student?
00:26.11valorieyou'll have to register on melange, yes
00:26.36valorieand once you finish your first task, upload the docs proving your age and schooling
00:26.56Shootohh I see, cool cool
00:27.03valoriebut you can't register until it opens up to students
00:27.09Shootare there any example tasks from previous years or anything of that sort
00:27.18valorieand probably can't upload docs until you complete a task
00:27.28ShootI want to know what to expect
00:27.33valoriesure, depending on the project you are interested in
00:27.52valoriefor KDE, my org:
00:29.32Shootohh I see, awesome
00:29.33Shootthank you
00:30.14vpericWhat are we supposed to write for "time to complete" for GCI? We usually don't really know how we're going to do it.
00:30.43vpericAlso, is it possible to have all mentors be responsible for all tasks?
00:32.33*** join/#gsoc Mitar (
00:32.36asmeurer__regarding vperic's question about the time to complete (we are both mentors from SymPy), can this also be added to ?
00:32.48asmeurer__we didn't even know that we needed it until yesterday
00:34.25valoriejust think about how many days an average student will be able to complete the task in
00:34.52valorieassuming, say 5 hours per day
00:35.27valorieyou'll be wrong some of the time, because it's just a guess
00:35.41valorieand you are allowed to extend the time if the student is making good progress
00:36.30asmeurer__oh, it's a time limit?
00:36.59asmeurer__also, I think it should be the time in hours, not days
00:37.17asmeurer__oh, I see what you are saying.  Guess the number of days, and multiply that by 5.
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02:00.33valoriemultiply by FIVE?
02:00.38valoriethat seems a bit extreme
02:01.27valoriethey tried doing it in hours, but some people were doing the 3 days = 72 hours thing
02:01.45valorieand others were doing the 36 hours total work time thing
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09:37.02*** join/#gsoc Oldskool (~oldskool@unaffiliated/oldskool85)
09:37.10andre__Is it possible for next year to not use a comma as a seperator for bulk import, but something more exotic (like |)? I gave up trying to mass-import...
09:46.18*** join/#gsoc Guest37380 (~Kal-El@
09:46.49Guest373800039 | 282583 | 4828703841043012 | 984 | 09 | 2013 | John P. Stadelmann | John | John |  | 399 Blackberry Lane | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29579 | (843)2678621 | United States
09:57.25*** join/#gsoc SRabbelier|Lappy (
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10:02.59andre__Guest37380, hmm?
10:06.07Guest37380andre ???????
10:06.34andre__Guest37380, you just posted a lot of private data in public.
10:06.59andre__not sure if you really wanted that.
10:07.19Guest37380i want a good hacker thats why...
10:08.24andre__normally an email address in enough for that... At least I wouldn't send you a paper letter, or call you, sorry. :P
10:08.50andre__plus if you want good hackers you should express that first, and define the field or skills, or project. :)
10:10.43Guest37380thank you andre for correcting me :) are you a hacker?
10:11.59andre__I'm in this channel because I am an admin for one of the organizations taking part in Google Code-In
10:12.37*** join/#gsoc scorche (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche)
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10:13.17scorcheGuest37380: this is not the place for such things...
10:13.46andre__Guest37380: Are you involved in Google Code-In?
10:15.19Guest37380no im interested, can you teach and show me how, and moreso how is it profitable?
10:15.33andre__I think it's the wrong channel for that, sorry
10:16.05andre__Guest37380, have you read ?
10:16.19kai!faq | Guest37380
10:16.19gsocbotGuest37380: "faq" is
10:18.36ppujalandre__: test task, "<p>Remove me,</p> <p> this is a ""test"" task"</p>,72,Easy,username,Code,C
10:19.09andre__ppujal, errm, context?
10:19.24ppujalbulk upload of tasks
10:19.53ppujalThe line above should create a task
10:19.58andre__ppujal, okay. what do I have to do with it? :)
10:20.36*** join/#gsoc nwoki (
10:21.13ppujalJust wanted to show a sample on how a task would be on mass import
10:21.33andre__ah, thanks. got you now :)
10:21.54*** part/#gsoc ChipX86 (~chipx86@galago/ChipX86)
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11:16.47vpericSRabbelie: The link you gave me last night, to request to be a mentor for SymPy, didn't work. The org admin didn't get any notification. I'm invited now, just thought you might want to know.
11:18.18*** join/#gsoc Alex11223|2 (~Alex@
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11:35.05andre__is there a link for folks registered in GCI to request mentorship for an org? if so, I'd be interested in it...
11:47.17vpericandre__: Yeah, it's there, but it doesn't work.
11:47.26andre__heh :)
11:48.24vpericandre: For what it's worth, it's this one (for SymPy):
11:48.49vpericso you could try it, maybe it'll work for you
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15:02.24*** join/#gsoc manugupt1 (~hawk@opensuse/member/manugupt1)
15:04.56kaijust stumbled over Raphaël.js
15:05.13kaiI feel like I completely need to rewrite my webapp :)
15:05.39kaithat _would_ fix loading time issues, because I could load cluster data on demand
15:05.43manugupt1Hi I have already invited a mentor, but the mentor is not visible on my admin dashboard nor is the mentor able to add tasks, but when I try to invite him / her again it says the mentor has already been invited, can anyone cross check the issue
15:06.06kaimanugupt1: did the mentor finish the registration process?
15:06.19manugupt1kai: Yes
15:06.38manugupt1kai: and yes my profile says the mentor has already been invited
15:07.07kai#melange might know :)
15:08.25manugupt1kai: ok.. thanks wil ask there
15:09.23kaiisn't involved in this year's GCI, so has little clue about current website issues
15:20.08SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: the mentor probably didn't accept the invitation
15:20.37manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Yes.. I think so but he seems not to find the mail..
15:21.14manugupt1I have asked him to cross check again, is there a possibility of resending the invitation SRabbelier|Lappy
15:22.53SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: what org are you with?
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15:23.36manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: openSUSE
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15:24.07SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: ask him to go to and send a request instead
15:24.18SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: that way you'll get an email from which you can accept his request
15:24.42manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Thanks..
15:25.56SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: if you could create a about showing requests and invite on the user dashboard
15:26.04SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: We can hopefully get that going
15:26.37manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Ok.. I will do that
15:26.44SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: thanks!
15:29.27*** join/#gsoc Warangalite (75d3562a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:29.53manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Does it take a while to dispatch the mail from melange
15:30.57manugupt1The mentor has already sent a request and it is not visible to me
15:31.16*** join/#gsoc tian2992 (~tian@
15:31.32SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: you should have received an email pretty much instantly, let me verify
15:31.52SRabbelier|Lappyperhaps the email sending task got a sad
15:31.53manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: no mails
15:32.18LimeBurstI'm trying to sign up for Google Code-In, but I can't find where I can do that. Can anyone help me?
15:32.39SRabbelier|LappyLimeBurst: you can't yet
15:32.45SRabbelier|LappyLimeBurst: singups don't open till Monday
15:33.58LimeBurstSRabbelier|Lappy: I read this post( and it says I can sign up now, so that I can start claiming tasks when the contest begins. Did they(or I) miss something?
15:34.27SRabbelier|LappyLimeBurst: that's wrong I'm afraid
15:34.45LimeBurstSRabbelier|Lappy: Thanks, I just wanted to be sure :)
15:35.44manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: are you checking
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15:37.06SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: yes, app engine is slow sadly
15:37.14SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: takes it a while to pull up the logs and whatnot
15:37.35manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Ah.. ok.. I thought melange has a hate relation with the mentor ;)
15:38.16manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: between I created 2 issues, one for requesting mentorship from the dashboard and the other for accepting it
15:38.34SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: perfect, thanks
15:40.09SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: so, there's no send mail tasks left that weren't sent
15:40.15SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: you should have received an email
15:40.18SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: check your spam though
15:40.30manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Not in spam
15:40.52SRabbelier|Lappysad panda
15:41.16SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: did you receive any other request emails before?
15:41.43manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: No requests this is the first request, at other times we sent out the invite
15:42.36SRabbelier|Lappyah, right
15:46.18manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Yes and the withdrawal does not generate in the link you provided does not work too
15:46.51SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: what do you mean with does not work?
15:47.32manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Mentor tried to withdraw so that he could reapply again then he got this message Method Not Allowed
15:47.51SRabbelier|Lappyah, curious
15:47.59SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: please create an issue for that as well
15:48.05SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: I'm getting you the direct link
15:51.45SRabbelier|Lappyapparently they're not implemented yet :D
15:51.53manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Whats happened?
15:52.03SRabbelier|Lappyrequests aren't implemented yet, only invites are :P
15:52.33manugupt1Well what should I do SRabbelier|Lappy now?
15:52.59SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: I'll get him the invite url I supose
15:53.19manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Ok.. Do you need his username and email
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15:53.33SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: I think I have it
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15:55.16manugupt1SRabbelier|Lappy: Let me know when you are done so that I can cross check it
15:55.30sandroandradeHi there, how do I remove a task created for GCI in Melange ?
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15:56.10SRabbelier|Lappymanugupt1: see query
15:56.19SRabbelier|Lappysandroandrade: see
15:58.35sandroandradeSRabbelier|Lappy: thanks
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16:00.08kodaxi find interesting that the more we're near the start of the gci competition the more students join our channel :)
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16:02.41pygithat's normal
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16:26.09elias_Good afternoon (17:26  UTC -1), I'm Elias, I'm 11 years old, I'm from Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
16:28.10andre__hi elias_
16:29.51elias_hi, andre__, how are you?
16:30.19andre__quite fine. weekend soon :)
16:35.19sandroandradeSRabbelier: : any chance for removing all KDE tasks while feature isn't yet done ? I'm doing a bulk upload but there are some tasks inserted ...
16:36.56*** part/#gsoc aghisla (~anne@
16:37.01elias_I like Open Source software but I can't participate in google code-in
16:37.22manugupt1elias_: So you can participate without code-in also
16:37.28shadeslayerelias_: you can contribute to any open source software project without code in as well
16:39.03*** join/#gsoc avinashhm (~avinash-h@
16:39.11andre__elias_: you can collect some open source experience outside of GCI now, and in one or two years you can join GCI :)
16:43.55ppujalelias_: Do you speak sardu?
16:44.20elias_unu pagheddu
16:45.50ppujalYou may want to translate a program of your preference to it, knowing a little english and having too the italian translation it should not be difficult :)
16:46.35*** join/#gsoc egypcio (~vncszvm@unaffiliated/egypcio)
16:46.55ppujalIn tux4kids we will be happy welcome  new languages
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16:54.15elias_ppujal: there is a problem: there are many variation of sardinian
16:54.52Alex11223|2andre_: Italy can't join CGI, it's written in rules
16:55.30ppujalelias_:The same is true for many other languages
16:55.53Alex11223|2cgi = gci ofc*
16:56.13andre__well, this year. Hopefully things can get sorted out by Google's lawyers for next year.
16:58.58ppujalelias_: and they are translated and released, we have 5 english translations , 2 spanish translations and so on in tuxpaint
17:25.40*** join/#gsoc pisskidney (~petisnnak@
17:26.53elias_hi, pisskidney
17:26.54pisskidneyHi, quick question: is it too late to sign up for gsoc 2011-2012 ?
17:27.18elias_I'm italian, I don't know
17:29.40ppujalpisskidney: you can't sign as student until Monday
17:33.51*** join/#gsoc Spacewalker_ (~Spacewalk@unaffiliated/spacewalker)
17:34.08elias_hi, spacewalker_ù
17:34.26elias_hi, spacewalker
17:34.37SpacewalkerHello elias_ :)
17:35.23elias_spacewalker. where are you from?
17:35.34Spacewalkerelias_: I'm from Germany, what about you?
17:35.54elias_spacewalker: I'm from Italy
17:36.19Spacewalkeroh, neat :)
17:37.58pisskidneyppujal: Are sign-ups only allowed until Monday (Nov 21st), or starting from the aforementioned date?
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17:43.28mang0Talking about sign ups; I'm going to enter GCI, and I've logged into the hompage with my google account. Is that all I have to do? I don't have to make an account elsewhere?
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17:46.26manugupt1mang0: You will have to create a profile on Monday iirc
17:46.27elias_hi, caesar3
17:46.51mang0manugupt1: So sign ups are not open till 21st? Okay. :)
17:46.59elias_hi, Catfish_Man
17:47.07manugupt1for stundents mang0
17:47.20mang0manugupt1: Yeah, I'm a student :)
17:47.21elias_hi, censorydep
17:47.30elias_hi, ploghtbo
17:47.53censorydephello elias_ :-)
17:48.01SRabbeliersandroandrade: sure
17:48.12SRabbeliersandroandrade: I thought Nightrose was the KDE taskmaster? :)
17:48.24elias_censorydep: where are you from?
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17:49.04censorydepI live and work in the San Francisco Bay Area.  And you?
17:51.54sandroandradeSRabbelier: we both :)
17:52.19sandroandradejust giving her a help
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17:55.35elias_Hi ,dbs.  Where are you from?
17:56.15dbselias_: project = Evergreen library system; institution = Laurentian University; geography = Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
17:56.18SRabbeliersandroandrade: if you and/or Nightrose can send me an email from the account you're using for Melange I can delete all KDE tasks for you
17:56.27sandroandradeSRabbelier: can we have a mentor's linkid list for our organization ? We need that for bulk upload but I can see only real name and e-mail in melange ...
17:56.36SRabbeliersandroandrade: yes I'll add that right now
17:56.46sandroandradeSRabbelier: cool
17:58.21SRabbeliersandroandrade: deploying
18:01.14sandroandradeSRabbelier: got it
18:01.21SRabbeliersandroandrade: cool
18:03.06sandroandradeSRabbelier: gci-discuss ?
18:03.19SRabbeliersandroandrade: what about it?
18:03.36sandroandradeto send the delete request ?
18:03.46SRabbeliersandroandrade: oh, no just to me please :P
18:04.02SRabbelierI dont' think the rest of gci-discuss is interested in KDE deleting their tasks :P
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18:06.04sandroandradeSRabbelier: is only my e-mail enough or do you need other admins who had inserted tasks as well ?
18:06.39mang0manugupt1: You can only create an account after completing a task, it seems.
18:07.00SRabbeliersandroandrade: eh, I'd prefer another one, considering that it's an non-reversible operation :P
18:07.03manugupt1mang0: I dont think so... you will need to have an account to claim a task
18:07.55mang0manugupt1: read number 2:
18:08.06sandroandradeSRabbelier: I mean, you can find out all KDE tasks from just one admins e-mail ? Or are you going to get only the tasks I've created ?
18:08.16mang0It says "You'll need to sign up for a Melange profile as well. You can do so as soon as you are logged in and have completed a task, under the “Register” link."
18:08.38mang0manugupt1: ^ saying that you have to complete a task first?
18:09.26SRabbeliersandroandrade: oh you want me to delete just the tasks that _you_ added?
18:09.26manugupt1mang0: You need to claim first.. that is written adn then submit it for completion
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18:10.46mang0manugupt1: This is really confusing me now XD. When I hit the link put into "You'll need to sign up for a Melange profile as well" it says "This page is inaccessible because you do not have a profile in the program at this time." Is this because it's not yet the 21st?
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18:11.01manugupt1mang0: I will say lets wait till monday to find out.. But claiming seems the natural way because if 2 students complete the same task and then submit the task for assessment then the organization is in a fix as to who to rewards
18:11.02sandroandradeSRabbelier: no, no :) all KDE tasks
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18:11.14manugupt1mang0: That will be open on monday
18:11.26mang0manugupt1: Sure. Well I guess I'll wait and see :)
18:11.26SRabbeliersandroandrade: yeah then confirmation from a second org admin that you really want all tasks deleted would be nice :P
18:11.32manugupt1mang0: yes :)
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18:11.57manugupt1mang0: I need to go now cya later :)
18:12.07mang0manugupt1: Arite, cya man :)
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18:30.08elias_hi, snizzo. Where are you from?
18:30.18snizzoelias_: italy
18:31.01elias_io vengo dall'Italia
18:31.18snizzobene :)
18:31.51elias_snizzo: com'è questa storia che gli italiani non possono partecipare?
18:33.40snizzoelias_: eh purtroppo quelle sone regole messe da google. Si vede che hanno avuto problemi lo scorso anno con le nostre leggi :(
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18:34.10mang0Is it cheating to go through the GCI challenges now, and note down ones that I might be interested in doing?
18:34.12snizzoio l'anno scorso ero un GCI student, venivo dall'italia e non ho avuto nessun problema ma non so gli altri
18:35.43snizzoelias_: volevi partecipare?
18:36.05elias_no, ho solo 11 anni
18:36.16snizzoah ok
18:36.19elias_vado a cenare
18:36.30snizzobuona cena :)
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18:38.08andre__mang0: you can make any notes you want about stuff that's on the interwebs. however, you can only start claiming tasks once the contest is open, plus only one at a time anyway
18:38.38mang0andre__: Damn, one task at a time? Shame :P
18:38.56mang0Actually it's probs a good thing, otherwise I would have like, 896 tasks and not complete one of them!
18:39.17andre__mang0, see the FAQ and Rules of GCI
18:39.33mang0andre__: Yeah, should probs read them properly
18:39.39mang0reads them
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19:04.34snizzoelias_: dimmi :)
19:04.43elias_son tornato
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19:07.36elias_snizzo: conosci progetti open source che hanno neecessità di documentazione (possibilmente in inglese o spagnolo)
19:09.43snizzotipo manuali per l'utente dici?
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19:14.48elias_schizzo: sì, software che hanno necessità di manuali, guide
19:15.41snizzorecentemente ho visto #calligra con manuali molto datati
19:16.00snizzoprobabilmente anche altri software kde
19:16.11elias_#calligra è un canale irc?
19:16.12snizzoti conviene entrare nei loro canali irc e chiedere
19:16.18snizzodi un software kde
19:16.34elias_tanto funziona anche su gnome
19:17.00elias_ho letto qualcosa su linuxpro e vogliono creare una piattaforma
19:18.39*** join/#gsoc Alex11223 (~Alex@
19:21.46snizzosisi va anche su gnome
19:21.48snizzousi linux?
19:22.23elias_sì, mi trovo bene (sicuramente meglio di Vista :)
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19:29.09snizzobravo :)
19:29.16SRabbelierEnglish please
19:30.26snizzoSRabbelier: sorry, he's 11 and we were just chatting about gci and oss (we're both from italy)
19:30.39SRabbelierah, I'd recommend a /query :)
19:31.44elias_SRabbelier: I'm sorry, but schizzo is italian...
19:31.49snizzook thanks :)
19:32.27SRabbelierelias_: many here are not though, and we feel left out if when you're talking in a language we don't understand :(
19:33.02*** join/#gsoc Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan)
19:33.45SRabbelieralso, yay, now supports https!
19:33.46andre__Google should stop working on the teleporter in building 44 and instead invest in on-the-fly IRC translation. ;-)
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19:36.39mang0<andre__> Google should stop working on the teleporter in building 44 and instead invest in on-the-fly IRC translation. ;-)
19:36.44mang0Would be goddam awesome.
19:37.08SRabbeliermang0: also, please mind your langauge, snizzo just said he was talking to an 11-year old...
19:37.29mang0SRabbelier: Um....sorry. Does "Goddam" count as bad language?
19:37.48andre__Yes. I'm Catholic. :P
19:38.43mang0andre__: Godda--- ;__; foreveralone.jpg
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21:36.01darrenhawke12345girls add 26B22AED
21:36.53darrenhawke12345hiIiiiiiii girls add 26B22AED
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21:37.31schumamlI guess that'll result in a kickban...
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22:10.25Alex11223what is 26B22AED? is it puzzle for smart girls?)
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