IRC log for #gsoc on 20110908

00:01.00*** join/#gsoc evalica (
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06:52.57kaimorning :)
06:57.27thebolthi kai
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07:25.49John4Hello there, I just realised that my code sample has an extenstion of .tar instead of .tar.gz . Would that be a problem?
07:36.39*** join/#gsoc ThibG (
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07:46.29_samo_hi there
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07:57.03hiemanshuJohn4: shouldn't matter as long as its a single file
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17:12.03jrabbitdo failed students need to send code?
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17:42.30Ivanovicjrabbit: no
17:42.41jrabbitOk :)
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19:46.29*** topic/#gsoc is Welcome to Google Summer of Code 2011! Please read the FAQs - and the Timeline - for more info.
19:57.43*** join/#gsoc Bipul (~bipul@
19:58.20Bipulhow to join mailing list
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20:32.46neverpanicBipul: depends on the software used, usually send a mail to listname-subscribe@hostname
20:33.03neverpanicBipul: Or do you mean the GSoC mailing list in specific?
20:33.26Bipulyes GSoc mailing list
20:33.51neverpanicBipul: Have you been a GSoC student this year?
20:34.14Bipulnops but i would like to participate
20:34.27Bipulcan i ?
20:35.21neverpanicYou can't join the mailing list then, it's invite-only. GSoC students get invited at the begin of the program.
20:35.40chrisoelmuellerthere is a public mailing list.
20:36.17Bipulso how can i Become Gsoc Student
20:36.52BipulWhat's that ?
20:37.31chrisoelmuellerBipul: especially check out the 'Help' section of the page just linked
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22:18.53mihneadbcould somebody please give me an idea how I could send some money from the prepaid card to a bank account / to someone in the US ?
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