IRC log for #gsoc on 20110329

00:00.08NepaliKoChorookay, trying once again
00:00.10new_onehi, what does @ in front of names mean?
00:00.18SRabbeliernew_one: channel operators
00:00.28efesnew_one: those are more important : D
00:00.36new_oneSRabbelier: thanks
00:00.47Kraytulfancy hats for fancy people ;)
00:00.51chxLOL someone copied the template verbatin
00:00.55efeschx: I know some orgs have untypical templates to be sure that copy-me-paste-me method will fail. Maybe you need kind of Re-Captcha for applying students :P
00:01.01blast007Guest34015: that image host seems to be down..
00:01.11SRabbelierchx: the template is pasted in their application
00:01.17NepaliKoChoro@SRabbelier, the link is still not working
00:01.17SRabbelierchx: they probably hit enter too soon or something
00:01.25chxSRabbelier: ah. can they edit?
00:01.36SRabbelierchx: yes
00:01.40NepaliKoChorois it beacuse of the Squid proxy that I'm using?
00:01.56chxSRabbelier: good :) 'cos the summary sounds intruging on this one.
00:02.17chxefes: If we know that isset($a) === empty($a) then what $a could be? <= that's the captcha.
00:02.30NepaliKoChoroall i see is "Before you can apply to be a with an organization in Google Summer of Code, you must fill out this form in order create a profile."
00:02.37NepaliKoChoroand there's still no link
00:02.46SRabbelierNepaliKoChoro: fill out the form?
00:03.15NepaliKoChoro@SRabbelier, sorry but the link that says fill out the form is not working
00:03.39efesNepaliKoChoro:  search for "APPLY" button.
00:03.54ojwbchx: so they just have to leave the answer blank?
00:04.03chxojwb: lol
00:04.13NepaliKoChorodidn't notice the differnce in the layout
00:04.21NepaliKoChoropreviously it read Mentors apply
00:04.38chxojwb: i prefer 'empty string' or '' or "" or somesuch. (But, there are more solutions. In fact we found a bug on the empty handbook page on let me fix that)
00:04.41lolfrenzhere's a finite recurrence for you: GNUEWII = GNU Not Unix Except When It Is
00:04.51ojwbchx: hmm, I wonder if there's a "clever" answer if you define a suitable class
00:05.15chxojwb: there is no magic __empty method so i'd be surprised.
00:05.18Guest34015What if I accidentally registered as a mentor?
00:05.31chxojwb: but then, as i siad, the community found a solution that is not in the handbook.....
00:06.06Guest34015Now my email is busy
00:06.40efeschx: I'm not PHP devel, but... does "0" meets this assertion?
00:07.13SRabbelierGuest34015: send an email to my nick at gmail with your link_id and a request to delete your mentor profile
00:07.22SRabbelierGuest34015: also, include a payment of chocolate ;)
00:07.53chxefes: it does :)
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00:08.05chxefes: in many ways
00:08.21chxefes: 0  0.0   and '0'   are all good.
00:08.33scorchebut what about 0.000 ?!
00:08.40ojwbbut not "0.0"
00:08.46ojwbwhat a strangely screwy language
00:09.05zgregit's php
00:09.22efes0.0 not? :o
00:09.27chx0.00000 is the same it's still a float 0.
00:09.30zgregbut I don't want to start a flame
00:09.32chxbut '0.0' is not .
00:09.42chxcome on
00:09.47chxi write the
00:09.55chxyou want to tell *me* how screwed up PHP is :D ?
00:10.10zgregwhat's even more screwed up than php are some of the comments in the official docs
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00:10.30zgregthe code samples some people provide are really WTF
00:10.35zgregin many, many cases
00:10.40ojwbmy favourite recent discovery is that the string length you pass in when setting a constant in PHP's C API is one different to the length you use when reading a constant in that API
00:10.43boxgood afternoon everyone
00:10.53boxactually evening
00:10.58ojwb(for the name of the constant this is)
00:11.50*** part/#gsoc SRabbelier (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/srabbelier)
00:11.54efesAt thedailywtf I saw extraordinary php code with functions such as returnTrue { return true; } returnFalse {return false;} etc.. etc...
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00:12.08efesI'm not sure if he did own comparator, but it was incredible : D
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00:12.29efesWhole the code was like this.
00:13.01socinfoSRabbelier: "logs" is
00:13.15ojwbefes: oh, I assumed that phpwtf was for features in the language, not uses of it...
00:13.28zgregI guess it's for both
00:13.33SRabbelierwhat, no live logs?
00:14.10*** part/#gsoc jiageng_yu (~yuyu@
00:14.15efesojwb: you were right.
00:15.23SRabbelierGuest34015: where's the chocolate? :(
00:16.23Guest34015A little later :)
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00:24.44chxzgreg: if you want to help cleaning up the manual , i am sure they would love a helping hand.
00:25.28clr_Hi I was wondering if you are allowed to revise your application after you submit it.
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00:26.16ojwbclr_: yes
00:26.23ojwbup until the submission deadline
00:26.24zgregchx: hehe no, sorry :)
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00:27.16dayoungwhen are orgs able to rate applications? as soon as they're submitted?
00:27.34ojwbyes, if it's like previous years
00:28.28chxbut if you rate too early then you might get into the early bird gets the worm situation (or, the richer gets richer -- peoplewill only llookat the already high-voted apps)
00:28.37zgregso it's a normale procedure to keep working on improving the proposal until the deadline?
00:29.04dayoungchx: thanks for the advice =)
00:29.23chxzgreg: kinda
00:29.40chxdayoung: I have been doing this for too long and i have everything :/
00:30.49dayoung=) gaming the system eh
00:31.53ojwbif you're admin, you might want to consider disabling voting initially perhaps
00:32.08chxojwb: can i do that? (yes i am admin)
00:32.21ojwbthough if there's going to be a bias, one towards early submissions is less bad than the other way
00:32.31ojwbchx: I think there's a checkbox for it
00:32.45dayoungmore serious applicants probably submit early anyways
00:32.51socinfolaserbled: "next" is April 8: 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
00:33.49ojwbdayoung: generally, though sometimes good people don't find out about gsoc until late in
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00:34.02chxSRabbelier: can i disable voting for now?
00:34.24SRabbelierchx: ah, nope, good point
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00:35.12ojwbSRabbelier: is that an issue with the new design?
00:35.35SRabbelierojwb: nope , with the new code
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00:40.02ojwbSRabbelier: right, I was conflating the two...
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00:40.37SRabbelierojwb: When we implemented the new UI we rewrote most backend code from scratch too is what I mean
00:40.58SRabbelierojwb: and there's a # TODO in that code to check for "voting disabled"
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00:50.27quackquackWhen "Google Open Source Programs Office" is the mentor, is an actual Google employee the mentor for the project?
00:50.52dberkholzquackquack: that depends on the project. not necessarily
00:50.58ojwbquackquack: no, you need to bring your own mentor for that (except for the chroumium projects)
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00:52.36ojwbquackquack: please don't PM me without invitation
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00:53.21marcgojwb, out of curiousity, why not?
00:53.43ojwbif you discuss in the channel, others can benefit
00:54.39chxPMing nayone wihtout asking permission is superb crude
00:54.50ojwband if you ask in the channel, someone else can probably help sooner if I'm not around
00:54.54chxit might open a new tab or window and thus move focus
00:55.00chxthat's VERY unnice.
00:55.06marcgmmh, I agree
00:55.19marcgmy irc client doesn't do that, so I didn't know
00:55.24dberkholzheh, ojwb, you said pretty much the same thing here as i did in the query
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00:55.45quackquackAarg, I thought he PM'd me.. sorry! My IRC client highlights differently for PM's and apparently the same when someone starts the message with my name
00:55.47chxnow, those irc clients, and irssi, i am looking at you, makes you miss important messages. irssi--
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00:56.13ojwbhas a second login on some channels running in irssi in screen
00:56.29redheadphoneswaves from weechat
00:56.34dberkholzirssi works fine for me
00:56.38dberkholzyou just need to configur eit properly
00:56.39ojwbwhich I rarely check, and I keep finding PMs there
00:57.07ojwbit's just so I can see scrollback if I'm out and on wifi somewhere
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00:59.30omazapaHi guys, where I can find more information about Google Open Source Programs Office or how it works?
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01:00.45bugQomazapa: do you mean aside from ?
01:01.00*** join/#gsoc thethomaseffect (~thethomas@
01:02.01thethomaseffectHello, just filled in my application and hit submit and got "Invalid XSRF token."? This a bug on my end or with the system?
01:03.11dberkholzSRabbelier: around? see thethomaseffect's comment above...
01:03.23ojwbomazapa: unless you have an academic project in mind and a mentor you can bring along, that's probably not the org for you
01:03.58ojwbthough I thought they were also an umbrella for chromium projects, but that's not apparent from there
01:03.59SRabbelierthethomaseffect: that should only ahppen if you waited >3 hours or something until sumbitting
01:04.04SRabbelierthethomaseffect: but try submitting again
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01:05.18thethomaseffectHmm I did wait a while, wasn't 3 hours but could have been 1. *sigh* guess I'll have to refill the form. Thanks for the help SRabbelier
01:05.25ojwb - apparently not
01:05.42SRabbelierthethomaseffect: sorry about that :(
01:05.45SRabbelieris off to bed though
01:05.51omazapaI am working in opensource project with a teacher in Univerity of Texas at Austin, and I am student of University of Atioquia In Colombia, can google give us support to work in this project in this gsoc?
01:05.56dberkholzojwb: chromium applied but wasn't accepted, iirc
01:06.17thethomaseffectSRabbelier:  It's okay, these things happen, and nn!
01:06.17ojwbdberkholz: I thought I saw somewhere that chromium was under the OSPO umbrella
01:06.18dberkholzojwb: and ospo had chromium in its tags previously
01:06.26ojwbah, that was it I guess
01:06.32dberkholzyeah, i think it became umbrella after not making the cut as its own org
01:06.45ojwbseems they've changed their mind, perhaps
01:07.02omazapaojwb:I am working in opensource project with a teacher in Univerity of Texas at Austin, and I am student of University of Atioquia In Colombia, can google give us support to work in this project in this gsoc?
01:07.27ojwbojwb: i can't speak for google, but it seems that could fit under the ospo umbrella
01:07.40ojwbif your teacher is prepared to mentor you
01:07.56ojwbtalk to them - there are contact details on that page
01:08.10omazapaI can talk with him
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01:08.37ojwbthey only accept a handful each year though, so it's not the quick and easy way to get accepted
01:08.39bugQthethomaseffect: also since they haven't added google docs style autosaves, you should fill it out in a text editor, not in the web form
01:09.03omazapaa ok
01:09.12bugQalthough now I have a feature to request
01:09.30thethomaseffectbugQ:  Good to know, thanks!
01:10.10omazapathanks ojwb
01:10.52*** join/#gsoc eoc` (
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01:13.53ojwbsighs, do we really need another long discussion about address formats...
01:14.19ojwbi don't think anyone on the list thinks it's a sane restriction...
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01:18.56JoeyACan you be a mentor and a student at the same time?  I'm sure I've asked this before, but I forget what the answer ws.
01:19.24zamNit says it in the faq
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01:20.20JoeyAThough I suppose, if I apply and get accepted to the same organization this year as I did last year, it wouldn't hurt to assist other students as an informal mentor.
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01:31.36socinfoqasd: "deadline" is
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01:39.32efestime to leave
01:39.35efesbye folks :]
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02:25.01boxHey guys
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02:26.34boxIm wondering what is the "correct" approach to a project. Should I submit a proposal and wait on feedback or should i talk to the person in charge first and then submit a proposal???
02:27.39kstarbox: I would recommend a mix of both.
02:28.05ojwbdo talk to the org first, but don't hang on to your proposal until seconds before the deadline
02:28.06kstarbox: Submit the proposal, also talk to the person. Actually, maybe you're better off submitting the proposal after some interaction at least with your mentor.
02:28.25kstarbox: Yes, ojwb has very good advice.
02:28.49ojwbnot all orgs have the resources to comment on all proposals, so you may not have a chance to iterate feedback once submitted
02:30.10CrawfordComeauxI've got two applicants whose proposals involve using google wave...anyone know some wave devs I could consult with?
02:30.43ojwbdidn't they kill that off?
02:30.50boxthanks both
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02:32.15kstarojwb: Not entirely, AFAIK
02:33.13CrawfordComeauxbut is no longer being developed & will be killed off sometime this year
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02:34.46ojwbCrawfordComeaux: so i guess apache might be the place to ask
02:35.38CrawfordComeauxojwb: reaching out in that direction too...just fig'd I'd ask in here, too :)
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02:52.52dberkholzany netbsd mentors/admins around?
02:54.47ojwbdberkholz: don't make me use the factoid!
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03:30.12siddharthwhat do we have to fill in Link ID?
03:30.42ojwbjust pick something
03:30.48ojwbyour IRC handle for example
03:31.32DarthGandalfOr something else if you want
03:31.32siddharthok thanks
03:32.07ojwbit just needs to be unique within the system
03:32.37siddharthand in Im network do we have to provide our email address?
03:32.39kstarOh, Melange is open. :-?
03:33.18DarthGandalfBtw, new melange GUI is awful ><
03:33.24wtachiso was the old one
03:33.27ojwbsiddharth: that's Instant Messenger...
03:33.41DarthGandalfOld one at least shown properly in Opera
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03:35.31kstarWell, it's an open-source project. May I suggest a less invective tone...?
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03:35.55hypatiaDarthGandalf: patches are welcome :)
03:36.30marcgthinks DarthGandalf just volunteered himself
03:37.34DarthGandalfhypatia: patch which reverts it to old look, would be ok? :)
03:37.40DarthGandalfkstar: well, sorry then
03:37.50hypatiaDarthGandalf: feel free to try it :)
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03:38.17wtachiwonders what it looks like with CSS disabled
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03:44.51r00tkitgoin down :(
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03:49.55marcgare students notified if they get comments on their proposals?
03:50.56ojwbhopes so, though lots seems to have changed in melange
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03:52.38siddharthshi i updated my proposal yesterday, it looks good and cool i mean the interface :) but who can i add images related to proposal ?
03:53.14nishmuwtachi: Yes, to those who are not able to view the forms properly in Opera, they can disable CSS by selecting "User Mode" in View Bar.
03:54.42siddharthsnishmu, do u have any idea if i can add images src to gsoc proposal ? :/
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03:57.33dayoung_how can I view public submissions to organizations?
03:57.52nishmusiddharths: yes of course, if those images are pertinent to your propsal or describe your ideas better.
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04:00.45dayoung_I can't seem to find any way of viewing public applications
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04:02.18ojwbdayoung_: I think you have to be given the link to see a particular application
04:03.02dayoung_seems a bit misleading? "If you check here, the content of your proposal will be visible for others. Please note that they still will not be able to see any public comments and reviews of the proposal."
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04:03.24ojwbI think it's visible if they have the URL
04:03.45dayoung_ah ok
04:03.50ojwbbut maybe that's different, or not been released yet
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04:04.02ojwbit's kind of hard to say with things being rebuilt around us!
04:04.19dayoung_lol the carpet was pulled out from under us
04:04.24hypatiahas a look at the new melange, and thinks it's lovely
04:04.40dayoung_it looks nicer, but is harder to navigate
04:04.56dayoung_I really liked direct links to the idea pages of each organization
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04:25.20dberkholzit would have been a a lot better if the change had happened around last tuesday when things were locked down, instead of right at a change point in the timeline
04:25.33dberkholzs/a a/a/
04:26.49marcgdidn't notice the mistake
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05:41.47_ohmWhat is the "Link id" and the "Public name"?
05:42.33wtachiLink ID can be anything, it's used in URLs related to you
05:42.40wtachiso you can use your initials or nickname
05:43.21wtachiPublic name is whatever name you want everyone to see within the site
05:43.31wtachiI used public name "Sean Bartell", link ID "wtachi"
05:44.06_ohmwtachi, basically it's asking for your name and handle?
05:44.07svakshalink ID is permanent
05:44.25svakshabut you can change the public name as much as you like
05:44.38_ohmalright thanks a lot
05:44.57wtachiyou don't have to use name and handle, but those are good choices
05:45.28svaksha_ohm: not sure i'd equate link id with handle, but ...
05:45.56ojwbat least for gsoc, you should probably just use your actual name as your public name
05:46.56_ohmalright, so the Link ID is basically something that gsoc can reference you as?
05:47.15wtachiyes, it goes in URLs
05:47.18svaksha_ohm: yes
05:48.01wtachiyou can use your name or initials or nickname or anything else unique
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05:48.23_ohmalright, makes sense, thanks a lot
05:48.25ojwbI suggested they give an example URL where it got used, which I think they thought was a good plan
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06:04.57hrishikeshCan't I submit a proposal in pdf format which I've already created?
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06:22.01socinfo`sri13: "next" is April 8: 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
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06:28.27kdsomeone please tell me how can i propose a project to any participating organizations. ASF has a list of tasks, do i just have to chose from it and inform them?
06:29.05svakshathe application process is via melange only afaik
06:31.30dayoung_kd: you can propose anything, even if it's not on the list
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06:33.18ojwbkd: to actually apply you need to use melange, but it's good to discuss first with the org
06:33.53dayoung_ojwb: do you ever sleep?
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06:34.20ojwbdayoung_: I get asked that a lot
06:35.12theboltojwb: ;)
06:35.22svakshaojwb: yeah, do you?
06:35.29svakshais curious :)
06:35.51dayoung_the correct response to the question is "yep, saturdays" =)
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06:36.51ojwbI do, and about the normal amount
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06:39.55stefanctmeh does not work in opera
06:41.59ojwbapparently if you turn of css it's usable
06:42.40kaistefanct: patches welcome, I guess
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06:44.09theboltmorning kai
06:44.24kaimorning thebolt
06:45.24kaihmm, coffee
06:46.43stefanctwtf why is a telephone number required?
06:47.14dayoung_stefanct: so your mentor can contact you if you disappear?
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06:47.53shinnokor would you prefer your mentor having a telephone number to an assasin rather then you?
06:48.14shinnoktoo glad mentors aren't that ill minded
06:49.34dayoung_open source communities are ruthless
06:49.39stefanctif i _want_ to disappear then having a cell number will probably not be enough to contact me :)
06:49.54stefanctdayoung_: this has nothing to do with foss imho
06:50.15shinnokstefanct,  if you want to disappear then gsoc will probably not suit you
06:50.27ojwbif you disappear, we aren't going to drag you back against your will, but we'd like to know you didn't get flattened by a bus
06:50.29stefanctshinnok: correct, so?
06:50.56stefanctojwb: how does im or email differ from a telephone number in that case?
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06:51.33ojwbI've had failures to communicate via email with people due to something just eating the mail
06:51.44ojwbphones don't have spam filtering usually
06:51.46dayoung_I think the question is why is putting your number down so concerning
06:51.53quazi_farhangood point, since individually the bus factor of each gsoc project is 1 :P
06:52.01ojwbif you're not happy to put it, just explain why instead
06:52.32stefanctojwb: you actually answered that yourself: because they dont have spam filtering :)
06:52.33ojwbhaving had a student disappear on me, I'm happy to know I have multiple ways to contact them to see if they're ok
06:53.04stefanctbtw.. it is not about the mentoring organization, its about google
06:53.08Husainiafter register , need to choose organization ? and submit proposal project ?
06:53.14stefancti dont have a problem telling my mentor my tel
06:53.21ojwbah, mentoring orgs tend to ask to
06:53.30ojwbbecause google won't disclose the number to them
06:54.15ojwbHusaini: yes
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07:05.33kaistefanct: actually, I've had google phone a disappearing student for me (that was before I asked for telephone numbers myself)
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07:06.49ojwbhas yet to receive a junk call from them
07:08.04socinfo`chunmun: "logs" is
07:08.26kaiSo far, the only junk I got from google was weird emails from headhunters
07:08.44kaiand those seemed to be unaware of my GSoC work
07:08.48|Kev|The best kind :)
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07:09.13kaiyeah. with great subjects like "Hello from Google!"
07:09.24kaiI almost deleted that as spam without reading
07:09.38ojwbkai: I think they target people involved in some of the big projects
07:09.49ojwbI'm fairly sure one mentioned debian
07:09.51stefanctkai: heh i heard that from a bunch of ppl :)
07:09.54|Kev|I work on the theory that when I want to apply to Google, I'll get a friend to drop my CV into a tin somewhere, rather than making use of a recruiter.
07:10.06kaiojwb: I never got one that hinted they know that I do Samba
07:10.25ojwbi work on the theory that when they open an office in my town, it'll get a mention in the local paper
07:10.27|Kev|To be fair, mine did explicitly say about my XMPP work, IIRC.
07:10.33kai|Kev|: lh got me on a "Don't bother these people, they know google exists" list
07:10.48|Kev|ojwb: Right. It'd be much more tempting if it was local.
07:10.49stefanctthere is no way to preview or save a proposal right? i.e. when i hit submit it gets transfered to the mentoring org?
07:11.03|Kev|kai: I'm not important enough to have gotten enough for it to bother me :(
07:11.17ojwbstefanct: you can change it up until the deadline
07:11.22ojwbwell, unless that's changed too
07:11.30Nightroselol kai
07:11.42kai|Kev|: it's just been a few of them, I just got on this list because I told this story in the mentor summit hot tub once
07:11.43Nightrosehas gotten a few emails that went nowhere in the end
07:11.50Nightrosethen emailed some friends directly
07:11.55Nightroseworked _a lot_ better
07:12.00|Kev|stefanct: It does get shown to the mentor org, but that's good. They can ask questions early.
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07:12.41kaiand LH didn't believe Google recruiters would send emails like that, so I forwarded her the next one I got :)
07:12.43|Kev|I'm surprised how much I enjoy my non-Google dayjob if I'm honest. Google was always the aim.
07:12.44stefanct|Kev|: no thats not good because i am communicating with them via ml and irc already.. it will just be spam :)
07:13.07|Kev|stefanct: It's expected behaviour, it shouldn't be considered spam.
07:13.13yeswanthcant find the link for mentoring organizations in the new site.. can any one point me there ?
07:13.27ojwbyeswanth: there's a link on the front page
07:13.28Nightroseyeswanth: on the main page below the logos
07:13.36|Kev|yeswanth: try the link to mentoring orgs on the homepage.
07:14.07ojwbwould be interested to hear how much those 5 get an increase in number of proposals, and what proportion of those are any good
07:14.19yeswanthok, thanks .. missed it ..
07:14.27kaiI totally missed the new UI rollout
07:14.36Nightroseojwb: yeah :/
07:14.37ojwbkai: I'm impressed
07:14.45ojwbnot checked your email for the past 24 hours then?
07:16.09yeswanthit would be better if they include the link in the side links
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07:16.18kaiojwb: didn't check them at home, and my work email is set up to not bother me with the google folder getting new mails
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07:17.04ojwbkai: you might want to stow any sharp object before you do
07:17.22kai!learn orgsbylang as Use the filter on to filter orgs by any tag you like.
07:17.22socinfo`kai: The operation succeeded.
07:17.34ojwbunless it's C or Java
07:17.41kaiyeah, whatever
07:17.43ojwbthough putting a comma after helps
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07:20.49|Kev|Only one application so far, and they failed to pay any mind to our template :/
07:21.27|Kev|I don't think I can do so as I'm already a mentor/admin, could someone please confirm that the application box is pre-populated with the template?
07:22.12pygi|Kev|: one moment master
07:22.28stefanct|Kev|: for me/coreboot it is
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07:22.45pygiI'd have to register as student
07:22.51pyginot sure I wanna do that, sorry :-/
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07:23.26|Kev|pygi: Not a worry. Thanks for looking.
07:23.29|Kev|stefanct: Thanks muchly.
07:24.03ojwbhmm, perhaps I should paste ours in
07:24.16ojwbthough I imagine most people will want to edit externally anyway
07:24.49stefanctojwb: ack, but it might help remembering that there is a template from your org :)
07:25.04|Kev|I wonder if I'm too harsh that "Failed to follow simple instructions re: template" is an instant black mark in my mind.
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07:26.00ojwbstefanct: currently there's a link to it there, which should at least remind people
07:26.22stefanctperfect imho
07:26.26ojwbKev: not sure I'd make it an instant fail, but it's not a good sign
07:26.46|Kev|ojwb: Right.
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07:28.21WoadenIf i've been attending college for the past 4 years but have been disenrolled due to california state funds, does that make me illegible for google summer of code?
07:28.29|Kev|Woaden: Yes.
07:28.41|Kev|You must be enrolled on the 25th April
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07:28.52|Kev|(Or accepted into a course to start later)
07:29.08WoadenIf I enroll part time in community college for next semester, would that be acceptable?
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07:29.40|Kev|If that is a University-equivalent.
07:29.51WoadenHmm, no, not a 4-year college.
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07:31.03|Kev|It has to be accredited, whatever that means :)
07:31.20|Kev|Part-time is ok, though.
07:31.27WoadenAllright, I'll look at the faq for that. thanks ^^
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07:32.16|Kev|It essentially seems to mean "Place that is authorised to give out degrees".
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07:35.02WoadenI think i'mg ood
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07:36.47kaimeh, now I'm stuck with tinymce again
07:37.21kai!learn bugs as
07:37.21socinfo`kai: The operation succeeded.
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08:30.01xdxn_hello, everyone! is it possible to find the old proposals from the new website?
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08:40.17imploderxdxn_: i don't know. i'd like to know too. a proposal can be made "public" with the checkbox, though i haven't found the place where these public proposals are displayed.
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08:42.00sukheThey are public for anyone with the URL.
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08:43.59kaixdxn_: not sure, I don't see the old content anymore
08:44.21implodersukhe: where?
08:44.37kaiwow, my desk actually has a surface that doesn't consist of papers
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08:53.52samiranhi this is my first time applying to gsoc
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08:54.18samirancan i modify my proposal after i submit it
08:54.42ojwbup until the deadline
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08:55.44samiranthanks you ojwb. it means i can submit it now and make necessary changes when needed until the deadline
08:56.53ojwbthe mentoring org can see it right away though
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08:57.51Taladon the student application, can the students attach a document, like a PDF?
08:57.56Taladwith the actual proposal
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08:58.58imploderTalad: no, AFAIK. they do not want to have to read documents. the proposal should be in the textarea on the page.
08:59.28Taladmentoring org will read it
08:59.39Taladwho are "they" in your comment?
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08:59.45imploderthe mentoring org
09:00.12Taladwell, I'm a mentoring org, and I want to read it
09:00.33theboltTalad: not sure how it is this year as melange has been upgraded, but earlier years the answer would be no, but you could provide a link for more info
09:00.54Taladactually we have our own internal app to track everything
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09:01.10imploderah, sorry. I'm a student, applying for the 1st year. heard about this in this IRC.
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09:01.22Taladso I'm trying to understand how to keep the two in synch
09:01.44Taladand if there are no documents on GSOC site, then I can keep it in our nexus app
09:01.51ojwbTalad: screen scraping?
09:02.05Taladbut it's a pity, I think the google site should be the "official" submission
09:02.09MatthewWilkesOr submit a patch to Melange that lets you grab it
09:02.10ojwbthere's some data export apis, so you might be lucky
09:02.29ojwbTalad: it is - if there's no submission in melange, the student doesn't exist in gsoc
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09:03.06Taladojwb: so if they have the official proposal document how they submit it "officially" ?
09:03.13Talada document with tables, images and such
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09:04.14theboltTalad: i have never seen a case where that would be required to evaluate a proposal though.. it can provide auxiliary info (and they can link to it) but during those years i evaluated applications i'd say text-only submissions more than enough captured it
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09:04.45Talada text only is like 70's technology
09:05.01TaladI hoped for a bit more :)
09:05.07theboltso? not everything old is bad :P
09:05.20Taladstudents have built very nice proposals
09:05.27gevaertsTechnology reached its peak in the 70s!
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09:05.44Taladwhat you are saying is that they have to now convert all to text, just because the site is dumb
09:06.05TaladI will ask them to link the doc on our site
09:06.10Taladthat's probably the best way
09:06.15thebolt(and afaik text is rather 1500BC technology or so)
09:06.35Taladtext on web site 1500BC, wow!
09:06.45theboltnot on web site, just in general ;)
09:06.50gevaertsthebolt: that's when they had the paperless office!
09:07.07gevaertsWe still haven't managed to get back to that
09:08.12theboltTalad: i would see a point in having sufficient quality of the submission within melange as well though, not just a "proxy" one (for example should some problem arise between student and org where someone external have to step in)
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09:10.53TaladI think uploading one file will be an important feature
09:11.19ojwbisn't the student proposal form HTML?
09:11.41ojwbour proposals so far weren't just plain text I think
09:13.23Taladyes, but uploading a word file is 10 times better
09:13.40Taladnow burn me at the stake of we need open standards
09:13.49ojwbgets the matches
09:13.53TaladI'm resilient to that fire
09:14.14bobbensTalad: you mean LaTeX generated PDF :)
09:14.40gevaertsI don't see any reason to require more than a pdf reader for evaluating proposals
09:14.54Taladbobbens: yes, something for which you need to launch at least 5 different tools and one of which is not maintained anymore, just to create a word doc :)
09:15.11thebolti for one rather read and evaluate fifty text-only proposals over 50 pdfs with lots of images and other distracting things :P
09:15.14Talada PDF is ok as well
09:15.43Taladjust give the option to upload one file
09:15.52gevaertsthebolt: How does LaTeX generated PDF imply "just to create a word doc"?
09:16.04ojwbTalad: we aren't the melange issue tracker...
09:16.06gevaertsAnd what is this unmaintained tool?
09:16.14bobbenslatex is standard where I am :)
09:16.16ojwbgevaerts: microsoft word
09:17.36TaladI will ask to Sverre when he joins
09:17.51theboltTalad: melange discussions usually get redirected to #melange
09:17.52Taladat least to know if there is a plan to add it or not
09:18.04Taladthebolt: I'm there already
09:18.18TaladI will ask him as he joins
09:18.21|Kev|And you've asked there already, which probably makes the discussion here moot :)
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09:19.29Talad|Kev|: I like asking and seeing if someone had similar issues
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09:19.52|Kev|I think most of us would rather read the stuff just in Melange, although I could be wrong. I certainly would.
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09:20.10Talad349 people vs 45 ?
09:20.17TaladI guess it's not the same group really
09:20.49|Kev|349 people vs 45? I don't understand what you're saying.
09:20.50ojwbindeed - those in #melange actually care...
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09:20.59|Kev|Ah, now I do :)
09:21.16ojwbis quite happy he doesn't have to spend the next week telling students he doesn't want word document
09:22.01Taladoh yes, word documents are evil.
09:22.27ojwbyou are a troll and I claim my 5 quatloos
09:23.00Taladnot everyone that express a different opinion as yours is a troll ojwb, remember it
09:23.46ojwbTalad: you've stated in the past few minutes "yes, but uploading a word file is 10 times better" and "oh yes, word documents are evil" - clearly you're really just aiming to provoke people to react
09:23.54MatthewWilkesojwb: I'd rather have a Triganic Pu.
09:24.14Taladgreat discussion :)
09:24.22TaladI will come back when I have another question
09:24.24Taladsee you
09:24.26*** part/#gsoc Talad (~myself@planeshift/director/Talad)
09:24.28|Kev|I'd rather have bars of GPL :)
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09:24.33bobbensheh planeshift :P
09:24.35pygisomebody called me?
09:25.14sakshamis this forum in english?
09:25.20sakshami just got confused...
09:25.28ojwbit's been accused of that at times
09:25.58chunmunsaksham: you are free to use the language you code in ;)
09:26.09MatthewWilkesfrom __future__ import sanity
09:27.08ojwbisn't that undefined behaviour?
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09:27.47gevaertsIt compiles cleanly, provided I have int *********i;
09:28.02aghislacan't count the *s
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09:28.11gevaertsI don't know if it's undefined, but I do know that I haven't tried to work out its exact behaviour :)
09:28.13ojwbgevaerts: yeah, but you're modifying i twice between sequence points
09:28.15sakshamYou missed a *
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09:28.30gevaertssaksham: where?
09:29.13gevaertsojwb: true. A clean example probably shouldn't do that
09:29.14sakshami think i need glasses
09:29.30gevaertsI don't think it matters much though. Anyone who uses that in real code should be shot anyway
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09:30.14sakshamreminds me of my C course last sem...
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09:30.26sakshamour instructore loved pointing to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer
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09:31.48apurvtwrgevaerts: there you go... saksham gave you your first prey
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09:32.13ojwbremembers writing code like "LET A=PI/PI" in his youth
09:32.21ojwbno pointers to abuse in BASIC though
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09:34.06sakshamwhy are there almost no assembly lang. based orgs?
09:34.29ojwbnot many people write in assembler these days
09:34.34bobbensnobody really does a lot of asm anymore :)
09:34.39gevaertsBecause there are nearly no language based orgs in the first place
09:34.43bobbenscompilers optimize pretty well usually
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09:36.36MatthewWilkesmorning zupo
09:37.09zupo_MatthewWilkes: hey!
09:37.32zupoMatthewWilkes: I'm going offline in a few minutes
09:37.36zupoanything urgent?
09:37.43MatthewWilkesnope, just a hi :)
09:37.50MatthewWilkesas I saw your email and am happy :)
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09:38.12zupoMatthewWilkes: :)
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09:56.04Talad|AwayI'm trying to see the steps needed to register as student, so I can then guide the students
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09:56.44Taladand so for example I've selected mozilla org
09:56.52Taladbut there is just a link for mentors there
09:57.06MatthewWilkesTalad: You can't be a mentor and a student with the same google account
09:57.11|Kev|I believe that if you're registered as a mentor, you can't register as a student.
09:57.15ojwbis there a test system still?
09:57.20|Kev|So you can't perform this test. I has a similar issue earlier.
09:57.21Taladthat's why
09:57.40Taladwell, I can create a dummy account
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10:03.24Taladdo you know if t-shirts get sent to everyone that applies, or only to accepted students?
10:03.42TaladI can create a test account to check the process, but I don't want google to send a t-shirt to a dummy user! :)
10:04.17gevaertsAccepted students and mentors
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10:04.38bobbensstudents have to complete the program
10:04.46bobbensdon't think accepted ones get the shirt if they fail to complete
10:04.59ojwbdon't students get the tshirt if they pass at the end?
10:05.03Taladmaybe it's better if I ask one of my students to take screenshots for me
10:05.05gevaertsAh, right
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10:26.12|Kev|Yay, my first junk mentor application.
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10:27.24bobbensyou guys get junk mentor applications too?
10:27.36ojwbsniff, not had any
10:27.45akashm1990What do junk applications look like?
10:27.50bobbensI can understand junk student, but junk mentor?
10:28.00ojwbpeople with no connection with your org
10:28.02|Kev|Message: I have worked a lot on these things for 2 years
10:28.04|Kev|In my case.
10:28.14ojwbnot clear what their motivations are in general
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10:28.29|Kev|When they have never posted to an XSF mailing list as far as my archives can tell.
10:28.57*** join/#gsoc Etern4L (~quassel@
10:29.20akashm1990Weird, understandable to some extent for student applications, not for mentors
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10:30.13|Kev|It's the Internet.
10:30.19*** join/#gsoc kps_foo (~quassel@
10:30.23|Kev|Nothing is too weird for the Internet.
10:30.24bobbensgood point
10:30.47*** join/#gsoc terietor_ (~quassel@
10:31.37ojwbi wonder if people think they can vote for their friend (or themselves) by signing up as a mentor
10:32.02Etern4Lhellou all
10:32.07Etern4Li have a question to make
10:32.12akashm1990could just be a students fake profile to vote for their proposal I guess
10:32.25socinfo|Kev|: "ask" is Don't ask to ask, just ask.
10:32.32Etern4Lme and my friend want to work on the sae project for Gsoc
10:32.36Etern4Lcan we ?
10:32.49socinfo|Kev|: "faq" is
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10:33.56ojwbakashm1990: yes, that's what I meant
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10:34.14Taladok, finally made it
10:34.15Talad (on the organization page)
10:34.15Talad (this one shows up only if you don't have yet a link id)
10:34.15Talad (actual proposal form)
10:34.16akashm1990ojwb, but, can they?
10:34.19Taladthis is how it looks like
10:34.21ojwbthough they'd do better to put the time and effort into a better proposal
10:34.22Taladfor a student
10:34.35Taladin case you are a mentor and you don't know how it looks
10:34.40ojwbakashm1990: well, they're really unlikely to be accepted as a mentor if nobody's heard of them
10:34.58Taladthere is actually an "additional info" field which can be used to link an external resource
10:35.02TaladI think that's probably enough
10:35.10akashm1990So, until they are accepted, they cannot view/vote on proposals?  Good
10:35.14ojwband in most orgs, I suspect it's not simply down to the voting
10:35.53ojwbakashm1990: well, I'd hope not
10:36.07*** join/#gsoc akshayagarwal (~akshayaga@
10:36.21Taladthe content is a sort of MCE tinyeditor
10:37.13Talad!student form
10:38.11Taladsocinfo learn studentform as This is an example of the student form as seen by students: (actual proposal form)
10:38.11socinfoTalad: The operation succeeded.
10:38.17socinfoTalad: "studentform" is This is an example of the student form as seen by students: (actual proposal form)
10:38.29akashm1990Talad, the link doesnt work
10:38.30Taladok, may be useful to other mentors in case they ask
10:38.42Taladakashm1990: mmm
10:38.44Taladit does here
10:38.52Taladmaybe it's cut off by your uni or workplace
10:38.53akashm1990I get
10:39.10akashm1990No, I'm on an unrestricted connection
10:39.26akashm1990thats an issue with imageshack, try using some other host
10:39.29Taladouch interesting
10:39.34Taladdoes the link work for others?
10:40.17TaladI didn't want to place it with an URL of one of our sites to avoid advertizing
10:41.10Taladakashm1990: I PMed you one on our site
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10:56.36shahrimantalad: the student form link doesn work for me either
10:56.46shahrimansame error as akashm1990
10:58.21Taladshahriman: does this work?
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10:59.04Taladsocinfo learn studentform as This is an example of the student form as seen by students: or (actual proposal form)
10:59.04socinfoTalad: The operation succeeded.
10:59.22socinfoTalad: "studentform" is (#1) This is an example of the student form as seen by students: (actual proposal form), or (#2) This is an example of the student form as seen by students: or (actual proposal form)
10:59.25shahrimanTalad: yes. thanks
10:59.41Taladsocinfo remove studentform
10:59.49Taladsocinfo delete studentform
11:00.01Taladsocinfo help
11:00.02socinfoTalad: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
11:00.18Taladsocinfo forget studentform
11:00.18socinfoTalad: Error: 2 factoids have that key.  Please specify which one to remove, or use * to designate all of them.
11:00.28Taladsocinfo forget studentform #1
11:00.28socinfoTalad: Error: There is no such factoid.
11:00.37Taladsocinfo forget studentform (#1)
11:00.38socinfoTalad: Error: There is no such factoid.
11:00.47Taladsocinfo forget studentform *
11:00.47socinfoTalad: The operation succeeded.
11:00.50shahrimanTalad: is this form just for atomic blue or does all org has similar application form?
11:00.52*** join/#gsoc srijan4 (~srijan@
11:00.55in3xessocinfo forget studentform 1
11:00.55socinfoin3xes: Error: There is no such factoid.
11:00.59Taladsocinfo learn studentform as This is an example of the student form as seen by students: or (actual proposal form)
11:01.00socinfoTalad: The operation succeeded.
11:01.09kaiTalad: actually it's just !forget studentform 1
11:01.09socinfoTalad: "studentform" is This is an example of the student form as seen by students: or (actual proposal form)
11:01.18Taladshahriman: all the same I think
11:01.28Taladthat's the only one I tested
11:01.44Taladok, thanks kai
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11:03.04ojwbhmm, getting a random org first again!
11:03.43ojwbthe new UI was showing a random org first in the list
11:03.47ojwbthen they fixed it
11:03.49ojwbnow it's back
11:04.31kaiah, right, no weird link_id...
11:04.33ojwband 175 orgs now - I guess the final one completed their profile
11:04.48ojwbecologylab here...
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11:06.13kaiyeah, here as well
11:06.17akashm1990Is the short description always publicly visible? or only after acceptance?
11:06.48ojwbfinds a fun new game
11:09.04akashm1990should I set my proposals to publicly visible to allow mentors to see it?
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11:10.03|Kev|akashm1990: Mntors can always see them. It's the general public affected by that tickbox.
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11:10.45akashm1990So, if I want to see someone else's submitted proposals(who have selected publicly visible), how would I do that?
11:11.10|Kev|Click the URL they gave you, I guess.
11:11.42akashm1990ok... I thought publicly available meant anyone could see them
11:11.51akashm1990not just those explicitly given a link
11:12.16|Kev|Not sure.
11:12.42*** join/#gsoc harsh_ (~harsh@
11:12.53bobbensI think if you go to a project with public available ones you should be able to see them
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11:13.57ojwbI think in the past it just meant anyone with the link could view it
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11:17.31socinfovh4x0r: "next" is April 8: 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
11:17.38socinfovh4x0r: "numapps" is 417 mentoring orgs applied and 175 were accepted this year. In 2010, 367 mentoring orgs applied and 151 were accepted; 5539 proposals were submitted by 3464 students, and 1026 were accepted
11:17.46*** join/#gsoc abbiya (73f96a85@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:19.34Taladbobbens: tried now, and doesn't
11:19.42TaladI have one public app but it's not listed
11:19.52Taladpersonally I think it's better to have link only
11:20.03Taladmeaning it's public if you have the link
11:20.11Taladbut that's just personal view on it
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11:24.32NightroseSRabbelier: you're a kde mentor now? :D
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11:47.03Talad|Awaywhat's your take if multiple students apply for the same idea, and they are all good ones?
11:47.22gevaertsFind the best one :)
11:47.27Talad|Awaymy take is that if 2 will be approved on the same idea, then we can augment the scope and split it into 2
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11:47.49Talador approve both, then assign one of the two to another idea
11:48.55gevaertsYou can't just tell a student to work on something else. You can suggest it though
11:49.24gevaertsAnd be very careful with splitting. Two projects shouldn't have dependencies between them
11:49.37*** join/#gsoc harsh_ (~harsh@
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11:51.45|Kev|If you can perfectly split them, though, go for it.
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11:52.12|Kev|Also: You could just have them do the same project at the same time (but not together) if the applications are *that* good.
11:52.37|Kev|The rules allow for it, but it's not something I'd have thought should be encouraged.
11:53.47*** join/#gsoc Cazou (~Cazou@
11:54.15Taladgevaerts: "Two projects shouldn't have dependencies between them"
11:54.20TaladI'm interested into that comment
11:54.43Taladwhy you think should be no deps
11:54.54TaladI plan to have all students work together
11:54.54CazouTalad: it's often the case though
11:55.04Taladeveryone with his goals
11:55.08thiagowhat happens if one student fails or delays?
11:55.10Taladbut in an integrated environment
11:55.27Taladthiago: ah, ok . you mean prerequisites
11:55.32*** join/#gsoc cr4zyb0y (~WTH@
11:55.40thiagoif student A depends on student B
11:55.41Taladlike a piece stopping another
11:55.45*** join/#gsoc evalica (~risherry@
11:55.46Taladyes, agreed
11:55.51Taladthat we should watch out for
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11:56.06thiagohaving them work on the same codebase is fine
11:56.12thiagoeven benefit from each other's work
11:56.24thiagobut you should really avoid dependencies
11:56.48TaladI will keep that in mind on the startup
11:56.52RaimTalad: if you have multiple students applying for the same thing, suggest one to submit another proposal before the deadline
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11:56.59|Kev|Talad: No project should require work by anyone other than teh student  beyond what has already been completed when they're accepted.
11:57.19Raimit would be a pity to loose a good student just because they applied for the same task
11:57.20|Kev|Beyond that they can all be in the same codebase or whatever.
11:57.37TaladRaim: correct, that's my issue atm
11:57.45|Kev|So long as they can't break each other's projects.
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11:58.01|Kev|It's fine to suggest students apply for other (or multiple) projects.
11:58.07Talad|Kev|: yes, needs a strong planned separation
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11:59.18ojwbthere have been students who failed due to dependencies on particular hardware being available and it not being IIRC
11:59.23ojwbwhich really sucks all round
11:59.29Z`can students submit >1 proposal for the *same* organisation ?
11:59.34|Kev|Z`: Certainly.
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11:59.42Z`Thanks |Kev|
11:59.53ojwbZ`: it's good to talk to them first
11:59.59ojwbmight save you some writing...
12:00.10sfbZ`: I find it helpful if a student whom does have multiple proposals for me says which one they prefer or ranks them.
12:01.08wolfbZ`, it is allowed, and some orgs even encourage you to, since it will allow them to pick you even if they have a very good app for one of your other proposals
12:01.09Z`alright -- would you (mentors) consider it as a sign of "not enough focused" ?
12:01.23sfbZ`: Depensd on the org/mentor and how many.
12:01.35ojwbif they were clearly all rushed I would
12:01.36sfbZ`: 2-3 is probably fine but any moer than that is not focused enough.
12:01.47ojwbif they're all good it's quite impressive!
12:01.48sfbZ`: Remember that the quality of the proposal matters more than most other factors.
12:01.52wolfbZ`, depends on how much effort you put into them ;)
12:01.53Z`yeh I was thinking more like: 2
12:02.07sfbZ`: So you're better off to have 2 really well written proposals than 3+ quickly written ones.
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12:02.20ojwbbut if you talk to them, you might find they have 30 proposals for one idea already
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12:03.24wolfbsfb, +1
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12:04.03Z`alright, thanks people
12:04.13sfbZ`: np
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12:05.07TaladZ`: I will read that as more interest toward the organization, so welcomed.
12:05.31Taladunless you give a short proposal on everything :)
12:05.38Taladquality first
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12:39.31candgreetings, I'm trying to apply to gsoc. I created a google account and logged in, but see this text
12:39.36cand"Before you can apply to be a with an organization in Google Summer of Code,
12:39.36candyou must fill out this form in order create a profile."
12:39.47candbut there is no link to any form, nor to any profile
12:40.20candalso, I couldn't log in with Opera, had to use FF
12:40.21*** join/#gsoc klickverbot (
12:41.23ojwbcand: SRabbelier may be able to help
12:41.48SRabbelierNightrose: sure am!
12:41.53ojwba couple of other people have mentioned problems with opera - apparently it works better if you turn off stylesheets
12:42.05candI'm ok using FF to do this for now :)
12:42.20SRabbeliercand: if your'e seeing that message you should fill out the form ont he page you're in
12:42.25candthere is no form
12:42.30*** part/#gsoc myrice (~ldd@
12:42.36SRabbeliercand: screenshot?
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12:44.10candscreenshot at
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12:47.38candSRabbelier: what do you make of it?
12:48.09SRabbeliercand: fail on our part
12:48.22SRabbeliercand: scroll down and click the big orange button
12:48.36candthat's how I registered my google acc, no?
12:48.50candewwww, horrible corruption
12:49.02marcgSRabbelier, are students emailed if they get any comments on their proposals?
12:49.04candwonder if it's ff, cairo, gtk or something else
12:49.17SRabbeliermarcg: not yet
12:49.27SRabbeliercand: corruption? what?
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12:50.08dberkholzSRabbelier:  when i format a comment on a proposal and submit, the app trashes all my formatting and puts it into a single paragraph. is that intended?
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12:50.40SRabbelierdberkholz: aaaah, it's rendered as html, you know how html treats whitespace?
12:50.45dberkholzand yeah, echoing marcg's point re notifications. it was a huge pain last time when students never knew if they had an update
12:50.46candSRabbelier, corruption screenshot from the register page:
12:51.03dberkholzSRabbelier: oh, can i use a subset of html tags to get paragraphs then?
12:51.16SRabbeliercand: what the fff???
12:51.26SRabbelierdberkholz: eh, no, but I can add that in a jiffy
12:51.34candso, I can't log in in Opera, and can't exactly read the form in FF
12:51.42aseemcand, are you using th4 *latest* IE9 :P
12:51.49SRabbeliercand: what monstrocity of a browser is that?
12:51.52dberkholzcand: that looks like a re-drawing issue, whether it's your graphics driver or browser
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12:52.16candit's like the gods are not intending for me to register today
12:52.17dberkholzhmm, on 2nd thought maybe not. i don't see the same thing echoed twice
12:52.23SRabbeliercand: try turning off graphics acceleration, probably a graphics card bug?
12:52.39dberkholzjust stacked text like it's not provviding enough space
12:52.43hiemanshucand: try using chrome or something
12:52.55candno. no offense to Goog, but I will not install chrome
12:52.56*** join/#gsoc nitish_mythology (~myth@unaffiliated/nitish)
12:53.04candwill run ff in Xephyr
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12:53.23solardizSRabbelier: hi! with the new UI, how do i edit our org's tags?
12:53.30aseemcand: why not chrome ?
12:53.49candaseem, the privacy issues?
12:53.52dbscand: chromium is an option on most linuxes
12:54.07ojwbsolardiz: you can't currently - there's an open ticket for it
12:54.17SRabbeliersolardiz: known missing feature, will add
12:54.39solardizojwb, SRabbelier: thanks!
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12:55.00ojwbis it just me, or is melange really slow right now
12:55.24SRabbeliercand: what ass-backward version of Fx is that btw? :P
12:55.36cand2. something
12:55.48dberkholztwo major versions back? sweet.
12:55.54kaiojwb: it's all the students hitting F5
12:56.12kaiojwb: oh, wait, it's not results day yet
12:56.14dberkholzrofl kai. but so true, since we don't have notifications...
12:56.17hiemanshucand: try using 1.x or something
12:56.20hiemanshuthat might fix it
12:56.30hiemanshuruns and hids
12:56.53dberkholzi always thought firefox was better back when it was still firebird.
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12:57.03ojwbperhaps chello would work better?
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12:57.16SRabbeliercand: really? 2? :P
12:57.20hiemanshuhasn't used firefox for ages so doesn't know
12:57.30hiemanshucand: if you are on linux there is midori or rekonq
12:57.32ojwbdberkholz: back when it was a small lightweight browser y'mean?
12:57.47dberkholzojwb: yeah, maybe i should switch to dillo, or links -g..
12:57.59hiemanshudberkholz: write your own using webkit
12:58.07hiemanshuit should be 15 lines of code
12:58.16solardizbtw, the profile editors on new melange work fine with ELinks (surprised)
12:58.17candno, still corruption in Xephyr
12:58.18lucianmeh, epiphany is ok
12:58.24candnext: Xnest
12:58.35lucianmidori .. isn't
12:58.45lucianchorme is nice, but still big
12:58.48candhey, would lynx/links work?
12:59.07solardizcand: i just used ELinks to edit our org's profile. no ill effects seen so far. ;-)
12:59.12hiemanshucand: if it isnt a version that older than yourself yeah
12:59.29ojwbhmm, all page loads just time out
12:59.48SRabbelierojwb: working ofr me
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12:59.51ojwbactually, just keep loading rather than time out, at least so far
12:59.57ojwbhmm, probably me then
13:00.06candcorruption even in Xnest, links next
13:00.28SRabbeliercand: can you try with a non-ancient browser? :)
13:00.43solardizi think there's some CSS issue on the profile edit pages
13:00.44candopera would qualify as such, no
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13:00.52solardizwhich is why ELinks is not affected, but Firefox 2 is
13:01.05SRabbeliersolardiz: any clue as to what?
13:01.22hiemanshuSRabbelier: use firebug console to see if it lists any errors
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13:02.10ojwbSRabbelier: thanks for confirming; socghop works anyway
13:02.18SRabbelierojwb: curious
13:02.37SRabbelierhiemanshu: I assume Mario does that
13:02.49ojwbit's the repressive NZ government I bet
13:02.50solardizSRabbelier: no, at least not without debugging. i'd try selectively removing the references to .css files from a saved copy of the html page...
13:02.57solardiz(to narrow it down)
13:03.26SRabbeliersolardiz: I'll ask Mario to look at it
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13:03.49SRabbeliersolardiz: Melange is tested regularly on recent Fx btw
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13:07.04solardizSRabbelier: looks like it's in gsoc2011_files/forms.css
13:07.20solardizoops, gsoc2011_files/ is obviously local to my test setup
13:07.22solardizso just forms.css
13:07.58SRabbeliersolardiz: on Fx 2?
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13:09.11candhey, finally ;) I could fill the form in links
13:10.00SRabbeliersolardiz: can you send a screenshot of how it looks like without forms.css?
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13:10.32solardizSRabbelier: with or without? that is, have you already reproduced the problem?
13:10.34candaaaaaaand here it falls down
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13:10.46candcan't apply to an organization in links, due to no javascript
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13:11.08canddoesn't give a good impression when a google site fails in all browsers :(
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13:11.21kaicand: works for me in chrome ;)
13:11.22MatthewWilkescand: The site requires javascript, yes
13:11.26|Kev|Works fine for me in Chrome and FF.
13:11.51candthat must even be in the gsoc FAQs "works for me is not a good answer", lol
13:11.53blast007cand: from what you described, it sounds more like your system has issues and/or highly outdated software
13:11.56solardizcand: if you're running into the same issue, maybe try saving the problematic html page and remove the reference to forms.css from it?
13:11.58dberkholzcand: so far i think you've managed to try every browser version with less than 1% of total market...
13:12.06candwell no IE on linux
13:12.12cand56% or whatever
13:12.16blast007get a newer firefox
13:12.20|Kev|cand: It disproves your claim that it doensn't work in any browser, though.
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13:12.45candblast007, that would take some hours and a non-trivial amount of effort
13:13.11socinfosocketguru: "next" is April 8: 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
13:13.16solardizwishes newer Firefox still worked on Linux 2.4 kernels ;-)
13:13.24blast007cand: better get started then ;)
13:13.30SRabbeliercand: I'm sorry, we cannot offer support for ancient browsers that do not follow the standard, we'll try to support Firefox 2, but that might take some time
13:13.41candOpera 11 certainly follows standards
13:13.53SRabbeliercand: if you submit a patch that fixes the site for your setup without breaking things for everybody else we'll gladly support it
13:14.08SRabbeliercand: We'll try to support Opera 11 as well
13:14.11candI'm not a web coder, way out of my realm
13:14.18*** part/#gsoc Etern4L (~quassel@
13:14.30dbsSRabbelier: I don't think even Mozilla still supports Firefox 2, it seems unreasonable to me for Melange to invest any resources chasing that target (speaking as a fairly rabid Linux FLOSS user)
13:14.41candI don't expect FF2 support either
13:14.49candI would expect support for the latest Opera though
13:14.58SRabbelierdbs: thanks
13:15.03SRabbelierok, I"ll just ask about Opera then
13:15.09SRabbeliercand: screenshot of things not working in Opera?
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13:16.50candSRabbelier: what happens in Opera when I try to login:
13:16.56candserver error 500 from app engine
13:17.49SRabbeliercand: that's not something we can fix though
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13:18.03SRabbeliercand: have you tried followign the "report this" link?
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13:18.34candSRabbelier, not yet; getting a gsoc application in was my first priority
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13:24.30candyay, it's usable in FF with css disabled
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13:26.12solardizSRabbelier: commenting out "position: absolute;" from "#form fieldset legend span" in forms.css solves the problem for me
13:27.05SRabbeliersolardiz: nice debugging!
13:27.09solardizit's line 452 here
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13:27.35solardizSRabbelier: can you get this info to Mario or something?..
13:27.44SRabbeliersolardiz: yeah, doing that now
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13:28.02aghislaIs there a flowchart about student application procedure? (sorry if I missed it.) The one for gsoccability is really great.
13:28.48SRabbelieraghisla: nope, I only made one for the elegibility
13:29.02SRabbeliersolardiz: removing that makes the legend look lame though :(
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13:29.41SRabbeliersolardiz: compare vs
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13:32.51solardizSRabbelier: i think the "top: -22px;" and "left: 10px;" need to be adjusted then, maybe along with addition of "position: relative;"
13:33.23SRabbeliersolardiz: adjusted to?
13:33.33candwhere can public proposals be viewed?
13:33.45solardizSRabbelier: depends on desired look and testing in multiple browsers
13:33.46Nightroseaghisla: i have one on my blog
13:33.57kaicand: you give people the url, and then they can view it
13:33.57alison-bQuestion about student application period: I see my project & name listed under "accepted projects" but I don't know how to edit what I proposed. (like last year)
13:34.03Nightrosebut it is for kde and mentors as well
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13:34.16solardizSRabbelier: i've just tried commenting out top and left as well, and things look reasonable to me, but you might disagree
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13:34.32SRabbelieralison-b: click it
13:34.40SRabbelieralison-b: wait what
13:34.44SRabbelieralinrus: where do you see that?
13:34.53SRabbeliersolardiz: screenshot? :)
13:35.06alison-bSRabbelier: clicking doesn't work
13:35.13ojwbdberkholz: I see my comment with newlines ignored too - did you say yours fixed itself?
13:35.22SRabbelieralison-b: what url? might be you're looking in the wrongp lace
13:35.44SRabbelierojwb: comments ignore whitespace atm, I'm adding TinyMCE to comments right now
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13:35.58socinfoankush: "next" is April 8: 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
13:36.08ojwbSRabbelier: ah, cool
13:37.09aghislaNightrose: thanks!
13:37.25SRabbelieralison-b: why are you looking there?
13:37.26*** join/#gsoc kubermehrotra (~KUBER@
13:37.41SRabbelieralison-b: go to your dashboard for this year to edit your current proposal
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13:41.42solardizSRabbelier: actually, there are more display issues with my current changes - the darker background below "IM HANDLE" gets shifted (does not match the placement of input fields). so i'm afraid someone familiar with css (i'm not) and with this page's layout
13:41.47solardiz...should work on this, not me
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13:42.25SRabbeliersolardiz: as said earlier though, I don't think it's worth our time either (if it's such a pain to fix),  what with Fx 2 being ancient
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13:42.52solardizSRabbelier: ok. i just think that the issue might show up in other browsers as well, unless it's a browser bug, which i am not sure of.
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13:43.14SRabbeliersolardiz: it's working in Fx 3.x and Fx 4.x though
13:43.15solardizSRabbelier: also, a user-agent check and skipping of one line in the css file might be easy enough
13:43.55solardizSRabbelier: the display in ff2 would not be pretty then, but at least the functionality would be there
13:44.02SRabbeliersolardiz: if you submit a patch that does that we'll definitely accept it
13:44.18candsolardiz: do you also see the corruption? Or are you talking about some other issue?
13:45.32solardizcand: i don't know what you saw, but with that "position: absolute;" line there are multiple elements displayed one on top of another, making it pretty much impossible to click the right things and difficult to see one's inputs
13:46.09alison-bSRabbelier: thx
13:46.11solardizcand: like, hints on proper format are displayed right on top of the input fields, etc.
13:46.31candI posted a screenshot above, this one:
13:46.45solardizcand: yes, that's it
13:47.07candwould be nice if you managed to fix that :)
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13:47.23candof course, my preferred browser is Opera, so if I could only login in that...
13:47.38solardizcand: well, maybe _you_ could create and submit a patch, then? ;-)
13:47.47candfor the 500 server error?
13:47.56solardizcand: no, for text overrun
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13:48.25solardizcand: i debugged this one down to one .css file line, now the task is simply skipping that line on browsers where this causes a problem (unless someone comes up with a better css fix)
13:48.38candsolardiz, I'd bet you can do that far faster than I
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13:48.44SRabbelierojwb, scorche: comments are now of the tasty html variety
13:48.50solardizcand: i'm not a melange developer. i've never seen the code.
13:49.02candtalking purely in css
13:49.06SRabbeliersolardiz: css is the same in any codebase, no?
13:49.12ojwbdarn, just after I submitted one
13:49.17ojwbbut thanks
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13:49.31SRabbeliersolardiz: the file is in soc/content/css/v2/gsoc/ if you're interested
13:49.31solardizSRabbelier: sure, but checking browser type is not - you might already have a proper variable, etc.
13:49.50SRabbeliersolardiz: nope, we do not :P
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13:50.04dberkholzSRabbelier: yay!
13:50.07solardizanyhow, i'm out of time for this, sorry ;-)
13:50.08SRabbeliersolardiz: but good point, you'd need the user agent somewhere
13:50.12SRabbelierdberkholz: ^__^
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13:50.21SRabbelierfor you whiners
13:50.25dberkholzSRabbelier: both student and mentor, right?
13:50.26SRabbelierthe timeline is now mirrored
13:50.27unwesenHey all
13:50.29SRabbelier(e.g., clockwise)
13:50.32SRabbelierdberkholz: yeah
13:50.33dberkholzah, sweet
13:50.48dberkholzi love developers who respond to suggestions
13:50.53ojwbSRabbelier: I noticed already
13:51.02denndawill students get an email notification or something if mentors add comments to their proposals?
13:51.06unwesenFirst impressions with gsoc: I can't enter my name on the melange website because it doesn't accept characters in my native language ...
13:51.13SRabbelierdberkholz: we do try :)
13:51.22SRabbelierunwesen: enter your proper name in the "Display name" section
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13:51.30SRabbelierdennda: not yet, that's what I'm going to work on now
13:51.35ojwbshould students be getting email notifications of comments?
13:51.38denndaSRabbelier: that would be lovely
13:51.40unwesenI did :)
13:51.54denndaunwesen: your native language being? german?
13:52.10SRabbelierojwb: ditto
13:52.10denndamueller? :P
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13:52.29unwesennah... very much more unusual :D
13:52.39ojwbSRabbelier: ditto as in you're about to work on it?
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13:53.30SRabbelierojwb: yes
13:53.55shinnokcan I add a link to a google document and the afferent clarrification in the Content area of the proposal for an organization? reasons are formatting and such.
13:54.21shinnokthe in page editor is quite limited in that sense.
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13:54.58SRabbeliershinnok: what are you missing?
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13:56.27shinnokSRabbelier, first of all it is quite small and only chrome can resize that though in that case it overflows under the blue background.
13:56.50candFWIW, I could resize the editor fine in ff2
13:57.30candSRabbelier, thanks for your help
13:57.49shinnokSRabbelier, and then fonts, text background color, more list styles and line breaks.
13:57.53SRabbeliercand: Sorry I wasn't much more help
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13:58.12SRabbeliershinnok: you can use most html
13:58.29candoh, just out of curiosity, what was supposed to happen in my first issue? (ie, "fill this form" and no form?)
13:58.31shinnokcand, uh, i got mislead by chrome then, indeed the resize is because of the editor not chrome.
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13:59.51candie, was that too because of the browser?
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14:00.22shinnokSRabbelier, i'll just copy paste my doc into the editor and provide the link to the google doc and pdf version in the "Additional info" edit box
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14:00.47SRabbeliershinnok: that works too
14:00.56shinnokSRabbelier, though some formatting is lost :(
14:01.04SRabbeliercand: I'm not sure what you're asking
14:01.07shinnokSRabbelier, nothing that can be fixed
14:01.20SRabbeliershinnok: ok :P
14:01.22candI mean: was it on my side or not
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14:01.37candwould help the mood a bit if even one thing was not my fault :P
14:01.38shinnokSRabbelier, another quick question, no ssl for melange?
14:02.40JaneWellsI was super excited about the 'invite by email' addition, but it looks like the person being invited still needs to have already set up a link_id. The error message just says "There is no user with that email address". It would be great if there could be a link to where they have to go to create a link_id, or even better, be able to send them an invite to create the link_id.
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14:03.01SRabbeliershinnok: do have, go to (same site)
14:03.06SRabbeliershinnok: **https ofc
14:03.25SRabbelierJaneWells: glad you liked it, and I understand your point
14:03.29JaneWellsso with the new admin ui, where do they go to create a link_id now? :)
14:03.39SRabbelierJaneWells: can you create a for that?
14:03.47JaneWellsSRabbelier: sure
14:03.49SRabbelierJaneWells: they can sign up on the homepage
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14:12.58imploderI don't see my dashboard and profile in the left menu
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14:14.04bobbensimploder: you need to register as a student
14:14.33imploderI am registered as a student, not mentor
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14:15.09imploderI saw it yesterday and today morning without problem
14:16.22implodernow it's OK. weird.
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14:20.09bobbensimploder: it's the rule of irc
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14:20.17bobbensstate your problem on irc to have it magically fix itself
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14:21.29bit___on the home page, it isn't possible to hover over the red part of the program timeline
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14:22.04bit___well, technically it is, but it flip flops to the other side of the timeline
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14:23.01bit___hello amit
14:25.22amityour name?
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14:26.18bit___my name is bit
14:26.28bit___well, I guess bit___
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14:26.48ojwbbit___: impressive tail you have there
14:27.09bit___ojwb, thank you kindly
14:27.17iamaregeehey in the Submit proposal option ... this "Short description"  is meant to contains synopsis of Project..right ??
14:27.17bit___it took me years to grow this thing
14:27.31bit___iamaregee: I took it as a shorter version of the abstract
14:27.34solardiztoo many bits out there, some have to wear tails to be noticed
14:27.44ojwbiamaregee: i believe that's show in the public list of accepted projects
14:27.53bit___solardiz: I was wearing this tail before any other bits were out there~
14:28.02ojwbso it needs to make sense without the body of the proposal
14:28.11MatthewWilkesiamaregee, bit___: It is the public bit to everyone, should be a few lines that summarises the project
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14:29.27brlcadSRabbelier: nice fix to the calendar, but February was missed ;)
14:29.31*** part/#gsoc iamaregee2 (~iamaregee@
14:29.31TriskeliosI think that particular image was missed when the wheel was reversed --> <bit___> well, technically it is, but it flip flops to the other side of the timeline
14:29.44bit___Triskelios: thats what I had assumed
14:29.49cygalyeah, just a dot after
14:30.13SRabbelierbrlcad: yeah, fix will be deployed with next release
14:30.20*** join/#gsoc vh4x0r (~vh4x0r@
14:30.27SRabbelierbrlcad: which will be in a few minutes :)
14:30.32brlcadcool ;)
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14:30.57SRabbelierbrlcad: thanks for reporting though
14:31.04brlcaddon't you love debugging and deploying with hundreds of eyes watching your every move and each having their own opinion on design? :)
14:31.13*** join/#gsoc zwj (~157724595@
14:31.21SRabbelierbrlcad: it's rather nice, actually
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14:31.28brlcad"if you build it, they will complain"
14:31.31Triskeliosbit___: heh, the updated image exists, the old URL is still on the page
14:31.43zwjhow to find the information about past year gsoc
14:31.51MatthewWilkesstarts a "1 million people against the new melange design" facebook group
14:31.55MatthewWilkesLike FB always gets
14:31.55TriskeliosSRabbelier: want to fix the homepage to use ?
14:32.22zwjabout my accepted gsoc information
14:32.22bit___Triskelios: hah, whoops
14:32.22Triskeliosinstead of
14:33.05*** join/#gsoc kugel_ (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel)
14:33.10JanisBcommit gsoc site changes over #gsoc :)
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14:33.26gevaertsThe calendar circle now goes the wrong way!
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14:40.45SRabbelierTriskelios: yup, will be in the next release
14:40.59SRabbeliergevaerts: oh you...!!!
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14:41.31sfbjust "liked" the "1 million people against the new melange design" group.
14:42.00dberkholzgroups are such a good way to feel like you're doing something, when in actuality nobody cares =)
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14:43.00sfbI actually like the new design.
14:43.47SRabbeliersfb: thank you ^^
14:43.59SRabbelierdberkholz: mh?
14:44.17dberkholzSRabbelier: joining facebook groups...
14:44.23SRabbelierdberkholz: ah
14:44.28SRabbelierdberkholz: seems like a bad idea in general
14:44.38sfbdberkholz: It's like that deal where everyone was like "help raise child abuse awareness by setting your profile icon to your favorite cartoon"
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14:45.18hiemanshusfb: that was actually for pedophiles, dint read the report I assume?
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14:45.48sfbdberkholz: One of our friends did that and another snarky one replied back with "you know, I was just browsing Facebook and I saw your adorable Care Bears icon and I decided right then and there to set down my belt and not beat my child. Thank you for showing me how to be a great parent. Also, I just donated $25 to ... group"
14:46.08*** join/#gsoc avinashhm (~avinash-h@
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14:46.53SRabbelierTriskelios, brlcad: fixed
14:47.01SRabbelierwith shiney version number at the bottom, too
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14:48.44kaibrlcad: why do you increase sverre's home dir?
14:49.17brlcadheh, I'm going for an overflow exploit :)
14:49.21sfbkai: Lets be fair. Everyone could use a higher quota on their home directory.
14:49.53gevaertsSRabbelier: sorry, I couldn't resist :)
14:50.09SRabbelierbrlcad: tnx ^^
14:50.12dberkholzhmm, this new scoring system is not going to work as well for us
14:50.22SRabbelierdberkholz: how so?
14:50.30SRabbelierdberkholz: we're addign a new way of accepting proposals btw
14:50.36dberkholzwe used to be able to use the + and - numbers with the absolute value as a "weighting" of how much we liked/disliked it
14:50.44SRabbelierdberkholz: instead of working with scores, the admins select the orgs they want to accept and hit "accept"
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14:51.21SRabbelierdberkholz: you'll still be a ble to sort by score ofc
14:51.26ArthurLiuwe (debian) are going to use a webapp off-melange that implement schulze-condorcet for voting applications
14:51.27dberkholzwe can sort of do the same if we assume a score of 3 should be the standard for every proposal, with a little less flexibility
14:52.16ArthurLiu(we like simple solutions)
14:52.46SRabbelierdberkholz: I think that's the idea, yes
14:52.54gevaertsArthurLiu: not simple email voting? :)
14:53.02SRabbelierdberkholz: given that the min is 1, and max is 5, give bad proposals 1 star, and good ones a 5
14:53.32ArthurLiuI'm implementing it, I'm not an email traditionalist
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14:54.00dberkholzSRabbelier: basically, we used to reserve +4 and -4 for domain experts, and other people just used ±{1,2}. now we have one less possible value
14:54.23SRabbelierdberkholz: we can make it six stars? xD
14:54.43gevaertsCan you make it configurable?
14:54.44SRabbelierojwb: you get a cookie
14:54.58dberkholzSRabbelier: heh, that would be a little unusual. but 10 would be a nice round number and more helpful to us
14:55.04ojwbbtw, if you've not already seen it:
14:55.09ojwbcool little in joke
14:55.10ArthurLiucan we replace stars with per-mentor ranking + implement schulze-condorcet? :)
14:55.10SRabbeliergevaerts: and then have some geek set it to 100?
14:55.24gevaertsSRabbelier: I was thinking 256
14:55.33gevaertsImplemented using 8 star icons :)
14:55.41ArthurLiuthen no one can complain about the final ranking because no one understands how the result is computed
14:55.44SRabbeliergevaerts: lol
14:55.45ojwbit was kind of nice to be able to just nudge proposals negative to signal "don't want this" clearly
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14:56.47SRabbelierojwb: the ED guys decreed that negative voting is a tad confusing :)
14:56.52SRabbelierojwb: can't say I disagree with them there
14:57.00SRabbelierbut having a wider range of voting should be possible
14:57.08ojwbSRabbelier: as confusing as double negatives?
14:57.18SRabbelierojwb: right
14:57.24ArthurLiufloating point votes
14:57.40SRabbelierArthurLiu: -_-"
14:58.14SRabbelieryou can already do that
14:58.16SRabbelierjust forge the post request
14:58.44SRabbelierwe're not checking the value range
14:58.51SRabbelieryou can even submit negative scores already :P
14:58.54gevaertsgives 2.2250738585072012e-308 stars
14:59.10SRabbeliergevaerts: should be possible
14:59.36gevaertsSRabbelier: no parsing error? :)
15:00.48gevaertsrefers to and
15:01.02SRabbeliergevaerts: if python's int() will accpet it, should work :)
15:01.35rossanybody from cse here
15:01.38gevaertsIt dos
15:01.47socinfogevaerts: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
15:01.51gevaertsross: ^
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15:04.48rosscan anybody tell me how to create an account in cse so that i can access my template and other features
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15:06.50kaiSRabbelier: I'd argue that having to give one star to a sucky proposal isn't really intuitive either :)
15:07.21*** join/#gsoc rCurtis (
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15:08.19soniti am getting error while registering on "" as "fix the errors below".. but there are no errors shown?... :(
15:09.18rCurtisCould anyone answer what the basic level of programming knowledge is required to apply?
15:09.39downeymrCurtis: Every organization and project idea is different.
15:09.45socinfogevaerts: "goodenough" is Am I good enough to be a student for GSoC?
15:09.47SRabbelierkai: in high school, you get a 1 for your work if it's a failure :)
15:09.52SRabbelierkai: in .nl anyway
15:10.01rCurtisthanks a bunch
15:10.04aghislayou can get 0 if you didn't write anything
15:10.25gevaertsSRabbelier: I'm used to 1 if you managed to write your name correctly, 0 if you didn't even manage that :)
15:10.28SRabbelieraghisla: you usually get a 1 for turning in a paper with your name :)
15:10.33MatthewWilkesIf you'll excuse the crudity, it's like rating attractiveness.  There is no such thing as a 10 and no such thing as a 0
15:10.39SRabbeliergevaerts: yeah, and since students can't fail at that, a 1 is fine
15:10.46aghislanot for my math professor in high school :)
15:10.49kaiSRabbelier: here it's a six
15:11.04SRabbelierkai: I think you'll be able to mange the mental conversion, yes? :)
15:11.10*** join/#gsoc mart (~mart@
15:11.13MatthewWilkesIn england the grades at GCSE level are: A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U, X
15:11.18MatthewWilkesYou get an X if you do nothing
15:11.19atagarAt what point does google assign the tentative number of slots per org? Oddly it's not on the timeline.
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15:11.39aghislawhat is U?
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15:11.52marthello, can anybody help?
15:12.14SRabbelieratagar: usually a few days before slots are announced
15:12.14marti need to now which linkID to provide during registration
15:12.26MatthewWilkesaghisla: the fail grade
15:12.34gevaertsMatthewWilkes: A* means "is good at searching for the answer"?
15:12.39atagarSRabbelier: you mean before student acceptance is announced?
15:13.05MatthewWilkesaghisla: A*-C are considered good, D-G are considered bad but still count, U and X are fails
15:13.25martther are two fields
15:13.29MatthewWilkesThe joke about the University of Central England was that it was named after the grades you need to get in. UCE
15:13.48greggyjust invited a new admin to join our project, who accepted. The invite shows as not yet replied, but the only option whn reviewing the accepted invite is "withdraw". There doesn't seem to be an accept or reply option. What am I missing?
15:13.50dberkholzatagar: after the student deadline, when they know how many applications each org got
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15:13.56martone should contain a linkID, the other an ASCII Public name
15:13.59aghislaMatthewWilkes: :P
15:14.17SRabbeliergreggy: the admin needs to accept it
15:14.27greggyI am an admin
15:14.27SRabbeliergreggy: to-be-admin
15:14.50SRabbeliergreggy: to prevent the "facebook groups" conundrum ;)
15:15.12rCurtisanyone else new here and nervous about which project to apply to?
15:15.13atagardberkholz: fantastic, thanks
15:15.22desti_T2how many students got sponsored last year?
15:15.34greggySRabbelier: not following
15:15.39socinfodberkholz: "numapps" is 417 mentoring orgs applied and 175 were accepted this year. In 2010, 367 mentoring orgs applied and 151 were accepted; 5539 proposals were submitted by 3464 students, and 1026 were accepted
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15:16.23SRabbeliergreggy: you invited someoen to become an admin
15:16.28SRabbeliergreggy: that person needs to accept the inivtation
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15:17.38greggySRabbelier: I suppose I wrongly assumed it was accepted. nevermind. Thx
15:17.53marti know there was a message on gsoc discuss, where someone else need to know what linkID to provide
15:17.59dberkholzSRabbelier: is there a way to view proposals ranked by score yet?
15:18.01kairCurtis: what are you interested in?
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15:18.15marti heard that this is comming from the organisation
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15:18.33martbut i cannot find a OBF linkID
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15:18.51SRabbelierdberkholz: no, Lennard is on it though
15:19.17mart@rCurtis, yes i am interested in the open bioinformatics foundation OBF
15:19.49rCurtis@kai sec
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15:21.17kairCurtis: is this something you need to discuss in a query?
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15:21.45rCurtiskai:  sorry im not very familiar with IRC
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15:22.54kairCurtis: no worries, that's why I was asking :)
15:23.13kairCurtis: in general, asking in the channel will allow more people to answer :)
15:23.14SRabbelieris a value between 1 and 12 fair for the #stars?
15:23.39kaibut..but.. that's not a power of 2 :(
15:23.44rCurtis@kai ah ok thanks
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15:25.55kaiSRabbelier: I think it's an issue we can bikeshed over for ages :)
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15:34.04SRabbeliereither way
15:34.06SRabbelierdeploying now
15:34.19SRabbelieralso reintroducing the "disable scoring" feature
15:34.36*** join/#gsoc naeg (~naeg@
15:34.39|Kev|Out of interest, can admins score while scoring is disabled?
15:35.04SRabbelier|Kev|: no
15:35.16SRabbelier|Kev|: but they will be able to accept still
15:35.20SRabbelier|Kev|: I can add that if you want
15:35.34|Kev|Was just idle curiosity.
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15:37.49dberkholzSRabbelier: awesome, thanks for more stars
15:38.20kaigives SRabbelier a gold star
15:38.25|Kev|Now with 140% more stars.
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15:38.54SRabbelierkai: tnq ^^
15:38.56SRabbelier|Kev|: hehe
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15:39.44akashm1990I've submitted 2 applications, one of them has Average score:
15:39.45akashm1990My score: at the bottom, the other does not
15:39.56akashm1990any idea why?
15:40.01*** join/#gsoc avinashhm (~avinash-h@
15:40.20SRabbelierakashm1990: one is scored, the other is not
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15:40.24SRabbelierthat's public?
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15:40.32akashm1990The values are blank
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15:42.08SRabbelierakashm1990: screenshot?
15:42.16SRabbelierakashm1990: ah, nvm
15:42.17SRabbelierI know
15:45.00*** join/#gsoc sumzup (
15:45.47SRabbelierakashm1990: check now please
15:46.29akashm1990SRabbelier, its gone now...
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15:46.38SRabbelierakashm1990: phew
15:46.41SRabbelierakashm1990: thanks for reporting that
15:46.46martok sol
15:46.52akashm1990you could have let us see our score...
15:46.53marcgSRabbelier, wowza, that could have beenbad
15:46.59SRabbelierakashm1990: no, those are private
15:47.02SRabbeliermarcg: indeed 0.O
15:47.22marcgthough, like akashm1990, I wish I had seen my score :P
15:47.38SRabbeliermarcg: wouldn't tell you anything
15:47.41ojwbdoesn't mean much unless you know all the scores
15:47.42akashm1990marcg, maybe not, mine was 0
15:47.44SRabbeliermarcg: almost all orgs use scoring differently
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15:47.50akashm1990but avg was also 0
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15:47.53SRabbelierakashm1990: that just means it wasn't scored yet
15:48.03ojwband at this point, probably only one or two mentors would have scored
15:48.05ojwbif any
15:48.13akashm1990no, the other application didnt have this field at all
15:48.27dberkholzsince it's impossible for us to score zero, it was just some weirdness in the code
15:48.41akashm1990dberkholz, then its a different story
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15:48.48SRabbelierakashm1990: that's because they were only showing up by accident
15:48.48ojwbwonders why student applications seem to get numbered 1 and then 1001
15:49.01SRabbelierojwb: they are?
15:49.05SRabbelierojwb: ask appengine :)
15:49.16SRabbelierojwb: it probalby reserves blocks of 1000 ids at a time or something
15:49.18sonitmart: have you got what to enter in linkid field? please help..
15:49.22marcgand then 1001001 for 3?
15:49.40SRabbeliermarcg: only one way to find out
15:50.02ojwbSRabbelier: same student has submitted twice to us, and they're 1 and 1001
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15:50.14ojwbI assume he didn't file 999 in between
15:50.18dberkholzSRabbelier: are ways to mark spam applications coming?
15:50.24dberkholzwe already got one
15:50.27ojwbor she
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15:51.40SRabbelierdberkholz: uh, we can add a button for that, yeah :)
15:51.53SRabbelierdberkholz: just ignore them for now?
15:52.29dberkholzyeah, we're just one-starring them
15:52.47ojwbthat's true, we use to score those to < 0 so they were ignored for slots, etc
15:52.47dberkholzno doubt the same user's sending that thing to 100 orgs though
15:53.12marcgI am confused as to how the spam application even works. How specific are they?
15:53.23ojwbthey don't work
15:53.37SRabbelierojwb: slotting will be easier this year though
15:53.39*** join/#gsoc kugel (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel)
15:53.40marcgI meant to ask what content they have
15:53.46SRabbelierojwb: no more vagueness
15:53.52SRabbelierojwb: just explicitly marking a proposal for acceptance
15:53.54marcglike, is the abstract just really ague?
15:53.58|Kev|We used to have one admin pre- -1 stuff that wasn't worth considering, and then the mentors could ignore stuff later.
15:54.07ojwbSRabbelier: I mean for the distribution
15:54.08|Kev|I don't say we have to stick with the same approach, we can adapt :)
15:54.20SRabbelierojwb: oh, right *nod*
15:54.26*** part/#gsoc d60pmp (~d60pmp@
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15:54.37ojwbthough perhaps they just get split between the 5 on the front page
15:54.41SRabbelierojwb: I'll ask Carol whether it's important or not, since she said they didn't really look at #proposals _that_ much
15:54.42*** join/#gsoc m4k3r (
15:54.56SRabbelierojwb: -_-"
15:55.12dberkholzmarcg: oh, some guy left our application template there, and pasted a two-sentence description about how he wants to implement a gmail clone using oracle
15:55.21ojwbSRabbelier: I got the impression that the document was increasingly inaccurate in that regard from remarks lh and chris have made
15:55.31marcgdberkholz, ah I see
15:55.41*** join/#gsoc root_ (
15:55.42|Kev|aI would be interested in seeing how the distribution between the five endorsed orgs this year vs. everyone else compares to previous years.
15:55.50dberkholzsame here.
15:55.53|Kev|(Distribution of apps)
15:55.55amitwhat should be write up there in IM Network option in GSOC form?
15:55.55SRabbelierojwb: true
15:56.03SRabbelierojwb: You can ask Carol to update it if you dare
15:56.04dberkholzi'm less than excited about the non-rotation of those
15:56.18*** join/#gsoc shaw1337 (~shaw1337@
15:56.18ojwbwill send a patch...
15:56.20|Kev|dberkholz: Well, I'm assuming they're Google-endorsed for a reason.
15:56.21dberkholzthe osuosl folks have rotating logos, maybe you could steal code from them
15:56.21SRabbelierdberkholz: you want me to work on that instead of notifications?
15:56.24*** join/#gsoc avinashhm (~avinash-h@
15:56.29SRabbelierojwb: only so many hours in a day
15:56.35dberkholzSRabbelier: nope,, just tryin to keep you busy =)
15:56.38SRabbelierdberkholz: ^
15:56.44SRabbelierdberkholz: succeeding
15:56.45*** join/#gsoc piyush_goyal (~IceChat77@
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15:57.08amitwhat should be write up there in IM Network option in GSOC form?
15:57.10amitwhat should be write up there in IM Network option in GSOC form?
15:57.20*** kick/#gsoc [amit!debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/srabbelier] by SRabbelier (Don't spam please)
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15:57.35marcgiron hand you have, SRabbelier
15:57.43SRabbeliermarcg: that's how I roll
15:57.51|Kev|SRabbelier: I think I crossed conversation streams there - was your reply to dberkholz meaning that I'd misunderstood and those orgs aren't being endorsed?
15:58.00ojwbdberkholz: i know - we all submit patches to add our own org to the list of logos
15:58.08SRabbelierok, so notification of: 1 new proposals, 2. proposal updates, 3. public comments, 4. private comments 5. new requests
15:58.09ojwband as they apply them, the list gets rotated
15:58.16SRabbelierany ones I missed?
15:58.16|Kev|If that's the case, I'd strongly support rotating who's shown there - I assumed they were picked based on past success or something.
15:58.23piyush_goyalhow should I send the application to google ?
15:58.33piyush_goyalshould I mail it or what?
15:58.36marcgpiyush_goyal, do you have a carrier pigeon?
15:58.50|Kev|SRabbelier: I think that covers everything, thanks.
15:59.01*** join/#gsoc McMAGIC-- (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/mcmagic--)
15:59.24SRabbelier|Kev|: they were
15:59.25*** join/#gsoc akashm1990 (~akash@
15:59.26SRabbelier|Kev|: but still
15:59.41SRabbelierpiyush_goyal: read the FAQ
15:59.44socinfoSRabbelier: "faq" is
15:59.56piyush_goyalall I meant was where should i mail to?
16:00.03dberkholz|Kev|: they were, sort of, but not in any obviously systematic way.
16:00.10lars_kurthSRabbelier: 1-5 would make life much easier. Maybe also a notification when a new request comes in (e.g. new mentor)
16:00.15bobbenspiyush_goyal: you don't have to mail anything at this stage
16:00.16dberkholz|Kev|: not just the top 5 by # of slots, or passing percentage
16:00.32SRabbelierlars_kurth: that's 5?
16:00.50lars_kurthSorry: you are right
16:01.03SRabbelierdberkholz, |Kev|: what dberkholz, said
16:01.08SRabbelierlars_kurth: cool
16:01.36SRabbelierallright, so I'm defaulting all these to True
16:01.47SRabbeliernow is the time to scream over that
16:01.54SRabbelier(after which I will proceed to ignore that)
16:02.02*** part/#gsoc piyush_goyal (~IceChat77@
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16:03.09|Kev|SRabbelier: So, roughly, this is in hand and it'll become random when someone gets you a round tuit?
16:03.25SRabbelier|Kev|: right
16:03.28rryanhey melange hackers -- my org invited me to be both an admin and a mentor. I accepted the admin, but now when accepting the mentor request, I get "You cannot be a mentor for Mixxx to access this page." as the response. Any idea what the issue is?
16:03.38|Kev|I've been trying not to complain about the endorsements, but it does seem like a fairly not great idea :)
16:03.50*** join/#gsoc Myth17 (~myth@unaffiliated/nitish)
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16:03.59gevaertsrryan: being an admin implies being a mentor
16:04.06rryangevaerts : gotcha, thanks
16:04.07*** part/#gsoc rryan (~rryan@MIXXX.MIT.EDU)
16:04.27marcgemacs ftw
16:05.35*** join/#gsoc Husaini (~husaini@
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16:09.00wolfpackHi, I have one doubt about submitting the application/proposal to organization. Are we allowed to edit the proposal before April 8?
16:09.11marcgwolfpack, certainly
16:09.34*** join/#gsoc Canda (~skylar.hi@
16:10.28wolfpackafter submitting?
16:10.44marcgthere is a big orange "update" button
16:11.12*** join/#gsoc lars_kurth (
16:11.13wolfpackOk. Thanks marcg :)
16:11.21marcgno problem ;)
16:12.15*** join/#gsoc scaraffe (~scaraffe@
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16:14.25scaraffeis there any person related to typo3 ?
16:14.45marcgis that an org?
16:14.54*** join/#gsoc realitygrill (
16:15.01socinfokai: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
16:15.08kaiscaraffe: ^
16:15.13*** join/#gsoc achillion (~achilleas@
16:15.35SRabbelierkai: how about that ubuntu bot
16:15.53harlanAnybody else at #NASAoss?
16:15.58SRabbelierkai: then we could just do: "!anyone > scaraffe"
16:16.10harlanAnybody else here at ...
16:16.12marcgwhoa, that is some fancy feature right there
16:16.34SRabbeliermarcg: it's very useful too
16:16.42SRabbeliermarcg: kai just needs to install a better bot ;)
16:16.43marcgwould it only show up to them?
16:17.14marcgalso, are there docs for the bot?
16:17.40SRabbeliermarcg: the current one? yeah, although I forget the name :)
16:17.48*** join/#gsoc kd (~kd@
16:17.49marcgwould kai know?
16:18.03SRabbeliermarcg: sure
16:18.04hiemanshuSRabbelier: supybot?
16:18.10SRabbeliermarcg: ^
16:18.14marcgroger that
16:18.27hiemanshuthe some one ubuntu and fedora uses
16:18.45*** join/#gsoc nesciens (
16:19.42kdhello, we have to propose project to any org from their ideas right..?
16:19.51SRabbelierhiemanshu: apparently they have a different plugin then
16:19.55marcgkd, you can propose any project at all
16:20.54kdactually, i have no idea.. :P
16:20.54hiemanshuSRabbelier: yes, most of them write their own
16:21.11hiemanshuSRabbelier: we have one in fedora where we can get user info from the fedora servers and stuff like that
16:21.12kdi have shortlisted some from ASF ideas page
16:21.13SRabbelierhiemanshu: so perhaps we can get their plugin then ^^
16:21.22hiemanshuSRabbelier: if you ask them
16:21.55SRabbelierhiemanshu: I assume it's open source somewhere?
16:22.13hiemanshuSRabbelier: It should be
16:22.21sfbWe use supybot. It's open source.
16:22.32sfbWe have it set up to run RSS feeds into the channel.
16:22.34sfbIz nice.
16:22.38kdmarcg: so if its their idea.. why do i have to describe it in proposal?
16:22.55marcgkd, so they know you know what you are talking about
16:23.12hiemanshukd: so they understand that you understood their idea, and helps them understand what you really understood
16:23.20harlanwhat group, kd?
16:23.26marcgsocinfo: list
16:23.27socinfomarcg: Admin, Channel, Config, Factoids, Misc, Owner, and User
16:23.41SRabbelierkd: because you're not supposed to just copy the idea verbatim
16:23.45SRabbelierkd: it's a starting ground mostly
16:23.45marcgsocinfo: list Misc
16:23.45socinfomarcg: apropos, help, last, list, more, ping, source, tell, and version
16:24.21kdohk, thanks ppl.. m submitting one now.
16:24.31marcggood luck!
16:24.33harlankd: talk to them, too.
16:24.37sfbkd: My ideas are guidelines, the basic specification. It is y our job as a student to reiterate in your own words the summary and goals of the project as well as describe your intended implementation. For example we require that you specify your milestones/deliveables and your schedule. It's not just regurgitating the orgs idea but putting forward your own project plan to implement that idea.
16:24.59marcgsocinfo: list Factoids
16:25.00socinfomarcg: change, forget, info, learn, lock, random, search, unlock, and whatis
16:25.20kaimarcg: can you play with the bot in a query please?
16:25.31marcgerr, yeah, sorry
16:25.43kaiSRabbelier: that's a different plugin
16:25.43sfbSome peoples children, geez. (;
16:25.55harlanthinks #ntp might use a supybot too, and we are looking for a 'bot wrangler'
16:26.10marcgwait, kai, what is a query?
16:26.18hiemanshumarcg: /query socinfo
16:26.36*** join/#gsoc kubermehrotra (~KUBER@
16:26.40kaiSRabbelier: the plugin ubuntu uses requires people to have an account with the bot to be able to change factoids
16:26.49kaiSRabbelier: I'm not sure we want that
16:26.50hiemanshukai: I thought they used an edited version of factoid
16:27.06kaiI kind of liked the fact that anyone could add factoids here
16:27.50sfbI missed part of this bot conversation. What is the desired feature?
16:27.58kaiI'll gladly try out a patched version of either ubuntu's plugin or the stock factoid plugin that supports the "| nick" syntax without me having to deal with user management
16:28.01*** join/#gsoc box (box@
16:28.06harlanit's a benefit to be able to add them easily until "unwanted" factoids are entered...
16:28.21kaithen you can remove them
16:28.23harlanand thn you need folks with the time and the easy ability to get rid of the cruft.
16:28.39kaieveryone can remove factoids
16:28.44kaiand it hasn't been abused so far
16:28.51terietori want to apply for gsoc
16:29.00sfbterietor: That's great to hear.
16:29.00marcgterietor, good to hear
16:29.12*** join/#gsoc saksham (~Saksham@
16:29.14terietorbut i receive the error that the url at the id is wrong
16:29.19*** join/#gsoc Anam (
16:29.21terietorwhat is wrong?
16:29.40kaianyway, time to go home for me
16:29.45marcgbye kai
16:29.45sfbkai: ttyl
16:29.57sfbterietor: I don't follow. Where are you getting that error?
16:30.48*** join/#gsoc ropes (
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16:31.13oyterietor: the former url works fine here - just openSUSE
16:31.23*** join/#gsoc pr0ton (
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16:31.37*** join/#gsoc cr4zyb0y (~WTH@
16:31.44terietorthe first field
16:31.56terietorasks for a link id
16:32.06*** join/#gsoc Zhadko (
16:32.12marcgit is asking you for a personal one
16:32.16marcgone that will identify you
16:32.21oythe google page requires a linkID to apply as a GSoC student
16:32.35sfbA linkid is sort of like a username.
16:33.00*** join/#gsoc daniloaf (~daniloaf@
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16:33.19marcgI'ma head out, see you guys later
16:33.25terietorso,do i need something like terietor?
16:33.31*** join/#gsoc jcreigh (
16:33.31marcgterietor, yeah
16:33.46terietorit doesn't accept it either
16:34.12oyterietor: you need to register the linkID first
16:35.02terietorwhere can i create one?
16:37.34*** join/#gsoc kps_foo (~quassel@
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16:41.07terietorcan u tell me where i can create a linkID?
16:41.11oyterietor: good question, I dont find a page for creating the linkID
16:41.45*** join/#gsoc Neo-- (
16:43.01terietorwhat should i do now?
16:43.11oyterietor: search
16:43.55*** join/#gsoc cristina (~cristina@
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16:44.48Sh4wnterietor click on any organisation
16:44.54Sh4wnand you'll find a button register
16:45.12SITZSRabbelier: is the problem of duplicate entries in applications mended ?
16:45.14Sh4wnonce you registered, you'll find the button submit proposal
16:45.42*** join/#gsoc xendo (
16:45.55*** join/#gsoc mithridates (~mithridat@
16:45.55gicmoquick question (I googled around and cannot find any answer currently): is it ok to be mentor for two orgas?
16:46.02*** join/#gsoc W3BGUY (cf36d92a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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16:46.17|Kev|gicmo: Kinda.
16:46.18oygicmo: yes
16:46.29gicmoI take this as Kinda yes
16:46.33|Kev|gicmo: Yes, you can be, but you should really consider whether you're able to effectively mentor two students.
16:46.49|Kev|gicmo: If it's your first time mentoring, you should certainly not do this, otherwise you should consider strongly :)
16:47.09gicmo|Kev|, tried _that_ before and did not very well ... I just wanna help doing the evaluation of proposals for both orgas
16:47.13gevaertsBeing a mentor in two orgs for reviewing proposals is fine. For the actual mentoring, think first
16:47.31|Kev|gicmo: Oh, right. No problems there :)
16:47.34gicmothanks guys!
16:49.08mithridateshi,I'm an international student in canada and my nationality is iranian, I want to know if I am eligible to participate or not regarding to this paragraph
16:49.26SITZhelp ! help ! help ! help ! help !
16:49.40|Kev|SITZ: Try for a higher SNR, please. What do you need help with?
16:50.20SITZ|Kev|: i had a weird problem yesterday with applcations
16:50.32|Kev|Is this going to be a #melange question?
16:50.47*** join/#gsoc aseem (~aseem@
16:51.06scaraffeSITZ,  : opps whats that , let me help i am from technical dep
16:51.07SITZwhenever I update my proposal for same project idea.,. it keeps on being listed as a seperate proposal on my dashboard
16:51.37SITZso, was wondering 20 applications limit will be consumed by only 1 proposal ?
16:51.57|Kev|For Melange bugs, try #melange
16:51.59scaraffeSITZ,  THAN WHAT STUPID
16:52.13scaraffenin akkan
16:52.20*** join/#gsoc harsh_ (~harsh@
16:52.26SITZscaraffe: is that intended ?
16:52.34scaraffegotagodillva bollimagne
16:52.36|Kev|SRabbelier: Could you do the honours on scaraffe please?
16:52.45|Kev|(Or some other op)
16:52.47*** join/#gsoc vh4x0r_ (~vh4x0r@
16:52.48mithridatescan someone answer my question?
16:52.52scaraffehello bolle
16:52.56|Kev|mithridates: I've not seen it.
16:52.56mithridateshi,I'm an international student in canada and my nationality is iranian, I want to know if I am eligible to participate or not regarding to this paragraph
16:52.57hiemanshuscaraffe: stop scolding in kannada lol
16:53.00*** join/#gsoc ranko (
16:53.17SRabbelier|Kev|: sorry, was having dinner
16:53.24scaraffeguru yaro ninu kannadadavana ?
16:53.27*** kick/#gsoc [scaraffe!debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/srabbelier] by SRabbelier (scaraffe)
16:53.40|Kev|SRabbelier: Quite alright. I shouldn't have given up my @ after the meeting :)
16:53.50SRabbelierSITZ: I haven't been able to reproduce
16:54.00SRabbelier|Kev|: hehe
16:54.03mithridates|Kev|: I'm from iran but I'm international student in Canada, can I apply for summer code?
16:54.05|Kev|mithridates: According to the FAQ you are ineligible if you either reside there, or are a national.
16:54.14|Kev|mithridates: Are you a national of Iran?
16:54.16SITZSRabbelier: so, what I'm supposed to do now ?
16:54.22SRabbelierSITZ: just try and update
16:54.34SRabbelierSITZ: if it clones your proposal again please let me know
16:54.38mithridates|Kev|: well I have iranian passport
16:54.44SITZSRabbelier: ok
16:54.49*** join/#gsoc scaraffe2 (~scaraffe2@
16:54.54|Kev|mithridates: If your nationality is Iranian, the FAQ says you're not eligible, sorry.
16:55.19*** join/#gsoc epps (~epps@unaffiliated/epps)
16:55.19socinfo|Kev|: "eligible" is Follow this handy flowchart to see if you are eligible (text version at
16:55.24SRabbelierdamnit :P
16:55.31*** join/#gsoc NayanShah (~nayan@
16:55.32scaraffe2hiemanshu, : yen guru kannada barotha ?
16:55.33Ophiuchi<SRabbelier> SITZ: I haven't been able to reproduce
16:55.34bobbensSRabbelier: gsoccable I think it was
16:55.48SRabbelierbobbens: oh, right
16:55.49*** join/#gsoc NayanShah_ (~nayan@
16:55.55Ophiuchistrange insights ;-P
16:56.05mithridates|Kev|: I'm sorry for this world too!
16:56.13|Kev|SRabbelier: I joked about you adding gsocability at the time :)
16:56.23SITZOphiuchi: lmao :D.. what an observation
16:56.26SRabbelier|Kev|: well played
16:56.29SRabbelier|Kev|: I thought I did
16:56.39*** mode/#gsoc [+b scaraffe2!*@*] by SRabbelier
16:56.51SRabbeliermy /ban doesn't do host masks by default
16:56.56SRabbelieranyone know what the usual command for that is?
16:56.57*** join/#gsoc kyian (
16:57.10|Kev|/mode +b whateverhostmask
16:57.34SRabbelier|Kev|: that's not convenient though :)
16:57.51SRabbelierso just: /mode +b
16:57.52JanisBuse eggdrop
16:57.59JaneWellson the accepted organizations list, where is the tags column populated from? our tags area is empty, so i went to edit our org profile, but there's no tags field that i can see.
16:58.27|Kev|/mode +b *!scaraffe2@
16:58.31|Kev|I believe.
16:59.03harlanJaneWells: I found the place to add them on the "create the org profile" template, as I reacll.
16:59.03Ophiuchithinks SRabbelier resembles a very busy beaver .. or a hamster in his wheel
16:59.16SRabbelierOphiuchi: no lie
16:59.39SRabbelierJaneWells: not present atm, knonw issue
16:59.47JaneWellsgah, bummer
17:00.03*** join/#gsoc scaraffe3 (~scaraffe3@
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17:00.19terietorSh4wn: i didn't understand what to do
17:00.24scaraffe3SITZ, : hi
17:00.37OphiuchiSRabbelier: the timing of the going life with the new Melange was quite ambitious .. but better now than two days before midterms ,)
17:00.42*** join/#gsoc vh4x0r (~vh4x0r@
17:00.46NightroseSRabbelier: should we call you google from now on? :P (re email)
17:00.50*** join/#gsoc socketguru (~bitspilan@
17:00.55SRabbelierNightrose: :(
17:00.59scaraffe3SITZ : hi
17:01.02NightroseSRabbelier: *hugs*
17:01.08*** mode/#gsoc [+b *!*@] by SRabbelier
17:01.08SITZscaraffe: hi
17:01.19*** kick/#gsoc [scaraffe3!debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/srabbelier] by SRabbelier (scaraffe3)
17:01.41mithridateswhat's the email for contacting google summer code?
17:02.01OphiuchiSRabbelier: +b *!*@@ for the latest instance
17:02.03SRabbelierOphiuchi: we had the choice between doing it when we did and doing it... next year
17:02.08SITZSRabbelier: have you sent him to autoboot ?
17:02.13NightroseSRabbelier: would a picture of a cute kitten help?
17:02.14redheadphoneswould i get anything more from the gsoc mailing lists that i don't already from melange and #gsoc? i'm considering if it'll be worth it to join all of them.
17:02.17|Kev|mithridates: carols hangs around here, you could wait for her.
17:02.23SITZSRabbelier: is he irritating ?
17:02.26SRabbelierNightrose: that'd help a lot :)
17:02.32SRabbelierSITZ: he was spamming earlier
17:02.57SITZoh.. fine then
17:03.21MostAwesomeDuderedheadphones: You will get a deluge of emails.
17:03.37*** join/#gsoc carols (~carols@nat/google/x-ksstufmpqscrhrum)
17:03.37*** mode/#gsoc [+o carols] by ChanServ
17:03.47redheadphoneswith the #gsoc logs, i think i hear enouguh
17:03.48mithridates|Kev|: what's her user?
17:03.56|Kev|mithridates: 'carols'
17:04.04harlanmithridates: carols
17:04.10carolspeeks in
17:04.11carolsyou rang?
17:04.14harlanand she just arrives...
17:04.15NightroseSRabbelier: also
17:04.22SRabbelierNightrose: awesome :D
17:04.55gicmoomg teh cuteness. can't. handle. it.
17:05.04SRabbelierNightrose: thanks ^^
17:05.12redheadphonesfeels like the mailing lists for orgs are more important to join
17:05.14*** join/#gsoc Bhuwan (7aa33988@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:05.15Nightrosegicmo: the domain name is for realz
17:05.34gicmoNightrose, 100% true!
17:06.19*** join/#gsoc ananth (~ananth@
17:06.53*** join/#gsoc vignir09 (
17:06.58BhuwanWhy aren't high school students eligible to participate :(?
17:07.20*** join/#gsoc st-14247 (
17:07.21SRabbelierBhuwan: they are
17:07.24*** join/#gsoc MIDIprincess (~haleyrose@
17:07.29*** join/#gsoc madmax108 (~chatzilla@
17:07.30socinfoSRabbelier: "gsoccable" is Follow this handy flowchart to see if you are eligible (text version at
17:07.37SRabbelierBhuwan: ^
17:08.34BhuwanI'm '94 born :(
17:08.34*** join/#gsoc ylfchild (
17:08.51*** join/#gsoc gandu (~gandu@
17:09.25ananthhi all :) what are the pre-requirements to be able to do a project for drizzle? can anyone suggest some ideas..?
17:09.34*** join/#gsoc raj (~raj@
17:09.43*** join/#gsoc st-14258 (
17:09.52BhuwanSometimes, it just sucks to be too young :(
17:09.57socinfoSRabbelier: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
17:10.01SRabbelierananth: ^
17:10.02ganduananth : tikka muchkond FAQ nodu
17:10.03BhuwanAh well. Thanks anyway.
17:10.15SRabbelierBhuwan: legal requirements, sorry, try GCI next time around
17:10.29SRabbeliergandu: english please
17:10.43BhuwanSadly, I won't be eligible next year either.
17:11.04gandui no english bit bit
17:11.11ananthgandu: english please..
17:12.06gandubut can understand u know , i can but not write
17:12.33*** join/#gsoc khetzal (
17:12.33*** join/#gsoc erwan (~erwan@2a01:e35:2f78:f3d0:216:d3ff:fe3e:b048)
17:12.33Bhuwangandu: Try
17:14.24SRabbeliergandu: You should be aware that for most organizations being able to express yourself in English is a requirement
17:14.55ganducan anyone help ?
17:14.55gandui love to do that
17:15.07SRabbeliergandu: you should ask the org you wish to apply to
17:15.29ganduthey only dont know , they are not co-operating
17:15.53ganduwhom to ask
17:15.57*** join/#gsoc felipevieira (~felipe@
17:16.04ganduso asking here
17:16.27ananthgandu: which place are you from?
17:16.57ganduananth :pakistan
17:17.07*** part/#gsoc chunmun (~hackalyst@nat/yahoo/x-xwafpflgaxcbiigk)
17:17.13NayanShahSRabbelier:  for creating a proposal, are the controls fetched after the page has loaded ?
17:17.25SRabbelierNayanShah: controls?
17:17.44brlcadgandu: if the org you are interested in is unresponsive, try a different org ... otherwise, you have to be (more) patient
17:17.45NayanShahSRabbelier:  how do i create a proposal ?
17:17.58brlcadgandu: asking in here is not a suitable alternative
17:18.06SRabbelierNayanShah: go to the organization's home page that you wish to apply to, click "Submit proposal"?
17:18.13rajhello everyone... how i'm able too see the proposed projects???
17:18.17schumamlshould orgs add their spoken languages to the tags, too?
17:18.26*** join/#gsoc arthursribeiro (~arthur@
17:18.28brlcadraj: on your dashboard
17:18.31ganduraj : no u cant see
17:18.38NayanShahSRabbelier:  and for documents ?
17:18.50brlcadraj: only mentors/admins can see them, they're on the dashboard
17:19.52*** join/#gsoc akashm1990 (kvirc@
17:20.01hiemanshuSRabbelier: gandu is scaraffe2, you should block the IP
17:20.37ganduhiemanshu,  tikka ganchalina
17:20.45*** join/#gsoc LetterRip (
17:20.45ganduhiemanshu, nin akkan
17:20.49*** kick/#gsoc [gandu!debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/srabbelier] by SRabbelier (English only)
17:21.01LetterRipwell we finally got our flyer announced -
17:21.02*** join/#gsoc dhaun (
17:21.08LetterRipended up not using any gsoc/google logos
17:21.24dberkholzSRabbelier: re the >5 stars, the tooltips still show 5 is great, and 6+ are just numbers. perhaps the words need to be spread equally across the range or made to disappear entirely
17:21.33brlcadLetterRip: holy cow that's a lot of text :)
17:21.36LetterRipa bit late, but maybe we will find a few more good applicants
17:21.42schumamloh, are tags not editable anymore?
17:21.51LetterRipbrlcad - mostly supposed to be scanned not read
17:21.56*** part/#gsoc ananth (~ananth@
17:22.01LetterRipas long as they get the bold type it is all good :)
17:22.06SRabbelierdberkholz: I don't understand yoru feedback
17:22.07*** join/#gsoc dayoung_ (~dayoung@
17:22.18*** join/#gsoc quazi_farhan (~farhan@
17:23.31dberkholzSRabbelier: current tooltips on the stars, by star number, for a setting of 10 stars; 1=bad, 3=regular, 5=great, 6=6, 8=8, 10=10
17:23.47SRabbelierdberkholz: oh, I didn't even know there were labels
17:24.01*** join/#gsoc bryq (~bryq@
17:24.49gevaertsLetterRip: I don't see any mention of fur on that flyer!
17:24.56hiemanshuand bacon?
17:25.33gevaertsI didn't expect bacon
17:26.34*** join/#gsoc kubermehrotra1 (~KUBER@
17:26.45*** join/#gsoc ankush_ (~ankush@
17:26.49LetterRipnobody expects bacon!
17:26.56*** join/#gsoc s7nf (
17:27.15*** join/#gsoc rtharper (~tomh@unaffiliated/sioraiocht)
17:27.18*** join/#gsoc omegaphi (~chatzilla@
17:27.27hiemanshuLetterRip: yeah you are supposed to suprise em with it
17:27.46gevaertswas surprised by no fur instead
17:27.59LetterRipwe will delay the bacon till later, so it is more of a surprise
17:28.03*** join/#gsoc Sanshaptak (~chatzilla@
17:28.17Taladis the rating (stars) on the proposal visible to the student and to the public?
17:28.29*** join/#gsoc ananth (~ananth@
17:28.31SRabbelierTalad: no
17:28.33|Kev|Talad: no
17:28.37SRabbelierTalad: it was for 2 minutes due to a bug :P
17:28.49*** join/#gsoc otibom (
17:28.52hiemanshuLetterRip: when the right time arrives let me know, I'll try and act surpised
17:28.54*** join/#gsoc MatthewWilkes (
17:28.58*** part/#gsoc ananth (~ananth@
17:29.12MatthewWilkesevening all
17:29.23*** part/#gsoc omegaphi (~chatzilla@
17:29.27*** join/#gsoc omegaphi (~chatzilla@
17:29.28Taladreading the mailing list I agree on the rotating list of organizations in the home page
17:30.17*** join/#gsoc Blaze_Boy (~chatzilla@
17:30.36*** part/#gsoc Blaze_Boy (~chatzilla@
17:30.51*** join/#gsoc monish (
17:31.07*** join/#gsoc callkalpa (~callkalpa@
17:31.17*** join/#gsoc catalinb (~ethereal@
17:31.37SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: you!... :P
17:32.27NightroseMatthewWilkes: quick - hide!
17:32.54Nightrose(or bring pictures of cute kittens)
17:33.18SRabbelierI've got a video of a cat going balistic on a printer :P
17:33.19gevaertsRemember: cute kittens leave dead mice under cupboards
17:33.40NightroseSRabbelier: link!
17:33.40hiemanshuNightrose: I can has cheezburger?
17:33.52*** join/#gsoc gandu (~gandu@
17:33.57Nightrosehiemanshu: there is cuter stuff out there
17:34.18SRabbelieryesterday I had someone send me a picture of chocolate to go with their "please fix my mess-up"
17:34.21SRabbelierit was awesome
17:34.41*** join/#gsoc svaksha (~svaksha@unaffiliated/svaksha)
17:34.54terietorhello again
17:35.04*** part/#gsoc mithridates (~mithridat@
17:35.05|Kev|Nightrose: The 'cuter stuff' of which you speak would be my brother's new huskie puppy, who. is. gorgeous.
17:35.09terietorhow can i find a linkid for student registration?
17:35.18MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: I'm drafting a reply
17:35.36Nightrose|Kev|: awwww i bet
17:35.56hiemanshuNightrose: like?
17:36.00SRabbelierterietor: you pick one yourself
17:36.06SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: I'm watching you...
17:36.22Nightrosehiemanshu: cuteoverload, dailysquee, dailybunny
17:36.24terietori am trying the "terietor" but it appears tha it is wrong
17:36.38hiemanshuNightrose: /me checks
17:37.21madmax108\join mixxx
17:37.27*** part/#gsoc madmax108 (~chatzilla@
17:37.28socinfogangil: "faq" is
17:37.33Nightrosenow if only my thesis had cute kittens in it...
17:37.39Nightrosegoes back to that
17:38.07MatthewWilkesNightrose: Aww, kittens! I want a kitten
17:38.23SRabbelierNightrose: you should add some
17:38.27MatthewWilkesNightrose: Thesis? What do you study?
17:38.29dberkholzSRabbelier: pending the rotating logos, perhaps it would be more fair to prevent the current 5 logos from being links directly to orgs, so everyone has to actually view the full list
17:38.43|Kev|That's smart.
17:38.48MatthewWilkesdberkholz: Or link Drupal to us?
17:38.51SRabbelierdberkholz: your suggestion has been taken into consideration by the committe
17:38.53NightroseSRabbelier: hmmm good idea how to add them to "collaborative and transparent free software development"?
17:38.58NightroseMatthewWilkes: CS
17:39.07*** join/#gsoc BlankVerse (~pankajm@
17:39.08MatthewWilkesNightrose: Typical ;)
17:39.11MatthewWilkesmisses CS
17:39.21SRabbelierNightrose: if pictures of cute kittens are not relevant to your thesis you're doing it wrong
17:39.28|Kev|Nightrose: If I can get a mention of chocolate brownies into my thesis, you can manage kittens in yours :)
17:39.55SRabbelierNightrose: see, |Kev| is doing it right
17:39.55terietorSRabbelier: i tried to use the "terietor" for linkid but i received an error that it is wrong
17:40.05Nightroseyeah - |Kev|'s the pro
17:40.35*** join/#gsoc madi (
17:40.35*** join/#gsoc madi (~madi@unaffiliated/madi)
17:40.38specteiMatthewWilkes, lol
17:41.27SRabbelierterietor: be more specific please
17:41.56MatthewWilkesspectei: ?
17:42.02specteiMatthewWilkes, your mailing list post
17:42.16MatthewWilkesah :)
17:42.24terietori am writing the form in order to apply as a student,but i don't know what to put into the form "Link_id"
17:43.22zgregterietor: whatever you want
17:43.39terietori am trying to put into the form "terietor"
17:43.45terietorbut it appears wrong
17:43.53SRabbelierterietor: what is the exact error message, I alreayd asked you this
17:44.01terietorThis link ID is in wrong format.
17:44.07*** join/#gsoc zupo (
17:44.11terietori write this "terietor"
17:44.13*** join/#gsoc anon___ (~anon@
17:44.19SRabbelierterietor: did you include the quotes?
17:44.41*** join/#gsoc arthursribeiro (~arthur@
17:44.52nishmuterietor: You can enter a different link ID, unless you really  have some reason to stick to it.
17:45.10terietorno i don't
17:45.18terietori tried tsiapaliwkas
17:45.24terietorwhich is my last name
17:45.29terietoragain the same error
17:45.52*** join/#gsoc mimico (~mimico@Kilmer.Eng.McMaster.CA)
17:45.54SRabbelierterietor: trailing space?
17:46.13nishmuterietor: It may also be possible that the error it shows is applicable to other fields on the form. Did you get all other fields validated?
17:46.26*** join/#gsoc jenue (~jenue@
17:46.52terietorall the other fields are ok
17:48.52*** join/#gsoc epps (~epps@unaffiliated/epps)
17:49.33*** join/#gsoc marekweb (
17:50.09*** join/#gsoc Menopia (~Menopia@
17:50.28*** join/#gsoc arthursribeiro (~arthur@
17:50.32SRabbelierterietor: do you have trailing whitepsace?
17:50.44terietorno i dont
17:50.45*** join/#gsoc nonreviad1 (~andrei@
17:51.16SRabbelierraj: please don't PM me without permission
17:51.22*** join/#gsoc dsrbecky (
17:51.26SRabbelierraj: just ask here, so that everybody can benefit
17:51.51*** join/#gsoc greggy (~greg@
17:53.16*** join/#gsoc jojow (
17:53.35terietorok i fix it
17:53.43terietorthe browser stack
17:53.52terietorthank you for your help
17:54.02greggySRabbelier: I withdrew an invite for the admin I mentioned this morning, to resend the invite but it tells me it was already sent. So, added her as a mentor hoping to upgrade her to an admin, but apparent there isn;t such a feature. What would you suggest?
17:55.07*** join/#gsoc ananth (~ananth@
17:55.19carolsMatthewWilkes: thank you.
17:55.39|Kev|MatthewWilkes: That question was beautifully crafted, good job.
17:55.42gevaertsbrings in the tea and cookies
17:56.41*** part/#gsoc ananth (~ananth@
17:56.56*** join/#gsoc gkgk (
17:57.17*** join/#gsoc foocraft (
17:57.38|Kev|carols: Evening.
17:57.54carols|Kev|: hey there.
17:58.01dberkholzholla carols
17:58.07carolshey dberkholz
17:58.17dberkholzman, i hate using this eee sometimes.
17:58.20carolsserves some coffee and chocolate with gevaerts' platter
17:58.23dberkholzhope i can get my thinkpad fixed soon.
17:58.38*** join/#gsoc ravenlock (~ravenlock@enlightenment/developer/ravenlock)
17:58.52|Kev|dberkholz: I bought my eee so I could do some writing for the book in the 20mins to/from work each day a few years ago.
17:58.57dberkholzcarols: SRabbelier has been working like crazy fixing all our complaints!
17:58.58|Kev|This plan didn't last very long.
17:59.09*** join/#gsoc maheshwar999 (73f91217@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:59.14carolsdberkholz: SRabbelier is awesome and we should all buy him caramel schnapps.
17:59.15|Kev|dberkholz: Although fixing Melange instead would probably have been easier :)
17:59.31dberkholz|Kev|: it's basically like an ipad with a keyboard for me, useful to produce as well as consume
17:59.33gevaertsagrees with carols!
17:59.34SRabbelierlikes that idea a lot
17:59.48*** join/#gsoc vh4x0r (~vh4x0r@
17:59.56MatthewWilkescarols: For the apology or the piss-take?
18:00.09carolsMatthewWilkes: yes.
18:00.24|Kev|dberkholz: Mine has been mostly relegated to 'thing the wife uses for being online on XMPP while I'm away visiting the office and she's watching rubbish on TV in the living room'.
18:00.27marcgcarols, are you the carol smith I see answering all the gsoc mailling list questions?
18:00.34SRabbelieralways enjoys a good Q:a or b? A:yes
18:00.47AlexPSRabbelier: You should love gevaerts then :)
18:00.52greggyI withdrew an invite for the admin I mentioned this morning, to resend the invite but it tells me it was already sent. So, added her as a mentor hoping to upgrade her to an admin, but apparent there isn;t such a feature. What would you suggest?
18:00.53AlexPHe is a nightmare for that :)
18:00.57carolsmarcg: the one and only.
18:00.58SRabbeliermarcg: the one and only
18:01.05marcgthat was weird
18:01.05SRabbelierhigh fives carols
18:01.06carolswhat SRabbelier said.
18:01.13gevaertsAlexP: I am not!
18:01.15|Kev|What did I win?
18:01.22|Kev|Oh, right, I win carols and SRabbelier :)
18:01.29|Kev|remembers the rules eventually.
18:01.46ravenlockcarols: hi
18:01.54carolshi ravenlock
18:02.02*** join/#gsoc nickon_ (
18:02.15marcgcarols, out of curiosity, why did you choose your irc username as first name and first letter of last name?
18:02.18ravenlockWas wondering if you might have the time today to discuss our Org ?
18:02.23*** join/#gsoc iamaregee (~aregee@
18:02.29carolsmarcg: its the same as my handle at work. it was easy.
18:02.37marcgas opposed to csmith, thogh
18:02.42MatthewWilkesmarcg, carols: I always read it as multiple carols
18:02.48dberkholzi was hoping it was because "ka-smith" sounded funny out loud
18:02.48marcgMatthewWilkes, sam
18:02.54carolsravenlock: i appreciate that you've been waiting, but i promise i will respond to your email.
18:03.24ravenlockok.  Will wait then.  :)
18:03.24gevaertsMatthewWilkes: as long as you don't start singing them, I guess it's not too much of a problem
18:04.33SRabbelierchastizes ravenlock for bothering carols
18:04.46SRabbelierEverybody say after me "carols is working very hard on getting everything done, I will be patient"
18:05.15gevaertscarols is working very hard on getting everything done, I will be patient
18:05.17dberkholzSRabbelier: you went a little too american on that one. it's one of the few where "z" isn't right.
18:05.25SRabbelierdberkholz: damnit
18:05.30*** join/#gsoc JimJam (
18:05.47dberkholzwas a copy editor in a past life
18:06.04AlexPdberkholz: z is never right!
18:06.08SRabbelierdberkholz: another reason why I don't like this IRC client
18:06.13gevaertsAlexP: is it "sise"?
18:06.18|Kev|AlexP: Depends if you follow the OED or the Times, IIRC.
18:06.21*** join/#gsoc bripkens (
18:06.22blast007z is up
18:06.41AlexPgevaerts: yez :)
18:06.44*** join/#gsoc dbolser (
18:06.48dberkholzSRabbelier: irssi? if so, there's plugins
18:06.55AlexP|Kev|: Yeah, OED says either IIRC
18:07.02marcgdbolser, hi
18:07.02SRabbelierdberkholz: no, I'm on windows here sadly
18:07.08dbolserI heard that it's not ok for multiple students to work together on the same project... is that written anywhere?
18:07.11dbolserhi marcg
18:07.14*** join/#gsoc sre-su (
18:07.14gevaertsAlexP: but how does it say to pronounce either?
18:07.15SRabbelierdberkholz: running a Tor relay, so am limited in what clients I can use
18:07.16|Kev|dbolser: Yes, in the FAQ.
18:07.21dbolserty |Kev|
18:07.30bripkensgot a question regarding the application procedure - the "publicly visible" flag does not need to be checked for organizations to see the applicatio or does it?
18:07.31*** part/#gsoc cristina (~cristina@
18:07.37|Kev|bripkens: It does not.
18:07.39marcgbripkens, right
18:07.44SRabbeliergoes to update the help text for that field
18:07.46marcgthat would be silly, imo
18:07.51|Kev|Well, "organizations" for the org to which you have applied.
18:08.05|Kev|If you want other orgs to be able to see it for some reason, you need to make it public.
18:08.17marcgif you want orgs, or anyone else, that is
18:08.17bripkensok thank you guys :)
18:08.25bripkenswas just wondering
18:08.44*** join/#gsoc terietor (~quassel@
18:08.44*** part/#gsoc cand (~cand@unaffiliated/cand)
18:09.35*** join/#gsoc saksham (~Saksham@
18:09.53dbolser|Kev|: I can't find it
18:10.03socinfo|Kev|: "faq" is
18:10.07|Kev|dbolser: ^ there
18:10.11*** join/#gsoc DarkUranium (
18:10.42*** join/#gsoc downeym (~downeym@unaffiliated/downeym)
18:10.52dbolserI'm looking there ;-)
18:10.58|Kev|Ok, let's time it...
18:10.59*** join/#gsoc telkkar (~telkkar@
18:11.26SRabbelier|Kev|: dude, like, 13 seconds
18:11.32SRabbelier|Kev|: too slow
18:11.42dbolserhow many times have you read teh sutras?
18:11.52|Kev|Blame it on transcontinental latency.
18:12.09*** part/#gsoc dbolser (
18:12.55marcgtys: thank yous?
18:13.03*** join/#gsoc saksham (~Saksham@
18:13.16marcgor perhaps "thank you, sonny"
18:13.48*** join/#gsoc robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby)
18:13.58SRabbeliermarcg: thankies
18:14.04SRabbelierno, wait, that doesn't have a y
18:14.18marcgthane, you're servant
18:14.37*** join/#gsoc catalinb (~ethereal@
18:14.42marcgit's probably that
18:14.57*** join/#gsoc Jbergy (
18:15.14omegaphiis someone from Portland State University available here?
18:15.17omegaphiadmin or mentor?
18:15.21socinfo|Kev|: "anyone" is Instead of looking for mentors from specific projects here, you will likely get much better results by speaking to that mentoring organization themselves. Try searching for the org's contact info or even just try a /join #<mentoring org here>
18:15.25omegaphiI need their contact info
18:15.29*** join/#gsoc ganja (~ganja@
18:15.49marcgganja, nice username
18:15.54SRabbelierbripkens: for your benefit:
18:16.22*** join/#gsoc telkkar (~telkkar@
18:16.28ganjamarcg, Thanx, its registered for me so u cant take :P
18:16.28|Kev|omegaphi: That is on their page.
18:16.46marcgganja, I had no intention of doing so, no worries
18:16.57SRabbelier|Kev|: we really are glorified lookup tables :(
18:17.02bripkensthanks SRabbelier. Thats really helpful
18:17.09SRabbelierbripkens: np
18:17.20|Kev|SRabbelier: At least most of what you look up isn't quite so obvious.
18:17.35omegaphiwhen I click on 'contact' I get 404 error, though I can make out the email address from the URL
18:18.00|Kev|They have indeed filled out their contact field incorrectly.
18:18.48SRabbelieromegaphi: try now
18:19.03|Kev|SRabbelier: Looks good.
18:19.06*** join/#gsoc skelet (
18:19.09*** join/#gsoc greeniekin__ (
18:19.46|Kev|SRabbelier: If I ask you if the org list can show 1000 orgs by default instead of 50, will you do one of a) tell me it's in hand b) say no c) point me to an open issue?
18:20.08*** join/#gsoc sre-su (~quassel@unaffiliated/sre-su)
18:20.09SRabbelier|Kev|: ah, damn, I meant to do that
18:20.30*** join/#gsoc telkkar (~telkkar@
18:20.32omegaphiSRabbelier , thanks :)
18:20.33SRabbelier|Kev|: I should tell people to create a new issue more
18:20.40SRabbelieromegaphi: np
18:21.11*** join/#gsoc vishesh (~vishesh@
18:21.12*** join/#gsoc diofeher (
18:21.13SRabbelier|Kev|: sec, fixing
18:21.16dberkholzSRabbelier: just refer non-irc users to issues, they're already communicating asynchronously =)
18:21.26diofeheri can't find the link to submit my proposal... anyone can point me?
18:21.26|Kev|SRabbelier: Maaaaarvellous, thanks.
18:21.58SRabbelierdberkholz: I do usually, but a lot of useful feedback comes from here and #melange
18:23.23*** join/#gsoc sre-su (~quassel@unaffiliated/sre-su)
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18:23.37*** mode/#gsoc [+o carols] by ChanServ
18:23.58dberkholzSRabbelier: us irc folks are already real-time, so we clearly deserve real-time fixes =D
18:24.13SRabbelierdberkholz: exactly
18:24.24marcgdiofeher, where have you tried looking?
18:24.33*** join/#gsoc Colm (959d019a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:25.02NayanShahdiofeher:  click an org in the orgs list.
18:25.40marcgcarols, good job banning that curser!
18:25.40NayanShahmarcg:  its not intuitive enough for me too. :)
18:25.46carolsmarcg: thanks
18:26.13NayanShahmarcg:  earlier it used to point to org's homepage i guess.
18:26.15downeymI thought he'd already been banned
18:26.24downeymor maybe i had deja vu
18:26.28marcgNayanShah, ah, I see
18:26.34carolsdowneym: he was moderated. he gets one warning before he's banned
18:26.35diofehermarcg, mostly in home and from menu
18:26.47Ophiuchihands SRabbelier a cup of tea and says "time for a break"
18:26.55diofeherNayanShah, hmm. I'm logged and I can't see the button to submit, only to register
18:27.04marcgyou have to register to submit ;)
18:27.13SRabbelierOphiuchi: what is this "break" thing you speak of?
18:27.23NayanShahi had registered though. :D
18:27.27marcgare you logged in?
18:27.34marcgoh, you're not diofeher
18:27.52diofeherYou are logged in as ******* [link_id: diofeher]
18:27.53dberkholzhey, it's the new zodiac sign
18:27.55NayanShahmarcg:  sorry.
18:27.57*** join/#gsoc tudalex (~tudalex@
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18:28.09marcgNayanShah, no worries, twas a joke
18:28.21*** join/#gsoc carols (~carols@nat/google/x-hcskwglitbcpehel)
18:28.21*** mode/#gsoc [+o carols] by ChanServ
18:28.30marcgdiofeher, do you still see the register button once you log in?
18:28.30NayanShahmarcg:  i know. forgot my smiley. :)
18:28.33carolsgrumbles about wifi issues
18:28.34*** join/#gsoc greeniekin_ (
18:28.46gevaertsgives carols a better no wire
18:28.51dberkholzcarols: this year, we'll teach you how to use a real irc client
18:29.02carolsgevaerts: thanks :-)
18:29.04diofehermarcg, i was already registered from last year... i have to register again? oO
18:29.14carolsdberkholz: just put it on top of the ever-growing pile of stuff i need to do
18:29.14diofehermarcg, yep
18:29.26dberkholzcarols: set aside 1 hour at the summit =p
18:29.31marcgdiofeher, hmm, then I do not know what to do, try asking SRabbelier
18:29.46*** join/#gsoc msima (~msima@
18:29.50|Kev|dberkholz: I'm not sure you're saying great things about your opinion of Carol if you thinkit'll take an hour to teach her how to use an IRC client :p
18:30.05carolsdberkholz: i will do that :-)
18:30.08dberkholzan hour to configure screen+irssi in a useful way?
18:30.08carolsmarks her calendar
18:30.21*** join/#gsoc Nit (
18:30.30dberkholzi'm still tweaking around with my setup, years later.
18:30.41|Kev|dberkholz: I think we can assume a base competence with the commandline, so yeah, basic setup is less than an hour, in person.
18:30.47gevaertscarols: which way does your calendar go round?
18:30.48*** join/#gsoc DarkUranium (
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18:31.14carolsgevaerts: around the center of my universe - GSoC
18:31.32gevaertsNice evasion!
18:32.06SRabbelier|Kev|: for your benefit:
18:32.06*** join/#gsoc eean (~imonroe@amarok/developer/eean)
18:32.20eeancan students update their proposals? this changes every year :)
18:32.25|Kev|SRabbelier: Thank you.
18:32.29marcgeean, yes they can
18:32.58dberkholztill the app deadline, anyway
18:32.58SRabbeliereean: that has always been possible
18:32.58SRabbeliereean: always :)
18:33.01dberkholzafter that, they can only respond as comments
18:33.16marcgSRabbelier had that feature implemented before our sun was born
18:33.19*** join/#gsoc DarkUranium (
18:33.21eeanI remember it not being possible at some point
18:33.58marcgwell it is not possible after the deadline, perhaps that is when you tried
18:34.09carolsgevaerts: i have to be diplomatic in this job. so evasion is a useful tactic :-)
18:34.27gevaertsmarcg: he was around before our sun was born? That would explain the calendar!
18:34.47marcggevaerts, the calendar?
18:34.58|Kev|Good grief, I hadn't yet noticed that mail from 18mins ago. That's...astounding.
18:35.04merlishgevaerts, the calendar!!!
18:35.34*** join/#gsoc danparker (
18:36.11gevaertscarols: A good thing you're good at it then :)
18:36.27gevaertshands out some chocolates to see if carols will successfully evade those! ;)
18:36.35SRabbeliergevaerts: I will stab you... :P
18:36.37*** join/#gsoc sumzup (
18:36.48|Kev|Dodge this.
18:36.51SRabbelierThere are bats flying outside my window!!!
18:36.53carolsgevaerts: i try to be good at my job overall :-) hard to know if i'm succeeding though...
18:37.00carolsmunches some chocolate
18:37.01carolsi can use it
18:37.06SRabbelier|Kev|: y ou mean like: /kick geaerts Dodge this.
18:37.10*** join/#gsoc konr (~user@
18:37.21SRabbeliercarols: you are, at least 5% better
18:37.30|Kev|SRabbelier: I do, but I gave away my croissant.
18:37.45downeymsteps away for cocoa tea
18:38.05carolsSRabbelier: thanks
18:38.12marcghas no idea what is going on
18:38.25marcgwhere is all this food coming from?
18:38.47gevaertswould say 10%!
18:38.52SRabbeliermarcg: open source man
18:39.13*** join/#gsoc akshayagarwal (~akshayaga@
18:39.15konrIn case two organizations select a project of mine to be selected, can I choose which one I'll develop, or the choice will be based on their priority lists?
18:39.32|Kev|konr: You will usually be asked, but not necessarily.
18:39.45*** join/#gsoc thiagoss (~thiagoss@
18:39.47dberkholzcarols: are people being invited to that new-orgs mailing list yet?
18:39.48|Kev|konr: For now you should worry about writing great proposals for projects that excite you.
18:40.11carolsdberkholz: in the next couple days. i have to manually pull a list of people to subscribe and surprise - i haven't had a chance yet
18:40.14SRabbeliersomeone throw me a unicode character
18:40.29dberkholzcarols: sounds good. we want to mention it in our post on admin advice, but weren't sure about the timing.
18:40.39carolsdberkholz: its high on my list
18:40.42marcgthiago_home, good toss
18:40.49*** part/#gsoc eean (~imonroe@amarok/developer/eean)
18:40.59|Kev|SRabbelier: If this was XMPP, that'd be much easier :)
18:41.01SRabbelierthiago_home: most kind
18:41.06thiago_homeSRabbelier: ™←↓→↑ł
18:41.11carolsdberkholz: ill let you know as soon as its donw
18:41.17carolssips coffee
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18:41.30SRabbelierthiago_home: whoah, easy cowboy!
18:41.34thiago_homeSRabbelier: could've given you an "a", as it is Unicode...
18:41.46marcgthiago_home, that is what I was going to do
18:41.46thiago_homebut I figured you wanted something more exotic
18:41.58SRabbeliermost gracious of you
18:42.08socinfospectei: "timeline" is
18:42.10socinfospectei: "next" is April 8: 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
18:42.11thiago_homerecently found his shell script that translates the Latin script to Runic
18:42.28danparkerIs there any news on the bug where some accepted orgs don't appear in the list?
18:42.36gevaertsSRabbelier: "⁣"
18:42.59thiago_homegevaerts: zero width?
18:43.03SRabbelierdanparker: that's been fixed
18:43.21thiago_homehow about this: ᚻᚹᚫᛏ!
18:43.46*** join/#gsoc sdimkov (5e9b3f11@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:43.50SRabbelierthiago_home: whoah, you managed to hang Chrome
18:44.25thiago_homefirst word in Beowulf
18:44.33SRabbelierhm, not exotic enough
18:44.48*** join/#gsoc nmudgal (d2d46c84@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:44.54thiago_homeeven though Beowulf wasn't written in Runic...
18:45.07gevaertshands out some ☕ especially for SRabbelier :)
18:45.10danparkerSRabbelier: hmm, I'm still having trouble finding Phylosoc on the list
18:45.29thiago_homeit used the Latin alphabet, with that second letter (the Wynn) imported
18:45.45*** part/#gsoc ankit_frenz (~Admin@
18:45.48SRabbelierdanparker: when I load the list it says there are 175 entries, 175 orgs were accepted, QED?
18:45.53*** part/#gsoc msima (~msima@
18:46.18danparkerSRabbelier: nvm, I'm beeing stupid. I forgot they have a differen't name on the list than they use on their wiki
18:47.02SRabbelierdanparker: k
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18:47.57SRabbelierAny python wizards that understand what's wrong here?
18:48.33MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: Looks like an implicit unicode to string conversion
18:48.48thiago_homehate those
18:48.49MatthewWilkesi.e str(foo) rather than foo.encode("utf-8")
18:49.12marcgare you a wizard :O
18:49.13SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: so why can't I trigger it locally? :-/
18:49.22dberkholzdifferent python version?
18:49.25thiago_homeand Python *has* a sane Unicode support
18:49.49dberkholzyou're running it in a terminal, which is handled differently?
18:49.50SRabbelierfor those reading along
18:50.17MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: That or you've followed some of the incorrect advice on the internet that fixes those globally
18:50.23SRabbelierdberkholz: running a local copy of Melange using dev_appserver with python 2.6 instead of the python 2.5 AppEngine uses in production,  I suppose, yeah
18:50.34SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: I have not
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18:50.44MatthewWilkesOr, potentially, different WSGI app server potentially gives dodgy results??
18:50.50MatthewWilkesthat's a long shot
18:50.55SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: but I do remember fixing this before with the cleaner
18:50.57thiago_homeblogged about Unicode support in C++ this weekend
18:51.01SRabbelierperhaps that was in the old cleaner though
18:51.13*** join/#gsoc james1234 (959d019a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:51.23dberkholzyou could set the encoding at the top of the file
18:51.40dberkholzsometimes it likes that
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18:53.12Kraytuldoes the SETI project have an IRC channel that I'm just not seeing somehow?
18:54.14MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: What's self.cleaned_data?
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18:55.54SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: aha! I managed to reproduce
18:56.08marcgSRabbelier, congrats!
18:56.15marcggirl or boy?
18:56.24SRabbelieralthough with a different error
18:56.36MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: How then?
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18:56.58SRabbeliermarcg: mandatory xkcd reference:
18:57.20marcgSRabbelier, good call
18:57.20SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: by _adding_ a .decode('utf-8') where there previously was none
18:57.35SRabbeliermarcg: tnx
18:57.44marcgthane, no excuses
18:57.47*** join/#gsoc Kaetemi__ (~Kaetemi@pdpc/supporter/base/kaetemi)
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18:58.07MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: Right, so you need to find where the unicode is coming from
18:58.22*** join/#gsoc Diffraction (~Zyro@
18:58.25SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: with the decode:
18:58.35*** join/#gsoc Talad|Away (
18:58.35*** join/#gsoc Talad|Away (~myself@planeshift/director/Talad)
18:58.49SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: do I need to re-decode it after HtmlSanitizer is done with it?
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18:59.21SRabbelier(the answer is no :P)
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18:59.30MatthewWilkesroflcopter: view-source:
19:00.21*** part/#gsoc TobiasFar (
19:00.21SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: which part, the explamation marks, or the underscores?
19:00.34MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: the problem is that SGML documents aren't unicode, they're encoded
19:00.45|Kev|MatthewWilkes: What the smeg?
19:00.49|Kev|(re: Cadw)
19:01.06MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: You need to find what is being inconsistent and make it give back the right encoding
19:01.10SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: seems to work if I call encode before passing it to SGTM, and then call encode on the rsult
19:01.11*** join/#gsoc downeym (~downeym@unaffiliated/downeym)
19:01.12MatthewWilkes|Kev|: Look at the SQL injection fix
19:01.29MatthewWilkesSRabbelier: Yep, it would, that switches the encoding
19:01.32|Kev|MatthewWilkes: Yes, there was a direct correlation between me looking at the 'fix' and exclaiming What the smeg?
19:01.40SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: is that a propr solution then? :)
19:01.45SRabbelier|Kev|: lol
19:02.09*** join/#gsoc shm (
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19:02.18|Kev|Now I just want to disable javascript and try an injection attack.
19:02.41tudalexI'm sure I can work one around those protections :P
19:03.04tudalexand we could check if their going to add more to it
19:03.55tudalexa simple URLEncode on the injection should work...
19:04.35SRabbeliershould I deploy the notificaiton preference settings?
19:04.38SRabbelierthey don't do anything yet
19:04.51SRabbelierit'll allow people to set their preference for when it does though
19:05.18guilhermebrhiemanshu, MBA is accept as degree to gsoc??
19:05.25|Kev|Hard to say if you'll get more flames for options that do nothing, or for not having the option.
19:05.26guilhermebrHi MBA is accept as degree to gsoc??
19:05.42socinfo|Kev|: "faq" is
19:05.43|Kev|guilhermebr: ^
19:05.51socinfoSRabbelier: "gsoccable" is Follow this handy flowchart to see if you are eligible (text version at
19:05.54SRabbelierguilhermebr: ^
19:06.32SRabbelierputs it on a separate branch for now
19:06.44SRabbelier<3 git
19:08.07*** join/#gsoc danparker (
19:10.50SRabbelierAnyone waiting for notifications, bother Arc for making me implement the "randomized logo" first
19:11.06*** join/#gsoc neL (~neL@
19:11.16|Kev|SRabbelier: Are we able to upload our own logos as part of that patch?
19:11.29SRabbelier|Kev|: I was thinking just an url? :P
19:11.52gevaertsSRabbelier: Can we configure wherther we want to be notified when the randomised logo is done?
19:12.13MatthewWilkesbah wimp
19:12.14SRabbeliergevaerts: thank you for making me laugh :)
19:12.19MatthewWilkesI want a notification when my logo is clicked
19:12.22gevaertsYou're welcome!
19:12.27*** join/#gsoc TobiasFar (
19:12.32*** part/#gsoc SukhE (~SukhE@unaffiliated/sukhe)
19:12.46SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: We actually do have a google analytics account
19:13.00|Kev|SRabbelier: That's equivalent.
19:13.07gevaertsMatthewWilkes: you'll be hiking somewhere in Asia! You *can't* be notified!
19:13.14SRabbelier|Kev|, MatthewWilkes: if you want I can check where traffic is coming from for your org
19:13.28SRabbeliergevaerts: very observant
19:13.45|Kev|Oh, that reminds me. MatthewWilkes: I don't think that you mentioned you were a Google employee in that question, did you? Shame on you.
19:14.07*** join/#gsoc skelet (
19:15.07|Kev|SRabbelier: You mean the image links vs. the list? That's vaguely interesting from an academic PoV, but don't consider it a must-have feature :)
19:15.28SRabbelier|Kev|: right
19:15.41SRabbelier|Kev|: apparently it's important enough for some people that they keep nagging until it's fixed :P
19:16.06|Kev|The randomisation's pretty important. Knowing if the clients are from your image or your <li> less so, IMHO.
19:16.22|Kev|Clients? Clicks.
19:16.45SRabbelier|Kev|: but if there are hardly any clicks from the logo, apparently it doesn't matter if it's randomized or not ;)
19:17.59*** part/#gsoc greggy (~greg@
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19:19.12sfbi <3
19:20.04|Kev|carols: Isn't the opposite true of your mail re: Azerbaijan? I think the student can *only* code while they're there.
19:20.24carols|Kev|: its possible i misunderstood if that's the case. would you like to respond and correct it?
19:21.19*** join/#gsoc Nit (
19:21.26SITZSRabbelier: is seems that.. the duplicate feature is gone in applications ...thanks :)
19:21.35SRabbelierSITZ: glad it's working now
19:21.44SITZbut, there is a old one still there.. can you delete it some way ?
19:22.12*** join/#gsoc neXyon (~neXyon@
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19:22.40SRabbelierSITZ: no, just change the title to "ACCIDENTAL DUPLICATE" or whatever
19:22.50SRabbelierSITZ: well, I suppose, send me an email
19:22.58SRabbelierSITZ: and I can delete it if it doesn't have any comments
19:22.59*** join/#gsoc telkkar (~telkkar@
19:23.11SITZSRabbelier: doesn't has any now
19:23.23SITZSRabbelier: I'll send a mail in few minutes
19:23.29SRabbelierSITZ: ok
19:24.09*** join/#gsoc Canda (~skylar.hi@
19:24.29MatthewWilkes|Kev|: My dad is, but he's staying in England, why would that matter?
19:24.39|Kev|MatthewWilkes: Good answer.
19:25.44SITZSRabbelier: forgot to ask.. your email id ?
19:26.36SRabbelierSITZ: my nick at gmail
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19:32.42topfs2Hi, I have a question regarding melange and proposals which may be beneficial for multiple communities. What is the best way to deal with this?
19:32.56MostAwesomeDudetopfs2: Ask the question, maybe? :3
19:33.08topfs2my proposals could most likely be interesting for both mono and gnome
19:33.17topfs2Well, thats kindof what I'm doing ;)
19:33.48topfs2those which may mentor me knows it but I wanted to know if there was a way to flag it so the decision people can easily see it
19:33.48*** part/#gsoc diofeher (
19:34.14MostAwesomeDudeOh, I see. Sorry, didn't parse right the first time.
19:34.23sakshami like your nick
19:34.50*** join/#gsoc clr_ (~colin@2620:0:2820:a9:224:d7ff:fe3e:71b4)
19:34.56MostAwesomeDudeTalk to mentors from both orgs, maybe? I guess it depends on how the org picks proposals.
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19:36.08topfs2MostAwesomeDude, thanks for the help. I'll try and see if I can find someone over at mono and see what they think :)
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19:36.35MostAwesomeDudetopfs2: Good luck.
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19:37.36SRabbelierjust ate some tasty chocolates
19:38.03SRabbelierreal ones
19:38.50*** join/#gsoc KaunMoth (
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19:42.56SITZcan we ask for feedback from the orgs after putting our proposal submission ?
19:42.58*** part/#gsoc LegaSergey (~Lega_Serg@
19:43.03|Kev|SITZ: Yes.
19:43.08SITZdo they have access tp them right now ?
19:43.15pygiSITZ: in fact, its advised
19:43.16pygiyes master
19:43.22SITZsure.. ty
19:44.27*** join/#gsoc GreySyntax (
19:44.27SRabbelierMentor assignment is operational btw.
19:44.39SRabbelierAnd pagination on the list of accepted orgs is turned off.
19:45.05SRabbelier|Kev|: yw
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19:49.48socinfoSITZ: Admin, Channel, Config, Factoids, Misc, Owner, and User
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19:52.29socinfoankush_: "next" is April 8: 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
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20:06.41eugene_Hi guys!
20:06.55eugene_What happened with the project?
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20:07.09|Kev|'the project'?
20:07.12Guest814Google OSPO
20:07.39Guest814When trying to enter(404 Not Found)!
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20:11.14SRabbelierGuest814: what url?
20:11.17dhaunGuest814: I'm getting a 500, not 404
20:11.45|Kev|500 here too.
20:12.08SRabbelierdhaun: thanks
20:12.18SRabbelierI fail
20:13.08Guest814Already 505!
20:13.33efes505 too
20:14.14*** join/#gsoc tdomhan (
20:14.18efesBTW: Read about Intel's developers challenge:
20:14.20Guest814Sorry 500
20:15.27efesPeople who choose Google as mentoring org provide a mentor at their own, yeap?
20:15.42dhaunefes: yes
20:16.11efesefes: thx
20:16.13SRabbelierdeploying fix
20:16.17efesdhaun: thx :]
20:17.07*** join/#gsoc nikre (~n1kr3@
20:18.51SRabbelierdhaun, |Kev|, Guest814: ^
20:19.09|Kev|Magic :)
20:19.28dhaunSRabbelier: nice work
20:19.34*** join/#gsoc saksham (~Saksham@
20:19.34dhaunheh, Ideas page: None
20:19.50SRabbelierdhaun: yeah :)
20:19.58SRabbelierdhaun: the only org with that
20:20.06sakshamwhich org?
20:20.06dhaunnot sure if that should be a link, but then again the 404 makes it clear that there isn't one :)
20:20.09*** join/#gsoc ibaton (
20:20.42sakshamSRabbelier which org doesnt have an ideas page?
20:20.49SRabbeliersaksham: ospo
20:21.28|Kev|Frankly, if they can't even be bothered to put together an ideas page, I think we should kick Google out of GSoC. Disgraceful.
20:22.08*** join/#gsoc Mudit (~Mudit_Raa@
20:22.16|Kev|(Even as I typed that, I wondered if anyone was going to take it seriously and flame me. Thank goodness I was being cynical)
20:22.20SRabbelier|Kev|: they are the "Google Open Source Programs Office" :P
20:22.23SRabbelier|Kev|: I don't think they can be kicked out
20:22.53*** join/#gsoc JanisB (rootq@unaffiliated/janisb)
20:22.53|Kev|SRabbelier: Aww, you bit.
20:22.55SRabbelier|Kev|: heeh :D
20:22.59Muditcan we modify the proposal after uploading it on the gsoc site
20:23.06|Kev|Mudit: Yes, until the deadline.
20:23.14SRabbelier|Kev|: indeed
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20:24.31Mudit@ kev thanks
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20:36.19plinhello, I was wondering if I can participate if I haven't SIRed to my college yet
20:36.33|Kev|I have no idea what SIR is, but...
20:36.37*** part/#gsoc MostAwesomeDude (~simpson@osuosl/staff/mostawesomedude)
20:36.37socinfo|Kev|: "eligible" is Follow this handy flowchart to see if you are eligible (text version at
20:36.54plinSIR stands for "Statement of INtent to Register"
20:37.09*** join/#gsoc vh4x0r (~vh4x0r@
20:37.23plinbut no. I'm !eligible. I fail the second test
20:37.44|Kev|Next year!
20:37.51dberkholzplin: will you still fail on april 25?
20:37.59plinI don't start college until fall 201!
20:38.10dberkholzthat's fine
20:38.16dberkholzas long as you've accepted by april 25
20:38.19|Kev|It says 'Accepted'
20:38.22|Kev|You don't have to start yet.
20:38.24plinoh ok. yay!
20:38.47|Kev|As long as the Uni will write you a letter on the 25th saying they've accepted you, you're ok.
20:38.55|Kev|Given all the other conditions, of course.
20:38.59plinoh ok. so I'll contact them
20:39.05plinthank you for your help
20:39.15|Kev|You only need the letter ifyou're accepted.
20:39.40*** join/#gsoc daniloaf (~daniloaf@
20:39.43plinright right ok.
20:40.47plinalright thanks for your help, I'll start making preparations for application
20:40.57*** part/#gsoc plin (~Adium@
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20:45.00*** join/#gsoc amix (706e7013@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:45.15amixneed help
20:46.02*** join/#gsoc siddharth_ (~siddharth@
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20:46.37SRabbelieramix: what with?
20:46.58|Kev|I imagine.
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21:02.26*** join/#gsoc Hexxeh (
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21:03.11HexxehFilling in the registration form at the moment, on the education section, it asks whether you're doing a degree etc, I can't see an option for college, what do we select?
21:03.19*** join/#gsoc eoc` (
21:03.40kblinHexxeh: what are the options??
21:03.42marcghave you graduatedcollege yet?
21:03.56marcgor are you in grad school?
21:03.58HexxehNope, at college right now, finish in summer, starting university in the fall
21:04.13marcgwait, there is a difference between college and university?
21:04.22HexxehYes, in the UK there is :)
21:04.26|Kev|Depends on country. In the UK there very much is.
21:04.30marcgcould you explain?
21:04.37Marjo_Not in the US.
21:04.47MatthewWilkesHexxeh: What are the options?
21:04.48marcgis college like high school?
21:04.49*** join/#gsoc sp1ky (
21:04.53gevaertsA college is a gathering of people
21:04.56Hexxehmarcg: We have high school too
21:05.04|Kev|marcg: Yes, like the latter part of high school.
21:05.09marcgah, ok
21:05.18MatthewWilkesmarcg: College is one of the options post compulsory education
21:05.24HexxehMatthewWilkes: Degree, Undergraduate, Master, PhD
21:05.34MatthewWilkesSome do do bits like the end of high school, some do alternatives to uni
21:05.34marcgif you are entering college
21:05.39*** join/#gsoc imploder (
21:05.43easwarHexxeh, are you doing your Bachelors?
21:05.53HexxehNope easwar, A2 exams
21:05.57Hexxehmarcg: Sweet, thanks :)
21:05.57MatthewWilkesHexxeh: I'd say degree, myself.
21:06.03|Kev|It's all school until you're 16, at which point you can stay in school for another two years, or go to college (assuming you stay in education). Then you can go to Uni at 18 (or stay on to do non-Degree stuff at college)
21:06.05easwarHexxeh, oh, no idea what those are
21:06.17marcgdoesn't the FAQ say to put undergrad unless you are in a graduate program?
21:06.26*** join/#gsoc otaciliofl (~otacilio@
21:06.32|Kev|Hexxeh: Assuming you've been accepted into Uni, put undergrad.
21:06.32*** join/#gsoc TobiasFar (
21:06.35Hexxehoh wait
21:06.38Hexxehthose fields aren't required
21:06.42easwarHexxeh, :)
21:06.44MatthewWilkesHexxeh: Not master or phd, it's not so important, I'd say.  Are you planning on university, as if you have that sorted already it counts too
21:06.50Hexxehdon't find out whether we're in uni until august, nobody does
21:06.59Hexxehunless you get an unconditional offer but that's really quite rare
21:07.03Hexxehactually it depends on what course
21:07.06Hexxehfor CS, it's rare
21:07.12marcgnows know why my 12th grade english teacher said university and not college -- she is from the uk
21:07.26marcgnow knows*
21:07.26|Kev|If you can't get a letter from the Uni saying you're accepted, you're not eligible.
21:07.37|Kev|(Accepted or enrolled)
21:07.44socinfo|Kev|: "eligible" is Follow this handy flowchart to see if you are eligible (text version at
21:08.11MatthewWilkesHexxeh: I know, but when I chose my first choice I got a letter from them confirming everything
21:08.42|Kev|easwar: What are you doing?
21:08.45HexxehI have loads of letters from the two unis I've chosen
21:09.11|Kev|Hexxeh: If you can provide a letter proving you've been accepted (and you're 18 and all the other conditions are met, blah blah), you're eligible.
21:09.12easwar|Kev|, I tried looking for those factoids, but they're apparently not with socinfo
21:09.20HexxehThe eligibility conditions say "pre-university" courses too
21:09.24HexxehWhich college, technically is
21:09.42gevaertseaswar: what's an international student anyway?
21:09.48|Kev|True, they also say accredited, too, which a college isn't.
21:10.02easwargevaerts, a person who moves from one country to another for a degree
21:10.05marcggevaerts, someone not in the us
21:10.10HexxehColleges aren't accredited?
21:10.14easwarmarcg, not necessarily
21:10.15marcg(who is applying to college in the us)
21:10.22|Kev|I thought accredited meant capable of bestowing a degree, hrmm
21:10.25gevaertseaswar: ah, ok. I was afraid you were going to say something like marcg :)
21:10.27scorche|sh"college" means something different depending on which country you live in...
21:10.28easwarmarcg, true, or is already in the US
21:10.54marcgwell seeing as though GSoC is based in the US, i thought that was a satisfactory definition
21:10.56MatthewWilkesHexxeh: If you're at a college they likely have NUS/other student cards, that should do
21:11.03HexxehYup, we have student cards
21:11.13easwarmy case: in grad school in the US, and on an international student visa
21:11.23HexxehAnd I could get an NUS card if I applied (I didn't,  damn site screwed up and wouldn't let me renew, screw doing it via snail-mail)
21:11.27easwarbeen discussed multiple times on the ML
21:11.34easwarwe're eligible
21:11.35|Kev|Easy way :)
21:11.40*** join/#gsoc promulo (~promulo@
21:11.55MatthewWilkes|Kev|: We've been reading it as being a place you get a government recognised qualification, degree or otherwise
21:12.19MatthewWilkeseaswar: Cool, not an F-1 then?
21:12.27|Kev|MatthewWilkes: Right, the site I just linked *should* have a list of accredited organisations.
21:12.35easwarMatthewWilkes, I'm an F-1 student
21:12.58MatthewWilkeseaswar: Oh, I thought that had limited hours - my friend who went to uni in the us lied to me ;)
21:13.06Hexxeh|Kev|: I think any college offering AS/A2 falls under the umbrella of the exam boards too?
21:13.18*** join/#gsoc amaurymedeiros (~amaury@
21:13.38easwarMatthewWilkes, yes, we do have limited hours, 20 during school, and 40 during non-school seasons
21:13.43*** join/#gsoc akshayagr (~akshayaga@
21:14.25easwarMatthewWilkes, which suits us perfectly, because summer is when we CAN work 40 hours
21:14.31gevaertsmarcg: GSoC is explicitely a global program
21:14.37MatthewWilkesoh, more than I thought, thanks, good to know
21:15.37|Kev|That's only for on-campus jobs though, right?
21:15.44imploderif you're studying bachelors, you fall into the Undergraduate category AFAIK. that's my case also: I'm studying bachelors on a "University of Technology". there's no distiction between "university" and "college" in this country (both are called "high school" in literal translation). i think many other countries are like that: no difference between "college" and "university".
21:15.50|Kev|You aren't eligible to work for e.g. Google.
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21:17.03easwar|Kev|, we are eligible to work for outside organizations as long as the work is related to our curriculum
21:17.27|Kev|Right, as long as you apply to the government.
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21:17.48easwar|Kev|, right, as long as we apply to the government for work auth
21:17.59marcggevaerts, duly noted, but just to clarify, my reasoning was derived from the fact the FAQ separates US from not US students
21:18.07socinfodreimark: "timeline" is
21:19.00melvinkIf I am a full time student but graduating in May, am I eligible to apply?
21:19.01jermarhello, is it a reason to start to worry if I am not receiving mail from the mentor's alias? The other mentors in my org told me that they are already receiving mail sent there
21:19.09socinfo|Kev|: "eligible" is Follow this handy flowchart to see if you are eligible (text version at
21:19.10|Kev|melvink: ^
21:20.31melvinkThanks |Kev|
21:20.41*** part/#gsoc akshayagr (~akshayaga@
21:21.20|Kev|I wonder, has anyone graphed the number of applications orgs get against alphabetical order?
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21:21.39|Kev|I wonder if the orgs early in the alphabet get more applications than those of us poor souls near the bottom.
21:21.54marcg|Kev|, maybe the ones in the middle get the least
21:21.59dberkholzi'd kinda expect most people just search for tags
21:22.03|Kev|marcg: Could be.
21:22.05wtachiI open all of them
21:22.07dberkholz|Kev|: i can say that kde and gentoo do pretty well in the middle
21:22.17sakshamthat's becuz they're famous
21:22.18|Kev|KDE and Gentoo are special cases, I think.
21:22.25*** join/#gsoc norok2 (~quassel@
21:22.26|Kev|Right, for precisely that reason.'s done fine at the bottom
21:22.41sakshambottom and top will get more attention
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21:22.42|Kev|Again, a fairly famous org.
21:22.51sakshammiddle could be ignored
21:22.52brik|Kev|: what's your org?
21:22.53easwardberkholz, +1
21:22.55dberkholzlol. is everything famous?
21:22.55marcg|Kev|, what is your org?
21:23.17|Kev|I'm not claiming people at the bottom *do*, I'm just interested in whether there's any correlation (yes, someone please link the appropriate xkcd :))
21:23.23|Kev|brik / marcg: XMPP
21:23.49easwar|Kev|, awesome
21:24.01*** join/#gsoc Shivansh (~Shivansh@
21:24.22|Kev| Since no-one acted as my lookup engine :(
21:24.42gevaertsmarcg: to be honest, I wouldn't see "Oh, if you happen to live in the same country we do, you need a different bit of paper because that's how the law works" as "the FAQ separates US from not US students"
21:25.25marcggevaerts, perhaps separate isn't the right word. what about "distinguishes"?
21:25.31gevaerts|Kev|: I have the tshirt! \☺/
21:25.49gevaertsmarcg: well, my point is that this one detail doesn't matter
21:25.49|Kev|gevaerts: Maybe I should hint to Mrs. Kev, ready for my birthday in a few months.
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21:26.09marcggevaerts, okie dokie
21:26.22gevaertsmarcg: anyway, let's discuss more interesting things :)
21:26.27*** join/#gsoc X-tonic (~bha1@
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21:26.50|Kev|gevaerts: Like xkcd :)
21:26.51marcg(out of curiousity, where are you from, gevaerts?)
21:26.59gevaertsmarcg: Belgium
21:27.10gevaerts|Kev|: let's exchange favourite numbers!
21:27.21gevaertsstarts with 302
21:27.22marcgoh very nice. I heard they have good waffles over there
21:27.43*** join/#gsoc catalinb_ (~ethereal@
21:27.46wtachilikes 17 and 1351
21:27.56|Kev|gevaerts: See, I know you like 302, but 303 is much more practical :)
21:28.20gevaerts|Kev|: I don't have the required balancing skills for that
21:28.40|Kev|I knew all the years of martial arts training had a purpose...
21:28.51gevaertsMore efficient compiling?
21:29.10|Kev|Quite right.
21:29.19|Kev|Oh botheration. It's getting late again.
21:29.24|Kev|Goodnight folks.
21:29.38marcgdon't forgot to hint to Mrs. |Kev|
21:29.55gevaertsmarcg: to be honest, I don't eat a lot of waffles, even though I do like them
21:30.22marcggevaerts, I don't usually eat breakfast, so they are rare to me
21:30.42*** join/#gsoc Bizon (~martin@2001:67c:1220:c1a0:62eb:69ff:fe4c:2e)
21:31.33brik|Kev|: you've got some interesting projects :)
21:31.49*** join/#gsoc chetnick (
21:34.50SITZSRabbelier: Have you checked your mail.. I have already sent you the mail :)
21:35.07SRabbelierSITZ: sure
21:36.53socinfoMarjo_: "goodenough" is Am I good enough to be a student for GSoC?
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21:40.02carolsis again so happy we did that student manual last year
21:43.44beng-nlhi carols, nice to see you here, it's ben-from-minix/holland :)
21:44.05carolshey beng-nl, how's it going?
21:44.45beng-nlgood! very happy to be participating in gsoc again!
21:44.56beng-nlyou? crazy busy with gsoc yet?
21:45.18carolsbeng-nl: oh yeah. always :-)
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21:55.05CarterASo...I'm under 18 but I am enrolled in an accredited college. Is there any possibility that an exception could be made to the age rule?
21:57.01wtachiCarterA: no
21:57.06wtachiit's for legal reasons
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21:57.28CarterAwtachi:  What about if my parents signed some sort of consent form?
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21:57.41SRabbelierCarterA: nope, sorry, try GCI
21:58.22carolsCarterA: i would suggest you try GCI. the age restrictions are legal ones we can't get around because you're considered a paid employee
21:58.25*** join/#gsoc Kraytul (
21:59.19CarterAGCI looks quite a bit more entry-level, and I'm not a beginner.
22:00.42carolsCarterA: then wait for gsoc for next year.
22:01.10IvanovicCarterA: you can talk to the projects and get more advanced projects in gci!
22:01.16CarterAcarols:  I won't be 18 for another 3 summers.
22:01.18*** join/#gsoc arthursribeiro (~arthur_sr@
22:01.22gangilor go code for some org. this summer season
22:01.29wtachisome projects will still mentor you, you just won't get paid
22:01.48*** part/#gsoc TobiasFar (
22:01.55carolsCarterA: then go talk to the orgs about getting involved now. you dont need gsoc to start volunteering with them
22:02.20brlcadCarterA: GCI doesn't really have much to do with entry level, it just expands to non-coding topics (imho)
22:02.31brlcadyou can certainly pick up some pretty hard tasks with GCI
22:04.53CarterAcarols:  That's what I'll do. Thanks for the answers.
22:05.53jermarcarols: hi, are all mentors expected to be receiving mails from the mentors' alias by now?
22:06.00carolsjermar: no
22:06.12carolsjermar: i'm still working on subscribing people
22:06.34jermarok, so I'll wait; just felt a little bit out of the loop
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22:22.20pouyansterHi! can some one help me here with an eligibility issue?
22:22.28socinfogevaerts: "eligible" is Follow this handy flowchart to see if you are eligible (text version at
22:22.32gevaertsThat's a good start
22:22.52pouyansteryes I know the chart and I have also read the whole text
22:23.31gevaertsGreat :) I'm sure someone here can help then
22:23.45pouyansterNow I see that the text has been updated and it says: "residents and/or nationals of"
22:23.58pouyansterI am resident of germany and national of iran
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22:25.07gevaertsleaves this one for carols to answer
22:25.14pouyansterit also says "with whom we are prohibited by U.S. law from engaging in commerce"
22:25.17carolspouyanster: do you have live/work status in germany?
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22:25.41carolspouyanster: and you currently reside in germany and will for the entirety of the program?
22:26.39pouyansteryes I am an student and currently work for two departments at the university of duisburg-essen and I have no plans of leaving germany in following years
22:26.55jrabbitcarols: Are accepted students going into the 2011 fall semester as of april considered students?
22:27.19jrabbitwait no the little graphic flow chart was jsut worded diffrently.
22:27.44carolspouyanster: then yes, you can participate as long as you are considered a resident of germany and will live and work in germany for the entire time
22:27.59pouyanstergreat :) thanks
22:28.09pouyansterlove you guys
22:28.25gevaertsgets out the tea and cookies to celebrate :)
22:29.01pouyansterI think I made a mistake borning in the wrong country (!)
22:29.29gevaertspouyanster: being caught up in politics can't be fun
22:30.42pouyanstergevaerts: no it aint! I think I am one of the lucky ones who could escape the country!
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22:47.02MatthewWilkesHey, what's the magic invocation for getting irc urls to save?
22:47.10MatthewWilkesThere's one in our profile already but it won't let me resave
22:47.18MatthewWilkesand it explicitly says it accepts irc:// urls
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22:49.17MatthewWilkesnm, trailing space ;)(
22:50.37SRabbelierMatthewWilkes: we should strip those
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22:53.10Crix-each link to the ideas page of each organization is giving a '404 Not Found', but the correct link is being given for redirect from melange. thought i should let someone know.
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22:57.15gevaertsCrix-: the few I just tried all seem to work
22:57.23gevaertsUnless I'm looking somewhere else
22:58.16Crix-i can get to every page if i edit the address bar, but i'm still getting it.
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23:25.56candrewsCan a student submit more than one application (one application per proposal)?
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23:26.44gevaertsUp to twenty I think, although that sort of number almost guarantees that none of them will be very good
23:27.10candrewsgevaerts, thank you!
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23:34.54in3xesIf a student gets accepted in more than one org, he/she will have option to choose among them?
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23:36.24topfs2in3xes, I think the orgs decide, not sure though
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23:37.39gevaertsThe orgs decide, but in many cases they ask what the student prefers
23:38.28in3xesStudents can participate in that meeting?
23:39.23gevaertsMost (or even all) duplicates tend to be resolved before the duplicate resolution meeting
23:39.47*** join/#gsoc DK1983 (ae398c93@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:39.55gevaertsIf two orgs see that they "share" a student, there's no reason to wait with working things out
23:41.37in3xesHow does one org know if he's accepted in other org until *that* day? They have access to those detials ?
23:41.56MatthewWilkesin3xes: The orgs get a warning later in the process when we're finalising who to accept
23:41.59ojwbin3xes: by talking to the other org
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23:42.30ojwbin3xes: you don't get to participate in that meeting
23:42.38in3xesojwb: Oh, I didn't know they do that.
23:42.44ojwbIIRC the recent ones have had little to decide anyway
23:42.47in3xesOh, thats sad!
23:42.53ojwbno, that's good
23:43.02ojwbit means the duplicates have already been resolved painlessly
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23:44.37in3xesSo, all the discussion with the students happen behind the scene.
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23:47.05ojwbin3xes: um, no, a lot happens on irc and mailing lists
23:47.13ojwbwell, depends on the org
23:47.30gevaertsThere's not that much discussion in most cases
23:48.10gevaerts"Hey, you can get in with us (A) and with them (B). Which do you prefer?" "I prefer A" "OK"
23:48.15ThomasWaldmannmoin :)
23:49.29DK1983Hi all
23:50.55gevaertsIt's in cases where one of the orgs *really* doesn't want to miss that student (because they only had two good proposals in the first place) that things can get a bit more involved, but again, those discussions can easily be between one person from each org and the student, and I really don't see the need for formal and archived meetings
23:51.05ojwbgevaerts: oh, discussion of that, I thought in3xes meant discussion in general
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23:51.22gevaertsojwb: well, I don't know really :)
23:51.26ojwblike of their proposals
23:51.47zangderakquestion: can a student submit more than one application for the same org?
23:51.50ojwbyes, for students accepted more than once, there's usually a fairly small amount of discussion
23:52.07gevaertszangderak: yes, but ask first. Some orgs may not like that too much
23:52.23zangderakok thanks
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23:54.11DK1983question: Should I apply for a project even if I have only a little experience in programing ?
23:54.41DK1983programming *
23:54.41socinfogevaerts: "goodenough" is Am I good enough to be a student for GSoC?
23:54.43in3xesDK1983: throw a stone ;)
23:55.03gevaertsDK1983: that link has some thoughts on this
23:55.12gevaertsWith that however, goodnight!
23:55.16DK1983i meet the requirements for that link
23:56.31in3xesDK1983: Try this year, that'll help you to get in next year, and can give head start in contirbuting to OSS
23:56.45zhangbeiExcuse me, the information give in submission page confused me a little. What is Publicly visible? Is it means that other *students* can view it? Or should it be "other orgs" ?
23:57.24wtachizhangbei: it means anyone can view it, if you give them the URL
23:57.39wtachiotherwise only mentors from your org can see it
23:58.51DK1983in3xes: ok, I'll try this year :)
23:59.52*** join/#gsoc shm (

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