IRC log for #gsoc on 20110113

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08:29.13socinfodreimark: "next" is February 14, 2011: Open source projects announce Grand Prize Winners
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14:32.55pcviruzanyone working o tux 4 kids??
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14:36.30aviraldgpcviruz: ?
14:37.10pcviruzi mean is anyone working on tux 4 kids???
14:37.35aviraldgpcvirus: in GCI, no, since it's over
14:37.40aviraldgbut otherwise, yes
14:38.13pcviruzactually i m tthinking
14:38.25pcviruzto work on it
14:38.41pcviruzbut cant get a starting
14:41.28aviraldgpcviruz: Talk to David <>
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14:42.01pcviruzthanks aviral
14:42.44pcviruzaviraldg: is he on this channel
14:43.05aviraldgNo, he's not on IRC
14:43.26aviraldgif you want any help with the code, esp. Factoroids, you could even ask me
14:43.40aviraldgfor starters you might want to clone the git repository
14:46.05kaiaviraldg: you might not want to paste people's email addresses in an archived channel
14:46.31aviraldgkai: hmmm...
14:46.48aviraldgbots, right?
14:46.57*** part/#gsoc neL (~neL@2001:df0:92:0:215:17ff:fefd:29bc)
14:47.00kaispam crawlers
14:47.15aviraldgFunny thing though, I got his mail by googling his name...
14:47.25aviraldgpublic git logs
14:47.33kaifair enough :)
14:47.39kaibut no need to make it worse :)
14:47.51aviraldgwill keep that in mind
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15:20.35aviraldgpcviruz: He's online right now; you might want to drop him a mail....
15:20.48*** join/#gsoc Kaythxbye (
15:21.02pcviruzthanks aviral
15:21.35aviraldgyou're welcome
15:22.00Kaythxbyesomeone student here from outside from the USA? Then you might be interested in this discussion, since there's the question that the method Google wants to use to transfer money doesn't work outside the US:
15:23.56amaurymedeirosKaythxbye, thanks! I'll take a look
15:24.59jacktheripperKaythxbye, :S
15:26.00KaythxbyeI hope they think about theitr plans again
15:28.33amaurymedeirosKaythxbye, it's just for Google Code-in, isn't it?
15:29.36Kaythxbyeyepp, as far as i know (I found the passage with the AMEX cheque in GCI's FAQ)
15:29.48Kaythxbyesorry that I didn't specify that in my link...
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15:30.16Kaythxbyei don't know if it's related to gsoc, too
15:31.17amaurymedeirosI hope not
15:31.35Kaythxbyethat'd be seriously bad
15:32.56jacktheripperI don't see what's the wrong with the bank account way
15:34.33Kaythxbyeand even if they don't want to do a bank transfer (too high costs?) they can use normal cheques, I think. But too high costs shouldn't bother a enterprise like Google too much ;-)
15:36.27Kaythxbyelet's wait a few hours, since it's 7:30 at Google's HQ now and Carol is probably not at work now...
15:42.37Kaythxbyeah they seem to have a solution - as it's sstated in the latest message in the thread :-)
15:44.36jacktheripperoh good
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15:44.43jacktheripperI want ma monies!
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15:59.17*** join/#gsoc barra_home (
15:59.41barra_homeI was sent here as kblin might be able to help me with his insight :-)
16:00.06barra_homeI'm involved in an open source project and we consider to use from SVN to git or hg down the line
16:00.25barra_homeand we were a bit worried how switching to a dvcs might affect our art workflow
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16:01.04barra_homewe're looking for some pointers how to make it easy for artists to contribute to the project even when using a dvcs
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16:01.49kaibarra_home: out of curiosity, who sent you here? :)
16:01.55Ivanovickblin: no idea what your current status of "wombat" is/was, but it *might* be what could help them
16:01.59Ivanovicof course!
16:02.10barra_homeI blame Ivanovic :-)
16:02.58barra_homefor the good pointer, that is
16:03.01kaibarra_home: ok, I didn't check in a while, but my last information was that DCVS is a bad idea for art
16:03.27barra_homedo you happen to know how OSS game projects usually tackle this?
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16:03.38kaidepends a bit on how much churn you have in art of course
16:03.38barra_homewe are working with two kinds of art/assets
16:03.48barra_home1. baked assets that are needed to run the game
16:03.53Ivanovickai: that is why the idea on wombat which would provide some "decent" webinterface for artists
16:04.01barra_home2. raw assets that are basically the source versions of the baked assets
16:04.03Ivanovicso that no direct usage of tools is required
16:04.32barra_homethe baked assets are prerendered versions of the raw assets
16:04.38barra_home(this is an isometric 2d game)
16:04.42Ivanoviccurrently their artwork workflow appears to be "send the stuff to a core dev by mail and they got to handle it somehow"
16:04.56barra_homehaha, that's not that sophisticated :-)
16:05.16kaibarra_home: ok, I don't have much experience with how other projects do this, but here's how we do this at worldforge
16:05.22Ivanovicsure, this technique would still work with a dvcs...
16:05.48kaiwe had CVS with all our stuff in, and pserver would tank every time someone checked out the artwork in one go
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16:06.16kaithen, this newfangled SVN project released a 0.4.something, and we switched to that for artwork
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16:06.48kaisome years ago (when we got into gsoc), we ditched CVS for code, and moved that to git
16:06.57kaiwe still use svn for artwork
16:07.11barra_homewhat about artwork that is needed to run the game?
16:07.20barra_homebecause that needs to be in sync with the code I assume
16:07.28kaiartwork here means 3d models, 2d images, music, GUI elements
16:07.46barra_homeyep, let's use the term "assets"?
16:08.22kaihow many game clients do you have?
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16:08.38barra_homewe work on a single game, not an engine
16:08.49kaiwe had some fun with this for a while as we had a 2d isometric client, and a couple of 3d clients
16:09.02barra_homeso this single game is 2d isometric
16:09.04kaibut now we're down to one actively developed 3d client
16:09.14barra_homebut this isometric 2d art is often based on 3d models
16:09.36kaiso we basically have one directory for the "source" assets and one directory for the "baked" assets
16:09.47barra_homeso we have to store raw assets (3d models, textures) and baked assets somewhere in version control
16:09.55barra_homeyep, that's what we do as well
16:10.01barra_homewe have a media branch with raw assets
16:10.14barra_homeand the baked assets reside close to the code as they're needed to run the game
16:10.32kaiok, so here's what I'd do
16:10.33barra_homethat might be easier to get the idea:
16:11.51kaigo to a DVCS for code. It's soo much nicer. I'm personally partial to git, but this somewhat depends on the "userbase" for the source code repository
16:12.00kaistick to svn for the artwork
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16:12.13barra_homehow would we keep baked assets in sync with the code?
16:12.24barra_homebecause they often depend on each other
16:12.33kaiadd a script to your codebase that gets the baked assets from svn
16:12.34barra_homee.g. map files are basically baked assets as well
16:12.43barra_homenah, how would you sync revisions
16:12.59barra_homecertain code revisions will only work with certain baked asset revisions
16:13.17barra_homethis can be tricky if you have to check when a bug was introduced
16:13.22barra_homeyou go back some revisions in code
16:13.23kaihow big are your assets, and how many binary files change over one iteration?
16:13.38barra_homebut you also need the right assets that work with this code revision
16:13.57barra_homecould you elaborate on the iteration term?
16:14.13kaifrom one release to the next
16:14.25barra_homehmm, that's actually hard to say
16:14.37kaiDVCSes suck for binary data. that tends to not diff very well
16:14.47barra_homein which regard?
16:15.09kaiWorldForge's media repository is 7 GB in size, and there's quite some churn when we have an active artist
16:15.16barra_homewe don't really have to store the media branch with the raw assets in a dvcs
16:15.17gevaertss/for binary data//
16:15.25barra_homewe could stick to SVN for that BUT
16:15.43barra_homein this case artists will have to use two different types of version control
16:15.51barra_homebecause they'll commit raw and baked assets
16:16.23Ivanovicbarra_home: can't they just commit the raw work and some daily script on a server generates the baked versions?
16:16.25barra_homeyep, it's somewhat tricky :-)
16:16.32kaiso you can't script the baking?
16:16.41barra_homeI have no idea how :-)
16:16.47barra_homewe don't have root access to the server
16:16.56barra_homeSVN & trac is hosted by a 3rd party
16:17.01Ivanovicbarra_home: no need to have it on "this" server
16:17.03barra_homekeep in mind this is a somewhat smaller project
16:17.10Ivanovicany server with an account that can commit would be possible
16:17.30Ivanovic(even if this server belonged to dev ABC who ran the script automagically on his local system)
16:17.35kaimost of what we do to convert e.g. raw textures to "game-ready" textures is scaling them down
16:17.46barra_homewe don't use textures in the game kai
16:17.55barra_homeremember: this is a 2d game
16:17.56kaibarra_home: as an example
16:18.06barra_homeyep sure, just trying to underline that it's a bit more tricky
16:18.18barra_homebecause artists actually have to tweak the baked assets a bit
16:18.22kaiI assumed you had a script that'd take the 3d model and create sprites from them
16:18.24Ivanovichow are the raw versions transalted to baked ones?
16:18.40barra_homee.g. they have to apply some manual X & Y shifts so the art is correctly positioned
16:18.53barra_homethis information is stored in external XML files that reside close to the art file
16:19.00kaibarra_home: ok, that's a bit more tricky
16:19.35kaiI was toying with a script like that when we decided to discontinue the 2d client
16:19.52kaibefore we decided to discontinue it, of course :)
16:20.18kaianyway, so here's how I'd see a good workflow..
16:21.07kaiyour artists create raw and baked assets and commit them into the asset repository
16:22.00kaithey tag the baked assets with some information to indicate which version of your game they are designed for
16:22.39barra_homeand programmers would sync the art with the git repo?
16:22.50kaiin your game build system, you add a "media" command, so e.g. "make media" will get the art for the correct version
16:23.02kaier, current version
16:23.59kaimake media gets this information from a file that keeps track of the assets used, and the respective revision or somesuch
16:24.17barra_homethat actually feels more complicated than our status quo :-/
16:24.26barra_homebut this is simply a tricky field
16:24.57barra_homebecause in this case the artists would be responsible for tagging the assets with versioning information
16:25.08kainot necessarily, actually
16:25.08barra_homeI actually think we should do some performance tests
16:25.19barra_homebasically import our media branch into a git repo
16:25.23barra_homeand see how it performs
16:25.25kaisure, do that
16:25.32kaifor us it was out of the question
16:25.44barra_homealrighty, that brainstorming has helped :-) thanks a bunch
16:26.02kaino one wants to grab 7 GB of artwork jsut for working on the terrain generation library
16:26.46kaibarra_home: feel free to email me or drop by here if you want to discuss this some more
16:27.19barra_homealrighty, i'll add gsoc to my channel autojoin list
16:27.35kaiit's kai(dot)blin(at)gmail(dot)com for email
16:28.18barra_homeIRC is fine with me
16:28.35barra_homeI'm usually not the guy who sends around lenghty emails
16:29.06barra_homeI'll flesh out the topic in more detail here, just in case you're interested in what we'll end up doing:
16:29.32kaibarra_home: I still think separate repos and automation is the way to go
16:29.50barra_homefair enough :-) I'll consider this
16:30.47kaiI've been working on a web frontend to hide the actual backend from the artists completely, based on my frustration on trying to explain svn to 3d modellers
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16:31.49barra_homehehe, yep, that can be frustrating indeed :-)
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16:31.49sfbkai: I mentioned to barra_home that I don't need revision - I just need a means of fetch/upload for artists.
16:32.09barra_homeI actually brought up the topic at stackoverflow lately
16:32.16sfbkai: So my intention is to just add another dialog to my Object Viewer tool that sends a chosen file to a NeL service which stores it on the server.
16:32.16kaiunless you want to go back in time and need media that matches the old code
16:32.32barra_homeand they gave a good pointer: use cheat sheets for common tasks in a field
16:32.41sfbI don't need media that matches old code because of the nature of our system.
16:32.46barra_homefor details see
16:32.50kaibarra_home: and I say "use automation" :)
16:32.51sfbThe *sheets* are version controled.
16:33.11sfbSo when I run my build_gamedata script the sheets determine which files are used.
16:33.29barra_homeI'm not saying that automation wouldn't be good
16:33.50barra_homebut I'm slightly worried about the time and the effort it will take up to set up such an infrastructure
16:34.09kaibarra_home: hmm, I see that mercurial seems to have subversion subrepos
16:34.14kaithat sounds interesting
16:35.26sfb<3 Hg
16:36.13kaiit's too "almost, but not quite" git for my taste
16:38.37barra_homegood point about subrepos kai :-)
16:38.48barra_homeI'll dig deeper there, thanks for the pointer
16:38.58barra_homeand the game is already written in python anyway :-)
16:39.28barra_homeso hg might be a valid choice over git for philosophical reasons
16:39.33kaithe subrepo thing seems to do what I proposed with the automation
16:39.51kaidunno, I'd stick to technical reasons over philosophical reasons
16:40.02kaiI keep all my python projects in git
16:40.09kaias well as my perl and C projects
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16:40.23kaiall of them work the same way :)
16:40.25gevaertsWhat's the philosophical reason for wanting your VCS to be written in the same language as the project you're managing with it?
16:40.54kaigevaerts: it's an excuse to not use version control with VB.Net code
16:41.20aviraldgloves the above post
16:42.27kaibarra_home: in any case, if getting the artists to use your VCS is an issue, wombat might be a viable option
16:42.44kaiit currently only has a SVN backend, but the code's pretty modular
16:42.58kaias long as the VCS understands the concepts of add, delete and update
16:43.21barra_homeI guess it's the silly idea that you could dig through the source code if necessary to get an idea how it works gevaerts
16:43.36barra_homefor whatever reason somebody might actually come up with such a silly idea :-)
16:43.51gevaertsbarra_home: but what do you do if you have a project that uses *two* languages?
16:44.02barra_homewe don't :-)
16:44.08kaigevaerts: use a VCS written in the more painful one
16:44.21gevaertsSounds like a plan :)
16:44.30kaiso people don't get distracted hacking on the VCS
16:44.36barra_homedarcss it is, in this case!
16:44.54kaior just use a closed-source VCS
16:45.04kaimicrosoft source safe comes to mind ;)
16:45.21barra_homebut you've got a point there: the main reason should be features, performance, 3rd party client support for win32 and mac
16:46.20kaisounds reasonable
16:46.32gevaertsI'm pretty sure that with a more or less advanced VCS the implementation language will be the least of your worries if you want to fix a bug in it
16:46.58gevaertsYou'll first have to understand its inner workings anyway, and that's probably not a five minute job
16:47.32kaiyeah, it's usually faster to bitch at the VCS upstream :)
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18:56.06danielmarthcarols: hi, can you tell me if a student still has an open task?
18:56.20carolsdanielmarth: SRabbelier would be a better help for that than i would
18:56.30danielmarthcarols: thanks :)
18:57.02danielmarthSRabbelier: can you tell me if a student has a task open? i'm 10th at the moment and i want to check if i can still drop out of top-10
18:57.33SRabbelierdanielmarth: we still have to run the re-count-all-tasks routine, so don't count on anything yet
18:57.55danielmarthSRabbelier: ok, thanks :) when will this be done?
18:58.30SRabbelierdanielmarth: when the last tasks have been reviewed
18:58.36danielmarthok, thanks
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19:07.34Ivanovicdanielmarth: to be 100% sure: wait for the announcement of the final results
19:07.44Ivanovictill then a whole lot can (theoretically) still happen
19:07.57gevaertsUntil then, enjoy tea and cookies here :)
19:08.01gevaertsserves some
19:08.17danielmarthi guess i can't do anything else ;)
19:09.01danielmarthit's the only student that can still kick me out of the top-10, and which mentor would reject a work submission now?
19:09.59aviraldgdanielmarth: ?
19:10.12danielmarthaviraldg: ?
19:11.15danielmarthaviraldg: 1 point behind me, the only one that can kick me out
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19:13.14carolsmunches tea and cookies
19:13.16carolsthanks gevaerts
19:13.30gevaertsYou're welcome!
19:14.08Ivanovicdanielmarth: new work submissions are not possible since time is out
19:14.39danielmarthIvanovic: i know, but someone is now in front of me because he submitted work before the deadline, but the task was closed today
19:15.05aviraldgdanielmarth: That can still happen.
19:15.27aviraldgbut what Ivanovic means is that 1. new tasks cannot be claimed 2. new submissions cannot be made
19:15.42danielmarthyes, i know that :)
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19:15.59andre__patience. as usual. patience.
19:16.16socinfocarols: "patience" is Patience is very important in GSoC/GCI. Relax and go code something useful.
19:16.30aviraldgcarols: :)
19:16.46aviraldgyou actually had the bot remember that?
19:16.57carolsbut of course. it's very important
19:17.18socinfocarols: "couch" is An open source couch on which to chill.
19:17.27carolssits on couch and munches cookies
19:17.59aviraldgcan put stuff in Couch. CouchDB!
19:18.23socinfogevaerts: Error: "cookies" is not a valid command.
19:18.28socinfogevaerts: Error: "tea" is not a valid command.
19:18.32gevaertsThe bot is broken!
19:18.43socinfoaviraldg: Invalid arguments for learn.
19:18.52aviraldg!learn cookies Yummy!
19:18.53socinfoaviraldg: Invalid arguments for learn.
19:20.01llnzi think it's "!learn cookies as Yummy!", iirc
19:20.26llnzalso, try priv message bot for help
19:20.33gevaerts!learn tea as Hot!
19:20.34socinfogevaerts: The operation succeeded.
19:20.34aviraldgwell, I'll leave it up to Carol, haven't tasted them anyway
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19:37.27aviraldgSRabbelier: there?
19:38.05SRabbelieraviraldg: yeah
19:38.15aviraldgremember the task I mailed you about?
19:38.39SRabbelieraviraldg: I've gotten a lot of emails about a lot of tasks, please be more specific
19:38.39aviraldgdid you, or anyone from the administrative (?) team explicitly "validate" it?
19:38.51aviraldgif not, then I may have a bug report
19:38.52SRabbelieraviraldg: link?
19:40.14aviraldgSRabbelier: ?
19:40.16SRabbelieraviraldg: the current status of that task is Closed
19:40.26aviraldgyes, but I mean to ask that
19:40.31aviraldgthat particular task
19:40.40SRabbelieraviraldg: I manually fixed that one didn't I?
19:40.51aviraldgoh, that was done manually?
19:41.24aviraldgthe reason I was asking
19:41.36aviraldgwas that I got "log emails" like:
19:42.34aviraldgOn 11th January 2011 20:31, by Google Open Source Programs Automatic Updater: ¶
19:42.38aviraldg(This task was marked invalid by an administrator. Please contact the Google Open Source Programs team if you have any questions regarding the same.)
19:42.40aviraldgChanges: User-MelangeAutomatic; Action-None; Status-Invalid
19:42.42aviraldgOn 11th January 2011 21:59, by Google Open Source Programs Automatic Updater: ¶
19:42.46aviraldg(The Melange Automated System has detected that the deadline has been passed and no more work can be submitted.)
19:42.48aviraldgChanges: User-MelangeAutomatic; Action-Deadline passed; Status-NeedsReview
19:42.55aviraldgsorry for a direct paste
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19:43.38aviraldgSRabbelier: anyway, the log makes it look like the task was invalid first, and then it changed to "NeedsReview" because the deadline was passed, so I thought it was a bug
19:44.03SRabbelieraviraldg: no, it was marked as invalid first, and then as NeedsReview I guess
19:44.33aviraldgSRabbelier: so, not a bug, right?
19:44.58SRabbelieraviraldg: nope
19:48.50aviraldgSRabbelier: just wanted to confirm, thanks anyway
19:49.11SRabbelieraviraldg: thanks for checking
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22:49.11m4k3rcarols:  the 'proof of enrollment' for GCI must be in English language?
22:49.37carolsm4k3r: as long as its an official document from your school adhering to the guidelines laid out in the email, it doesn't have to be in english
22:50.33m4k3rGreat, thank you.
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