IRC log for #gsoc on 20110802

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07:58.33kaiNightrose: almost done :)
07:59.01Nightrosekai: \o/
07:59.10kaiNightrose: the one benefit of having some jerk telephone me at 6:45 in the morning :/
08:01.30kaianyway, at least got two more sections done for my chapter, so that's good :)
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08:25.19gsocbotyeskarthik: "next" is midterm evals time is over, on towards pencils down on August 22 19:00 UTC
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09:38.26xtrqthi anyone here from poland?
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19:27.23carolsserves tea and coffee
19:27.57gevaertswill go for tea today. He still has to sleep
19:28.11carolshey gevaerts :-)
19:28.18gevaertswaves to carols :)
19:28.32roccivicthanks carols, I'll go for coffee :)
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19:28.43carolsyw roccivic
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19:29.00gevaertscarols: it looks as if you might well get this chocolate at the mentor summit
19:29.23carolsgevaerts: awesome!
19:29.29Ivanovicis happy that he'll most likely come to the summit this year!
19:29.31carolslooking forward to it :-)
19:30.04gevaertsI'm looking forward to it too. I just don't know yet if I'll add more vacation time to it
19:30.16Ivanovici will add some vacation days afterwards
19:30.41Ivanovicjust don't know how many but got some days left for planning before buying the tickets anyway, got to wait for the new passport first
19:31.00gevaertsAh, right. I should check my passport too...
19:31.15Ivanovicjust ordered it yesterday, they said it needs about three to four weeks
19:31.21Ivanovic(which should work nicely)
19:31.33gevaertshm, it expires next week
19:31.39gevaertswill order a new one
19:31.41Ivanovicoutsch, then you need a new one
19:32.03Ivanovicgevaerts: were you the one with the "chocolate as motivation" session 2008?
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19:32.11Ivanovic(that one was memorable!)
19:32.15gevaertsNo, I wasn't there then
19:32.49Ivanovichmm, any bets if i will be the only geek with a pandora at the summit?
19:33.11gevaertsI'll bet against that
19:33.48Ivanovicgevaerts: i am really not sure, considering that only just a little more than 2000 were shipped so far
19:34.01Ivanovicthough it *is* a real geek toy and this is a geek meeting
19:34.09gevaertsyes, exactly
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19:34.33Ivanovichmm, i should ask in the pandora boards for a pandora meeting at gsoc mentor summit
19:34.51carolsIvanovic: what is it?
19:35.10Ivanoviccarols: imagine you crossbreed a NDS with a laptop
19:35.23summatusmentispandora's the open source hardware handheld game thing right?
19:35.24carolsIvanovic: is there a website i can visit to learn more?
19:35.25Ivanovicthe size will be the one of the DS, just instead of a 2nd screen it has a keyboard
19:35.56carolsIvanovic: cool, thanks
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19:36.11Ivanovicbasically you got gaming controls, a thumb keyboard, wifi and a brilliant screen combined with a *real* battery
19:36.27carolssounds cool :-)
19:36.28Ivanovic(i have been playing secret of mana for 10h+ without recharging!)
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19:36.53Ivanovicsurfing via wifi (and a *full* firefox with addons like adblock!) for some 15h
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19:37.13Ivanovicjust reading pdfs and ebooks with a rather low brightness for something between 20 and 25h
19:37.59gevaertsI wouldn't mind having the pandora described on
19:38.10Ivanovicone of the best places to get software for the little baby:
19:38.26Ivanovican (almost) complete list of available programs (atm) is in the wiki:
19:39.04Ivanovicgevaerts: i am confident that the pandora that *is* available is able to emulate it!
19:39.43gevaertsIvanovic: including the "holographic-style display, projecting the image in mid-air between the lid and the base of the machine"? ;)
19:40.04Ivanovicgevaerts: at least a 2D projection of it!
19:40.07gevaertsNot good enough!
19:41.26gevaertssuspects that Ivanovic only promotes the openpandora because he likes one of the programs it's shown running in the "slideshow" on the homepage
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19:42.00Ivanovicwhich slideshow?
19:42.23Ivanovicah, the english site has some different pics as background
19:42.26gevaertsIf you look long enough, the screen of the pandora on the picture on changes
19:43.00Ivanovicgevaerts: there is a lot more than just wesnoth
19:43.03Ivanovicthere is also frogarro
19:43.05gevaertsoh, weird. I wonder why they didn't keep that for other languages
19:43.40Ivanovicand the snes emulator with lots of great games
19:43.51Ivanovicthere is also psx emulation as well as n64
19:44.07Ivanovic(though the last does not always run perfectly, while psx is really mature these days)
19:44.25gevaertswasn't entirely serious :)
19:44.32IvanovicdoN't forget scummvm
19:44.37Ivanoviclots of great things!
19:45.46gevaertsIf you can get one, anyway :)
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19:49.20Ivanovicgevaerts: yeah, i was among the *really* early preorders, within the first hour
19:49.33Ivanovicgot mine about a month after the first pandora was shipped to a customer
19:50.03IvanovicIMO it is a lovely toy, but just a toy
19:50.07gevaertsOne of the other rockbox developers got his in late May
19:50.38gevaertsHe's not going to the mentor summit as far as I know, but I could try to borrow the thing if it's to win a bet ;)
19:50.50Ivanovicand i am really looking forward to tests its usability on the flight to SFO
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19:53.09Ivanoviccarols: looking at the wiki and the attendee list: how is the waiting list meant to work?
19:53.20carolsIvanovic: you read the email i sent, yes?
19:53.31Ivanoviccarols: looks like some projects have not read the description there
19:53.34Ivanovicyeah, i read it
19:53.54carolsIvanovic: ok, so what's the question then? it works like a waiting list :-)
19:54.42carolsIvanovic: i am going down the list by entry on the list, so the first person listed will be the first person removed and so on.
19:54.56Ivanovicthe problem is that people enter themselves right under their org due to the listing of the org as header
19:55.30carolsIvanovic: there's not much i can do if people dont follow directions, they're on there and im going to go down the list as the instructions indicate
19:56.33Ivanovicwould it not be better/easier if it was done the way the first two entries before KDE have done it? (the ones not directly following the template!)
19:56.53carolsIvanovic: yes, it would be.
19:56.54Ivanovicmeaning: just add a block at the buttom with the three lines "name; project; coming from"
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19:57.26Ivanovicshall i give the list a quick run over to reformat it accordingly?
19:57.33carolsIvanovic: sure
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20:07.50Ivanoviccarols: fine with you this way?
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