IRC log for #gsoc on 20110423

00:01.02*** join/#gsoc mani_ (~mani@
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00:04.43wolfbhow annoying
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00:47.10gsocbotKTran: "when" is later
00:47.21gsocbotKTran: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
00:47.54*** join/#gsoc zoglesby (~zoglesby@fedora/zoglesby)
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01:08.02aboSamoorare the results out ?
01:08.04*** join/#gsoc arthursribeiro (~arthur_sr@
01:09.58*** join/#gsoc anky (~anky@
01:10.14dfighteraboSamoor is it the 25th yet?
01:10.50*** join/#gsoc KylePan (~pjl@
01:11.17aboSamoordfighter, misunderstood "Student ranking/scoring deadline. Please do not mark students as accepted, unaccept, or ignore students after this deadline."
01:11.23aboSamoordfighter, thanks :)
01:12.16dfighterthe announcement date is in the faq tho iirc
01:12.38dfighterhaving read that it's extremely difficult to misunderstand things
01:12.42dfighterbut sure yw
01:12.47aditany count down timer ?
01:13.40dfighterwell for that you'd need a time coordinate too, not just a date
01:13.46dfighterand they only said 25th
01:14.51aditmay be it is again 19:00 UTC like every time else
01:17.23*** join/#gsoc Pilif12p (~Pilif12p@firefox/community/pilif12p)
01:17.31dfighterlet's see maybe that's in the faq too
01:18.49dfighterit is!
01:19.02dfighterand yes it says 19:00 UTC
01:19.21dfightermust be some magical number
01:19.59gsocbotDanKluev: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
01:23.06adit65 hrs is too long
01:23.34*** join/#gsoc allisterb (~allisterb@
01:23.37vivekp!patience | adit
01:23.37gsocbotadit: "patience" is very important for GSoC/GCI. Relax and go code something useful.
01:23.52*** join/#gsoc iant0 (~chris@fsf/member/pdpc.student.ianto)
01:24.28aditvivekp thanks
01:24.52*** part/#gsoc nonreviad (~andrei@
01:25.03*** join/#gsoc Landson1 (~Travis@
01:25.22dfighteradit you could use that time to look for alternative projects to work on in case you are not accepted :P
01:25.27*** join/#gsoc littlehorse1880 (~Administr@
01:25.28dfighterfeels evil a bit
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01:26.10*** join/#gsoc Richards (
01:27.00aditdfighter that's something to think about
01:28.50*** join/#gsoc mani_ (~mani@
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01:53.56gsocbotwf: "logs" is
01:54.34sfbNightrose: ping
01:55.55*** join/#gsoc bkgood (
01:56.21*** join/#gsoc ankit_frenz (~Admin@
01:57.31valoriesfb, she is likely to be fast asleep
01:57.39valoriecan I help?
01:58.18valorieis another admin from KDE
02:01.44*** join/#gsoc irahul (dce36163@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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02:19.13sfbvalorie: Oh, I was just going to ask her about her email to the mentors list.
02:19.19sfbvalorie: Re: non-gsoc programs.
02:19.29*** part/#gsoc JustinS (
02:19.53sfbvalorie: I have a tiny community (in comparison to KDE and OOo) and have often thought of a program like that to try and grow it.
02:20.21sfbvalorie: Just had curiousity kind of questions.
02:22.45valoriewell, we have Season of KDE, which has been very successful for us
02:23.04valorieI don't know what feedback she's gotten yet
02:23.14valoriebut the post should be interesting
02:23.31sfbWhom would I speak to about how you go about organizing something like Season of KDE?
02:23.50valoriewell, I'm a newbie admin, but sure
02:24.53dfighterlikes the idea of a Season of Ryzom
02:24.58sfbdfighter: Indeed.
02:25.10sfbdfighter: I'm sure I could procure things like Ryzom t-shirts, etc.
02:25.12valoriehere is her post doing a summation of last year's program:
02:25.20dfightersfb well but that's it then
02:25.29dfighterall we need to do above that is spreading the word
02:25.34valoriewe've gotten Tshirts and nice certificates sponsored
02:25.37dfighterlike making posts on gaming sites
02:26.06valoriewhat is important is making sure that the mentoring and administration are as professional as GSoC
02:26.11valorieeven if there is no money
02:26.23valorieyou have to have high standards, good proposals, etc.
02:26.41valoriein other words, it isn't a "loser's GSoC"
02:26.57sfbvalorie: Of course. So Season of KDE was limited to sudents whom applied to GSoC?
02:27.27sfbdfighter: iEzri's image could easily be adapted frrom GSoC to Season of Ryzom. (;
02:27.39dfighterand she can make new ones too
02:27.46dfighterjust tell me and I will make her work
02:27.53valoriethat I am not quite sure
02:28.26sfbvalorie: I'm just curious if there's any pros/cons to limiting it to GSoC students vs. being wide open.
02:28.45dfightersfb I can think of a con
02:28.53dfighterwhy would we want to restrict entry to students
02:28.54valorieif you limit it to GSoC students, you won't have to explain a lot of stuff to them
02:28.58dfighterwhat about professionals?
02:29.00valoriethey'll get it
02:29.22sfbdfighter: The upside to GSoC students is they already have solid proposals in. You have an idea for them, you've theoretically already worked through some bonding.
02:29.51dfighterthat I can't argue
02:29.53sfbdfighter: The other thing too is if you limit it to GSoC students for the first year you get a feel for how much work is involved.
02:29.54DarthGandalfsfb: there're many nonsolid proposals.
02:29.58valoriewe've had a few people who were not planning to apply to GSoC -- too old or too young
02:30.05valoriebut are planning to do SoK
02:30.16valorieso I'm guessing we do not restrict it
02:30.16sfbdfighter: I'm going to be pretty busy with GSoC much less taking on another whole program that attracts the attention of the gajillion Ryzom players...
02:30.32dfighteryea that's understandable
02:30.38sfbDarthGandalf: But there are many solid proposals that there simply aren't enough slots for.
02:30.40*** join/#gsoc KTran (~KTran@
02:30.46valorieI'm not sure you would have a gajillion
02:30.54valoriesince there is no money attached
02:31.05sfbvalorie: No, I know. But for sake of argument...
02:31.14*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic_ (
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02:31.54sfbDarthGandalf: Granted you are correct, I do have a number of "nonsolid" proposals. A very diplomatic description.
02:32.26valorieI'm pretty sure I recall that we prune our Ideas page that we used for GSoC
02:32.37valoriebefore opening it up
02:32.55sfbvalorie: Why is that?
02:33.22valorieand you can see that although we had 50-odd GSoC students, we had 6 SoK
02:33.42valoriemany of them will be GSoC projects, for starters
02:33.43sfb6 students or 6 proposals?
02:33.49valoriethat I don't know
02:33.59valorie6 finished
02:34.04sfb6 students for sure, based on that blog post.
02:34.06valorieI'm not sure what we started with
02:34.27valorieI was not an admin last year, and only paid attention to Amarok
02:34.44sfbI pay attention to Amarok. It tells me what I'm listening to. (;
02:35.00valorieindeed it does!
02:35.08valorieit helps you rediscover your music
02:35.13sfbI'm always sad when I have to go back to WinAmp.
02:35.29valoriewhy go back to winamp?
02:35.35valorieAmarok runs in Windows
02:35.38valorieand Mac
02:35.39sfbvalorie: There's a Windows port now?!
02:35.58dfighterhey don't be dissing my precious old winamp!
02:36.08valoriesorry to change the subject
02:36.14sfbNo, it was my fault.
02:36.17valoriemusic is close to my heart, as is Amarok
02:36.50sfbWell thanks for the info.
02:36.56valoriethe other reason we would prune is if there are no mentors available
02:36.57sfbI have to run before my wife thinks I forgot about her.
02:37.04valoriementors are crucial
02:37.14sfbvalorie: I face that problem too. I was thinking if I did something it would be more GCI'ish.
02:37.33sfbvalorie: I don't know if I have enough time/people for more 3+ month super complex projects.
02:37.42sfbvalorie: But I do have time for those 2+ week projects.
02:37.54valorieGCI was a kick
02:38.01valoriethat was what got me hooked
02:38.03sfbUps and downs.
02:38.14sfbI had fun with it but I also had some, er, frustration with it.
02:38.17valorieNightrose knows how to hook and then set the hook
02:38.39valorieshe talked me into submitting one task
02:38.46sfbToo many kids wanting the 15 minute "can I please translate your stuff... <visit google translate>"
02:38.47valorieand I ended up with over 50
02:38.50*** part/#gsoc KylePan (~pjl@
02:39.16valoriethat would be a problem, yes
02:39.16sfbBut I did have a couple really fun kids get involved. Two still come around a play around with some code which is extra cool.
02:39.39valorieone of my best was one of the top 10 winners
02:39.40sfbdfighter: pemeon is one of those. he Google Talks me like twice a week.
02:40.10valoriegetting high school students involved is exciting
02:40.25valoriehaving it run through Xmas was rather stressful though
02:40.41sfbIndeed. I had some upset kids that I wasn't getting back to them during that week.
02:40.50sfbIt's like... sorry man but I'm simply not at my computer.
02:40.58*** join/#gsoc mani_ (~mani@
02:41.15dfightersfb oh nice
02:41.19dfighterI had no clue who that was until now
02:41.23sfbI tried to make it up by giving them extra attention later. Seemed to help.
02:41.36sfbAlright, for real gotta go
02:41.45sfbvalorie: Thanks again!
02:42.12valorieyou are most welcome
02:42.26gsocbotankit_frenz: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
02:42.54*** join/#gsoc acemcloud (~AceMcLoud@
02:43.46gsocbotankit_frenz: "logs" is
02:44.41*** join/#gsoc anirudh24seven (~anirudh24@
02:44.58gsocbotanirudh24seven: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
02:45.28*** part/#gsoc anirudh24seven (~anirudh24@
02:46.36*** join/#gsoc chrysts (7a9003ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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02:48.22gsocbotisuru: "logs" is
02:48.58*** join/#gsoc dbs (~dbs@pdpc/supporter/active/dbs)
02:51.07gsocbotchrysts: "deadline" is Proposals must be assigned to mentors by 7:00 UTC April 22nd (countdown: Proposals must be ranked/scored by 17:00 UTC April 22nd (countdown:
02:51.57*** join/#gsoc Jaybles (
02:52.24ankit_frenzIs final list of slots assigned made public yet?
02:52.42nihathraelit will be announced on the 25th
02:52.54ankit_frenzahh okay
02:55.52chrystsso long :D
02:56.15chrystshmm i'm a little bit confused with the time in gsoc
02:56.36chrystsin gsoc calender it's written using pacific time
02:56.37valorienow is your time for community bonding
02:56.42valoriebond, bond, bond
02:56.49thiagopacific time and UTC
02:56.52valorieoh, sorry
02:57.15chrystsbut all the time in that calender is in UTC?
02:57.22valorieI got up an hour early today for the dedup meeting
02:57.55valoriewhy isn't the whole damn world on UTC, so everything would be simple?
02:58.11thiagowe could invent something called internet time
02:58.20thiagowhich is the same everywhere
02:58.27valoriethat is UTC
02:58.31thiagooh, wait, someone has:
02:58.32valoriealready invented
02:58.38dfighterno worries valorie sooner or later we will pollute the air enough so that the Sun will not shine thru
02:58.44dfighterthen we will be able to drop timezones
02:59.09thiagoactually, I meant this:
02:59.41chryststoo long waiting till monday :(
02:59.44thiagoanyway, the timeline on the website has times on UTC
02:59.52*** join/#gsoc alexmin (~alexmin@
03:00.10*** join/#gsoc Mathnerd314_ (~mathnerd3@
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03:00.12valoriewell, I know that it's dawning across the world, but at least we wouldn't have to keep both times in mind
03:00.23valorieesp. as they keep changing relative to one another
03:00.42valoriechrysts: I used timeandate
03:00.56valorieI just suck at UTC
03:01.40valorieI was on time for the meeting, though!
03:02.26*** join/#gsoc mani_ (~mani@
03:04.38chrystsso you have conversation for the duplicate student?
03:07.47valoriewhat do you mean?
03:07.52*** join/#gsoc shayan_ (~shayan@
03:08.05*** join/#gsoc jay_t (~chatzilla@
03:08.15valorieI don't believe we spoke to our students about dup. situations
03:08.25valoriethe other orgs might have, if that is what you mean
03:09.13valorieI think in future we'll be sure to ask about proposals to more than one org in our original questions
03:10.40*** join/#gsoc Thiwanka (~Thiwanka@
03:10.50chrystsare u mentor?
03:11.00thiagowe should ask the student first "which org do you want"
03:11.09thiagounless one of the orgs has no backup student
03:11.11thiagowe do
03:11.17*** join/#gsoc fod45 (be544155@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:11.43chrystsoh like that
03:12.33*** join/#gsoc drake01 (~drake01@
03:13.56chrystsso all organizations will ask about duplicate accepted students?
03:14.10chryststo the student of course, I mean
03:15.21valorieit's up to each org what they ask
03:15.39valorieI'm just saying I think we will add that to our proposal template
03:16.11chrystsoh ic
03:17.40*** join/#gsoc Varun_S (~varun@
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03:24.50*** part/#gsoc Thiwanka (~Thiwanka@
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03:30.43gsocbotDarthGandalf: "logs" is
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03:36.25gsocbotchrysts: "slots" is (#1) Slot allocation is done manually by Chris DiBona and Carol Smith, be a good org, play nice on the mentor list and #gsoc, ask for a non-crazy-high number of slots, and you'll probably get what you ask. Note that non-crazy-high for new orgs is around 1 or 2., or (#2)
03:38.23*** join/#gsoc irahul (dce36163@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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03:40.20chrysts!slots | chrysts
03:40.20gsocbotchrysts: "slots" is (#1) Slot allocation is done manually by Chris DiBona and Carol Smith, be a good org, play nice on the mentor list and #gsoc, ask for a non-crazy-high number of slots, and you'll probably get what you ask. Note that non-crazy-high for new orgs is around 1 or 2., or (#2)
03:41.13*** join/#gsoc jimbozhang (~jimbozhan@
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04:17.39gsocbottwt123: "logs" is
04:18.59gsocbottwt123: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
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04:20.43gsocbotvinum: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
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04:21.39gsocbotEvanK: "logs" is
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04:59.25*** join/#gsoc Vishrut (~Vishrut@
05:00.28gsocbotVishrut: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
05:00.42gsocbotVishrut: "thanks" is You're welcome!
05:02.00*** join/#gsoc btford (~btford@
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05:12.24gsocbotsamiran: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
05:12.32gsocbotsamiran: "deadline" is Proposals must be assigned to mentors by 7:00 UTC April 22nd (countdown: Proposals must be ranked/scored by 17:00 UTC April 22nd (countdown:
05:12.55*** join/#gsoc pr0ton (
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05:17.35laserbledisnt this supposed to be removed ^^
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05:46.44gsocbotGabor_Bernat: "logs" is
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06:14.42selvam1991how to find out that you got selected in multiple projects?? do they send you a mail??
06:14.42gsocbotAmilaManoj: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
06:14.55gsocbotAmilaManoj: "botabuse" is (#1) If you want to play with the bot, please do so in a private /query so as not to spam the channel, or (#2) When in a query with me, use whatis #gsoc <factoid>, or (#3) You can also get a list of factoids with 'factoids search #gsoc *' and 'more'
06:15.02selvam1991how to find out that you got selected in multiple projects?? do they send you a mail??
06:15.22*** join/#gsoc laserbled (~chatzilla@
06:15.35gsocbotabhinav-: "timeline" is
06:16.01*** join/#gsoc mani__ (~mani@
06:16.20gsocbotsrt: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
06:16.39*** join/#gsoc Myth17 (~myth@unaffiliated/nitish)
06:16.46gsocbotAmilaManoj: I don't recognize you.
06:16.53gsocbotsrt: I don't recognize you.
06:19.17*** join/#gsoc Marek_ (
06:19.24*** part/#gsoc AmilaManoj (~amila@
06:20.07srthow to quit
06:20.14srt??how to quit??
06:20.33tsudotsrt, /part
06:20.40srtk thanks
06:20.50*** part/#gsoc srt (73f88294@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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06:28.02kblinselvam1991: no student is accepted in multiple projects right now
06:29.50*** join/#gsoc cycL0__ (~cycL0@
06:30.55gsocbotmilki: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
06:30.58*** join/#gsoc ThFabba (unknown@unaffiliated/fabba)
06:31.02milkio, dedup happened
06:32.09*** join/#gsoc zupo (
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06:32.49gsocbotMyth17: "logs" is
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06:51.07N4nd0since the associations have already taken the decisions
06:51.21N4nd0is there any way in which students can find out the results before 25th?
06:52.23*** join/#gsoc ankit_frenz1 (~Admin@
06:52.55Myth17N4nd0, nope. thats why the results announcements are there for! :)
06:53.07*** join/#gsoc s7nf (
06:53.44N4nd0Myth17, OK, just wondering because of the IRC meeting which took place yesterday
06:53.52*** join/#gsoc akashm1990 (~akash@
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06:54.02Myth17N4nd0, Yup for resolving duplicates
06:55.27*** join/#gsoc mani__ (~mani@
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06:59.06gsocbotplmplmplm: "logs" is
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07:02.06akashm1990mani__,  is confused
07:02.34*** join/#gsoc mani__ (~mani@
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07:05.36gsocbotN4nd0: "logs" is
07:07.18*** mode/#gsoc [+b *!*mani@$##fix_your_connection] by kblin
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07:27.30*** join/#gsoc subrahmanyam (ca853a79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:28.39gsocbotsubrahmanyam: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
07:28.50*** join/#gsoc dhaun (
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07:30.27gsocbotsubrahmanyam: I have 2 registered users with 2 registered hostmasks; 1 owner and 0 admins.
07:30.52dhaun!numapps | subrahmanyam
07:30.52gsocbotsubrahmanyam: "numapps" is 417 mentoring orgs applied and 175 were accepted this year; 5474 proposals were submitted by 3731 students. In 2010, 367 mentoring orgs applied and 151 were accepted; 5539 proposals were submitted by 3464 students, and 1026 were accepted.
07:31.06subrahmanyamthanq dhaun
07:31.23*** join/#gsoc znah (bc8626d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:32.12subrahmanyamy google still not announcing details even though the de-duplication is over??
07:32.40*** join/#gsoc rax101 (
07:32.45subrahmanyamwats the problem ?
07:33.00Nightrosesfb: poke :)
07:33.25*** join/#gsoc Aule (
07:33.29znahis there a way to see this room logs?
07:33.36scorchesubrahmanyam: there is no problem
07:33.36dhaun!logs | znah
07:33.37gsocbotznah: "logs" is
07:33.37DarthGandalf!logs | znah
07:33.38gsocbotznah: "logs" is
07:33.40*** join/#gsoc Shekhar29 (~Shekhar29@
07:34.01samiran29.618937644% accepted last year lol
07:34.19dhaunsubrahmanyam: the announcement has always been scheduled for Monday - I'd suggest !patience
07:34.24scorchesubrahmanyam: results are still not final - slots are still being shuffled around, etc
07:34.30*** join/#gsoc arahulkmit (~rahul@
07:35.01subrahmanyamhow much number is google accepting this time??
07:35.09subrahmanyami means no. of students?
07:35.11nattofriendssubrahmanyam how many times have you asked a variation of this question
07:35.26scorchesubrahmanyam: enough  =)
07:35.42subrahmanyamwho asked earlier??
07:36.03samirani think every student is as much curious as subrahmanyam
07:36.16nattofriendshowever, they keep their mouth shut
07:36.24nattofriendsis also a student
07:37.25subrahmanyami think other who has same name.may use same nick name..
07:37.43subrahmanyami know to be patient but..just curiuos to know the no..
07:37.51*** join/#gsoc ZeKoU (~ZeKoU@
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07:38.11gsocbotsubrahmanyam: "patience" is very important for GSoC/GCI. Relax and go code something useful.
07:38.38*** join/#gsoc diablo (~pratzz@
07:39.07laserbledsubrahmanyam: acc to this : it would be around 1200 odd...ofcourse its subect to google by all means ;)
07:39.11*** join/#gsoc Pranav (7aa44eae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:39.37subrahmanyamlaserbled: thanq very much
07:39.52*** join/#gsoc hiddenpearls (~hiddenpea@
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07:43.05samiran25% increase in accepted student applications great
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08:00.07*** join/#gsoc fix (75d35895@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:00.11gsocbotfix: "logs" is
08:02.56*** join/#gsoc GvS0 (
08:04.45*** join/#gsoc nikhil__ (75d35896@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:05.22*** join/#gsoc nitish (~myth@unaffiliated/nitish)
08:05.29fixnikhil__:kab jana hai RA ke liye?
08:05.59nitishabhi chalo :D
08:06.12nikhil__fix: who are you...dnt ask this silly question
08:06.28fixnikhil__:you know who I am :D
08:06.43nikhil__if nitish is interested in you can go with him
08:06.50fixnikhil__:this is not silly question
08:06.53nikhil__he will give you more pleasure
08:07.24fixnikhil__:No,I want you to go with me
08:07.29*** join/#gsoc acemcloud (~AceMcLoud@
08:08.02nikhil__i dont think there is some problem with you...not interested in guys...srry
08:08.46nikhil__better go with nitish ;)
08:09.19gsoc_Sog3k1nGidher kia ho rha hai bhai :/
08:09.19fixnikhil__:you are taking this topic to other direction.this is gsoc channel ,you should be in limit.
08:09.55nikhil__i dont know what fix is trying to say...i dont know him ask him to be in limit
08:10.12nikhil__he doesnt know how to talk to strangers
08:10.53fixnikhil__:You are weired.You started talk now you are saying you don't know anything?
08:11.06DarthGandalfWhy not just stop talking to each other, both of you?
08:11.09*** join/#gsoc GvS0 (
08:11.23nikhil__fix:first learn how to talk ..then teach others ...
08:11.30nitishagrees with DarthGandalf
08:12.32fixDarthGandalf:I don't know but he started talking .
08:13.01|Kev|Oh good grief, are we onto 'Well he started it'?
08:13.18nikhil__hey just see the conversation who has started it...
08:13.27fixnitish:you saw all that things .who is responsible?
08:13.29|Kev|It doesn't matter who started it.
08:13.32|Kev|Please just stop it.
08:13.36*** part/#gsoc charith (~CrazyC@
08:13.38nikhil__ohk i am done
08:13.53DarthGandalfOr go to private
08:14.15fixnow he is saying he is done?what does it mean..anyway now I don't want to talk to you.
08:14.26*** join/#gsoc idlecool (~idlecool@
08:14.33nattofriendsi dont even
08:15.18nikhil__yaa srry to all...but ask this guy to keep his mouth shut and dont ping anyone unnecessarily
08:15.52fixnikhil__:enough,stop now.
08:16.38Myth17"<fix> nikhil__:kab jana hai RA ke liye?" <-- This is how it started!
08:16.51*** join/#gsoc idlecool (~idlecool@
08:16.59nikhil__fix:just keep your mouth shut
08:16.59Myth17Dosent matter anyways. PEACE!
08:17.10nikhil__yaa see who has pinged first
08:17.10ajedwardsknow what, this is a pointless topic..
08:17.14fixit was started yesterday.were you there yesterday?
08:17.21fixI just replied it now
08:17.27nikhil__when it was started
08:17.33nikhil__please check the logs
08:17.36DarthGandalfNo need to reply anything. Just stop talking.
08:17.39*** join/#gsoc parth (~encoder@
08:17.39|Kev|Please just stop the conversation.
08:17.44*** part/#gsoc umashanthi (~umashanth@
08:17.59|Kev|You simply stop replying, and the conversation goes away.
08:18.44fixnikhil__:see,now you should stop.
08:19.11nikhil__hey are you silly guy..why are you pinging again and again
08:19.13*** join/#gsoc apurvtwr (7c7cf78d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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08:19.32nikhil__i request the admins to say something to him
08:19.35ajedwardsSTOP take it in private if you're that petty
08:19.40Myth17maybe chan ops should just kick.
08:19.46DarthGandalfnikhil__: /ignore fix
08:20.30nikhil__DarthGandalf:yaa i am ..thnx btw :)
08:20.50*** join/#gsoc laserbled (~laserbled@
08:20.53fixat last
08:21.11*** join/#gsoc pr0ton (
08:21.46*** join/#gsoc idlecool (~idlecool@unaffiliated/idlecool)
08:22.39gsocbotsamiran: "deadline" is Proposals must be assigned to mentors by 7:00 UTC April 22nd (countdown: Proposals must be ranked/scored by 17:00 UTC April 22nd (countdown:
08:22.59gsocbotsamiran: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
08:23.07*** join/#gsoc acemcloud (~AceMcLoud@
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08:23.58gsocbotfix: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
08:24.49*** join/#gsoc acemcloud (~AceMcLoud@
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08:43.27fixI just talked to nikhil__ in private and he told me that sometimes he gets mental attacks and that was the reason for his bad behaviour.Anyways,he apologized to me.And I also want to say sorry to all.
08:43.38*** join/#gsoc hiddenpearls (~hiddenpea@
08:44.03nikhil__what the hell is this guy is...
08:44.22nikhil__fix:are you mentally retarded ...
08:44.36*** join/#gsoc TobiasFar (
08:44.49fixHere you go.again he goes mental ..but now I will not reply you
08:45.03nikhil__are you out of mind....
08:45.35nikhil__its better for you to not reply .otherwise i will kick you bullshit
08:46.23*** join/#gsoc anky (~anky@
08:46.27kblinok, that's enough now from both of you.
08:46.45dfightergrabs some popcorn
08:46.47kblinbe nice or I'll make sure both of you stay quiet on here
08:46.49*** part/#gsoc anky (~anky@
08:47.39apurvtwrwonders what did he miss?
08:48.12*** join/#gsoc dayoung_ (
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08:48.36nikhil__kblin:i am srry to you..but why is he disturbing me again and again
08:48.55DarthGandalfnikhil__: /ignore
08:49.12DarthGandalfI'm serious
08:49.32vegardadjacent computers?
08:49.43kblinscorche: it seems like it's starting already, and it's only saturday :)
08:50.40Ivanovicso how did dedup go yesterday?
08:51.08kblinIvanovic: fastest dedup ever
08:51.16scorchequickly, but orgs really need to make sure at least one person is there - ESPECIALLY if a dupe is flagged  =/
08:51.17kblinlike 15 minutes and we were done
08:51.29Ivanovickblin: cool
08:51.29kblinyeah, there's that
08:51.32scorchei was surprised at some orgs who have been in GSoC for multiple years...
08:51.35Ivanovichow many had to be resolved?
08:51.43fixit took hardly 15 to deduplicate all proposals
08:51.48fix15 min
08:51.54*** join/#gsoc zupo (
08:52.02kblinIvanovic: 4, I think
08:52.13kblinwhich obviously helped
08:52.14Ivanovicsounds similar to last year
08:52.50DanKluevAnd 3 of 4 were resolved w/out representatives, by carol
08:53.50Ivanovicsomehow the chosen date was not too lucky
08:54.02Ivanoviceg at wesnoth we barely managed to find *one* of us who had time
08:54.09ajedwardsgood friday is a busy day
08:54.15Ivanovic(you know, that friday being a holiday, ...)
08:54.25*** join/#gsoc Winna (~pisik@
08:54.41ajedwardsIvanovic, bet you the students wont feel that way on Monday's holiday
08:55.05*** join/#gsoc acemcloud (~AceMcLoud@
08:57.23svakshaajedwards: despite good friday, many org admins/mentors attended the fastest dedupe meet
08:57.45*** part/#gsoc fix (75d35895@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:58.35Ivanovicsvaksha: oh, i am sure that many attended
08:59.01ajedwardsthe channel gained ~80 people then they all left
08:59.12Ivanovicsvaksha: i just know for us (wesnoth) in the previous years (with the same number of admins/mentors) it was easy to at least find two who had time
08:59.18Ivanovicthis year we barely managed one
08:59.47svakshaIvanovic: because of the easter weekend?
08:59.58Ivanovici assume so
09:00.11Ivanovic(for me that was at least the case, because we had a bbq party yesterday)
09:02.59*** part/#gsoc rishi (signable@gnu-india/supporter/debarshi)
09:03.12AlexPyeah, both friday and monday being holidays in many places, lots of people are away doing e.g. family things
09:03.30kblinIvanovic: yeah, I'm glad we were having family lunch instead of dinner
09:03.48IvanovicAlexP: exactly
09:03.51kblinAlexP: but for the students it doesn't really matter. there's nothing that forces them to be around on monday
09:05.04DarthGandalfWhat holiday is that?
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09:07.36AlexPDarthGandalf: Easter weekend
09:07.50AlexPIn the UK at least, both good friday and easter monday are public holidays
09:07.56Ivanovicsame in germany
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09:08.09AlexPkblin: I think this was a reference to the deduplication meeting on Friday
09:08.22AlexPBut anyway, it is a moot point- there is always someone available
09:08.37scorcheah - i didnt realise those were public holidays...
09:08.59*** join/#gsoc lassi (~lassi@
09:09.47AlexPyeah, so with a four day weekend loads of people go away
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09:11.37scorcheyeah - i heard a story done recently on the massive amount of UK-folk who are using this time to go on a 2-week-ish vacation and only having to take 3 or so sick days
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09:13.12ajedwardsscorche - yeah all of the public holidays are together, which makes for a nice long break with little fake illness
09:13.21AlexPscorche: Well we don't get a quota of sick days
09:13.35AlexPIf you are actually sick you can have as many as you want, but you need to see a doctor
09:13.40|Kev|Or not, if there's a whole string of critical deadlines lined up for then ext few weeks...
09:13.46AlexPSo you need to take holidays
09:14.01scorcheajedwards: well, plus the "special" public holiday this year...
09:14.19*** join/#gsoc sre-su (~quassel@unaffiliated/sre-su)
09:14.21scorcheAlexP: vacation leave then  ;)
09:14.21AlexPBut there are three or four public holidays at the end/April - May, so that helps
09:15.07AlexPscorche: And don't even get started about that :)
09:15.18*** join/#gsoc disismt (~user@
09:15.31ajedwardsscorche, ah that wedding thing
09:15.37ajedwardsexcellent excuse to shut shops
09:15.57AlexPscorche: I'm back in the UK on that weekend for an entirely different reason, and have been getting so much crap from people here about it :)
09:16.14scorcheAlexP: so romantic that you went back just for the wedding!
09:16.21AlexPscorche: Not you too! :P
09:16.23scorchea true patriot/monarchist!
09:16.39*** join/#gsoc bryq1 (
09:17.14scorche"And millions of Brits have realized they can take an 11-day vacation, losing only three days pay. "
09:18.02bobbensthat's very common in spain, if a holiday is on tuesday everyone takes monday off
09:18.06bobbenswe call it "bridging"
09:18.12scorche^-- THATS how it was worded in the story i heard  =)
09:18.17bobbensif it's on wednesday they can take 2 days off, that's called an aqueduct
09:18.23bobbensand you can extrapolate to longer periods :P
09:18.38AlexPThe UK moves holidays though, it is mondays or fridays
09:18.45AlexPSo no bridge days
09:18.47bobbensto avoid being like the spanish :P
09:18.52|Kev|AlexP: Except Christmas.
09:19.03AlexPscorche: I'd still take issue with that, most people get paid holidays :)
09:19.11bobbensit's a good idea to move it
09:19.18scorchebobbens: bah - why does spain need a holiday - they dont even work half the day!  ;)
09:19.22bobbensotherwise you'll have like 20% of people working :P
09:19.24AlexP|Kev|: yeah
09:19.29bobbensscorche: actually we work the most hours, with least productivity :P
09:19.44bobbensso we do like 10-12 hours/day, producing less than a german in 6 hours :P
09:19.59bobbensbecause the concept of work here is flawed
09:20.09scorcheit is such a pain walking around Spain little can be open  =/
09:20.11*** join/#gsoc dnk-88 (~timon@
09:20.15bobbensand sundays :)
09:20.20scorchebobbens: well the problem here is you are comparing to germans  ;)
09:20.24bobbensyou get used to it
09:20.34bobbensscorche: well comparing to anyone other than the portugese or greeks or italians
09:20.46bobbensbasically non-mediterranien northern europeans
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09:35.48gsocbotXeli: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
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09:40.29gsocbotvh4x0r: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
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09:48.52gsocbotadit: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
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09:49.23gsocbotadit: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
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10:22.15kblin2374 files left to rsync, take one down, pass it to the server, 2485 files left to rsync
10:22.37*** join/#gsoc DarRay (6502b329@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:23.05ajedwardsdid that number get higher?
10:23.48kblinajedwards: happens all the time :)
10:24.23acemcloudis there any list of commands which we use to ineract with gsocbot? can anyone provide a link?
10:24.34*** part/#gsoc anky (~anky@
10:24.35gsocbotkblin: "gsocbot" is
10:25.05acemcloudthanks kblin! :)
10:25.05waldikblin: rsync crawls and sends data at the same time
10:25.54kblinwaldi: I know, it's just a bit depressing sometimes :)
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10:31.10gsocbotacemcloud1: "chill" is what you all need to do. Also see !when.
10:31.16gsocbotacemcloud1: "when" is later
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10:31.29acemcloud1haha! this is nice! :)
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10:32.30gsocbotacemcloud1: "lol" is Saying lol doesn't make something funny
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10:33.55gsocbothalidaltuner: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
10:34.10halidaltuner!learn factoids as To see all factoids, /msg gsocbot factoids search #gsoc *
10:34.11gsocbothalidaltuner: "factoids" is (#1) To see all factoids, /msg socinfo factoids search #gsoc *, or (#2) To see all factoids, /msg gsocbot factoids search #gsoc *
10:34.20halidaltuner!learn test as test 1
10:34.20gsocbothalidaltuner: "test" is (#1) test1234, or (#2) test12345, or (#3) test 1
10:35.07*** join/#gsoc madhuvishy (~madhu@
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10:35.20gsocbotmadhuvishy: "logs" is
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10:40.29DarthGandalf!forget factoids 1
10:40.29gsocbotDarthGandalf: "factoids" is To see all factoids, /msg gsocbot factoids search #gsoc *
10:40.36gsocbotDarthGandalf: "factoids" is To see all factoids, /msg gsocbot factoids search #gsoc *
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10:43.45iveqyDarthGandalf: actually, that won't work. There's to many factoids
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10:46.22kblinDarthGandalf: also, why do you query the factoids again after the bot just told you? :)
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11:02.53DanKluevkblin: theres no such thing as too much testing
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11:03.35|Kev|Sure there is.
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11:07.55Ophiuchinever test for an error you don't know how to handle?
11:08.02Ophiuchi(panic! :)
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11:13.16ajedwardsvalidation > handling the exceptions of bad practice (poor testing)
11:13.50ajedwardsso many people using Java that I know are quick to throw in a try catch, no consideration for the memory use
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11:20.28gsocbotapurvtwr: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
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11:28.57gsocbotparth: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
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11:29.52gsocbotparth: I have 2 registered users with 2 registered hostmasks; 1 owner and 0 admins.
11:33.18DarthGandalfiveqy: I only removed old socinfo ;)
11:33.35DarthGandalfkblin: I didn't notice that !forget shows what remains after removing...
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11:34.25DarthGandalfShowing what is being deleted is more logical IMHO
11:36.43kblinDarthGandalf: no
11:37.00kblinDarthGandalf: the pattern people always use is just like what you did
11:37.23kblinthey do a !forget <factoid> <id> and then a !<factoid> to see what's left
11:37.41kblinso the sensible thing to do is to show the factoid after the forget
11:37.50kblinwho cares about the old removed stuff?
11:37.52*** join/#gsoc back2arie (~back2arie@
11:37.52DarthGandalfBecause they expect !forget to show what was deleted.
11:38.08DarthGandalfIf it was removed by mistake, so you get a chance to return it back.
11:38.10kblinDarthGandalf: that pattern is from before the change
11:38.30*** join/#gsoc msankhala (~mutant@unaffiliated/msankhala)
11:39.50kblinDarthGandalf: I'd still maintain that it's more logical the way I did it
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11:40.17DarthGandalfkblin: than something like this: "Removed <blah>, left <blah>, <blah> and <blah>"
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11:40.26kblintoo long for long factoids
11:40.38DarthGandalfThey show anyway with (#1) etc
11:41.13kblinpatches welcome, I guess
11:41.56DarthGandalfWhere's source?
11:41.57kblin!learn botpatches as The sources for gsocbot are at so feel free to fork it and submit patches
11:41.57gsocbotkblin: "botpatches" is The sources for gsocbot are at so feel free to fork it and submit patches
11:42.55Vishruthow do i get the list of all factoids in query?
11:43.11kblin!factoids | Vishrut
11:43.11gsocbotVishrut: "factoids" is To see all factoids, /msg gsocbot factoids search #gsoc *
11:43.36*** join/#gsoc cemycc (~cemycc@
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11:44.08kblinbut actually * matches too many of the factoids, so you need to do something like factoids search #gsoc a* to show all factoids starting with a, and so on
11:44.26DarthGandalfExcept that it doesn't work with few letters.
11:45.08DarthGandalfOh, it's fixed already.
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11:53.45*** mode/#gsoc [-b *!*mani@$##fix_your_connection] by kblin
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12:22.20gsocbotapurvtwr: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
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12:28.23gsocbotmzj: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
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12:57.00pyus13are some projects are flagged ignored yesterday?
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13:12.51gsocbotrand6: "300" is Pseudo-historical movie allowing a lot of actors to show off their computer-enhanced sixpacks.
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13:14.26laserbledthis place have turned into a gsocbot testing ground now.....
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13:19.05nickbarnesccfMissed the dedupe meeting.  We seem to still have our slots, hurrah.
13:19.26*** join/#gsoc koda (
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13:24.59gevaertsA quick grep tells me that about 150 orgs were represented, and still a majority of duplicates came from non-represented orgs...
13:25.28kodahi all
13:25.34kodawhat's the topic? :)
13:25.43*** join/#gsoc disismt1 (~user@
13:25.52eocperhaps those that attended mostly cared about theirs beforehand.
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13:32.48*** part/#gsoc disismt1 (~user@
13:35.30nickbarnesccflooking at the logs, there seem to have been just 4 dupes.  Is that usual?
13:36.18*** join/#gsoc chinthaka (~chinthaka@
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13:36.37|Kev|nickbarnesccf: No, there were many more than 4 dupes.
13:36.46|Kev|There were 4 dupes that hadn't been resolved by the meeting.
13:36.52nickbarnesccf4 dupes resolved in the dedupe meeting?
13:37.04nickbarnesccfthat was what I meant.
13:37.30gevaertsis *clearly* bored
13:38.28Ivanovicnickbarnesccf: last year the numbers were similar
13:38.59Ivanovicnickbarnesccf: but the years before the dedup was really a huge piece of work
13:39.17Ivanovicmain reason is probably that the advanced solving is really encouraged since last year
13:39.43nickbarnesccfwell, it all seems to work.
13:39.44gevaertsThe 150 I mentioned earlier was wrong
13:39.48gsocbotnickbarnesccf: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
13:39.58gevaertscounted 109 organisations present
13:39.59nickbarnesccfwhen on the 25th?
13:40.23gevaertsnickbarnesccf: IIRC carols said it would be "when it's done" :)
13:40.25gsocbotacemcloud: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
13:40.34gsocbotacemcloud: "timeline" is
13:40.35gevaertsi.e. no exact expected time
13:41.06acemcloudsuprise surprise! eh? ;)
13:41.27*** join/#gsoc zupo (
13:41.27gevaertsFor some, possibly :)
13:41.36nickbarnesccfsurely it's just sql "select * from proposals where status='accepted'" | mail :-)
13:41.50acemcloudGoogle has so many hearts racing right now!
13:42.18gevaertsnickbarnesccf: well yes, but there's the checking and re-checking that everything is correct
13:42.33*** join/#gsoc nirmal_ (~nirmal@
13:42.59gevaertsnickbarnesccf: you're from CCF?
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14:04.59gsocbotchinthaka: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
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14:09.54laserbledhey cool...i dint know there was no specific time for result anouncement
14:10.30gsocbotshayan: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
14:11.12*** join/#gsoc akashm1990 (~akash@
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14:12.01gsocbotarahulkmit: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
14:13.52nickbarnesccfgevaerts: yes
14:14.24nickbarnesccf(sorry, distracted by watching Doctgor Who trailers)
14:14.35gevaertsnickbarnesccf: I'm asking because I noticed that there was someone from CCF at the meeting
14:14.59gevaerts"Missed the dedupe meeting.  We seem to still have our slots, hurrah" sounded as if nobody was there
14:15.08nickbarnesccfI think David Jones attended.
14:15.12*** join/#gsoc mcfossey (
14:15.22nickbarnesccfThere was some uncertainty about whether any of us would be able to make it.
14:15.28gevaertsYes, he did
14:15.33nickbarnesccfand David's off for the weekend now.
14:18.27*** join/#gsoc jay_t (~chatzilla@
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14:32.17aseemgevaerts: 109 organizations ?
14:32.40gevaertsaseem: I counted the org-name|nick nicks from yesterday
14:33.14aseemgevaerts: Oh! okay :) I was thinking about something else.
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14:59.24gsocbotklickverbot: "logs" is
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16:02.33gsocbotyuvipanda: "logs" is
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16:12.39gsocbotvetoc: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
16:12.44gsocbotvetoc: "when" is later
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16:39.56gsocbottrojanware: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
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16:42.51gsocbotsha26: "time" is has come, the walrus said, to speak of other things.
16:43.00gsocbotsha26: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
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16:59.42dhaun!numapps | shhh
16:59.42gsocbotshhh: "numapps" is 417 mentoring orgs applied and 175 were accepted this year; 5474 proposals were submitted by 3731 students. In 2010, 367 mentoring orgs applied and 151 were accepted; 5539 proposals were submitted by 3464 students, and 1026 were accepted.
16:59.45*** join/#gsoc gsathya (~sathya@
17:00.25shhhdhaun: thanks!
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17:03.28gsocbotslashdot: "botabuse" is (#1) If you want to play with the bot, please do so in a private /query so as not to spam the channel, or (#2) When in a query with me, use whatis #gsoc <factoid>, or (#3) You can also get a list of factoids with 'factoids search #gsoc *' and 'more'
17:03.45gsocbotaja_: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
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17:06.53gsocbotSITZ: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
17:07.01gsocbotSITZ: "timeline" is
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17:07.11gsocbotSITZ: I have 2 registered users with 2 registered hostmasks; 1 owner and 0 admins.
17:07.32gsocbotSITZ: "time" is has come, the walrus said, to speak of other things.
17:07.55SITZslaps gsocbot around a bit with a large trout
17:08.05SITZ**oops.. sorry
17:08.14SITZjust testing mIRC !
17:08.28Ophiuchisteals the trout from sitz and bbq's it
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17:43.16gsocbotakashm1990: "logs" is
17:44.35cemyccHappy Easter to all that celebrate !
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17:47.18gsocbotapurvtwr: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
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17:53.51gsocbotsamiran: "logs" is
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18:05.58*** join/#gsoc nave1990 (~chatzilla@
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18:51.05akashm1990If I update a proposal, are the mentors automatically notified?
18:51.41redflameyou can't update
18:52.20akashm1990I have an option to update("edit proposal")
18:52.41sonney2kit doesn't matter at this stage
18:53.27*** join/#gsoc volodymyr_ch (
18:53.56Michituxakashm1990: if they haven't deactivated notifications they are notified. but as sonney2k says it probably won't change anything as all (?) students should be selected already.
18:54.08redflameranking of proposals is already submitted by org.........
18:54.10|Kev|akashm1990: The slots are already allocated. Why do you want to edit the proposal?
18:54.21akashm1990Just some minor changes..
18:54.52redflameyou can change for  your satisfacation.Org would not see it again
18:55.13gsocbotredflame: "logs" is
18:55.35*** join/#gsoc tom__m (~tom__m@
18:56.22Raimakashm1990: yes, mentors will get a notification per mail
18:58.00*** join/#gsoc harsh_ (~harsh@
18:58.56*** part/#gsoc chirag (~Chiragahu@
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19:04.05dzhusHi all!
19:04.18dzhus ← redirects to 2011 page. How to access 2009 page?
19:04.25dzhuscool uri's don't change
19:05.22dhaundzhus: I think the information from previous years is simply not available at the moment
19:05.56dhaunneeds to be converted to the new system, IIRC, but there were other priorities ...
19:07.14hoferdzhus: it`s the 2009 page, despite the 2011 logo. You can see the timeline and accepted projects on that page
19:07.47dzhushofer: oh, my bad
19:07.50*** join/#gsoc mani__ (~mani@
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19:08.57dzhusCan't open project pages anyways
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19:11.49kblinmeh, here we go again
19:12.02*** join/#gsoc mani__ (~mani@
19:12.20akashm1990Any idea how to ignore the join/part messages of a particular nick?
19:12.24*** mode/#gsoc [+b *!mani@$##fix_your_connection] by kblin
19:12.38akashm1990that fixes it as well..
19:12.39kblinakashm1990: fixed it for you
19:13.32*** join/#gsoc mani__ (~mani@
19:13.43akashm1990kblin, Not so sure..
19:13.57*** join/#gsoc mani__ (~mani@
19:14.08*** mode/#gsoc [-b *!mani@$##fix_your_connection] by kblin
19:14.16akashm1990you banned mani, its mani__
19:14.39*** mode/#gsoc [+b *!~mani@$##fix_your_connection] by kblin
19:14.52kblinthe nick part is wildcarded
19:15.10kblinbut I forgot the tilde
19:16.41kblinthe ban I set up this morning worked, after all :)
19:17.10kblinanyway, it seems like finally we have peace and quiet
19:18.59*** join/#gsoc daniloaf_ (~daniloaf@
19:19.27Ivanovicpiece and quiet?
19:19.28Ivanovicin this chan?
19:19.39Ivanovickblin: whatever you have been drinking, i'd like it, too!
19:20.05kblinall it takes is a /mode +m #gsoc
19:20.06Ivanovicmonday will be interesting
19:20.09akashm1990its the calm before the storm
19:20.15Ivanovicstudents asking for the results all day long
19:20.23*** join/#gsoc felipevieira (
19:20.24akashm1990Technically Tuesday here..
19:20.27Ivanovicand afterwards many asking in here why they were not accepted
19:20.40kblinIvanovic: I almost have bug 611 implemented
19:20.44Ivanovicakashm1990: ah, right, due to timezones the asking will already start on sunday
19:20.49Ivanovickblin: what is bug 611?
19:20.56gsocbotkblin: "611" is
19:21.30Ivanovickblin: sounds great to me!
19:21.32kblinI'm held back by the fact that I'm currently without a linux hdd on my work pc
19:21.43kblinjust installed a new drive there
19:21.58kblingoing to give ubuntu 11.04 a try
19:22.22Ivanovici'm still with gentoo unstable, since it continues to work nicely for me
19:22.30kblinbefore deciding their new UI is crap and going back to 10.04 :)
19:22.39Ivanovicif i were to go for some binary based distribution i'd probably got for archlinux
19:22.45akashm199047.5 Hours to go!
19:22.59Ophiuchiyes, I'm so not looking forward to writing the "why you weren't accepted" letters
19:23.25Ivanovici think we'll just be open to answer upon request on irc
19:23.27kblinIvanovic: dunno, I've got an archlinux clone on my plug computers, not totally convinced by the package management
19:23.30|Kev|kblin: 11.04 is fine as long as you install Gnome 3.
19:23.32Ivanovici don't think too many will ask though
19:23.36*** join/#gsoc darsh1 (~darsh@
19:23.45|Kev|Unity is clearly not ready yet, but Gnome3 seems surprisingly stable for a new release.
19:23.50kblin|Kev|: I'm about to find out
19:24.00*** join/#gsoc nave1990 (~chatzilla@
19:24.01kblinmy cd image just finished
19:24.03Ivanovickblin: hmm, got archlinux installed on my dads computer and it seems to work without too many problems and stuff when updating
19:24.12|Kev|Ah, was today release date or such?
19:24.15Ivanovicthough yeah, it is basically "install once, update regulary" system
19:24.20|Kev|I've not been following, I've got the beta installed.
19:24.27kblin|Kev|: nah, still beta, release is on the 28th
19:24.31kblinbut I have time now
19:24.33|Kev|So I see.
19:24.43Ivanovic|Kev|: i heard about some strange bugs with display management and gnome3
19:24.49OphiuchiIvanovic: I want 'ours' to apply next year, with a better application.
19:24.56kblinIvanovic: it's called gnome, I guess
19:25.22Ivanovicstuff like it always wants to overwrite the settings defined by xorg.conf (at least a user in #radeon had such a problem)
19:25.31kblinIvanovic: I mean pacman is a bit crude for looking for software and stuff
19:25.40|Kev|Ivanovic: There may well be bugs. Nothing all that serious that I've found yet. I did find the binary ATI drivers corrupting the display on my laptop, but switching back to the free drivers was fine.
19:25.41*** part/#gsoc waynenguyen (~HP@
19:26.04IvanovicOphiuchi: honestly, the number of students reapplying is not too huge
19:26.28kodaIvanovic: i like archlinux!
19:26.30IvanovicOphiuchi: though it is interesting to see some students always pop up around gsoc days
19:26.35*** join/#gsoc waynenguyen (~HP@
19:26.45kodait's as complicated as gentoo but with binary packages
19:26.52Ivanovic(meaning "not around at all outside of gsoc")
19:27.11Ivanovicwhich is something that is not too promising for me when thinking about "will this student stay after gsoc?"
19:27.22Ivanovickoda: gentoo is complicated?
19:27.50kodathe first 2 or 3 installations i did found it complicated
19:27.55*** join/#gsoc prithviraj (
19:28.00OphiuchiIvanovic: oh, we have students from the community that applied and didn't get a slot
19:28.08kodabut is a very good learning opportunity
19:28.14OphiuchiIvanovic: I sure hope they stay around
19:28.21Ivanovickoda: honestly, i think it easier to have a system where the basic steps are descirebd as commandline commands instead of "click here and then click there to open that menu to select..."
19:28.30IvanovicOphiuchi: oh, sure
19:28.45IvanovicOphiuchi: you should also try to encourage them to already become contributors
19:29.02*** join/#gsoc ChickeNES (~ChickeNES@
19:29.26Ivanovichmmm, okay, i see my typing is getting worse and i just realized my mistake:
19:29.31*** join/#gsoc hiddenpearls (~hiddenpea@
19:29.39Ivanovictoday is the "day of beer" and i had none yet...
19:29.53eocIvanovic: :O
19:30.06*** join/#gsoc akashm1990 (~akash@
19:30.39akashm1990I have such a great net connection..  It will silently disconnect me from irc
19:31.15gevaertsakashm1990: you prefer being disconnected loudly, such as by an exploding router?
19:31.23*** join/#gsoc ieugen (~ieugen@
19:31.32Ivanovicprefers staying connected!
19:31.35*** join/#gsoc tudalex (~tudalex@
19:32.01eocsometimes bouncers have certain advantages, yeah :o
19:32.09akashm1990gevaerts, What I meant is that the only way I find out it got disconnected is that I stop receiving messages... My net works and there is no alert that I've been discunnected
19:32.47akashm1990an exploding router may actually get the college to fit it..
19:33.24gevaertsthanks Ivanovic for this afternoon's gaming session
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20:19.29gsocbotapurvtwr: "countdown" is For a countdown for student announcement see
20:21.08*** join/#gsoc nickbarnesccf (
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20:25.00gsocbotadarsh: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
20:25.33*** join/#gsoc hiddenpearls (~hiddenpea@
20:25.35gsocbotaseem: "300" is Pseudo-historical movie allowing a lot of actors to show off their computer-enhanced sixpacks.
20:26.52*** part/#gsoc axitkhurana (b49531e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:27.11gsocbotadarsh: "300" is Pseudo-historical movie allowing a lot of actors to show off their computer-enhanced sixpacks.
20:28.07*** join/#gsoc zupo_ (
20:28.19*** part/#gsoc gsoc_Sog3k1nG (b6b14050@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:28.29DankerThis bot is too smart....
20:29.26gsocbotDanker: "deadline" is Proposals must be assigned to mentors by 7:00 UTC April 22nd (countdown: Proposals must be ranked/scored by 17:00 UTC April 22nd (countdown:
20:29.30gsocbotDanker: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
20:30.12*** join/#gsoc dionet (~quassel@
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20:32.55gsocbotapsingh: "logs" is
20:37.06*** join/#gsoc zarubin (~zarubin@
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20:44.57*** join/#gsoc ahel (~ahel@
20:47.42gsocbotahel: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
20:48.27aheli can't wait! come on!
20:48.45mmadia!patience | ahel
20:48.45gsocbotahel: "patience" is very important for GSoC/GCI. Relax and go code something useful.
20:48.51gsocbotapurvtwr: "patience" is very important for GSoC/GCI. Relax and go code something useful.
20:50.14ahelty mmadia eheh
20:51.52*** part/#gsoc apurvtwr (7c7cf78d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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22:30.32gsocbotfix: "logs" is
22:33.40*** part/#gsoc nonreviad (~andrei@
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23:08.55UpthornI have a question
23:09.01*** part/#gsoc cristina (~cristina@
23:09.32gsocbotmanugupt1: "next" is student acceptance gets announced on the 25th
23:09.37UpthornAre organizations allowed to tell students that they won't be accepted before the monday 1900 UTC timepoint?
23:10.06Upthornthat's what I guessed
23:10.41UpthornI'm expecting not to be accepted this year, and it would be nice to have early confirmation so I can pursue other summer options
23:10.58Upthornbut I guess it's not that long til monday
23:12.02cemyccYep, I am in the same situation
23:12.18cemycc2 more days until monday
23:13.03gevaertsMost oranisations would probably be happy to tell you now, but google has explicitely asked not to, and we all want to participate again next year so we're trying to be good
23:13.34*** part/#gsoc TobiasFar (
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23:13.42ahel!patience | Upthorn
23:13.43gsocbotUpthorn: "patience" is very important for GSoC/GCI. Relax and go code something useful.
23:13.54ahelloves bots
23:14.08verm__!beer | verm__
23:14.26gevaerts!this cookie | verm__
23:14.26gsocbotverm__: "this cookie" is for you
23:14.54verm__!this (cold) beer | verm__
23:14.59verm__facist bot
23:15.16verm__guess i'll have to use my legs and go the fridge :(
23:15.22Upthorngevaerts: yeah, that's why I asked here. I don't want to bother the org with the question if they aren't allowed to answer.
23:15.28rhubnerthe organizations that I applied sad: everithing is OK
23:15.32aheldo you mean prohibitionist bot
23:15.42rhubnerI think this leave me a little calm ¬¬
23:15.49*** join/#gsoc clr_ (
23:15.55verm__ahel: that never happened in canada :)
23:16.11rhubneror no!
23:16.27*** join/#gsoc KTran (~KTran@
23:16.35ahelnor in italy
23:16.42scorchewonders how that is fscism
23:16.47scorchefascism too
23:17.40*** join/#gsoc Sabriel (
23:17.46gevaertsscorche: I'd say this falls under !war
23:19.06*** part/#gsoc Sabriel (
23:19.28ahelscorche: /me dunno: under fascism in italy you could drink as much as you could afford. but you couldn't vote. probably it'd been better prohibitionism..
23:19.40jrabbitim thinking im going to try and leverage a few bucks lol
23:20.15*** join/#gsoc Bizon1 (~martin@
23:20.27scorchethinks it is silly when people declare something "fascist" when they dont know the first thing about fascism except that it is a Bad Thing (TM)
23:21.18aheland what is the "first thing"?
23:21.28AlexPIt's bad
23:21.39AlexPDo I win?
23:21.43gevaertsscorche: you mean it *doesn't* mean "nobody has taught the bot about beer"?
23:21.50*** join/#gsoc camilasan (
23:22.00jrabbitcorpratism / high capitalism
23:22.20jrabbitany good leftist knows fascism
23:22.24scorcheahel: a form of speech used to imply that they dont know anything about it  ;)
23:22.47ahelscorche: ty, i'm ¬so good at english. hehe
23:26.46verm__scorche: alcohol usually falls into the realm of decadence which facists are against -- also facism is about doing only what those in charge belive is "good" for you and nothing else
23:27.59ahelloves ot discussions.
23:28.00*** join/#gsoc zarubin (~zarubin@
23:28.36verm__noone else is talking right now i would hardly call it off topic :)
23:29.31gevaertsThat's an interesting definition of "off topic" I'd say
23:29.51AlexPA wrong one I'd say
23:30.08AlexPThe topic doesn't change jusyt because nobody is talking
23:30.10ahelverm__: but it's ot respect at the channel's name! :)
23:30.18milkiis talking about off-topic also off-topic?
23:30.31scorcheverm__: it would be more fascism if the bot controlled all of the alcohol and didnt let anyone else serve beer - alcohol is a great way to keep a population from getting too out of control in the broad sense
23:30.36ahelloves also meta-ot.
23:30.39AlexPIt might just be that dependpending on the channel nobody cares when there is no on=topic tak
23:31.02ahelscorche: rofl
23:31.04scorchesome fascists emphasized "family values" and perhaps discouraged alcohol, but banning would not really be a fascist thing
23:32.04verm__scorche: except from my point of view it wasn't serving me, that doesn't preclude anyone else not getting it, one mans facist is anothers provider
23:33.22scorcheperhaps, but if you are looking at it from just your point of view, there is nothing to imply that it would be fascism as opposed to a host of other things
23:33.49scorchealso, alcohol most definitely does not fall into the realm of decadence  ;)
23:34.06AlexPnecessity maybe
23:35.01verm__scorche: well, the fact that it worked for someone else and not me implies enough
23:35.52scorcheit didnt work for anyone else, and even if it did, it wouldnt imply enough to single out fascism by a long shot
23:35.53verm__scorche: alcohol in itself no, but it's very possible to over-indulge in it which would be fairly decadent i think, especially due to the effects.
23:35.54gevaertsverm__: it might imply that the bot has a limited vocabulary and that nobody has bothered telling it about beer
23:37.01verm__no, but what i belive if facist, democractic or capitalist is not for anyone else to decide is it?
23:38.52*** join/#gsoc ddragos (~ddragos@
23:39.06scorchesyntax error
23:39.30aheli also cannot understand..eheh
23:40.04scorcheverm__: your last sentence cannot be parsed
23:40.31verm__i see, let me rephrase
23:42.01verm__it does not matter whether you belive the term facist can apply in this case, like any label every person will have their own constraints
23:42.53scorcheto be clear, when you say "facist", you mean "fascist", right?
23:43.07aheljrabbit: why do you think that corporativism had been the worse thing made by fascism? i've looked at the wikipedia page both in eng and in italian but they seems a bit obscure(or maybe it's too late)
23:43.17verm__yes, fascist
23:43.29verm__is facist even a word?
23:43.44AlexPSomeone who doesn't like faces?
23:43.56AlexPProbably not in the dictionary :)
23:44.10verm__i didn't even notice i was mispelling it hehe
23:44.12gevaertsWe need a better dictionary then!
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23:44.17ahelverm__: neither in google translate
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23:48.23rhubnerwho is accept in gsoc get a ticket of drink too? :)
23:48.50verm__that would increase popularity
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