IRC log for #gsoc on 20110403

00:01.06*** part/#gsoc felipevieira (~felipe@
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00:13.42*** join/#gsoc gk (~gk@unaffiliated/gk)
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00:15.20SRabbelieris writing his very first AppEngine-style MapReduce
00:15.24SRabbelierwell, no reduce, just map
00:16.48SRabbelierWOOT WOOT
00:16.49SRabbelierlook at it go!
00:16.56ojwbSRabbelier: are scores likely to reppear on the proposal list?
00:16.58*** join/#gsoc joaoprudencio (
00:16.58SRabbeliermapping like there's no tomorrow
00:17.07SRabbelierojwb: yes, actually, I should be able to enable those
00:17.10SRabbelierojwb: let me verify
00:17.27ojwbit's getting impossiblet to keep track with just the info there now
00:17.43SRabbelierojwb: notifications are due tomorrow
00:17.56ojwbthat'll help, though a summary is handy too
00:17.57SRabbelierojwb: They're almost done, but I had to write a mapreduce first you see
00:18.31*** join/#gsoc telkkar (~telkkar@
00:20.54*** join/#gsoc sumzup (
00:21.53SRabbelierSO PERDY
00:22.14SRabbelierlook at ieeet
00:22.16SRabbelierlook at the perdy
00:23.48*** join/#gsoc mmlevitt (
00:24.59SRabbelieralmost done too
00:29.14Talad|Awayits' reading
00:29.16Talad|Awayevery 10 minutes
00:29.31Talad|Awaytomorrow I will tell you when our logo was displayed
00:30.07Talad|Awayif anyone wants to know when their logo was displayed they can ask me :)
00:30.26ojwbthe log files for the the webserver with the logo on give a pretty good idea...
00:33.40Talad|ZzZojwb: I don't have access to that log file
00:34.09*** join/#gsoc spectre (
00:34.10ojwbwell, you get to choose where you put the logo
00:34.22ojwbi guess you might have access to no webserver logs though
00:35.29ojwbwhen I have some time, I'm hoping to see if the front page exposure actually corresponds to increased hits on the org page
00:36.14SRabbelierojwb: that'd be cute
00:36.51ojwbhard to see if it leads to increased apps, as the lag is longer and variable
00:38.05ojwbgets an ad on nightrose's blog for "New Volkswagen Amarok Ute"
00:38.48SRabbelierojwb: heh
00:39.54*** join/#gsoc cronco (~cronco@
00:41.37SRabbelierfiddles a bit with google analytics
00:42.06*** part/#gsoc cognificent (4a7ee802@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:42.23*** join/#gsoc felipevieira (~felipe@
00:44.49SRabbelierojwb: ^
00:44.54*** join/#gsoc gsoc_davidcgl (~davidcgl@
00:45.34*** join/#gsoc tajys (
00:48.50*** join/#gsoc slashdot (~slashdot@
00:48.58slashdothow to submit proposal
00:49.07slashdoti cant find any place to do that
00:49.09slashdotin the site
00:51.47ojwbslashdot: look on the page for the org you want to submit it to
00:51.49sdimkovslashdot: you have to go to list of orgs. Then select an organisation
00:52.07sdimkovfrom the specific org's page you'll be able to submit a proposal
00:52.12dberkholzSRabbelier: it would be really neat if there were a way to script that for every org. i know i'm interested
00:52.27dberkholzSRabbelier: but i realize that you don't scale =)
00:53.24slashdoti did
00:53.35slashdotthere are links to ideas page
00:53.41slashdotand application template
00:54.01slashdotand Students: Apply!
00:55.38slashdotand a register link
00:55.39dberkholzslashdot: do you think the "Apply!" text might link to a way to submit an application?
00:56.00slashdotno link
00:56.02slashdotjust text
00:56.05*** join/#gsoc stas (
00:56.21dberkholzthere should be a button below it
00:56.27dberkholzif not, your javascript is probably broken
00:59.16slashdotno javascript is not broken
00:59.23slashdottried in differrent browsers
00:59.37*** join/#gsoc jrabbit (~babyseal@unaffiliated/jrabbit)
01:01.28*** join/#gsoc mmoya (~moya@2001:4b98:dc0:43:216:3eff:fe2f:30a7)
01:01.52ojwbslashdot: well, many students have managed to submit applications
01:02.01ojwbwe can't see your screen, but it's certainly possible
01:02.05slashdotcan you check now
01:02.10slashdotif the link is broken?
01:02.16ojwbisn't a student, so can't see it
01:02.50ojwbperhaps if you put a screenshot somewhere?
01:02.52SRabbelierdberkholz: it's google
01:02.54bugQworks for me
01:02.55SRabbelierdberkholz: I'm sure there's an api
01:03.14SRabbelierdberkholz: if you want I can look you up now :)
01:03.29dberkholzSRabbelier: while you're at it ...yes please
01:03.31sdimkovSRabbelier: I spot a rendering bug on GSoC page. Where should I report it? Issues-page of Melange? Or some mailing list?
01:03.36slashdotwait you can participate more than once rite?
01:03.48socinfoSRabbelier: "screenshot" is Please provide a screenshot illustrating your problem, we recommend for easy screenshotting.
01:03.49SRabbeliersdimkov: ^
01:03.56SRabbelierdberkholz: link to the page you want?
01:03.57slashdotposting 1sec
01:04.00sdimkovI've made already
01:04.07ojwbslashdot: well, you can *apply* more than once
01:04.12ojwbyou can only do one of the projects
01:04.51dberkholzSRabbelier: and please =D
01:05.21SRabbelierdberkholz: as in, the page
01:05.53slashdotplease take a look at that
01:06.28sdimkovSRabbelier:     I'll submit it as an issue in Melange
01:06.34*** join/#gsoc efes (
01:06.38*** join/#gsoc bantu_ (~quassel@phpbb/developer/bantu)
01:07.17efeshi folks :)
01:07.18*** join/#gsoc _Mitar (
01:07.20*** join/#gsoc SRabbelier1 (~SRabbelie@
01:07.47*** join/#gsoc mhutch` (
01:07.50*** join/#gsoc ThomasWaldman2 (
01:07.53SRabbelier1that was odd
01:07.59*** join/#gsoc shadeslayer_ (~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer)
01:08.00*** join/#gsoc kstar_ (
01:08.15ojwbsdimkov: "students: apply! / [ Register ] / with a Google Account to get started"
01:08.25SRabbelier1dberkholz: did you reply?
01:08.29ojwbperhaps you want to click register...
01:08.33slashdoti did
01:08.41slashdotand submitted
01:08.43slashdotdata saved
01:09.12dberkholz01:04 < dberkholz > SRabbelier: and please =D
01:09.32dberkholzbrb, time to brush my daughter's teeth.
01:09.58*** join/#gsoc Kevin_Kofler (
01:10.25Kevin_KoflerHi! I'm trying to register for GSoC (as a student), I always get "Data saved successfully", but nothing else happens, in particular I get asked to register all over again.
01:10.31Kevin_KoflerI tried Konqueror with KHTML, Konqueror with WebKitPart and Firefox, always the same thing.
01:10.40slashdotyes excatly my problem
01:10.58SRabbelier1Kevin_Kofler: checking
01:11.16*** join/#gsoc eoc` (
01:11.16SRabbelier1Kevin_Kofler: when you go to the homepage
01:11.36SRabbelier1Kevin_Kofler: what does it say after "You are logged in as"?
01:11.39SRabbelier1slashdot: ^
01:11.46Kevin_KoflerYou are logged in as [link_id: kevinkofler].
01:11.55slashdotyea link_id zerocool1989
01:12.09slashdoti was a GSOC 2010 student
01:12.30efesHow can I obtain list of all the socinfo's commands ?
01:13.39SRabbelier1ok, I can reproduce the bug
01:13.46SRabbelier1Kevin_Kofler, slashdot: investigating
01:13.52slashdotcool thanks
01:14.05slashdoti was banging my head for the past one hour
01:14.10*** join/#gsoc moozg (HydraIRC@
01:15.09*** join/#gsoc realitygrill (
01:15.41Kevin_KoflerI tried the 3 web engines I have easy access to, and then decided to come here rather than banging my head on the desk. ;-)
01:15.52*** join/#gsoc Mathnerd314 (
01:18.00sdimkovSRabbelier: I entered the bug as Issue 1175 in Melange's tracker
01:18.35*** join/#gsoc rish (
01:20.08SRabbelier1got it
01:20.21SRabbelier1the bug that is
01:21.05*** join/#gsoc Adrastus5 (
01:21.25slashdotso how long before i can apply?
01:21.45SRabbelier1slashdot: working on a fix
01:25.06*** join/#gsoc kris_c (
01:26.04*** join/#gsoc fabiocba (~chatzilla@
01:27.09*** join/#gsoc tcoppi (
01:27.32SRabbelier1slashdot, Kevin_Kofler: deploying fix
01:28.50*** join/#gsoc nucleo (nucleo@fedora/nucleo)
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01:29.58dberkholzSRabbelier1: awesome, thanks! quite a contrast in traffic between those two...
01:30.23SRabbelier1dberkholz: yeah, indeed
01:30.51*** join/#gsoc arthursribeiro (~arthur@
01:31.50Kevin_KoflerSRabbelier1: So is it deployed now?
01:32.14SRabbelier1Kevin_Kofler: yes, should be working
01:32.18SRabbelier1Kevin_Kofler: just resubmit the form
01:33.11*** join/#gsoc chinthaka (~chinthaka@
01:34.48slashdotworking thanks SRabbelier1
01:34.50Kevin_KoflerLooks like this works now, thanks!
01:34.57*** part/#gsoc Kevin_Kofler (
01:40.57*** join/#gsoc mmlevitt (
01:43.06*** join/#gsoc Pranav_rcmas (~prp_rcmas@
01:44.32*** join/#gsoc mhuot (~mhuot@pdpc/supporter/active/mhuot)
01:46.30*** join/#gsoc realitygrill_ (~realitygr@
01:46.44*** join/#gsoc jrabbit (~babyseal@unaffiliated/jrabbit)
01:48.30beng-nlSRabbelier1: impressive, quick fix
01:48.40SRabbelier1beng-nl: thanks
01:49.39*** join/#gsoc raincole (
01:50.00*** join/#gsoc SRabbelier (~SRabbelie@
01:50.00*** mode/#gsoc [+o SRabbelier] by ChanServ
01:50.37*** join/#gsoc bugQ (
01:52.48SRabbelieris off to bed
01:53.12*** join/#gsoc david (
01:53.39davidmortimerHello all
01:54.54davidmortimerJust a little confused with the application process
01:55.47davidmortimerWith the "project" proposal, can the project be anything of my choice, or does it have to relate to the organisation I'm applying to?
01:56.11ojwbif it doesn't relate, there's essentially no chance they'll accept it
01:56.35ojwbbut you can propose based on your own idea instead of one on their list
01:56.43davidmortimercool, I understand
01:56.49*** join/#gsoc cjosephs1n (~cjosephso@CLUNKER.MIT.EDU)
01:57.01davidmortimerHow can Is there a list of what projects Mozilla want?
01:57.01ojwbit doesn't really work to (a) think of idea (b) find org(s) to sell it to
01:57.09davidmortimerIs there *
01:57.21ojwbprobably - there should be a link on their org page
01:57.44cjosephs1nare you in here?
01:58.26davidmortimerAhh, I understand now ojwb
01:58.42davidmortimerJust to be clear, these are the things Mozilla would like students to propose?
01:59.20ojwbwell, it depends on the org
01:59.30ojwbsome have more of a shopping list of stuff they want worked on
01:59.42ojwbsome just have some suggestions that might interest students
01:59.55davidmortimerCool ok
02:00.03davidmortimerI'll have a detailed look tomorrow
02:00.08davidmortimerGotta get to bed
02:05.56*** join/#gsoc ieugen (
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02:08.20*** join/#gsoc liuw (~liuw@
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02:09.22*** part/#gsoc sabdegul (77980e79@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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02:17.33*** join/#gsoc ISF (~ivan@
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02:46.54*** join/#gsoc ankit_frenz (~Admin@
02:53.53*** join/#gsoc Ivanovic_ (
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02:57.55*** join/#gsoc xdxn_ (~xdxn@2001:cc0:2020:4010:223:5aff:fe69:86c3)
03:00.32*** join/#gsoc blacktooth (~blacktoot@
03:02.01*** join/#gsoc easwar (~inpressi@unaffiliated/inpressi)
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03:03.44*** join/#gsoc ISF (~ivan@
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03:11.00*** join/#gsoc sumzup (
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03:15.16*** join/#gsoc zupo (
03:17.36*** join/#gsoc CalebK (ce5317a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:17.56CalebKHello, GSOC.
03:18.18socinfotensa_zangetsu: "gsoc" is Google Summer of Code, not Generic Savoir-faire on Open-source Conundrums
03:18.27socinfotensa_zangetsu: "wisdom" is Sorry, drinks are like melange. You get what you get, and if you want something else, you help out :)
03:19.52ojwbthat's not my experience in most of the bars I've been to
03:21.15ojwbin fact it's the worst analogy I think I've heard in some time
03:21.21theboltand a few times i have been told they cannot give me what i want..
03:21.43ojwb"sorry, we're out of XXX" 'ok, let me help behind the bar'
03:21.47ojwbyes, I can see that working
03:22.27*** join/#gsoc gsoc_davidcgl (
03:23.33CalebKSo can someone tell me a little about this google summer of code?
03:23.48*** join/#gsoc sqm (~sqm@
03:23.48socinfowtachi: "faq" is
03:23.55wtachiCalebK: try that
03:24.02CalebKChecking it out now, thx.
03:25.07CalebKAhh yes, Google is amazing.
03:25.52CalebKThere is a hole in my soul that won't be filled unless I can use my skills.
03:29.40*** join/#gsoc _alexander_ (~alexander@
03:32.01*** join/#gsoc titankiller (~titankill@
03:35.31CalebKI need help in determining if my project idea fits in the "game theory" category.
03:35.59ojwbCalebK: as the org concerned
03:36.10ojwb*ask* the org
03:36.23CalebKExcellent idea, thank goodness for you.
03:38.35*** join/#gsoc gadulix (
03:39.49CalebKHmm, it is my understanding that would-be participants are encouraged to submit their own project ideas, is this correct?
03:40.53*** part/#gsoc mundialboy346 (~mundialbo@
03:41.29*** join/#gsoc seany__ (~seany@sharon.cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
03:41.42*** join/#gsoc mjohnst (
03:42.31ojwbCalebK: depends on the org, but many encourage that
03:42.39ojwbbut it needs to be relevant
03:42.39*** join/#gsoc chandan_kumar (~chandan@
03:42.50ojwblooking at what they do and having an idea may work
03:42.51*** join/#gsoc thunder_island (
03:43.08ojwbhaving an idea and trying to shop it around to any org which seems vaguely relevant doesn't
03:43.23CalebKI agree.
03:43.29CalebKI was just going to say something along those lines.
03:43.34*** part/#gsoc cprodescu (~cprodescu@
03:44.15CalebKInterestingly I do think it may fit quite well with this org., but they have other things in mind.  The project sounds absolutely wonderful and a great opportunity still.
03:44.40CalebK"the project" being the list of ideas they have listed, and my choice.
04:01.03*** join/#gsoc ranko (
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04:20.25*** join/#gsoc thiago_home (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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04:43.24chinthakawhat is the link to apply for GSoC. I have logged in there. but where is the application submitting link
04:43.34chinthakacan anyone help me?
04:44.06*** join/#gsoc GreySyntax (~GSF@2001:41d0:1:7475::9)
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04:48.11ojwbchinthaka: go to the page for the org you want t submit to
04:48.44*** part/#gsoc thunder_island (
04:48.50*** part/#gsoc uisuru89 (~Isuru_Mad@
04:52.53*** join/#gsoc AbhijitKane (~Abhijit@
04:54.27*** join/#gsoc gsoc_Daedalus789 (
04:55.42chinthaka<ojwb> I can find only a application template there. but there is not a link to submit the application?
04:56.20ojwbi think it's below the template
04:56.26ojwbcan't see the student view though
04:56.46ojwbyou need to register as a student first
05:01.03*** join/#gsoc renj (~renjith@
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05:22.11*** join/#gsoc kstar (~kstar@kde/developer/asimha)
05:23.34ni8mareHow long should I wait for the reply after mailing to the mentors about project ideas ?
05:23.56ojwbni8mare: depends a lot on the org
05:24.17ojwba lot of mentors have jobs, and they may be in a different timezone to you
05:24.19ni8marethank you
05:24.48ojwbyou'll likely need to wait a day or two, but it could be more
05:25.37liuwni8mare: they are responsive in weekdays, but not that responsive on weekend -- everybody needs a day or two off the job.
05:25.50*** join/#gsoc laserbled (~laserbled@
05:26.35ojwbliuw: might be the other way round for some
05:27.04liuwojwb: right. LOL
05:27.37ojwbfor some mentors, the open source work is connected to their job
05:27.41ojwbbut for many it's a hobby
05:27.51*** join/#gsoc ankush (~ankush@
05:29.41liuwYou're right, I happen to choose a open source project. No wonder mentors are responsive in weekdays.
05:34.26thebolthi kblin
05:35.59*** join/#gsoc AbhinavthePrince (~quassel@
05:36.18*** join/#gsoc samiran (~samiran@
05:36.21*** join/#gsoc adityag (~ADITYA@
05:37.10AbhinavthePrincehow to use this?
05:37.28samiranhi i want help writing project schedules, can someone show me examples else than in
05:37.51*** join/#gsoc Shekhar29 (~Shekhar29@
05:38.25*** join/#gsoc varunvyas (~chatzilla@
05:38.48AbhinavthePrinceJust Java & basics of J2ME, which project will best suit me, plz help..
05:39.25*** join/#gsoc SukhE (~SukhE@unaffiliated/sukhe)
05:39.46socinfoojwb: "orgsbylang" is Use the filter on to filter orgs by any tag you like.
05:39.51ojwbAbhinavthePrince: ^^
05:40.12ojwbadd a comma after java or else it'll match javascript too...
05:41.47*** join/#gsoc rahulbhatnagar (~ralbhat@
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05:43.51*** join/#gsoc varunvyas (~chatzilla@
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05:47.11xdxn_Hello everyone! Is it necessary to edit role in the new GSoC website. I can not see role item.
05:47.11*** join/#gsoc thearchangel (~archangel@
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05:57.03Myth17xdxn_, I think when you apply as a student or mentor that sets your role. :)
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06:01.57AbhinavthePrincecan anybody help me on openintents?
06:03.59xdxn_Myth17: where can i find this in the website?
06:04.48Myth17xdxn_, after you login, you see "students: apply now!" with an Apply button beneath
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06:23.31xdxn_Myth17: Yes i can see that link. In fact, i have submitted my proposal, but did not receive  any response yet.I am not very sure if i have submitted correctly.
06:23.37*** join/#gsoc mjohnst (
06:24.18ojwbxdxn_: be patient, if it's listed on your dashboard, it's submitted
06:24.22Myth17xdxn_, yup, even I havent but lyubomir did tell me on IRC that mentors are reviewing applications. So rest assured! :)
06:25.36*** join/#gsoc avacore (
06:28.43*** join/#gsoc ganja (~ganja@
06:29.40kblinI'm not sure if notifications work already
06:30.05kblinso it might take a while for the mentors to log into their account and check for new apps
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06:59.54Nightroseojwb: lol
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07:17.36kblinSRabbelier: is there any order to the submitted proposals list?
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07:23.48ojwbkblin: it's by linkid I think
07:23.56ojwbwell, by default
07:24.07ojwbyou can sort by title, or by org
07:24.29ojwbit suffers from the "leading whitespace" issue too I noticed
07:24.33kblinI was just wondering why all except one WF proposals were showing up before the samba proposals
07:25.04Myth17ojwb, Any idea how can I read the public proposals submitted so far to an organisation?
07:25.16ojwbMyth17: I don't think you can
07:25.44|Kev|I'm starting to get quite worried about our proposal list :/
07:25.47Myth17when we submit an application, there is a "make it public" option. whats it for? :|
07:25.53kblinbut link_id makes sense
07:25.54|Kev|For giving out the link
07:26.13|Kev|If you share the link to a public proposal with someone, they can read it. They're not searchable.
07:26.42kblin|Kev|: how many applications did you get last year?
07:26.51ojwbthough if you know somebody's linkid, it's not hard to guess the URLs for their proposals
07:27.01|Kev|kblin: Excellent question. Is that exposed yet?
07:27.14|Kev|I thought it was 30 or so, offhand.
07:27.25Myth17ojwb, ;)
07:27.31kblin|Kev|: as of yesterday, both my orgs and kde had about 1/6th of the proposals we got last year
07:27.42|Kev|That's about the same as us, then.
07:27.54kblinjust that for KDE that meant ~60, and for my orgs that meant 1-3
07:28.03thebolti wonder why..
07:28.04ojwb|Kev|: you might be able to find it at
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07:28.19ojwbit's not integrated into this years site directly that I can see
07:28.24kblinthebolt: there's still a week left
07:28.31|Kev|ojwb: Oh, thanks.
07:28.56theboltkblin: okay.. but still, if the general view is fewer applications it might mean something..
07:29.00kblinif we wait a little, I expect dberkholz publish a graph with applications over time for last year
07:29.21kblinthebolt: I'm not convinced it's less applications overall
07:29.22|Kev|ojwb: Only accepted projects there, sadly.
07:30.07|Kev|kblin: You mean that you think some orgs will have more apps than usual, or that we misremember how early we got apps last year.
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07:30.41ojwbremembers that there's often a "we don't have enough applications" fret on the mentors list
07:30.48ojwband then come the deadline, in they roll
07:30.58ojwbit seems uneven this year though
07:31.25kblin|Kev|: I have _spoken_ to more students this year
07:31.31kblinthey just haven't applied yet
07:31.32|Kev|Yes, same.
07:31.40kblinI expect they will, eventually
07:31.54|Kev|Some of mine won't, because I've suggested they don't.\
07:32.20|Kev|And I suspect others will have been put off when they tried to do the teaser tasks and discovered they don't know how to code at that level.
07:33.35|Kev|It did occur to me that the published slot allocation method of 'mostly based on number of applications you get' could potentially work very much against us this year, as we've been trying methods to encourage higher-quality applications, and this could result in us having far fewer slots than when we didn't. Oh well.
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07:34.08Nightrose|Kev|: i've been told that is taken into account
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07:34.16Nightrosestuff like requiering a patch
07:34.17ojwb|Kev|: apparently that's not a big factor really
07:34.37|Kev|Ah, ok, I was just going off the published 'this is the main factor' :)
07:34.39ojwbgoogle realise that they don't want to encourage orgs to structure things to just maximise applications
07:35.09ojwbi feel that document could do with an update...
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07:36.05Nightrose[09:31:54] <|Kev|> Some of mine won't, because I've suggested they don't.\ <- that's the reason for those?
07:36.15Nightrosenot up to the task yet?
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07:36.36|Kev|I had a student who took four days to be able to get the code to compile, with a great deal of help.
07:36.56|Kev|Understand that Swift is not KDE.
07:37.03|Kev|You need to type './scons' and it compiles :)
07:37.41ojwbso he averaged 2 characters per day?
07:38.04Nightrose|Kev|: though there is a build script that might make it equally easy for kde ;-)
07:38.08Nightrosehave never tried it though
07:38.09|Kev|So yeah, he was putting a lot of time and effort in, and I felt bad about thinking he'd waste the next several weeks trying to write a patch when he wouldn't be accepted.
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07:40.59|Kev|I feel like the teaser tasks have been great for getting the more suitable students enthusiastic, for working out what it's like to work with them, and for letting them see if it's within their grasp, but they're *unspeakably* time-consuming.
07:41.24|Kev|Largely because I'm too soft and have been giving help to students who will ultimately not get anywhere.
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07:49.06mohwaqas12Hey all
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07:50.26|Kev|Don't PM people uninvited, please.
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07:55.05nishmuWhile replying to a mailing list thread, does the mailing list address appear in "To" field or in "CC" field? So as not to create a new thread but instead, reply to a thread.
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07:55.30|Kev|It should make no difference.
07:55.44|Kev|It should be threading on the message id.
07:56.23nishmuI did not  get about message id?
07:57.04nishmu|Kev|: You mean the thread title?
07:57.11|Kev|I do not.
07:57.21|Kev|Although that could be used too.
07:58.07ojwbnishmu: most mail clients thread on the in-reply-to: and/or references: headers
07:58.07|Kev|Look at the headers.
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07:59.59nishmuGot it, so basically, since I am using gmail I should just reply by just clicking "reply all", the headers are automatically taken care of by gmail. Isnt it?
08:00.31ojwbshould be
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08:52.30socinfoapurvtwr: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
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08:52.52apurvtwrzhangbei: ^^
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08:59.01akashm1990Which command is used for messages like there  :  * ojwb remembers that there's often a "we don't have enough applications" fret on the mentors list
08:59.56beng-nlakashm1990: /me typically
09:00.15akashm1990thanks, works
09:00.32beng-nluse your power wisely ;)
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09:05.44zhangbeiThanks, I'm new to irc :)
09:07.40rigvedsays hi to everyone!
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09:30.19DJWillisDaft question (I hope), is there an easy way to drop/hide spam proposals from an org? I can't seem to find a suitable option in the new melange.
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09:32.25kblinDJWillis: not currently, I think
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09:35.06DJWilliskblin: well at least it is not going mad ;)
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09:37.09ojwbDJWillis: we're just scoring them as one, in the hope that we'll get the score shown in the list soon
09:37.19ojwb"as 1" that is
09:37.37kblinDJWillis: hard to tell from here, but if you based the hypothesis of going solely on not seeing an easy way to delete spam proposals, there might be more parameters in there ;)
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09:38.17kblindon't have any spam applications in melange yet, fortunately. (yay! and no, don't want any)
09:38.32kblinjust got one via email
09:39.04kblinhello, I want to work on <title of proposal>, please tell me what to do.
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09:39.27DJWillisojwb: seems like a good plan, we shall do that, I won't grumble about emails not seeming to work and no way to look back over old years data as I know the malange team are hard at work... ;)
09:39.33*** part/#gsoc vikash (~vikash@
09:39.56kblinnotifications hopefully are being pushed soon
09:40.10DJWilliskblin: hmmm, I would say that is lame but it may not really be spam, try a de-troll response and see what you get back, you may be supprised.
09:40.53kblinDJWillis: well, there's more information on the wiki where that ideas is from, I'm a bit disappointed at them not looking at that
09:41.07kblinbut yes, I'll work on it
09:41.45kblinI'm currently compiling another wiki page of the most common things I told people about the project idea I offered to mentor
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09:42.15kblinI owe the channel log bot a beer :)
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09:42.29DJWilliskblin: I would agree, we get a few like that (lots on the wiki but no desire to read a word), but I try and take a kindly view first then if it is a waste of time just give up on it ;).
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09:43.45kblinDJWillis: I'm a bit jaded because I just spent like two days to help a student to install our stuff, and realizing that all of the problems he was running into were caused by him not following the detailed install instructions
09:44.00kblina bit unfair to let it out on this student, though
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09:45.28DJWilliskblin: I had one just like that, a day or 2 spent helping on IRC to realise they had no idea how to read a HOWTO, it tends to make it hard to view them as the good GSoC type at that point (IMHO)
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09:47.34IvanovicDJWillis, kblin: the reason why i tend to start things by pointing to the correct docs for getting it to work
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09:48.25DJWillisIvanovic: very true, if at that point however you spend two days gettting odd questions before you realise they had not read it that is not so good ;)
09:48.41Ivanovicif the student then shows that they are not able to follow the step by step guide (meaning: having exactly the probs described there including the solution for their system!) the students are really not suited to be accepted into gsoc
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09:53.10mpountahello, if i submit my proposal can i later modify it?
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10:41.00socinfomayanks43: "timeline" is
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10:49.52akashm1990If I withdraw a proposal, is it deleted from my dashboard, or can I still see it and reinstate if I want to?
10:50.10mayanks43ask on melange
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10:51.40SRabbelierakashm1990: the latter
10:52.06akashm1990SRabbelier, thx
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11:06.05ojwbis melange being slow for anyone else?
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11:06.22ojwbtrying to comment on proposals and submitting just sits there loading
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11:10.10SRabbelierojwb: average latency is 856ms across 18 instances
11:10.39beng-nlaverage eh
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11:10.39SRabbelierojwb: slowest one is at 1951.5 ms
11:10.56beng-nlunsays last line
11:11.00ojwbi left it for ages
11:11.11ojwbI guess the problem is somewhere between here and there
11:11.24Whoumm guys which is the best place to get advice on your proposal ?
11:11.45beng-nlWho: the mentoring organisation
11:12.08beng-nlwell, it depends on what you want advice with, but usually the mentoring organisation
11:12.15ojwbSRabbelier: hmm, on it works right away
11:12.30Whocan you guys give advice, if you have sometime to see my proposal ?
11:12.31SRabbelierojwb: don't know what is up with that, the is a bit more iffy at times it seems
11:12.41SRabbelierojwb: could be that you're hitting another server through socghop though
11:12.52SRabbelierojwb: the one with 114.5 ms latency perhaps ;)
11:13.07ojwbWho: possibly, but a lot of the details of what the org look for vary
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11:13.17socinfoSRabbelier: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
11:13.20SRabbelierWho: ^
11:13.21SRabbelierthat too
11:13.25ojwbSRabbelier: well, I was waiting 10s of seconds with google-melange
11:13.36ojwbI had an issue before where socghop was better
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11:14.40WhoSRabbelier:  i got everything done, i even did few junior job for the specific project, i am active in there channel & mailing list , i even posted on google melange so i can get some early comments
11:14.49*** join/#gsoc Myth17 (~myth@unaffiliated/nitish)
11:14.58ojwbearly comments were last week...
11:15.17Whoojwb:  well i posted on last friday
11:16.15Whobut what i want is , some more inputs so i can improve my proposal even more, i just want to give my best so i don't have any regrets later on
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11:16.35ojwbbut we don't know what your org look for...
11:16.44akashm1990Who, pester them on their irc
11:16.52akashm1990and mailing lists
11:16.55ojwbs/pester/ask politely/
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11:17.14Whoalready did :D, well my mentor takes weekend off so i guess i will see him tomorrow
11:17.43rohit_nsit08hello, i have  a doubt about submitting my proposal on gsoc site.
11:17.57rohit_nsit08i pasted my proposal from a text file on my system
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11:18.18rohit_nsit08and after submitting , all the indentation disappeared
11:18.28rohit_nsit08and background is black and text white
11:18.35mayanks43better use an html editor and copy paste html
11:18.39rohit_nsit08everything is jumbled
11:18.54rohit_nsit08mayanks43 : hmm. let me try
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11:20.36nitishrohit_nsit08, i faced similar problems, my mentors told me not to bother much with formatting.
11:21.11rohit_nsit08nitish: but it looks like everything is written in one line, and white text on black background
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11:21.29ojwbI'd bother a little...
11:21.52mayanks43either use the editor on the site or one of your own
11:21.58ojwbcontent matters most, but if it's unreadable...
11:22.06AlexPI know it sounds a bit unfair, but I'm always going to spend more time on proposals that make it easy for me to read
11:22.08nitishrohit_nsit08, hmm....thats different then, i copied everything from .odt docuMent and formatting got all messed up.
11:22.13rohit_nsit08mayanks43 : ya trying it in my html editor
11:22.34mayanks43don't copy paste from word
11:22.40mayanks43that messes up
11:22.41rohit_nsit08nitish: .odt problem is possible
11:23.06rohit_nsit08ya, got it, now trying it with html editor.
11:23.08mayanks43plus lot of html is generated
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11:26.55rohit_nsit08thanks, got it solved.
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11:27.12rohit_nsit08indentation requires html editor
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11:29.55greeniekinI was wondering what the minimum average of students for a organisation has been in the past and is likely to be this year? I know this is a strange and you may not be able to answer it.
11:30.08*** join/#gsoc kodoque (
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11:32.59mayanks43umbrella orgs- >25 small orgs- 3-4 others- in between
11:33.33nitishgreeniekin, max equal to the number of proposals I think
11:34.36greeniekinnitish, probably max equal to the number of people that make proposals. i made 2 so they can't pick me twice
11:35.04mayanks43but that is never the case
11:35.20*** join/#gsoc jiageng_yu1 (~yuyu@
11:35.24nitishnope greeniekin they usually take one guy for a proposal
11:36.06*** join/#gsoc Zenglu (Zenglu@
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11:36.35greeniekinnitish, well thats what i mean. 5 proposals could be a moximum of 2 people. it those 5 proposals are only from 2 people
11:37.43nitishgreeniekin, there are certain proposals which an organisation themselves decide and put up on their website, and they take a student each to complete all of them.
11:38.44greeniekinnitish, though you can make proposals not only from that list and still get accepted
11:39.07mayanks43if they are appealing enough :)
11:40.21greeniekinso the max number of participants for any org is the number of people that make proposals. not the number of proposals themselves
11:41.54greeniekini think we were saying the same thing from the start and misunderstanding each other lol.
11:41.55mayanks43but it never is the case that they select that maximum number of participants
11:42.07greeniekini figured that
11:42.13Whohmm how to increase your chance to get selected for GSOC ?
11:42.29mayanks43Who read Do's and Dont's
11:42.57Whobut that largely applies after you get selected
11:43.17mayanks43simple logic - Do what the org asks you ;)
11:45.18mayanks43plus write awesome and very detailed proposal
11:45.29*** join/#gsoc mhuot (~mhuot@pdpc/supporter/active/mhuot)
11:46.37SRabbelierHere we go again:
11:46.43SRabbelierBuckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye!
11:46.57*** join/#gsoc sol0 (~Dhruv@
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11:49.04kblinman, I hate webdesign
11:50.50*** join/#gsoc chinthaka_ (~chinthaka@
11:51.27ojwbgreeniekin: in past years, all orgs got at least two slots if they wanted them, though some orgs have taken one apparently
11:51.32*** join/#gsoc nitish (~myth@unaffiliated/nitish)
11:52.01*** part/#gsoc TobiasFar (
11:52.16ojwbgreeniekin: i guess it'll be the same again, though there are more small orgs this year, so possibly that might change
11:53.30ojwbWho: a good way to improve your chances is to find a small issue in the org's tracker, and submit a patch
11:53.52ojwbit shows the org you've managed to check out and build the code, and find your way around it
11:54.03greeniekinojwb, I have submitted 2 patches so far. though not for 2 months
11:54.06Whoojwb:  does doing junior jobs for that particular project help ?
11:54.27ojwbwe don't have a huge amount to go on, so students who show they can work things out is a big plus
11:54.37Whothen i have a good chance , in 3 weeks i have submitted around 8 patches :D
11:54.40ojwbnot sure what a junior job is?
11:54.50ojwbI'd imagine so then
11:55.20mayanks43Who you have a good chance
11:57.59Whomayanks43:  thanks but this time the project i selected has very tough comptition, i have heard around 5-6 people have applied for it
11:58.10*** join/#gsoc varunvyas_ (~chatzilla@
11:58.20mayanks43competition will always be there
11:58.20greeniekinWho, my org has about 10+
11:58.42mayanks43you have to prove you are the best ;) with your app
11:59.38*** join/#gsoc nitish_mythology (~myth@unaffiliated/nitish)
12:00.20mayanks43Who it's good to keep another application as a backup
12:00.45mayanks43though you can't be sure if you'll be selected there as well
12:01.00*** join/#gsoc Denin (
12:01.10greeniekini'm thinking of makeing a 3rd application for another org lol
12:01.48akashm1990while(!endofapplicationperiod()){ make application; submit application;}
12:01.48mayanks43no problems there, but see to it that its a quality application
12:01.50*** part/#gsoc ankit_frenz (~Admin@
12:02.24mayanks43lol @ akashm1990
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12:29.18gevaertsojwb: in my defense, I didn't tell socinfo about that !wisdom factoid, and the analogy made perfect sense in the context I used it in!
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12:45.53*** join/#gsoc Mo3 (
12:45.57Mo3Hi there!
12:46.20Mo3Anyone there? Got a question
12:46.51socinfogevaerts: "ask" is Don't ask to ask, just ask.
12:47.59Mo3Alright :) I'm supposed to propose a project, obviously
12:48.10Mo3What project? An idea of mine?
12:48.28Mo3Or an addition to an already existing open source project?
12:48.47scgtrpa proposal for writing code for one of the existing projects in the list
12:49.06brikhave you had a look at the organisations and their suggested projects?
12:49.07scgtrpthey have some ideas on their pages, or you can come up with your own
12:49.23dberkholzkblin: i'll have to get the numbers first =)
12:49.32Mo3Yep I've seen the organizations list
12:49.41Mo3Not the projects though
12:49.44Mo3Lemme have another look
12:49.57scgtrpclick a project, there should be a link to their ideas page
12:50.11*** join/#gsoc ylfchild (
12:50.58Mo3Ah, got it I think
12:51.33*** join/#gsoc Kasutajanimi (Kasutajani@
12:51.57gevaertsYou can propose your own idea, but it's a good idea to briefly discuss it with the organisation first before you spend a lot of time on it
12:52.07*** join/#gsoc titankiller (~titankill@
12:52.53ojwbin particular, having an idea, then trying to find an org that will take it isn't likely to work
12:52.59Mo3Any idea to improve the existing project?
12:53.30*** join/#gsoc bryq (~bryq@
12:53.38*** part/#gsoc TobiasFar (
12:53.47ojwbyou can certainly suggest variations on ideas on the list
12:54.01ojwbdepends on the org what they're after of course
12:54.32Mo3I see
12:54.38ojwbbut the list is usually more suggestions of interesting areas than a shopping list of features for students to work on
12:54.51Mo3Ah just one more question
12:55.09Mo3I'm from Germany and attending "high school" - can I participate in gsoc?
12:55.26socinfoojwb: "eligibility" is Follow this handy flowchart to see if you are eligible (text version at
12:55.34ojwbMo3: follow the flowchart^
12:55.50Mo3Thanks! :=
12:56.02ojwbif you're < 18, then no
12:56.07*** join/#gsoc varunvyas_ (~chatzilla@
12:56.21gevaertsIt can be useful to tell us the German term too to help avoid confusion :)
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12:56.46ojwbgymnasium, I suspect
12:56.50ojwbor something like that
12:56.59Mo3I'm 17, crap.
12:57.06Mo3Gotta wait another year D:
12:57.22ojwbMo3: you can get involved in an org still, just not through GSoC
12:57.40ojwbthere's also GCI, which hopefully google will run again near the end of the year
12:57.43socinfoojwb: "gci" is gci is Google Code-in: A contest for 13-18 year olds. See
13:00.05kblindberkholz: excuses, excuses
13:02.19*** part/#gsoc mayanks43 (~Marcus@
13:02.40SRabbelierWell what do you know
13:02.44SRabbelierTalad: you're up man
13:02.49SRabbelierTalad: quit y'r whining
13:02.51*** join/#gsoc zupo (~zupo@
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13:04.02gevaertsSRabbelier: that screenshot is clearly fake! :)
13:04.15SRabbeliergevaerts: quick!
13:04.23SRabbeliergevaerts: look fer yerself! :D
13:04.29gevaertsSRabbelier: yes, but you hacked my web browser!
13:04.43SRabbeliergevaerts: I plead the fifth
13:04.51thiagovideo card crash
13:05.01SRabbelierthiago: eh?
13:05.47gevaertsSRabbelier: I can prove it! You sent it some html that was specially crafted to show that logo!
13:06.15SRabbeliergevaerts: I deny everything
13:06.26*** join/#gsoc nekohayo (~jeff@
13:06.38gevaertsSRabbelier: you mean the logo *isn't* shown?
13:06.46SRabbeliergevaerts: I didn't do it
13:07.34*** join/#gsoc torsten (
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13:08.30TaladSRabbelier: ah , cool!
13:08.56*** join/#gsoc Pierre_P (
13:09.05gevaertsTalad: now check your script output to see if it was the first time :)
13:09.07SRabbelierTalad: believe us now?! :P
13:09.14*** join/#gsoc eoc (
13:09.23SRabbelierTalad: with your 90% sure it's wrong!
13:10.51Taladwell, there is always a 10%
13:11.04Taladmy program is running anyway, so I will check if there are any duplicates :)
13:11.57Taladbelieving is nice, testing is better!
13:12.00*** join/#gsoc ylfchild (~Adium@
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13:12.37kblinwhee, WF is up, too
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13:13.37ojwbtop tip, don't submit your application with all the text in "x-small"
13:13.46gevaertsclaims that the gsoc may not always appear on the melange site. He hasn't seen this happen, but that doesn't prove it won't, so he still wants SRabbelier to fix it! ;)
13:14.04*** join/#gsoc joaoprudencio (
13:14.13SRabbelierojwb: why not? :(
13:14.22SRabbeliergevaerts: *peers*
13:14.28ojwbSRabbelier: because I need new glasses
13:14.36*** join/#gsoc thiago_home (~thiago@kde/thiago)
13:17.46SRabbelierojwb: not our problem surely ;)
13:18.52ojwbSRabbelier: might be due to some interaction with tinymce I guess, but I wasn't trying to suggest it was
13:19.18ojwboh, the need for glasses isn't your problem?
13:19.29ojwbwell, it could be if you're crossing the road when I drive past
13:22.13*** join/#gsoc sol0 (~Dhruv@
13:22.26SRabbelierojwb: right :)
13:22.45SRabbelierojwb: deploying score/student name now
13:23.01gevaertsojwb: but SRabbelier knows where you live, so he can at least try to avoid you :)
13:23.13SRabbeliergevaerts: excellent point
13:23.43*** join/#gsoc desti (
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13:24.17SRabbelierojwb: live
13:24.43gevaertsOooh, Shiny!
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13:27.14dberkholzSRabbelier: can we get the "star" score too, not just the cumulative total?
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13:30.11ojwbSRabbelier: great timing, I'm just reviewing the last proposal
13:30.15*** join/#gsoc snc (~snc@
13:30.22ojwbbut thanks, it'll be really useful for the next round
13:30.31dberkholzit's kind of a confusing UI experience now, where we're shown the average star score on the proposal page but the cumulative total on the summary
13:30.46ojwbyes, the average is a lot more useful
13:31.25*** join/#gsoc Nightrose (~lydia@kde/lydia)
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13:36.58SRabbelierdberkholz: you mean the average?
13:37.03*** join/#gsoc cronco1 (~cronco@
13:37.10SRabbeliersure, I can do that
13:37.19SRabbelierI'll have to run another mapreduce to do it though :P
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13:37.47SRabbeliernotifications first :)
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13:38.14ojwbSRabbelier: it'd be nice not to round the average to an integer too I feel
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13:38.28SRabbelierojwb: isn't it rounded to halves?
13:38.43ojwbnot IME
13:38.53ojwbtries to find an example
13:39.11*** join/#gsoc Pragma (
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13:39.29ojwb"9/11 out of 2 users, total: 19"
13:39.39ojwband shows 9 stars
13:40.04*** join/#gsoc mpounta (
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13:41.24dberkholzSRabbelier: awesome. no huge rush, as long as it's quick. =P
13:41.31SRabbelierstabs dberkholz
13:43.15*** part/#gsoc ankit_frenz (~Admin@
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13:45.08Nightrosewe still need him for the stats!
13:45.22SRabbelierNightrose: oh, good point
13:45.32SRabbelierwaits until after dberkholz finishes the stats
13:45.40SRabbelierit's like an outstanding slap bet
13:45.50SRabbeliershould make a countdown
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13:52.25dberkholzSRabbelier: if you haven't put together those numbers yet, student country might also be interesting
13:52.48SRabbelierdberkholz: that's not always public data though
13:53.23*** part/#gsoc Pierre_P (
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13:54.20ojwbSRabbelier: should the members of my orgs list have an org for everyone?
13:54.31SRabbelierojwb: yes
13:54.41socinfoSRabbelier: "screenshot" is Please provide a screenshot illustrating your problem, we recommend for easy screenshotting.
13:54.47SRabbelierojwb: send it in private though please
13:54.56SRabbelierojwb: since it contains private data and whatnot
13:54.59ojwbSRabbelier: of course
13:55.15*** join/#gsoc Zor (~xtzgzorex@
13:56.00dberkholzSRabbelier: fair enough. wasn't sure about that
13:57.21*** join/#gsoc Zenglu (Zenglu@
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14:01.16SRabbelierdberkholz: I can give it anonymised (sp?), but that means I can't include it in the 'last modified/last created' data
14:01.18*** join/#gsoc _alexander_ (~alexander@
14:01.29SRabbelierdberkholz: since you probably could connect those dates to a specific proposal
14:03.38*** join/#gsoc praveenkumar (~daredevil@
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14:08.07Ophiuchiis pleased with the proposal turnout so far, but wouldn't mind more good ones :)
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14:08.27SRabbelierOphiuchi: word
14:09.21ojwbi'd be happier if I didn't have to keep telling them to work on the timeline
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14:11.33Ophiuchiwe shifted from "discuss the project with the mentor(s)" to "discuss the project on the mailing list" and it seems to pay off.
14:11.36*** join/#gsoc Zenglu_ (~Zenglu@
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14:14.15*** join/#gsoc Emaad_ (73f88294@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:14.55Emaad_Hi, I'm having trouble submitting my GSoC 2011 application at google-melange. Is this the right place to ask for help?
14:16.21SRabbelierEmaad_: wha'ts your problem?
14:16.27ojwbor in #melange if it's actually a melange issue
14:16.42ojwbthough SRabbelier is a portable one-man #melange
14:16.51Emaad_When I submit my application
14:16.55Emaad_I get a 500 server error.
14:17.10Emaad_I'm trying to submit the proposal to Openintents
14:17.18SRabbelierEmaad_: please hold
14:17.30JanisBhold F5 key
14:18.02SRabbelierEmaad_: you have some very funky characters in your proposal
14:18.08SRabbelierand he left
14:18.14*** join/#gsoc Emaad_ (73f88294@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:18.22SRabbelierEmaad_: you have some very funky characters in your proposal
14:18.30*** join/#gsoc dhaun (
14:18.40SRabbelierEmaad_: would you mind saving the text to somewhere I can see it?
14:18.49Emaad_The plain text?
14:18.49SRabbelierAny python wizards know what's going on here? UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xa0 in position 287: unexpected code byte
14:18.55SRabbelierEmaad_: right
14:18.57Emaad_I only have the HTML at hand
14:19.03SRabbelierEmaad_: also fine :)
14:19.10SRabbelierTriggered by     content = content.decode("utf-8")
14:19.12Emaad_Alright, a minute.
14:20.10ThFabbaWell some characters aren't valid in UTF-8, so if the text wasn't entered in UTF-8, .... that might in principle cause such an error *g*
14:20.29*** join/#gsoc f1728 (
14:20.42SRabbelierThFabba: I suppose
14:20.51SRabbelierEmaad_: did you include any funky characters in your proposal?
14:20.54ojwbsome byte sequences, to be clearer
14:21.10|Kev|Type those funky characters...
14:21.14ThFabbaIndeed, ojwb. They aren't in fact characters :p
14:21.46Emaad_Hmm, I actually posted this on Wordpress.
14:21.51Emaad_And copied the HTML
14:21.53ojwbsounds to me like it is actually iso-8859-1
14:21.58ojwbwhere 0xa0 is hard space
14:22.10Emaad_The text is here:
14:22.12*** join/#gsoc varunvyas_ (~chatzilla@
14:22.23Emaad_The HTML is here:
14:22.37*** join/#gsoc titankiller (~titankill@
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14:23.59SRabbelierlet's play a game of "spot the funky byte sequences"
14:24.01Emaad_Hmm I can't find anything weird; apart from some empty HTML tags.
14:24.12SRabbelierojwb: iso-8859-1?
14:24.44*** join/#gsoc mjohnst (
14:24.51SRabbelierEmaad_: can you try setting input method to utf-8?
14:25.12*** join/#gsoc ahmed_ (~ahmed.fsh@
14:25.15Emaad_Yes I'll try that.
14:25.45ahmed_Hello All
14:25.48ojwbSRabbelier: yes, but I'm wrong
14:25.57Emaad_Would &rsquo; be a problem by any chance?
14:25.58ojwbit's just ASCII
14:26.07ThFabbaIn the title (between Proposal: and OpenIntents) and under Contributions between Reported and issue #326  btw. ;)
14:26.16ojwbno output from: perl -ne 'print if /[^\n\t\r -~]/' Downloads/XvP6VB2U.txt
14:26.33SRabbelierThFabba: mh?
14:26.34*** join/#gsoc Zenglu (~Zenglu@
14:26.42ThFabbaThere's non-breaking spaces there
14:27.06ThFabbaNot sure if they're &nbsp; or 0xa0 in the source; my "View source" seems broken :p
14:27.08Emaad_Oh, nbsp's are bad?
14:27.09ojwbbut not literal ones
14:27.17ThFabbaAh, hmm
14:27.33ojwbperhaps something in the process of uploading is converting them
14:27.34SRabbelierEmaad_: no those should be fine
14:27.37SRabbelierEmaad_: it's an encoding issue
14:27.42*** join/#gsoc rohit_nsit08 (~rohit08@
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14:28.50*** join/#gsoc Zor (~xtzgzorex@
14:29.12SRabbelierwonders if setting would help
14:29.26*** join/#gsoc pr0ton (
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14:30.19Emaad_Wo, it worked!
14:30.33*** join/#gsoc Trademark__ (
14:30.55Emaad_I went to this site: and converted the text from "utf-8" to "utf-8".
14:31.30SRabbelierEmaad_: and then it worked? :O
14:31.52SRabbelierEmaad_: cool
14:32.01Emaad_Thanks so much everyone!
14:32.06*** join/#gsoc wtachi (
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14:39.32AlexPah nice, names on the application list :)
14:39.36AlexPthanks for that :)
14:40.54SRabbelierAlexP: np
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14:57.10kps_fooQuestion: Is it ok to embed pictures in the proposal while submitting in melange ? or external clickable links?
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14:58.09bitner#join #melange
14:58.19ojwbexternal links are ok I think, but you shouldn't assume people will visit them - make the proposal complete in itself, and provide them for additional info
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14:59.44ojwbnot sure about images - i guess you probably have to host them externally, which doesn't seem ideal
15:00.42SRabbelierbitner: s_#_/_ ?
15:01.02SRabbelierkps_foo: you can embed pictures, yes, but you do have to host them yourself
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15:01.27kps_foosiddharths: I don't have any problems with that, I have reliable hosting :)
15:01.38bitnerSRabbelier: yeah yeah, just typing too fast :-)
15:01.52kps_foocorrection : SRabbelier: I mean to talk to you :)
15:02.10kps_fooSRabbelier: was talking on multiple channels, thanks for the help :)
15:02.14SRabbelierkps_foo: then you can just click the 'html' button and add a <img src=
15:02.35kps_fooSRabbelier: nice! will embed them now :)
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15:02.55ojwbkps_foo: it means the images may not be there in the future though
15:03.44kps_fooojwb: future ? will they be there at least till the proposal undergoes review ?
15:04.17ojwbsure, but melange keeps proposals from past years
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15:04.52ojwbkind of a shame if the images might not be there too
15:04.58kps_fooojwb: Ok, so next year the images won't be there....
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15:05.04SRabbelierkps_foo: they will be
15:05.09SRabbelierkps_foo: but if your image host goes down...
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15:05.16SRabbelierkps_foo: 's what ojwb is trying to say
15:05.17laserbledkps_foo, he meant incase the hosting expires i guess
15:05.25ojwbor you delete them
15:05.42kps_foogets it finally
15:05.46ojwbit also means the proposal isn't really frozen at the application deadline
15:05.59kps_fooojwb: ok
15:06.01kps_foogot it
15:06.38ojwbI guess I'm thinking melange should be able to host the images too
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15:07.59kps_fooojwb: exactly, there are many who do not have access to hosting space...
15:08.07ojwbthat too
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15:09.45SRabbelierojwb: good point
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15:18.29rr0hitIs it wrong to discuss project ideas during this period?
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15:19.04gevaertsNo. Why would it be?
15:20.04rr0hitAlright. Thanks. Asked just because there is a demarkated period for that too.
15:20.39gevaertsWell, during the "discussion" period you can *only* discuss
15:20.40AlexPI'd say it is a very good idea to, as at the end of this period you have to have submitted the proposal
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15:21.00AlexPSo discussing before submitting might be seen as a good move :)
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16:38.54socinfospectre: "timeline" is
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16:44.07Avyai kinda new to this...ive just registered and am getting started with looking up i still ahve a chance??
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16:44.34scgtrpdeadline is several days from now
16:44.44tensa_zangetsudeadline is april 8th
16:45.07scgtrprecommend doing it soon though, so the org can give you feedback before then
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16:45.45gadulixare there any complete statistics about number of projects related to organizations ? or do I have to parse this
16:46.09gadulix(about past years of course)
16:47.09scgtrpthere is a page somewhere about how slots are allocated but i've not seen any real numbers
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16:48.35gadulixslots allocation is based mainly on students proposals and limited to number of projects, am I right ?
16:48.48socinfodis: "slots" is
16:48.55disgadulix: ^^
16:49.06socinfogadulix: "slots" is
16:49.11Avya@scgtrp- can we modify our submission or i first start of by contacting them and getting a response
16:49.36scgtrpyou can modify it up until the deadline
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16:54.12betaversionwhat to fill in the link id field?
16:54.30socinfodhaun: "linkid" is like a username. See
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16:55.24SRabbelierdhaun: whoah, didn't know about that one :)
16:55.27betaversionthanks a lot.
16:56.03MatthewWilkesSo, I was thinking, if I set up an auto mailer to send the FAQ as a response to every new thread on the mailing list would it ever be unnecessary? :)
16:56.25scgtrpprods the melange developers and recommends background-repeat: no-repeat; on the anchors on that page
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16:58.24dhaunscgtrp: it already uses no-repeat but some other CSS error seems to throw Firefox off - other browsers don't repeat the image
16:58.57scgtrpreally? adding no-repeat manually via firebug made it look right
16:59.02SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: no, never
16:59.18SRabbelierscgtrp: send patch plx? we've got swag
16:59.44schumamlthe w3c html validator reports 58 errors on that page
16:59.46scgtrpi get a t-shirt for adding one line of css? shiny
16:59.50SRabbelierschumaml: :(
17:00.04SRabbelierschumaml: anything systematic?
17:00.09SRabbelier(and thus easily fixable)
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17:01.05schumamlwrong document structure, elements put where they aren't allowed
17:01.27SRabbelierthat's one badass link
17:02.31SRabbelierschumaml: looks like most of those are part of the document html (and thus generated by TinyMCE), yes?
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17:03.33schumamleverything except the very first one, I'd say
17:04.56scgtrpahh, that would be why i can't find it in the source code.
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17:13.30asslulzQ: Do the mentors reviewing my application are able to see if I have applied for some other projects/organizations?
17:14.24dhaunasslulz: no
17:14.29hypatiaasslulz: no, but if you get selected for two there is a big meeting when those all get sorted out, and you'll be asked which you prefer
17:14.41|Kev|You *may* be asked which you prefer.
17:14.43hypatiaasslulz: also please choose a non-douchey nick
17:15.00hypatiaah, i didn't realize it was a *may*, |Kev|
17:15.37asslulzthanks folks
17:15.57dhaunMelange will actually notify the orgs if there's a conflict, so that it can be resolved before that big meeting
17:16.02hypatiaasslulz: that's me
17:16.39asslulzwut, w00t
17:16.43|Kev|So the accurate but unhelpful answer is 'maybe'
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17:17.31omegaphihi, I mailed to Portland state university mailing list and got no reply, is there any mentor from this org, online right now?
17:17.45socinfohypatia: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
17:17.47hypatiaomegaphi: ^^
17:18.34omegaphihypatia , there IRC channel is invite only :(
17:19.32hypatiaomegaphi: how long ago did you email the list?
17:20.22omegaphihypatia : I mailed on march 30
17:21.13hypatiahmm.  wait til monday and email again
17:21.23hypatiathat's what i'd do anyway :)
17:21.32omegaphihypatia : ok :)
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17:37.38mpountacan i submit more than one proposals at the same mentoring org?
17:38.30ravenlocktypically, yes
17:38.37ravenlockonly one can be *accepted* though
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17:39.15ravenlockbecaureful however with this "shotgun" approach.  As it's quality ppl look for, not quantity.
17:39.48mpountai see, thank you
17:41.09iLucianhi! if you submit an application, that means that you're committed, right? or can you decline if accepted?
17:41.19*** join/#gsoc Sanshaptak (~chatzilla@
17:41.38ravenlockyou can still decline.  Especially if you were to have been accepted by more than one org.
17:41.49ravenlock(as you must seelct one and only one)
17:42.17*** join/#gsoc tudalex (~tudalex@
17:42.26ravenlockKeep in mind if you decline for "no good reason", your chances of being favored in follow up years might diminish.
17:42.40ravenlock(just my opinion)
17:42.51logiclordHow to insert images in proposal ??
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17:43.49mmadiayou may be able to edit the html and use an  <img src="URL" /> tag, logiclord
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18:12.00MatthewWilkeswonders about students that confuse 200 bytes with 1k
18:12.06MatthewWilkesand comment on that as a
18:12.16MatthewWilkesan attachment while sending a HTML and plaintext email
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18:14.33akashm1990MatthewWilkes: Gmail does show it as 1KB
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18:15.57|Kev|Yes, I know this is the same as every year, but I"d feel much happier is students would get on and submit a few worthwhile applications for us.
18:16.10*** part/#gsoc d0tslash_ (
18:16.10MatthewWilkesakashm1990: My computer shows empty files as 4kb.  If you're going to question something you try to understand it yourself first
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18:17.03akashm1990MatthewWilkes: Not applicable for someone planning to submit > 20 applications
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18:18.13MatthewWilkesakashm1990: It was someone else, actually
18:18.19MatthewWilkesBut, yeah, *facepalm* there too
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18:19.15akashm1990MatthewWilkes: Yes, he had asked  :  I have no experience about gsoc. Can you help me decide which projects i should go for?  Earlier
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18:20.12MatthewWilkesakashm1990: Ah, yes
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18:20.15MatthewWilkesnotes the name
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18:21.19shadeslayeri wish GMail could do GPG/PGP Signed emails
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18:23.03SRabbeliershadeslayer: I agree, I already trust them with my emai, why not have them handle (a) private key as well
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18:23.35MatthewWilkesrun the encryption in the browser?
18:23.37shadeslayernot really
18:24.07shadeslayersomething like desktop notifications in chrome .. where a dialog pop's up, the email is downloaded, signed and sent back to gmail
18:24.30shadeslayeri really don't like putting my keys in the cloud ...
18:24.38shadeslayershudders at the idea
18:24.46MatthewWilkesis sure SRabbelier wasn't joking
18:25.04SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: only half :)
18:25.12|Kev|GMail *can* do GPG signed mails.
18:25.25shadeslayer|Kev|: oh... how? :D
18:25.30SRabbeliershadeslayer: I suppose signing could work if you use a plugin
18:25.36SRabbeliershadeslayer: those are already available
18:25.36|Kev|Send over SMTP.
18:25.52shadeslayer|Kev|: nah .. we were talking via a web interface :P
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18:26.04shadeslayerSRabbelier: oh yeah .. that reminds me, since i now use FF there probably is addon for that
18:26.42shadeslayernearly lost his precious GPG keys once
18:26.59SRabbeliershadeslayer: why not have multiple keys?
18:27.20SRabbeliershadeslayer: e.g., one you fully trust, and one you use for email that you give out to trusted third parties?
18:27.37shadeslayerSRabbelier: well i copied them to my external drive and the windows installer formatted the external drive .. so .. yeah ...
18:27.44SRabbeliershadeslayer: ouch
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18:27.51SRabbeliershadeslayer: backups. important ;)
18:28.09shadeslayernow the awesome part .. i was testing out this app on android which signs your emails with GPG keys
18:28.18shadeslayerso had copied them over to my phone :P
18:28.28SRabbeliershadeslayer: save! :D
18:28.35shadeslayerSRabbelier: lost my ssh keys tho
18:28.44SRabbelierpainful, but not as bad
18:28.44shadeslayerdon't use those alot so ... *shrug*
18:28.51SRabbeliersince those aren't usually signed at key signing parties :P
18:28.58shadeslayerright :D
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18:29.22shadeslayerSRabbelier: seeing how a few DD's had signed mine at UDS-N i was *really* scared for a few mins
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18:30.04shadeslayeraw .. they discontinued firegpg
18:30.22SRabbeliershadeslayer: Sorry, DD's?
18:30.31shadeslayerSRabbelier: Debian Developer's
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18:32.40SRabbeliershadeslayer: ubuntu dudes too I see :P
18:32.45shadeslayeryep :)
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18:33.03shadeslayerneed to get more sigs ;)
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18:40.03golearyhi everyone
18:40.16MatthewWilkeshi goleary and nobody else
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18:41.24SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: hihog
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18:43.06MatthewWilkeswants pork
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18:44.36SRabbelierwouldn't mind some
18:45.26MatthewWilkessausage wrapped in bacon
18:46.11golearywhat organizations are you guys working on proposals for?
18:47.17gevaertsrefuses to work on proposals
18:47.27MatthewWilkesI'm a mentor, as is gevaerts
18:47.52*** join/#gsoc pr0ton (
18:48.29kblinI work on proposals
18:48.41*** join/#gsoc cronco (~cronco@
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18:49.35SRabbelierI have an idea
18:49.41SRabbeliermaybe I should apply for GSoC as a student this year!
18:49.49SRabbelierI'm still in school.... :D
18:50.05gevaertsGo for it!
18:50.07MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: So am I…
18:50.15kblincurrently I'm trying to build samba on android for a talk I want to give at this year's SDC
18:50.16ThomasWaldmannyou could work on melange :D
18:50.18MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: except I actually could
18:50.20SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: let's do this!
18:50.35MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: Google employee!
18:51.16SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: am not (yet)!
18:51.24*** join/#gsoc redache (
18:51.29MatthewWilkesHmm, thought you were, nm then
18:51.47SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: getting paid to work on Melange, but with PO, not even as contractor :P
18:51.56NightroseSRabbelier: MatthewWilkes: let's do it - this is my last chance as well :P
18:52.03MatthewWilkesI have one more
18:52.03gevaertsuh oh
18:52.12gevaertsBut where will we find new mentors?
18:52.13|Kev|Good grief, you young 'uns
18:52.17kblinMatthewWilkes: google doesn't hire anyone without a university degree, I think
18:52.31MatthewWilkesNightrose, SRabbelier:  For eachother's orgs, or ou
18:52.33SRabbelierNightrose: yeaaaah!
18:52.34MatthewWilkesr own?
18:52.41*** join/#gsoc ramshacklecpu (~0x90@
18:52.49kblinhm, I'm game ;)
18:52.58kblinbut I have one more year I guess
18:52.59SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: our own of course, we're org admins, we can vote ourselves in!
18:53.08*** join/#gsoc telkkar_ (~telkkar@
18:53.09SRabbelierit's going to be a revolution!
18:53.23Nightrosethough i have 4 other admins to fight...
18:53.24|Kev|Don't be silly. Melange wouldn't allow that, and there's no way around th...
18:53.24SRabbelier(note to bystanders: Melange doesn't allow org admins nor mentors to apply as students, don't worry)
18:53.28Nightroseshouldn't have let them in
18:53.29MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: I'm not an org admin
18:53.32MatthewWilkesjust backup
18:53.34SRabbelierNightrose: remove them!
18:53.42SRabbelier|Kev|: hhehehe
18:53.44gevaertsSRabbelier: you have a few days left to fix that
18:53.55MatthewWilkesI hear patches are welcome
18:54.13SRabbelierThe league of mentors gone bad!
18:54.21SRabbelier(must be because of all the crap on the ML)
18:54.27SRabbelier(can I say crap in here?)
18:54.43MatthewWilkesdepends, do we use european or american swearing standards?
18:54.45SRabbelieris it PG-13?
18:54.58NightroseMatthewWilkes: european
18:55.00SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: American of course, don't you know that GSoC is biased to the US
18:55.02AlexPMatthewWilkes: Judging on what someone got told off for the other day, American
18:55.13SRabbelierAlexP: heheh :P
18:55.14*** join/#gsoc slavochka (
18:55.14AlexPI would never have even considered this word as taboo in any way
18:55.32MatthewWilkesHow about the swear words that I've never heard from americans?
18:55.44AlexPTo me it was like being told off for saying "fish" :)
18:55.45MatthewWilkesI assume it's because they're too advanced, but you never know
18:55.46SRabbelierquoth : "If a film uses "one of the harsher sexually derived words" (such as fuck) one to four times, it is routine today for the film to receive a PG-13 rating, provided that the word is used as anexpletive and not with a sexual meanin"
18:55.55gevaertsAlexP: "fish"? How dare you?
18:56.01AlexPgevaerts: I know :/
18:56.06|Kev|I consider it swearing, but I'm fairly conservative.
18:56.10*** kick/#gsoc [AlexP!~SRabbelie@] by SRabbelier (mind the language, fish is clearly not acceptable)
18:56.21*** join/#gsoc AlexP (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP)
18:56.22MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: But you said "fuck"
18:56.25AlexPheh :)
18:56.26*** join/#gsoc realitygrill (~realitygr@
18:56.30Nightroseindeed you did!
18:56.31|Kev|Although not as offensive as vanity kicks :p
18:56.49SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: Was it used as an explitive though?
18:56.52NightroseMatthewWilkes: also you repeated it!
18:56.56gevaertsuh oh
18:56.57censorydepi had no idea colloquy had a kick audio notification.
18:57.04gevaertsrealises that he repeated "fish" :
18:57.07*** kick/#gsoc [MatthewWilkes!~SRabbelie@] by SRabbelier (language!)
18:57.18AlexPgevaerts: multiple times
18:57.21SRabbeliergevaerts: twice!
18:57.23*** join/#gsoc titankiller (~titankill@
18:57.27*** join/#gsoc MatthewWilkes (
18:57.35MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: I was quoting you!
18:57.40SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: no excuse!
18:57.40gevaertsSRabbelier: I think this rule is a bit fishy!
18:57.50MatthewWilkesAnd no, not an expletive, but that's a dangerous rule
18:58.55MatthewWilkesAlso, why is it so damn hot?
18:59.05SRabbelierhehe :P
18:59.10*** join/#gsoc cronco (~cronco@
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19:00.37MatthewWilkes25ºc today
19:00.40MatthewWilkesbad precedent
19:00.52SRabbelierno way
19:01.03MatthewWilkeshotest April 3rd on record, apparently
19:02.10k0pSRabbelier: is possible to a student apply 2 proposals for the same organization?
19:02.17SRabbelierk0p: sure
19:02.22SRabbelierk0p: but quality over quantity
19:02.27SRabbelierk0p: and only 1 can be accepted
19:02.37gevaertsUnless of course SRabbelier and MatthewWilkes hog all the slots :)
19:02.52SRabbeliergevaerts: truth
19:03.32k0pSRabbelier: I know. A student ask me for that. "Only one proposal option on melange site"
19:04.01SRabbelierk0p: huh?
19:04.39*** join/#gsoc varunvyas (~chatzilla@
19:05.11k0pSRabbelier: well, is there a way to simulate a student accoun
19:05.26k0p(damm ssh is slow)
19:05.39SRabbelierk0p: seeded with socghop data
19:08.06k0pSRabbelier: I'm already admin on that
19:08.25k0pwell, I can use other google account
19:08.49SRabbelierk0p: yeah
19:09.31*** join/#gsoc catalinb (
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19:12.13*** join/#gsoc ganja (~ganja@
19:12.46*** join/#gsoc kassayakos (kassayakos@
19:12.49mmlevittdear #gsoc, which organization should I apply to, if I want to work with Java Server Pages or the Google Web Toolkit?
19:13.27*** join/#gsoc easwar (~inpressi@unaffiliated/inpressi)
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19:14.03MatthewWilkesmmlevitt: The one that seems most appropriate to you after reading the org list and relevant idea lists
19:15.28*** part/#gsoc TobiasFar (
19:15.55mmlevittMatthewWilkes: I was getting the feel that GSOC is very open ended.  Thank you.  I will propose to specific organizations with the idea and skills.
19:18.46*** join/#gsoc sayan (~Sayan@
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19:20.38*** join/#gsoc Kiel (
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19:22.09Kieli have a quick question, Im currently a student at Oregon StateUniversity and will be on a internship during the summer. Could i still apply to work on a opensource project for the summer of code? Alot of the projects state that they want 40 hours a week but most look like they could be completed in 20 at most
19:22.17*** join/#gsoc promulo_ (~promulo@
19:22.48hypatiaKiel: you;re expected to treat it as a full-time deal
19:22.53hypatia30+ hours a week
19:23.14|Kev|40, in fact.
19:23.24|Kev|GSoC should be your main focus for the summer.
19:23.34golearyany particular reason why all the tags disappeared off of the accepted organization page?
19:23.47MatthewWilkesKiel: 20 is very possible, it's the very definition of half-assing it
19:23.57SRabbeliergoleary: what?
19:23.57SukhEAnd if you think that they can be completed in 20 hours / week, you are mistaken :-)
19:24.18socinfoSRabbelier: "screenshot" is Please provide a screenshot illustrating your problem, we recommend for easy screenshotting.
19:24.21SRabbeliergoleary: ^
19:24.33*** join/#gsoc oaktrae (~oak@
19:24.54dberkholzSRabbelier: nah, the country data is only interesting in connection with the times. fwiw, it would be valueless to anyone but a program admin who could access every proposal anyway
19:25.18Kielwell since i wouldnt want to half ass anything can i still apply for them and just stated that i would like to provide additon bug fixes for free?
19:25.29*** join/#gsoc adimania (~aditya@
19:25.32*** join/#gsoc SITZ (~chatzilla@
19:25.37dberkholzSRabbelier: but either way it's not a big deal
19:25.38*** join/#gsoc oaktrae (~oak@
19:25.51*** join/#gsoc sin8h (~Abhishek@
19:25.55SRabbelierKiel: if you can't treat GSoC as your full time job, then don't, there's plenty others out there who can, and need it
19:26.09golearySrabbelier: do you really need a need a screenshot?
19:26.16SRabbeliergoleary: yes
19:26.22SRabbeliergoleary: because it's working for me ;)
19:26.24golearydo any of the tags show up for you when you goto that page?
19:26.30golearyahhh ok
19:26.49OphiuchiKiel: you don't need to do GSoC to work with/on an open source project, many also do "normal" mentoring without pay.
19:26.53SRabbeliergoleary: also, a screenshot shows that you can at least reproduce the bug on your own machine and aren't just trolling ;)
19:28.11KielOphiuchi: How do i do this? just contact them and tell them i cant provide a full 40 hours but would like to participate in coding and be without pay?
19:28.14hypatiaKiel: if you just want to work on a projct for fun/free, don't bother with an app
19:28.32SRabbelierKiel: yeah, just contact their dev list
19:28.35hypatiaKiel: just get in touch with the project directly and start working on bugs :)
19:28.47hypatiais doing exactly that with GnuCash
19:28.52hypatiahad my first patch accepted :D
19:29.09Kielok sounds good im not looking for pay im just looking to help out
19:29.24hypatiaKiel: fantastic :)
19:29.33Kieldo you know of any projects accepted that need more help then others?
19:29.41*** join/#gsoc Trademark_ (
19:29.48hypatiathey all have bugs to be fixed
19:29.54Kielk you got it
19:30.08hypatiaKiel: if you're just getting started with open source stuff check out
19:30.21hypatiathey aggregate easy bugs from various projects
19:30.26hypatiagreat way to get started :)
19:30.40hypatiamy gnucash patch was one line, for example :)
19:31.06*** join/#gsoc amaurymedeiros (~amaury@
19:31.25dberkholzSRabbelier: heh, that comment about screenshots makes me want to go crazy hand-painting something on a screenshot, since it must be real if it's on one, right?
19:31.32SRabbeliergoleary: wait, is that on perhaps?
19:31.51SRabbelierdberkholz: hehe :P
19:31.59*** join/#gsoc chrisql (
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19:32.23golearyi see
19:32.34golearyyes it was how did i get on that site?
19:32.41dberkholzSRabbelier: btw, great example of the absurdity of cumulative scores with only positive numbers — we've got spam proposals that 15 people marked as a 1 ranking about real proposals with just a few good scores
19:33.04|Kev|I thought the scores were going to be averaged?
19:33.05SRabbelierdberkholz: hah, nice1
19:33.10SRabbelier|Kev|: they are
19:33.21dberkholzjust not yet in the dashboard view
19:33.24SRabbelierbut we assumed people would still want to use cumulative score to rank on
19:33.25golearycan anyone look at the proposals?
19:33.28|Kev|After I played with numbers the other night at some length to show how broken anything else was :)
19:33.36chrisqlHuh... I've got a question about the timeline.
19:33.38SRabbeliergoleary: 'look at the proposals'?
19:33.44golearyor rankings
19:33.51socinfoSRabbelier: "timeline" is
19:33.53chrisqlIt says May 23: Students begin coding.
19:33.54SRabbelierchrisql: ^?
19:34.00golearywhatever it is that you guys are talking about
19:34.16SRabbeliergoleary: what about it?
19:34.18chrisqlYeah, I'm looking at that right now in fact.
19:34.30chrisqlIt's just that, for me... term ends a month later.
19:34.30SRabbelierchrisql: sure, what about it?
19:34.41*** join/#gsoc dnk-88 (dnk-88@
19:34.42SRabbelier(curious how I have the same question to two people in a row :P)
19:34.50*** join/#gsoc varunvyas_ (~chatzilla@
19:35.00SRabbelierchrisql: state that clearly on your application
19:35.05*** join/#gsoc r0bby (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby)
19:35.08golearycan anyone see the rankings? for instance once I have submitted a proposal can i see where it ranks?
19:35.31*** join/#gsoc GameBit07 (~chatzilla@
19:35.43SRabbeliergoleary: no
19:35.45SRabbeliergoleary: that's private
19:36.02SRabbeliergoleary: we're all mentors/admins
19:36.12chrisqlOkay, will do. It just seems as though the "mid-term" is right at the beginning... I guess I can do some stuff before the end of term though.
19:36.13SRabbeliergoleary: (we being the people who were just talking about scores)
19:36.15golearyok thanks for clearing that up
19:36.26SRabbeliergoleary: np
19:38.37*** join/#gsoc mhuot (~mhuot@pdpc/supporter/active/mhuot)
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19:48.17sonney2kSRabbelier, thanks a lot for the new interface - I finally see that of the 25 applications we have 11 from one (!) student...
19:49.04SRabbeliersonney2k: whoah!
19:49.06SRabbeliersonney2k: shocking
19:49.08dhaunsonney2k: wow, and how many of those are any good?
19:49.39ThFabbaIt'd be kind of awesome if they all were really good. Pity that that's unlikely :p
19:50.29*** join/#gsoc Trademark__ (
19:50.31golearythere are only 25 applications in for all of gsoc?
19:50.48golearyor is that just for one of the organizations?
19:50.58sonney2kdhaun, haven't read them all yet. 2 of them are excellent, a recall names of a few more students so I expect around 8 of the remaining 14
19:51.06AlexPgoleary: One org
19:51.14golearyhaha ok
19:51.26golearywhat organization are you associated with sonney2k?
19:51.30AlexPgoleary: We can only see our own orgs
19:51.39AlexPWell, except SRabbelier :)
19:51.52sonney2kgoleary, heh surely just one org, shogun / tu-berlin / mpi
19:52.12SRabbelierlogs in with his program administrator account
19:52.30SRabbelierwaits for the list ot finihs loading
19:54.15SRabbelier1227 proposals so far
19:54.20SRabbelier(only 11 more!)
19:54.37SRabbelierabout as many mentors
19:55.08betaversionis there any limitation to the number of proposals ??
19:55.10*** join/#gsoc plightbo (
19:55.59sonney2kSRabbelier, what was the number of proposals last year?
19:56.15socinfoMatthewWilkes: "numapps" is 417 mentoring orgs applied and 175 were accepted this year. In 2010, 367 mentoring orgs applied and 151 were accepted; 5539 proposals were submitted by 3464 students, and 1026 were accepted
19:56.21SRabbelierbetaversion: no, was referring to 1337, aka leet
19:58.53*** join/#gsoc iamaregee1 (~aregee@
19:59.27kblinbut 1127 + 11 = 1138 ;)
19:59.47SRabbelierI was missing a 0 :)
19:59.52SRabbelierit happens
20:00.00kblinSRabbelier: sorry to cramp your style, but off by an order of magnitude is pretty bad ;)
20:00.15SRabbelierkblin: pfshaw :)
20:00.21SRabbelierkblin: be glad it's only one
20:00.32ThFabbaThe 0 has no value, so it's not a problem ^^
20:00.34gevaertsAnd being off by an order of magnitude on *leetness* is worse! :)
20:01.28kblinThFabba: are you a biologist? that sounds very familiar
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20:04.39ThFabbakblin: Well actually I'm one of the guys for whom zeroes make up 50% of all information.... But.. that wasn't my point! No value!!1! :D
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20:05.02ThFabbakblin: though I'm not totally sure about the biologist reference. Is it funny? :)
20:05.16kblinno, actually it's a bit sad :)
20:06.22kblinI just spent a month in the lab for nothing because the last person working on this stuff was off by an order of magnitude
20:07.33*** join/#gsoc gsoc_Sog3k1nG (79349064@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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20:09.53ThFabbaAh. Like spinach being extremely rich in iron? That sucks
20:09.56ThFabbaer... inhales
20:10.43MatthewWilkesthe order of magnitude is a great name for a secret society
20:11.08*** join/#gsoc c0smikdebris (~c0smikdeb@
20:12.18SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: I vote in favor
20:14.32*** join/#gsoc admish (~admishra@
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20:15.38kblinlet the symbol be a big M ;)
20:16.27SRabbelierkblin: not a big O? ;
20:16.51*** join/#gsoc sayan (~Sayan@
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20:17.25SRabbelierTriskelios: I like it
20:17.58gadulixO(M) looks for me as asympthotic notation - am I geek ^^ ?
20:18.01*** join/#gsoc neXyon (~neXyon@
20:19.20SRabbeliergadulix: that's the idea
20:19.28*** join/#gsoc daniloaf (~daniloaf@
20:19.49SRabbeliergadulix: O for "Order of", M for mangnitude :P
20:20.35kblinSRabbelier: oh, and of course we need ranks
20:20.36gadulixSRabbelier: of course I know :P
20:20.45ThFabba(and nomnom for food, which is good. mmh food)
20:20.52SRabbelieryes :)
20:20.57*** join/#gsoc dingoberry (
20:20.59*** join/#gsoc Avya (~chatzilla@
20:21.14kblinO(1) will be the leader, and the beginners will get O(n!!) ;)
20:21.19dingoberryIs anyone else having issues with updating a proposla on the melange website?
20:21.25SRabbelierkblin: haha :D
20:22.11SRabbelier!learn moredata as Please provide more data on your problem, have you tried turning it on and off again?
20:22.12socinfoSRabbelier: The operation succeeded.
20:22.16socinfoSRabbelier: "moredata" is Please provide more data on your problem, have you tried turning it on and off again?
20:22.17SRabbelierdingoberry: ^
20:22.35dingoberrysometimes I get a screen with only 1 button : "Resubmit" which doesn't seem to do anything, then other times I get 2 buttons "Update" and "Withdraw".  Now my app looks like a screwy mess and I just wanted to fix a typo
20:22.50SRabbelierdingoberry: if it says "resubmit" you've pressed withdraw
20:22.57SRabbeliersuspects that somehow withdraw is getting highlighted
20:24.53dingoberryah ok
20:25.50*** join/#gsoc CrawfordComeaux_ (~crawford@
20:26.24dingoberryok, maybe there should be a status or check or something for withdraw, because when I accidentally clicked it, my proposal still appeared in my dashboard.
20:26.54dingoberryIf i wouldn't have wanted to fix the typo i might have inadverntantly not applied
20:27.01dingoberrythat would have been sad
20:27.34*** join/#gsoc betaversion_ (~chatzilla@
20:27.47dingoberryall good now though, thanks
20:28.07*** join/#gsoc daniloaf (~daniloaf@
20:28.18SRabbelierdingoberry: it should be more obvious, yeah
20:28.23SRabbelier(what the current status is)
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20:38.53SRabbeliersabdegul: que?
20:39.30sabdegulsorry about that
20:39.43SRabbelierobvious plug is obvious
20:40.44*** join/#gsoc kronos (~bhargav@unaffiliated/bhargav)
20:41.07MatthewWilkestests for double standards
20:41.14mmadia#gsoc    ;)
20:42.21SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: lol, not your org though :P
20:42.26SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: but, to be fair
20:42.57*** join/#gsoc nonreviad1 (
20:45.14socinfoSRabbelier: "patience" is Patience is very important in GSoC/GCI. Relax and go code something useful.
20:45.16SRabbelierkronos: ^
20:45.30SRabbelierkai: I want socinfo in #melange too :P
20:46.20kronosSRabbelier, yeah ..fine :)
20:46.20*** join/#gsoc BlankVerse (~pankajm@
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20:50.34*** join/#gsoc oaktrae (~oak@
20:50.36kblinSRabbelier: can do :)
20:51.04*** join/#gsoc BlankVerse (~pankajm@
20:51.21*** join/#gsoc Cazou (~Cazou@
20:51.24golearyis there a chatroom on freenode for tor?
20:51.33SRabbeliergoleary: sortof
20:51.41SRabbeliergoleary: the main one is.. on another one, I forget which
20:51.54SRabbelierThe actual #tor channel is on
20:52.02golearywhatabout on here?
20:52.04SRabbeliergoleary: also, why did'nt you try? #tor :)
20:52.40chrisqlSuccess! *airpunch*
20:53.07chrisqlFirst proposal: submitted! Whoop.
20:53.39*** join/#gsoc mutux (~muratux@
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20:57.11golearyahh ok i tried #tor-dev
20:57.17*** join/#gsoc Mengyun (
21:01.14*** part/#gsoc chrisql (
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21:11.21*** join/#gsoc mmoya (~moya@2001:4b98:dc0:43:216:3eff:fe2f:30a7)
21:11.22MatthewWilkesI just found a sweet
21:11.30MatthewWilkesIt is potentially 8 months old
21:11.34MatthewWilkesbut there's no expiry date
21:11.36MatthewWilkesstill good?
21:11.43gevaertsOf course it is
21:11.57MatthewWilkesmmm lemony
21:12.29kblinMatthewWilkes: if it's sweet enough, nothing will spoil it
21:12.38kblinthat's the idea behind things like marmelade
21:12.52MatthewWilkesbut if it's not it's a huge foodsource
21:13.13SRabbelier#gsoc, proving health advice to geeks since 2005
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21:13.30kblinsure, but "enough" is given by the humidity
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21:37.42kblinthere's a student trolling my mailing lists, I'm impressed
21:38.10MatthewWilkeskblin: oh?
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21:40.52kblinMatthewWilkes: he's sending virtually identical requests to three lists I follow
21:43.48dotnickDo orgs usually provide feedback to applications or is it something you have to ask for?
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21:44.27gevaertssees the samba logo... Weird how one can use software for years and not know its visual image...
21:45.09gevaertsdotnick: some organisations may decide to wait for the application deadline before saying anything
21:45.51dberkholzi suppose some could even just score it and discuss it privately without providing any public feedback
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21:46.47dotnickgevaerts: Hm.. that's not really helpful
21:47.47gevaertsdotnick: indeed... Sorry
21:48.04gevaertsI don't think asking for feedback would be seen as bad
21:48.12gevaertsAs long as you don't overdo it :)
21:48.17dberkholzif you want a conclusive answer, ask people with your org
21:48.23dberkholzevery one is a little different
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21:55.39dotnickgevaerts dberkholz Thanks, I'll contact the org.
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22:34.20PhilCan high school students participate in gsoc?
22:34.40ThomasWaldmannyes, as mentor :)
22:36.48PhilThomasWaldmann: I mean ThomasWaldmann participate as a student. I'm not an active member of any open source organizations
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22:37.33ThomasWaldmannPhil: did you read the faq?
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22:39.53PhilI did, I didn't see a mention of it
22:40.04PhilAnd I didn't see it online anywhere else
22:40.17Triskeliosthere's an entire FAQ section on eligibility
22:40.41Philoh I just saw that
22:40.44Philokay thanks
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22:54.54golearyis there a channel for gambit?
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23:00.58golearyanybody here?
23:02.33ojwbgoleary: see gambit's org page in melange for ways to contact them
23:02.57golearyi did i found nothing about an irc channel
23:03.10ojwbwell, I've no idea
23:03.37ojwbif they have one or not
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23:03.42ojwbbut if they don't list one there, they don't want you to use IRC to contact them...
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23:07.27destiwhat is gambit?
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23:12.08ojwbdesti: one of the mentoring orgs
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23:12.43ojwbhas no idea what they do, but I've seen the name in the list
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23:21.33rahul_The Gambit Project's logo URL, as entered on the Organization Profile is This is a 65px by 33px png. It is invalid according to Brett Profitt who emailed the mentors list earlier to notify us. Any ideas why it might be invalid?
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23:25.59eocas he emailed, it 404'd.
23:27.33HexxehIs 1000 words for a proposal too long, or about right?
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23:28.03ThFabbaGot about the same, Hexxeh. Though that doesn't mean anything of course :D
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23:28.10HexxehHeh :P
23:28.21HexxehI'm really not very good at writing these, but I think my idea is solid :D
23:29.11rahul_eoc: OK, thanks. Happy if it was nothing more than that. We haven't see the logo in the rotation yet.
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23:31.40ojwbHexxeh: word count isn't the critical factor - you need to give enough detail, and how many words that takes depends on the nature of the project and your writing style
23:31.58ojwbit's probably a plausible length
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23:32.21ojwba dozen words is definitely too short (that's the shorter end of the range for us currently)
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23:32.44summatusmentismy old apps were quite a bit longer than 1000 words
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23:34.25ojwbit might come as a shock to many students, but word count isn't a great measure of quality
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23:43.30golearyawful quiet in here
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23:45.25ojwbgoleary: everyone is probably busy writing or reviewing proposals
23:45.59golearyyeah me too just my luck i have an electricity and magnetism exam thursday too
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23:46.23eocojwb: or you stunned a good majority of those writing with your above statement ;-)
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23:52.14ojwbeoc: about word counts?
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